From Harford County Public Schools and Harford Community College:
Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) and Harford Community College (HCC) announced today that eligible students who participate in Dual Enrollment courses, including those who are currently enrolled, will no longer be charged the cost of tuition, fees, and textbooks.
Based on recent guidance from the Maryland State Department of Education regarding the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future legislation, HCPS will now pay tuition, consolidated fees, direct fees, and textbook costs for all eligible students. This change takes effect immediately for all students enrolled for the 2022-2023 school year and includes courses earning college credit as well as for specific noncredit courses through Maryland Leads, called the Harford Investment Program.
“We are thrilled to partner with HCPS to offer tuition-free college courses to our dually-enrolled students,” said Dr. Theresa B. Felder, president of Harford Community College. “Not only will this program make college more affordable for families, dual enrollment gives students a competitive advantage and helps them achieve their academic and career goals.”
“For the past few years, North Star has helped HCPS and HCC establish a strong relationship that supports students from all over the county,” said Superintendent of Schools Sean Bulson. “Now, by removing any financial barriers to enrollment, HCPS is making dual enrollment even more affordable for students. A key initiative in the strategic plans of HCC and HCPS, the partnership provides a pathway for students to be college and career ready.”
In late October, HCC issued refunds for tuition and consolidated fees to the students who are enrolled in credit courses on Harford’s campus for the fall 2022 semester. HCPS began in August funding textbook costs to students through the HCC Rental Agreement Program. Beginning in 2023, eligible students participating in the Harford Investment Program will have the opportunity to enroll in workforce training courses leading to an industry certification.
HCPS funds have been budgeted for dual enrollment and will come from the 2022-2023 HCPS operating budget, ESSER 2 funds, and Blueprint college and career ready funds.
Details about dual enrollment options in HCPS are available online,
“Victim’s family outraged after squeegee kid charged in fatal shooting gets plea deal”
I would be surprised if a judge signs off on this supposed plea bargain deal.
Hi Bob,
Been a while, I hope you are well.
I’m not shocked by this at all. The leadership in the city is pro-criminal and we just elected a new governor who seems to promise the rest of the state will soon enjoy the same standards and expectations the city has had for generations.
Did you look at the squeegee plan? My goodness, at least the city is ensuring these little criminals will get well paid for their activity, and made sure to hold drivers getting intimidated and threatened will be held accountable! I swear, you cannot make this stuff up.
The progressives have lost all their sense of right and wrong. They are utterly bankrupt in the head.
I feel pretty strong that those little criminals will now all be keeping (illegally) firearms nearby, why not?
Judge just ruled that squeegee kid will be tried as an adult.
Good call. Watch the most recently released video account. Attempt not to be influenced or biased by the racial component of the participants. What do you have? Answer. An innocent victim and a violent group of armed criminals. Bottom line.
“Judge orders Reynolds murder case with teen defendant to remain in adult court”
This makes me wonder. Did Marilyn Mosby review the video showing Reynolds walking away from the group, when they began to follow and surround him, before she recommended that the case be handled in Juvenile Court?
The good news for Baltimore is Mosby’s term of office ends on Jan 2, 2023. What a disappointment she out to be. Good riddance!
“Exclusive: Ivan Bates talks about sending message to violent criminals: ‘I’m not playing'”
Check out this Fox 45 News Interview with Baltimore’s new Prosecutor, Ivan Bates. He comes across to me as person who could really make a difference. I sure hope so.
Mosby is so corrupt it’s disgusting. A true friend to the criminal element, and certainly the leading cause of the extreme persistence of crime in the city.
Ivan Bates has made some tough talk, and to be honest, if you listen to Mosby she sounded so similar. I’ll reserve my assessment until actual actions are taken. If Bates pursues violent offenders with 1/10th the effort Mosby pursued the police, the city will be dramatically repaired.
Bob, you asked, “This makes me wonder. Did Marilyn Mosby review the video showing Reynolds walking away from the group, when they began to follow and surround him, before she recommended that the case be handled in Juvenile Court?”
Count on it.
I recently read a commentary from the Baltimore Sun Editorial Board entitled:
“Baltimore is bleeding; Governor-elect Moore, please send help”
The Editorial Board summed it up with the following:
“At the heart of all this is accountability. For eight years under a Republican governor and Democratic city leadership, there was clearly a lack of coordination, but there was no shortage of buck-passing and finger-pointing. It’s likely no coincidence that the shootings continued unabated. Nobody expects Wes Moore to produce miracles overnight. But it’s not unreasonable to expect the governor and state legislature, the mayor, the city’s prosecutor and the City Council to at least be singing from the same hymn book. The days of excuses are past. Long-term solutions are always welcome, but a plan to save lives here and now in Baltimore needs to be a top priority”
This ongoing crisis grows more serious with each passing day. We have allowed large areas of Baltimore to become a racial ghetto. Marylanders have ignored the crime, violence, and the abandoned properties that have become the way of life in Maryland’s largest city.
Even though I voted for Hogan in previous elections, I admit he did very little to improve the situation in Baltimore. I hope our incoming governor, Wes Moore, does not make the same mistake. If our leaders continue to ignore the violence it won’t be long before we have to plow under large areas of Baltimore City and start all over. Time is not on our side!
Interesting commentary… so do we read this to mean Wes Moore will be Brandon Scott’s babysitter?
Hogan and Franchot scraped together $3 BILLION for city schools to install air conditioning in 31 schools. That is just short of $97 MILLION for each school. That dollar amount will more than build a new school, not just install a/c. However, there are still 14 schools without. That means it cost them $176 million PER SCHOOL.
Havre de Grace Middle/High School is amazing to see inside and out. That school was $80 million for everything. Not just air conditioning.
For the Baltimore Sun editorial board to place any level of the condition of that city in Hogan’s lap is pure blind idiocy. Perhaps they should add a sentence or two lamenting how the state funnels BILLIONS into that city only to disappear to parts unknown.
Wes Moore promises unprecedented transparency and accountability… tell you what… if we do not have indictments against all the city officials who over spent $3 BILLION for a few over a dozen a/c units on city schools by this time next year… well, at least we’ll know the cover up is a solid one!
Of course we both know no such indictments, let alone an investigation, will ever occur. But yes, please, let the state continue to channel that money somewhere! We’re screwed, because, I do believe – as the editorial board suggested – Wes Moore will be singing the exact same harmony, from the exact same hymnal that Brandon Scott sings!
Structural deficit in 3… 2… 1… ???
Urkidding, I agree. If Baltimore City schools spent $3 BILLION to install air conditioning for 31 schools, that would be beyond outrageous. However, I don’t believe that’s what happened, though.
The $3 BILLION was federal pandemic-related relief funding, including HVAC & ventilation improvements, for ALL Maryland school systems. I’m not sure just how much Baltimore City Schools spent. From what I understand Baltimore actually returned some of the funds back to the state.
Well, if my info is incorrect, so be it. I relied heavily on local media for that info. However, even returning money for a/c and leaving schools without it…??? Curious.
Whether the $3B was for the state or city alone is irrelevant. What is relevant is that the city has shown a pattern to elect leaders that frequently end up under indictment, investigation, or utterly incapable of doing their job. That is hardly the fault of the state population not voting in their local elections or the governor’s office. Thus, to proffer the idea the state (or at least Hogan) share the ‘blame’ for the condition of the city is absurd.
The rest of the state has its problems, for certain, but they pale in comparison to the uncounted tragedies that represent the city’s. Leaving the analysis to logic, if all things are relatively equal, the leadership is the key difference in that jurisdiction compared to the rest.
I don’t see the city showing any inclination to vote in a pattern any different than the one they have been doing for a very long time. So, do not expect the city to change at all. If you keep electing people who prefer criminals over taxpayers… do not be shocked the criminals will win. Hint, in the city the criminals are winning.
You’re right! The criminals are winning. And I don’t see a game-changer on the political horizon that will turn things around. It’s a real dilemma!
Why is that? Why don’t Republicans and other parties even attempt to field a viable candidate in the city races? The answer is pretty easy… when the nomination process effectively serves as the general election you need to understand people are not even paying attention, thinking, weighing options, or the such.
The Democrats have failed the city for over 50 years. They are entrenching themselves even deeper into failed policies, doubling down on failure even, to perpetuate the problem. Think of it like this… if a football coach is watching his team flounder on play after play, drive after drive, game after game, season after season… it’s pretty obvious something different needs to be tried.
There has to be a strong reason the Democrats refuse to change course. There has to be a strong reason city voters refuse to change course. In terms of the party, the failure to properly account for all the money poured into that city provides plenty of the reason they do not want real changes. In terms of the voters, they get on the camera for local news and lament the loss of loved ones, but continue to elect the leaders promoting the violence they hate.
How does one actually fix idiocy?
You fix idiocy thru proper education. The entire School system has been corrupted in Maryland, not just Baltimore City. Politicians should not control education and the idiocy you refer to is due to political control of the educational system in Maryland. Remember, a young mind is a computer controlling an organic machine. Improper programming of a computer will bring about improper results and that includes a knowledge or data base. Idiocy will flourish until politics are removed from the educational system.
Trumpty-Dumpty is definitely running scared. He figures, if he runs for re-election, it will help him avoid prosecutions and stay out of jail. I sure hope he’s wrong about that.
“City reaches 300 homicides for 8th year in a row”
According to the Fraternal Order of Police, “There are not enough cops to cover the basics, let alone enough to form the large units which are required to focus only on the most violent offenders. We continue to see murders and other violent crimes climb while experienced members leave the BPD.”
From what I’ve been able to determine the Baltimore Police Department is staffed with approximately 3,100 civilian and sworn personnel. That then begs the question — Just how many would be enough to make a real difference??
“Mosby’s pension bill approved amid objections it was rushed and smacks of self-dealing”
With all the problems facing Baltimore, it’s unfortunate that for some elected officials their self-interest rules the day. Power corrupts!
Another question – If Mayor Scott is not already vested under the existing law will he sign this new bill?
Corrupt behavior by city officials? No way… I can’t even imagine it!
“Mayor Brandon Scott vetoes bill reducing pension requirements for Baltimore City Council”
“The council now will need to decide whether to override or sustain the veto, but will need 10 votes to do so.”
Mayor Scott was forced to veto the pension bill as it would’ve ruined him politically if he signed it. On another note, I have extreme doubts about the legitimacy of the last election in Baltimore City regarding the State’s Attorney race. Vignarajah was polling far ahead of anybody with Mosby a distant second. However, on election day several flash drives came up missing and when they were found and tabulated Bates was proclaimed the winner. I have a hard time believing the results….
Supreme Court declines to shield Trump tax returns from Congress
Delay, Delay, Delay – That’s the name of the game. The system is broken. Why should it take nearly a year before this final ruling by our Justice system? Justice delayed is justice denied!
