From the Aberdeen Police Department:
As a result of an incident on January 25, detectives with the Aberdeen Police Department began a multi-week investigation to identify the suspects involved in the Harlan Ave shooting. Detectives determined a fight occurred between two juveniles which caused a crowd to gather. It was determined that the juveniles involved in this fight had previously fought each other at a local high school. As the juveniles fought, the first shooter fired multiple shots into the air and the second shooter returned fire. Both shooters fled in opposite directions.
On Friday, January 28, 2022, detectives were able to identify eighteen-year-old Raigin Guindin of Harford Square Drive in Edgewood as a shooter. Guindin was responsible for firing shots into the air. Guindin suffered a gunshot wound to her leg when the second shooter returned fire.
Detectives conducted a surveillance detail in the 1300 block of Harford Square Dr, Edgewood, MD to locate Guindin. On 1/28/2022 detectives observed subjects enter a vehicle suspected to be involved in the shooting. Deputies from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office attempted to conduct a traffic stop on the suspect vehicle. The vehicle failed to stop, and a police pursuit ensued. The chase ended in Belcamp. Guindin was identified as the vehicle operator and was arrested by deputies. A juvenile passenger was observed fleeing from the vehicle after the pursuit. Deputies were able to apprehend the juvenile after a brief foot pursuit.
Deputies recovered a firearm near the juvenile. It was later determined that the firearm recovered was one of the guns used during the incident at Harlan Ave.
Shortly after Guindin’s arrest, detectives obtained a search warrant for a storage cloud that contained surveillance footage from a home located in the 900 block of Harlan Ave. After viewing images from the storage cloud, it was determined that the homeowner initially withheld certain video evidence that could have more readily identified the shooting suspects. The homeowner was identified as 36-year-old Joelenia Vasquez.
On Tuesday, February 1, 2022, detectives were able to identify the second shooting suspect as nineteen-year-old Rodgers Williams of Perryville, Maryland. Williams was identified as the suspect who returned fire at Guindin, striking her in the leg. The investigation also revealed that Williams was aided by nineteen-year-old Elijah Walker of Aberdeen, Maryland. Walker drove Rodgers from the scene immediately following the shooting. An arrest warrant was issued for Rodgers’ arrest.
After an extensive investigation to locate Rodgers, he was taken into custody at a girlfriend’s house in Perryville, Maryland on March 25, 2022. He is being held without bond at the Harford County Detention Center.
Both juveniles involved in the fight on Harlan Ave were charged with assault. Guindin faces charges for reckless endangerment and firearm violations. There is an open warrant for her arrest. Vasquez was charged with hindering and obstruction. Rodgers was charged with Attempted 2nd Degree Murder and firearm violations. Walker was charged with Accessory After the Fact.
The Aberdeen Police Department would like to thank the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, Maryland State Police, Maryland Transportation Authority Police, and Perryville Police Department for their assistance in this case.
Anyone with information concerning the whereabouts of Raigin Guindin is asked to please call Detective Lightner at 410-272-2121.
The Aberdeen Police Department is seeking information about an incident involving firearms being discharged in the 900 block of Harlan Ave.
On Tuesday, January 25, 2022, at approximately 7:23 PM, Officers responded to the 900 block of Harlan Avenue, Aberdeen in reference to a report of shots fired and possible armed subjects.
Officers arrived on the scene and were provided doorbell video which depicted a large group of people outside the 900 block of Harlan Avenue yelling and shouting at each other. Next, several gunshots were heard being discharged in rapid succession. Video showed a dark colored 4D sedan bearing an unknown registration fleeing the scene toward Stratford Avenue.
Two vehicles and a home were struck by gunfire. No injuries were reported because of the incident.
Just kids being kids, amiright?
Why do so many of our young people resort to violence, often time gun violence, to resolve conflict? I feel that the answer is because so many have embraced the gangster image. Being a gun toting, drug selling thug gives some type of imagined importance in their minds. Where do these ideas come from? Sadly, all too many so called music “artists” who are popular with our young people routinely include such topics as the drug trade, gun violence, degrading and disrespecting women, and violence towards police to name a few. These fuel the thoughts of our vulnerable misguided young people. Unfortunately many of these so called performers are people of color. Any attempt to hold them accountable for their societal damage will end up having one labeled a racist. I don’t really care how I am perceived by others. I am tired of seeing people, particularly young people, dying unnecessarily because of this acquired mentality.
