From the City of Havre de Grace:
February 9, 2022
The Mayor and City Council of Havre de Grace believe that an open and transparent government is essential to a democratic society and that elected officials should be held accountable to the citizens.
Consistent with those principles, the Mayor and City Council filed on December 8, 2021 a lawsuit in the Harford County Circuit Court against Harford County and County Council members alleging, among other things, a violation of the Maryland Open Meetings Act in connection with the adoption of the councilmanic redistricting plan reflected in Bill No. 21-025.
The Mayor and City Council filed the lawsuit because several County Council members admitted at the December 7, 2021 County Council meeting that they met in private when they rejected the bipartisan Redistricting Commission plan, which reflected the will of a majority of citizens who participated in that process – whether in person, through their elected municipal representatives, or by written communication. Instead, the County Council members chose to adopt their own plan devised in a manner that was closed to the public.
On January 27, 2022, the Circuit Court issued a memorandum opinion and order allowing the City’s case against the County defendants to proceed. In doing so, the Court recognized the merits of the City’s claim of an Open Meeting Act violation. Notwithstanding overcoming this initial threshold, however, the City recognizes that litigation is fraught with many uncertainties, risks, and costs. The City confirms that the recent voluntary dismissal of the case resulted from the “agreed upon process” referenced by the County Council members’ attorneys on social media on February 3, 2022.
While Bill No. 21-025 remains the law, the public is now aware of the flawed councilmanic redistricting process – a process that allows County Council members to reject the bipartisan Redistricting Commission plan without a formal public vote, and then reach consensus on their own redistricting plan devised through private deliberations not open to public view. This is not an example of transparent government. The Mayor and City Council encourage the citizens of Harford County to participate in reforming the redistricting process, making it more transparent and more responsive to the needs of the communities the County Council members represent.
I’m still waiting for gasoline and beef prices to fall. I thought the dementia-in–chief was supposed to fix this shit. You dumbfuck democrats will buy into anything that senile dumbass does. Prove me wrong. FJB
A national leader like Vladamir Putin, Kim Jong-un, or Xi Jinping would have this already under control. Nah, thinking I will stick to capitalism instead of death torture camps for having an individual thought or tiny spark of humanity.
Tensions are currently extremely high with the possibility of a Russian invasion into Ukraine. What are some reasons of how this situation came to be? Obviously Mr. Putin has genuine concerns regarding the the threat of NATO membership, and other strategical defense issues. For sometime he has had desires to reunite the Ukraine area with Russia as it was in the times of the USSR. I think Mr. Putin is an opportunistic bully who thanks to our “Exceptional Leader” now holds card in the big game that he never had. President Biden has proven to be a weak inept leader. A wimp on the world stage. Mr. Putin observed the weaknesses displayed by President in Afghanistan and at our own borders. Then you have “ Exceptional Joe” at the direction of the Squad and far left Green movement eliminating the energy independence of our country and ceasing the sale and export to European countries. These countries, including Germany, began purchasing their gas and energy from Russia. This strengthens their hand exponentially. One of the most important NATO countries expected to participate in intervention in the event of a Russia/Ukraine conflict is Germany.This puts them in a very precarious situation and generates legitimate concerns regarding their participation as a NATO ally. At this junctures it hard to tell if Mr. Putin is bluffing or not. The bottom line is President Biden actions appear to have potentially painted NATO in to a corner. All I can say is come on 2024.
How about Kenney, Lightfoot and, my favorite, Brandon Scott? The only difference between your three and my three is that the asshole democrat voters put these fuckers in office where they could start their own version of city sponsored death camps. Prove me wrong. FJB. More on fuel prices later.
I have to agree with you about Baltimore and their “Exceptional Leader”. The Democrats seem to have quite a few of those guys to be proud of from their vaccine mandates to their general lack of quality leadership. It is interesting that you speak about Baltimore City as it segues into my thoughts of yesterday morning. I was out early. The sun was just coming up, the clouds were clearing, and the wind was blowing briskly. I was proud to see so many people proudly flying American flags which due to wind were blowing straight out. The sun was shining on the flags making the colors very bold. I have to say it gave me a feeling of pride. Sadly my thoughts changed to the liberal forces trying to change our lives. I thought of a New York Times article which was posted on the Dagger by someone that was possibly trying to get a rise out of people. The article implied or suggested that the display of the American flags could possibly be a subtle or subliminal way of supporting white nationalism or supremacy. Really? I know that division is the number one political tactic of liberals and Democrats no matter how much lasting damage it causes. Then you have former President Obama saying that right wing extremism the was biggest threat to our country. Somebody needs to ask him how he feels about the display of American flags as it relates to that topic. Then I started to think about Mayor “Gumby” Scott suggesting that anyone who is white and concerned about the Baltimore City Homicide/Crime problem is a white supremacist. Really? People of color are by far the most impacted by homicide and crime in the city. People of color are also the the group most responsible for the commission of those crimes. Mayor Scott needs to stop making excuses and attaching unrealistic rationalization to the issues. He needs to come up with a plan not a reaction. People are needlessly and senselessly dying and all he wants is to support the Democratic game plan of division. What a tool bag!!!
When morons believe that flying our flag is a symbol of white nationalism or white supremacy, we have to realize that they are the racists and have succumbed to the idiocy of the Democratic “Not See” Party. Always remember, that flag was flying when slavery was abolished and that same flag represents freedom and honor. Who the hell dreams up this shit and how in the hell do they re-program our people to believe this shit?
Let’s go Brandon.
This is what you’re going to get for the remainder of this idiots term:
Supposedly the vaccine mandate opposition truck convoy is heading to Washington DC to exercise their Constitutionally protected right to protest. I hope Capital Police Lt. Michael Byrd won’t be working. If he is I hope that no unarmed protesters gets too close to any erected barricades located near the Capital building. He might feel the need to “save multiple lives” and take some type of action. He could very possibly feel that the DOJ and the Democrats might again have his back and justify his actions whatever they may be.
Hypocrisy at the highest level………….
Super Bowl Halftime Show
For all you folks that thought the Super Bowl was still an event perhaps worthy of uniting our population…or that the halftime show was great family entertainment….I have some stats and info for you about that particular performance:
Look up the words to the songs that were performed during halftime.
F-word 13 times,
N-word 16 times,
MF – 4 times,
P-word – 3 times,
B-word – 24 times
If this is entertainment the world is in a bad way.
What a great example of songs for our kids to learn, huh? Remember, the NFL approved everything ahead of time that was broadcast. They have turned the professional football business completely over to the thugs.
Don’t believe me?
Snoop Dogg (one of the “entertainers” performing in that halftime show) collaborated on a song in January with the following lyrics:
“All you n*****s out there
Take your guns that you using to shoot each other
And start shooting these bitch ass motherf****ing police
That’ll impress a motherf***ing n***** like me”
Aren’t we all so proud of the growing diversity we are experiencing in our culture???
And now….let’s get back to vilifying the Canadian truckers and working to cancel Joe Rogan.
Does anyone care anymore about the future of our children, grandchildren, or our Country? It is really time to OPEN YOUR EYES before it is too late.
The NFL is a fucking joke and has been ever since that asshole Goodell took over. It only exists for three main reasons:
1. Tailgating and other ways to get away and have an excuse to drink all day
2. Fantasy football. Grown-ass men engage in this stupid shit
3. Last, but not least, is gambling
Why else would anyone care about a 60 minute game that takes 3+ hours to play and only contains about 10-15 total minutes of action? FJB
Baseball is fucked. No one cares about it