From Erika Butler Aegis Staff Gov. Larry Hogan paused in front of DFC Logsdon’s monuments and casket and laid his hand on it before going to the podium. The family did everything possible so that his last farewell was one to remember. They even did headstone engraving with a beautiful quote, which is part of […]
Sen. Cassilly: “A Felon’s Vote Must be Considered as Secondary to Our Collective Interest in the Survival of the Republic”
From State Sen. Bob Cassilly: Dear Friends and Neighbors: Below is a copy of words I delivered on the Senate floor today as the Senate voted to override Gov. Hogan’s veto of legislation passed last year, which I opposed as well, that restores voting rights to felons before completing their full sentences through parole or […]
Sen. Jennings: Fighting to Override Gov. Hogan Vetoes of Marijuana, Online Booking Tax, Ex-Felon Voting Bills
From State Sen. J.B. Jennings: Last week the issue front and center for the legislature was the overriding of Governor Hogan’s vetoes. Last session, the legislature passed 692 pieces of legislation. Governor Hogan carefully reviewed all of the legislation and vetoed 197 bills. 191 of these bills were procedural overrides due to the bills being […]
James Fielder Appointed Secretary of Maryland Higher Education Commission by Gov. Hogan
From the Office of the Governor: Governor Larry Hogan today announced the appointment of Dr. James D. Fielder as Secretary of the Maryland Higher Education Commission. Dr. Fielder has served as the governor’s Secretary of Appointments for the past eleven months. Secretary Fielder will replace current Secretary of the Higher Education Commission, Jennie Hunter-Cevera, who […]
New Harford Democratic Club and Del. Lafferty Discuss State Budget: “Don’t Expect it to be Any Better this Time”
From the New Harford Democratic Club: MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES New Harford Democratic Club Sept 2, 2015, Aberdeen Holiday Inn Express President Steve Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:01pm First order of business, the pledge of allegiance. President Johnson welcomed everyone to the night’s meeting and introduced elected officials attending meeting: Mayor of Aberdeen, […]
Sen. Jennings: “Marvin Mandel, the Man, was Greater than His Accomplishments’
From State Sen. J.B. Jennings: MARVIN MANDEL – MARYLAND’S 56TH GOVERNOR This week, we sadly said goodbye as Marvin Mandel, Maryland’s 56th Governor, was laid to rest. Marvin Mandel’s political career, which spanned 27 years, began when he was elected as a Baltimore City member of the House of Delegates. He spent 17 years in […]
Boardman: The Remarkable Value of a Hole in the Ground
From Christopher Boardman: Recently Maryland Transportation Secretary Pete Rahn testified before a state legislative committee that The Red Line would not be built because it contained a “fatal flaw”, a tunnel designed within the line that would cost an estimated $1 billion out of the $3 billion forecast for the project. He mentioned a problem […]
Del. Reilly to Hold Prayer Vigil for Gov. Hogan Sunday in Bel Air
From Del. Teresa E. Reilly: Delegate Ric Metzgar (R-6) and Delegate Teresa E. Reilly are holding a Hogan Strong Prayer Vigil on Sunday July 19th at 4:30 PM at Mt. Zion United Methodist Church, 1645 E. Churchville Road in Bel Air. Delegate Metzgar is holding a series of Hogan Strong Prayer Vigils across the state […]