From State Sen. Bob Cassilly:
We are facing challenging and uncertain times. Addressing the Coronavirus pandemic is a Herculean task for all of us as we are being asked to make sacrifices in the name of our fellow man, the likes of which have not been seen collectively since World War II. Those in the public arena are called upon to meet those challenges with grace, composure, and selflessness on the highly contentious stage of the upcoming national elections where the media and political opponents wait to seize upon these impossible choices in an effort to reshape the political landscape to their benefit. Despite the inevitable attacks, public officials must venture into the unknowable where even their most selfless decisions will almost certainly result in loss of life, economic degradation, or a sizable mix of both.
The fact is, this harrowing pandemic descended upon us with incredible speed. No president and no governor can come out of these immense challenges unscathed. The best among them will simply try to do the right thing to the best of their ability, based upon the information available, regardless of the political fallout, and unbenefited by hindsight.
I spoke with Governor Hogan last Friday. A latecomer to elected office, he spent most of his life as a small businessman and is perhaps the most pro-business Governor in the country. For the past six years he has championed tax cuts, fiscal responsibility, and minimization of business regulation. Now he finds himself in a nightmare predicament of spending Maryland into debt and imposing business restrictions far greater than any of those he eliminated. Our Governor looks forward with great anticipation to the day when he can reverse the present restrictions on businesses but the advice he is getting from the Trump Administration, which tells us that 12 Maryland counties around Washington are an emerging epicenter of the epidemic, and his own science advisors from the leading scientists at Johns Hopkins and University of Maryland, who echo the Trump Administration’s recommendations, compel him to move with caution. All of the medical experts advise that prematurely relaxing existing restrictions will reverse in short order all of the hard-won progress made in fighting this disease.
We in Maryland should be proud that in his role as chairman of the National Governors’ Association, our Governor has worked in close collaboration with President Trump’s administration to develop the way forward for our nation and state. Maryland is now developing a plan for reopening business with the safety, health, and best interests of all Marylanders at heart. That plan will be based upon the national guidelines set forth by the president and his advisers, guidelines that call for states to identify two consistent weeks of downward trend in Coronavirus cases before we initiate normalization. Sadly, we are not yet at that point and the immense stresses of continued business closures are becoming extremely difficult to bear. Increasingly heated public debate reflects that frustration, but the reality of the situation dictates that we continue to make these economic sacrifices in pursuit of the greater good – the well-being of Marylanders and of Americans.
For those who are able to work from home, the stresses are tough yet manageable. But for small business owners and others now facing financial devastation, the stakes have become quite high and the stresses extreme. Many of our fellow Marylanders are angry and fearful for their futures. We need to be understanding of those folks, even as we deal with our own distorted lives. We must all continue to work together and try to remain as respectful as possible. Our nation and our state have faced worse in our long histories and we have always met those challenges with great success. Please, everyone, hang in there, mask up, be respectful of your neighbors, and be thankful for those amazing people on the front line of this battle.
Thank you.
Bob Cassilly
Senator, District 34
Get your coronavirus disinfection services now.
Quarantine is when movements of sick people are limited.
Tyranny is when the movements of healthy people are limited.
Anonymous post at WSJ
I have to add that tyranny is also when the movements of healthy people are TRACKED and not those whom are sick and supposed to be tracked. We’ve all seen the news where a company is tracking the movements of Americans, including the college students at beaches and the people of New York via GPS data collections of cell phones. It was interesting and the company says it doesn’t have personal information of the users it tracked during the creation of this tracking system and that may be true, but we all know that someone does have access to that data. We must all question how that data will be used in the present and future involving this issue and other issues as well.
You guys are welcome to leave.
Why would those whom are adhering to the principles of our forefathers need to leave? Same thing applies to you. You can leave as well. This is the United States, not the USSR or China. Freedom is what this Country is all about, unlike your Democratic ideals of make everybody do what we want…
Well if you want to use thier cell service you play by thier rules….It was in your service agreement.
This doesn’t get into Scalia’s majority opinion about law enforcement using this data!!!!
A cellphone company does not have the authority to make a person trackable by a third party without a warrant. That is a 4th Amendment violation that commercial law can not force a person to waive. Furthermore, tracking in the name of a viral spread is a violation of HEPA. A Commercial company must follow regulatory guidelines when their data collection trespasses into an area that is not normally covered by their normal guidelines. If you are going to act in a health care oriented field then you must follow the guidelines that health care workers have to. If not, the regulation of a closely regulate business means nothing. Tracking people’s movements shall not be tolerated. No Commercial law can make you waive rights. Rights are God given. Not the government or any entity of corporate creation is God. Only God can do that. That’s the power of the framework, not the code. The contract may prevent lawsuit, but not justify the actions….Those whom take part may still be charged with a commercial violation regardless of the contract.
The 4th ammendment is a limit on government not a private entity you enter into a contract with. They can and do track your cell phone data. They can voluntarily surrender that whomever they want without your consent. If the government wants it they do need a warrant which would only require you to be a suspect! You don’t want to be tracked….don’t have a cell phone.
A private entity can not abrogate your rights by contract. A contract is a creation of contract law, also known as commercial law. A contract may prevent a lawsuit, but it can not remove what is God given, unless that contract is with God. All of the data they are “harvesting” is against the law, but a government or corporation that benefits from that data will try to say otherwise. It doesn’t matter what a “terms of usage” contract says because you have a right to privacy and to be left the hell alone. There is NO SIGNATURE on these contracts and checking a box is NOT a binding legal contract. I don’t think a cell phone company has had a binding contract in almost a decade. You have to remember all business entities are in fact creation of the government. If someone is caused a harm by any of these cellular companies use of data collection, then that cellular phone company has committed a common law crime and can be sued. The damages may or may not be sustainable by the terms of the contract, but a contract doesn’t give the one party or the other the right to commit a fraud or a crime against the other party.
That’s why I don’t take my cell phone every where I go I love my constitution privacy rights this isn’t Hitler Germany of 1930
Good for you. I don’t worry about it because I don’t care what they do. Everything the Federal government does to regulate your behavior is illegal. The States can only regulate behavior based on police power and if the regulation doesn’t fall into the principles of police power then the regulations are illegal. Both governments must follow the Bill of Rights as that is what the 14th Amendment means. ALL corporations and business entities are under government rule as they are creations of the government. They must follow the Bill of Rights as well. ANY Court decision that states otherwise is an act of treason and the Judge(s) can be executed or removed.
“A license when granting a privilege, may not, as the terms of its possession, impose conditions which require the abandonment of constitutional rights.” Frost Trucking Co. v. Railroad Commission, 271, US 583, 589, (1924); Terral v. Burke Construction Company, 257 US 529, 532 (1922)….and that includes a cellular phone company tracking your location, regardless of what any traitor Judge or Corporate traitor has to say about it. WE THE PEOPLE reserve the right to dispose of ANYONE who infringes on our liberties and that is final.
The State of Maryland is also sponsoring a false information campaign as related to the Corona Virus. The State Map of the Corona Virus deaths is actually being manipulated by State employees to show the virus is killing people where it is NOT. If we can’t trust the STATE OF MARYLAND to actually report accurate information to the public, then why does the public listen to the State at all.
First of all Sen Cassilly your are right but you are wrong. This president listens to no one but himself and has destroyed most of the medical agencies that could have gotten a jump on this out break. Trump’s action in 2017,2018 and 2019 when he dismantled all the agencies in this country and removed the head person in China who would have given the US more advanced information is totally a crime against Humanity and he should be brought up on criminal charges.
No one could’ve prevented this virus from reaching the United States because the WHO and China lied about its severity. The WHO is a creation of the UN and the Democrat Party created the UN with the intentions of ruling the world. You Democrats will never rule this world or this Country because there will always be a freedom loving American patriot ready to resist your evil intentions. The only ones whom should be charged with crimes is the Democratic Party and you morons that follow that treasonous organization of scumbags.
They actually didn’t lie but let’s not let facts get in he way of your fantasy.
Yeah, they lied. Not being forthcoming with the statistics amounts to a lie when we are talking about this.
Yeah dude…they straight up lied. Withheld the information regarding the ability of the virus to rapidly spread, and it’s severity. Only once they were caught with their pants down did they start the mass-panic-attack on everyone.
Hey Gordon,
Since you brought up the topic of criminal charges and you are most definitely not a fan of the current President or for that matter most Republicans I have a question. I would like to hear how someone who appears be more liberal leaning than others on this post could explain why the recent accusations of sexual assault and misconduct against former Vice-President Biden by the victim Tara Reade appear to be minimized by the media and members of the Senate. During the Supreme Court nomination hearings of Justice Kavanaugh there seemed to be a different standard applied. Several Democratic Senators including Senators Hirono and Schumer stated there was no reason to question the account of the accuser Dr. Ford. They basically implied that every female accuser should be considered credible even though that Dr. Ford’s testimony was at best vague and in some cases not verified. The testimony of Tara Reade against Mr. Biden regarding his alleged sexual misconduct seems to not carry the same weight. I don’t hear Senators the likes of Ms. Hirono and Mr. Schumer speaking on her behalf. Please offer a rational and believable explanation why this is occurring. I would be very interested to hear a liberal’s perspective regarding this very important issue as it relates to possible prior sexual misconduct allegedly perpetrated by the very probable Democratic candidate for the President of the United States
The real just for….I posed the same question when Obama endorsed Biden stating that he has the qualities needed in a President. We have all witnessed him rubbing, cuddling, patting, and sniffing the scent of a woman. How a complaint by a former employee can be ignored as the Fake News media remains silent, is astounding. Where is the “Me Too”?!?!
As far as the others who commented here, your are so sick in the head it isn’t funny. Let me give you just one cases of many.
In a NYC hospital 288 women pregnant gave birth. Each was tested for the corona-virus. One in eight were positive, yet had no signs and were not passed onto their children.
Now for those who can’t think for themselves. There are around 344 million citizens in this country. With a one in eight case, that would mean that about 42 million US citizens are walking around who are spreading the virus, yet are not sick from it. In fact without testing, you are probably one of them.
Simple minded people say very simple minded statements.
Quarantine or death. I will take quarantine and will not bitch about stupidity like tyranny.
Here is another fact which is one of many.
That’s the most idiotic thing you’ve typed in like 10 minutes. Let me explain something to you Gordon, you can’t make calculations like you made when you are citing the stats from a hot spot, like New York City. Most of the Country does not have the widespread infection like New York. So your calculation of 42 million Americans spreading the virus is completely false. Now, I know you Democrats like to lie and will say anything to give you political gain, but your complete false narrative of how we are all going to die unless we shelter in place is the biggest bunch of hog wash since Jerry Nadler took a bath….
This pandemic is going the same direction that the 1918 Flu went, which lasted till 1920.As is often said history repeats it’s self.
History is now repeating it’s self cause after 100 years of education there is a population of the public that is just as dumb today as in 1918- 1920.
I beg to differ. The Spanish flu would’ve already killed millions and younger people would have been killed as well. The Corona Virus doesn’t do that. The dumbest thing we’ve done was quarantine the healthy, whom should have never been quarantined. By the way, speaking of education, you can’t even use correct grammar as you should’ve use “itself” instead of “it’s self”. After 100 years of education there is still no way to teach a Democratic moron how to properly use the English language….
How old was the person in this county that died…..BTW anyone know were he worked?
He was 27 with underlying health conditions, which I don’t know what the conditions were. He was not healthy and that contributed to his death, just as much as the coronavirus. He probably could’ve died if he caught the flu. Typically, the coronavirus doesn’t effect the young, but if you are 27 with the lung capacity of a 65 year old then you’re going to die. I don’t care where he worked. It’s irrelevant. If you are vulnerable, stay home. If you are a hypochondriac, stay home. However, everyone else has freedom. You remember that thing called freedom, right? Or has the Democratic traitors against the United States got you turned into a brainwashed nut farmer believing you must shelter in place or you’re going to die?
Not if he worked at a fast food location in close proximity to a place that had a massive break out of cases!!!!!
Not all the young people dying have under lying health issues….
My point is this individual can be contact traced to many other cases and deaths.
The differences here than 100 years ago is high speed travel, this virus leaves you contagious before symptoms and medical care is much better.
The lesson from 100 years ago is that lifting restrictions too early causes a greater spike in deaths
Name a young person that has died without an underlying condition….from what I understand it goes thru them like a cold.
and free people sometimes take a risk to be free. Freedom doesn’t come without consequence, however, unless you have tested positive the methods used to quarantine a healthy person are illegal and those enforcing unconstitutional directives are in fact breaking the law.
A Republican who gets it
these are the same state government bureaucrats that we are relying on to be responsible for allowing people back in restaurants at some time on some day in the not far distant future…? ?????????????… we are really really screwed !
You are correct. We are screwed. Hogan is a Republican acting like a Democrat. He goes out of his way to go against his own party all the time. Not the Governor I want during this pandemic. Maryland will be closed till 2021 under Hogan. Total idiot.
Hogan is an admitted “Never Trumper” and he would do anything to see Trump fail. It’s not like he needs to do crap like this in Maryland because the population of Maryland has already been brainwashed into believing the Democratic lie for decades. Let’s be realistic, Hogan will never go any farther than he already has in politics and he just doesn’t have the charisma to lead a successful run in politics on the National stage. Let’s face it, the government in Maryland is completely fascist and if you are in opposition to the political persecution the STATE OF MARYLAND sponsors against its citizens you will be attacked and harmed by the STATE OF MARYLAND.
They must not be very good at being fascist because you’re on here all the time talking about how corrupt they are. If this was really a fascist state you would have been erased a long time ago.
It is a fascist State and I’ve already been erased for over 10 years now. Anymore wise ass comments you’d like me to respond to? This State is completely illegal and unconstitutional. Just look at the Annotated Code. It is filled with illegal and unconstitutional statutes that the code enforcers enforce as law, while breaking the law. However, let’s get back to Hogan. He has shown that he is in league with the Democratic Party in an effort to destroy the Country and Maryland is his target. I don’t buy into this Coronavirus BS and I didn’t from the beginning. You don’t destroy the entire economy in order to make a bunch of sheep feel safe. THE STATE OF MARYLAND is NOT a shepherd. It is a fraudulent entity that has been misconstrued as a lawful government. One last time, why do you feel the need to be my imitator? I am just as comfortable with calling you traitor….
Committee, social media companies, U.S. law enforcement, international partners, fellow researchers and academics, and the American public with an enhanced understanding of how Russia-based actors, at the direction of the Russian government, effectuated a sustained campaign of information warfare against the United States aimed at influencing how this nation’s citizens think about themselves, their government, and their fellow Americans. The Committee supports the findings therein. (U) The Committee also engaged directly with a number of social media companies in the course of this study. The willingness of these companies to meet with Members and ~taff, share the results of internal investigations, and provide evidence of foreign influence activity collected from their platforms was indispensable to this study. Specifically, the Committee’s . ability to identify Russian activity on social media platforms was limited. As such, the Cominittee was largely reliant on social media companies to identify Russian activity and share that information with the Committee or with the broader public. Thus, while the Committee findings describe a substantial amount of Russian activity on social media platforms, the full scope of this activity remains unknown to the Committee, the social media companies, and the broader U.S. Government. II. (U) FINDINGS 1. (U), The Committee found, that the IRA sought to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election by harming Hillary Clinton’s chances of success and supporting Donald Trump at the direction of the Kremlin. (U) The Committee found that the IRA’ s :lnformation warfare campaign was broad in scope and entailed objectives beyond the result of the 2016 presidential election. Further, the Committee’s analysis of the IRA’s activities on social media supports the key judgments of the January 6, 2017 Intelligence Community Assessment, “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections,” that “Russia’s, goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton,· and harm her electability and potential presidency.”5 However, where the Intelligence Community assessed that the Russian government “aspired to help President-elect Trump’s election chances when possible by discrediting Secretary Clinton and publicly contrasting her unfavorably to him,” the Committee found that IRA social media activity was overtly and almost invariably supportive of then-candidate Trump, and to the detriment .of Secretary Clinton’s campaign.6 ·
COMMITTEE SENSITIVE -RUSSIA INVESTIGATION ONLY \ ( (U) Analysis of the behavior of the IRA-associated social media accounts makes dear that while the Russian information warfare campaign exploited the context of the election and election-related issues in 2016, the preponderance of the operational focus, as reflected repeatedly in content, account names, and audiences targeted, was on sociapy divisive issues-such as race, immigration, and Second Amendment rights-in an attempt to pit Americans against one another and against their government. The Committee found that IRA influence operatives consistently used hot-button, societal divisions in the United States as fodder for the content they published through social media in order to stoke anger, provoke outrage and protest, push Americans further away from one another, and foment distrust in government institutions. The divisive 2016 U.S. presidential election was just an additional feature of a much more expansive,, target-rich landscape of potential ideological and societal sensitivities. 3. (U) The Committee found that the IRA targeted not only Hillary Clinton, but also Republican candidates during the presidential primaries. For example, Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio were targeted and denigrated, as was Jeb Bush.14 As Clint Watts, a former FBI Agent and expert in social media weaponization, testified to the Committee, “Russia’s o~ert media outlets and covert trolls sought to sideline opponents on both sides . of the golitical spectrum with adversarial views towards the Kremlin.” IRA operators sought”to impact primaries for both major parties and “may have helped sink the hopes of candidates more hostile to Russian interests long before the field narrowed.”15 4. (U) The Committee found that no single group of Americans was targeted by IRA information operatives more than African-Americans. By far, race and related issues were the preferred target of the information warfare campaign designed to divide the country in 2016. Evidence of the IRA’s overwhelming operational ei;nphasis on race is’ evident in the IRA’s Facebook advertisement content (over 66 percent contained a term related to rac~ ) and targeting (locational targeting was principally aimed at African-Americans in key metropolitan areas with), its Face book pages (one of the IRA’s top-performing pages, “Blacktivist,” generated 11.2 million engagements with Facebook ‘ users), its Instagram content (five of the top 10 Instagram accounts were focused on African-American issues and audiences), its Twitter content (heavily focused on hot-button issues with racial undertones, such as the NFL kneeling protests), and its Y ouTube
Well, everyone knows the above 2 “posts” are from the imitator who has been posting Democratic BS here on the Dagger. Trying to change the subject to Russia, Russia, Russia, when we were all on here discussing the Coronavirus. Look, no one cares about attempted Russian interference in the 2016 elections because there was NO COLLUSSION and the Democratic media, as well as Democratic Dagger Dogs, continue to try and spread the Russian hoax in the public. Russia is a third world country who has absolutely no significance on the World stage. China is the threat, has been the threat for decades and is responsible for the Coronavirus BS we are having to live thru right now. Now, since the Democratic traitors against America want to be best friends with the Chinese Communist party, maybe we should consider the Democratic party as accomplices to the Chinese scum. We here on the Dagger are constantly told by Democratic traitors against America that we “can leave”. I got a better idea. Why don’t you DemoTraitors leave and go live in China with your friends? You embrace the Chinese government and seem to love China and not America. Go join your comrades in China while we Americans “Keep America Great”!
