From the Senate Minority Office: On Tuesday, Senate Republicans re-elected Senator J.B. Jennings (R – Baltimore and Harford Counties) as Minority Leader and Senator Steve Hershey (R – Upper Shore) as Minority Whip. The unanimous vote was held during a caucus meeting in Annapolis. Jennings and Hershey will serve a second year as the Senate […]
New Harford Democratic Club Dec. 2: Newly Elected Aberdeen City Councilman Taylor
From the New Harford Democratic Club: Monthly Meeting Holiday Inn Express 1007 Beards Hill Road Aberdeen, MD 21001 Wednesday December 02, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. The NHDC monthly meeting agenda will include Guest Speaker Melvin Taylor, newly elected member to the Aberdeen City Council. Our discussion will include how Mr. Taylor sees his role on […]
New Harford Democratic Club: Central Committee Blamed For Bennett’s Loss of Mayor’s Seat in Aberdeen Election
From the New Harford Democratic Club: MONTHLY MEETING MINUTES Minutes of the November 4, 2015 meeting Meeting called to order by President Steve Johnson a 7:01 p.m. President Johnson led the members in the pledge to the flag. President Johnson asked members to introduce themselves. Treasurer’s report from George Harrison. He stated the operating account […]
Harford Campaign for Liberty Nov. 24: Disaster Planning; Boehner’s Bye-Bye; Runaway Blimp
From Harford Campaign for Liberty: Dear Friend, This November 24, 2015 7pm – 9pm Harford Vineyard and Winery 1311 Jarrettsville Rd Forest Hill, MD 21050 This Tuesday, November 24th at Harford Campaign for Liberty! Special Guest Ira Crowe, owner of Chaos Consulting, will discuss the importance of Disaster Planning, including some practical steps every family […]
Comptroller Franchot to Visit Kingsville Elementary School; Tour Classrooms Without Air-Conditioning
From the office of the Comptroller of Maryland: Comptroller Peter Franchot will tour Kingsville Elementary School on Thursday with Principal Carol Ferris, Parent-Teacher Association President Angela Feehly and parent Alicia Prisco to see several classrooms where there is a lack of air-conditioning. Earlier this fall, the Comptroller conducted town hall meetings as part of his […]
U.S. Sen. Mikulski Awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom, Nation’s Highest Civilian Honor, by President Obama
From the office of U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski: MIKULSKI STATEMENT ON SELECTION AS PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM HONOREE WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today issued the following statement after the White House announced that President Barack Obama will award her the Presidential Medal of Freedom during a ceremony next week at the […]
Del. Szeliga Announces U.S. Senate Bid; “We Have a Paralyzed Government Incapable of Solving Even Our Most Basic Needs”
From Kathy Szeliga for Maryland: Today, I announced my candidacy to be the next United States Senator from Maryland. We have a paralyzed government incapable of solving even our most basic needs. I for one can no longer standby waiting for those we’ve sent to Washington to solve our problems, because they haven’t. And I’m […]
Newly-Elected Mayor McGrady Assembles Transition Team to “Dig into All the Operations at City Hall”
Newly elected Aberdeen Mayor Patrick McGrady delivered the following remarks at Aberdeen City Hall on November 9, 2015 at 7PM upon the swearing in of the new Mayor and City Council. A copy was provided to The Dagger for publication: Good evening, and welcome to Aberdeen City Hall. First, thank the lord for all the […]