From the Havre de Grace Police Department:
On Saturday, June 20th, 2020, officers from the Havre de Grace Police Department were dispatched to the 700 blocks of Union Avenue for a bear on residential property.
Officers responded to the area, and were unable to locate the bear who was last seen going towards the area of the hospital. Officers launched a search for the bear and alerted citizens in the area that a bear was sighted and to take appropriate actions. Officers eventually found the bear in the area of the promenade and had to euthanize the bear due to the high potential for a physical encounter with humans.
We understand this was a very unfortunate event, but officers made this decision based on the overwhelming concern for public safety.
As this investigation is still ongoing, no further information will be released at this time.
Photograph courtesy of Cynthia Laubach.
This is very unfortunate. Not sure why the bear could not be tranquilized and transported to safety.
I agree. Havre de Grace supports conservation efforts in the bay and natural habitats. The bear should have been tranquilized and relocated.
Excacly.always have to shoot.poor yhing was probably scared to death.
my thoughts exactly with as many DNR vehicles as we see up in this area there’s no reason why one of them couldn’t have been dispatched and tranquilize the Bear and relocate it into safety it just seemed unnecessary that the police had to shoot and kill this bear.
I’m pretty sure DNR refused to come out because the bear wasn’t being aggressive
They didn’t have to kill the bear..shame on you!
Because they have to kill every single Bear, cougar, or anything that dares to come in our area due to the absolute stupidity of people. It should bee able to be tranquilized and relocated but that never ever happens. Angers me to the core.
Black Bear lives matter
Oh lord lol
I just about spit coffee across my laptop. Very funny.
There was a bear/human attack in 2016 in Western Maryland. Previous to that the last was 81 years ago. Did HDG bother to consult DNR about this first?
I camp frequently in bear country. Black bears are just big rodents.
They did actually, the dnr didn’t respond
I’m guessing your a hunter Veritas? Well, ALL hunters are sociopaths, so we know where you can shove your opinion on bears. You’re a pathetic excuse for a human.
Wow do you have any idea how crappy it is to say that. Many hunters hunt to feed their families and eating wild game is a whole lot healthier to eat then processed crap you buy at the store
When a population runs out of control it gets sickness running rampant. Look about 10 years ago in Baltimore county by Loch Raven. Deer were literally starving because the the resources deer need to feed ran out due to over population. Get educated
You get educated. You literally have no idea what you are talking about. Deer populations are out of control because hunters removed natural predators. The “hunting to feed families” argument is crap and just a deflection to justify killing for no reason. Most hunters are conservative. This is a fact according multiple surveys. The main reason our food isn’t healthy is because conservatives are pro big agricultural and anti-environmental protection. So if they want to eat healthy they shouldn’t cause the problem in the first place. And don’t give me the “hunter as conservationist” argument either. Conservation is not about protection but about management to support human-use. The preservation movement is about protection not conservation. At its best conservation is a “better-than-nothing” strategy. At worst it’s a backdoor means for exploitation. But I’m sure you think everything I’m saying, which is supported up by social and ecological science, is just bullshit conspiracy talk right? I mean, that’s the typical response used to justify selfish behavior. Humans cause the problem and then further punish the animals for something that is no fault of their own. How righteous of us. After all that we’ve done, if a bear wanders into society and attacks someone then that’s on us.
@ An Ecologist – So, what are the natural predators of deer in your area? Mountain Lion, Cougar, Bear? I think a big cat could catch them, but I’d have my money on the deer every time a bear tries to catch them. So, what are the natural predators in your area that the hunters have removed? Would those natural predators be harmful when interacting with human beings?
Yes, I do hunt on occasion, but fear not, I’m not a good hunter. However, exactly what in your twisted little mind gave you the idea that I agreed with killing the bear?
I asked if they bothered to call DNR. That implies to a thinking individual that they might be an alternative to euthanasia (That’s a big word that means shooting the bear)
Black bears are big rodents. That means they are not a danger to humans in most cases so quickly dispatching them is not always necessary. Dispatching is another big word that means the same as euthanizing.
It happened in the future!!! Please edit your story.
Minority report
I am very upset and disgusted to hear of this. The bear was seen off of Tydings La and he caused no problems and bothered no one.
I generally support those in blue who risk their lives for us, but not in this. I too do not understand why the bear could not have been tranquilized and relocated.