million interactions related to the election and viewed election-related videos over 640 million times.25 (U) The Twitter platform also featured prominently across the arc of the 2016 campaign season. Americans sent roughly one billion tweets and retweets about the election between the first primary debates in August 2015 and Election Day 2016.26 The U.S. Election Day 2016 was the most-Tweeted Election Day ever, with worldwide users generating more than 75 million election-related tweets.27 , (U) Political campaigns, in the.ambition of harvesting this connectivity and speaking “directly” with as many voters as possible, have adapted and attempted to exploit this new media environment.1 Total digital advertisement spending related to the 2016 election cycle on social media reached $1.4 billion-a 789 percent increase over 2012.28 (U) Social media has created new virtual venues for American participation in the national political discourse, and offered a new channel for direct democratic engagement with elected officials, media representatives, and fellow citizens around the world. However, the same system of attributes that empowers these tools and their users to positively increase civic engagement and constructive dialogue lends itself to exploitation, which frequently materializes as the dissemination of intentionally false, misleading, and deliberately polarizing content.29 (U) According to one November 2016 analysis, in the final three months leading up to Election Day, calculated by total number of shares, reactions, and comments, the top-performing intentionally false stories on Facebook actually outperformed the top news stories from the nineteen major news outlets.30 That analysis fou11d that in terms of user engagement, the top two intentionally false election stories on Facebook included articles alleging Pope Francis’ endorsement of Donald Trump for President (960,000 shares, reactions, and comments), and WikiLeaks’ confirmation of Hillary Clinton’s sale of weapons to ISIS (789,000 shares, reactions, and comments).
COMMITTEE SENSITIVE -RUSSIA INVESTIGATION ONLY testimony Roy Godson and Thomas Rid provided to the Committee, over 10,000 individual disinformation operations were carried out during the Cold War involving approximately 15,000 · personnel at its peak.46,47 A. (U) Russian Active Measures · (U) For decades, Soviet active measures pushed conspiratorial and disinformation narratives about the United States around the world. The KGB authored and published false stories and forged letters concerning the Kennedy assassination, including accounts suggesting CIA involvement in the killing. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the target of manufactured KGB narratives, as was Ronald Reagan. Russian intelligence officers planted anti-Reagan articles in Denmark, France, and India during his unsuccessful 1976 bid for the Republican presidential nomination. A declassified U.S. State.Department document from 1981 outlines a series of realized Russian active measures operations, including the spread of falsehoods concerning U.S. complicity in the 1979 seizure of the Grand Mosque of Mecca and responsibility for the 1981 death of Panamanian General Omar Torrijos, as well as an elaborate deception involving multiple forgeries and false stories designed to undermine the Camp David peace process and to exacerbate tensions between the United States and Egypt.48 Among the most widely known and successful active measures operations conducted during the Cold War centered on a conspiracy that the AIDS virus was manufactured by the United States at a military facility at Fort Detrick in Maryland. This fictional account of the virus’ origin received considerable news coverage, both in the United States and in over forty non-Cold War aligned countries around the world.49 (U) In a 1998 CNN interview, retired KGB Major General Oleg Kalugin described active measures as “the heart and soul o[ Soviet intelligence”: Not intelligence collection, but subversion; active measures to weaken the West, td drive wedges in the Western community alliances of all sorts, particularly NATO; to sow discord among allies, to weaken the. United States in the eyes of the people of Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and thus to prepare ground in case . the war really occurs. 50 ‘ (U) While this history of discrediting the United States with spurious rumor$ and disinformation is well-chronicled, Russia has continued the practice today. 46 (U) Thomas Rid, Hearing before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, March 30, 2017, availabl
And once again the imitator of the SoulCrusher puts his Democratic treason out there on the Dagger. These last 2 posts of Democratic horse crockery is just another example of how the Democratic traitors against America operate. They will lie, cheat, steal and deceive at every opportunity in an effort to brainwash the public into believing that which is simply a farce. The fake who keeps putting this Democratic garbage on the Dagger is citing jibberish about the Russian Collusion Hoax which we all know is fake. Is there any subject a Democratic traitor won’t lie about?
Although the tactics employed by Russia vary from one campaign to the next, there are several consistent themes in the Russian disinformation playbook. (U) High Volume and Multiple Channels. Russian disinformation efforts tend to be wide-ranging in nature, in that they utilize any available vector for messaging, and’when they broadcast their messaging, they do so at an unremitting and constant tempo. Christopher Paul and Miriam Matthews from the RAND Corporation describe the Russian propaganda effort as a , “firehose of falsehood,” because of its “incredibly large volumes,” its “high numbers of channels and messages,” and a “rapid, continuous, and repetitive” pace of activity. Russia disseminates -the disinformation calculated to achieve its objectives across a wide variety of online vehicles: “text, video, audio, and still imagery propagated via the internet, social media, satellite television and traditional radio and television broadcasting.”62 One expert,Laura Rosenberger of the 1 German Marshall Fund, told the Committee that “[t]he Russian government and its proxies have infiltrated and utilized nearly every social media and online information platform-including Instagram, Reddit, Y ouTube, Tumblr, 4chan, 9GAG, and Pinterest.”63 (U) The desired effect behind the high volume and repetition of messaging is a flooding of the information zone that leaves the targetaudience overwhelmed. Academic research _ suggests that an individual is more likely to recall and internalize the initial information they are exposed to on a divisive topic._ As RAND researchers have stated, “First impressions are very resilient.”64 Because first imp~essions are so durable and resistant to replacement, being first to introduce narrative-shaping content into ~he information ecosystem is rewarded in the_ disinformation context. · (U) Merging Overt and Covert Operations. The modem Russian disinformation playbook calls for illicitly obtaining information that has been hacked or stolen, and then weaponizing it by disseminating it into the public sphere. The most successful Russian operations blend covert hacking and dissemination operations, social media operations, and fake personas with more overt influence platforms like state-funded online media, including RT and Sputnik.
Once again, my Democratic imitator is talking about a topic that no one cares about. The Russian hoax is in the rear view mirror. The witch hunt was over months ago, yet someone failed to inform this Democratic Traitor against the United States that the current talking points are Corona, Corona, Corona, not Russia, Russia, Russia. Next week, this guy will start talking about Ukraine and impeachment, impeachment, impeachment. When are you going to start talking about reopen, reopen, reopen????
I think that Mr Cassily has been watching CNN with Leonard Bernstein. No comment further needed.
The virus does not know what party you belong to.
Yeah, but WE THE PEOPLE know what party is trying to control us thru the fascism of the Democratic party….
Governor Hogan has spent $9,000,000 on 500,000 corona virus test cartridges from South Korea and it seems that these test cartridges might be inaccurate. There is a high number of patients being tested that are testing positive for the virus even though they have recovered. Maybe he should’ve used the tests developed by the Federal government instead….
trump doesn’t have any tests, he left it up to the Governors. Hogan kept this under wraps because trump flunkies would have stolen them, that’s why they were flown in on a Korean jet.
The Korean tests are clearly inaccurate and are giving “false positive” results to people whom have already had the virus, but are no longer infected. It’s right there in the article if you care to read it. Furthermore, instead of buying 500,000 test cartridges from Korea, why didn’t we buy 10 of them and reverse engineer them? China does it ALL the time. Furthermore, how did Korea have a stockpile of 500,000 tests waiting to be sold? Hogan paid $18 per test cartridge and that is WAY too high because the tests are FREE! The cartridges look like they are repurposed pregnancy tests for Christ’s sake…
Anyone know where I can get come Chloroquine?
Just the facts, your an idiot. The only flunkie is you.
If you are going to call someone an idiot could you at least learn the proper use of your and you’re?
Trumps political career is over after the way he handled the Corona Virus !
Now comes Callahan spouting the lies of the treasonous Democratic Party, once again. Joe Biden can’t even complete three sentences without having a brain fart. So, how in God’s name will he be able to run this Country? Biden isn’t capable of anything and I am not sure if he is capable of lacing up his shoes. He definitely isn’t coordinated enough to tie them. Look, the last time I watched Biden talk, he screwed up multiple times and seemed to have a Senior moment when he paused. The look on his face was like, “Where the hell am I?”. Biden should be tested for dementia and or Alzheimer’s because he definitely isn’t looking like he is all there. God forbid the “push up” contest he is going to challenge Trump to at the debates. It’s going to be a comedy routine….
Mike your posting career is over after posting something as stupid as that. Trump has done a great job with the virus. Typical demmy. When there is a cure for the virus he will be criticized. 4 more years of Trump.
Great comeback Just the Facts. You must be a college graduate. WOW I am impressed. Go Trump
ThIlL YeR PreShiDeNT1
Is this the Dagger or InfoWars? I can’t tell.
It’s more like MisInfoWars….and I can tell.
Here is the documented facts about how Trump mishandled the Corona Virus!
PBS’s FrontLines film Corona Virus Pandemic: Washington (State} Vs Washington (Idiot Trump)
Good job Mike. Everyone is impressed. More talking points. Trump 2020
Joe Biden would not even know there was a virus. He cant even remember his name or what he is running for. He would be great in office right now.
I agree he would be 1000 times better than the orange asshole
Trump acts like an asshole because the Democratic media keeps asking him question that make it look like he is responsible for the viral outbreak. It’s just not true and he has done everything the CDC has recommended, even though I think he has let the CDC govern way too much. Fauci even scolded the media yesterday for asking questions that he had already answered involving this virus. Look, Fauci has been involved with the government in every outbreaks since AIDS started. He has never recommended shutting down the nation to any of the Presidents before him, even though some of the other diseases were far worse. Ebola has a 76% death rate among those infected. Did he recommend the shutdown of the entire Nation’s economy? Hell no. I accuse the CDC of working with the Democratic party to destroy America as punishment to the American people for not electing a Democrat as President. I am disappointed Trump let them sucker him into this position. It’s all about the 2020 election and it is the most disgraceful political con job we have ever seen. The timing is just incredible and the crap that comes out of every DemoTraitors mouth is reprehensible….
Brother could you spare some chloraquine?
SoulCrusher Do you snort, inhale or inject the disinfectant?
Neither, however, if you bring me some I’ll be glad to turn it into an instant suppository and shove it directly up your ass….
I know that sounds good to you because you’d probably like having something shoved up there, traitor.
A Happy Earth Day message from award winning investigative reporter Michael Moore!
Appropriate that a guy the shape of planet earth would share a message about planet earth.
Michael Moore another winner.
Agreed, the Democratic treason this scumbag represents is disgusting….
Two case studies one in CA and one in NY confirm our worst fears…….. we have been bamboozled ~ Kinda. The Wuhan Phenomena from China is slightly more deadly than the flu but that very well could be that it is “new” where the flu has been around for years.
That’s about the extent of it. We should’ve all known this because of the mortality rates. Ebola kills 76% of the people infected with it. We didn’t shut down the Country for that. We should’ve never shut down this Country for Coronavirus….
Yup .. only a true idiot would write an opinion piece calling this the worst since WW2.
In response to a new WSJ article: Here’ hoping that Mr. Barr’s justice dept sends a letter to Ice Cream Larry Hogan of MD. Gov Larry Hogan is not following or listening to the facts regarding the Wuhan Pneumonia from China. Mr Hogan is relying on shutdown actions that do not have a proven or factual benefit to the citizens of MD. In merit, his draconian actions are hurting many more citizens. His model is based on the communist Chinese government state lock-downs.
Yup and he should go to China when his term is over and take part in the form of government that he mandated. We need to be aware that Hogan spent 9 million dollars of Maryland money to purchase test cartridges from South Korea and he has admitted that this only was made possible by connections his wife had in South Korea. The Federal government tests for free and those Korean cartridges are nothing but repurposed pregnancy tests, which are inaccurate as well. Hogan just laundered $9 million to Korea and I’m sure that his wife’s contacts are VERY appreciative for the transaction. I wonder if the Hogan’s are going to get a cut?
Well, here you go everyone. The TRUTH about the Corona Virus. Watch it and LEARN. These guys are NOT members of any government organization and are telling the truth…..
SoulCrusher thank you for sharing this information!!! These physicians are absolutely right. Many healthcare workers will support these facts. Every time I venture out into public essential places, I observe so many breaches in infectious control precautions. No fault of the citizens or businesses asked to isolate and sanitize. People are doing their best with little knowledge or experience. The Pinheads in government aren’t the only ones making decisions. There are many Pinheads in these hospitals and health organizations who are walking the halls of hospitals looking for a photo op. These are people who can’t silence an IV pump nor handle a sick patient. They gambled on this “Money Grab” $13,000 for covid admissions and $39,000 for covids on a ventilator. Empty beds and staff furloughs are the results of shutting down diagnostic procedures and elective surgeries. Patients with cancer, cardiac issues, cataracts, brain aneurysm, spine/hip/knee injury & pain (just a few examples) have had their procedures canceled until Hogan decides to let hospitals care for all citizens. Good luck with telehealth and getting a doctor. If you are counting deaths because of Covid-19, take a good look at the number of abortions during this same timeframe. Abortion Clinics are essential and continue to perform procedures. WAKE UP you Catholic Democratic NEVER TRUMPERS!!
Those poor doctors are getting crushed under the absence of patients for their urgent care. LOL ….go broke you money grubbing assholes I hope they send the collectors for your overdue college loans.
Reality check I hope you don’t require any medical attention and care. These doctors are not the problem with healthcare and physicians reliably repay student loans. You would want one of these doctors to protect you from the failures in a healthcare system that depends on government funding and reimbursement. The lines get blurred!
Is it ground hog day all over again? YES. What day is it 42? Weren’t we promised something like 14 days? People all over the state of MD are being forced by state government actions, into very real deadly situations. Dire economic conditions are here and will get much worse. Sadly Ice Cream Larry has changed the goal post. Remember it was to make sure our health care system was ready for the task at hand, based on failed worse case doomsday projections.. Now Gov Hogan is talking weeks more if not months. The WSJ had a “projection” up based on Larry’s “shutdown”.. they estimated we would be open around July 19, 2020. To make matters much worse… Ice Cream Larry got $2.4 billion ($2,4000,000,000 dollars) in the first Cares package passed by Congress a few weeks ago — I got this directly from Senator Cardin’s newsletter.
It looks like the following video ( posted to this forum as “The TRUTH about the Corona Virus” has been removed by YouTube and pretty much debunked. See below links for details:
I believe them before I’d believe anything else the CDC ever says. Let’s face the fact that the CDC itself has said that they are no longer contributing any pneumonia deaths to the flu and is contributing those deaths to COVID now, yet we are still marked as “high” and “widespread” on the flu map. That alone is reason to question anything the CDC says. Then, let’s face the facts that right here in Maryland, the STATE OF MARYLAND has already been BUSTED for falsely claiming deaths that were NOT COVID RELATED and were of natural causes. Hell they’ve even reported deaths on the map where no death occurred. In my opinion, the CDC is working with the Democrat Party to destroy this country on behalf of the UN, China and the WHO. That’s the bottom line. Besides, YouTube took down the video because they said it violated Community Guidelines, but not because it isn’t true. People are starting to do what they want and no fake Republican Governor that acts like a DemoTraitor is going to stop them….
Are you saying that the Soul Crusher is really the Truth Crusher feeding us bullshit about the corona virus?.
Ignore the right wing fascist nonsense.
Here is the documented truth from PBS Front Line
The only fascist is you and the Democratic Party, Mike. PBS is nothing but government funded idiocy and WE THE PEOPLE don’t listen to people like you Mike. You are NOT an American and we all hope you return to China and report to your leaders on how the Coronavirus couldn’t destroy America. Make sure you tell them you’re going to try and conduct a fraudulent election thru the mail and that the Democrat Party is working hard all across America to defraud the American people of what little liberty they have left. You guys really are disgusting…
Did you see that SoulCrusher Mike C actually cursed at you. He probably caught wind of some of today’s current events regarding General Flynn and the pending Biden sexual assault allegations. If even a portion of the information released today is even close to being accurate it appears that there are quite a few people that will be having a lot of sleepless nights. I guess time will tell. I’m kind of curious if Lisa Page will be making any more internet champagne toasts to Andrew McCabe.
Yeah, I know and I don’t care. I’ve cussed him out plenty of times. However, isn’t he and that Gordon guy the ones who always talk about my foul mouth? They can’t seem to understand it’s my foul fingers typing and has nothing to do with my mouth. Oh well. Sticks and stones….
“If you think the Coronavirus panic in an election year, right after 3 failed coup attempts against Trump is a coincidence then you may might be as dumb as a rock”. – Deep State for Dummies
It’s 5G and chemtrails
Maybe, my imitator…you really wish you were me don’t you? So, I wonder why New York and New Jersey got hit so hard? Maybe it’s because of the wonderful air quality? Maybe it’s in the water? Maybe, just maybe, the panic and the numbers are being overblown because we still don’t see those make shift hospitals full. Isn’t that strange?
