The following letter was sent to The Dagger by Teresa Haladej, the mother of Norman Miller; Miller died following an apparent suicide attempt at the Harford County Detention Center in January 2013. It is published here in its unaltered form; for The Dagger‘s independently reported feature story on the incident, or to comment on this […]
Macdonald: “I Encourage District A Voters to Re-Elect Dion Guthrie!”
From JoAnn M. Macdonald: Dear Editor: The importance of voting in the November 4th election is crucial to the well-being of Harford County. This is no mere “off-year”. In County Council District A the communities of Edgewood, Joppa, Joppatowne, Magnolia and the newly added part of Abingdon, make this district one of the most important […]
Hartison: “So Would Someone, or Some Group, Please Correct All the Spelling Errors in Joppatowne?’
From Terry Hartison: As I was driving on Route 40 the other day from Baltimore to Harford County, I came upon a town that is spelled three different ways. Joppatowne, Joppatown or Joppa Town? The first thing that i thought was that there must be several thousand people living here with a spelling disorder, but […]
Gahler: Contrary to Sheriff Bane Claim, “I Proposed the Effort to Combine the Criminal Investigators Within the County”
From Jeffrey R. Gahler: Dear Harford County Residents: With less than one month before the General Election, candidates are working hard to deliver their message to perspective voters. Most candidates are proud of their platform and welcome the opportunity to espouse their positions in candid and honest detail. Regrettably, Sheriff Bane has found this approach […]
Harford County Deputy Sheriff’s Union Endorses Incumbent Sheriff Bane, State’s Attorney Challenger Trostle
From the Harford County Deputy Sheriff’s Union: The Harford County Deputy Sheriff’s Union has completed endorsement polling of its members. The members received the names of all Harford County Candidates running in the November 4, 2014, General Election, by Office sought, as well as the choice to not endorse any of the candidates in that […]
Gruber: Harford County Council Candidate Kreamer Questions Integrity of Opponent Vincenti at League of Women’s Voters Forum
From Doug Gruber: Dear Editor: Can you believe Barbara Kramer [sic] when she questioned the integrity of Pat Vincenti at the League of Women’s Voters Forum on Tuesday. She questioned him about a $200 campaign contribution. Really! Is this the same Barbara Kramer [sic] who was disbarred from practicing law in Maryland for defrauding her […]
Gifford: McDonough, Impallaria and Szeliga Vote No to Millions of Dollars for Education, Improved Roads, Seniors, Small Businesses
From Norm Gifford: Dear Voters of Maryland’s 7th Legislative District, My name is Norm Gifford. Pete Definbaugh and I are running for two of the three seats in the Maryland House of Delegates representing your district It will be our primary goal in Annapolis to make sure your hard-earned money you send to Annapolis in […]
Voskuhl: “Schools Open And The Crisis Continues”
From Joe Voskuhl: As the school year begins, the fiscal crisis enters its fifth year. We have been on the wrong track and have been on this track for sometime now. Teachers continue to leave Harford County for other school systems. These teachers are some of our best. We need to address the fiscal crisis […]