From Del. Mike Griffith:
Recently, Harford County Public Schools proposed an online-learning only plan, in combination with ‘virtual learning centers’. I would like to offer an alternative hybrid plan. First, though, here are the issues that the current HCPS plan poses to our community data breach compensation.
• It potentially disenfranchises single parent households. Many of these families will now be faced with a very difficult choice: (1) do I go to work and have my child stay home for e-learning, (2) do I send my child to the virtual learning centers, which could be especially difficult depending on their age and education need, or (3) do I quit my job and do my best to help my child navigate the e-learning?
• Two income households are facing similar challenges, and will have to decide if one parent is willing to quit their job (and drastically reduce the total income) in order to supervise their child.
• It potentially puts many children and their families at risk by jeopardizing food security for children in low income families throughout the county. Many families, just like when I was a child and relied on a free breakfast and lunch with HCPS, rely on this resource and don’t have the ability to make an extra trip to the proposed food-pickup location.
• Our teachers and school administrators are often the ones on the front lines who identify sexual or domestic abuse a student is experiencing at home. This happens through getting to know the affected child and by becoming a trusted adult figure in that child’s life. This trust is very difficult to establish virtually. An all-virtual learning environment may increase the likelihood that many children who are being sexually or domestically abused could go unnoticed.
• It is vitally important to consider the irreparable damage and crucial time lost for the IEP students, most notably our special needs students, many of whom have already suffered significant developmental regression in the spring and summer. A virtual learning environment, especially for our special needs students, is essentially useless and will negatively impact these children for the rest of their lives. Special needs children will face a significant regression in mental and social development, if they’re not able to get the face-to-face interaction that is required by the IEPs. In full disclosure: I am not only advocating for the over 5,000 students with IEPs in Harford County Public Schools, but I am also the father of a special needs child and the husband of a mother trying to figure out how we are going to help our son through this.
• I’ve also learned of an alarming amount of families who have decided to pull their children out of HCPS for a variety of alternative reasons. If this comes to pass, this will have a devastating effect on the 2021-2022 HCPS budget, since in Maryland the school funding dollars follow the child.
I would like to propose an alternative learning structure that would help mitigate the above problems. In my proposal, I emphasize choice, for parents and teachers alike. I am proposing a reconfiguration of our current learning environments and classroom space that prioritizes children who are most likely to struggle in an e-learning environment.
• Students 7-12 grade are typically more mature and independent. They can not only stay at home alone, but they are generally able to navigate the virtual learning centers with minimal supervision. I am proposing that all 7-12 graders go to a 100% virtual learning model with the following exceptions: special needs children, children with certain IEPs, and children taking certain hands-on technical classes. This frees up significant space in our public schools, which would allow for the redistribution of classes.
• For the parents who choose or need their children to go to school: First, we would relocate our fifth and sixth grade students to the classrooms in high schools across the county.
• Second, we would relocate our third and fourth grade students to the classrooms in middle schools across the county.
• Third, we would relocate our Kindergarten through second grade students to the classrooms in elementary schools across the county.
This would significantly reduce density in each of those grades in each of those buildings, allowing us to social distance, while educating in-person as these students so desperately need. For any parent who would rather choose the virtual learning option, they would have the full choice to do so. Special needs students whose parents prefer they study from home would be given additional options to make sure their IEPs could be fulfilled.
In regards to staffing these redistributed classrooms, we would give our teachers choice. Teachers who may be vulnerable to COVID19 or who do not feel safe teaching in person could choose to teach virtual classes. Teachers who are not vulnerable, or who want to teach in person would be able to choose to do so. Organizing this will take heavy lifting and compromise by many of the stakeholders.
Finally, I want to address school bus transportation in my proposal. I propose a bus schedule that mirrors the pre-COVID19 bus schedule.
• Elementary schools would stay on the elementary school schedule
• Middle schools would stay on the middle school schedule
• High schools would stay on the high school schedule.
HCPS, after receiving the data on which students are enrolling for classrooms and which are enrolling online, could develop new bus routes that encapsulate the need. I am sure that this plan can be improved, and I am calling on all stakeholders to join me in a collaborative process to properly vet this plan and see if this is a feasible alternative to 100% virtual learning plan. Our teachers are essential. This urging to consider this proposal is nothing but a compliment to and recognition of the value of our educators and how essential they are. I hope our educators take this proposal as the high praise that it is.
As always, if you have questions, please feel free to reach out to me via email at
Thank you.
Delegate Mike Griffith
Delegate Griffith. A flaw I see is mixing fifth and sixth grade students with the more mature students. That’s asking for sexual situations the schools have struggled with. In stead of glorifying your self with an opinion in a newspaper, you need to sit down with the people who do this for a living.
You stated that “Students 7-12 grade are typically more mature and independent. They can not only stay at home alone, but they are generally able to navigate the virtual learning centers with minimal supervision.”