All in one statement they got hit so hard and at the same time it’s overblown. You really are a blithering idiot
No, the numbers are incorrect because if the numbers were correct then those hospitals would not just be in use, they’d be full. The truth is New York and New Jersey were hit hard by martial law, not the Coronavirus. I doubt the reasoning for the government shutdown because the government isn’t interested in keeping people safe, the government is only interested in protecting the corporation. This new flu is being used to manipulate the opinions of the people because the media has lost its effectiveness in controlling the thoughts of the people. I have no problem with there being a new flu bug. I have a problem with the government stealing the freedom of my people thru fraud….
Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms Just the Facts
Sir. Ma’am
Let’s just look at the statistics a bit more and attempt to infuse some sense into what is being said.
First the Number of cases that are particularly high in New York and New Jersey. My theory is that the numbers of confirmed cases resulted from keeping the subway open. That facility is the ideal incubator for any bacteria or virus to propagate and replicate at very high rates. Temperature is moderate, humidity is favorable, and on the whole it is dark. It is also a very good system for disseminating a viral or bacterial pathogen. Google Deseret test center, fluorescent particles (cadmium),subways for a detailed discussion for proof.
Next look at the numbers themselves. The first question that comes to mind is can they be juiced to show growth or decay? Without knowing the methodology for testing, I would state that the answer is most definitely yes. Comparing the number of new cases in New York from approximately 2 weeks ago to today we see a phenomenal drop in new cases. That is inexplicable in nature. Looking at Maryland’s own numbers we can see how the number can be adjusted up or down. We can observe that with increased testing the number of positive results increases, but then so does the number of negative results, at a fairly consistent ratio.. It appears that the number of negative results is always much higher than positive results. If the goal is to reduce the number further, then the test location should be limited to those areas where the number of confirmed cases is low, very low as in Garret , Somerset, Queen Anne or Talbot counties. The expectation would be that the number of new cases would be reduced significantly, and the number of negative results increased. Please refer to the Maryland Health Department website for the location of test sites. Is there a pattern? No doubt that statistical results are very easily manipulated to fit a goal or agenda.
Next look at the number of deaths. We see that there are four cases. First A person dies from cause or event in the span of time of the COVID 19 episode. Second a person who is infected dies from some cause or event. Third a person who is infected dies from some secondary cause which was exacerbated by or can be attributed to the infection. Fourth a person who is infected lives long enough to die as a direct result of the infection. The first case and be easily identified in a normal cycle. The next three can be identified only through an autopsy, or necropsy. The question would be were the medical examiner’s able to perform the autopsies on the hundreds of deaths recorded on a daily basis in New York? I believe that the answer is a resounding no, and so it is much easier to ascribe deaths in the latter three cases to COVID 19 infections.
You are left to draw your own conclusions on the matter. I would add though that reviewing some of the previous efforts by the public health institutions I am skeptical of their efforts. Research the Tuskegee experiment, Eugenics, and the treatment of military personnel returning from World War II with what we now call PTSD.
I couldn’t agree with you more!!!! Well done.
Soul Crushers prophet is Jeremiah Johnson — a known right wing evangelical misfit who is an unapologetic sycophant of Donald Trump.. . . He is a lackey, toady and ass kisser of all Trumps bullshit and malarkey
No wonder SC is so screwed up and misinformed!
Sure am glad that you don’t live in Harford County. We already got too many leftist loving communist around here.
First and foremost, my opinion about this new flu bug has, was and will always be that it is being used in a political fashion and is not the serious health crisis that has everyone scared out of their wits. The Democratic media machine is the ultimate in Gestapo propaganda. People like Mike Callahan are completely inept and have tried to convince people time after time of lie after lie when it comes to Trump. Were we misinformed about Russia? Were we misinformed about the Ukraine Impeachment hoax? Are we being misinformed about the Coronavirus? The answer to all three is yes. This misinformation campaigns have all been organized by Democratic sympathizers and the Democratic Party itself, since day 1. Mike Callahan is part of that Democratic misinformation campaign and has been spewing lie after lie from the Democratic Party. It has become a routine….
“Armed protesters demonstrate inside Michigan state capitol”
Enough is enough! Garbage like this boggles my mind. It’s complete lunacy to allow protestors to be armed. Maryland has the good sense not to permit guns at demonstrations..
They gonna shoot that virus
I think it is fair to say that more people were killed last night in Chicago than any of those armed protesters have ever killed in 50 years. Liberals like Bob won’t condemn that because it doesn’t fit them liberal agendas. Failure to address this senseless continual loss of life is due to hypocrisy or cowardice. Maybe both.
Sean Hannity’s message to armed Michigan protesters: ‘Show of force is dangerous’, ‘puts our police at risk’
Even crazy Hannity (one of the worst of the worst) understands that this militia look with assault rifles at demonstrations is extremely dangerous.
Not one of those demonstrators had an automatic weapon so there was NOT an assault rifle at the demonstration. The Democratic misinformation campaign will never cease to amaze me. Look, if the governments of the several States wants to act like a mafia and a terrorist organization then that same government needs to understand that we will NOT let a tyranny stand. Let me be very clear, the police put on shows of force ALL the time and that puts the citizens at risk. Government employees work for us, not the other way around. The people pay their fucking salaries, Bob. In order to be free there is risk involved in that freedom. The people are tired of being treated like sheep, flocked by wolves, disguised as shepherds. Of course you wouldn’t understand this because of your political views drenched in fraud, war and treason….
another pubic service announcement by possible by the dickcrusher
I hear Bob likes turtles….
If WE THE PEOPLE created the 2nd Amendment to prevent tyranny, then why does someone like Bob disapprove of that right being exercised to help stop a tyranny? There is no such thing as the abrogation of right while the Constitution still stands and only Democratic Traitors Against America claim otherwise.
A Message from President George W. Bush
“Trump hits 49 percent approval rating in Gallup poll”
This Gallup poll really surprised me. I just can’t see what happened in the past two weeks that would account for a 6 percent jump.
Participated in the peaceful protest against government overreach and plea to “Open Maryland” today. This was a car caravan from Frederick to Salisbury. Political leaders were given a speaking platform in Frederick, Kent Island, and Salisbury. Vehicles were decorated with flags and signs. The caravan used the right slow lane and all vehicles used their hazard flashing lights. Overpasses along the route were crowded with citizens carrying signs and waving flags. There was no police presence until traveling through Annapolis. MSP were in force joining the caravan line, pulling vehicles over, and issuing fines. Once over the Bay Bridge, the number of police increased. When the caravan stopped to join more participants in Kent Island there were more MSP motorcycles than I ever imagined. The MSP presence was intimidating! The final stop was an abandoned shopping mall in Salisbury. Andy Harris was the speaker. The MSP blocked the entrance to the parking lots with their SUVs. I am telling you about this because it will be an everlasting memory. Healthcare is my wheelhouse and the MSP is my family. I support the Constitution and believe it is my right to free choice and freedom of speech. I respect law enforcement and am grateful for their service. Simply said, I am conflicted. Do No Harm!
Just for clarification, I talked to some friends involved in the protest and they said it wasn’t MSP blocking the mall entrances, it was the Salisbury Police. However, some of the protesters were pulled over on the Eastern Shore starting at Kent Island and given tickets by the MSP for “Being out for non-essential reasons”. This is completely insane. Now, I realize you have a stake in the MSP and consider them family, however, I have serious issues with them and this kind of thing does NOT improve the way I feel about them. This is a definite over reach and is a violation of the LAW. Constitutional law is the supreme law of the land. Code enforcement can NOT violate Constitutional LAW. The 14th Amendment is supposed to be in play and you can count on there being a lot of law suits against the MSP and the Salisbury Police. I normally don’t care much for Andy Harris, but his participation in this actually gives me a little respect for him. Just for the record, the MSP lost all my respect in 2009 when I was the victim of one of their terrorist acts in my own fucking home. That’s just the way it is…sorry.
Thank you for the clarification about the police involvement. I saw some retired FBI and former military intelligence contractors in the group. There were automobiles with FOP vanity tags. Actually, there were all kinds of Essential Personnel participating in this peaceful protest. “Doctors 4 Freedom”, “Nurses 4 Liberty”, and “We are Essential” were signs and slogans written on vehicles. We have to take care of each other because our governor is busy being interviewed on news networks and late night talk shows bragging about hiding test kits. In the meantime, people aren’t getting the unemployment checks promised by the State because of technology glitches!! People in our state are without income, without adequate healthcare, without spiritual community, and are hungry, anxious, and afraid! Some of us essential workers will always do what is morally and ethically right. The government can’t silence our voice. Take care of each other and live a life worth living. Peace.
Yes but gathering like this does harm. You forcing police to deal with it puts the police at risk. Driving as described with flashers in a parade in the slow lane is a violation of established traffic law.
Uhhh, the Police weren’t forced to become Police. They knew the risk when they took the job. If you think Police are being put at risk because some people were protesting by driving in the slow lane with their blinkers on then I have a recipe for turning lead into gold that I’ll sell you….abrogating the right of a peaceful protest is against the law. Abrogating ANY Constitutional right is an act of treason.
We all put ourselves at risk every day. When I am in uniform I am essential and the only life that matters is the patient who trusts that I will do the right thing.
The caravan was peaceful and organized; easily recognizable. We didn’t speed, dangerously change lanes, nor cause any hazardous or unsafe driving conditions for other travelers on the road. We made a presence for freedom and liberty as privileged citizens of the United States.
As for the MSP, they were strong and badass doing their job. I welcomed their presence as I did not witness any rude, aberrant behavior towards them at the rally. My message to a Trooper who might have been at risk Saturday, “Good Morning! Be a peacekeeper; do not be a shitty person today”.
WhatMattersisBlue, Below is a video of Saturday’s ReOpen Maryland protest in Salisbury. When the police blocked the entrances to the Salisbury Mall the protestors went to the nearby Kohls/Hobby Lobby parking lot. The video runs for about 45 minutes. Maryland Congressman Andy Harris addresses the crowd approximately 30 minutes into the video.
The good news is except for a relatively minor incident at the beginning there was no violence and very little police presence.
Bob thanks for sharing the video. The peaceful protest was well attended at all rally sites. It was a beautiful sunny day.
And soon some of them will get sick….but nay after spreading it around!
When Harris was asked about comments he made at the ReOpen Maryland demonstration in Salisbury comparing Maryland’s business and church closures to moves by the autocratic regimes of China and North Korea, he said he was using “hyperbole”. This is the same excuse the Divider-in-Chief uses when his mouth overloads his brain.
Actually, I gained some respect for Andy Harris when he told the protesters he would go to court and defend the few protesters that got the incredibly draconian citations for their participation. There was absolutely no way to spread the virus within the confines of their vehicles and the MSP’s use of these tickets to hamper freedom of speech is a clear 1st Amendment violation. The measures our State governments have taken are very similar to the Chinese government’s response to the virus and only Democratic Traitors Against America approve of this type of control of the public.
Hey Bob….your mention of the Gallup poll made me think of Gallup, New Mexico. Martial Law is where we are headed.
Also of note is that 84% of Marylanders approve of Hogan’s Job Performance
That’s because 84% of Marylanders have been brainwashed by the Democratic Traitors Against America AKA as The DNC….
#Lockdown Larry has been caught lying to CNN’s Jake Tapper when asked about the cross-state protest to Reopen Maryland on Saturday. This is what he said, “a couple of dozen people expressing their right to protest had every right to do so, but their insignificant participation didn’t represent the state. Sadly, we had far more people die in Maryland on Saturday than we had protesters”. Really?!?!
The MSP estimated 100-200 cars participated in the caravan while Maryland Health and Human Services reported 30 deaths on Saturday.
Hogan is also backpedaling on his criticism of the federal government’s assistance to the state regarding supplies and manpower to fight Covid-19.
C’mon Governor…..I believe the stats provided by the MSP.
Our Governor is a white RINO. I thought that was a threatened critter that lives on the African continent. That tool actually thinks he has a legitimate shot at being a future serious Presidential candidate.
White House signals it will begin winding down the coronavirus task force”
I’m OK with that, as long as we replace it with a new task force. Preferably, one that does not include Trump and/or Pence.
Bob…Politics aside, Reopening Maryland means we can all sit together eating crabs and drinking beer real soon. Sounds like this task force will have a good combination of talent. I know Trump can be a jackass, but the Fake News Media treat him the way you all treat SoulCrusher. In response to your earlier comment about hyperbole, Trump doesn’t let his ass get ahead of his brain. Don’t know why you would oppose Pence? He is a good man! Nothing like your presidential candidate who sniffs the scent of a woman and doesn’t know what to do with his hands.
“as long as we replace it with a new task force” – and we are ALL sure that you would want it to consist of those who wish to harm my Country.
Here is a the Coronavirus video advertisement released by the Lincoln Project entitled ‘Mourning in America’ ( that infuriated the President.
Yawn. That video is pathetic.
I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now you can go back to sleep.
When you wake from you nap here is another Lincoln Project ad you can check out ( It’s all about the guy whose is going to be your next President.
Yawn. That video is even more pathetic than the first. Joe Biden can’t complete 3 sentences without a gaff. He sometimes pauses and acts if he doesn’t know where he is at. He doesn’t have a chance…
Oh Bob you can’t be serious about Biden. Please tell me that Hillary isn’t going to be his running mate! He will never survive that match!!! This video is worse than the one about “Mourning America”. I was having a good day and now I will have nightmares about Sleepy, Creepy Joe.
WhatMattersisBlue, Hillary is definitely out. If I had to make a guess right now I’d go with Elizabeth Warren. What’s your guess?.
Well, when Biden goes to sniff Warren let’s hope that she actually has changed her clothes. I think she wore those lack leotards her entire campaign and I doubt she ever changed her clothes, other than the sweater she wears over them. Besides, Warren doesn’t have a platform, as she attempted to steal Bernie’s and in the end looked like a complete fool before she folded. It doesn’t matter who Biden picks because Biden will not win an election against Trump. Why would you Dems even want the Presidency? It’s obvious that the lack of business savvy and the policies of fraud, war and treason would just cause more harm to our Country than you scumbags have already caused. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for everything that is anti-American. Don’t be a scumbag traitor like Bob.
Hey Bob I am not sure that making a premature prediction of the 2020 Presidential election is prudent. I guess we will have to wait and see about the ripple effect regarding ongoing high level governmental investigations. Several months ago in a prior post we were discussing Mr. Comey’s finding regarding Mrs. Clinton. You indicated that based on your knowledge of the situation you concurred with Mr. Comey’s assessment that her actions were not criminal but were in fact “extremely careless”. Ok that’s your prerogative. Later in other post you implied that Mr. Barr and Mr. Durham were “Trump lackeys”. Ok again your opinion. You subsequently stated in another post regarding the “investigation of the investigators” that it was wavering and appeared to be not going anywhere. Ok again. In light of recent released information regarding General Flynn do you still consider Mr Barr to be a puppet of the President or is he doing the right thing? Would you feel the same way if the FBI would have treated associates of President Obama in the same way? Before you answer take your time. Think about it long and hard. I would be curious when this is over if you still have the same opinion regarding the integrity of individuals such as Mr. Comey, Mr. McCabe and other ranking levels of the FBI and DOJ under former President Obama. Feel free to confer with a person with a much greater depth of knowledge then yourself before you respond. Possibly a good friend with maybe a degree in let’s say “animal science” and a maybe a part time poetess. If recently obtained information regarding the Flynn information is even partially true the Democrats are going to have a lot to explain. Bob, again I think you should hold off on making election predictions until this plays out. One or more people are going to be left holding their chairs when the music stops. There are going to be a lot of weak links. I don’t think that there are a lot of people who are willing to risk lengthy prison sentences to fall on the sword for rogue politicians. I guess we will have to wait and see.
The real just for shares my concerns about so many things. There is not a woman alive who could clean up the mess. Bob I have given this question way too much thought and I can’t think of anyone in the Democratic Party that is trustworthy and has the skills to be President. Let’s face it, because you are hoping Joe can hold up until November, your V.P. pick better be a crowd pleaser!
Bob I am in mourning for all of those people that died in hospitals without a loved one by their side.
I am sad that many people died in their homes and could not be removed for days because funeral homes (small business) could not provide services, It breaks my heart that better than 50% of deaths occurred in nursing homes due to poor management and lack of PPE. Every state has an Emergency Plan (MEMA), provide training, and preparing with annual drills yet they failed to maintain their own par levels of supplies. There is plenty of blame to go around. I wouldn’t object to a complete turnover of politicians.
Like you, I’m saddened by the pain and suffering that Covid-19 is causing our country.
Concerning our “politics” I try to stay positive, take the high road, and believe our system shall overcome. However, I’ll be honest with you, I’m not so sure anymore. Our country is so deeply divided. It’s very scary. I am afraid our system might be fundamentally broken that we’ll never get back on the right track. I sure hope I’m wrong!
Bob as long as you continue to educate the rest of us about your beliefs you are doing your part to restore civility to the conversation. You stand by your comments with supportive facts. I am pretty sure that The Real Just For referred to me as a part time poetess. He is right that I emote a lot of emotion in my comments, but my message is honest. Regardless of methodology, healthy dialogue will keep us open minded. There are bad actors in both political parties hungry for power. What is happening in these investigations is unethical and criminal. Does anyone know where “the rule of law” went?
While reading your post I was listening to Joyce Vance (Former US Attorney) and MSNBC Legal Contributor discussing DOJ/Barr decision to drop charges against Flynn. Coincidentally she commented relevant to your question – “Does anyone know where the “rule of law” went?” She feels that the rule of law in our country is badly damaged and that there is one kind of justice for the President’s friends and one kind for everyone else.
