From Harford County Public Schools:
Dear HCPS Community,
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have utilized the expertise and guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), and the Harford County Health Department (HCHD) to inform and guide HCPS COVID-19 safety plans. Currently, all of these organizations strongly recommend masking indoors at school, with the American Academy of Pediatrics joining that endorsement. In light of these recommendations, starting August 16th, HCPS will require all to wear masks in buildings and school buses.
Our goal is to keep schools open and to keep our students in school. The CDC has issued an exception to quarantine guidance for schools, whereby if COVID-19 protocols are followed (such as 3-feet distancing, cleaning, and ventilation improvements), and students are wearing masks, then quarantine may not be required. This is a huge support in keeping our students in school. When students are not wearing masks or are unable to distance, then they may be sent home to quarantine for 10-14 days (depending on county transmission rates). As we experienced last school year, quarantine can be extremely disruptive to learning and our goal is to reduce quarantine to keep our students in school.
Masking is not the only HCPS strategy to keep our students healthy and in school. HCPS will follow the CDC approach which, “emphasizes implementing layered prevention strategies.” This means we do not use just one approach to protect our students and staff from COVID-19, but the combination of multiple approaches, working together. Safety layers will include emphasizing staying home when sick, handwashing, cleaning, continued ventilation improvements, distancing at least 3 feet wherever possible, COVID testing of symptomatic individuals and close contacts, vaccination clinics, special mitigation strategies for high-risk activities, and response to outbreaks.
The community can help keep our students and staff in school by monitoring themselves for signs and symptoms of COVID, wearing their masks over their mouths and noses, getting the COVID-19 vaccine when/if eligible, and strictly following quarantine and isolation guidelines when ill or when identified as a close contact to someone with COVID-19.
A few reminders:
1) Stay home with any of these symptoms: Fever or chills; Cough; Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; Fatigue; Muscle or body aches; Headache; New loss of taste or smell; Sore throat; Congestion or runny nose; Nausea or vomiting; Diarrhea. If these symptoms appear, please contact your health care provider and inform the school nurse of your illness.
2) Students who are isolated due to symptoms or illness or quarantined due to close contact, must be picked up promptly from the school and cannot ride an HCPS bus.
3) The school nurse will inform all who have been identified as ‘close contact’ about potential exposure to COVID- 19 and will inform all impacted on current quarantine requirements.
4) Vaccines are available at, 410-612-1779, or Vaccinated individuals may not have to quarantine when exposed to COVID-19 unless they have symptoms of the virus.
5) All should bring a water bottle to school, as water fountains continue to be closed except for bottle filling.
6) All protocols are subject to change based on public health guidance.
Sean Bulson
Ed.D. Superintendent of Schools
Rachel Gauthier
President, Board of Education of Harford County
If you see a guy in one of the county buildings wearing a mask with a built in glory hole, that would be Bob out on the prowl…
FU Bob!
Fear is a powerful motivator. There is little scientific data that supports cloth masks being effective at all, but rather than learning to live with the virus we allow people in positions of power to act like they can stop it.
People are angrier at Americans who want to exercise personal choice, instead of being angry at the ccp for unleashing it. It’s truly a sad thing to behold.
Yup. This is a reiteration of what I have been saying since the start of this manufactured pandemic. The only thing this government wants is fear and dependency. Its ridiculous. Wow that’s a stretch….lol. Your best source???
Remember when all the major new sources told you Hunter’s laptop was Russian Disinformation… oops! Maybe you can win a trip with Hunter on his next coke fueled national security disaster trip!
Ah, typical lefty response. Attack the platform delivering the message, and not debate the facts therein.
Rumble is simply a video streaming platform WITHOUT censorship, unlike Youtube. I guess you are down with the censorship “filtering” of our current events that have been going on.
Once upon a time, to be a liberal meant you were open to all ideas and views. Now, it means you must fall in lock step with the Marxism that has shown it’s ugly head.
Sad, very sad. Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves.
Our boy did it!!! We are officially out of the sand box. I’m going to celebrate by giving HJs to the 1st 15 lucky dudes at my favorite rest stop bathroom tonight. I’ll use my tears of joy for lube.
Who cries so much about wearing a mask? Toughen up you weak bi!ches. Good Lord…..such a weak, weak, pansy society.
Agreed. Any society that believes it best to wear a mask to prevent an illness that 99%+ survive is weak minded. Any society that believes a cloth or paper mask will prevent the spread of a microscopic virus is also very weak minded. It is amazing that the fear mongers have not been called out for the complete and utter nonsense involving the COVID craze. I bet you Biden has a stake in both vaccine manufacturing and mask manufacturing. Remember, if you are facing hurricane IDA and have been forced out of your home during the emergency, for heaven’s sake wear a mask. What a total bunch of bullshit from that Delaware Dick that only a Democrat could call President.