Although it might have taken more effort, relocating the bear would have been a caring act with a happy ending, something most of us need at this point. Instead it turned into a quick fix and a very depressing ending.
Senseless Death – It could have been relocated. Just makes no sense – BS.
This is BS!! There was no reason this bear couldn’t have been tranquilized & relocated! You were just looking for target practice & using your normal speech when a firearm is used to dispatch someone or something. It was not necessary! Poor bear had wandered into society & gotten itself lost. It did not deserve this! Bad judgement!!
The next time this happens have phone numbers & a cage ready to relocate it. It’s not their fault for we are encroaching on their land. Idiots!!
I agree. He should have been tranquilized. Police should have something other than guns to kill animals. He wasn’t bothering anyone
Utter stupidity and lack of knowledge!!!
Unfortunate that they have no training how to handle this common annual situation. Just move the bear along.
Havre de grace police, please buy a tranquilizer gun , and learn how to use it.
I believe you find MD DNR was called and refused to come.
Why couldn’t they have tranquilized the bear and lived it. That is ridiculous there are better ways to get things done rather than to shoot and kill everything that is deemed a threat. ?
I feel that until a full investigation is completed we should refrain from condemning the shooter.
F*ing A**holes. It would have been just as easy to tranquilize it. What a bunch of jerks. So sorry for this poor animal. ??? HDG police has lost my support and respect.
The bear was heading to the promenade, an area with a good number of people. Since they do not carry tranquilizing darts and DNR would not respond, what should they have done? Unless you have a better idea, we now know who the f*ing a**hole is.
Does anyone know what happened to the body of the cub? Who took it? Where?
Just goes to show police don’t think sometimes. With all the negativity surrounding police these days could have relocated the bear and looked good in the eyes of the general public
Why couldn’t they call plumpton park zoo for help
This is family break up time of year for bear families.
The mother pushes her yearlings away so she can mate.
The mother bear carves out territory for her female Cubs from her own territory.
Male Cubs are pushed away and on their own to roam.
These are the young bears we see each year.
For the first time they are with out protection of their mothers, forces out into new territory alone, they are easily frightened, and looking for food.
As humans, we need to bring in bird feeders and protect our trash and never feed these bears or approach them, so they remain wild bears.
So unfortunate this young bear was killed, it was unnecessary, and DNR should have come and relocated him.
Every year it seems a black bear wanders into a populated area of Harford county. It’s usually determined to be a male juvenile, trying to find his way on his first adventure on his own. He might raid some bird feeders or upset a trash can or two before he moves on. These young black bears aren’t much of a threat to humans.
I’d rather have a bear encounter than be confronted by some of the occasional vicious dogs I see that aren’t leashed.
I wasn’t there to hear the officer’s reason for shooting the bear, but it seems it might have been a hasty decision. I would like to hear his explanation.
Distraught about the killing of young black bear.
As juvenile bears get chased away from the mom bear, due to new spring cubs, they are looking for safety and food. Their wild rural areas are shrinking and as they transverse many miles to find a place to live, will mistakenly go into and then out of neighborhoods in Harford and Cecil counties.
This is more common now then in the past, this isn’t the first bear nor will it be the last bear to wander through populated areas in the counties.
The HdG Police Dept., before today’s decision to shoot to kill, should have been prepared to tranquilize the young bear for DNR to pick-up to transport rather then pick up to dispose of the carcass.
Perhaps someone in the police department wanted a trophy and complaints from the community gave them the opportunity to bag a black bear?
Uninformed people, who’s fear of an animal they only know from cable shows about grizzly bear attacks, shouldn’t get to be the judge, jury and executioner of a immature black bear looking for a home, who was temporally in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Karen you are correct except for the “spring cubs”. These young bears which are 16 months old are booted by their mothers because she will now be bred again. The cubs that came out a few months ago will remain with their mothers until spring of 2021, those sows will not breed this year.This particular situation is really sad.There have been several running around in Philadelphia but all were sedated and moved.
holy shit, if your name doesnt fit you to a T. karen always bitching about something.
The only Law Enforcement agency in the state equipped with tranquilizer guns is the DNR. Don’t gripe at an agency for not doing something they are not equipped to do.
Agreed. HDG police did their jobs and protected the public from a potential threat of a wild animal. I can’t see why anyone would be opposed to this type of action under these circumstances. The police are there to protect the corporation and the people, not wild animals that stray into a municipality. I don’t say this too much, but “Good Job Havre De Grace Police”.