When those who claim to be the law, break the law to enforce the law, they have become the criminals. There is no rule of law when enforcing code by violating the Constitution and that is what people like Joyce Vance has forgotten. She does not believe in the rule of law, she believe in persecution by violating the law, which seems to be the standard view law enforcement has now a days. However, Joyce Vance has no problem with allowing members of law enforcement to break the law and receive no penalty as long as it suits her political party’s agenda. The age of O’bama is over and his cronies in the FBI that broke the law to undermine an incoming administration are despicable. If Joyce Vance doesn’t see the problem with the case against Flynn it is because she has let her politics cloud her judgements and has forgotten everything she knew about the law in favor of political treason.
Bob I think you found your woman VP candidate. Do you think Joyce Vance would consider a run? Liz has been caught in so many lies, and SC is right about her limited wardrobe. Besides, Warren has no loyalty; look how fast she dumped Bernie for Joe. Yikes!
Here’s a video that shows you what the CDC and Fauci are really all about….
The woman (Judy Mikovits) in the video has ZERO credibility. Just another conspiracist from the lunatic fringe (
Oh … sorry. Never mind… I had a brain fart!
No Bob. This woman is credible and is dropping a bombshell on the CDC and the murderer Anthony Fauci. He has been responsible for the spread of infectious disease his whole career and he is on par with Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death from the WWII German government. You are not only spreading Democratic Propaganda and terrorism, you are supporting a mass murderer on several continents, by defending the scumbag Fauci. It is also becoming very clear that you are using my moniker. Traitor.
I definitely believe some moron who got busted d=growing weed in his single wide trailer in edgewood over Fauci.
You stupid traitor. I was never busted. I was persecuted. It happened at 900 Swallow Crest Ct. Unit G, Edgewood MD, via illegal dog sniff in a limited common area where the right of common was extinct. I have a Constitutional right to produce and use marijuana because it makes me happy. That’s all I need to say because of the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. However, it was also legal due to the fair access to medicine doctrine and the fact that the Federal government has no authority to make marijuana illegal in the first place. The State can’t make it illegal either due to its prohibition not falling under the principles of police power. Marijuana isn’t physically addictive nor does it cause any harm like the legal drugs YOU use all the time, you stinking alcoholic. Now, Fauci is a terrorist and a traitor who has used his authority to MURDER thousands of people involving viral outbreaks he , the CDC and the WHO have organized all over the globe. Whatever you believe, don’t take the vaccine or you will pay the price. I don’t take flu vaccines because they make me sick and studies have shown a link to cancer. Do what you want. The world would probably be better off without a DemoTraitor, like you, but I won’t wish for your demise. Can you say the same about me? No, I didn’t think so traitor….
More proof that Fauci is an Angel of Death….
“DOJ drops case against Michael Flynn, in wake of internal memo release”
I’m sure all you ‘Righties’ will love this. Now, we’ll have to see if the judge in the case agrees to drop the charges against Flynn.
Bob the prosecutorial abuse and wrong doing of the DOJ against a citizen of the United States shouldn’t make any of us happy. The FBI leadership is a disgrace to Law Enforcement. If this is about politics than it is dirty politics. Someone needs to look under every rock and do some heavy lifting to clean house in DC so Americans can trust again.
In Absolute Agreement!
I agree. We should look under every rock. My issue is not the “looking”, My concern is the person doing the “looking”. Barr is a partisan hack with ZERO credibility.
Barr was Attorney General during the 1st George Bush Presidency and no one, including Democrats, had any problem with him. Now, he is a “partisan hack” because he is investigating the false narrative of the Democrat party’s bogus Russia claims about Trump. This isn’t about politics. This is about law breaking in an attempt to stop a President’s agenda by persecuting a member of Trump’s administration. I find Barr to be credible in this investigation and just because his findings are not what the Democrats want does not make this an investigation based on Barr’s politics. This is an investigation into violations of law. I don’t know how you can see it the way you do.
Flynn was caught by he CIA talking to Russian spies. Flynn plead guilty to talking to Russian spies. Flynn tried to cooperated with Mueller and Mueller said no because he already had all the evidence anyone needed against Flynn. No one in the DOJ agrees with Barrs conclusions. Barr is a criminal, Flynn is a criminal and Soulcrusher is a traitor to America.
Complete Democratic drivel. Flynn talked to Russians, but not spies. Flynn took an illegal and unconstitutional plea bargain that included lies that suited the Democratic Party’s narrative as part of the deal, even though the facts in the deal was a complete and utter lie. Sound familiar? Flynn lied to the FBI, but the FBI was using a perjury trap that Barack Hussein O’Bama, a now confirmed traitor against the United States, wanted to destroy Flynn, his family and everyone associated with him. Sound familiar? The Democratic Party is TREASON, used law enforcement to commit TREASON, used the DOJ and the Courts to commit TREASON and Bob, You can say whatever you want, but everyone knows I am not a traitor and you guys are. Time to arrest Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler and a whole lot of FBI agents that used their authority to wage war against the Constitution. You don’t like it? Too bad, I don’t care…traitors.
It’s amazing just how wrong one person can be but apparently you manage just fine SC. You are the only person in the world who doesn’t know Kislyak is a spy.
Can you lefties please give it up. Your hatred, contempt and impulsiveness made your attempt to bring down your adversaries fail. You were sloppy and you got caught. Live with it. Note to self guys. Next time you try to screw someone cover your tracks a little better. Even Hillary was smart enough to destroy and delete potentially damning evidence. If she is the wizard of your party you guys better pack a lunch.
No, you seem to be the only one who doesn’t realize that Kislyak is a Russian diplomat and a politician who just happens to be the former Russian Ambassador that served Russia not only when Trump was in office, but when the former traitor in chief Barack O’Bama was in office as well. You are STILL going along with the false Democrat narrative that Trump is somehow a Russian agent. You are discounting Kislyak’s diplomatic role as an Ambassador and are falsely calling him a spy. Apparently, our definitions of a SPY are extremely different. Trump did share with him classified information, but it was to battle ISIS. You know, the JV of the Terrorist groups that just happened to try and start an Islamic Caliphate. At least that is what your boy O’Bama claimed….moron.
This time next year trump his family and Barr will all be in jail.
Just the facts this is all about Obama. I hope you don’t think Sally Yates is going to fall on the sword for Comey, Biden, or Obama.
I’d bet on someone from the FBI and maybe a politician or two will be in jail. Not Trump, his family or Barr. You really are ridiculous.
Flynn either lied to the FBI or he lied to the judge.
Pick one
Who cares? Both are treasonous parts of the government. The FBI, from their own notes, were conducting a perjury trap ordered by the former traitor in chief Barack Hussein O’Bama. There isn’t a lawful Judge in this Country other than a couple SCOTUS Justices. All Judges and Lawyers are traitors to the Constitution and the American people. If the FBI asked me a question, I’d tell them it was none of their business and if they pressed the issue I’d tell them to go and screw themselves. The FBI has become nothing but a worthless terrorist organization for the Federal government. I mean the college admissions scandals is NONE of their business, yet they stuck their noses in it. I wouldn’t cooperate with any Judge or the FBI. They are foreign entities loyal to the UN, not the United States or its citizens. Flynn shouldn’t have been persecuted and only DemoTraitors, like you, feel like some form of wrong doing went down. Fuck the FBI and fuck that Judge.
The funny part will be as soon as trump loses and a new AG is appointed there will be an absolute flood of indictment filed by career DOJ lawyers that are just gathering criminal evidence and patiently waiting for the opportunity to do their job.
They are NOT doing their jobs. They’re committing treason. Let’s just hope Trump wins and every DOJ Lawyer in the Country get indicted for the treason they have committed their entire careers. Barr is apparently the only prosecutor in this nation that isn’t a traitor against the Constitution, the people and the President. The Democratic Party should be banned on the grounds of Article 3 Section 3 treason against the United States.
Come on Bob. Your TDS has clouded your reason. Put on your big boy pants and take a deep breath. Bottom line the Democrats got caught speeding. This time they stepped on it hard. Remember what I said about the weak link. Stay tuned Baby. You liberals are your own worst enemies.
The real just for,
I don’t know know you do it, but you always manage to bring a smile to my face. I’m sure I’ll find my “big boy pants” one of these days.
Oops! Permission to enter the “Gentlemen’s Club” with a PSA:
This is a reminder to wash your hands before and after touching yourselves. BTW…PD Is treatable but results may vary depending on the direction of the curve (right or left?) Let’s get something straight, somewhere in all that investigative paperwork is Obama’s stained blue dress. We have all heard about Obama’s scandal free terms in office so pay attention. I don’t want any distractions!!
Only a fool or idiot would believe or foster the the lies and bs of Dr. Mikovits “Plandemic” right wing conspiracy theory.
But Soul Crusher/ Truth Crusher takes the idiot bait brain wash!
Fauci guaranteed a viral outbreak. Apparently you haven’t been listening to what Fauci says. He is an Angel of Death and he is proud of it. You keep listening to me like Fauci and he will lead you to an early grave. The only way to keep a healthy immune system attuned to disease is to exposure. We aren’t talking about E-Bola. We are talking about a derivative of the SARS virus and the SARS virus is now classified in the influenza department. However, you being a Democratic coward and a traitor against my nation leaves me knowing why you readily accept an unreasonable stay at home order. Trade your liberty for security and you deserve neither…
The “Plandemic” video featuring Judy Mikovits has been removed by YouTube, Facebook and Vimeo.
That’s because it goes against the CDC and WHO recommendations and their supposed facts, which as according to the Democratic treason machine that runs the media, is against community guidelines. It doesn’t mean that the information deleted was false, just not on par with the treason machine. Infectious disease doctors everywhere will tell you the only way to gain immunities to viruses is to be exposed to viruses. The CDC and the WHO are recommending things that will make you unhealthy and that is the bottom line. Fauci is an Angel of Death and he should be jailed for LIFE.
SC this was hard to watch. My gut is telling me one thing but my heart is in denial. I’ll be working this out all day. I wish my gym was open!!!!
I just heard Trump say next year is going to be “fantastic” for America. I’m in agreement Mr. President, you scoundrel, but only if we vote your butt out of office.
It will be a fantastic year for Americans knowing that a REAL American and NOT a Democratic Traitor against the United States will be President when Trump is re-elected. Four more years baby!
Bob you said Hillary is out of the game. Any chance Michelle is waiting for an invite? There is absolutely nothing fantastic about Joe. He is slipping and sliding all over the place and I see Tara taking him down while he his looking for the camera.
If we ever get out of lockdown, I’m going to burn my bra, tear up my Republican voter registration card, throw my shit in a car and go back to California for a free hotel room and lots of alcohol and drugs.
Bob doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. He will say whatever this days Democratic talking points are. The Democrats have been lying to the people of this Country for the last 4 years and neither HRC or O’Bama’s wife will change the fact that Joe Biden is incompetent and probably is suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s.
SC regardless of the Party, these men are elderly seniors. Had it not been for the coronavirus, we would be observing their vitality and stamina while rigorously campaigning. It would be hard to watch, although Trump still jogs up the airplane stairs. The guy never gets sick and has no obvious mental deficits. Biden is frail and demonstrates cognitive decline every time he speaks. It is pathetic. The Democrats must have a back up plan. Even HRC had a rough time staying upright during her campaign. Trump 2020…he has a lot to do to make America Great Again.
Hey Blue,
The first thing Trump needs “to do to make America Great Again is to RESIGN the Presidency. Talking about “cognitive decline” “The Donald” is incapable of putting two coherent sentences together. He is as dumb as they come. The truth of the matter is that the “Clown” is eminently disqualified and unfit for any public office much less the Presidency.
Weak link baby. Stay tuned. Nothing like sitting by the fire sipping a great cup of coffee watching the Democrats implode.
Hey real,
What is it with you and your favorite expression “stay tuned”? We’re waiting. Where’s the beef!!
Well buddy we can agree to disagree like we usually do. Investigations must be completed methodically and transparently or they don’t have the desired effect. Just ask Adam Schiff and former ranking members of the FBI. Again we can agree to disagree but don’t you find it a little odd that there just happened to be a leak of the content of a well timed phone conversation with former President Obama and some of his former upper level staff members as more and more information surfaces about the General Flynn incident. Particularly when the released information generates legitimate questions about what President Obama knew and when and why he knew of it. Maybe he can explain it away. Maybe he is in full panic mode where he needs the assistance of the main stream liberal media to try and sell what very well could be damage control. Lets wait and see Bobby. In the interest of fairness to all we have to have more information. Stay tuned!
Hey real, Here is the Attorney General’s latest take on Durham’s dry hole investigation:
“Barr says he does not expect criminal investigation of Obama or Biden as result of Durham probe”
However, there is a rumor that Durham is going to recommend Trump be charged with “impersonating a President”. That case would be a slam dunk. ?
Kind of hard for you and your fellow liberals to label Mr. Barr a “partisan hack”now. His message exemplifies his fairness and integrity and open mindedness. The investigation which you laughably refer to as a “dry hole investigation” exposed and questioned the veracity of so many of those Democratic caped crusaders pushing to make the Russia collusion BS. You guys were sloppy. You guys did not cover your tracks.You guys got caught. You were wrong. Live with it. People are going to go down. I got news for you Bobby. The splash from this thing is going to muddy the faces of many ranking Democrats even if some avoid criminal prosecutions their reputations and legacy will be forever impacted. You see Bobby the difference between you and I is that I evaluate all the facts and I do not suffer from chronic TDS. There wii be a weak link. All I can say is stay tuned baby.
Hey Bob while we are talking about bad, possible criminal behavior that should be investigated how about this one with your girl Nancy. The Supreme Court unanimously upheld a federal law struck down by an appeals court that forbids encouraging illegal aliens to remain in the U.S. unlawfully in a decision Thursday. The Supreme Court ruled on the law on May 7, 2020, just 11 Days ago! She just submitted a 3 trillion dollar stimulus package proposal which was narrowly approved by a partisan Democratic House. Part of the bill calls for funding of a $1,200 stimulus check for illegal immigrants. To me it seems your girl might be attempting to violate the law. I know you guys won’t see it that way.
The real, Below are the facts regarding your concern that “Part of the bill calls for funding of a $1,200 stimulus check for illegal immigrants”. It looks the HEROES Act does not call for stimulus checks for all undocumented workers It only provides funding for those undocumented workers in jobs deemed by local governments as “essential critical infrastructure” and only on a temporary basis.
Undocumented and illegal are basically synonymous in meaning with regards to my post. I find it interesting how liberals use their own interpretations to justify and rationalize bad behavior or in some cases criminality. Again we can agree to disagree but I firmly feel that rationalizing bad behavior to support your own liberal agendas is not a good thing.
There is an old saying……”if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck”. This may end up being a very profound statement. I guess we will have to wait and see. All I can say is STAY TUNED!!!!
Bob I wouldn’t expect you to be happy with Trump. Biden isn’t going to make it to November. He won’t survive the betrayal of his own party when they look the other way while Tara goes after him. More women are speaking up about his inappropriate behavior, including female Secret Service Agents who were offended by his affinity for skinny dipping. He is going to be implicated In the Obamagate scandal about to be revealed.
We’ve acknowledged that there are corrupt power hungry politicians on both sides. Who wants him off the ticket? Trump isn’t threatened by him.
SC this video is informative and truthful. It may cause doubt because it contradicts recommendations. It is important that people feel safe and can trust information. N95 masks will only protect you if you have been fit-tested (it is mandatory to be fit-tested annually in hospitals). If employees do not comply they are terminated. When wearing any other type of mask you are not protecting yourself, however you will protect others, unless the mask is moist. As you leave your safe place the most effective things to do are washing your hands and maintaining distance from one another. FYI. If you have facial hair (beard), you will not have an adequate fit. Hospital staff with beards wear a hood that resembles a spacesuit helmet. Take care!
Thank you. I am only interested in the truth and I try to keep things honest, but with a touch of sarcastic flair and sometimes brutal truth telling. You take care too.
“Durham moving ‘full-throttle’ on Russia probe review, top federal prosecutors involved: sources”
I know. All we need to do is “stay tuned”.
Bob I hope we can handle the truth. So many serious issues Covid-19/Deaths, China/Economy, Corruption/Rule of Law, and a Presidential Election require more information and clarity. I will be listening to all of you and your take of what all this means.
The law can’t break the law to enforce the law and still be considered the law. That’s when the term “under color of law” comes into play and there is no “Rule of Law” when the law has been broken by the law…
Who believes that Dr. Fauci is the authority on the coronavirus? If you do it is okay. After all, he was outstanding in his contributions in caring for “the boy in the bubble” and the treatment and cure for HIV.
His predictions and forecasts on the coronavirus have been erroneous, so far. If you ask 3 physicians to interpret an EKG you will usually get 3 different answers. Most physician groups recommend ending isolation and opening safely. There is a lot to be said for herd immunity. Wash your hands and keep your distance. It will be alright.
If not Dr. Fauci, who do you believe is the coronavirus “authority”? Which of his “predictions and forecast on the coronavirus have been erroneous”? Which “physician groups recommend ending isolation and opening safety”?
What is Herd Immunity and How Can We Achieve It With COVID-19?
“Here’s Why Herd Immunity Won’t Save Us From The COVID-19 Pandemic”
Nobody elected Dr. Fauci into his office and he has proven himself to be a “Deep State” traitor and is part of the ultimate Democratic plan to destroy this country via the CDC. Why do you think Fauci should be listened to when he contradicts the European Medical Community’s opinion that the Hydroxychloroquine is adequate in reducing the duration of infection and is recommending a drug that him and China have a monetary stake in? You Democrats used to want to be just like Europe and now you won’t listen to your European UN masters when they are actually making sense. I’m tired of the political crap and the Democrat’s efforts to use something like this to punish and destroy the American people for not electing a Democratic traitor into the White House. Privately, Physicians across this nation are recommending reopening with social distancing and quarantining of the sick and at risk persons. Those same physicians are contradicting the widespread use of masks as well. You need to understand that life is a risk and freedom comes with a cost of certain risks. Remember, the second you were born you were also destined to die. It’s what you do with the time in between birth and death that matters. If you want to shelter in place and wait for someone to tell you it is OK for you to resume your life that is your choice. However, if you want to go back to work or do everything else that makes life worth living then that is a choice that should be allowable to make as well. It’s called “Freedom of Choice”. You remember that thing called “freedom”, don’t you Bob? Or has the Democratic treason machine re-educated you into thinking that this isn’t the “Land of the FREE and the home of the brave”, but the “Land of the UN-FREE and the home of the enslaved”?