I can tell you categorically that this is not true. I was in education for 40 years and I know that 7-12 are even more likely to only not be able to “navigate the virtual learning centers with minimal supervision” but are, in fact, more likely to cause problems for themselves or the community.
However, I give you points for thinking of this Pandemic as life threatening and the worse medical crisis in a century. Better home than dead!
Gary you are absolutely correct. 7-12th are also the most likely to fall behind and suffer. It’s difficult for most parents to teach and support their children with higher level classes.
Why are you making changes to a system that is not broken. The science says that children are better equipped than adults against the virus and that the likelihood of them carry the virus is relatively negative. We should have never shut down the schools! Sweden did not shut down at all and they’re doing very well. Most of Europe is reopen along with their schools.
So reopen the schools and please tell the teachers that they’re are essential employees. I am an Over the Road Truck Driver!
So you spend you days alone in a truck??? Sure…I can see where that’s similar to teachers spending their days surrounded by kids who are coughing and sneezing and picking their noses. Sweden didn’t shut down, but they didn’t have a%$$holes flipping out about how wearing a mask meant the second coming of the third reich.
Especially in Harford County……Where the parents received a mediocre education in the HCPS.
Home than dead? You have been watching too much CNN or MSNBC! Check the science! I live the science! I have been on the road since day one of the virus! No epidemic on the road………………truck drivers are not falling over dead are they?
Neither are Health Care Workers…..If this is so deadly why don’t we have a huge influx of health care worker fatalities? Don’t tell me PPE because we know dam well even the most diligent persons cut corners and the statistics simply don’t bear witness to what were being told.
@ Truth Be Told:
Health Care Workers have been dying, it just isn’t widely publicized as much as other things have been in the news.
Let’s also put this into perspective: modern hospitals also have very advanced air flow systems set up to be able to scrub particles out of the air, and ICU units are each on their own systems. How many people do health care workers see at a hospital during the day and for how long are they in contact with said people? How often do they change out of their PPE?
Teachers, on the other hand, are working in buildings that are not properly ventilated, and depending on the level, with 30+ kids for 6 hours a day at elementary to 90+ kids each day if middle school/high school. Teachers, paraeducators, etc., are in contact with children for far longer than most other jobs. And it still hasn’t been addressed at most schools what PPE would have been provided, and such.
Unless you yourself are willing to do the job that teachers do, then with all due respect, quit criticizing. Try to offer solutions like Mike Griffith has instead of ‘just open up.’
Sign me up….If the teachers and staff are so unwilling to do their jobs then Yes I am more than willing to take their job from them. I have over 30+ years in the Engineering field and I am sure I can figure out how to teach the youth of today.
Your arguments are unfounded. Here is why. We can safely open Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, and a plethora of other goods and services by implementing measures to do so, but when it comes to providing education its not possible. Private schools are opening. How have they figured out, but the Public School System can not?
Where are the kids today? They are running around outside in packs sitting shoulder to shoulder trying to be as normal as possible. They are interacting with each other in their neighborhoods. Where is the huge influx of youth cases? Most of them don’t have a mask or anything else to protect them. Are we having a huge case of dying youths that the media isn’t reporting? We could use that logic as you have for health care workers. The fact is the cases are in the Older Community and largely in Nursing Homes. How about we focus our attention there if we would like to curb the death rate instead of on BS agendas like insisting we cant open schools safely.
There are ways to do this safely. The Unions and the school administration is choosing to not explore those avenues. Why? Because they prefer the status quo.
Keeping the country shut down for the next 2 or 3 years is not acceptable. We either choose to live with this thing, or we do’nt. If the schools will not peform their paid function then defund them and send the dollars back to the taxpayer who can then figure out a working solution for themselves and their kids.
Here you go truth be told. Since. you have a degree the pay is $14/hour no benefits.
And kids are the biggest losers in this. American kids can’t afford to be 2 years behind kids in the rest of the world; not if the US expects to be a competitive nation. To avoid that wealthier parents are organizing home schooling and hiring teachers to teach smaller groups outside the public school setting. Keep it up teachers and you’ll find out half the families out there will decide that home schooling described by the teacher’s unions as being the end of the world is a better option than public schools.
We do….
Truck drivers also aren’t packed in their cab with 30 other people and poor ventilation most of the day either.
Here is an example of why HCPS doesn’t work. Experts like this one.
@Truth Be Told:
“Your arguments are unfounded. Here is why. We can safely open Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, and a plethora of other goods and services by implementing measures to do so, but when it comes to providing education its not possible. Private schools are opening. How have they figured out, but the Public School System can not? ”
For an engineer, you sure are arrogant, and it is apparent that you haven’t bothered to do any research into this county at all. Have you read the CDC guidelines? Six feet distance between each person means 113 sq ft per person.
Here is some data for you:
Walmart in Aberdeen: approx 157,000 sq ft. No more than 200 people allowed in the store at a time, not including the ones that work there. If we assume 50 workers, and pretend that there is no merchandise or furniture in there, that is about 628 sq ft allowed per person. Add in all the shelving and merchandise, and that extra sq.ft. from that 628 drops sharply. Walmart, as do other big box stores has the $$$$ to be able to supply PPE, clean, etc.
