From Harford County Public Schools:
Good evening parents, guardians, and care givers.
This is Chris Cook, Principal of Homestead-Wakefield with an important announcement regarding our building replacement. Our community has been eagerly awaiting and advocating for a new building for several years. There are many steps and approving entities when the school system begins any construction project. Meetings have been occurring for months and the project is under way.
On April 7, 2022 the Town of Bel Air Planning Commission noted a stipulation for our replacement building project. They want HCPS to surplus campus property to connect east and west MacPhail road. The town is making this transfer of property a condition for HWES to receive permits and a final Use and Occupancy of our new building.
When the HCPS planning and construction team became aware of this demand, they proactively engaged in follow up correspondence, discussions, and meetings to build understanding and consensus. Their goal has been to develop a plan that would address the needs of the town and not adversely impact the project schedule, budget, and safety.
At this time, an agreement has not been reached. Superintendent Bulson, the Board of Education, and HCPS staff are dedicated to seeing HWES open a new building as planned and will continue to hold conversations with the Town of Bel Air. However, the Town of Bel Air’s surplus demand may delay us opening a new HWES building to students and staff as planned for the fall of 2024. Minutes and agendas for the Town of Bel Air may be accessed on their website.
If you would like additional information on how you can become involved, please visit the PTA website. You are also encouraged to join me and HCPS personnel for a Community Rebuild Meeting on April 26, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. in the Wakefield gymnasium where we will share the current plans for the new building, the timeline, and answer your questions. I hope you will consider attending.
Thank you for listening to this message and have a pleasant evening.
Chris Cook, Principal
How dare the Town of Bel Air hold HCPS accountable This isn’t 1980 Harford County anymore, MacPhail Road should be connected. Sounds to me like the real hold up is HCPS. Ot the town planning board.
Accountable? Does the word accountable mean a local town demand they receive land they do not own and do not plan to pay for, bc it would be convenient? Is that what the word accountable means now?
What if they throw in a case of beef jerky? Or 2 pieces…..
Anyone who thinks HCPS is wrong in this case needs their head examined. Draft Fan makes a valid point. Here we go with the beef jerky comments again. For the record, I like beef jerky.
Beef Jerky = beer? I just assume y’all must be a bunch of drunks. Day drunk and posting on the dagger.
Flacco is barely above average, but he beat Kapernick!
Building the road is lunacy. Lamar Jackson is elite
long beef jerky pieces….
Did I miss something? Why was race and or transgender injected in to this discussion? People are entitled to their individual opinions. I think Lamar Jackson is far more athletic than Joe Flacco but he has often times displayed questionable abilities to consistently win games. Flacco achieved significant success launching the ball 60-70 yards and having his intended receiver interfered with resulting in significant gains. If there was some back yard contest involving throwing a football through a moving tire swing Flacco would probably win every time providing he was not being rushed. If we’ll protected he was extremely accurate.His short coming was he was easily flustered as his protection broke down. Jackson’s ability to run can not be denied. Both Flacco and Jackson have their positives and negatives. Healthy arguments could be made regarding who is or was the best, That is one of great things about football. Healthy discussions before, during, and after the games. I can not understand why some race baiting ass has to attempt to disrupt the dialogue by unnecessarily injecting race and transgender issues in to the mix.
I am not sure why my post was placed here it was in response to someone identifying themselves as “The Bob” who posted this morning 01/09/23 at 8:29 AM
Your post got posted here because that’s where you posted it, dumbass…
Themselves??? Why are you’ts saying this?
Please note there was an error for the date of the community rebuild meeting message. It will be held on 4/27/22 @ 6:30 pm. In the Wakefield gymnasium. My apologies for posting the incorrect date and thank you for this opportunity to correct.
Insane. The town is demanding they receive land they don’t own to build a high traffic road that would literally require kindergarten kids to cross the street to attend recess. It is not the responsibility of HCPS to alleviate bel air traffic. HCPS educates kids. I’d like less traffic too, but kids hit by cars isn’t an acceptable traffic plan.
That road has to be one of the dumbest ideas since the Ravens moved up the draft to get average QB Joe Flacco.