“Delay, Delay, Delay – That’s the name of the game. The system is broken. Why should it take nearly a year before this final ruling by our Justice system? Justice delayed is justice denied!”
In the case of former President Trump I would have no problem in having his tax returns made public. If something is not above board it should be brought out. I would have no problem having anyone looking at my tax returns because I know that I have done nothing underhanded or illegal.
Unlike the hypocrites on the Left I believe that transparency, in ALL cases,should be the standard and not utilized on a situational case by case bases which seems to be in playbook of the Left. My parents always said “if you have nothing to hide hide nothing”. Sadly it is painfully apparent that most of the Left were not raised under that philosophy.
Bob pontificates that “the system is broken” and questions why it took over a year to be addressed..
Actually that is a perfect segue into my point. Does anyone besides me see the irony in concerns regarding the activities of a past president when a potentially enormous transparency and potentially criminal issue exist with the current administration. Yes I am talking about the Hunter Biden laptop and the associated information it contains. I find it amusing that Bob is upset over the tax return issue taking over a year to be resolved. The laptop has been out there for years and was originally attempted to be debunked by the Left, the MSM, and even the FBI. Now even the FBI and the most liberal rag in the country ( New York Times) had to admit that the laptop and the information it contains is genuine. The information from the laptop and other sources demonstrates the very real possibility of the existence of influence peddling, nefarious possible criminal transactions with adversarial countries for monetary gain, and other possible criminal activities that may have been perpetrated by the current President and members of his family. In the interests of transparency these issues need to be investigated. Any (fair minded individual interested in the truth) who sees the need to examine Trump’s taxes and financial dealings would surely want the Biden activities investigated. Sadly the Left is filled with self serving hypocrites so you may not want to hold your breath waiting for the Left to pursue transparency.
The good news for you is Jim Jordan’s top priority is initiate House hearings to investigate Hunter Biden. The bad news for our country is such an investigation is another waste of time, energy and money. It’ will end up, like the Durham Investigation, down the rabbit hole to nowhere.
Are you stupid Bob??? I think you are dumber than a box of shit.
Please don’t call Bob stupid. He needs to constantly reinforce his intellectual insecurity and you might have serious damaged his ego. His only problem is that he he is , and continue to be, under the pervasive influence and propaganda of the left. It is probably a treatable condition if he lived in the real world away from CNN, MSNBC, New York Times , and sadly even the Baltimore Sun. Hillary Clinton compromise our National security by disseminating critical information on Unsecure servers, and when confronted about it reaches away the information and physically destroys the computer with a hammer. The aforementioned MSM sources and a partisan DOJ declare no crime, no obstruction of Justice only “extreme carelessness “ in conflict with many many criminal justice experts and scholars. Bob agrees. An innocent woman was wrongly shot and killed by police on January 6th inconsistent with the use of force continuum of any police department and the incident is justified by a partisan DOJ. A partisan MSM attempts to justify this travesty of Justice and abuse of power and Bob agrees with their finding. Very probably because it wasn’t his daughter that was senselessly killed.. Now you have the President’s own son, out of sheer stupidity, saving all kinds of damning evidence on his personal laptop,.Some of the information about the activities of his father the sitting President were on the device. Furthermore, a mountain of information, to include former business associates of the sitting President, laying out the very real possibility that he was involved in possible influence peddling, other nefarious activities with adversarial countries for his personal financial gain and Bob, with his partisan Left beliefs, is willing to quickly dismiss these allegations. Some of these allegations pertain to potential national security concerns. With that being said, what is Bob’s biggest concern? He is worried about the tax returns of Donald Trump more than issues containing possible national security and safety issues of our country. In closing he is not stupid he is just under the spell of the Left or maybe just clueless.
Sorry *bleaches * way not “reaches”
Katie Phang has become one of my new favorites on MSNBC. She has an early morning on Saturday and Sunday. Recently, she fills in for Ari Melber when he is absent from his 6 PM daily weekday show. I’ve gotten to the point where I enjoy listening to her more than I do Ari.
The Walmart shooter legally purchased the gun on the day of the attack. Maybe, just maybe, if the shooter had to wait before he got the gun this terrible shooting would not have occurred.
Waiting periods for the possession of firearms are a commonsense way to prevent impulsive, volatile acts of gun violence.
Hi Bob,
If the wait period was 10 days the incident would occur 10 days later. You have no way of knowing how ‘impulsive’ this was. Common sense is not owned by the left with useless restrictions on law abiding people. I suspect there were other folks who purchase firearms daily without the ‘wait’ and did not commit any crime with them. When will you folks wake up to the reality the crimes are committed by people, not instruments?
What should the wait period be for knives? Cars? Baseball bats? Broken bottles? Rocks? Sticks?
This may shock you, but killing the people was the illegal act… not buying the firearm. All your restrictive laws in this state seem to have failed to prevent Balto City from being a free fire zone… what on earth makes you think law breakers will follow more laws?
I swear this is so old and painfully ignorant to deal with this line of reasoning.
“Report: Archdiocese paying legal fees of group wanting to keep clergy abuse report sealed:
The Archdiocese of Baltimore and the Catholic Church has ignored the sexual abuse of children for years. Last week, the Archdiocese said it would not oppose the release of the report. And now, they are paying the legal fees of a group trying to block its release. This sort of hypocrisy is one of the reasons I stepped away from the church years ago.
Hi Bob,
Good reason to step away. I’m not a catholic and do not have a horse in this race.
But, my question is another post… what about Hunter’s laptop?
Biden – or at least his mouthpiece – is caught in lies daily, that is a fact…. gas was not $5/gallon the day he took office, he has not been to the border as president, Kabul was not an orderly retreat, Twitter has finally started fact-checking their posts as they pull them down (funny that, huh?), etc.
So the mainstream media is two years late to the story they initially dismissed as Russian propaganda… obviously did not even bother to investigate but instead swallow the lies, deflection, and obstruction put out by the Biden WH/DNC… with the FBI/DOJ’s blessing… now they have to acknowledge the veracity.
With all that said, you’ve called Biden exceptional, and the facts now confirm he is a liar and likely corrupted/compromised with foreign nationals (the very charges brought for impeachment against Trump) to the detriment of the American people.
Have you changed your mind on him?
Urkidding, I’m not sure what’s at the bottom of the Hunter Biden thing. Don’t worry though. Jim Jordan plans on spending the next two years investigating the Bidens from top to bottom. If there is anything ‘there’ we’ll find out.
I believe both Congress and the President has done a reasonably good job of getting us through the Covid crisis and stabilizing things. When you judge President Biden’s performance to date, you have to look at in the context of the terrible mess that he inherited. I think he has done a decent job. With that said I do not believe he should run for another term. Our country needs a younger, more dynamic leader for its next President.
“Terrible mess that he inherited” . Please explain. In reference to Jim Jordan unfortunately he has to pick up the slack of that partisan lackey Merrick Garland. He is suppose to be the countries top law enforcement officer. Numerous attacks and molestations on pro life facilities and their employees. Where are the charges. Protesters violate federal law harassing Federal Justices at their homes. Where are the charges? Did the fact that the Justices were conservative factor in to the equation? With all of the information out there regarding the Hunter Biden laptop, and the very real possibility of serious wrong doings by the current President and his family, which may have compromised our national security, and the misleading misinformation provided by the FBI an numerous DOJ personnel shouldn’t that be cause for concern by our nations Attorney General. The man took and oath to the people of our country to fairly apply the law. He needs to remember that NOW or resign. I have a feeling that come January the man will be main lining Imodium.
“Gas prices plunge to lowest level since February”
Good news! Gas is no longer $5/gallon. The national average for a gallon of gas is now at $3.47. This is a great Christmas present for the country!
A Christmas gift that gas is $1.08 MORE a gallon than the day Biden took office!?!?
Seriously, Bob…
That was then. This is now.
And your point is……?
My point is take the high road and be grateful the price of gas is coming down.
Hey Bob,
Grateful I’m paying more than I need to??? I don’t understand that… oil has come down because China is virtually locked down again, you know, the place folks are protesting intrusive government with draconian measures… we should be so inspired.
Oil is expected to go up drastically this winter. Gas will go up too. If not for political reasons involving another round of recent unconstitutional elections, gas would still be near $4. Remember, cheap gas and cow farts causes climate change…
Is this the “SoulCrusher’? If so, it’s been awhile. Welcome back!
Oh my God, don’t get me going on “Climate Change. That discussion would surely push me off into the deep end.
“Congress votes to avert rail strike amid dire warnings”
I’m relieved the Senate voted (80-15) to avert a rail strike. A strike at this time would have been disastrous for our economy.
I agree this strike would have been disastrous for the economy. News flash, Joe Biden and the Progressive Left have been even more disastrous to the economy and our country.
Let’s break this down. During the depth of the pandemic rail workers were considered essential and had to work when we knew little about the CCP flu. These folks literally risked their lives for us, as did all other essential workers. What was their reward? Far left billionaires like Warren Buffet and his investment group (who own one of these railroad companies) experienced skyrocketing profits with nothing filtered to the worker.
Now three years later as their negotiations with management left hanging due to the desire to keep profits high… the workers have not had raises in the face of astronomical inflation driven in large part by Biden administration policies.
I don’t blame them for wanting to go on strike. And if inflation and shortage of supplies to the rest of us were to wake us up to the extreme measures taken by far left politicians to prolong suffering under covid restrictions was the price to place a magnifying lens over those policies was the cost… I’d pay it.
I do agree at one level, Biden was able to dodge a major bullet in his quest to financially destroy this country. Proof there are more moving parts to it than the designers of this apocalypse envisioned. (Yes, this is all designed, if you disagree, read the ‘build back better’ plan on Biden’s election website, it’s all there!). Remember inflation was supposed to be transitory, then it was Trump’s fault, then it was Putin… have we hit the Easter Bunny yet? Hint, it was all designed and is – as predicted – connected to the green new deal championed by those who hate us the most.
So, perhaps it is a win for the consumer duped into the idea that another person’s suffering has nothing to do with them… it was a major win for Biden who can now feed his propaganda machine known as the media to deliver ‘relief’ just in time for cozy gatherings through the holiday season. Shame on us.
How come CNN and MSNBC remain silent on the information released by Elon Musk? By the way the information is being verified and confirmed by former upper level Twitter management personnel. I am not and don’t wish to be labeled as an “election denier” . I believe that Mr. Biden received more votes than Mr. Trump. In light of recent revelations regarding detrimental Information pertaining to possible nefarious Biden family activity which was concealed and suppressed from the voters prior to the 2020 election a reasonable, rational, person of integrity might feel that there was a very good possibility that they were grossly misinformed. Should this newly uncovered information had been made available would it have made a difference in their vote. Many, including myself , believe that it would have. This was clearly very sleazy politics and will obviously be a great concern to subsequent investigations conducted by House committees in January. It will be hard to say what kind of legs the Twitter story will have. The Biden’s control the MSM, DOJ, and the FBI so they might end up wiggling off the hook. I am hoping not but I guess we will have to wait and see.
