From Smigiel For Congress 2016: 1st District Congressional Candidate Michael Smigiel, who was raised in Harford County, where he graduated from high school and joined the US Marines, is hosting his 3rd Town Hall Meeting in the district at the Fallston Library in Harford County on Thursday, February 25, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. […]
U.S. Sen. Mikulski on President Obama Filling Supreme Court Vacancy: “I’m Shocked that Senate Republicans are Only Giving Him a 3-Yr Term”
From the office of U.S. Sen. Barbara Mikulski: MIKULSKI CALLS ON SENATE AND PRESIDENT TO FULFILL CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY TO FILL VACANCY ON SUPREME COURT WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today issued the following statement calling on the Senate and President Obama to fulfill their Constitutional duty to fill the vacancy on the […]
Rep. Harris: “President Obama’s Plan to Close Guantanamo Bay and Bring Detainees to the United States is Not Only Dangerous to Our Safety, it is Illegal”
From the office of Congressman Andy Harris: Congressman Harris’ Statement on President Obama’s Plan for Guantanamo Bay WASHINGTON, DC: Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01) released the following statement in response to President Obama’s proposal to release detainees from Guantanamo Bay: “President Obama’s plan to close Guantanamo Bay and bring detainees to the United States is not […]
Sen. Cassilly: “With These 3 Bills, and More, I Hope to Further My Efforts to Enhance Your Safety and Protect Our Law Enforcement Community”
From State Sen. Bob Cassilly: Dear Harford County Neighbor, This past week, Marylanders mourned the loss of Deputies Patrick Dailey and Mark Logsdon, who were killed in the line of duty. I was honored to attend their funerals and witness firsthand the incredible outpouring of public support for these brave men and their wonderful families. […]
Del. Szeliga: “This is a Cruel Reminder of the Dangers that Our Law Enforcement, Military, and First Responders Face Every Day”
From Del. Kathy Szeliga: An Amazing Event! Thursday night, I was able to attend an event with three great governors… Bob Ehrlich, Charlie Baker (Mass. GOP Gov.), and Larry Hogan even stopped by! These men know how to win and govern in blue states. We will win our U.S. Senate campaign the same way – […]
Harford County Executive Glassman: Senate Bill “Politicizes an Already Complex Funding Scheme” for Local Transportation Projects
From Harford County government: Statement from Harford County Executive Barry Glassman on Senate Bill 908 Harford County Executive Barry Glassman issued the following statement today on Maryland Senate Bill 908: “Senate Bill 908 politicizes an already complex funding scheme to get local transportation projects in the Consolidated Transportation Plan for Maryland counties. It could also […]
Harford Campaign for Liberty: Red Light and Speed Camera Repeal – Will Del. Szeliga Pledge Her Support?
From Harford Campaign for Liberty: Dear Friend, We are happy to announce that 32 Maryland Delegates took a strong stance against ‘taxation by citation’ and co-sponsored HB 436, the Bill to REPEAL the use of speed and red light cameras in all of Maryland. But one of our very own Republican Delegates was missing from […]
Sen. Cassilly: “A Felon’s Vote Must be Considered as Secondary to Our Collective Interest in the Survival of the Republic”
From State Sen. Bob Cassilly: Dear Friends and Neighbors: Below is a copy of words I delivered on the Senate floor today as the Senate voted to override Gov. Hogan’s veto of legislation passed last year, which I opposed as well, that restores voting rights to felons before completing their full sentences through parole or […]