Editor: The City of Aberdeen has for too long struggled to get out from under the financial burden of the Ripken Stadium. Each year the taxpayers of Aberdeen pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for the debt. I don’t know what Mayor Bennett thinks he’s doing, but he was certainly fibbing when he travelled to […]
Ballots Set in Local Elections: Mayors Race Only Contest in Aberdeen; 5 Seek 3 Commissioner Seats in Bel Air
If you’ve been happy with the performance of the Aberdeen City Council over the last two years you’re in luck – the four incumbent members face no opposition in the city’s election next month and have a free ride to another four years in office. Mayor Mike Bennett, however, has a tougher path to re-election […]
McGrady Files for Mayor, Garner Seek Re-Election in Aberdeen Races; Former Candidate Adolph First to File in Bel Air Election
Still more than a month away, the 2011 municipal election races in Aberdeen and Bel Air are slowly beginning to attract candidates to the ballots. The first official challenger has filed for office in Aberdeen, as Patrick McGrady will be opposing Mayor Mike Bennett’s re-election bid. And the last remaining incumbent, Aberdeen City Councilman Bruce […]
Havre de Grace Agenda Sept. 19: Recognition for Vulcan Materials
It’s a lean meeting for the Havre de Grace City Council Monday night, with the only official business on the agenda being the special recognition of Vulcan Materials. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in City Hall. The full agenda is listed below: COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA September 19, 2011 1. Call to Order 2. Roll […]
McGrady Officially Files Candidacy for Mayor; “The Hard-Working People of Aberdeen Need Relief from the Taxes and Spending at City Hall”
From the McGrady For Mayor Campaign: Patrick McGrady is now officially a candidate for Mayor of the City of Aberdeen. The Aberdeen Board of Elections approved McGrady’s candidacy application on September 14, 2011. The McGrady for Mayor campaign is moving ahead toward the November 8, 2011 election. Saturday morning, McGrady said “We have been talking […]
Aberdeen Mayor Bennett and 3 of 4 City Council Members Seek Re-Election; Mayor Hopes for Incumbent Sweep in November Election
Saying “it’s a good council to work with and that makes all the difference in the world,” Aberdeen Mayor Mike Bennett hopes he and the four incumbent members of the city council will be voted back into office this November 8 and return to work at City Hall – this time without having to worry […]
Aberdeen Agenda Sept. 12: Ripken Stadium Management Board and Swim Center Advisory Committee Dissolved; Most Beautiful Yard Award
The Aberdeen City Council will vote Monday night on a pair of ordinances which would dissolve two of the city’s long-running advisory groups – the Ripken Stadium Management Board and the Swim Center Advisory Committee. One of the proposed ordinances states that “the Ripken Stadium Management Board has served the City of Aberdeen and its […]
McGrady Announces Aberdeen Mayoral Bid; “Aberdeen Can be Great, but We Need City Hall to Focus on Communities to Make it Happen”
From McGrady for Mayor Campaign: Patrick McGrady is announcing today his candidacy for Mayor of Aberdeen for the election on November 8, 2011. Patrick is a long-time member of the Aberdeen community and small businessman who is currently actively investing in his lifelong home, the City of Aberdeen. To spur investment in the city and […]