From Harford Campaign for Liberty: Friends, We won’t forget. And neither should you! On Tuesday, November 1st, six out of seven Harford County Councilmen shamefully voted to approve Bill # 16-023 (increased compensation for county council members). They ignored hundreds of petitions, emails, and phone calls from their constituents who had contacted them…to oppose using […]
Del. Hornberger: Van Hollen is a “Beltway Bandit, Bought and Paid for by Lobbyists and Special Interest Groups”
From Del. Kevin Hornberger: One thing I love about Cecil County, we are sick and tired of politics as usual in Annapolis and Washington DC. As one of only four counties that elected Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in the primary we stand together in rejecting the broken status quo. The definition of insanity is […]
Congressman Ruppersberger Visits Boys & Girls Clubs of Harford County
From the Boys & Girls Clubs of Harford County: Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger came out last week to the Aberdeen Branch of Boys & Girls Clubs of Harford County to learn about the Club’s recent updates and talk with the kids about citizenship and the role of politics on community advancement. His intention? To plant […]
New Harford Democratic Club Nov. 2: 2016 Election Update; Early Voting
From the New Harford Democratic Club: Monthly Meeting Holiday Inn Express 1007 Beards Hill Road Aberdeen, MD 21001 Wednesday November 02, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. At the next NHDC meeting, we will have a 2016 Election Update. Also, don’t forget that EARLY VOTING HAS STARTED!!!!! Make your voice heard, and VOTE!
Harford Campaign for Liberty: Last Chance to Voice Opposition to County Council Pay Raise
From Harford Campaign for Liberty: Friends, A final vote on taxpayer-funded 18% pay increases for the Harford County Council has been scheduled for Tuesday, November 1st. This is your last chance to voice your opposition to the politicians that believe that they are entitled to more of your family’s hard earned dollars. Right now, members […]
County Councilman McMahan: Ballot ‘Question A’ Streamlines Process and Eliminates “Unnecessary Bureaucratic Confusion”
From Harford County Councilman Jim McMahan: Dear Readers: My office has received a plethora of questions regarding Question “A” on the upcoming election Ballot. I agree it is confusing but the explanation below should help clear up concerns. It is a measure to not only streamline the process of administration but to eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic […]
Democratic Central Committee: Harford Democrats Urge Support for Clinton in Presidential Election
From the Harford County Democratic Central Committee: After a long campaign, on November 8, voters are left with two major party choices, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The Democrats had a spirited campaign where issues and plans for the future were debated. The Republicans had a campaign of vitriol and personal attacks. We support Hillary […]
Harford Campaign for Liberty Oct. 25: County Council Pay Raise Vote; Future of News Media
From Harford Campaign for Liberty: Our next Harford Campaign for Liberty Meeting will be held: Tuesday, October 25th, 2016 7pm – 9pm Harford Vineyard and Winery 1311 Jarrettsville Rd Forest Hill, MD 21050 Join us Tuesday October 25th for a follow up on the County Council pay raise vote. We’ll highlight some of the best […]