From Harford Campaign for Liberty: Dear Friend, This January 26, 2016 7pm – 9pm Harford Vineyard and Winery 1311 Jarrettsville Rd Forest Hill, MD 21050 This Tuesday, January 26th at Harford Campaign for Liberty! Special Guest Ron Ely, founder of Maryland Drivers Alliance, will give us an overview of speed and red light cameras – […]
Rep. Harris Announces Constituent Town Hall Meeting in Bel Air
From the office of Congressman Andy Harris: Congressman Andy Harris Announces Constituent Town Hall Meetings WASHINGTON, DC: Next week, Congressman Andy Harris(MD-01), will be hosting three constituent town hall meetings in Maryland’s First Congressional District, to answer questions about the work he is doing in Washington and listen to the concerns of First District residents. […]
State Comptroller Awards Aberdeen Police Department For Dedicated Service
From the Aberdeen Police Department: Maryland State Comptroller Peter Franchot visited the Aberdeen Police Department on January 14, 2016 and presented them with a proclamation for their selfless dedication to protecting the public. The certificate of recognition was accepted by Aberdeen Police Chief Henry Trabert and Deputy Chief Kirk Bane. Also present were Councilwoman Sandy […]
Perryville’s Carabetta, Former GOP Central Committee Chair, Announces Candidacy for Cecil County Executive
From Citizens for Joe Carabetta: Joe Carabetta, Republican, of Carpenters Point (Perryville), announced his candidacy for Cecil County Executive today. Mr. Carabetta has been very active in Republican Party activities for many years and was elected to the Republican Central Committee three times and served as Chairman of the Central Committee for two terms. Mr. […]
Rep. Harris: “Nothing in the President’s Rhetoric Tonight is Going to Make Americans Feel Secure or Convince Americans that He Kept His Promises”
From the office of Congressman Andy Harris: Congressman Andy Harris on the State of Union WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union tonight: “Seven years ago, during his first address to a joint session of Congress, President Obama made several empty promises […]
Aberdeen Mayor McGrady Announces Intent to Nominate Jason Kolligs to Fill City Council Vacancy
From the City of Aberdeen Aberdeen Mayor Patrick McGrady announced his intent to nominate Jason Kolligs, a highly-qualified Aberdeen resident, to fill the vacancy on the Aberdeen City Council. Jason Kolligs is a US Naval Academy Graduate, former US Navy Officer, and engineer who is ready to serve the people of Aberdeen starting as soon […]
Rep. Harris: “President Obama’s Executive Actions on Gun Control Infringe on the Second Amendment Rights of Law-Abiding Citizens”
From the office of Congressman Andy Harris: Congressman Andy Harris’ Statement on President Obama’s Executive Action on Gun Control WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s announcement of his executive actions on gun control: “President Obama’s executive actions on gun control infringe on the Second Amendment rights […]
New Harford Democratic Club: Aberdeen City Councilman Taylor Discusses Municipal Election
From the New Harford Democratic Club: Minutes of the December 6, 2015 meeting Meeting called to order by President Steve Johnson a 7:09 p.m. President Johnson led the members in the pledge to the flag. President Johnson introduced newly elected Aberdeen City Councilmember, Melvin Taylor, Traci and Jason Robertson, representing the Democratic Central Committee and […]