Home Depot in Bel Air: 105,000 sq. ft. No more than 100 people allowed in the store at a time
Lowes in Constant Friendship: 116,000 sq ft. No more than 120 people allowed in the store at a time.
Other stores that are smaller have posted on the entrance no more than a certain number of customers allowed in at a time. Some smaller businesses have now added a Covid surcharge, to cover the cost of PPE and disinfectants in order to stay in business.
Customers also don’t spend 6-7 hours in one store, do they? These social distancing measures are in place to protect EVERYBODY, including the workers.
Private schools can figure it out because they have less people, they know that if they don’t open up, parents will not pay tuition, and their goes that school.
Public schools have to serve EVERYBODY, and yet, time and time again, when the question was asked what was being done to protect their workers…….silence…..
Fallston High school: 240,000 sq. ft. 974 enrollment (2019 – 2020) 52 class teachers. Assuming no furniture, that’s 233 sq ft per person. Sounds good? Not until you realize that that’s the total area of the school, and includes areas that are not used for classrooms.
Bel Air High school: 226,000 sq.ft, 1,559 enrollment (2019 – 2020) 79 class teachers. Again, assuming no furniture, that’s now 138 sq.ft. per person.
Now these ‘customers’ (students) are in the same building for 6-7 hours per day, and in some of the schools in the county, in places where the air flow is not good. Same with their workers. If the bigger box stores have a hard enough time getting adults to follow simple directions in order to use their business, do you really think teachers and staff are going to have any better luck with teenagers, middle schoolers, or elementary kids, especially when their attitudes mirror their parents in this county?
I’m willing to bet that if you did have kids, and schools were to open up fully, that you’d be the first in line to sue the county if your child got sick, even with all of the CDC guidelines in place.
Are you, Mr./Mrs. Engineer, going to personally pay for all the space needed to be able to safely open all of the schools back up? Are you going to help pay for all of the PPE that the workers and the students will need in order to safely go to school?
Of course they won’t pay for any of that… truth is – “Truth be Told” is just a moronic blowhard who can’t be bothered with actual facts and certainly cares more about themselves than the well being of the youth in the county.
written by the imitator, not the originator.
Stop trying to confuse people, imitator.
Keep trying to imitate people, confuser.
Written by the imitatior, not the original.
It’s the originator, moron. Not the Original…get it right or don’t get it at all.
No, it’s not “the originator”, it’s “the original”. You obviously can’t get it right, so don’t even try.
No, Son. I typed it right, you got issues. The saying “This was done by the imitator, not the originator”. Been using it right here on the Dagger ever since you started infatuating over me. I really own you. Have we ever met? Or is this an internet crush you just can’t seem to get over? Whatever, do what you want. Moron.
Turn it around…I see how you did that. No one is buying it. You’re a fraud and a traitor. You’re not the original OR the originator. You’re just an idiot who has nothing better to do than follow my every word. I thought you said you were done with your schoolgirl crush on me? I knew it wouldn’t be long until you started following me again. You’re just queer like that. Idiot
I’m not turning it it around, YOU’RE turning it around! You will not succeed! I’ve been using that moniker since day one! You’re nothing but a fraud and a liar! You and your demotraitors…you condemn but then you follow and try to be exactly like what you are condemning! What’s wrong? Running out of things to do in mommy’s basment???
Moniker Theft!
Moniker Theft!!
I’m going to have to give it up … I can’t handle this anymore.
When will it ever end!
I still have a toy car in my rectum should I be concerned?
The funniest thing about this is that SoulCrusher actually believes people are doing this because they admire him and want to emulate him, when in fact they are mocking him and just eghing him on to watch his frustration!!
You “posted” 5 times in response to my last comment. You can’t wait for my next comment. Do you go to bed at night waiting for my next comment? Look, I own you and I’m so far in your head that you can’t exist without me. You got some serious issues going on upstairs. You need to get some help…
I been boofing hand sanitizer and percocets for 4 days what I miss?
Another incredibly stupid comment by my imitator.
I’m starting to believe that the first person who called himself “SoulCrusher” is at the same time actually the guy pretending to be an imposter. He may even be more than one “imposter”. I think he’s doing it just to make the claim that other people want to be like him, etc. He’s obviously a narcissist, so that would definitely be in line with this kind of behavior.
First, the mere fact that you and all your multiple personalities is using my screen name, which is a song title, is enough for anyone to know who the imitator really is. Look dude, you are an A1 Nut Farmer. Read what you just typed. If any of it makes sense to you please dial 911 and ask for an emergency evaluation because you’ve done lost your mind.
Uh-huh. That would be YOU using MY screen name. Again, nice try. Traitor.
Yawn. Name the act of treason committed by me for you using the alias that I have used on the Dagger for the last decade. I’ll check this page again when I wake up to see the supposed act of treason I committed.
