From the office of Congressman Andy Harris: Join the Campaign for Liberty in attending a town hall event with the Congressman from the MD-1. This is a public event–all are welcome. Please attend and tell Congressman Harris what you think the Republican Caucus in the House of Representatives should be doing. Should they impeach President […]
O’Malley to Visit Aberdeen on Campaign Trail April 29; More Candidates Across County File
Gov. Martin O’Malley will visit Aberdeen next week as part of the kick-off of his re-election campaign, three weeks to the day after his opponent Bob Ehrlich stopped in Bel Air. O’Malley will speak at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 29 in Aberdeen Festival Park at 60 N. Parke Street in Aberdeen. Before an audience […]
Campaign Journal: Street Addresses Campaign, Delegation Races Heat Up
Another week and yet another bit of info about the Register of Wills race—this has been the interesting one to follow, early in the campaign season. Dagger reader RBass pointed out some out-of-date info in a previous edition of the “Campaign Journal,” in which we said that Register candidate Merrie Street was “currently” employed by […]
Campaign Journal: Feb. 18
Welcome to the first installment of a new Dagger feature, where we chronicle some of the happenings surrounding Harford’s upcoming November 2010 election. We’ll be tracking news stories, campaign events, election issues, election controversies, and a dash of heard-on-the-street rumor. We’ll be working to report and confirm as much news as possible ourselves, but we […]
Ehrlich/Hanley: Vote Harris For Congress. Hiob: Vote Kratovil
With just a few days left until the election, the endorsements are coming in for the 1st District Congressional race between Andy Harris and Frank Kratovil. The first letter of endorsement is from former-governor Bob Ehrlich, whose name now graces many of Harris’ campaign signs:
Former Delegate Al Redmer Jr. Seeks District 7 State Senate Seat
White Marsh, MD, October, 15, 2008 – Over 70 business and community members gathered yesterday for a breakfast fundraiser in White Marsh, MD to show their support for Al Redmer Jr.’s quest to fill Senator Andy Harris’s seat in the 7th Legislative District of the Maryland Senate. Redmer, a long-time business and political figure in […]
Geppi: McCain/Palin/Harris Enthusiasm in Harford
Dear Editor: I am writing in response to the overwhelming enthusiasm expressed by the people of Harford County for Sen. John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin as well as congressional candidate, Sen. Andy Harris. It is obvious that many Harford County citizens feel, as I do, that our country needs real change led by those […]