From LaFerla for Congress: The display between the House and Senate would be embarrassing if it were not so harmful to the country’s economic recovery. Over 800,000 federal workers are not being paid because Congress failed to do its job. Closings and furloughs are directly hurting many middle class families. Suffering caused willfully by a […]
Rep. Harris: “We Will Act on a Daily Basis to Deal with Any Issues That Arise by Restoring Temporary Funding to Parts of the Government That Were Inappropriately Shut Down by the President”
From the office of U.S. Rep Andy Harris: “While the House waits for the Senate and President to agree to start the negotiations necessary to end the partial shutdown, the House will continue to attempt to end the special treatment of big businesses and members of Congress and their staff under Obamacare. We will also […]
Congressional Candidate LaFerla Responds To Rep. Harris’ Slashing of SNAP Program and Defunding of Obamacare
From LaFerla for Congress: John LaFerla, Candidate for Congress in MD-01, issued the following statement on Andy Harris’ recent vote, which cut millions of dollars from the critical food stamp program Last week, in two stunning votes, Andy Harris clearly showed his disdain for the needs of the people he supposedly represents in Congress. He […]
Rep. Harris Votes to Defund Obamacare and Keep the Government Open
From the office of Congressman Andy Harris: Today, Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. voted for the continuing resolution that would defund The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, control spending, and keep the government funded until December 15, 2013. It is now up to the U.S. Senate to stand with the House and the […]
Harford County Republican Central Committee Passes Resolution to Defund ObamaCare
From the Republican Central Committee of Harford County: At their regular monthly meeting on September 18, 2013, the Republican Central Committee of Harford County passed a resolution asking that all Republican representatives in Congress make every effort to defund ObamaCare. The complete resolution is attached.
Rep. Harris on Syria: “At this Point, I Won’t be Supporting Any Authorization to Use Military Force if It is Brought to a Vote in Congress”
From the office of Congressman Andy Harris: Statement from Congressman Harris on opposition to use military force in Syria: “After much consideration, including attending a classified intelligence briefing, I do not believe using military force against Syria is in the national security interest of the United States. At this point, I won’t be supporting any […]
Rep. Harris: “…Although at this Point I Would Not Vote for Military Intervention, I Plan to Examine All of the Evidence Before Making a Decision”
From the office of Congressman Andy Harris: WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. released the following statement on the authorization to use military force being considered by Congress against Syria: “I appreciate President Obama fulfilling his constitutional obligation by seeking Congressional authorization before using military force in Syria. There are serious questions about whether […]
Congressman Harris Constituent Tells Him the Science Of Climate Change is Real; Presents Climate Change Denier’s Award
From Maryland League for Conservation Voters: “Congressman Harris, Your Constituents Are Being Harmed By Severe Storms And Rising Tides” Organizing For Action ( OFA) volunteers and constituents from Congressman Andy Harris’ congressional district met on Tuesday at his Bel Air, Maryland district office to present him with the OFA Climate Change Deniers Award, and express […]