Your disregard for abiding by the laws of this nation, your encouragement that others disregard the authority granted in the Constitution, the promotion of anarchy, your use of threats against law abiding citizens. Your actions are treasonous, and you are a traitor to our nation!!
Sorry, that’s not even close. I disregard unconstitutional law that doesn’t exist and is enforced by traitors whom are in violation of their oaths. The mere fact that the politicians you say rule us made these laws without proper authority makes those politicians traitors as well. There is no Constitutional Authority to regulate the behavior of people ordained to either the Federal or State governments. We are beholden to COMMON LAW and if there is no victim there is no crime. If there is no damage or loss, there is no crime. That’s the law and to stray from it is treason, asshole. Since we are ruled by COMMON LAW, there is no Anarchy because the COMMON LAW prevents that from occurring. I don’t threaten law abiding citizens because any citizen I had to threaten did not obey the law, moron. I’ve never committed treason and that’s just the way it is because I love my Country, but I hate the treasonous government that the Democratic Traitors Against the United States have used to defraud me and my people of our rights. Your government is NOT my government. Your government is a corporation whose employees have violated their oaths and are in breach of the Constitutional contract. My government is that of a Constitutional Republic and that is the only government I answer to. You’re are a traitor, not me, because you believe in the illegally incorporated government of terrorism and treason. I am a PATRIOT because I believe in the TRUE government and I will not obey a corporation of traitors like you. Now, we all know you are the same scumbag that has harassed me for years on here and you and I went back and forth for over a month not very long ago. If I am so unimportant to you, then why do you stalk my every comment. If I am nothing but a joke to you, why do you wake up in the morning to just see what I wrote? I own you head. I own your mind. I own your Soul. Be careful, you might get crushed by just reading the words I type, traitor….
Isn’t it ironic that for all those years Harford County screwed teachers out of pay raises, including step increases, and now they are crying about how vitally important teachers are?
And all those parents who for years fought against teacher pay increases, who voted for the people who promised to not raise taxes in order to fund the schools….tough luck! Schools are now closed. Now you can pay for private school and see how much “bang for the buck” you can get from them, like you got out of HCPS. Or you can watch your kids fall behind those who can afford private school because you voted to under fund you own child’s education. Kids with IEP’S? NOW you’re going to consider them???? TOO LATE! You should have thought about them when it was time to pay the costs to help them. There’s always a time to pay the piper…and now the piper is calling.
Don’t get me wrong…I’m not letting HCPS off the hook. They also treated their teachers like s&%$ for so many years. No excuse, HCPS….you owe these children an education, and there are no excuses for you ineptitude. You held teachers to standards while under funding their classrooms so you could pay six figures to the Supervisor of Supervisory Supervision. “We’re doing what we can” is not good enough. You OWE THESE KIDS A WORLD CLASS EDUCATION. And there is NO EXCUSE for the garbage that you tried to pass off as “learning” this past spring. Do you accept that kind of BS work from your teachers? NO. You hold them accountable. NO EXCUSES is what you tell them. So you have NO EXCUSE! You want everyone to believe that you are as competent as any private school? Then deliver what private schools deliver. If you don’t or you can’t, then you are second rate. Period.
‘Deliver what the private schools can.’
You do realize that private schools get to pick and choose what students that they take, right? They don’t have to take students with IEP’s, unless they deem that they can handle those IEP’s. If they can’t, too bad, they don’t have to accept that student. Parents that can afford to send their children to a private school or charter school will. Those that can’t have the choice of either homeschooling or public school. Private schools also don’t have to deal with all the standardized testing that public schools; and, dirty little secret – if they do accept the federal funding that would ‘follow’ the student from public school to the private school, that private school then must also submit itself to the standardized testing. (We then would truly find out if those private school students really are better than public, but that is a question for another time.)
Due to a combination of a county that views its teachers as expendable and a county government that for years underfunded the budget, Harford County is a county that teachers go to as last resort. You got what you wanted, and now you are all whining because you got what you wanted – mostly young, inexperienced teachers who are cheap and you think, easily replaceable. Yet, there were many schools that still did not have a certified teacher at the start of the school year. You expect the Ruth Chris education experience for students, yet want to only pay for the McDonald’s price, and are upset when those inexperienced teachers do the best with what they have access to, and the limited support of the parents, to offer an Outback experience for the students who do want to learn.
For all of the parents that are whining about it’s all about the teachers, are you ready to step up to the plate when your child’s teacher gets ill? We already have a sub shortage in some of our schools, and teachers have that easy job, right? Oh wait, you mean it’s too hard to keep telling children to not lick their hands, running around trying to touch each other? Or follow the sub plans because you, yourself never really could be bothered to listen and pay attention when you were in school? You don’t want to sub in for your physics teacher because you’d have to admit that these teenagers might know more than you do?
At least Mike Griffith is the first person that I have seen, publicly, offer a solution that potentially could work. It still needs some tweaking, such as how often things would be disinfected, who does the disinfecting, who is funding the PPE, etc. But at least he is trying.