Because they are the best networks! That’s why I watch them.
The twitter laptop document dump will stop walking (or flying as it were) the moment Hillary gets close to be identified or implicated in some way. I suspect Elon does not want to commit suicide this year.
You are right Urkidding. Some of the people who have crossed the Clintons in the past ended up with a bad case of unexplained suspicious demise. On another note. In an earlier post Bob stated that “the Hunter Biden incident would end up going down the rabbit hole to nowhere “. If that is the case why are his friends on the left in full panic mode? It almost seems that people are starting to look for a chair to grab before the music stops.
“Here’s what happened when NBC News tried to report on the alleged Hunter Biden
OYE, I thought you might find this NBC News story published in Oct 2020 before the Presidential Election interesting. Check it out. A close reading of the above and its links within might give you a different understanding of why much of the media then and now are skeptical of the “Hunter Biden Laptop Thing’.
According to what Elon Musk said yesterday, Twitter decided in October 2020 to limit the spread of the original NY Post. I don’t necessarily agree with that decision. However. right now, I don’t believe it was a conspiracy to hide something. I just think at that time they were mistrustful of the original NY Post article.
You’re right. We’ll have to wait see what Jordan’s investigations turn up.
In my mind they were some what put on spot and had to attempt to minimize the potential seriousness of the allegations by publishing the article and presenting their attempt at justifying the incident to give the matter, in their mind, closure. They knew they got caught speeding and had to do something hoping this generic explanation would keep it on the down until after the election. Maybe you can explain why now, December of 2022, coincidentally immediately after the Elon Musk information release, your guys are in full panic mode. Maybe I am an overly suspicious person by nature but that is always better than being overly naive and dismissive. Case in point. I think your past assertion, with the abundance of evidence and information available regarding the activities of Hillary Clinton, you concluded that her actions were only extreme carelessness and not criminal, confirmed to me forever your naivety and blind allegiance to the Left. I made an earlier statement that if the tax returns of Donald Trump reveal criminal wrongdoing let the chips fall where they may because that is the proper disposition. Probably the most annoying thing about you Bob is you seem to continually defend Carte blanch the actions of your friends on the Left. Maybe you just get your jollies being an antagonist.
OYE, I’m not trying to “antagonize” you. I’m trying to get you to open your eyes and take a fresh look at things.
“Censorship by surrogate: Why Musk’s document dump could be a game changer”
OYE. I saw this opinion piece by righty/tighty Jonathan Turley and thought perhaps it might smooth your ruffled feathers.
Respectfully Bob it appears that your guys got caught speeding on this Twitter issue with apparently more damning information coming out everyday. I’m not just talking about Hunter Biden either. Maybe your guys should start trying to see who is the most expendable and start thinking about throwing those folks under the bus. Some people will always be die hard, Democratic Left Wing deniers who will attempt to go down swinging no matter what. It is time to acknowledge that there are bad apples on each side of the isle. The problem is you guys have been stacking the deck and playing the political fix game for so long it is hard for many of you to even consider that the wheel might very well be falling off. My opinion is you got caught, own it, and move on. It might help you guys to eventually regain some of your lost respect.
I think the real issue is politization of government resources using investigations and the DOJ to cause harm to political opponents. It should be stopped by both sides unless there is clear evidence of wrong doing. The Trump investigations turned up nothing and both the DOJ and Politicians have admitted this was nothing but political theater. The raids over supposed classified documents at his home were more of the same and I am sure his tax returns will show nothing as well. However, the Biden’s situation is a completely different story. The cover up of the story and the censorship involving the cover up is ridiculous, as well as criminal. The entire DOJ could be indicted for TREASON, as they know there is a foreign agent currently sitting in our nation’s highest office and they are allowing him to war against the United States from that office. I don’t care if you are a R or a D, if you think Biden and his family have acted in a manner that is best for our country then you are crazy. If anybody thinks issues involving the Trump tax records, from a time when he wasn’t a government employee, are more damning than the Biden scandal, from a time when Joe Biden was Vice President, then you are either politically bias or just plain insane. We as a people can not allow this type of crap to continue.
Speaking of Trump – He gets more and more desperate with each passing day. On Truth Social post he called for the suspension of the Constitution to overturn the 2020 election, citing false conspiracy theories about election fraud.
The good news for America is that this deplorable man is rapidly headed toward the trash heap of history. Amen
Trump was probably the best President of my lifetime. He showed the career politicians how to do it and they just can’t stand it. He had us energy independent. He had immigration under control with very little help from Congress. He even refused to repeal the ACA because the Republicans didn’t have a replacement for it. I guess some people don’t like a politician doing what is best for our country. I’d vote for him again and I don’t just believe the 2020 election was stolen by a criminal political party, I believe the 2022 elections were fraudulent as well. The mass mail in ballot scheme must be discontinued or our county’s elections will be questioned continuously. There is a reason Europe doesn’t allow mass mail in balloting and it is because of fraud. They already tried it and it didn’t work out. Get rid of the mass mail in balloting and the criminal political party endorsing it will lose. Like they should…
“Pentagon unveils first strategic bomber in over 30 years to counter China”
This looks likes quite a plane. What’s really hard to comprehend is the projected cost per plane of $700 million. That’s a lot of moolah! What’s important though is that we continue to balance out the advances made by China in regards their nuclear arsenal.
China has probably already paid the Biden family for this technology and Hunter is gonna have to get back into finger painting in order to launder the money…
SoulCrusher, you make me laugh sometime.
Good. It was meant to be funny.
After listening to today’s oral arguments it’s clear to me the Supreme Court’s conservative majority is champing at the bit to rule in favor of the Colorado designer, who opposes creating same-sex wedding sites because of her religious beliefs. This ‘religious belief thing’ can be a very slippery slope. The challenge is where and how you draw the line. We have to be very, very careful. We do not want to erode the wall that separates church and state.
Hi Bob,
What kind of slippery slope?
How do you have a free exercise of religion without free exercise of religion?
The separation doctrine is supposed to read that the state cannot establish nor deny a religious practice. Thus, to force someone against religious conviction to do something in violation of that conviction is itself a very violation of the separation clause!
In a sense, you are correct… we are on the slope to establishing a state religion. It may look like a secular one, but one that is established with its own morality, set of beliefs, and conduct by the extreme left.
You folks on the extremist left side of thinking are hilarious. You want all religions made illegal or practiced inside a box, in the basement of some building out in the middle of no where so no one can even see it nor hear it… like the churches in China. You rail against religions for claiming reservation of beliefs just because they are voiced outside that box, in the basement… So, your solution is to create a religion established by the state… one that mandates who you are to love, who you are to accept, etc…
Your slippery slope… You know NAMBLA sought to legitimize their claims on the heels of recent statutes to further establish the state religion, right? Tell me how that will go.
“Baltimore Police Commissioner signs operating pact with Johns Hopkins for its private police force”
It’s unfortunate that John Hopkins University feels they need a private security force. This decision by John Hopkins says a whole lot about the sad state of affairs that is Baltimore city.
No, a private business can deny someone just because they don’t want to do it. There is no need to come up with a defense based on Constitutional issues because a business has the right to refuse service to anyone they want. ANY law created that states otherwise is unconstitutional. This is a free country and being free means you have a right to refuse service. There is plenty of other businesses to choose if you are denied service. There is some exceptions involving stores open to the public selling necessities to the public. The use of law suits to force people to do that which they don’t want to do is an act of fraud, war and treason involving crap like this. When your perceived rights cause harm to another’s rights you have over stepped and the law suit is frivolous….
“TUCKER CARLSON: This isn’t how our system is supposed to work”
Rest assured Tucker and that other clown(Sean Hannity) from Fox New(The Bullsh..t Factory don’t have a clue about how America is supposed to work.
If America is supposed to work the way Democrats want it to work then we have a serious problem. Everything Democrats want is unconstitutional. If it is unconstitutional then it is illegal or an over reach because the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land. Take the abortion issue. SCOTUS proclaimed Roe v. Wade a State’s right issue and that Federal involvement is an over reach. However, the Democrats believe that the Federal government can STILL create legislation to regulate the matter. The Democrats are wrong. Minus a Constitutional Amendment, neither side can Federally regulate the issue. Even if they did an Amendment, there would still be the issue of the Federal government giving itself a power or authority that was not ordained and they aren’t allowed to do that unless it involves the execution of powers and authorities listed under Article 1 Section 8.
I feel good about today’s Georgia run-off election. My hunch is Warnock will win. The election might not even be as close as most polls predict. Walker is an embarrassment. He is totally unqualified to be a Senator.
A Warnock victory will go a long way in negating the power and influence of that West Virginia DINO (Manchin).
What are Warnock’s qualifications? I suspect I know what you’d say…did you know he votes with his party 98.6% of the time? Thus making him unoriginal, a follower, and nothing but a reliable robot. Not great qualifications, and I sense the citizens of Georgia deserve better.
I’m also curious what makes you think Walker isn’t?
So, maybe you know… is the left planning ‘peaceful’ protests if Walker wins? You know, like in 2016 when Trump won… just curious if various cities will burn in a reprieve of the original election denial rioting.
The Georgia run off election was fixed, just like most of the elections happening in this country. End the mass mail in voting scheme and the results will be different. Furthermore, I know of at least 10 non citizens that voted in the 2020 election and I believe a lot of non citizens are voting in Maryland because the DMV is allowing them to register to vote. This is wrong and everyone knows it. It isn’t as blatant as some States whose vote count is higher than the registered voter count, but if non citizens are registered to vote then the count is still fraudulent. We have to understand the Democrats are in charge of everything in this State and will do anything to steal elections from citizens, including a partisan controlled DMV that allows non citizens to register to vote. It is what it is and the Democrats need to stop or be stopped.
“4th Circuit weighs constitutionality of Maryland’s assault-style weapons ban”
This news is very concerning. Let’s hope the state courts have the good sense to leave Maryland’s current assault-style weapons ban in place.
You don’t know shit about what this treasonous state does to legal gun owners
HI Bob,
What is concerning?
Do you believe the people responsible for nearly every homicide by firearm in this state went through all the effort to obtain an HQL, then background check, then spent a chunk of change on a firearm from a licensed FFL dealer/shop, went through another police check, waited the requisite number of days…. then went and blasted a fellow gang banger away?
You folks on the extreme left are trying to disarm us for only one top reason, and public safety is not even among the lower 3 million reasons.