Come on man. (Who talks like that anymore?) Joe Biden is an “exceptional leader”. He recently got praised by Michael Moore. That speaks volumes doesn’t it ? lol.
Hey ToughenUP, I got a place to shove a box of masks. Will fit in your mom’s glove compartment(if you know what I mean).
So 645,000 people have died from covid but it’s only a .05% chance so be a tough guy and walk about without a mask…cause your P hurts too bad to wear one. Great logic. What a battle you picked to fight….wearing a mask. Fkn panies. LOL. Such weak individuals…..the pussification of American continues! bye bye lemmings.
Whomever taught you the use of the English language definitely failed. 645,000 people did not die from COVID because the statistics are being manufactured through processes of FRAUD. The COVID tests themselves are inaccurate and give both a 30% false positive, as well as 30% false negative ratio from the tests. The COVID test is basically useless. The wearing of a mask is useless as well. You have more of a chance of your life coming to an end from influenza or a car crash than COVID. The vaccine is a poison which is causing deaths across this Country and the entire world. It really saddens me that the Health Care Community has signed on with the governmental treason machine and is aiding in this push of medical FRAUD to the American public. Some doctors are even claiming that every person whom has received the vaccine will be dead in 3 to 5 years from the very poison that is supposed to prevent you from getting COVID. I don’t trust the government to tell the truth about anything and now I don’t trust the Medical Community either. If you want to take the vaccine, it is your choice to do so, but don’t ridicule the next person for them choosing not to take it.
Maybe he went for the Ebonics option or his college professor was from the east side….
Your mom’s P hurts from having were taco split on Tuesday’s by dirty Mike and the boys making a soup kitchen up in her lunch box. Keep wearing your mask you clown lemming.
I don’t care about this but wait…you guys are complaining about the “english” of Tou’s post and this guy says:
“your Mom’s P”…it’s you’re moron.
and what is this…..
“from having were taco plsit on Tuesday’s”…..HAHAH. Do you have an high school education?
Yeah I “Seriously” got my high school education by splitting your mom’s V on woke Wednesdays…
I forgot a comma and misspelled balls. I guess this HCC queen is going to proofread this further…wahaha it sucks to suck, but you win at that!!
Tests are wrong…Fake news
Medical Stats are wrong…Fake news
These Doctors are wrong…Fake news
This guy who used to run the celebrity apprentice is right!!! Drink Clorox, and Bleach….He knows his stuff!!! Did he almost die from Covid…yep…but WAIT…Fake news….
how did we get this stupid as a country….SMH
The fact that you think Trump said drink bleach goes to show how inaccurate coverage can fool people…
I think you should drink bleach HCC, but only you.
Sounds like somebody still fears the Trumpster. Perhaps you have a fear of missing out on some government cheese when your savior leaves office…
Since Joe’s coke head son is the “smartest” person he knows, maybe you should get your Hunter on. You might be able to score a free laptop in the process. You might be able to get some free crack in the process. Just figured to put that out there since you like free sh!t that other people work for.
I like how you assume many things, useless banter without any substance.
Well, never know what you are really going to be dealing with when speaking to someone that got their PhD at HCC. Now go drink your bleach, I promise it will prevent the vid’.
Again you assume hcc stands for harford community college. Words spew forth from the empty vessel…
Holy Cow Cock??? You choice of words is typical of your average lib piss ant.. Now go drink your bleach
Again, you assume. Feel free to read my comments, you may find that I’m not liberal.
You are right Drumpf said to inject bleach, a much safer option over drinking it!
Trumps actual comment referring to the use of uv light to disinfect the blood. The fact that you fell for the hysteria shows how easily you are led by your masters. Headline readers are forever the sheep…
“A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light, and I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. (To Bryan) And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?”
“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful.”
“And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside…” What is the disinfectant? Oh yes, bleach.
That’s the state of the left for you, twisting any word to force it to be what they want it to mean.
The racism of the left has been on full display for years, their results speak for themselves. Voting Democrat is an illness, with little hope for a cure.