For those of you that think teachers are sitting on their butts, at home, doing nothing, then why aren’t you going back to school to become a teacher? Most of the teachers that I know have been spending their summers, looking at what they teach, and are figuring out how to now teach virtually, synchronous learning from home, and making it work, despite having kids of their own.
Multiple studies show that kids are the least likely to get it & the least likely to spread it. Shutting down schools isn’t about the kids – it’s entirely about the Teachers Union and educational system employees who would rather be at home getting paid.
I’m betting you can’t find a study that is reputable that says that.
Here’s one…please read. I can link you about a thousand reports just like this one.
You are seriously posting anecdotal articles with no science? LOL go for it. Read the article carefully just the first few sentences…..
growing body of research suggests …. SUGGESTS?
could be a manageable problem….. COULD BE?
evidence suggests…. SUGGESTS?
If confirmed….. IF?
How about an article that says kids don’t get sick or pass it on… here is the scientific data.
You are discounting the biggest unknown… what is kids aren’t getting it because they are not in school?
There are references to multiple studies in the article if you bothered reading as well as quotes from various professors who are experts. Those aren’t anecdotes brain trust.
I read them all they are all anecdotal and not one scientific. I’m sorry if your reading skills do not let you recognize this. Jesus one of the studies is from May 4. How do you do a comprehensive study on a new virus after 40 days including time for data collection? You might want to work on your reading skills, the information is there you just aren’t getting it.
Continue to put your fingers in your ears. I assume you must be a teacher reveling in your year-long paid vacation.
Oh for christ sake the entire study is from countries that have the infection under control and are doing everything the science recommends. None of which has been adopted in this country. You should read more than the headlines it makes you look stupid.
You’re a moron. The children aren’t the one getting others infected because they have been kept under quarantine, while their parents had to go to work or go shopping. If the parent is the one exposed to the public then it is no wonder the parent is the one who gets it and transmits it to others, including their children. How many children do you see shopping for food? How many parents do you see shopping for food? Alas, I still see people with their children in Walmart and the Grocery Store, but I was assuming they brought them because they had no one to watch them…..Just for the record, the only people I have seen in Walmart or the Grocery Store not wearing masks are children and the occasional idiot that believes they can pull their mask down while we all are wearing them. This pisses me off. I don’t really believe in the mask thing, but if I gotta wear it to be in the store, you better believe your dumb ass better be wearing it too.
How do students social distance on a school bus? North Harford High school and Middle school ride the same buses. Will he buses be disinfectant after every trip? Who pays for that? How do you propose to protect bus drivers?
Also you totally didn’t address testing. We know there will be positive students, do the schools close down for a cleaning with every positive test? How often are the staff and students going to be tested and how long for the results?
I see many dangerous flaws in your proposal so will just start with the biggies.
I am glad that Harford County hired a highly paid PHD to run its school system because he has been incapable of coming up with an alternative plan such as this. A plan that makes more sense and gets kids back to school where they belong. Of course the head of the school system and the teachers union will come up with a dozen excuses why this would not be feasible.
As for this family we will remove our students from the Public School system that is largely inept.
Awesome! That’s one less whiney, selfish, entitled parent they have to deal.with!
Don’t let the door hit on the way out!!
buh bye don’t let the gym door hit you on the ass as you leave.
Until one class is the Florida Marlins!!!! Major League Baseball screwed up in 72 hours and they have each player tested every day!!!
All these players MUST be tested for herpes!
My son lost his private parts due to a sexual disease.
Asking all of you so called experts who take national data and say children don’t get Covid 19 as much as adult. Yet forget the states that have high cases. Here is a study of data that is being made available as of July 20th.. I have no ideal how much is hidden cause certain people want the schools to open. Pay close attention to the dark blue states, cause that is what MD and Harford County will look like if we abandon the steps taken and open schools.
Nobody said the kids don’t get it as much. Only they don’t die from it anywhere near as much and in most cases it flies thru them like the common cold. The teachers would be by far at a greater risk than the children and they should wear masks and use hand sanitizer. It’s what Walmart does and they have remained open thru the entire pandemic. The teachers would be as safe as any Walmart or Grocery Store clerk in this nation. Why is that so hard to comprehend? Kids need to be in school to develop social skills and learn. Kids need to be in school so their parents can go back to work. Teachers need to be back in schools so they can teach. See the pattern here?
Yea, right….
And ask those students are going to be respectful and follow ask the safety guidelines without giving the teachers any issues… right…? Just like you were respectful to that teacher you assaulted, McCarty…?
I didn’t assault him. Notice those charges were dropped. There was no court date. There was no disposition. The fact is probably more than 50 students saw him lay hands on me before he was pushed away, his back hitting the lockers. He then proceeded to press his chin in my chest, so I proceeded to push him back into the lockers. After this was repeated about 10 times, the principal came around the corner and he then acted like he never touched me. However, not only the students, but another teacher told the truth and in the end there was no court case. no nothing. I did get suspended for 3 days by James Thurber never laid his hands on me or any other student again. End of story….