The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to prevent a tyranny. Not hunting or protection, even though these issues are a concern. If the government can use a weapon against the public, then that same weapon shall be made available to the public in order to prevent a tyranny. All gun laws are unconstitutional, including the automatic weapons ban/tax from years ago. How can citizens put down a tyranny without being properly armed? Our government has no problem providing weapons of war to other countries, but this current administration is pushing a ban on non military semi-automatic rifles that look like a military rifle. There is no use of the AR-15 by our military. The lies must end and the right of the people shall not be denied….
Just for the record, Joe Biden said he couldn’t believe this country still allows the sale of semi-automatic weapons. I heard it just the other day. He didn’t even single out the AR-15. He said semi-automatic weapons and virtually all modern guns sold to the public are semi-automatic. It wasn’t Joe making a mistake in his rhetoric. The government wants to disarm the people because they intend on doing things to the public that will make the public want to shoot them. End of story…
Brittney Griner is free. For the record I feel that her punishment was extremely excessive and severe. I am happy with her release because as previously stated her punishment was extremely excessive and unnecessary. The issue was that she was visiting another country and violated their laws. There was also obvious political factors in play.
I have issues regarding the circumstances and hypocrisy associated with her release. The Biden administration professes to support harsher gun laws. OK so who do we release in exchange for Griner. A major international illegal arms dealer.
Upon return to the United States will the Biden administration give her a hero’s welcome? When she returns to WNBA what then happens. Maybe Hunter Biden will roll her a big “fatty” or fill up an ornamental pipe which he received from the Chinese for participating in a business deal with them. She could then kneel down and smoke the weed during to the playing of our National Anthem. It will be interesting to follow this story to see how it unfolds.
She’s a POS that should still be there. Play stupid games earn stupid prizes. Bob is once again stupid.
Hey Bob I know you said earlier that the Twitter story was a “nothing burger that was heading down the rabbit hole” I know the story probably won’t get the coverage it deserves because you guys control the MSM. I know that the current administration has a lot control over the DOJ and the FBI so even if the Twitter releases uncover a direct path to Biden family criminal corruption who knows if it will be properly addressed .The whole incident is looking more and more sleazy everyday even for you die hard deniers. Mr. Garland probably won’t pursue an investigation even if it appears to have significant substance but it is amusing to watch your guys in full panic mode. You recently criticized Fox News for making a statement that “this is not how a government should work” . My question is simple. Is it??? Just for shits and giggles go on line and watch the first half of tonight’s episode of Jesse Watters Prime Time. It might possibly provide some insight even to a die hard partisan denier like yourself.
OYE, I went on line and watched the ‘entire’ episode. Here is my take on it. It didn’t provide me with anything close to what I would call “insight”. Yet, it did give me few laughs and giggles though, except for the Tucker Carlson interview full of his usual garbage.
Another part of the show I found of interest were the recent coyote attacks on young children. These attacks are downright scary. Speaking of coyotes, below is a link where a sheepdog killed 8 coyotes defending his flock. That’s one hell of a dog. Check it out.
Now let me jump to another topic. I have been unable to post comments to the Dagger using my normal name of ‘Bob’ for the past couple of days. I don’t have any idea why I’m no longer able to post. I contacted the forum and asked them to look into the issue. I haven’t heard anything back from them yet. Reluctantly, I decided to try something different and post using another name and email address. I chose the name “The Bob” So, if you’re reading this you will understand why I’m posting using a different name.
It has been very apparent that the Left and the Democrats have had control of most all major social media platforms, the MSM, the DOJ, and even the FBI. They have initiated countless incidents of misinformation which were perpetuated by the MSM and social media platforms. Furthermore, they have utilized and authorized the DOJ and the FBI to open investigations, knowing same to be without merit, for the purpose of keeping erroneous groundless “fake news” allegations available to the public until their destructive objectives have impacted public opinion. Basically they have been able to operate with total immunity. Teflon so to speak…….:..Enter Elon Musk and his acquisition of Twitter. On a daily basis he exposés bias, blatant censorship, and corruption. Basically the Left has been exposed and their reputation has been seriously damaged. Their credibility and integrity is now even being questioned by some Democrats and members of the left who still possess some integrity. They are now painted in to a corner and desperate. The Left have displayed a very consistent patter of addressing conflict with violence. Look at the summer of 2020, the associated demonstrations regarding the Roe v. Wade decision, attacks on Pro life faculties and employees, and the list goes on and on. My question to Bob and any other reader who wishes to respond is the following: The Left has run in to a brick wall trying to outsmart Elon Musk by conventional means. How long will it be before an attempt will be made to take Mr. Musk out. I genuinely fear for the man’s safety. I hope he has an incredibly competent security personnel. Sad world we live in if you really think about it. I truly hope my concerns will not come to fruition.
Well, you left out the rioting, looting and burning down cities in the name of BLM. BLM was supported and funded by a CRIMINAL POLITICAL PARTY, as well as foreign nations and religious zealots that hate our country. Now, that everything is coming out, we now are reasonably sure that the BIDEN Administration acted in total violation of his oath, the US Constitution and did indeed sway WE THE PEOPLE into voting for BIDEN using fraud. I find it very concerning that someone like Musk is acting as the last stand for free speech while our own people have let it dwindle due to the current Administrations occupation of our government. If Musk is assassinated, the DOJ and the FBI would investigate and find no wrong doing or a cover up of the truth, just like JFK. This isn’t a lawful government.
I don’t know what Elon Musk’s agenda is. Franky, at this stage of the game I’m not sure, if even Elon knows and understands his own agenda. However, I do share your concern for his safety. The level of violence on all sides of our politics is smothering our country. Our partisan politics has divided us. We have lost our way. We have to stop looking at people on the other side as the enemy. We must fight the hate, learn to compromise and move forward.
And disrupt Mr. Putin’s plans… don’t count on it.
Bob you have an uncanny habit of avoiding issues which you may feel uncomfortable about but instead address small snippets of somewhat unimportant information. I made two recent posts identifying what I feel to be serious concerns. They were pertaining to the serious Twitter misuse and abuse issues and the Lefts control of social media platforms, the MSM, the DOJ, and the FBI which basically attacks and corrupts Democracy. Are they ok with you as long as they benefit your leftist agenda. Again you never really attempt to deny that these things are actually occurring you just ignore the situation and as previously mentioned attempt to address lesser issues in attempt to deflect culpability of your guys. You mention “the level of violence on all sides of politics…….”. I have to ask. What side of our politics do you think has perpetrated the most violence? Be honest and if you care to please substantiate your response with hard data not political propaganda.
Why don’t you talk to politicians like Maxine Waters about that….see…you didn’t mind it when she did it.
could do was look at his watch. He hates Americans and loves the libs and alphabet deviants. He traded a terrorist for a traitor and left a Marine behind. Fuck that demented piece of shit
It sure didn’t take very long. Within a few hours of me changing my posting name There are yet two more posts by one or more “another The Bob”. I must not live right. 🙂
OYE, concerning the extent of Twitter Misuse/abuse the jury is still out on that one. Obviously, you’ve already made up your mind I just think we’ll have to wait a while to get the full picture on the Twitter thing.
I disagree with your assertion that the “left” controls social media platforms. I believe most social media platforms, like Twitter, Facebook and TikToc, are in fact ‘out of control’ and need to be more tightly regulated. I don’t have any issues with what you would classify as MSM. I think most of them are doing a decent job I’m sorry, but I think your assertion, that DOJ and the FBI “attacks and corrupts Democracy”, is total hogwash.
You believe the left is more violent. I just don’t see it that way. As far as which side is the “most violent” it depends on the context of the violent situation. Sometimes it’s the left and other times it’s the right.
OYE, I am trying to be honest with you. Unfortunately, we are not agreement in terms of “hard data”. What makes it difficult for us is we don’t have a common set of facts that we both agree on.
The good news is my Capitals just beat the Seattle Kracken 4-1. That’s 3 in a row. They are finally starting to play some decent hockey.
You have a great weekend and stay safe.
“concerning the extent of Twitter Misuse/abuse the jury is still out on that one. Obviously, you’ve already made up your mind I just think we’ll have to wait a while to get the full picture on the Twitter thing”
How will ever get the “full picture” about the Twitter situation when the information has been suppressed and not reported by almost, if not all, Left Liberal news outlets. Again, they are utilizing the same tactic that you often attempt to employ. Ignore it, don’t talk about it, and hope it will go away. This is potentially one of the most significant political scandals and governmental overreach since Watergate. I realize that you are a strong supporter of the left but the bottom line is right is right and wrong is wrong. It could be, at the direction of current administration, that the DOJ will not investigate potential wrongdoings but that does not mean that they did not occur. Not that you care but I would have considerably more respect for you and your friends on the left if you acknowledge wrong doing where it exists. If members of the right would have conducted themselves in a similar manner, by utilizing social media platforms to censor the opinions of the Left and possibly interfere with the fair election process you guys would be losing your mind. It is time to take the blinders off, recognize improper conduct, own it, correct it,, and move on. You guys got caught speeding on this one and it wii be a tough one to cover up.
“Latest ‘Twitter Files’ bombshell leaves liberals in denial as they dismiss revelations: ‘Conspiracy kooks’”
Have you noticed that Fox News tends to overuse the word ‘bombshell’ in their reporting. So after you read the above link, do yourself a favor and search out the internet for the other side of the ‘Twitter Files’ story.
Rules for a cheater:
1) deny everything
2) admit nothing
3) demand proof
4) even if evidence is overwhelming
repeat steps one and two
You guys on the Left are not only harmful to a healthy Democracy but terrible role models. As a parent I have always attempted to instill ethical values in to my children and others and have embraced accountability. Even though they were my children, my people, I would not defend them when they were wrong. Are you picking up what I am trying to put down? I truly hope and pray that your motive is to stir the pot and just annoy readers such as myself instead of possibly participating and facilitating a political coverup. If even a small portion of the information released by Mr. Musk is close to being truthful or accurate it needs to be investigated. I can not fathom why a “reasonable” person would be willing to so quickly dismiss it for reasons of blind partisan politics. Is your ultimate goal to have this country evolve in to a one party government? Check around and see how that usually ends up. Sadly that takes place because of many of the concerns that Mr. Musk has uncovered. If you really cared about the future of the county you should not allow the current events to go unchecked. Have a good weekend.
On a lighter note I want to thank you for providing the Fox article which made reference to Keith Olbermann in full denial mode regarding the Twitter issue. I have never cared for the man but elected to research his position. Pursuant to that I learned of a recent meltdown he had regarding his former girlfriend Katy Tur and her current husband who had publicly announced his undergoing of a vasectomy. Olbermann, a 63 year old, 6’4” man went off on a wild tirade acting like a total little “bitch” whining that while the were dating Miss Tur would “beat him up”. It was an enjoyable and comical read. It actually made my evening so for that I thank you.
