Standing in line in the Rosenberg Gallery, (the Gallery makes up the lobby for the Kraushaar Auditorium at Goucher College) I was waiting for a friend. A friend I had made just two weeks earlier at the same venue, while listening to former General Counsel of the U.S. Navy, Alberto Mora. I was one person […]
I Have Seen The Future Of Harford, And It’s Going To Snow! A Recent History Of The City of Aberdeen’s Internet Presence
“Has hell finally frozen over?” That was my first thought when visiting the City of Aberdeen’s new web site. Of course that may be due to being presented with a header graphic depicting a snow-covered evergreen with Aberdeen’s new slogan, “The Future of Harford”, perhaps a final bit a legacy from the city’s previous mayor. […]
“Take Your Child To Work Day” gets a no go from Superintendent Haas
“Take Your child To Work Day”… seems like an easy concept. I can remember as a child I looked forward to the fact that my mom, a speech pathologist in the school system, would take my sisters and I to work on that special day. The whole day was so cool right down to eating […]
Spreading Ink: The Rise of the Suburban Tattoo Parlor in Maryland
Growing up in 1980s Harford County, I knew of only two kinds of people who had tattoos – members of the military and members of rebel motorcycle gangs. Back then, the faded blue and gray images were largely unrecognizable in shape or design. Any lettering had long since bled into an amorphous set of unreadable […]
Packing Heat and Painting Keisters: The Paintballer’s Guide to Vengeance
Picture your “favorite” politician in his bulging green Under Armour, protecting his house. Or a boss that just doesn’t seem to listen, let alone care. Picture the ignorant speedster who just cut you off on I-95 south, cell phone permanently affixed to their ear. Picture for just a moment, anyone who has wronged you or […]
The Iraq Conflict by the Numbers
4,023: The number of dead U.S. G.I.s and Marines as of 04.07.08 296,281: The number of U.S. wounded as of 04.07.08 1,194,935: Iraqi deaths due to U.S Invasion 3,884: The number of dead U.S. G.I.s and Marines since “Mission Accomplished” $506 Billion: Cost of Iraqi Conflict $341.4 Million: Cost of […]
Glengarry (Wetlands Redux): Aberdeen Considers a Softer, Gentler 500-acre Annexation Request
Take the Aberdeen Annexation Survey and let them know what concerns you the most! The Aberdeen Planning Commission will entertain a request next week for the city to annex the nearly-500-acre Glengarry Community, which is basically a rebranding of the already-once-defeated Wetlands Golf Course property annexation attempt – minus a key group of Locksley Manor […]
Life and Death in the Havre de Grace Yacht Basin: What’s Going on in the City’s Tydings Park Marina?
Much like the Hatfields and McCoys, this feud is over territory and owners’ right, but, rather than Kentucky backcountry, this fight takes place on the waters of Havre de Grace’s Yacht Basin. First came the complaints of nuisance and negligent boat owners causing problems with fellow mariners at the Yacht Basin. Then came assertions of […]