SoulCrusher! It took you a while to jump in on this subject. I thought maybe you got yourself arrested again! Well, I shouldn’t assume…maybe you did but you’re out on bail.
Actually, I was working in a machine shop in Jessup, MD. I have been for the past 3 weeks. However, I will complete the task tomorrow and then I will be laid off until they need me again. I work too fast because when I do work I put everything I got into it and I made my 12,000 pieces as fast as I could. Just punching holes in sensor housings. Kinda boring and monotonous, but a friend asked me to do it because no one else would….
I…I am slightly stunned and pleasantly surprised to say I completely agree with Mr. Crusher here.
I Am amassed. It sounds like Soul is arguing with himself. All the above answers have Soul Crusher says.
Except for Sword of Light comment.
I adore you, Gordon. I always have. You are a beautiful Soul. Very cute
Just an imitator trying to get people like you confused Gordon. I chimed in first and then the imitator decided to try and ruin the message. However, I’m sure you agree with my imitator and believe that keeping the schools shut down and preventing parents from getting back to work is the best thing for the Democrat party. The question is what is BEST for our nation and I just don’t think keeping it shut down is the proper thing. Unfortunately, all over the internet people are being attacked by the Democratic Traitors Against America by people just like my imitator and I’m sure you approve of that as well….
Another imitator! Just trying to confuse Celeste who was confused by an imitator trying to confuse Gordon by trying to pretend to be an imitator. I am the original SoulCrusher, and they are traitors acting on their traitorous impulses! Except no others but the original crusher of souls!!
Moniker Theft!
Moniker Theft, I say!!
If these imitators don’t stop using my moniker to confuse people, I’ll have to hunt them down and Shove my first down their throats!
There’s only one Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls, and that’s me!
The comment at 3:45 pm and the comment at 5:28pm were both done by the imitator. There’s only one Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls so shut your mouth and know your role, boy! I AM THE ONE, I”VE ALWAYS BEEN THE ONE, I”LL ALWAYS BE THE ONE AND THAT IS FINAL….moron.
Come on now, you guys! You’re stealing my moniker! And the moniker that I use on this anonymous comment thread on this obscure small town internet bulletin board is all I have to prop up my fragile ego caused by my physical and emotional inadequacies! I HAVE to be SoulCrusher! Telling myself that I can crush random anonymous people’s souls makes me feel powerful in the face of great personal failures! I’m a middle aged man with no wife who lives in his mommy’s basement and steals her social security checks to pay for internet access, memberships on websites that end with “hub”, and pizza and Chinese food delivery! I’m a nobody without my online identity! Well, ok…I’m a nobody with it, but I need it to pretend I’m someone special! So please stop, ok guys? Please? Don’t take away my moniker…it’s all I have in this world!
You’re just a DemoTraitor working with Gordon and his goons. All over the internet, people who don’t agree with the TREASON of the Democrat Party are being attacked by Democratic Scum. In the past two weeks, my Facebook account has been hacked from Democratic Traitors in New Jersey TWICE! I don’t even put anything important on that account, but I do spar with some friends over politics and I have people I’ve known since childhood connected to that account. The sheer hatred I have been shown just because I think Biden is an incompetent moron and that Trump is the best man for the job is overwhelming. I’m not an R or a D, but I think Trump has done a good job until this COVID-19 BS and I think his one flaw is that he let the DEMOCRATIC controlled CDC influence his decisions and shut down the Country ruining the economy. Then came the exploitation of false racial police encounters creating riots, looting and the burning of our countries cities by the Democratic Traitors involving BLM and ANTIFA. You Democratic Traitors make me sick and you would destroy our entire nation just so you can instill your treason into our government even further. The Democrats will NOT be satisfied until their Fascism has taken over this country and every one is subjugated to the Democrat Party. Then I got this moron on here trying to be the SoulCrusher. Son, if you feel the need to imitate, go ahead. Use the “moniker”. Do what you gotta do. However, this will not change a damn thing about what I do because you can’t control me. I own you as you can do nothing but think about this one guy on the internet and can’t wait to see what I’ve typed next.
COVID has been way less risky for kids than the flu – we don’t shut down schools for that.
I’m sure the kids that have died from it totally agree with you…..
Sure…all like 5 of them in a country of 300 million. Drama much?
But we are shutting them down for Covid. Tough luck.
Teachers just want to stay home, ask for pay raises, complain about benefits, and do as little as possible. The teachers union doesn’t care about your kids and they sure as crap don’t have your kids best interest in mind.
I sincerely hope you believe this, and I hope it fills you with anger and resentment.
Enjoy it!
Here comes another out break of infection. Cause unknown. Could it be coming from the meat processing plants with their high Covid 19 infections. Now the parents can worry if the food will make their children sick. Guess we can then blame the teachers, the union and the cooks.
