From Congressman Andy Harris: Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) made the following statement about the release of findings by Special Counsel Robert Mueller on the 2016 presidential campaign for President Trump: “The United States government has spent two years, $25 million dollars, and a ridiculous amount of wasted time and energy on a special counsel […]
Sen. Gallion: Fair Milk Labeling Bill Passes in Maryland State Senate
From State Sen. Jason Gallion: Legislation to create fair labeling for imitation milk products has now passed the Maryland State Senate with strong bipartisan support (36-10). Senator Gallion sponsored SB 922, which would bring truth in labeling to imitation milk products. This legislation aims to have the FDA live up to their own definition of […]
Fang: “What Bowtie Barry and Sidekick Billy Boniface Really, Really Want to Build…is a Muslim-Free Community”
From David Fang: Much has been said in the matter of Delegate Lisanti. Interesting comments, hateful comments, comments from people 3000 miles away that have no clue. And one comment from someone right here in Harford County that also has no clue. As reported in the Baltimore Sun, “Those comments are not reflective of the […]
Sen. Jennings: Senate Bill “Does Little to Move the Needle on Removing Foam from the Market”
From the Senate Minority Office: Today the Maryland Senate passed a bill to ban Styrofoam. It bans the distribution of Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) food service products in the State under the guise of making Maryland the first state to be “foam free”. Proponents of the bill touted that it would reduce waste and result in […]
Del. Lisanti: “Quitting is Easy but Not the Road to Redemption”
From Del. Mary Ann Lisanti: Many of you have reached out to me personally through visits, phone calls, text and email messages. Thank you for your love, concern, questions and guidance. I’m sure you know this has been the most difficult week in my professional career but I have dedicated my life to public service….in […]
(UPDATED) Calls for Del. Lisanti Resignation Continue; Apology for Racial Slur Deemed Inadequate
(UPDATED) From the Republican Central Committee of Harford County: Harford County RCCHC Chair calls for resignation of Delegate Lisanti of Harford County District 34A. While we live in a society of second chances, and I believe everyone deserves a second chance; however, I feel the sum of Delegate Lisanti’s actions show a lack of remorse […]
ACLU Calls for Del. Lisanti to Resign After Lawmaker Describes Prince George’s County as “N–er District”
From the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Maryland is calling on Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti (D-Harford County) to resign following public revelation that she referred to Prince George’s County as the “n—er district” and that she further maintained that “everyone” has used that racial slur. Del. Lisanti […]
Del. Lisanti on Use of Racial Slur: “I am Sickened that a Word that is Not in My Vocabulary Came Out of My Mouth”
From Del. Mary Ann Lisanti: I deeply apologize to the citizens of my district, people of Maryland, all of my colleagues in the Maryland General Assembly and everyone reading this for my word choice several weeks ago. I am sickened that a word that is not in my vocabulary came out of my mouth. It […]