Bob thanks for sharing these articles. In order to decompress, colleagues share experiences and frustrations about what they are seeing and more importantly their innovative therapies that may or may not be working. These are not necessarily well known practitioners but they are on the clinical front line and many are in administrative roles. The Eastern Shore is seeing poor outcomes in patients not reflected in current data. Science and data are forever changing. In an attempt to reassure you, I have failed. The AMA has a step-by-step guide for physicians reopening practices and surgeries amid the COVID-19 pandemic….AMA-ASSN.ORG….Wash your hands and stay safe.
Herd immunity requires you and your family to get sick so go out and lick a handrail.
Maybe you should write a book and call it “Go Out and Lick a Handrail”? It would probably resonate with people, just like you, who need to be told “Don’t eat paint chips or Tide Pods”.
Even the Angel of Death, Dr. Anthony Fauci, is now saying we don’t need to wear masks. He had to walk back the whole thing now that RESPECTED members of the medical community have contradicted earlier claims that masks should be warned by everyone. My question to the supposed Republican Governor of this State is “Why are we still mandated to wear a mask”? Can someone please explain this shit to me….
and YES, I know the video was from March and I don’t care….we all saw what was said at the Senate yesterday.
LOL is a moron. If your underwear and pants can’t protect you from a fart, what makes you think a mask is going to protect you from the Coronavirus? Just another stupid thing for stupid people….
Interesting that as soon as Fox news turned on Fauci so did SC. The cult is a strong one for weak minded people.
You’re out of your beloved mind. I was talking shit about Fauci a couple days before Fox News cued in on it. Believe it or not, members of the Facebook group #Reopen Maryland gave me the low down on that turd…
Maybe so but at least you now admit you get your talking points from a facebook group of uneducated idiots and propaganda TV.
I don’t get talking points, I get information that I weed thru and decide what the truth is for myself. The members of #Reopen Maryland are far more educated than you because they believe in the Constitution and are not slaves to the treason created by the Democratic Traitors Against America. The only propaganda being spewed is the crap you Democrats and your bought media put on TV every day to try and keep the public terrified of flu bug. You scumbags totally disgust me. Now, your new hero, the Butcher Anthony Fauci, has been caught being involved in the creation of this virus by funding the Chinese Lab that created this new flu. Why don’t you ask yourself why anyone, Chinese or American, would be researching the Coronavirus and attempting to make it transmittable from human to human? That’s the REAL story you Democratic “NOT SEEs” are missing. When the Democratic Party has instituted rules and regulations on par with the WWII German government, I have to wonder how did we “NOT SEE” this coming and yes, you are a “NOT SEE” too.
SC if you watch the video provided by LOL Dr. Fauci states that it gives him a sense of comfort to see people wearing facial covering. There is also a psychological benefit to protective covering; people feel safe by doing SOMETHING. Hospital staff are wearing both masks & head coverings during there shifts. Is this hospital policy or isolation precaution protocol? The answer is no. I could explain correct technique which requires gloves, gowns, masks, caps, etc to be changed between each contact, but it would be voluminous. Let me give you an example…I drive to the carry out at Burger Boys, place my order, at the window I pass my credit card to the cashier who is wearing gloves, when the credit card comes back to me it is loaded with all kinds of germs and other people’s cooties. Unless that worker changes gloves between every customer he is considered contaminated. So back to hospital use of masks, this is a show of consistency and compliance to a recommendation of local politician’s executive order. The only mask that protects you from a virus is the N95. Once again protection comes from 6 foot distancing and frequent handwashing.
Yeah, I know. However, when people are wearing those masks it does protect my eyes from their ugly faces. That’s about the greatest benefit for wearing a mask in a room full of Democrats…
SC if you are old enough to remember “The Gong Show” from the 1980s there was a comedian who wore a bag over his head. He was the Unknown Comic. It doesn’t matter if everyone wears a bag over their head as long as they feel safe. We have to take care of each other so let’s help them ease into reopening Maryland. Your sarcasm is a hoot; I’m not being judgy!
Yeah, I remember him and he got gonged off every time.
I am an old man but I remember that show. I loved Jaye P. Morgan and the great Gene Gene the dancing machine. Totally hilarious!
The real just for (old man) we are getting out of “House Arrest” at 5p on Friday. I am so excited!
Be safe and don’t do anything crazy.
What’s your take on the ousted whistleblower, Dr. Rick Bright? Is he a “disgruntled employee” or a citizen concerned about the administration’s response to COVID-19?
Bob I believe we will see covid-19 again just like we see the flu every year. I want to be honest with you. Every year between December-March hospitals get a surge of influenza patients. The surge is so great that you walk into a busy ED where you don’t have enough stretchers and there are 35 admitted patients waiting for a hospital bed to open up. An admitted patient can wait 24-48 hours to go to a room. Again this is predictable, but there is never government involvement. Deaths secondary to influenza are similar to the numbers of covid-19.
In my opinion, it is never good when government involves itself in healthcare. Politicians get in the way and make poor decisions. For example, Hogan bought 500,000 test kits from South Korea that can’t be used because we do not have compatible swabs for these kits. Our labs do not have the solvent reagent necessary to run the tests. It would be like expecting me to fly a jet. There are always experts, but a Pinhead isn’t always the man for the job. I didn’t answer your question. We will see covid again, but we will be familiar with the manifestation of the virus. We will start early with the therapies that worked this go round. Dr. Bright believes he is a whistleblower, but he is probably a disgruntled employee.
“COVID-19 at least 10 times deadlier than typical flu, analysis finds:
Bob do you remember when this all started? I asked why there was no concern or outrage about China and the nature of this virus. This virus has been engineered in a lab to be deadly. I don’t know what the experts think. I suppose it is still up for debate. Anyway, you know what an expert is?
X=quantity unknown
Spurt=water under pressure
“A drip under pressure” which is what I think about folks who present facts with a political slant. Sometimes I think too much, but thanks for posting information. I am an adult learner so I need to hear (read) things several times to get it.
Bob I just watched Secretary Azar’s reaction to Dr Bright. Dr Azar is a Salisbury boy whose father is an excellent doctor on the Eastern Shore.
Hydroxychloroquine seems to be the source of Bright’s complaint. This med is inexpensive and very effective in treating covid-19. Off-label use of a drug is not uncommon and in the case of covid, the FDA approved it’s use. Politicians push science and data to back up their policies. You are a smart guy so I don’t think that it will come as a surprise to you that a healthcare provider has instincts gained from experience. We know what we are looking at without waiting for lab tests, etc. Regulation Agency require documentation of diagnosis, but when a patient presents with symptoms we know what it is, smell a defining odor, hear a sound, identify a heartbeat and hit the ground running before the lab result is known. In my opinion, Dr Bright is a researcher who hasn’t been in the trenches for a very long time.
Blue, Secretary Azar is not a doctor. His father, who was a doctor of ophthalmology, died last month. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to what the secretary said yesterday. Since being replaced, as head of the Coronavirus response in February, he’s been on pretty shaky ground within the Administration. All he is trying to do protect his job and get back into the President’s good graces.
Also, treating Covid-19 with “Hydroxychloroquine” is not beneficial and causes other complications.
Bob I am saddened with the news of Dr Azar’s death. I know that he was an ophthalmologist and owned the Azar Eye Institute outside of Salisbury. The Secretary is a Pharm.D and you are probably right about his job status.
Your article regarding Hydroxychloroquine is interesting and I admit surprising. Contrary to studies, it is very effective in many patients. There are some ethnicities that do so poorly with covid that nothing seems to turn them around and save them.
As always, thanks for sharing this information.
“Studies: Hydroxychloroquine Useless Against COVID”
“Mounting evidence from clinical and observational studies suggest that the malaria drug doesn’t provide any meaningful benefits for COVID-19 patients”
“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration now warns against use of the drug outside clinical trials or hospital settings due to the risk of heart rhythm problems”.
“McConnell says Obama administration ‘did leave behind’ pandemic plan”
The “Turtle” had to eats his words. I sure hope they tasted good..
Bob these politicians are sickening!! It is hard to believe any of them. Thanks for sharing this info and keep it coming.
Bob I am so happy to be out of Lockdown! I have to admit that these articles are a buzzkill. Do you have any good news about Covid or these crooked politicians?
“Trump says he’s taking hydroxychloroquine, despite scientists’ concerns”
Just to be on the safe side, the staff has decided to remove all “disinfectants” from the White House.
Bob no point in trying to convince you that Hydroxychloroquine is safe for prophylactic use. You are hilarious tonight!
OK, now let’s speak of the truth because apparently a lot of people are just not educated on matter’s such as pandemics and the flu. We all know about the “Spanish Flu” of 1918 and the devastating effects on populations across the world. However, there was a Flu pandemic in 1957-1958 that killed up to 2 million people worldwide and up to 116,000 people in the United States. It was called the Asian Flu. Then again in 1968, another pandemic arose that killed 1 million people worldwide and 100,000 people in the United States. It was called the Hong Kong Flu. Both of these viral pandemics originated from CHINA! Does any of this sound familiar? Is everyone just completely out of there minds? Look, the only way to develop immunities to viruses such as these is to be exposed to the viruses. End of story. A vaccine is basically infecting you with a weakened virus, but you are still going to get the virus. The masks don’t help and the only thing that will help healthy people is to be exposed to the damn virus. Neither of these viruses shut down our Country and this shouldn’t have happened with the Coronavirus. I’m sorry, but if you are Republican or Democrat, you are still a human being and you are NOT going to get immune until you are exposed to it. Stop playing politics with MY COUNTRY and open everything back up before China takes over the world you dumbasses! I understand the elderly and other at risk persons should take precautions, but the only precautions normal people should be taking is to go out and catch the damn virus. OK. Current rant over….you morons have a nice fucking day.
In Absolute Agreement! Have a nice day your own self SC!
“Maryland Reports Largest Rise Yet In Coronavirus Cases 4 Days After Reopening”
Bob as Maryland increases testing the number of cases will increase. The significant statistics will show a decrease in people requiring hospitalization and use of critical care beds. Maryland is doing well showing a decline in usage of hospital beds. My advice – assume everyone is positive for coronavirus until proven otherwise. Maintain social distancing and wash your hands so that you can get back to living. Take care!
Blue, The challenge, as we increase testing, will be how well we can treat, quarantine and track a large number of those that test positive. It looks like the positive test rate at least in the short term will be something like 20-25%. It’s going to be a real struggle.
Bob the struggle is real. This virus has changed the way we live. It is time for politicians to let the medical professionals do their job and make correct decisions with their patients. It is time to infuse some good back into our lives, I am seriously missing baseball and wish we were moving through this ordeal at a faster pace. Don’t be discouraged by the numbers. Maryland is making progress. Stay healthy!
Blue, I agree. We are making progress and appear to be on the right course. What has given me confidence, as we try to navigate our way through this pandemic, is the leadership shown by Governor Hogan.
I saw a poll yesterday which indicated 8 out 10 Marylanders agree with the actions Hogan has taken to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. This reflects well on both our governor and the citizens of Maryland that elected him.
Bob some things are better left unsaid. So regarding Hogan’s popularity I have no comment. I am optimistic that we will have a much better life than this “New Normal” that everyone talks about. Stay healthy,
Maryland, as well as other States, have shown a complete dishonesty in the numbers involving the Coronavirus. We have seen deaths attributed to COVID-19, yet some were already in hospice and others didn’t even have COVID. Hell, we have even seen death counts materialize when there wasn’t anyone who died (QA County). I agree with Blue in that as a greater number of test are given, the numbers will increase because that’s what the testing is all about. However, the same at risk category patients are the ones whom seem to succumbing to the virus, while relatively healthy people stave it off. You can’t get immune to the virus unless you’ve had the virus and even if they do develop a vaccine you are still being administered the virus, albeit a weaker on. Look, the scare tactics are over and people with common sense know this is just another flu bug and it will be classified as influenza in a few years. This isn’t Ebola or the Black Plague, this is a flu….
I fully realize my term “undocumented workers” and your term “illegal immigrants” are synonymous. I included the link just to give you more detailed information about your rather broad assertion that “Part of the bill calls for funding of a $1,200 stimulus check for illegal immigrants
The real…There is so much lying (cya) going on, when you see the duck would you let me know? I don’t want to miss it!! Can’t rely on Fake News for the truth.
So now it’s a question of whether to open houses of worship for people in need of their spiritual community. When did normal behavior become criminal? In hospitals people are dying without their family at their bedside. Families are grieving without spiritual support from friends and family. The entire process has changed while death certificates wait for signatures; is covid a contributing condition to the cause of death on a terminally ill cancer patient?! No last rites or church funeral services; customary traditions not allowed. This is not a political matter. We the people have a choice to save each other.
If I am at your bedside while you die, I will be wearing a mask so you won’t see my smile. Hopefully, my eyes won’t reveal the sadness that I feel about circumstances caused by covid. You will hear my voice, feel my touch, trust that I won’t leave you, and I will tell you that it is a my pleasure knowing you.
It is time to show up and take care of each other.
Behind Trump’s demand to reopen churches: Slipping poll numbers and alarm inside his campaign
Looks like the President’s play to reopen churches is all about “politics” and very little to do about “God & spirituality”. No surprise!
Bob are you serious?!?! This is not about politics. There is real suffering happening around us. Just read an email of a friend to the Bishop who won’t open the Catholic Church in Maryland this weekend. Asking him to reconsider his decision, this devout Catholic and genuine good person is infuriated with the corrupt/political influence in our society. How can you defend this oppression of our fundamental right? Ethically, I can’t go into detail about how government intrusion into healthcare has been destructive. It is about truth to power. Take a look at all the needless deaths in NYC – nursing home administrators and healthcare providers were ignored when they provided “the science and common sense” that would have demonstrated Best Practice. I am mad at you for being heartless!
You misunderstand. For you & I it’s not about politics. For Trump it’s ALL about politics.
Bob I didn’t see SC comment and I felt so bad for saying you are heartless. Even so, I was going to take a shot at you for having a heart the size of a pea. We will never agree about politics. Trump can be such a jackass, but Biden’s comment about Blacks this morning demonstrates his White Democratic arrogance. It was like Hillary calling me a deplorable. He embarrasses me.
Seriously? Do you ever tell the truth? Everything is about politics to you. To other it’s about freedom and our country. To you it is all about the promotion of the Democrat Party. If it is proven the Democrats used the CDC to persuade Trump into shutting down commerce then I suppose you would justify it somehow. Remember, the NSA overheard the Chinese talking to the WHO regarding this scandal. Don’t be surprised when we all find out O’Bama influenced the CDC to organize this strategy. I used to think the History Channel’s portrayal of the Anti-Christ with an image that looked strikingly like O’Bama was horrible. Now, I believe O’Bama just might be the Anti-Christ, yet alone a traitor. I can’t see how any reasonable person would want the destruction of their country for the sake of a partisan plan that will leave us all enslaved, including you Bob.
this is funny SC has been telling us how guilty the treasonous democrats are for the last 5 years yet the only people going to jail are trump republican associates.
I don’t think that’s the real Soul crusher.
That’s because you traitor fucks own Law Enforcement and the Courts and are using them to do political evils with no consequence. The Democratic Party is the enemy of the American people and every Democrat that is taking place in this political farce is a traitor against the United States. A vote for a Democrat is a vote for a traitor….Yes, this is the REAL SoulCrusher aka the Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls.
“Judge Napolitano: Trump has no authority to override church bans, but can do this”
“Instead, Napolitano said Trump can order Attorney General William Barr and the Justice Department to file federal lawsuits against states that infringe on the First Amendment rights of their citizens.”
Great! We can go to court. Is there no urgency to living?
No worry, if the legal system’s response time is comparable to a decision on releasing Trump’s financial records, we’ll all be dead & gone, knocking on the Pearly Gates.
Don’t know why I am laughing. Either I am too intense or you are just stupid. As far as the Pearly Gates go, I think I am on the fence. I need all the help I can get!
“Harford County church holds outdoor services amid pandemic”
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Are you the guy in the picture wearing a mask? I have a confession…I didn’t go to church (inside or outside) today. I drove to two Veterans Cemeteries and placed flags at the graves of my father and my best friend. That’s about as spiritual as it gets so I am the last person to complain about the Church and politics. Thanks for sharing the article.
Below add: “Lindsey Must Go” is an absolute winner. Graham makes the case against himself. He is nothing more than a two-faced hypocrite. Everything that Trump touches dies.
The good news is that Trump’s days as President are numbered. Even better, with each passing day, it looks like the Dems, have a real chance of regaining control of the Senate. Come January we can relegate Trump and his sycophants to the trash heap of history and begin to rebuild America.
If Trump’s administration and agenda fail it is because Democrats are committing treason against the United States. You wish for Americans to die, but you want to talk about keeping Americans safe. You say there is free speech, as long as it agrees with Democratic political views. You want every person to become enslaved by the government, yet every policy you make is beyond the powers authorized to the government. You want free speech suppressed and me and my people oppressed. I can’t think of ANY reason to vote for a Democrat because you guys don’t represent America, you represent everyone and everything but America. The Democrat Party could never rebuild America because you’d want to give our Country away to China and the UN. What is wrong with you Bob? Do you really hate being an American so much that you’d vote for foreign nations and religions ruling us? Bob, you should be stripped of citizenship and sent to China for being a traitor….
Your Full of Shit……Trump is the first politician to actually get things done. He hasn’t made his money while in office unlike 99% of the rest of them down in DC.