Hi Bob,
You suggest seeking out the ‘other side’ of the Twitter story… what may that be? The version put forth by the folks already caught lying? The problem with a liar is that you never know when they tell the truth.
Here is the trick Bob… you want to let it play out. See where it goes? That’s funny.
OYE suggests this is as big as Watergate. I do not share that perspective. This is bigger.
The evidence so far shows us this:
– Certain political figures (elected and not elected) put pressure on Twitter to suppress new stories
– Certain political figures (elected and not elected) put pressure on Twitter to silence certain officials and other voices dissenting with the approved and sanctioned narrative
– The suppression of certain news stories at the urging of government alphabet agencies to influence the outcome of an election amounts to violation of the first amendment and criminal enterprise
– Since the suppression of these news stories at the urgency of government agencies was without cause other than egregious violations of free speech and a free press, a lie was concocted to cover it up
– The lie was ‘Russian disinformation’ based entirely on the false narrative planted by the false concoction of the ‘Russian dossier hoax’
Indeed there are questions needing to be answered. I do not believe Joe Biden himself was part of this. The reason I believe this is because he cannot speak a complete sentence without a teleprompter, and even that is getting difficult for him.
I do believe, though, the people behind the puppet strings are fully aware of this. It is no secret and no surprise the FBI and other agencies are corrupt beyond redemption. I’m not confident investigations will be enough. I feel a ‘house cleaning’ from top to bottom to rid the agencies of political subversives and quite possibly foreign operatives is in order.
The MSM has lost all credibility. They would do well to cleanse their editorial staffs and replace them with folks committed to the truth. They have collectively engaged in a coordinated program to suppress truth, concoct lies to cover the suppression, and applauded the efforts to unduly influence the American opinion to favor the outcome of an election that is proving to be ruinous and disastrous to this country.
It is all beginning to make sense now, though. I was wondering why Twitter was trying to scuttle Musk’s plans to buy the company. Locked it up in pending litigation for months… just long enough to get past the midterms… I see why now.
Bob, the house of cards is beginning to fall.
“‘Shadowban’ Emerges from the Dark”
The above link is for those on this forum that have both the desire and time to look into the “Twitter Files”. Make sure you checkout the sub-links. Even though there are a lot of them they are very informative. For those who believe they already have all the facts and have made up their mind, don’t waste your time.
I hope you don’t fall asleep during the Ravens game Bob. You were probably up all night searching for some source which would make some lame attempt at justifying the egregious misconduct of the Democrats. It is pretty common knowledge that someone searching the net can eventually find some source or person to agree with their beliefs regardless of them being right or wrong. Bob found Slate. What will it take for you guys to admit that you got caught speeding? I’m sure there are die hard liberals out there that will try to create editorials to defend obvious misconduct. It happens. I realize that many on the Left may be generally concerned and some not so much realizing that they control the coverage by the MSM and have the DOJ in their pocket. They all know what took place but many on the Left think they are Teflon. Nice try Bob. You have taken your best shot. The more you post the more you make me believe that you could have been a fairly successful attorney. Many of them possess your uncanny ability to distort facts to accomplish their objectives. Why don’t you grab a cup of hot black coffee and try to enjoy the game.
OYE, I’m not searching for sources or people that agree with me. My quest is the pursuit of ‘truth’.
Your version of the truth maybe. As I said you got a good chance of living through this. You guys own the DOJ and the MSM will either ignore it, or put a positive slant on it for you guys.
OYE, you forgot the FBI.
You never know they might be authoring search warrants on the residence and businesses of Elon Musk as we speak. Hopefully, if they do, they verify the information before placing it in their affidavit this time. They do get their marching orders from the DOJ. Desperate times require desperate measures.
This one made me laugh out loud… searching for the truth? And you end up at the Slate!?!
My goodness Bob, you may as well be searching for pro-life, pro-2A, evangelicals at the DNC. Heck, you may as well try to find a ‘mostly peaceful’ protest from 2020.
Here Bob, let me help you… go onto Twitter and read the emails within Twitter itself reveal. The point of the screen shots is just that… see it with your own eyes. Taibbi and Weiss are simply linking them together and filling in the flow of FACTS.
Taibbi is best known for writing from the left of center. Now that he helping expose the extreme left’s collusion, the MSM is attacking him. Not because he is lying, since he isn’t, but because it exposes them. It shows how they are either corrupted or collusive.
I’ll tell you what Bob, and this may come as a hard hit… the fact you found the Slate as some sort of ‘truth’ to be uncovered – in face of what the emails and other communications screen shot via Twitter – exposes a real truth: You do not want to look. You really cannot confront the reality that the left pulling the marionette strings on Biden are making Nixon and his corrupt cronies look like rank amateurs.
You can relax… I do not expect the DOJ/FBI or any other part of the executive branch to do anything. I do not expect a Woodard & Berstein to emerge from the MSM to tackle this and expose the truth for all to see. But, this whole affair, whether you confront it or not, exposes the left for what it is.
Since this discussion will go nowhere as you bury your head in the sand…
Tell me this: How do you feel about exchanging a WNBA player no one ever heard of before for the ‘Merchant of Death’?
While I find it disturbing they brokered a deal for a terrorist with an unknown, and a Marine sits in prison, still… Another convenient debacle timed well to follow the midterms. Why does Biden and his people hate Americans so much?
At least this is the good part… how does one exchange an illegal weapons marketer and call for semi-auto bans? My word, Bob… the stupidity flowing from this administration is off the charts. Its followers are equally stupid or absurdly naïve. Crikey, the left isn’t even making hard to make the case for incompetence.
Party-switching in the US Congress is relatively rare. The recent switch by Senator Sinema from Democrat to Independent got me thinking. The logic seems to be that a person may be nominated by a Party, but they are elected as an individual. Even though I understand this POV, I’m not sure whether I agree with it.
Part of me thinks, if a member of Congress, currently holding office, wants to switch party affiliation then there should be a new election. I’m kind of betwixt and between on this question What do you think?
Well, I know you did not read what said about switching. If the citizens of Arizona elected her, that seems to be who she had in mind.
But it makes sense in the end… you are an election denier… just like the entire left end of the spectrum in 2016.
Bob, you are always worth the laugh.
Maybe in light of recent events regarding Twitter Ms. Sinema may have decided her moral compass was too high to be associated with the Democrats. She has displayed evidence in the past that her conscience has put her constituents ahead of party politics.. Actually a refreshing concept really
Urkidding, You seem confused. Let me try to help you out a little bit. It’s not about Senator Sinema. Actually, she’s incidental to the fundamental question I posed Also, it has nothing to do with the ‘left’, ‘election deniers’ and/or ‘2016’.
Hi Bob,
Not confused at all.
Well, your prevailing winds blow from the extreme left. So, yes, it has much to do with the left.
And, yes, it has everything to do with election denial. Your observation that the party’s role in an election is incidental to the outcome because it is the person, not the party, elected. To feel ‘part of [you]’ wants a new election… is to deny the election of that ‘person’ in favor of the ‘party’ instead. You said you were undecided, so I’ll give you a 50/50 split on denial, better?
And again, this has the attitude of 2016 all over it. Yes, Hillary received a majority of the popular vote, but not electoral college. The candidate who wins gets a majority of the electoral votes. The left was unhinged over this, burned up cities for it – forgot that? The left wanted the Constitution changed, etc. This suggestion of yours again goes straight to changing the system to gain a more favorable outcome. Yes, different office, different candidates, etc., but exactly the same scenario: The left loses and has a hissy fit to change the game so they can win.
Bob, you asked what we think… I told you. You just don’t like to confront the reality that exists around your positions and actions of those who share your ideology from the past. That’s pretty simple. Bob, you are not complex and do not require much effort to decipher.
My goodness, on the other thread nearby here you have the opportunity to look directly at facts laid out by two journalists. There is no editorializing they are making, merely laying out the evidence and piecing it together into a story. They’re letting the facts speak for themselves, the key players and their own words testify without any editing, etc.
But you flock to publications hung up on definitions and carefully selected portions of the story to minimize their role in perhaps the greatest political scandal ever. What level of truth are you looking for? The kind that reinforces your bias? You say you don’t, but that is exactly where you go!
And in the present question, you ignore drawing direct lines of logic and reasoning to the more recent past and the left’s hissy fit nature to throw riots and demand the rules be rewritten to their favor every time they don’t their way… just like the situation with Sinema.
Like I said, if I could walk through life with the narrow blinders you wear I, too, could delude myself into thinking the facts are what my trusted sources tell me, not my eyes. And heck with it, I’ll trigger you again with Orwell… In your heart and mind you know 2+2=4, but the party kept telling you it was 2+2=5, and you believed them.
You are not even fighting it. In Orwell’s volume 1984, you are what was termed a ‘prole’.
Urkidding, Like I’ve said before ,the reason you’re befuddled is that you needlessly try to complicate everything. In your mind a straight forward answer is a sign of weakness. You need to continue to work on that issue. Hope springs eternal!
Okay, you asked: “What do you think?”
I think you are a crybaby with too many hissy fits. Get over it.
Correct, less complicated and to the point. At least you know why I said that.
Urkidding, You’re entitled to your opinions, bewildering as they may be.
Hi Bob the Befuddler!
You call my opinions ‘bewildering’ – okay, you have an opinion about my opinions and you have opinions about facts. Frankly, I find denial of facts a bit bewildering myself, but have your own way.
But on to other thoughts… Pelosi-Schumer are trying to set precedent to ram an omnibus spending bill through Congress that will make this inflation situation even worse. I read an article citing the 8% inflation rate, but even that stat was suspect since it is an annual adjusted rate, not current; which, when annualized with the target rates in the 2% range means the current rates are much higher.
Anyhow, these rates are brought to us by the Democratic Party and its policies. Again, I’d give credit to Biden, but honestly I’m not confident he knows his birthday anymore. So, I place the blame properly on the congressional leaders of this past term, behavior of the Sec’y of Treasury, the Fed, and the rank and file Democrats who all brought this on.
So it seems with control of the House about to switch parties the Democrats seek one last parting shot to stick it to tax payers before spending is held accountable, among other things.
Do you feel it is good idea to pass a bill to punish Americans? Just your opinion on that.
Secondly, a bit broader statement, since you have clearly made statements supporting this inquiry; why does the political left hate Americans so much? The left seeks to punish those who play by the rules and give free rides to those breaking the law. You want to disarm the law-abiding citizens but let criminals run free and kill the rest of us. Why so much hatred of Americans? I am not asking about your deep seeded sources of hate, just the surface level to embrace policies that punish people who obey the law. Please.
