From the offices of state Sen. J.B. Jennings: My Legislative Package for 2012 The next 90 days will be one of the most interesting legislative sessions in Maryland’s history. In Annapolis, I’ll debate issues from the gas tax to gay marriage with my 46 Senate colleagues. Liberal legislators have the power to charge fees, change […]
Sen. Jennings: “Don’t Fall Into a Summer Slumber”; An Unexpected Meeting; Around the District
From District 7 state Sen. J.B. Jennings: Many people stop paying attention to state politics after the end of legislative session each spring. From January to April, you are inundated with daily news about legislation and issues, and then things quiet down the rest of the year- or so it may seem. The fact is […]
Sen. Jennings: “Illegal Immigrants Would Essentially be Taking Seats in a Classroom Away from Taxpaying Residents”
From the office of Sen. J.B. Jennings: In-state tuition for illegal immigration is certainly not a new issue in Maryland. In 2003, the General Assembly passed a bill (HB253) that not only entitled illegal immigrants to in-state tuition rates but also expanded the scope to United States military personnel and their children. Then former Governor […]
Del. J.B. Jennings Endorses Ehrlich for Governor
From the office of Del. J.B. Jennings: Today, Marylanders finally received the answer they have been waiting for as former Governor Robert Ehrlich Jr. has officially entered the Gubernatorial Race. Delegate Jennings is emphatically supporting the former Governor in his endeavor. For the past four years, the State of Maryland has reveled under the failed […]
Del. Jennings: In-State Tuition for Illegal Immigration and the Harm It Creates to Maryland
Dear Editor, Last Tuesday, I was sitting at my desk in the House Ways and Means committee hearing room watching and listening. The hearing room was crowded with people spanning from special interests organizations, to lawmakers, to citizens, statewide, all present for a single purpose – House Bill 1236. As many already know, but for […]