Awfully dumb idea, agreed. But Flacco was elite.
Was he??? Or did he have one elite season. OHHHHH go eat some beef jerky……
The road is a really bad idea – that close to an elementary school?
Oh, and Flacco was a different type of QB in the playoffs. Straight cash money.
And I like beef jerky.
Flacco took the ravens to a superbowl win.
You will NEVER see a ravens superbowl win with Lamar Jackson as QB.
“Flacco took the ravens to a superbowl win.
You will NEVER see a ravens superbowl win with Lamar Jackson as QB.”
You are hating on Lamar because of his skin color. If Flacco was a different color, you wouldn’t be saying this. You are the same people that would scream if Harbaugh was replaced by the first black transgender coach in the NFL. What is wrong with you sick people?
“You will NEVER see a ravens superbowl win with Lamar Jackson as QB.”
Flacco playoff record 10-6
Jackson playoff record 2-4
I am not clear why race was injected in to a conversation about quarterbacks. Some people just have to be race baiters. Anyway, in my mind the Ravens loss last night was due to two factors. The first was what appeared an inordinate amount of poor officiating. However, if you are competing at such a mediocre level where one bad call can change the outcome of a game can you solely blame the loss on poor officiating? The second and probably the most detrimental factor was the lack of discipline which was demonstrated. Anyone who has participated in contact sports such as football, basketball, or ice hockey knows that there is often times “trash talking” and the occasional “cheap shots” taken by some individuals. Kielce was jawing and jabbing and seemed to get away with it. Flowers taunting was stupid and unnecessary. If he would have exercised more discipline and self control the Ravens would have gotten the ball back. The same goes with head to head shot to Mahomes. These guys are paid millions. Even on the high school level a good coach would reel in anyone displaying this type of behavior. Off the field a coach can not routinely control the conduct of his players but on the field he or she needs to command discipline. Harbaugh is a good coach but to me he needs to be a more consistent clock manager and promote greater personal discipline. Like they say, “opinions are like butt holes, everybody’s got one”
The road is an awful idea. It’s like the town of bel
Air is openly hostile to children at this point.
Beef jerky is pretty good but I don’t get all the beef ? references.
Spend more money on another road…how stupid. I’d like some beef jerky…
Road….Idiotic Idea….Stupid….Flacco though…average.
So they are going to hold up the construction of a badly needed school facility because they want to conduct a “land grab?” Pathetic.
And why did this Flacco conversation begin? He’s elite, deal with it.
Agree “land grab”, disagree “elite”
What is happening here???
Someone is having a conversation with themself on this page. I think they need to seek metal health help
The town of Bel Air is an enemy of the people.
And apparently some peeps on this thread have strong opinions on both beef jerky and Flacco, who is not elite. But did have an elite salary.
The road through an elementary school playground? A road for which the town cannot even fund construction. HWES has been in bad shape for years. Seriously wtf…
Go Ravens
You are right – it is silly and the town should be ashamed – holding a badly needed school construction project hostage because they want to connect the pieces of MacPhail Road. Will that really reduce Bel Air traffic? Seriously?
And yeah – odd conversation. Beef jerky is good, though.
The build a road through a school playground is a new and creative way to address school over crowding. Slowly pick one kid off at a time with traffic accidents. Good thing emergency vehicles will be able to respond quicker according to the town zoning officials!!!
As for the crazy people posting about beef jerky: The Kleins crisis center# is 1-800 Next Step
Somebody is whacko but it’s not Flacco (Not elite)
Agreed….Flacco is whacko but if you say you’re wacco for Flacco but WHACKO not wacco…for Flacco….oh F it!
The road NEEDS TO BE CONNECTED. Period. Access to the hospital is limited, have to go through downtown or all the way around via Ring Factory.
You can easily build an attractive foot bridge over the road, and line it such that kids cant access the road
Dumb people many of you are. Go drive from the school to hospital now and see how dumb you are
Dum Dums
How many people have died because this “road” isn’t there? Please present the research? Get a grip. Then why not build 30 road connecting every neighborhood to the hospital. How many times have someone had to drive from the school to the hospital? LOL. The dagger readers are getting dumber every day.
Ok boomer…