If DNR is not available they should have a system for backup so someone’s life is not taken when it could easily have been prevented.
You confused me there. Is whom you are referring to in “somone’s life” meaning the bear?
It is an unfortunate incident but at least THIS bear won’t be eating my kayak.
Absolutely uncalled for. There must be some resources available that could have assisted in keeping the bear alive, the DNR is useless in situations like this.
You cry baby tree-hugging assholes if it would have killed your dog you would be saying that shit yes stupid tree huggers
Is this a joke?
Vote Jimmy!
I’m glad we have so many wildlife biologists on this post. Had the frightened bear eaten one of the duck feeders or chomped on one of your poodles, y’all would have been cursing the police. Sad for the bear but some of y’all need some common sense!
Just one more reason to hate the police. If a mosquito landed on their testicle, would they pull out their gun and shoot it?? There are ALWAYS peaceful, non-violent solutions! I have ZERO respect for the police and the mayor of Havre de Grace!!
Where were all the second amendment supporters and their guns to help stop this animal?
Oh, that’s right? A large majority of gun owners aren’t legally allowed to carry their firearms.
That’s for handguns. Not for rifles or shotguns. If I were going to put down a bear I would probably use a rifle. Anyway, once again you’re on here demonizing people who retain their rights and support the 2nd Amendment. What is the purpose of that? Would you not like to see the situation handled by those who are paid to handle stuff like this or do you want private citizens to act on their own so you can demonize them more? The 2nd Amendment is what keeps us free. The 2nd Amendment is what is keeping some business owners from being looted. The 2nd Amendment is what would protect a family from a bear attack on their property. Quite frankly, I don’t understand why you made the comment and I don’t understand the correlation to this incident. Do you think before you type?
I’ve seen no such law prohibiting long gun carry in public but I’m sure it’s really bad optics and no doubt if anyone did it, a large police response would happen.
Therefore it’s basically against the law considering most legal gun owners are afraid of getting arrested.
I’m not sure what they would get arrested for if it came to that, perhaps “disturbing the peace” or some “dangerous weapon” crime?
Really? You haven’t seen a long gun carried in public? Have you seen the guards of the CHOP area in Seattle on TV? That’s carrying a long gun in public. I’m sure you not only consider them long guns, but as “Assault Weapons”, even though there is no fully automatic feature involved. Look, carrying a long gun to counter the threat of a bear attack would not be an unlawful act. There would be no arrest and your statement “Therefore it’s basically against the law considering most legal gun owners are afraid of getting arrested”, does not make sense because if they are legal gun owners, why would they be afraid of getting arrested? It is only against the law if it is in fact against the law. The police will not arrest you for not breaking the law. What is wrong with you?
I have no idea what the law is in Washington state, maybe they are more firearm “friendly?”
Carrying a long gun openly in Maryland is a good way to get the Police called on you.
Why don’t I see every gun owner in Harford County with a rifle or shotgun in public spaces?
Well, they wouldn’t be carrying them in public places because they would be carrying them on their own property to defend themselves. Why would they care about a bear that is NOT on their property? You are stretching things a bit much. However, people do hunt public land and we don’t hear about police harassing hunters during hunting season. To the best of my knowledge, there is no BEAR season in Maryland, so it would be obvious that we would be talking about people carrying their firearms on their own property.
Maryland does have a black bear hunting season.
Feel free to type up more paragraphs, again and again. I won’t be replying.
First off, I don’t care if you reply because you were not making any sense. Second, Yes, you are right Maryland does have a Black Bear Season and I didn’t know that. However, there is no Black Bear Season in Harford County as it is limited to Allegany, Frederick, Garrett and Washington counties only. So, as I said before it is obvious that we are talking about using the weapon on your own property.
You really need some new material This is what you been saying for two years now Guns are going nowhere
Investigation?…Excuse me? What are you going to do..go in the woods/mountains question wildlife!…this should be interesting, ridiculous! But, interesting none the less.
They are “wild” and “hungry” anything edible will suffice…pets, people…umm..KIDS! Yet, humans posing no threat are killed each day by Law Enforcement…until recently, the outcry has been minimal to say the least.
Hopefully, the future will bring equal concern for HUMAN life. #bearscomeandgo
Did they inform the bear of it’s rights, and tell it to consult a lawyer first? At least make sure the meat goes to good use and feeds someone that needs it.