No.SMH, you’re an idiot. The tests are giving both false positive and false negative results 30%+ of the time. The Medical stats are completely false and the processes used for totaling both COVID patients and Deaths are completely inaccurate. The former Vice President of Pfizer even came out and admitted that the vaccines are useless and the government is not telling the truth about anything involving COVID. There is a reason the CDC stopped keeping influenza statistics and they themselves even said they are consolidating influenza statistics with COVID statistics. The CDC has lied about other antiviral treatments that can fight off COVID in order to promote the CDC’s own antiviral drug, which makes the CDC and Anthony Fauci money. The CDC has over reached the authority that statutory law gifted them and that same statutory law is illegal and unconstitutional, due to governmental over reach. The school boards act like they have some sort of medical authority, which they don’t, are illegally and unconstitutionally forcing children to wear masks in school when those same children have virtually no effects on the majority of the children. When did the school boards get medical degrees? Name on other instance when the CDC has had the authority they are receiving right now. Name on other sickness, even the common cold, that has mutated this many times this quickly. You can’t because even COVID isn’t mutating this rapidly. The truth is the vaccines are poison and the vaccines are the variants. I respect your decision to get vaccinated and you need to respect those whom choose not to take the vaccine. This is America and here we have this thing called freedom. Freedom allows me to choose not to take an experimental vaccine, especially one where the FDA has stamped their treasonous name on it in such a little amount of time. I find it ironic that the FDA can approve this ridiculous vaccine in just over a year, but says they still need research on marijuana before they can remove it from the fraudulent CDS Schedule. Everything we are witnessing is a complete shit show and our government along with their bought media is nothing but TREASON.
Can you cite any reputable sources to back up any of this “information”?
Yeah, it’s called One America News and it stands by its reporting 100%. This is why they didn’t back down from the deep state and continues to let the “My Pillow Guy” utilize his freedom of speech which is being bottle up by the Main Stream. They don’t care about lawsuits because all of their reporting is backed up by their sources, both verbally and written, which they submit to the courts and have the lawsuits dropped. If you want the truth watch One America News…
OAN? Seriously? Lol Aren’t you the guy defending child porn in another comment section? OAN SMH
No. I am the guy who is speaking out against government over reach and the breaking of the Supreme Law of the Land. When a government employee spies on a firewalled computer located in the privacy of one’s home, that government employee has committed TREASON and whether you are an R or a D, you should be held to account for committing TREASON. There is no legitimate reason to do such a thing for someone downloading and watching ANY video off of the internet, which is the public domain. You can take your supposed morality and shove it straight up your backside….TRAITOR.
Coming to a school near you
So nice knowing I can wear a mask that filters to 5 Microns for a virus that is 1 Micron. It’s like putting up rabbit wire to keep out house flies…
Tests are wrong…Fake news
Medical Stats are wrong…Fake news
These Doctors are wrong…Fake news
This guy who used to run the celebrity apprentice is right!!! Drink Clorox, and Bleach….He knows his stuff!!! Did he almost die from Covid…yep…but WAIT…Fake news….
how did we get this stupid as a country….SMH
You are a moron. The tests are and have been delivering both false positive and false negative results from the beginning. 30% False Positives. 30% False Negatives. That means 40% accuracy involving the test. The medical stats are completely FALSE. The CDC themselves posted to their website that they were no longer counting the flu stats and were instead contributing the stats to COVID-19, which has since been removed from their website. This was in 2019 when COVID was serious. Who knows what they are doing now, but why would you trust them after that? The doctors are intentionally misleading people with false facts and guidelines and that includes the masks. Masks don’t work. They may aid in prevention of an infected person from spreading COVID, but will NOT prevent you from getting it. I question whether or not they aid in anything except governmental control. If you think a paper or cloth mask is going to protect you from a microscopic parasite then you are a moron. Trump never said anything about drinking bleach and only a Democratic idiot believes that nonsense. He didn’t almost die from COVID and I think he had symptoms for like 3 days. Once again, you’re an idiot spreading the fake news propaganda of the Democratic “Not See” Party and our enemies who they work for. You can keep spreading the false narrative of traitors and thieves all you want, but people whom think for themselves and see thru your idiocy will never believe you….
Says the guy who defends pedophiles. Post under your real name you pathetic little loser. You know damn well you wouldn’t have the backbone to make any of these statements or call anyone names to their face. Soulcrusher you probably still like mommy changing and bathing you, gives you a tiny chubby. How is mom?
No. I defend people from the illegal and unconstitutional spying conducted by terrorists claiming to be the law. Now, Colon, I would have no problem calling you a moron to your face because you are a little bitch. As for the rest of your jibber jabber, you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about. I have to take of Mom. Not the other way around. I guess you Democrats like picking on old ladies that have problems with dementia, but I should’ve know that a soulless little bitch, like you, would stoop to whatever low to get a jab in. TRAITOR….
Use your real name, you pathetic little pedo.
Why? Please give me or any other person whom frequents the Dagger a legitimate reason to use their REAL name when discussing issues with YOU….What is your intention? Do you intend to do harm to others? Are you attempting to politically persecute people for using their freedom of speech? Why is it that you want for me or anyone else to use their REAL name?
No article about the Paca name being canceled? I say hooray… onto each and every school board member to see their lineage…whether slavery of criminal association we must investigate all …see what their association to unsavory history is….and conceal them. To only consider slavery ownership is not enough and appears racist…we must consider if their families traded or profited in any way with slave states of if they benefited from Jim Crow in any way.
Cancel all of them…!!!