It is going to be a tough day for Bob after your post. Bob will be frantically searching for some source or person that will attempt to convince the readers that the inflation rate is a positive thing. Additionally, he will also have to find information attempting to refute and counter your stated concerns regarding the rising crime and violence threatening the lives of lawful Americans. He has his work cut out for him. My wife and I were just reading the exchange and banter between you and Bob over the last couple of days. Her observation was that “that guy Bob was totally outclassed and outmatched on the debate forum by that guy Urkidding”. I told her that it is sadly an ego thing so expect more to come. Lol
LOL, my ego is good. Bob is entertaining. He finds some stuff that is very predictable, which makes this entirely more entertaining. To be honest, in numerous cases I’ve already looked over the stuff he links because I look across the spectrum to gain my view. His is seemingly formed in an echo chamber.
Glad I can entertain as well!
I apologize for any misunderstanding if it took place. I was referencing Bob’s fragile ego.
All good… next time do not type so fast! LOL.
If a member of Congress decides to switch party affiliation while in office it is because that member of Congress doesn’t agree with what their former party is doing. If that member of Congress has betrayed their constituents, then they will be voted out by the same. When it becomes so obvious that a political party is doing harm to masses then it shouldn’t surprise anyone when someone removes themselves from the party doing the harm. She may actually gain votes and there is no doubt she has gained from her actions regarding political clout in the Senate.
“Poll: 70 percent of voters don’t want Biden to run for a second term”
I agree. He should not run again. I expect that the President will announce in early 2023 that he’s not going to run for reelection. This should allow plenty of time for the Dems to come up with the best possible Presidential candidate for 2024.
I believe he will run again and have every Democrat who speaks out against him declared an enemy of the Democrat party,,,
LOL, he won’t announce anything… he’ll stumble through a teleprompter script to read he is running again.
Why do you think the Dems want SC earlier in the primaries? Easy reasoning… there is a block of voters there that vote as expected, not even allowed to think differently, Biden said so… the early losses to more progressive challengers will bankrupt their campaigns and lock him in the for the fix in 2024.
“Inflation eases more than expected in November to 7.1%, but consumer prices remain elevated”
Urkidding, What was the source of the article you read? Just out this morning:: According to Fox Business inflation was November was 7.1%, not 8%. That’s good news for the economy.
Hi Bob the Befuddler!
Grasping for crumbs at this point? To be honest, I was speaking in general terms… not citing exact statistics.
But, since you want to go there…
Inflation in January 2021, the month Biden took office was 1.4%. It took until June to get it over 5%. But the Democrat’s economy got it over 7% by the end of 2021.
This year January started at 7.4% and peaked in June just over 9%.
It is currently 7.1%, following a trend that is favorable (downward). However, the course correction will feel its greatest effects this coming year. I just hope not too many folks get wrapped up in the recession built by the Democrats, which is nearly assured if they get this omnibus bill.
Now, back to the question: How is tacking on more spending with imaginary money going to actually help: the debt? inflation? the average American? taxpayers?
Across the board the Democrat lied on this topic. Offer me how you can support it. Or better, why should I?
Be a brave befuddler!
Urkidding, your speaking in “general terms’ thing sort of reminds of MTG ‘sarcasm’ explanation/justification for her recent outrageous comments. When you get caught with your pants down the best recourse for you is just say ‘I was wrong’ and move on.
Hi Bob the Befuddler,
If I said ‘8.0’ as opposed to ‘7.1’ that is an ‘outrageous comment’ to make? You seriously think that was outrageous? Guess you are glad it is getting cold, not taking a risk to melt there, are you? Perhaps you should see if you can get me banned from this board for using such danger words like that… I swear your entertainment value is better than the cost of cable.
And clearly I was wrong when you say 7.1% inflation is far better than 1.4%. Is that right?
Urkidding, Once again you missed the point and got it wrong. I did not say ‘your comment’ was outrageous. I said ‘her comment’ was outrageous
Her comment was outrageous? But I never brought her up, you did… how can I be outrageous, then? Dude, you are confusing the hell out of me.
Make it easy on both of us…
Which is better, 7.1% inflation or 1.4% inflation? Pick one… make this easy.
Once again, you’re attempting to put words in my mouth, I didn’t say you brought her up. You just missed the point I was trying to make about the “explanation/justification’ thing.
LOL…I’m just goading you… you make it easy. You want to look away. You want to deny the obvious. You cannot say it out loud (or type it as it were). You just cling to the ‘2+2=5’ mentality as though your loyalty to insanity has some sort of trophy any of us care about. I just need you to admit what you know, but for one reason or another are fighting to deny…
Be brave, real brave…
Which is better, 7.1% inflation or 1.4% inflation? C’mon man! You don’t need a teleprompter for this… it ought to be easy. Seriously… just pick one percentage.
Which is better?
Urkidding, Feel free to ‘goad’ me all you want. I fully understand your motivation. I’m sorry that I make you feel so inadequate.
My motivation? What is that?
Bob, you went into Room 101 and all this time I thought you were Winston, but it turns out you must be O’Brien. It explains much.
And what do you mean by inadequate? I ain’t whipping it out and posting pictures, I do not think it is that kind of website. And frankly I ask you not to do that either.
C’mon… 7.1% or 1.4%? Which is the better inflation rate for every day folk in America? I’ll make it easy… I bet you’d say 7.1%. I just want to know why it is better. I can make some presumptions based on other comments you’ve made, but I would rather hear it from you.
Pay attention… I kept it ‘generally speaking’ but you turned it into a battle over exact numbers. I even warned you early in this conversation about ‘going there’. You can’t say I did not give you a road out. However, you insisted. Do not get upset I took your only ‘weapon’ away and started using it on you.
So, let’s go back to the numbers you insisted on making important in this conversation. Honestly, Bob, it is your direction, you asked me for this.
Just answer… which is the better inflation rate for every day folk in America, 7.1% or 1.4%?
Urkidding, my question to you is which is netter 8% or 7.1%?
Okay, this made me laugh aloud!
Don’t you have the guts to answer?
Can you not bring yourself to admit that 7.1% inflation is STILL bad for folks on fixed income?
Can you not confess the left’s answer for inflation to make it worse is not good?
Can you not recognize that boosting the prime lending rate – while yes it has lowered an already elevated number – also leaves lower wage earners in a still bad position, or even worse since borrowing for education or business investment is now higher?
Can you not admit these steps to stop the bleeding may actually put the patient on life support?
You can dismiss all this as ‘banter’, go ahead. But it represents that the left is cold or indifferent to the real decisions facing Americans. Simply siphoning from the wealthy will not close the gaps. To cure poverty you have to produce wealth. You cannot do that by crippling those at the bottom.
Low wage earners are being replaced with self-serve technology. How are low skilled workers to provide income while learning new skills?
This myopic view by the left is absurd, cruel, and deviant.
Okay, you feel like you won some sort of trophy having your a$$ kicked all over the place today. You feel like I had a bad day doing it. I don’t need a compliment to feel better, I need folks like you to pull their heads out of their collective a$$es and vote better.
Honestly, if you feel like you had fun with me today… have a hilarious moment and admit if 1.4% inflation is better than 7.1% or 8.0%. Don’t create a new question or find some new form of deflection or avoidance… just acknowledge the idiots on the left are trying to convince folks that 7.1 bullets in the stomach is not as bad 8.
Urkidding,Suffice it to say that inflation is coming down and that’s a good thing. As far as ‘bullets’ in my gut one is one too many.
“U.S. Senate aims for stop-gap bill as funding deadline looms, Schumer says”
The Senate’s crazy filibuster rule will prevent the passage of the any Omnibus Budget Bill. It’s look like we are stuck in this stop-gap mode. Like I’ve said before, the Senate is broken.
Hi Bob,
Good morning. Glad to hear you find even one bullet in your stomach undesirable, perhaps you can begin to vote better.
It seems from the info I’m reading that the Fed is going to boost the interest rate again to perhaps as high as 4.5%. This is going to hit home, car, and other larger durable goods borrowing even more expensive for average Americans. This is particularly bad news since the last time the rate was in this range was in 2007, and we know how that turned out.
You think the Senate is broken because the party of the majority (Democrats with Harris tie breaker vote) cannot ram through an omnibus spending bill in violation of all tradition. Such a move is nothing more than an attempt to crush the next Congress with more failed spending policies of the green new deal. The trillion dollar balloon requires money we do not have and will add to an already staggering debt.
Tell you what… Joe Biden’s campaign website laid all of this on the table. His plan outlined how we had to fundamentally restructure the economy and ‘build it back better’. We don’t hear that phrase anymore, do we?
When that plan shot inflation through the roof and cut our energy supply… the massive inflationary shock to the system was called ‘transitory’ until Putin’s war took over… then the media conveniently ignored the topic altogether.
Since you have effectively said 7.1% inflation is not as bad as 8.0%; but cannot bring yourself to say 1.4% is better than both (I do find that eerily odd by the way)… I have good news for you. The folks driving these rate increases seem to be hinting that inflation will stabilize and level off, but not near that dreaded 1.4% you seem to dislike. It may well indeed be closer to that 7.1% you are proud of. That news ought to make you happy… people will be difficult choices for their families, some will suffer, and all will feel it. But, hey… at least we’re building it back better, right?
OYE, I saw a post this morning from “Open You Eges” I assume you just made a typo. I’m glad you and your better half enjoy the banter between ‘Urkidding’ and myself. Since ‘Urkidding is not having the best of days, perhaps you should send him another ‘complimentary comment’ ASAP to make him feel better.
Urkidding, I’m just having to much fun with you today. Sorry for the type ‘netter’ should be better
“U.S. Senate aims for stop-gap bill as funding deadline looms, Schumer says”
The Senate’s crazy filibuster rule will prevent the passage of the any Omnibus Budget Bill. It’s look like we are stuck in this stop-gap mode. Like I’ve said before, the Senate is broken.
No. The entire government is broken, not just the Senate. If something is broken, it needs to be fixed. I fail to see where funding a broken government is necessary, until it is fixed. There has been no effort to fix the Federal government by either side. Investigations don’t fix governance, nor does statutory acts aimed at helping a very small portion of the population.
Biden signs gay marriage law, calls it ‘a blow against hate’
This bill insures Federal recognition of same-sex and interracial marriage. The new law officially voids the Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as between a man and a woman. It would have been even better, if had gone beyond the recognition part and required ‘all states’ to provide same sex marriages.
The good thing about this act is that it will make it much difficult for the SCOTUS ‘Terrible-6, especially Judge Clarence Thomas to invalidate same-sex marriage.
Hi Bob,
Actually there is nothing good about this law. There is nothing good about any law that gives or allows government to intrude on the lives of any consenting adults and how they choose to live or love.