This bear has been following the water from Pennsylvania, Delaware and down thru Maryland and hasn’t caused any trouble for 3 years now. What an ass! We’ve all been locked up for 3 months haven’t you all noticed the increased number of wildlife coming out? Orcas in Ocean City! I just had a deer at my back step last night. This bear should have been tranquilized and taken back to Pennsylvania. Bad choice!
I don’t think the Orcas in Ocean City have anything to do with human beings being locked in their own homes for the past 3 months. The deer coming to your back step is a sign that the deer know it isn’t hunting season and of over population of deer in your area. I’m not sure about the bear and you may be right about that….Yes, the incident could’ve been handled differently and the use of a tranquilizer gun could’ve been used. However, it wasn’t and the HDG police did their job and didn’t break any law, violate their oath or create a breach in trust with the public they serve. Remember, that innocent bear may have eaten another innocent animal in your area to survive. The bear is a wild animal and can be unpredictable. You don’t mind in erring on the side of caution involving the Coronavirus. Why would you condemn the HDG police for erring on the side of caution involving this bear and a potential attack if provoked?
I wonder what a taser would have done. I know nothing.
A taser would only piss it off…. In the 5 seconds it takes to completely incompacitate the bear could closed distance an ripped a face off.
Black bear lives matter! That makes me so f@#$ing sick that the police did that to the poor bear. Havredegrace police are animal killers now so keep your pets inside your house or police will kill them. If you wouldn’t shoot your pets then dont kill the wildlife you f@#$ing idiots.
Shoot for the leg not the heart lol.
Was the bear aggressive? Could they have put the bear in a cage and relocated the bear? could a tranquilizer be used? This is horrible, I mean they could have at least caged the bear or a net or something, maybe call a circus.
What is missing in this article is WHY the bear was present in the first place. Breeding season is coming to a close for bears. When sows (female bears) go into estrus, cubs born in January – or the year before, are temporarily abandoned as the adult bears court. While this was probably a yearling male, who is often driven off after a year by the sow, younger cubs can get into trouble because they aren’t really old enough to survive on their own. Some do, but many don’t. Some are reunited with the sow and some get lost and are never recovered. Yearling bears (male or female) are old enough to survive on their own. Females normally find dens in pseudo proximtity to their dam. The males (boars) however, do not. They are driven by adult males, many miles outside of their comfort zone. They must leave or risk being killed or injured. Most bears are very shy of humans. These young bears are literally lost and desperate to find a nice quiet place to call their own. Some are attracted by food, but the hubbub of residential human living does not allow them to stay or stay long. It is too bad the Police Department is not adequately trained in hazing young bears away from human habitats. It is a disgrace that DNR didn’t have any staff to assist. While relocating would have undoubtedly put the young bear back in someone’s territory, if DNR even has a bear unit and did their job properly, they would have been able to secure the ‘safest’ location for the young bear to embark on a new life vs. becoming a community circus and spectacle by the local pd.
There is no why. There is only the removal of a potentially dangerous animal. People don’t care about why a wild animal is traversing thru their property. People care about their families and children are safe from an attack. HDG police accomplished the task. End of story. Why won’t you just give them credit for doing what they are paid to do? Are you one of those “Defund the Police” idiots?
Except you are an idiot if you believe that a year-old black bear was some sort of monster threat. It might tear up the garbage but that’s about it. I think the cops ought to start shooting at-large dogs since statistically they’re a far greater risk than a yearling bear. Read first before saying stupid stuff…do your own research.
I called the bear potentially dangerous. I never said monster threat. Why don’t you read what is said instead of putting your foot in your mouth?
Oh please….the only dangerous animal humans face are humans themselves. We hurt and kill far more of each other than anything else. All other species are angels compared to us. SoulCrusher? Seriously? What are you 14? As far as I’m concerned someone like you is worth less than the life of a bear and you will be judged by God for it.
Yeah, you are right about humans being dangerous to other humans, but in this case a bear could’ve hurt or even killed a child, woman, or maybe even some of the midgets you have up there that call themselves men. I think when I go before the Eloheim, I will be Judged more favorably than you.
I guess all of these idiots will be demanding that Smokey the bear statutes be torn down next
Could they just tranquilized it? Could they have used the taser? The DNR police are normally out on the water, could they have contacted them or even humane society. Seems to me it was just easier to shoot it.Its sad that it had to die because it got lost.
