From John Paff: Today, June 22nd, the Maryland Board of Elections certified the first phase of signatures collected in support of a referendum on “In-State Tuition for Illegal Immigrants”. Out of the 57,505 signatures collected, 47,288 were validated. Leaving 8,448 signatures to be collected during the second phase which ends June 30th. I am proud […]
Paff: In-State Tuition Referendum Update; 40,000 Signatures Delivered to State Board of Elections
From John Paff: Today, May 31st 2011, is the first deadline to submit signatures to bring Senate Bill 167 to referendum. SB167 would grant “In-State Tuition” to illegal immigrants. This bill will raise tuition costs for Maryland’s children and it will cost the citizens of Maryland nearly $4million per year. While other states are forcing […]
Paff: “We the (Legal) People of Maryland have Decided to Take Action and Bring SB167 to Referendum on the 2012 Presidential Ballot”
From John Paff: On April 11, 2011 the Democratic leadership in the Maryland General Assembly, to the detriment of Marylanders, chose the citizens of foreign nations over their own. When Governor O’Malley signs SB167 granting “In-State Tuition” to illegal immigrants, he will further entrench Maryland as a sanctuary state! Currently, it is estimated that Maryland […]
Del. Impallaria: Voter Information – How to Petition a Law to Referendum
The following was received from the office of Del. Rick Impallaria: With all the bad laws being passed this year, like driver’s licenses for illegal aliens, I think it is important for people to be reminded that, even after the legislature passes and the governor signs a bill into law, it can still be rescinded […]