Guess what Gordon? The numbers of those infected are on the rise, but the number of people actually dying from COVID-19 are declining. That’s because it is NOT nor ever was the 100 year pandemic as proclaimed by the Democratic Traitor Against the Unite States, Doctor Anthony Fauci. The Democrats have been murdering people since day 1 of the Coronavirus outbreak and blaming it all on Trump. Groups of Doctors have come forward claiming Coronavirus isn’t what the media and the Democratic Party claim it to be, yet that message was scrubbed off of Google because the Democratic Traitors have bought off Google as well. I’ve got news for you DemoTraitors! If you think Joe Biden winning the next election will bring law and order back to this nation, you are wrong. You scumbag traitors have created a monster and you can’t control monsters. ANTIFA and BLM will never stop their Chaotic Madness because they are actually being funded by foreign nations and religions, mainly of Islamic origin. You turds screwed the pooch and jabberwocky Joe will never be able to settle things down. Count on it…
Just for the record, only 55 million more people to go until the Coronavirus has infected as many people as the Swine Flu epidemic of 2009. When did Barack Obama shut down the Country? When did Barack Obama issue a mask mandate? He never did and that is because you don’t beat viruses like the Coronavirus using a mass quarantine of healthy people. You beat it by quarantining the sick and allowing the public to develop the natural immunity to viruses that God gifted to us.
And you know who to quarantine because you have effective testing and tracing, something trump wants less of. H1N1 killed 150,000 in the entire world over the course of 1 year. trump has killed 150,000 Americans in 5 months and we still have a pool of 340,000,000 potential victims. We will never reach herd immunity because people won’t get vaccinated and antibodies are not lasting. The trump virus will be the new AIDS of America. MAGA
Trump didn’t kill anybody. The Coronavirus did. He did his best to prevent it from coming to this country and you guys condemned that. The last time I checked, this virus emerged from China. How does that make it the Trump virus? you got some serious shit going on upstairs…
I will agree with you. ” He did his best”. Unfortunately his best will be 500,000 people losing their lives that didn’t need to.
You can’t combat a pandemic with magical thinking.
If 500,000 American lose their lives then you can make that statement. Until then it’s pure conjecture. I thought you moniker is “Just the facts”? If so, then why are you substituting conjecture for facts? You got 350,000 people to go until we reach that death toll you’re pushing. I know you are hoping for it to make it that far, but remember, the death count is NOT correct and the number of people whom have been infected and have recovered is NOT correct. There is the possibility of millions of Americans already having the virus and have already recovered thinking it was nothing but a common cold or the flu. Some are asymptomatic and the virus just doesn’t effect them. I think you instilling false facts and the numbers you state are just imaginary until those numbers become the facts….
Yes the numbers are incorrect they are way worse. Just look at the above average rise in deaths. I’m being conservative with the death toll statistics it should end up being between 3-4 million Americans dead but I’m guessing they will come up with some effective treatments. trump has totally dropped the ball and is relying on magical thinking and hiding numbers. Elect a clown expect a circus.
There is something seriously wrong with you. You need help. For real.
At least with them all at home we don’t have to listen to teachers complain about having to purchase supplies out of pocket this year.
Jay you have incurable sick mind.
Gee, that’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me all day. I note you make a personal attack rather than reply with a coherent counterpoint or some facts. Perhaps it’s because the facts we currently have do not support closing schools. The facts tell us that COVID is NOT a catastrophic threat to children any more than any of the other risks associated with modern life. The facts also tell us that Teachers will not be complaining about buying pencils out of their own pockets this year.
Jay how does one make a coherent comment to such a statement you made. When I heard the teachers and how they spent their money to help their students. I hear love and sharing. You hear complaints and hate. Have you ever been with teachers and students. I have. I have seen them sharing and helping students of need. I Have been on field trips and saw teachers buying students lunch. When I offered to help, I was told thanks but this is our thing. It’s like the boy carrying his brother “he’s not heavy, he’s my brother. I think of teachers the same way. They aren’t heavy, they are my children. I want them to be healthy and wise. When they grow up may they remember to help others. Jay, apparently you have missed that and are either jealous or just another person filled with hate.
Hey Del Griffith, Can you see if you can get a group of kids a White House Tour with your plan?
Give them a tour of WH and shake hands with Trump Nothing to worry about they are children.
My God, I admire you.
You have beautiful, soft hands. Your lips are raspy like the clouds over Aberdeen.
Soul Crusher reminds me of turpentine mixed with green mustard, and put on a horse in Britnenny Bay.
I don’t know how you got two thumbs up for that. It simply doesn’t make any sense. I don’t even know where “Britnenny Bay” is and I googled it. What drugs are you on?
The only drug I use is the soft imagery of your words, and imagining you caressing my thighs on a beach in Antigua.
Caressing your thighs on a beach in Antigua? Why Antigua? Why not Trinidad or Barbados? You really are on some good shit.
I am at the Bonefish Grill. I want you, Soulie.