That’s the fundamental difference between you and me. You see these types of ‘guarantees’ as some level of hope against boogey monsters with names like the ‘terrible 6’. I seem them as fundamentally unnecessary. I see them that way because they are fundamentally exercising power where it should never have existed in the first place.
Just remember a government powerful enough to give you something, like marriage, is powerful enough to take it away.
This may help you understand why I believe all gun laws are unconstitutional as much as all marriage laws. In fact, all laws having anything to do with anything not mentioned in the Constitution need to go away. I think the only thing I’m really against would be statists, which infest the political left of this country like roaches.
The law can be overturned on the same basis that Roe v. Wade was overturned. There is just a lack of Constitutional Authority to create and enact such a law. The law was unnecessary involving inter racial marriage, as race is not indicative of identifying a man or a woman. Our Federal government isn’t just broken, it is acting contrary to what it is meant to do.
“Breakthrough in nuclear fusion could mean ‘near-limitless energy’
This is exciting news. If this article is correct and it turns out be the “Holy Grail”, this could be a game changer. The possibility that “Fusion has the potential to provide a near-limitless, safe, clean, source of carbon-free baseload energy” seems almost too good to be true.
If all the science works out I wonder how long it would take to implement this technology? Something like this could change the world for our children and grandchildren.
There is no such thing as carbon free baseload energy. Everything around you is made up of carbon based elements…besides, I thought they said the world would end in the next decade because of cow flatulence. To truly understand the incompetence and idiocy of our government isn’t very hard, while science has become extremely unscientific.
“Data shows nearly 30% of home fires in Baltimore City were vacant over five year span:
I guess most of these fires are caused by people who break into these vacant/abandoned properties. This is a very scary scenario for those that live near these properties.
There are approximately 15,000 vacant/abandoned properties in Baltimore. What’s outrageous is that the Mayor, the city of Baltimore, and the state of Maryland seem unable or unwilling to address this problem.
Could it be fifty plus years of Democrats at the helm.?
Governor Hogan is reportedly going out with a 5 billion dollar surplus. It will be interesting to see how long that will last under Wes Moore (D) and the Democrats. Smart money says that Moore will not be able to boast the same success at the end of his first term. Any takers?
First term? Much, much sooner. I suspect the ‘structural deficit’ he will create will mirror the one Marty Owe’Malley racked up, perhaps worse. What was that… $1 billion a year was it? I mean, we have a president working very hard to make the Carter administration look like a success story.
Wes Moore looks like a nice guy, talks like a nice guy… however, his website for the campaign was inclusive of every group in this state except one. So, I’m expecting to get ‘left behind’ in his drive to leave ‘no one behind’. Read another way… I’m expecting to have the rain that hits my property taxed again, and perhaps the air I breathe to remove what I’ve earned so it can be handed over to someone who has not.
Some folks who comment around here will see that as progress. The problem with that type of progress, the one that takes inflation from 1.4% to 7.1% and calls it a win, is that hurts people including the ones it is supposed to help. It’s sad, really.
I just read an Ipsos poll that said 21% of the 1,023 adults polled believed in Santa Claus. I’m sure most of the ‘Santa Believers’ were probably Republican extremists, election deniers, QAnon conspiracy believers, and such. 🙂
“Opinion | Why the ‘Twitter Files’ Are Falling Flat”
The Twitter Files are a rehash of old tweets, screenshots, and conversations from a few former Twitter executives. There are no new, game-changing, ‘bombshell’ revelations.
At the heart of the issue for Twitter then was what should be their response to the former President’s ‘outright lie’ that he won the election. They decided to terminate his account. And I feel their response was entirely appropriate.
My hunch is when all the information is “contextualized and fact-checked”, the Twitter Files, much like the Durham investigation, will be yet another “Nothingburger”. We’ll just have to wait and see.
Any time a government entity influences Twitter to ban or silence anyone else from speaking, a 1st Amendment violation has occurred and that is unconstitutional. That which is unconstitutional is illegal, as it violates the Supreme Law of the Land, in regards to the conduct of any government entity. Those whom have taken part in these violations are in violation of their oath and must be removed from their position in government, at the very least.
Hi Bob,
Have you read the Twitter threads by Taibbi and Weiss?
This may help… the former president was not deplatformed for a lie. He was deplatformed for adgering to Twitter standards. The problem, though? The Tweets that became the ‘smoking gun’ to deplatform him in fact did not violate Twitter standards. They knew it. Yet, went ahead anyway. Heads of state around the world watched with concern.
So, what then was the real cause? The leftists within Twitter just wanted him silenced. That is a violation of the 1st Amendment, well, because this was really at the urging of the folks who built the Russia dossier hoax, the ones who dismissed everything as conspiracy theories, etc.
You are right… nothing will be done. Not because ‘nothing’ was wrong, but the folks who are in charge of cleaning up the mess are the ones who made it! So, yeah, I do not expect them to indict themselves.
Tell you what, Bob… do yourself a big favor. Stop filtering your info through these news outlets caught ‘speeding’ and now doing damage control. Seriously, this is the ultimate 2+2=5 mentality. It’s frightening.
Urkidding, Trump ‘silenced’ himself with the ‘Big Lie’..
So did Adam Schiff with all his ‘evidence of Russian collusion’, so did Biden with his comments gas was over $5 a gallon when he took office, and when he said the border is secure… my goodness I don’t have the time or space to record all the lies this administration tells.
The problem is he was not deplatformed for lies, but rather violating a policy, which internal communications indicate was not violated. Specifically it was cited he incited violence, but that was never clearly established. And even if it did, the same threats made by other heads of state on Twitter, such as Iran, against entire countries (like Israel) were not deplatformed.
You see, Bob, that is what is causing the stir here. The double standard, or in this case, a ‘created’ standard simply to silence someone they disliked. I don’t blame the left for this. The childishness is off the charts. Lose an election change the rules, lose a Supreme Court case change the Court, lose an election burn down the cities, get upset at someone’s behavior burn down more cities, etc. And on and on it goes.
An objective mind can see right through this. You seem to forget I voted against Trump twice, and would again. While his economic policies were very effective, I felt he weakened our international standing. Of course, I look now at Biden, and he is an entire train wreck of epic proportions. He and the Dems would have been crushed in midterms but for the failed leadership of Republicans in Congress.
In other words, Bob, you are right to see big lies, but look at all of them, not those only fitting your opinion. As I said before Bob, you are not difficult to deconstruct. You spout the left’s talking points like a well trained puppy doing tricks in the circus. They tell you 2+2=5 and you repeat it. You argue for it.
Let us put it to the test: Do you believe Adam Schiff had direct evidence of Trump’s collusion with the Russians to influence the 2016 election?
He said he had it… had witnesses… no evidence has been offered and no witnesses ever testified. Where are they?
C’mon Bob… just tell me.
Below is FBI response to Twitter Files Part 6:
”The FBI regularly engages with private sector entities to provide information specific to identified foreign malign influence actors’ subversive, undeclared, covert, or criminal activities. Private sector entities independently make decisions about what, if any, action they take on their platforms and for their customers after the FBI has notified them.”
That statement doesn’t answer anything and it shows us just how much of a political terrorist organization they have become.
Bob it is very obvious that you utilize left leaning sources as you put it “in search of the truth”. That is your perception of the truth. To you truth is anything counter right.Your post seems to me as a desperate attempt at damage control and CYA by the FBI more specifically the DOJ. Come on man as your hero likes to say. You guys got called speeding on this. It seems odd that the that the FBI now feels the need to explain their mission. Furthermore, do really think, regarding how overwhelming and damning the evidence uncovered, that the Left and their DOJ puppets are willing to put their heads down , shuffle their foot, and say “ok you caught us”. Again, come on man. Do you believe in Santa Claus?
OYE, I wish I could go back to those days, many years ago when I believed in Santa Claus. My life and my world was a lot less complicated back then. Those were the days!
“Republicans demand answers after latest batch of Twitter Files”
These two clowns (Gaetz & Jordan) are desperate. They just can’t wait. With leaders like this it’s no surprise the Republican Party is in such jeopardy.
I think it is safe to say that the American people are whom it is that are demanding answers. I will agree that it is not productive to have endless investigations into fabricated stories, like the Democrats have been doing for the last 6 years of House control, but using the DOJ and the FBI to persecute, silence and cause harm to political opponents of the Democrat Party is criminal. Everyone involved must be removed at the very least and they should also lose all government benefits. In a better day, they would face the full penalty of the law. In this day, nothing will happen because of political affiliation. It really isn’t OK for Democrats to break every law and get away with it….
“$158,000 price tag for new ALS drug reignites anger at Big Pharma”
When I read an article about a very expensive drug I’m perplexed. It seems strange to me that our country sits back and allows big pharmaceutical companies to charge Americans these outrageous prices. In general, America pays two to three times more for prescription medication than other countries.
The pharmaceutical industry, much like the Social Media industry (e.g. Facebook, Twitter & Google) needs more effective government over site and regulation. They are simply out of control. The good news is that we have a President who sees the problem and is prepared to do something about it. He fully realizes that good medical care, including reasonably priced medical drugs, is a ‘must-have’ for America.
Starting in January we’ll begin to see some of the benefits (e.g. $35 price cap on Insulin) of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. Also, “Medicare beneficiaries will pay $0 out of pocket for recommended adult vaccines covered by their Part D plan, including the shingles vaccine – which costs seniors up to $200.”
Elon, the people have spoken!. Now is the time for you to move on. Don’t let the door hit you in the rear as you exit stage right.
Hi Bob,
My goodness, you almost sound happy. Why? Thought you said all this is a ‘nothing burger’?
At the most you should be indifferent. This tells me you are happy the truth will stop being revealed. Since it is the truth about the left breaking the law, colluding on elections, protecting child p0rn distributors, etc., you are happy. Nice Bob, bury the truth, cover it up.
I say again, this entire episode is Watergate on steroids. Biden’s son, Fauci’s daughter… you can continue to pretend none of the truth is real, but truth doesn’t stop being truth because fools are fooled. Thank you for that reminder, keep repeating it, Bob, keep repeating it… 2+2=5.
“OPINION: Elon Musk should remain Twitter CEO to keep up the free speech fight”
It’s no surprise, that the “Bulls..t Factory” wants Elon to stick around. They want to use him for a while longer. After which they will hang him out to dry.
Bob, you suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect, and it shows with each post. Seriously, leave this topic alone.
Elon is so stupid. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. The guy is a complete failure. I should be in his positions. Instead I have to educate people that read the comments on Dagger. My platform will gain traction. I know it.
Urkidding, are you stupid too?
