From Harford County government: Harford County Executive David R. Craig along with James Richardson, Director of the Office of Economic Development and members of his staff, will pay tribute to Harford County businesses during Business Appreciation Week, September 20– 24, 2010. Throughout the week, County Executive Craig and the Office of Economic Development will visit […]
Keeping It Local: Harford’s “Buy Local” Campaign Requires Shift In How We Think About Food
By Fran Johnson, publisher Harford’s Heart Magazine Harford County’s Division of Agriculture recently received an Achievement Award at the National Association of Counties Annual Conference in Reno, Nevada, for its “Buy Local” campaign to increase awareness of the availability of local-grown food. The award was acknowledgment of the county’s efforts to support our local agriculture […]
Location Change for July 26 Havre de Grace Forum on Economic Revitalization Plan
From Havre de Grace Main Street Inc.: LOCATION HAS BEEN MOVED ACROSS THE STREET TO ST. PATRICK’S HALL The Chesapeake Group has been hired by the City of Havre de Grace and Havre de Grace Main Street Inc. to develop a five year Economic Revitalization Plan focusing primarily on the Havre de Grace Main Street […]
Havre de Grace Residents and Businesses Encouraged to Participate in Public Forum for Economic Revitalization Plan
From Havre de Grace Main Street Inc.: The Chesapeake Group has been hired by the City of Havre de Grace and Havre de Grace Main Street Inc. to develop a five year Economic Revitalization Plan focusing primarily on the Havre de Grace Main Street District and Route 40 business corridor. The Plan will identify current […]
Keeping it Local in Harford
By Fran Johnson, publisher Harford’s Heart Magazine Beginning with its inaugural issue in early 2005, Harford’s Heart Magazine has been encouraging its readers to Keep it Local, enumerating the ways that shopping in local stores, eating from local farms, and obtaining services from local businesses strengthens the local economy. Dollars spent in local-owned businesses have […]
Harford Receives Upgrade to AAA Bond Rating – Outlook Described as Stable with Strong Financial Management
From Harford County government: Harford County Government has received the highest rating by two of three bond rating agencies for it general obligation (GO) bonds. Fitch Ratings of New York and Moody’s Investors Services of New York each assigned a AAA rating to the County, while Standard & Poor’s assigned a AA+ rating. These independent […]
SAIC to Lay Off 35 Employees in Aberdeen and Edgewood
From Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC): Science Applications International Corporation’s (SAIC) Infrastructure, Logistics & Product Solutions Group (ILPSG) is restructuring some of its operations as part of ongoing efforts to more strategically align business capabilities and achieve efficient, cost-effective business services to better serve customers. Approximately 60 positions within ILPSG will be affected by the […]
Del. James: “News about Lower Taxes and Job Creation”
From the office of Del. Mary-Dulany James: Friends, I hope everyone is enjoying the spring as the school year starts to wind down and we all look forward to summer! I read an article in USA Today the other day that discussed taxes, something in the forefront of all of our minds. I have included […]