You got some serious issues going on upstairs. Maybe drugs is what you really need…drugs to control your psychosis that is.
Why must this be a “this” way or “that” way? Wouldn’t it be more productive for all, students, parents and teachers if there was some sort of compromise? There must be middle ground that students can return to school and also be virtually taught. You all make very valid points for and against. The solution is out there, just no one has found it yet.
If we just had a magic mirror that would let us see who gets the virus and who doesn’t, then we would know who needs virtual learning and who doesn’t. Unfortunately we don’t have a magic mirror.
Since this virus began, children have been isolated at home (mostly). This means that as a group, they haven’t been exposed to the virus as much as their parent’s generation and older have been (due to the necessities of grocery shopping, and work).
There is so much that isn’t known about this virus. To quote what I heard on a NBC Nightly News segment where they followed some paramedics in New York City during the crunch, “they learn something new about this virus with each case.”
Studies done in other countries don’t necessarily reflect the situation in the US because a good number of people in this country are acting as though this virus is no big deal. It isn’t ,,, unless you catch it. There are numerous interviews out there with people who have either had the virus or were a significant other of someone who did. Their stories should be enough to scare anyone into wearing a mask and insisting on social distancing when in public place.
My children are all grown but I understand the extremely difficult position of parents who have to work. Our children have not been raised to make do it on their own. They have been raised with the ideal that ditching authority is the cool thing to do. How to we make a child of 10 understand that while Mommy is at work, you have to be attending the computer for your education. What do you expect the unattended child to do? Especially when there are soooooooooooooooo many diversions more interesting than math and literature. How do you educate your child and keep food on the table and a roof over their head?
What is really needed now are multi-generations families where the young and able bodied go off to work and the older, less able stay home and mind the children. How many families have this luxury? How many families actually live in the same state or even within a 50 mile radius?
Life as we knew it before Cov-id 19 is over. We have to deal with the new reality and educating our young is only one of the many challenges of this brave new world. Del. Griffith’s idea has legs, but can it go the distance? Who really know what will work and what won’t? We need to try everything to find out. Why not have a study situation where one class goes to school and another class stays home and does virtual learning? Then we can find out what works and what is really a bad idea without exposing all our children (and their extended families) to the ravages of this virus.
Pray for an effective safe vaccine – and support our overworked health care professional by wearing masks and following safe distancing in public places. Do what the experts know will work, not what some fuzzy-headed, self-aggrandizing, overly nostalgic politician thinks will work.
The virus in other countries is the same virus as we have here and people are people whether they live here or France. To suggest facts and data from outside the US have no value is ridiculous and ignorant.
Soul Crusher, I am praying for you in this uncertain time. There is an aardvark shoe in the Glen, wheelie!!!
Prayers don’t work on me sweetheart. Instead, you should pray for our Country that an incompetent, incoherent Democratic Traitor Against the United States, like Joe Biden, doesn’t become our next President…
I see Hogan found a pair and told MoCo teachers unions they have no right to command private school closures. Can you imagine the gaul…the only reason these teacher’s reps wanted an edict to include private school is that they know this little game they’re playing with kids lives is all about power and has nothing to do with safety. I expect you’ll see an increase in parents shifting their kids to private and home schooling. Public schools are a joke.
Hogan just gave up the ability to force schools to open it’s a double edge sword.
Are you serious? When there are next to zero ill-affects from private schools going ahead and teaching the blow-back from parents whose kids are now a year behind and who have been completely inconvenienced while union teachers popped bon-bons will be like a hammer they’ve never met before. It’s one thing to try to pressure for power and money, quite another to throw peoples kids under the bus to get it.
Sorry it upsets you but if you can’t forces schools to close you can’t force them to open. Hogan knew what he was doing…. giving trump the finger again.
More like explaining to ignorant union proponents…its like none of your business. If private schools can come up with a plan that accomplishes live teaching w maintaining safety but public schools are so incompetent that they cant so be it. Pretty obvious they just didnt want anybody proving their own anti-student agenda and lazy ignorance.
Travis Gayles who tried to close the schools down is the Health officer and not a teachers union member….. have you even been following the issue?
Any official in MoCo is a partisan hack. A hack that has no business telling a private school how to treat their students. Hogan shoved it right back at the little dictator as he should have. All these unions will have a lot of explaining to do when private schools pull it off easily…while the little fear-mongering union parasites continue pool-side.
Excellent job of moving the goal post. Golf clap for you
You lose because Hogan just check-mated an obvious move. Union schools need to practice a bit. In 6 months the drumbeat to force teachers back will be deafening. Plus by then the unions will be roundly despised beyond what they are now.
it’s unions its the government it’s the unions its the government…. jesus dude pick one LOL
It’s both you damn moron. What the hell is wrong with you? Any idiot can see that it is both. Now, the schools need to reopen so the parents can go back to work. The schools need to reopen so the children can be correctly schooled in reading, writing and arithmetic. Is that so hard for you to understand? The teachers need to go back to work. End of discussion…