People desire intoxication. Prohibition and its repeal plainly tell us this. Drugs probably shouldn’t be illegal. If the government regulated drugs we wouldn’t see as many overdoses as the drugs would be uniform and wouldn’t contain harmful additives, like fentanyl. The Drug War is and illegal and unconstitutional war against our people and the policy creating the Drug War has led us to gangs and violence. Anytime the government bans something a black market is created creating an opening for the government to wage war against us. The government isn’t allowed to wage war against us, yet it does. The creation of the Code and the rules and regulations of that Code is unconstitutional. The entire process of carrying out the Code is unconstitutional and the prosecution embedded in the Code is unconstitutional. That which is unconstitutional is illegal and only government employees are beholden to unconstitutional law because they are held to the higher standard. The use of the Code on the public is to create behavioral change amongst the people on behalf of the Federal government, which does so to satisfy the wishes of foreign nations and religious fanatics who fund the government. There is no Constitutional Authority ordained to the Federal government to regulate the behavior of people, which was promulgated by the BAR unto the States using the bribe of Federal Funding and is illegal, unconstitutional and an act of fraud, war and treason. Our government is creating the violence amongst our people, without just cause or legal reasoning, to carry out the wishes of our adversaries whom want Americans to kill each other on behalf of their satanic beliefs. The HOLY SEE is the primary culprit pushing this war and wants to see every American killed unless we submit to the Catholic Laws of their new world order, which have no place in America because of the Freedom of Religion. The HOLY SEE pays the Federal government, in WWII Jewish blood money, to persecute and kill our people on behalf of the Catholic Faith. They do this because of their allegiance with the Germans during WWII and their participation in the holocaust of that time. The German’s were all using methamphetamine and that is why they were looked at as “Super Men”, when in reality they were drug addicts. So, there you have it. You wanted to know why our people our dying and it is because of a treasonous government, including the Federal, State and Local branches, the HOLY SEE, the Nation of Palestine and the United Nations. These satanic entities are what makes up the New World Order. These entities are satanic not because they believe in lucifer of the devil, but because they desire people to be judged. A Judge is a Satan as according to the Hebrew Text and their is no such thing as the devil in those texts.
More gun violence to resolve conflict. A street disturbance in Sacramento results in some of the participants leaving and returning to the he scene with guns. Multiple guns discharged on a crowded street. At least six dead. WTF is our society evolving in to? The news outlet showed a large group of grieving relatives of the killed and wounded and a picture of at least one of shooting suspects. What a senseless waste of life obviously for the victims but also the shooter, who if convicted, should spend all or most of his life n prison. The news reported that the suspect had been charged with multiple felonies prior to the incident and in my mind should not have been on the street. I give you the flawed California Criminal Justice System. Additionally I noticed that the relatives of many of the victims appeared to black as was the suspect. Black on black violence is a growing problem in our country. Look at Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago, and now Sacramento. Where is he BLM movement? That’s right, this incident did not involve white people or police. They are too busy misappropriating funds to build lavish mansions instead of using the funds to help the black community.
If Black Lives Matter, then why do they keep killing one another? There is no amount of money that will help the Black Community involving crap like this. The Black Community needs to learn to help itself and funneling money into it won’t get the job done…
What the media doesn’t seem to want to report is that most of us Black folks – especially the middle class – don’t agree with BLM, the Liberal media, and woke politicians. Young, wealthy white kids on twitter and the BLM mansion builders seem to be the only ones calling for taking resources away from law enforcement and weak sentencing guidelines. The perpetrators, who are mostly just kids, think of the killing and carjacking as some sort of real-life video game, and thanks to these progressive policies there are few consequences to their actions. Black citizens across Baltimore are crying out for more policing and stiffer sentences, but the woke white liberals, most of whom have never even met a black person, seem to be saying “Oh no, you poor victims… don’t know what’s best for you….you are too oppressed to follow laws “. The Black community knows that there are huge problems, stemming from broken homes, horrible schools and a lack of parenting. People moved to cities like Baltimore and Chicago for jobs during and after WWII, but these have now dried up. The only thing that is going to truly change things is private investment in factories, warehouses, and other places where unskilled people can find jobs, build a sense of pride and accomplishment, and work their way out of poverty. This is a problem that Government can’t fix, but can only mitigate through effective law enforcement, selective tax breaks, and better education. Most people would be shocked if they knew how many African Americans were in favor of a Boot Camp style intensive education and discipline program for youth – but the blue-haired kids on Twitter and the woke progressives would never let that happen because of “racism”.
God bless you in your unbiased and candid perception of the problems facing our country. If you ever decide to pursue politics you would have my vote. Folks of your mindset give me hope for the future of my children and grandchildren. Thank you.