They all suck off the public tit much like public workers in Harford County. If any of them had to get a real job and earn a living they would starve trying.
Sir, I assume you include “RichMitch” Mitch McConnell in the “99% of the rest of them down in DC” Check out latest LincolnProject ad
FYI our President made his made money via inheritance, not paying his bills, declaring 6 business bankruptcies, loans from Russian oligarchs, and a varied assortment of other shady business dealings.
“Mitch McConnell got ‘rich’ the old-fashioned way”
The WAPO Fact Checker gave 3-pinocchios to the LincolnProject political ad on McConnell.
Once in a while I check out the MSNBC site in attempt to examine both sides of the political spectrum. I happened to see an interview with Baltimore City Mayoral candidate Jack Young with regards to his feelings about President Trump visiting Fort McHenry. I respect the Mayor’s opinion on the matter and understand that he was seizing the opportunity to get some free campaign air time on the dime of MSNBC. He seems to be a nice guy who genuinely cares about the city but in my opinion doesn’t come across as a leader when he speaks. He professes the need to stay at home and stay safe. I would like to give him some hopefully very beneficial advise. The night has a thousand eyes. Just something to think about.
I got to thinking and I thought my last post may need some further clarification. I actually think that Mr Young is a good person who truly cares about the people and the city of Baltimore. My message was and is that it is always best to not come off as a hypocrite. If you are telling people to stay in and stay safe you need to practice what you preach. You just never know who might see you if you hypothetically might happen to be out and about.
You are keeping it real and your message is clear. Stay healthy and take care.
On occasion I have observed Covid 19 statistics on the various news networks. Nightly I see the number of cases increasing. What are not usually shown are the number of recoveries or those on the road to recovery as they relate to the overall case count. I do not dispute the very real fact that almost 1.7 million United States citizens at one time have had or have been infected with the illness. The bottom line is of the 1.7 million many have recovered or are on the path to recovery. Hopefully those who have recovered will contribute to the herd immunity theory. My point is that I feel that there should be a more honest representation of the numbers. Certainly the overall case numbers are important but what we really should hear about are current or active cases. They are what really matters. I find it very disturbing that many media outlets appear to be distorting the real facts and numbers for what very well could be political weaponizing the situation. They are supporting the continued lock down of our country. They actually don’t care that the greatest American economy has been severely damaged. There mission is to malign President Trump at all costs. They are quite content to misinform people and literally attempt to scare the hell out of people to accomplish their agenda. They are pathetic. There is an old saying. Figures don’t lie liars figure.
I like the way you think. You are absolutely correct about the misrepresentation of research data. Initially, the reporting emphasized the number of deaths. It was meant to scare. You can’t use death as a measurable metric when looking for a positive outcome. The death number will never decrease. [There is the 1st death..then the next person dies and you have a second death…then there is another death to make three… on & on]
The appropriate metric to assess a positive outcome is the number of cases requiring hospital admission and ICU bed usage. The number of cases will continue to increase as testing increases. We may never know the true number of recoveries because many people are asymptotic or go unreported because their symptoms are mild and don’t require medical care.
“Trump warns White House protesters would have been met by ‘vicious dogs’, ‘ominous weapons’ if they breached fence”
I sure all you Trump supporters will sleep more soundly knowing the Divider-in-Chief is being protected by “vicious dogs & “ominous weapons”.
Anyone in danger of physical harm caused by unruly rioting should release vicious dogs. My bulldog barks and might lick you to death, but she would be frightened by a massive crowd. I want the President and everyone to be safe. These are dangerous times; I’m not sleeping well.
Ok Bob since you opened the door with regards to Minneapolis incident I think I will step in. First of all I think there is absolutely no defense for that police officer kneeling on that man’s neck. Especially after he was handcuffed and for that period of time. No excuse! He should be charged and hopefully convicted.
I feel that it would be an easy manslaughter and aggravated assault case to prove. Unfortunately unless you have witnesses of statements made by the officer during the incident like “die ———“ or something similar he may have wiggle room on a murder defense. Furthermore I have heard that the autopsy results, which possibly may or may not benefit a murder case conviction, will also come in to play. This is just my opinion because in Maryland a third degree murder charge does not exist and I am not familiar with Minnesota statutes regarding third degree murder.
Next I firmly believe that if those “protesters” were granted the opportunity to have custody of those four officers a quadruple public execution without due process of law would quickly take place. Furthermore that would not defuse the situation and the rioting and looting would continue. Watch the news. What do you see? Not peaceful protest. You see a large mob of opportunistic thugs, primarily white and black, who’s primary objective is destroy and pillage.
Police Agencies today work very hard to eliminate bias in their ranks. It starts with the screening in the selection process. They follow up with diversity training during in service training. Do some slip through the cracks? Sure they do? By and large they are good caring professionals. Many of the so called demonstrators have targeted all police officers. Why, because many of them have had unfavorable interaction with police who were legally and legitimately performing their duties. For some reason that reason that fact is often selectively omitted.
Then you have our former President Obama making the speech he made. Many including myself feel that he is using a bad situation to not only politically weaponize the incident but to sadly “fan the fire“ with regard to the unrest with little regard for the safety or personal property of many citizens both black and white. Then you have, and I use the term very loosely, the “Reverend” Al Sharpton (big joke) implying to the protesters that they should identify the race of the owner of a piece of property prior to damaging or destroying it. A real “stand up guy”.
The last thing to think about is why does bias exist. How can it be eliminated. Why does it persist? Many Psychologists and Sociologist seem to agree that it could be a learned process passed along from father to son but many agree that bias is acquired through experiences and observations during your life. People are not born with bias or prejudice it is a learned process often time based on the behavior of those being observed. Why of all the bias history that has ever occurred have Black people been most impacted? There have been periods of bias throughout our countries history impacting the Irish, the Chinese, Muslims, Jews, and homosexuals to name a few. How have many of those groups succeeded in eliminating the bias and learned to peacefully assimilate in to American society? Why does this not occur in the case of so many black people? What can all parties do to accomplish this goal? Maybe if the answer could be answered more fairly and transparently instead of politically results could be possible.
Well said!
“The inmates are running the insane asylum”
Who is in charge? What incompetent local politician thought a light touch would prevent a police precinct from being destroyed and burned down? When peaceful protest turns to angry rioting it is time for local politicians to get out of the way. Supported and empowered police know the difference between protesters and domestic terrorists and are trained to manage both types of crowds. Last week we talked about ending quarantine and debated social distancing and whether masks were necessary. Isn’t it crazy that coronavirus guidelines are now meaningless?
Liberal media has reported that one of their primary concerns regarding instability of the situation in Minneapolis is the influx of white nationalist groups. Are you kidding ? Unbelievable!!! Check it out. Unbelievable!!! Talk about blind appeasement. What happened to that man in Minneapolis was horrible without question. Terrible! With that being said the issue of racial bias is the most perfect example of a double edged knife. You have stupid inbred white rednecks that hate and practice prejudice for no reason. Some probably don’t even know why they hate. Hopefully those people will soon die off or just fade away. Many white people will say their bias is fueled by the fear and concern from what they see daily on the news. The other side of the knife is the continual acts of lawlessness, disrespect, violence and total disregard for the law displayed by a large segment of the black community which is often ignored or justified by the media. Unfortunately the majority of the media only uses one side of the knife. Acknowledgement of improper conduct and accepting ones share of the blame and developing useful dialogue is the only answer. Both side of this issue need to call out the wrongdoers and hold them accountable to correct this situation.
You’re just whistling Dixie if you think racial prejudice in America will be finally addressed when the “stupid inbred white rednecks” die off or just fade away. Racial prejudice permeates our society. It is part of our history and systemic to our culture. The solution is not easy. It is something we must accept and actively try to resolve day after day, year after year.
Also. you seem to look at the “media” (especially the liberal media) as part of the problem. I disagree. The media, left/right, liberal/conservative, is a huge part of the solution, not part of the problem.
I didn’t see any White Nationalist groups, but I did see images that looked eerily of ANTIFA demonstrations in the past. These National Protests are being orchestrated by someone with national influence and a lot of cash. They seem to turn violent very rapidly and unleash a lot of serious criminal behavior against those whom are not to blame. Target did NOT kill George Floyd. Foot Locker did NOT do it either. I mean, do you think the average every day idiot goes out to a protest and thinks to themselves “Hey, I think I’ll do some looting while I’m here”? It’s the stupidest damn thing I’ve seen and just highlights the stupidity of the people taking part in the “Rule of a Mob”. I’m sure the Democrats love this because they are all about “Rule of the Mob”. Look, you tried Russia, then Ukraine, then Coronavirus and now complete Anarchy advocating ignoring the “Common Law”. You dumb turds advocating and taking part in this “shitshow” would destroy our entire Country just so you could rule the ruins of a once prosperous community that was trying to reopen after the Coronavirus. There will be nothing left to rule if this keeps up….
“Trump briefly taken to underground bunker during Friday’s White House protests”
Apparently “vicious dogs & ominous weapons” just weren’t enough. They had to take the President to an underground bunker. Perhaps the next time it becomes necessary to take the clown to the bunker we should just lock the door and throw away the key..
Bob the Secret Service is using restraint in dealing with protesters surrounding the White House. The lack of unification in our country is political and both parties are responsible. Grieving takes on many forms and anger is common. Our Country is grieving over an injustice that occurred in Minneapolis. Our Law Enforcement Officers need our support to maintain order while keeping us safe.
Agreed. George Washington put down the Whiskey Rebellion and I think armed troops to quell this crap is necessary. The Republic must stand and stand strong. If you want a new government, this isn’t how you accomplish it.
I feel that if any demonstrator/thug breaches the grounds of the White House any and all levels of force should be utilized. I wonder what would happen if thugs of a similar mentality in China would try to breach the grounds of a government building. Peaceful protest is one thing anarchy is another. Many of these thugs do not care about bias or civil liberties they just want to loot and destroy. They could care less about George Floyd. Some protesters interviewed did not know where the man was from. These people are destroying their own homes and property and will one day want the country to fix everything when it is over. You also have a group of protesters who have used this situation as an opportunity to disrupt or destroy the government. These protesters are going to continue to push the envelope until Marshal Law is declared. Hopefully it will not come to that but order needs to restored now! The blacks are protesting because of perceived racial inequality issues. Many of their concerns are valid and should be addressed promptly. On some notable occasions allegations of bias have been proven to be falsely made for personal gain or to facilitate criminal behavior. The people making these false allegations are actually hurting the cause of their own people and exasperating an already volatile situation. Honesty, transparency, and accountability by all is the pathway to resolution.
I firmly believe that the recent violent destructive demonstrations have not helped further any position. If the demonstrations would have been attempted peacefully the result would have been significantly different. Many feel that the lawless actions by some have reinforced and strengthened bias for another hundred years.
*sorry “Martial Law”
“Police targeted journalists covering the George Floyd protests”
I hope journalists/press are not being targeted. The free press is essential to our democracy, especially in a time when our President characterizes the Press/media as the “enemy of the people”.
No Bobby an “honest press” is essential to our democracy. How about your boy Ali Velshi reporting live from Minneapolis the other night with four, FOUR, structures on fire stating that the situation basically consisted of peaceful demonstrators.. Why would he misrepresent the facts? Is he delusional? Is he a liar, or is he a tool of the liberal media? Yes some rogue cops did a horrible thing and need to be held accountable but why do you and your liberal friends support or condone or diminish the actions of these thugs and advocate the distorting of the facts regarding their lawless actions? Just curious. Dishonest Press/media is an “enemy of the people” I think this will soon be made painfully apparent to you guys. All I can say is Stay Tuned.
“Officers fire tear gas on peaceful protesters to clear the way for Trump’s photo op”
Just when you think Trump has gone as low possible he manages to sink even lower. Our President is out of control!!
Bob it is amazing how differently we view things. I thought President Trump showed just how big his balls are by finally taking charge. He isn’t in the bunker anymore. He has offered to help the weak leadership of mayors and governors who have failed to restore order in their towns, cities, and states. He demonstrated how that can be done with law enforcement. It is dangerous to protest while thugs and criminals are looting, attacking business owners, and injuring innocent citizens.
Open your eyes! What he did today had absolutely nothing to do about “law and order”. It was for a ridiculous photo-op of him holding a bible in front in front of a church in Lafayette Park. Shame on the clown!
It can be said that if Trump discovered a cure for cancer the Democrats would claim O’Bama discovered it. O’Bama has acted in a totally treasonous manner since before Trump took office. It is a shame. There is nothing O’Bama can do to stop what is going on and if there was he wouldn’t do it. It means far to much to the Democratic Traitors Against America to have the country in shambles in the wake of an upcoming election…
name 1 treasonous act
The interference with the smooth transition of power and the employment of O’Bama’s appointees against an incoming President using falsified allegations. When O’Bama did that, he warred against America and the will of the voters….
Blue you nailed it. This country needs a strong Commander in Chief not a babysitter. What a change from the last guy. I will never forget the quote made by Mayor Blake of Baltimore during the Freddie Gray riots. “We must give the protestors room to destroy” Must be some Democrat thing. Lol
Blue I have a riddle for you. I think you are pretty sharp cookie and will be able to figure this one out but here goes
Q: what do Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, and Bob have in common?
Hint: the answer has nothing to do with sexual preference
A: all three suffer from chronic TSD (Trump Derangement Syndrome)
You know what I always say “haters are going to hate”
Sorry I meant TDS I’m getting old
As I watch the news coverage of these protests/riots, I can’t help but wonder. All these young adults could be back to work, but they are destroying their own future of employment opportunity. Is Obama in a bunker? Why hasn’t he come forward as a voice of reason? BTW real, I knew what you meant by TDS. Got to admit that Bob stands firm in his beliefs!
Hey real, Even though, I disagree with most of the opinions & sentiments you express in your posts I find them somewhat thought-provoking. Your recent post actually brought a smile to my face. BTW, I knew Anderson Cooper was gay, but I was unaware that Don Lemon was also gay.
Have a great day and keep it coming!
Bob you probably agree with this Houston Police Chief. He identifies with people of color and vows to protect “my people” (his words). Call me crazy, but I thought he took a pledge to protect all people. Liberals confuse me with obvious bias while portraying an image of human decency.
Did you catch Biden’s plan for changing how police are trained? He stated,”the cops should shoot at the leg and not at the heart”.
I know you will respond with an article which I find educational. Check out the data re: shootings involving black men and police officers. I think the data will show a drastic decrease.
“Trump must be removed. So must his congressional enablers.”
George F. Will, a very conservative guy nailed it for me when he made a very, very scary observation about the President, “There is no such thing as rock bottom. So, assume that the worst is yet to come. “
“Embracing religious themes, Trump visits John Paul II shrine”
Yesterday, he used a church and a bible. Today, he used a religious shrine to Pope John Paul II to further his political agenda. Truth be known, I suspect that there is absolutely nothing which is sacrosanct to this president. He is such a hypocrite.
Bob whether we discuss abuse of power leading to the death of a Black man or the lack of law and order in major cities leading to violence, looting, destruction of property, and personal injury…strong authoritative leadership is necessary right now. Incompetent Democratic mayors are the tip of the spear causing all this chaos. So Trump has advised and offered Federal assistance to these mayors who’s cities are under attack by domestic terrorists. Who cares if the President is “taking us to Church”? Just a week ago the same weak local politicians were forbidding Church services and arresting citizens who violated phased in guidelines. Didn’t we see Biden campaigning inside a Wilmington, DE Church yesterday? Where is your outrage about that? Biden wants to retrain Police to shoot at the leg, instead of the heart.(his words) He made that statement while standing in church. Are we even? Let’s have a discussion about what needs to change.
Blue, I am not outraged by Biden’s appearance at Bethel AME Church in Wilmington simply because what transpired there was fundamentally different than what the President did at the church in Lafayette Park. It’s apples & oranges. Be honest with yourself.
I am being honest. We (you & I) are apples and oranges. I’m slipping and sliding trying to understand your point of view on this matter. If I have learned anything from the mismanagement of Covid and these riotous demonstrations, it is that there are two types – leaders and followers. You can fill the bus with good, well intended people, but the guy driving the bus better know where he is going. I don’t want to see any more police struck and run over while politicians pontificate.
Blue, are you the “apples” or the “oranges”? – Your choice. ?
I appreciate your effort to understand my POV. To make things easier for you, I suggest you close your eyes and drift back to those long ago days when you were a “California flower child” who once shared some of my liberal beliefs.
The visit was scheduled long before protests and I do believe even before the Coronavirus. Everything stated in the article was complete hogwash. There is no right to “peaceful protests”, there is a right to assemble. Look, the people have a right to assemble and instill a new government if need be, but there is no right to violate “common law” and destroy your fellow man. Both Republican and Democratic views have gotten so unconstitutional that I could never be either. The government DOES have the right to use the military to quell these riots. The riots have no purpose that any REAL American can justify. None of us like what happened in Minnesota. Anyone that believes anarchy is the path to freedom is not in their right mind. I mean does anyone think it is sane to say “I’m going to protest the death of a black man by police and I’m going to go loot some stuff we need for home while I’m out”? This is the stupidest thing I’ve seen and anyone organizing these “riots”, whether government employee or private citizen, should be classified as a terrorist at this point. Now a riot is a good reason to issue a stay at home order, but it wasn’t for the Coronavirus idiocy. Everything we’ve seen happen since May 25th is completely unAmerican and an act of war against the Republic. I DO NOT CONDONE GEORGE FLOYD’S DEATH. However, this Republic will stand and if it takes a Military action to guarantee the preservation of the Republic I’m all for that. These are dangerous times and I hope the Military understands they are to NOT war against me and my people, but are to put down organized domestic terrorists that are warring against our country. Everyone knows I am very unsupportive of governmental acts that I see as terroristic or treasonous, but we can NOT have liberty infringed by the rule of a mad mob fueled by political provocation. The rule of the mob will fail…
A “political demonstration “ is made to express a point. There is probably not one person in the United States that doesn’t know what the point was that was attempting to be made. I don’t care what slant the liberal mainstream media attempts to put on it the current situation it is out of control. It needs to stop now! I realize that the majority of the protesters align themselves with that same mainstream media who do not and will not condemn their actions. Can someone please answer these questions. Day after day, night after night for years black on black violence kills thousands. Where are the protesters about that? Why are these atrocities not routinely reported by the mainstream media? Where are the Democrats who govern these area? They are as silent as they are about these demonstrators. Why aren’t these issues addressed? Why because in their warped minds they think that the more damage and destruction incurred hurts the President. They are willing to sacrifice the lives of innocent people, police officers, and personal and public property to accomplish their mission. They are willing to kick the country in the teeth financially to bring down the President. Do you know what? Many think their plan is going to blow up in their face. I guess time will tell. Those well intended protesters have made their point. We get it. What is going on now is no longer a demonstration it is total lawlessness and anarchy. The peaceful demonstrators should go home. Their message was clear and will be addressed. Anyone remaining breaking the law should be arrested and given lengthy prison sentences. Police Officers are being shot and killed. Other people are being beaten ,assaulted, and killed. Where is the black messiah Obama? Why isn’t the mainstream media appealing for an end of this? Does their hatred for the President overshadow all of this. They are truly pathetic. I think SoulCrusher is correct in this case the Democrats are truly displaying what treasonous, uncaring, hypocritical traitors they truly are. Anyone that would exploit a situation of this type for political leverage is a true POS.