“What the Jan. 6 panel cited for each criminal referral against Trump”
For those that do not have the time and/or inclination to read the Committee’s lengthy Summary Report, the above link succinctly lays out the Committee’s recommendations and corresponding justifications.
It should be interesting to watch what takes place. A great deal of time and preparation was put in to the January 6th report. They put together what could be a very compelling circumstantial argument. I am very confident, that even if it were not, the Democrats would have the juice, and certainly the influence to have the DOJ initiate action whether warranted or not. I think it was Newt Gingrich that said “you can indict a ham sandwich “
As a prior Cop who always attempted to conduct fair, unbiased, lawful investigations I have some observations, concerns, and a statement or two regarding the pursuits of the January 6th Committee regardless of how one feels about the guilt or innocence of Mr. Trump in this matter.
Obviously we know that Mr Trump thought the election was denied him. I think mathematically he fell short on the vote numbers. There were also some questionable circumstances on how those votes were harvested and tabulated in his and the minds of many Americans. Additionally, there was critical factual information which was suppressed by the Democratic machine which could have impacted the decisions of many voters. When the smoke cleared he fell short.
He was obviously very upset. Mr. Trump is certainly a powerful and convincing orator. He obviously suggested to his followers to go to the Capitol and voice their feelings consistent with their Democratic rights. I don’t believe there exists any written directive, memo, or audio where he told anyone to breach the Capitol building as some obviously did. If there was that would have been prima facie evidence in the forefront of the investigation. It certainly would’ve appeared in all news outlets during the initiation.
During the breach of the Capitol building the wrongful death of an unarmed demonstrator took place by the Capitol Police. The use of force was inconsistent with any of the policies of any known police department in the country but ultimately was justified by a partisan DOJ. Take the politics out of it and the police officer should have faced criminal and civil sanctions. To properly address this travesty of Justice would have significantly “ muddied the water” of the investigate by attacking the conduct of the government.
Then you have the integrity issue of at least one of the members of the committee Adam Schiff. Mr. Schiff was verified to have provided misleading non factual information to Congress during the Russia collusion allegations. In layman non-legal words he is a liar, a bullshitter. In my profession there was something known as the Brady rule. That was when a police officer’s integrity and veracity was found to be compromised they were no longer able to render testimony. The Democrats gave this guy a pass.
If Mr. Trump committed a crime or crimes let the chips fall where they may but if his only true crime is being Donald Trump there in lies a problem. I’m sure that the Democrats are hoping to get their pound of flesh but I would like everyone to answer just one question. If the names and party affiliations were different would this situation be pursued in the same way? I suspect that those of you that actually believe that Hillary Clinton was only “extremely careless” and not criminally responsible, or those of you that are willing to blindly dismiss, without inquiries, the recent Twitter disclosures, will not be able to answer my question fairly and in good conscience.
OYE, that was a long read. Bottom line is that I don’t believe police officers should exist. Those are jobs that social workers should be doing.
I appreciate the perspective you put on this – especially from your first-hand background as a LEO.
I feel your assessment of discourse to follow is also spot on.
As one who wishes Mr. Trump would just fade into the sunset, as I see his continued presence as a uniting force for the left. And that is the problem. The left is anything except united in anything but hating him. Remove him from the situation and the left falls apart. The progressives are nutcases and represent perhaps less than 3% of Democrats, but are easily making so much noise that the party central power has to keep moving the needle farther left to keep them from having complete meltdowns and hissy fits on everything. As such, the Democrats have cornered themselves into catering for the ‘less than 15%’ opinion category on virtually every issue. But those intolerances are acceptable to keep Trump and his favored folks from power. It’s an easy calculus.
Honestly, facts are facts. The Twitter files are revealing them one at a time. Apparently everything surrounding covid will be released soon, and frankly that may be a terrific Christmas gift. When taken with the Wall Street Journal’s analysis of trading habits of those making decisions about the lockdowns, etc., let’s just say the real show has yet to be seen.
Get your popcorn ready!
“8 girls, some just 13 years old, charged in Toronto fatal ‘swarming’ knife attack”
It’s not always in America, nor is it always a gun. An incident of group violence like this is particularly tragic and difficult to comprehend. A man loses his life and the lives of 8 young girls are changed forever.
“Criminology” is the scientific study of crime and criminal behaviour. It offers an in-depth look at modern crime, punishment, prevention, and why certain groups may be societally victimised. The study of criminology draws on sociology, psychology, psychiatry and social anthropology, as well as criminal law.
Social Anthropology and Sociology are included under the umbrella of “Criminology “. However, Demographics are often not considered. Why? Political correctness which operates under the cloak and cover of the Left. In order to properly address crime, particularly violent crime, you need to establish which groups are the offenders. There must be transparency even if it displays that certain groups commit disproportionately high volumes of crime. The Left and the MSM will often omit demographic information in an attempt to preserve the image of certain groups. The Left’s failing to acknowledge poor behavior by some groups only leads to further social divide . In order to properly address crime and violence the groups involved must be identified and and held responsible and accountable. Race, Gender, Politics , Religion not withstanding.
A classic example of the MSM and the Left’s intentional omission of very pertinent information possibly for Political Correctness reasons was the New York City subway shooter. In that case, there were numerous witnesses that observed a short heavy set black male wearing a construction vest enter a subway train. He discharged a smoke bomb type device inside the train and shot at people as they exited the train. My point is you had a heinous crime committed with numerous witnesses immediately reporting the suspects’s description to include his race. Suspect description is utilized for the purpose of providing prompt information regarding dangerous criminals in an attempt to quickly remove them from society. For several hours media outlets reporting the incident described the suspect as a short, thicker man , wearing a construction vest. I can’t imagine how much investigative time and effort was needlessly wasted stopping and interviewing anyone of that description. I have no conceivable idea why the race of the suspect was not immediately made available.
The bottom line is crime and associated violence and death is out of control. People of all demographics are dying at alarming rates. It is time to return to aggressive policing even if some peoples feelings get hurt. If you have ever had occasion to review data utilized in the preparation of consent decrees you may come to an interesting conclusion. Much of the information I found to be ex parte. That means one sided. This generates a couple of questions. Have the police actions been motivated by racial or other bias or have the police, doing their jobs, disrupted criminal activity leaving the perpetrators, if they were people of color, to erroneously claim racial bias and discrimination? Often time only one side is used as source information and that is the anti-police position.
We must get a handle on this problem and leave the politics out of it. As a parent, if I lost control of my children and they elected to stay out all night making bad decisions and possibly ending up being hurt or killed this would be my position. If they were in that type of environment I would not object to the police pulling them up every night until they learned to make better decisions. I would rather have their feelings hurt than attend their funeral. It is time to play hardball, dispense with this political correctness, and make our country safe again before it is too late.
Some will read my post and perceive it as racists. I look at it as realism. Very few people have had to experience what I have had to do. It is one of the most horrible things anyone could ever experience. That is to notify a parent or a loved one that someone has been senselessly killed. I have made those notifications to people of all races and backgrounds and each incident is just as horrible as another.
It felt so good listening to President Zelensky speaking before a Joint Session of Congress. What was exciting tonight was the palpable support in that room for President Zelensky and Ukraine. It’s been a very long time (too long) since I heard such sincere, bipartisan support for ‘anything’ in our Congress.
Yes, Congress is supporting a foreign war that the American people have no real viable interest in. Biden supports the war because the records involving his and Hunter’s international pay to play money laundering operation has been destroyed. Most of Congress has went to Ukraine and personally picked up their cut of the money being laundered thru this war as well. I’m just thrilled….
4 degrees in Bel Air, MD. Damn global warming is off the hook.
Anyway, it has been a really tough year: Inflation, gas prices, crime, fentanyl, and the list goes on.
The Left has declared war against Christianity, the family, and the police just to name some. They have drastically increased racial division for political gain, and ignored crime, death, and victimization in pursuit of political correctness.
I went in to a local store and wished the clerk a Merry Christmas and the little girl (I hope that pronoun did not offend any one) and she panicked. I asked if she was ok and she said yes. A coworker, who I speaks to me routinely, told me that management told the employees not to say Merry Christmas. As I was driving home I started thinking about my interaction with the clerk and it hit home just how “jacked up” the Left has gotten this country. It is frowned upon or flat out politically incorrect for me to publicly identify as a Christian and that I accept Jesus Christ, as my, and that of many others, Lord and Savior anywhere but with in the confines of my place of worship, but I could be sanctioned in the workplace for using an improper pronoun or disagreeing with someone’s gender identity and possibly face sanctions s or termination.
If things don’t change, this country will cease to exist as we once knew it. In closing, I would asked that anyone who really cares, pray for our country, our troops, and our people. God Bless and I hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas. I really think it is not yet too late for us. Again Merry Christmas!
“Jim Jordan violated House ethics by defying subpoenas, Jan. 6 committee says”
It’s a travesty of justice that Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan will likely chair the House Judiciary Committee in 2023. This is the same Congressman that ignored a subpoena to testify before the Jan 6th Committee.
This knucklehead was involved in Trump’s effort to overturn the results of the 20220 Presidential Election. To add insult to injury, Jordan even talked to Trump’s White House staff after the ‘Insurrection’ about the prospect of Presidential Pardons for members of Congress.
He could even end up under investigation by the Department of Justice. The hypocrisy of this partisan hack is enough to make you gag!
One question. One statement.
Question: what are you afraid that a Republican chaired House Judiciary Committee might uncover.? You certainly don’t think your guys would be doing anything underhanded do you Bob?
Statement: You are probably correct that the Democrats will convince the DOJ to investigate anything they ask as long as it facilitates their needs. The HJC could uncover that the Democrats were responsible for the Lindbergh kidnapping, the. jimmy Hoffa disappearance, and the murder of the college students in Idaho, and the DOJ might receive directives to not entertain those investigations. Talk about something that can make you gag. Enter the Democratic fix.
There is no ethics involving the House January 6th Committee. It is completely partisan except for 2 RINOs whom were voted out by their constituents for betraying their oaths and being complicit in the other sides witch hunt. The truth is Democrats did make up the entire Trump Russia Hoax. They did it again with the Ukraine Hoax involving a phone call. The Democrats then staged a completely unconstitutional election violating established voting laws in many States using arbitrary powers allowed involving the Scamdemic. The Democrats are who stole Democracy…not Trump. The January 6th PROTEST was due to the fraudulent election of 2020 and nobody has investigated the obvious fraud committed in 2022. Does anybody really think that more Democrats could win in the Senate when they have intentionally screwed up our Country and continue to war against the United States by giving untold amounts of money to foreign nations while allowing ours to decline? The Democrats have figured out that if they can keep the mail in ballot scheme in place they will be allowed to cheat and win forever. It is time for the Democrats to be called out and removed or our Country will continue to deteriorate.