From Michael Blum, Chairman, Bel Air Christmas Celebration 2012: To the Editor: On behalf of the Town of Bel Air and the Bel Air Downtown Alliance, I would like to thank the citizens of greater Bel Air for their attendance and enthusiasm at yesterday’s (Sunday, December 2) Bel Air Main Street Christmas Parade and Shamrock […]
Gahler: Bane “Failed to Provide Effective Leadership” on Issue of Detention Center Deaths
From Jeffrey R. Gahler: Earlier this month, another inmate being held in the Harford County Detention Center attempted to take his own life. There have been many statements made indicating that this latest incident did result in the inmate’s death, however, attempts to verify the statements through any official reporting meets only silence. If yet […]
Whiteley: “The Case for Maryland’s Property Tax Assessment and Appeals Process Reform”
From H. LeRoy Whiteley, Jr., Founder of Marylanders for Fair Property Taxation: Hello Fellow Beleaguered Property Taxpayers We are rapidly approaching the 2013 General Assembly session and therefore have begun gearing up for a new run at effecting property assessment and appeals reform. Over the summer we assembled a 45 page report entitled ” The […]
Mallamo: What will Residents of Harford County Get with Tax Increment Financing?
From John P. Mallamo: On October 16th 2012 the County Council held a public hearing on the James Run TIF legislation. It was interesting and enlightening. One of the speakers provided a historical perspective. Used to be infrastructure construction was a cost to developers and the County issued permits and provided engineering quality control. Infrastructure […]
Sen. Jacobs: “This Self-Serving Redistricting Map is a Total Disservice to Voters”
From Sen. Nancy Jacobs: On this Election Day you will be deciding much more than your choice of a candidate when you enter the polls. It’s been hard not to notice the advertising blitz on ballot issues also being decided November 6th. But, there is one ballot question that has not received as much attention […]
Del. McDonough: “Burden on the Citizen Taxpayer will Never Stop if the So-Called Dream Act is Allowed to Become Law”
From Del. Pat McDonough: The burden on the citizen taxpayer will never stop if the so-called Dream Act is allowed to become law. Let us put aside emotional misinformation and whip out our calculators. One illegal alien student completing a four year college program will cost the taxpayers $42,000. It breaks down to an $8,000 […]
Simpson: “Gridlock, More than Any Single Issue Today, is the Real Threat and the Ultimate Enemy”
By Omar Simpson, Esq. Gridlock bothers me more than any single political issue today. Why? Because It is often born of bullheadedness and ego. Maybe it’s the military man in me, but when I see a bunch of people sitting around unable to make a decision I want to kick them square in the a$$ […]
Hunsinger: “Every day, Our Elected Officials make Decisions that Affect Cancer Patients and Their Families”
From Scott Hunsinger: Cancer will kill an estimated 10,000 Marylanders this year. Federal lawmakers have the power to guarantee access to adequate and affordable health care coverage, fund critical cancer research and screening programs. Every day, our elected officials make decisions that affect cancer patients and their families. Throughout the election season, volunteers for the […]