Bob…California dreaming doesn’t work anymore. Please tell me that you don’t think what is happening is right! The conversation that we had several weeks ago about misguided and corrupt politicians is playing out now. Unfortunately it has gone way beyond presidential candidates and upcoming elections. These peaceful protesters aren’t just bleeding heart liberals. The entire nation acknowledges the needless death of a man; we are united. I can’t watch the videos of George Floyd’s arrest. Seeing the small business owners express the loss of their dreams is heartbreaking. It is evil to use vulnerable people to destroy our country. Once again, bad decisions are being made by politicians who I hope are replaced in upcoming elections. I have discovered some smart and qualified politicians on both sides of the aisle through this crisis. As we agreed once before, some of the old league need to move over for an infusion of new blood. Imagine.
Did anyone see the protesters in Bethesda? They were on their knees while led in a chant apologizing for being privileged whites. I think I am going to puke. What is the plan? Are these protests ever going to end?
I saw something like that, but I don’t know if it was Bethesda or not. A Black Lives Matters member asked a white woman to get on her knees and apologize for being white privileged. She did it and I thought to myself, “What a dumb bitch”. If someone actually believes they need to apologize, while on their knees, for being a certain race that they can’t control, then you are a VERY stupid person. It is the essence of what I call “reverse racism” and any Black Lives Matters members that ask me to do that will be eating that camera or phone or whatever. Homey don’t play that…
You’re a freak and I dislike you.
Blue, At the risk of upsetting your apple cart (or is it orange cart) the protests are just beginning. The “plan” is to address and root out the systemic racism that is endemic in our country. What is hopeful about the demonstrations is that they are becoming less violent. Bottom line, there is no excuse for violence and looting. What’s exciting is the “face” of the protests is changing to reflect the racial/ethnic and age diversity that is America. Buckle up. This could be the beginning of real change. I sure hope so.
Bob I voted for “Hope and Change” and was disappointed after eight years. I will do everything that I can to live in a better world as long as the police are not scapegoated during the transition.
“Mattis ‘angry and appalled’ as he unloads on Trump, says president ‘does not try to unite the American people'”
The Divider-in-Chief is not going to like this.
“Fox News Poll: Biden ahead in Arizona, Kelly trouncing McSally in Senate race”
More bad news for the Divider-in-Chief!
“The president has clearly forgotten how it actually happened’: John Kelly defends Mattis”
I know John Kelly is trying to give our President the benefit of the doubt by saying he’s “forgotten”. However, Trump is clearly a compulsive, chronic liar (18k & counting).
Who cares what Tranny Dog Mattis has to say? He’s another moron pushing for cucking the military and more wars in the Middle East.
Bob, How you doin’? Hydroxychloroquine is back in the news. Seems all those research studies done on Hydroxychloroquine were fraudulent. You know, after Trump declared that he was taking the drug the media and Democrats ridiculed him. They were determined to prove him wrong. Physicians in the trenches have continued to order this drug with positive patient outcomes. Healthcare and politics don’t mix.
That is because the Democratic Traitors Against America want to make Americans suffer so they can win an election. They don’t care about the truth or the people. None of this should surprise us as the Democrats and their bought media will stop at nothing to cause great harm to our people because HRC didn’t win the election. They are so desperate that they would run a turd like Biden against the Juggernaut of Donald Trump. It is going to be something to see…..isn’t it.
Boop boop deet wop!
Please ignore the imitator with his 50’s musical lyrics…
No worries. I can tell the difference between you and a delusional Democrat. Must be the “Strawberry Full Moon” bringing out the crazy in them. Not to change the subject, but I can’t wait to see how they handle a social worker showing up when they no longer have the police in their community.
Getting rid of the police is the stupidest thing I’ve heard. I agree. Better yet, who will they call when someone tries to break in their house? Who will they call when one of their family is murdered by a looter? Who will they call when their children are assaulted or molested. The police are a necessary and key component of ALL communities. They say they want to defund the police, but that won’t do any good either. If you want to defund anyone, you defund the idiots in Congress and the State legislature who make the policies of police conduct and have allowed a senseless act to occur in the first place. People have become stupid.
Blue, I understand the journals that printed the large Hydroxychloroquine studies retracted them because they were unable to verify the accuracy of the international database of medical records on which they were based. Because of the medical urgency of the situation studies are being rushed and published without adequate review. This is a good lesson for our country to heed as we rush to develop a vaccine.
Concerning the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine, time will tell. You have a great weekend and stay safe.
Thanks Bob! You be safe!!
“Colin Powell Endorses Biden, Joins Growing List Of GOP, Military Leaders Denouncing Trump”
The General says the president, “has drifted away from the Constitution”. That is an understatement. Trump has zero comprehension of or regard for the Constitution.
It is an exciting time. America is starting to address anew the scourge of RACISM. Also, It looks like Trump is gonna lose big in November. Things are looking up. Get ready to rock & roll!!
Bob this has been an unusual year, so far. I don’t feel good about Biden being in DC. If there was ever a time to not let feelings get in the way, that time has arrived. I will be listening to the opinions of all smart people. To clarify, I don’t care what musicians, professional athletes, and celebrities have to say….I will stay tuned and get my dancing shoes ready.
Blue, I understand and appreciate your concern about Biden. I’m not naïve enough to think that Joe has all the answers and that his Presidency will instantly make everything better. However, I am of the opinion it would be a step in the right direction. A recent NBC/WSJ poll indicated 80% of the people surveyed felt our country was “out of control”. That is really scary and I believe much of the blame for that rests on the shoulders of the Divider-in-Chief. Our country cannot take another four years of Donald Trump.
Bob I really like Val Demings for our future. I know that she is a Democrat, but she is also the former Police Chief of Orlando. The fact that she is African American enhances her authenticity. I haven’t heard her play the race card and she demonstrates the uniqueness of bringing a woman’s understanding to the political playing field. She is Biden’s only hope. That being said, Trump is our law and order president. It is crazy to defund the police. I think you know that I support the blue.
Blue, I think Val Demings would be a great choice for Vice President. She’s smart & well-spoken, she’s woman of color, she got a law enforcement background and she is from the important swing state of Florida. Just what this country needs. Sounds like a winner to me.
I also agree that it would be crazy to defund the police. We just need to reform them.
Can’t believe we agree on two important issues that will impact our way of life!!! I never liked the “Elizabeth Warren/Joe Biden” combo.
It’s Susan Rice or bust….
Colin Powell’s endorsement means absolutely nothing and it is no surprise he would endorse Biden. America is addressing racism when it should be addressing police brutality, but you Democrats will exploit a horrible incident in Minneapolis for political gain at every turn. Racism seems to be your card whenever you can insert it in a conversation and I must admit you guys use it very effectively to garner the minority vote. In the past, we have routinely seen police and troops brought in to quell riots, but you guys can never seem to realize the obvious truths. If you’re going to blame Trump for calling in the troops due to nationwide riots in major cities where the incident didn’t happen, I have to wonder why you Democrats didn’t blame O’bama for Freddie Gray’s demise. The Democrat mentality is beyond all reason and you would do anything to harm our nation to gain political control over our government. As soon as you Dems would grab power, you promise to remove measures and policies that your former Democratic leaders put into play and then act like you are the saviors of the country. Months later, you same Democratic Traitors would start making more illegal and unconstitutional law and set forth a new set of draconian policies designed to imprison and enslave the very population you claim to be fighting for. I just can’t grasp the idiocy of the American people in how easy they let there attention get shifted to the complete and utter unconstitutionality that the Democrats represent. At least were not talking about getting rid of guns and how semi automatic rifles are considered “Assault Weapons”. Everything is just completely incredible….
“Minneapolis City Council majority announces plan to disband police department”
A veto-proof majority of the city council plans to replace the Police Department with some sort of community-based program.
This will not go well for Minneapolis.
Yup, now you will see REAL crime and lawlessness in the same State that put someone like Omar in our Congress. Pretty soon Minnesota will probably become the next caliphate and we should all thank O’bama for that. The world seems to be on self destruct mode and it is my belief that the Democratic Traitors Against America are staging much of this. It’s beyond disgusting….
Let’s talk about what is going on in our country. We watched the funeral of an American that was televised for seven hours today. It was a sad experience exploited due to feelings of discrimination, inequality, and racism. Who is to blame for the death of this man? Apparently, we are all to blame. Blame me because I am white! Do you think George Floyd died because he is black? Let’s make it easy on ourselves and blame every police officer in the United States. Does that work for you and make you feel better? If you take ethnicity out of it does it change how you think and feel? Why do we question ethnicity on every document, i.e. loan applications, job applications-almost every form we fill out? Help me understand how destroying the police is going to change the moral culture in high crime regions. Why don’t we stop referring to each other as black or white, for starters. We are Americans! Talk to me…..
First, the police do need to be reformed in that they are enforcing statutory law that is inoperable on the public, are ignoring the common law that limits their jurisdiction, they do take liberties by picking and choosing whom they protect and whom they harm, they look the other way when a fellow officer or other government employees are violating the law and have done the bidding of politicians by persecuting the public in exchange for personal gain. That being said, I will not go any further on that subject. Now, the very idea that we are to “defund” the police is stupid. The police, while doing the all too important mission of enforcing the “common law” is so vital to the communities of this nation that we as a people can not survive as a society without them. We must remember that it is the politicians that have given them the ability to over reach and that the politicians whom are pandering to the masses right now are the very scumbags whom have created the all these problems in the first place. You want “systemic change”? You defund the government that is responsible for creating all the policies we find abhorrent and force them to eliminate everything that is unconstitutional, while making them adhere to their jurisdiction without any assumptions allowed. Assumed jurisdiction should be considered the high crime that it is and any usurpation of power should not be tolerated. Police should not be required to do anything that would make them the criminals and any dereliction of duty that is brought on by governmental over reach should not be prosecuted. Now, racial acknowledgment in government should be allowable for identification purposes as a cop needs to know who they are looking for and that’s hard to do if you don’t know there race. However, government assistance should never be decided by ethnicity or race in that it would discriminate against any of our people. Racial identification is also necessary in identifying health risks to certain racial groups and should be allowable to those in the Medical community, but never used to deny that which is necessary and proper. The political use of race is something that is reprehensible and no political party should be allowed to target certain races for political gain as that is what divides us and that is what we are seeing right now. ALL lives matter, not just black ones or that of any other particular ethnic group or racial category. It doesn’t matter if you are white or black, no one should be denied liberty unless they have in fact broken the “common law” which warrants that denial. You are right, we are Americans first, not blacks and whites or even Republicans or Democrats. The factions that divide us are hard at work to sow that division to the point of chaos, which can result in even more draconian policies than Americans have previously been subjected to. The right to peacefully assemble and approach the government to petition for the redress of grievances is right there in the Constitution, but there is no right to riot and loot because it is forbidden by the “common law” of the Constitution and serves no purpose but to cause harm to the public, while giving the government an excuse to over reach, yet again. Politicians hiding behind closed doors in the fortresses they call home are loving this chaos that we are seeing and will try to use it for personal political gain as the opportunists that they are. This is a problem because as we have seen lately the people have become stupid and ignorance seems to rule the day. We can not let the rule of the mob destroy the Republic, especially when that mob doesn’t realize it is being used as a tool. This tool can be utilized for political control of our Country by either of the two political corporations and even used to help further the New World Order that any American should NOT want to see. We have become blind, uneducated, undereducated and foolish by the government’s design and they have been working on that hard for over a century now. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to stop wearing masks. It’s time to re-open the economy. It’s time to put our people on top because that is what Americans do. We need to all realize that you shouldn’t fear the billionaire that became President, but you might want to fear the politician who became a millionaire after being elected into office. Just think about it and it all becomes clear. Unless of course you want to be a flock of sheep, herded by wolves disguised as shepherds…
SC I was feeling agitated and confused about everything that has happened over the past few weeks. I don’t like being in a downhill spiral due to all of the false representation of facts regarding Covid-19 and the legitimacy of a protest. I don’t want to be lied to or about. Thanks for sharing your POV without all the hostility that surrounds us. Let’s Re open Maryland and get back to work. Peace!
“The Short, Fraught History of the ‘Thin Blue Line’ American Flag”
This is an interesting and informative read.
Bob this article is fantastic. I intend to share it. Once again this demonstrates how different beliefs and perceptions can be in the USA. I feel a sense of pride and support for police when I see this symbol “The Thin Blue Line”. The decal on my car window (Maryland/Thin Blue Line) is intended to represent love and a connection for those LEOs in a noble profession. Thank you for taking the time to research this issue. You are a good person.
I am sorry but enough is enough. People on all sides need to grow some skin. I was a cop for over 30 years of my life. I policed predominately or all black areas during most of my career. I never had a sustained bias complaint of any kind and I made a lot of arrests. To me and my fellow officers of all races “The Thin Blue Line” is a feeling of pride and fraternity you forge with other officers while performing and often thankless job. The article suggest it represents a “them against us” mentality. If you follow that logic then BLM could fall in to a similar category isolating the concerns of only one group. I’m sorry but all lives matter if you are a true Christian. Not everything has an underlying racially bias meaning. Grow some skin! Does racism exist yes? Are there some bad racist white cops? Yes, but not in the numbers that many media outlets portray. I don’t want them to be politically weaponizing events to further their own agendas at the expense of the safety of our citizens. Play whatever political games you want but if it ultimately threatens the safety of my wife, kids, and grandkids I would take a much different view. Racism and bias is not just a white thing. In almost every instance where white people discuss why they possess racial bias they will proffer that their observations of improper conduct of bad behavior by black people either directly or on the nightly news generates fear, distrust, and bias. As I said before many white people who live or work next to or attend worship with black people see them as how they should. Just people. Just neighbors nothing else. I can tell you from my many personal work related interactions with black people the encounters were unfortunately mostly confrontational. This was not by my choice. I was called to perform a function. Somehow a police officer just doing their job was somehow down the line mutated in to police harassment or bias. I would strongly urge anyone that has trouble understanding the type of mentality and demeanor I am trying to describe regarding what a police officer routinely encounters is to watch an excellent movie titled the Equalizer 2. In the movie Robert McCall (Denzel Washington) attempts to redirect a salvageable young man Miles Whitaker (Ashton Sanders) from the clutches of the hood. Listen to the dialogue closely. Unfortunately the majority of my encounters sadly involved similar personalities. Honestly the constant exposure to such behavior could and has generated bias by some police. One of the best parts of the movie was when Mr. McCall very assertively conveys to Miles that respect and success are obtainable to anyone who is willing to not make excuses and earn it. Something to think about. I realize that the recent horrific events perpetrated by some bad police have people justifiably extremely upset and severely disturbed in the black community and those type of incidents need to be promptly addressed. Sadly what many perceive as violent inappropriate actions by blacks does nothing to eliminate racial bias and possibly has reinforced it for years to come. There are many parties to the problem. People on all sides of the issue of racial bias must be held accountable if things are to get better.
Not all police are bad. They are made to enforce some very stupid things. I don’t think racism exists as widespread in the law enforcement community and I actually think a lot of law enforcement are almost afraid to do their jobs out of fear of lawsuit. If you are doing something that may remove any qualified immunity from your actions you probably shouldn’t be doing it. That being said, the idea of defunding or getting rid of the police is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of. There is the all to real crimes of murder, rape, child molestation, etc.., you know, REAL Common Law crimes that people depend on the police to fight. If you think you’ve seen rioting, looting and attempts at insurrection now, just wait until there isn’t any police around to calm things down. There just wouldn’t be any calming things down and society would be out of control. It baffles me to believe that a large chunk of America wants to defund or get rid of police after the rioting and looting we just saw. Look, for the most part the police policies, training, rules, regulations, etc. are all approved and instituted by some form of legislation or committee, be it Federal, State or local municipality. If you want to defund someone, why don’t you defund the ones that make all these procedures and approve all this training everyone is complaining about. You don’t defund the police, you defund those idiots in Annapolis and Washington D.C…..
Latest Gallup poll of the President’ job approval rating. Wow, looks like the bottom is falling out underneath Trump. America is waking up!
Oh Stop!!! Polls aren’t always a reliable indicator of an outcome. Don’t get too excited about Biden. I can’t wait to see who he picks for a running mate.
You’re right. I may be guilty of putting the cart before the horse. However, what does concern me is the ability of states like Georgia and Florida to accurately count the vote. It looks yesterday’s Georgia primary was a real boondoggle.
Bob I know there were many problems with the Primary Elections. The coronavirus played a significant role in mucking things up. I am hopeful that things will be back to normal in November.
