From the Harford County Democratic Central Committee: Dear Editor, The Democratic Central Committee of Harford County would like to inform voters of our recommendations regarding the following state and county ballot issues: STATEWIDE QUESTIONS Question 1 – FOR Constitutional Amendment (Ch. 394 of the 2011 Legislative Session) Qualifications for Prince George’s County Orphans’ Court Judges […]
Simpson: “It Makes No Sense to Go Back to Policies that Crashed the Whole World’s Economy”
By Omar Simpson, Esq. Before You Vote… What a hurricane takes seconds to destroy, will take people years to rebuild. Before you go out and vote, before you fall into either sides political rhetoric…take a real trip down memory lane…go online, pull and actually read the headlines from four years ago…read about the impending economic […]
Ambridge: “Wal-Mart Will Create Untold Dangers for Our Children and Citizens”
Bel Air resident Gary Ambridge prepared the following public comments for the October 17th Development Advisory Committee meeting and provided a copy to The Dagger for publication. Development Advisory Committee: I would like to thank the Development Advisory Committee for allowing me to speak and express my opinion unlike the closed session held by the […]
Harford County Councilwoman Lisanti Recommends Changes and Conditions to Bel Air Wal-Mart Plan
The following letter regarding the proposed Bel Air Wal-Mart Supercenter was sent to Moe Davenport, chief of the development review section of the Harford County Department of Planning and Zoning, and was read into the record at the Harford County Development Advisory Committee meeting on October 17. A copy was provided to The Dagger for […]
Mallamo: “Can Harford County Afford Another No Risk, Sure Thing” With TIF for James Run Corporate Campus?
From John P. Mallamo: DO THE TAXPAYERS BENEFIT FROM THE HARFORD COUNTY OFFICE OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROMOTION TO DEVELOP THE JAMES RUN CORPORATE CAMPUS On October 16, 2012 at 6 PM the County Council will hold a public hearing on a proposal by the Harford County Office of Economic Development to establish a Special Taxing […]
Golczewski: “Correcting the Inequality Does Not Have to be an Expensive Hardship on Schools”
From Yvonne Golczewski: The Need for Equity Gifted learners can be found in every conceivable demographic population. Contrary to what our media would have us believe, they do not have a stereotypical appearance. They come in every skin color and are from every culture and economic strata. They can be found anywhere in the world. […]
Sen. Jacobs: “People Out of Jobs…Yet Unemployment Benefits are Paid to the Dead”
From Sen. Nancy Jacobs: A just released legislative audit shows that Maryland unemployment checks were issued to people who were dead, behind bars or even working for state government. One state employee collected almost 6 thousand dollars in unemployment checks while on the state payroll. Auditors say the agency didn’t do enough cross checks in […]
Stover: Wal-Mart Move “Ill-Conceived For Any Number of Reasons”
I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed Walmart relocation project. This project is ill-conceived for any number of reasons. As a longtime resident of the Joppatowne community, I can tell you first hand how it was when we lost our SuperFresh and Kmart. Moving the Walmart further away from Joppatowne and Edgewood […]