From 3P Protect Perryman Peninsula:
As the residents of the Perryman Peninsula continue to fight to protect and preserve the Mitchell Farm, the Developer Chesapeake Real Estate Group, was given bad news this week by the State of Maryland regarding the substantial deficiencies in the Traffic Impact Study submitted in support of the 5.2 million square foot freight distribution center. “The inadequacy of this Traffic Impact Study is a prime example of why the Perryman community has been so involved over the last 4 months. We saw early on that the traffic represented in this report is inaccurate.” Said Stacy Stone, PE (professional engineer)
The 22 comments provided by the State Highway Administration showed the State did not concur with the report findings and included important issues including both existing and proposed traffic volumes appearing to be significantly low for the proposed development and insufficient measures to ensure truck traffic utilized Chelsea road and not the residential Perryman Road. Moreover, the existing traffic counts did not factor in school closings and remote work due to the COVID pandemic among other substantial deficiencies. Additionally, Harford County’s transportation group had 15 comments on the Traffic Impact Study. New existing traffic counts will need to be conducted and the entire Traffic Impact Study will need to be revised. “We believe the SHA refusal to join the project is yet another reason the Harford County Council should place a moratorium on development on the Perryman Peninsula.” Said Paul Fallace, 3P Lead. “Harford County has never overseen a project of this scale. It is inappropriate for the zoning and inappropriate for the residents with one way in and one way off the Peninsula.” He said.
The local community has been voicing opposition to the project since December 1 of 2021 when the community impact meeting was held. “We asserted then, and continue to assert today, that this proposed project is a bad deal for Harford County,” said Ron Stuchinski of Perryman. Is a $5 million profit to the County worth tainting 30% of Harford drinking water forever? We say no.” Said Stuchinski
3P Protect Perryman Peninsula has consistently opposed this project citing a broad spectrum of concerns including safe drinking water; substandard existing infrastructure and public accommodations; air, light and noise pollution emitted from existing warehouses and diesel tractor-trailers; as well as impacts to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.
I’m a perryman resident and it’s rediculas how these workers and truck drivers fly through this 35mph road.when I was a kid I rode bikes all over here now I don’t trust being in a car on these roads this was once a quiet little country corner now it’s tainted with profit greed and animal drivers .we don’t need none of this there’s more then enough traffic .how many warehouses u need in one area
My wife and I drove down Chelsea Road last Wednesday to look over some of the proposed road changes. Unfortunately, we must have been driving at shift change. While on a curvy section of the road with a double yellow line, we were passed by two cars trying to make it to work on time. And we were going at least the posted speed. A short time later we were again passed, but this time were passed on the right-hand shoulder.
What you’re describing is day to day driving behavior in this area.
There’s literally a traffic light or some other traffic control device probably every 1/2 mile road until you get a few miles north of Incorporated Bel Air.
I’ll see ass-sniffers driving on Route 40 in-between Edgewood and Aberdeen rolling +70mph/constant lane change/tail gating and 6 minutes later drive up to them stopped at a traffic signal.
This group has a good cause, but they need to stop bashing Truck Drivers. Their issue is with Developers and Politicians not the truck drivers. The whole bunch look like a bunch of busy bodies on Facebook driving around taking pictures and videos because they are gonna resolve it by attacking Truck Drivers. Of course they will not give up getting the very same products these trucks deliver. New breed of Not in My Back Yard (NIMBY) people. If they don’t like trucks then perhaps they should all get horses and buggies like the Amish. STOP BASHING HARD WORKING TRUCK DRIVERS.
If the truck driver would READ THE ROAD SIGNS and drive on road designated for tractor trailers. For instance RT 159 is a TRUCK ROUTE, not Spesutia Rd. The small bridge on Spesutia Rd was not reinforced for the weight of the tractor trailers let alone having a full load to added. So please give us a break about bashing the truck drivers. How about the truck drivers actually buying a GPS for the tractor trailers that would put them on the roads they can travel on. The google maps on their phones are for personal vehicles. HOW ABOUT THAT!!
How about all them truck drivers who get stuck every week at the end of Chelsea road by Sod Run gate trying to turn around?
Truckers? Most are professionals: engine/Jake-brake addicts need to be educated on the 24 hour noise they create, assuming they are ignorant of the rudeness