From Andrew Patrick: Like many of you, I remember hearing earlier this year that teachers in Harford County were finally going to get a raise next year. So I was rather surprised to read yesterday that not only was that not going to happen, but instead 80 teacher positions would be lost, and fees created […]
Harford County Board of Education Passes $424 Million Operating Budget; Cuts Roughly 80 Teachers; No Salary Increases; Initiates Pay to Play and Activity Fees
From the Harford County Board of Education: The Board of Education of Harford County met for an open business meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, June 10, 2013, in the Board Room of the HCPS/A.A. Roberty Building and took the following actions and received the following presentations: Due to the tornado watch that the Bel […]
Teacher Preparedness for Common Core in Harford County Public Schools Among the Lowest Reported in State Teachers’ Union Survey
Despite millions in public funding and years of planning to implement the new Common Core State Standards, nearly two-thirds of teachers surveyed by the Maryland teachers’ union said last month that they were not ready to teach the Common Core curriculum that will be in effect statewide during the 2013-14 school year, prompting the union […]
Burbey: “Mr. Craig, You Do Not Understand What Education Has Become Since You Dedicated Yourself to Politics Full-Time”
From Harford County Education Association President Ryan Burbey: Dear Mr Craig, I am writing to address your recent press release/letter regarding education funding in our county. While I welcome and appreciate the effort to make sure that all county residents are aware of the relevant data, it appears that there are numerous oversights in your […]
County Executive Craig: “It is Unfortunate that Whoever is Trying to Provide Teachers and Staff with Budget Facts Does Not Comprehend the Budget, Mandates, Rainy Day Funds, or Dedicated Revenue”
From Harford County Executive David R. Craig: These have been challenging times and I appreciate and understand how many of our education professionals feel and how the budgetary decisions that I, the County Council, and the Board of Education make affect them. I’d like to briefly discuss the county budget as it relates to the […]
New “Fair Share” Fees in Harford County Could Shift Hundreds of Thousands Dollars from Non-Members’ Salaries into Union Coffers
New state legislation awaiting the governor’s signature paves the way for employee unions in Harford County Public Schools to begin collecting representation fees from non-members. The new fees are to help offset the cost of exclusive collective bargaining services that the unions have long provided for members and non-members alike. Called “fair share” fees by […]
Harford School Board, Teachers’ Union Reach Tentative Agreement on Salary Increases for Next Year
The Harford County teachers’ union and the Board of Education have reached a tentative labor agreement for next year providing a 1% cost of living increase for all employees, and a step increase for eligible employees, according to the Harford County Education Association (HCEA), the union representing county teachers. The raises negotiated by HCEA would […]
Harford County Board of Education to Appoint Interim Superintendent by June, Will Serve 1-Year Term While Board Searches for Tomback’s Permanent Replacement
From Harford County Public Schools: The Board of Education of Harford County met for an open business meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, February 25, 2013 in the Board Room of the HCPS/A.A. Roberty Building and took the following actions or received the following presentations: Recognized the following: – Hall of Fame Educator – Dr. […]