Makes sense – there was no budget for tranquilizers due to the whole “Defund” movement.
I bet if it had been a polar bear the police would have let him off with a warning.
First of all I don’t think you are the same Bob who routinely post on this site but that really isn’t important. Whether intended or not Bob’s polar bear post is indicative of the one sided mindset of many of today’s activists. In their minds everything has or symbolizes some type of racial bias. Historical statues are being defaced, destroyed, or removed for those reasons. The Land O Lakes company has removed the Native American Princess from their label. Aunt Jemima syrup and Uncle Ben’s rice have been determined to be racist portrayals. BLM activist Shaun King wants all statues and pictures of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ removed if he was depicted as too white. Come on. This is getting a little crazy. I have taken my grandkids to see both black and white Santa Claus characters and they didn’t seem to care. Racism is not a one way street. Not everything is racial and shouldn’t be taken as same. Prior to writing this post I have spent the last couple of days listening to Black so called comedians and music artists. I lost count of the amount of times that the “N” word was used. Also there was a great deal of highly disingenuous comments made about “whitey” and women. I’m not sure how this type of presentation lends to lessening racial bias on either side. Many black people will say that they have the right to say the “N” word. I call bull s—t. If you want that word to go away stop using it. Stop making money off of it. So with that being said and starting immediately all comedians or music artists using the “N” word should be banned because they promote racial bias. To me their performances contribute as much to the racial bias issue as does a statue or box of rice. There are way to many hypocrites out there. Everybody needs to pitch in to make things better.
Open Your Eyes, you are right. The polar bear post is from “another” Bob.
Remember, you can’t reason with a mob. Mobs don’t listen, they destroy. The idiots leading these mobs are insane and won’t be happy until they have created a false narrative demonizing anything this country stands for. The last time I checked, white people don’t own slaves and black people aren’t picking cotton. However, white people are being blamed for privilege and blacks are killing more blacks every year than blacks killed by Law Enforcement in the last 20 years. The whole movement is a complete political joke….
The only joke is you
Until you end your reverse racism and realize all lives matter, not just BLACK ones, your whole movement is nothing but a joke and is being used as an election tool for the Democratic Traitors Against America. In the weeks before George Floyd’s death, NO ONE was allowed to attend funerals for their loved ones or they might be arrested. Now, once George Floyd’s funeral came around, not only his family, but politicians and even Al Sharpton were allowed to attend that funeral. Why do you think that was? Why do you think his brother urged you all to go and vote in his moment of supposed grief? You really need to think about things because you dumbasses are being manipulated….
Open Your Eyes, you and I look at the race issue in our country much differently. Where we agree is the use of the “N” word. I hate that repugnant word and everything it represents. And like you, I find it particularly disturbing when blacks use that terrible term. You and I won’t see the day when the “N” word is no longer in common use, but I sincerely hope our grandchildren will. I hope so!
What happened to this unfortunate black bear is indicative in the microcosm of a very real problem with the earth in the 21st Century. Humans have over-populated the world destroying habitats of competing species who have no where else to go, and are forced by circumstances into the realm of humans where they are slaughtered.
We as a species are rapidly approaching a tipping point where we will destroy all competing fauna on this planet to make room for ourselves and our progeny. Since competing species can not kill off encroaching humans to protect their habitats. a healthy balance of humans living in harmony with competing species will never be realized. When homo “sapien” is the only predator left on this planet, this world will not be fit to live in. That’s assuming that we don’t blow ourselves to kingdom come reducing our beautiful blue planet to a lifeless rock.
Until the human race realizes that they do not have a God-given right to every square inch of habitable land on this planet, competing species will continue to be slaughtered in the interest of protecting the territorial rights of humans.
I suppose this makes me a “tree hugger.” So be it. Deer and black bears are better neighbors than your average beer swilling, drug abusing, law breaker who dismantles cars on their front lawn and surrounds their property with a rusty chain link fence and burns a 1000 watt “security light” blocking out the night sky and its beautiful display of stars and other mysteries of the universe..
Do you live in a house?
This was a racist killing just saying. Black Bears Matter!!
Is everyone stupid or did you forget what pigs do. They don’t fix anything. They kill and destroy. That is the only thing pigs in harford County are good for. Maybe I’d you want your children jailed or your dog killed…they are good foe that. Or if you need a drunk on you could always call on our drunk judges…if you know what I mean?