The Film Vault is a monthly feature designed to showcase critically-acclaimed films that had limited commercial release and/or success. Each feature highlights films that focus on a specific theme, genre, or technique designed to provide a greater understanding of film as an entertainment and art form. One of the marquees of a great director is […]
Wasting Time: An Ode To The Olympics
Since the Olympics are in full swing this week, I figured people might be interested in getting past the hump by watching something Olympics related. Here is an old Monty Python video making fun of the Olympics by coming up with ridiculous events. After watching sports like beach volleyball, it makes me wish that some […]
Cut This: What’s Going On Here?
It’s once again time to Cut This. Take a look at this odd picture we managed to dig up and post a caption of your own. Tell us what the subjects in the picture are thinking, or just give us a funny sentence about what’s going on. This one should be interesting….