Del. B Dan Riley (D – District 34A) tells The Dagger that the House of Delegates managed to come together around an issue today. “Think we finally passed a bill, in the House Of Delegates, which will be acceptable by those of any political persuasion,” Riley wrote in an email today. “The day after Thanksgiving, […]
Aegis Launches Ink-Saving Campaign – Truncates Week-Old Letter
Homestead Publishing Company, parent of the Aegis and Record newspapers, announced Friday morning that, in order to save ink, letters to the editor would be arbitrarily truncated – particularly if those letters make mention of a certain local news and commentary website peopled largely by ex-Homesteaders. In order to save costs at the printing press, […]
The Elected School Board Stunt of the Week
Take a wild guess – throw a dart with a blindfold on – and you might divine that I’m not a big fan of establishment politics. Nor am I big on PR stunts. The problem with PR stunts is they are inherently deceptive. The stuntmen and stunt women want us to believe what we’re seeing […]
Why I’m Sick To Death of Sly Stallone
As a writer and a movie-lover, I’ve long admired Sylvester Stallone’s brilliant early effort as the writer, star, and visionary behind the first Rocky movie. Back then, a still-poor Stallone famously held out against studio offers that would have cast a more well-known actor as the lead while lining his pockets with a huge payday. […]
2008: The Merciful End of The State Quarter
In 1999, I was traipsing somewhat aimlessly through my early college years, playing in rock and roll bands, working the register at a music store, and writing heartfelt vignettes about my blissful suburban childhood. And, I was excited about quarters. The 50 State Quarters Program had just launched – nay, galloped – into the American […]
Men of Many Hats
We heard along with the rest of the world Wednesday morning that Harford County Executive David Craig had joined Team Rudy, signing on as Maryland co-chair of the Giuliani presidential campaign ( Craig joins his old buddy, ex-governor Bob Ehrlich and Anne Arundel County Executive John Leopold as supporters of the 9-11 hero. What I’m […]
Painted With An Obscure Brush
From the field office, comes this weird one, as if many of you hadn’t already seen S. Fred Simmons’ most recent defacement. What’s different this time is the vandal’s literacy. Supplanting the anarchy symbol and goofy, tagger-style lettering of the preceding spray-painting is a quote from Ayn Rand’s more obscure philosophical ramblings: “The law of […]
Why Billy Will Stay Put
Barry Glassman, after years of biding his time, playing it cool, and largely avoiding major election-year face offs many thought he could have won (the Heltons came awfully close to ousting David Craig last year, after all) looks poised to assume the position of Harford’s Northern Senator. With Hooper set to step down before the […]