Bob and SC why are there so many people using the same “moniker” on this site? While reviewing comments on the thread regarding the recent protest in town, it was obvious that several comments were not your comments. I can recognize both of you by your hilarious and informative writing style, but it took me a while to see the schizophrenia caused by the intrusion of other writers. I hope the editors take your advice Bob and screen for duplication. I take responsibility for my comments regardless of how stupid they may be. I will be really pissed if someone speaks on my behalf.
Blue, I just can’t figure out why Brian Goodman (Executive Editor) of this forum allows the same username for different people. Like I said before, it seem to me that this practice just creates confusion and seriously undercuts the value of the forum.
To make matters worse, I think there are a few people on this forum that try to take advantage of the situation by deliberately assuming multiple-identities because they “can” and it suits their purposes.
NOTE TO THE EDITOR: Feedback from you on this issue would be appreciated. Thanks.
Like there’s no one else around who is named Bob.
What a moron!
In response to whoever Bob, there would be no need for clarification if The Dagger restricted duplication of sign in names. There is only one intelligent Bob (moniker) and it is not you.
That being said, since you are focused on me and others, stick around you might learn something. I would love to demonstrate a writing style that is not argumentative, crude, and insulting. I doubt that we will agree on much of anything, but I will always respect your right to opine. Have a nice day.
If the Dagger does what you are saying then there will be no more anonymity involving this website. The Dagger will be force to turn over names to authorities who aim to limit FREE SPEECH. I don’t like some dumbass getting on here and using my screen name, but it is what it is. Look, I have personally learned that there is no law in the law here in Maryland and that Administrative Agencies will use the Code to break the Law and destroy any person they feel like. If we try and fight the terrorist organization that the State has become, they will use coercion, extortion and our families and friends against us to destroy our lives until we take a reconsideration hearing that wipes the treason they committed from the record of the court. I know you don’t think it will happen to you, but it just takes one asshole that doesn’t like you for the State to act. In my situation, 2 people I thought were friends got out of SUSPENDED LICENSE charges, my cleaning lady got her record completely wiped clean, one of my employees was able to steal my business from me for far below market value, that same employee was then going to become MY BOSS and my elderly next door neighbor who had been making passes at me for years was able to get revenge for scorning her old stinking ass. It happens and you have to realize that people want to destroy other people whom have done well out of sheer jealousy and disdain. This system of treason was created by the Democratic Traitors Against America and used to destroy many a person by the Democratic scumbags who live all around us. REPUBLICANS have done nothing to correct this system of treason and use it to their advantage as well. Freedom isn’t supposed to be the Democratic way because Democrats are for anything but freedom. I did nothing to any of the people who caused me harm and the only victim in my cases was ME.
Just for the record, I had very little interaction with the people whom lived in my building and just wanted to be left alone. I left them alone, but the Democracy these idiots believe runs this land filled them with hatred for someone who did absolutely nothing to them. Now I AM hatred because of the policies and procedures of the Harford County Judicial Department and the terrorists they employ in the MSP and the HCSO.
People have been doing that for last 5 years or so. I think the Dagger allows it to preserve the anonymity of commenters and to not be involved in frivolous lawsuits….Contrary to what is written about me on the Dagger, I’m one of the most honest and helpful people you would ever meet. I guarantee that the only screen name I use is SoulCrusher and I have no idea why anyone else would want to use it, but I have grown to not give a crap when they use it. The Dagger Readers know when I’m typing…believe me.
SC and Bob let’s see what happens.
Moniker theft!
Moniker theft, I say!!
Something must be done about this terrible identity crime!
It totally devalues the incredibly meaningful discussion on this forum!
I’ll have to leave if this isn’t corrected!!
I am always happy to give voice to people who can’t speak for themself. Unfortunately, that does not apply to you who is capable of submitting rude, crude, and ignorant contributions.
This has been a great week for America. The Supreme Court’s rulings to protect the L.G.B.T.Q. people against workplace discrimination and today’s decision to block Trump’s attempt to end DACA is HUGE! Thank you, Judge Roberts, for having the courage to rise above politics and do the right thing.
Also, the Supreme Court decided at least for now decided not to strike down any gun control laws.
Next on the agenda, after we vote out the “Abominable One” and the Democrats regain control of the senate, is “comprehensive immigration reform” and a national ban on assault weapons..
Things are looking up, America!!
“Supreme Court strikes down Louisiana abortion restrictions”
Again — Thank you Judge Roberts for doing the right thing!
I’m sure the children this applies to would disagree if they could, but unfortunately they will be murdered before they have the chance to live their lives.
“Putin has a ‘disinfection tunnel’ to protect him from the coronavirus”
I’m sure our wannabe-dictator would like to have one of these.
Bob, at least Trump doesn’t sit on the toilet backwards so he can eat and take a dump at the same time. Talk about weird. I can’t believe this is the best the Democrats have to offer. A man that didn’t know for 77 years that he was sitting on the john the wrong way….
Hey Bob it seems Trump has a strong immune system. The guy is never sick. What happen to our girl Val Demings?
SC this is awful. HaHa!
“U.S. Attorney Who Investigated Trump Associates Is Abruptly Ousted”
The President is at again – another late Friday night firing. Trump and his lackey Barr are absolutely out of control. The problem is the clown knows that his days as President are numbered and he’s prepared to pull out all the stops to cover his ass.
He’s being pulled because the investigations into his associates in New York were illegal and unconstitutional. The President has committed no crime, so what is the basis for these associates being investigated criminally because they were Trump’s associates. You don’t investigate to potentially discover a crime, you investigate because a crime occurred. That US Attorney is a criminal, like many attorneys across this Country, whom are all part of a nationwide crime syndicate and racketeering organization that includes not only the government, but the BAR Association itself….
The statue of Confederate General Albert Pike in Judiciary Square in DC was torn down and burned last night. This upset the President. I say good riddance to the statue. Although I would have preferred had it been removed by the city.
The president thinks we should build upon this heritage, not tear it down. The Confederacy represents the heritage of slavery and racism. This terrible legacy should not be memorialized.
Well, Muhammad had slaves and was a slaver. Are you idiots going to burn down all the Mosques? Are you going to denounce Islam? No, you won’t will you? Pike was the Confederate envoy to the Indian Nations, made treaties with the Indians and even commanded an outfit of Indians during the war. He didn’t have much to do with slavery and I don’t think he supported slavery. As usual, the Democrats have very little knowledge and are just a bunch of hypocrites. If you hate a man who died 130 years ago because of supposed roots to slavery, then why don’t you hate a man who DID own slaves, took part in the slave trade and is the founder of the religion that brought us the zealots whom committed the 911 World Trade Center attacks in 2001? Think about it….
I wonder just how many of the so called “protesters” even knew who General Pike was or for that matter when the Civil War actually took place. How long was that statue in place before someone felt the need to tear it down? Just curious. History good or bad is recorded to reflect on the past to brighten the future. Knowledge is power and lack there of fuels bias. We all remember when the Baltimore Ravens traveled to England and knelt during the National Anthem but stood during the British National Anthem. Guess what country had the most influence in facilitating the slavery industry. England. The Ravens and our country looked like fools. Why isn’t racial bias discussed in its totality? Why does it exist? We always hear about white racism. It exists. The media will have you believe that white supremacist groups are a major threat to society. I wish they didn’t exist but the harm or fear inflicted by these groups is extremely minimal contrary to what you see on television shows and certain elements of the political media. What is almost always omitted when racial bias is discussed is the black contribution to the problem. Bias is not genetic it is a learned behavior. So many white people will admit that the bias they possess is from behavior they have observed. Unfortunately there is a large contingent of black people that behave in a manner which causes distrust, fear, and bias. White people will state something to the effect that I was “not raised that way” but they feel bias because there are so many black people on the news, on the street, in stores, etc that are routinely observed behaving poorly. White people understand and acknowledge that a portion of their element is bad but can not understand why the same acknowledgement is not routinely made by the black community. They do not understand if it is a denial or a dismissal or both. They will go on to say that not every difference of opinion or incident has a racial bias connection. Not every interaction between the police and the black community is racially motivated. Not all bias complaints are the fault of the police. Maybe they were just doing their job. If people truly wanted racial bias to stop they would call out the offenders on both sides. Almost anyone that will enter in to a fair and honest dialogue about race relations will admit that the recent behavior displayed during the “peaceful demonstrations” have fanned the flames of bias for years to come. Why, because opinions were formulated based on their direct perception of events. Both sides of the issue need to accept their side of the blame to make things better. Furthermore, we need to hold our politicians accountable for the perpetuation of bias. They are attempting to fear monger and scare people. Both sides of the political spectrum are responsible by embellishing or misrepresenting facts to further their own agendas either overtly or covertly. It needs to stop. The answer is accountability by all sides and addressing the wrongdoers. Tear down all the statues you want but things will not change until all sides behave properly. Racism is a two way street.
Damn. I never thought there would be a topic we agreed on. Agreed 100%.
Trump comeback rally features empty seats, staff infections
The President babbled on & on incoherently for almost two hours.. He looks like a madman on the brink of a breakdown. He’s lost it. Most of his supporters looked subdued and downright bored. They are probably thinking, let me get the hell out of this arena before I catch Covid-19.
Bob you are hilarious; almost as funny as Trump last night. He is a storyteller and he doesn’t even drink. HaHa. I wish you Democrats had a sense of humor. Seriously, you know Biden is so pathetic and boring. He will never get the attention of so many people.
Happy Father’s Day!
How about that Federal investigation reveals that the “noose” found in Bubba Wallace’s garage was a garage door pull. It had been there fore over a year. MNM needs to set the record straight now! They won’t.
Yup, total over reaction from a world gone haywire over racial bullshit that isn’t even happening. The people are becoming stupider by the minute and the media feeds the stupidity….
“Trump is headed for defeat if he doesn’t change course”
Conservative columnist, John Podhoretz the author of this piece in the NY Post (Right-center bias newspaper) summed it up nicely when he writes the following:
“Call me whatever you want, fellas — if things don’t change, Biden is going to be calling Trump a cab on Jan. 20, 2021.”
Bob the polls aren’t always indicative of outcomes. With all of the violence and hostility being stoked by the liberal media, I wouldn’t put a TRUMP bumper sticker on my car let alone admit that he is my candidate.
Agreed. I had a Police Lives Matter sticker on my rear window of my car three years ago and someone decided to take a bat to it along with the roof. Funny how the left wing thought process woks. If you disagree with someones position just attack them. That always adds credibility to your cause. A lot of hypocrites out there.
Oh no they didn’t! I have the Thin Blue Line Maryland decal on my car window. Since my car isn’t offensive (like statues and memorials) I hope it does not come under attack.
“Militias flocked to Gettysburg to foil a supposed antifa flag burning, an apparent hoax created on social media”
Over the years Gettysburg has always been one of my favorite places to visit and now we have to be concerned with paramilitary thugs brandishing weapons in public trying to intimidate others.
To make things even worse, extremist groups on all sides are exploiting social media groups like Facebook and Twitter to propagate their message of lies and hate.
Bob I have missed discussions with you about current events. I know that a recent study showed that Hydroxychloroquine is not effective in the treatment of hospitalized patients with Covid-19. However, it was data based on a small sample of patients with advanced disease. The latest studies are revealing what I have told you about how effective the drug is when used prophylacticly and in early stages of diagnosed Covid-19. This is just another example of how science is not always reliable and ever changing. The insertion of political agendas play havoc on findings. I like the way that you support your comments with literature, articles, etc. It is probably unreasonable to think that you or any reader would trust my comments based on experience. I am not concerned about the uptake in cases; more testing = more cases. Our hospitals can handle this anticipated increase because we have hospital bed capacity. Not to change the subject, I am distressed about the children murdered this weekend. Seems like the children will cause a change in how people think about BLM. I can’t tell you how knowing the cause of death in a child is never from “natural causes”. A child’s death is always at the hands of an adult. The only exception, congenital anomaly or disease. Kanye West 2020. I’m sorry; it is just real enough to take the Democratic vote away from Biden and whoever.
“At least 6 children were killed by gun violence across the nation this holiday weekend”
Blue, we have allowed much of our inner-cities to become almost unlivable. Our country can and must do more to end gun violence that is our new normal. It’s sad, so sad, to look at the pictures of the young children killed by gun violence and realize their hopes and dreams will never be realized.
I don’t know how to break this to you, but this is the first time in my life that I have wanted to own a gun. What is happening in our cities is secondary to poor leadership. Homelessness, drug gangs and cartels, human trafficking, illiteracy, starvation, etc. are not going away with gun legislation. The increase in violence and homicide is due to lawlessness and access to illegal weapons. Most of my career has been spent in inner city emergency rooms – East Los Angeles, Baltimore, and DC – I know how to hit the ground at the sound of gunshots while on the ambulance ramp. To blame the police and the courts when politicians are cuffing them with ridiculous laws is just crazy. These problematic cities are the creation of liberal leaders. How many children have to die before Black Lives Matter get the message?
The problems for our cites took a dramatic turn for the worse in the 1950’s & 1960’s with the “white flight” to the suburbs. If we fail to address generational poverty and inequalities endemic to racial ghettos things will only get worse for large cities, like Baltimore.
The situation is addressed every year with billions of dollars being spent on education, housing , and other social programs. People of any background should know how to take advantage of these programs. They should also know how to keep their housing clean and in good repair. I have said it before and I will reiterate . My grandmother had a second grade education and worked in factories or as a house cleaner all of her life. She was one of nine children born into an impoverished family. If you gave her free or affordable public housing 50 years prior when she moved out it would be cleaner than when she moved in. We have to stop making excuses and hold people accountable for their poor decision making. Failing to do so insults the abilities of those involved. It kind of supports the theory that Democrats actually want people to be less autonomous and more dependent on the government. Think about it.
Well said. Bob makes the statement that “we have allowed much of our inner-cities to become almost unlivable”. Please don’t include me in that “we” category. Liberal Democrats have allowed the situation in our cities to fester. Political correctness and the fear of hurting feelings are the biggest problems. Billions of dollars are continually pumped in to our cities year after year for social programs, education, and feel good stuff. Accountability is missing. Rationalizing or flat out ignoring bad behavior is the real problem. I don’t claim to be perfect but I feel that I turned out reasonably well. Why? Because I had respect for my parents, other people, the law, and for my country. Gun violence has become a major issue in our world today but it is not the weapon that is the problem. The problem is that all too many people hold no regard for the lives of other human beings. Their only solution to conflict is violence. These people need to be held accountable. It seems to me that maintaining accountability is a base stone to solving the problem.
Stand by……crime is on the increase and police are retiring and leaving their departments. Hate speech of any sort needs to be eliminated if we want a civilized society and resolution to unrest and subsequent crime. If requiring advanced degrees will improve the skills of a gumshoe then provide the education, don’t defund police who are working and keeping our communities safe. Social workers and counselors have many therapeutic methodologies, but it is not reasonable to think that they can be effective in an unsafe, dangerous situation. Back the Blue.
The Blue need to be held accountable and prosecuted when they act poorly. We hold our military to a standard and prosecute them when it is needed so why are Police allowed immunity? Bad Cops need to be thrown off the force.
Okay. Let’s discipline and/or terminate police who are the wrongdoers. Let’s provide more training and education. Let’s support and recognize the good they do so that we can live the good life.
What are we doing about the unlawful? How can we change violent behaviors? I think they might need a hug. So many are deserving and grateful for the entitlements afforded to them. Unfortunately, they don’t feel safe and free in their own community. What’s the next step to leveling the playing field?
Hate Speech is protected by Free Speech. I know you don’t like it, but that is the way it is. I have no problem with you but backing the blue doesn’t go far with the mob. Especially when we see some cops acting like they shouldn’t be cops. It gives them all a bad name. I do not agree with defunding or getting rid of the police. I do believe the police should be made lawful again. You can NOT sit there and tell us that you think the cops are NOT part of the problem. If we all want this nation to be successful then we need law enforcement to become lawful and obey the law. Clearly, some police have a problem with being lawful. You can’t deny this.
SC demonizing the police in the name of systematic racism is pure bullshit. I am not about to rush to judgment about any police incident. Pretty profound generalization of police – BLM will never be satisfied with reform and will push to abolish the police. For the good of all, we Americans need to push back. BTW. When a bad cop shows up we have never needed the permission of any mob to investigate and administer justice.
Really? I don’t agree with police enforcing unconstitutional law and using deadly force on anyone that isn’t actually a threat. Just for the record, Cops don’t administer justice. The courts are supposed to do that. Cops enforce code, even when that code is illegal and unconstitutional. I also don’t think alot of the instances we have been seeing recently are the result of racism and are being falsely interpreted as racism. I still say the Floyd case was about a cop that didn’t like George Floyd and murdered him and the Georgia taser incident was the justifiable use of deadly force on a fleeing criminal who DID commit a felony when he shot that cop in the face with the taser.
“Accountability” works very well when there is a level playing field and everyone plays by the same set of rules. Unfortunately, that’s not where we are at in 2020 America.
Interesting response to accountability! Apples to Oranges?!?! So now what do we do? Can we agree that the emasculation of the Black male is the result of legislation that provided income to the unwed mother, as long as there was no man in the residence? In doing so, can we agree that legislation played a major role in the deterioration of the family unit? I don’t know where I’m going with this!!! How do you convey the importance of the male role in the current matriarchal family model? I used to have lengthy conversations with a Baltimore Homicide Detective who struggled with the deaths of Black women. He considered the Black female death a form of destruction to the Black society. I will be thinking about the level playing field. I need directions; how do you get there?
Accountability is accountability. Please stop attempting to rationalize or excuse bad behavior. The rules are clear to all parties involved. The question is whether or not the players choose to adhere to them.
Racism is racism. I am not trying to “rationalize or excuse bad behavior”. I’m just trying to get you to see that ‘systemic racism’ is the main reason for much of this “bad behavior”. Even though the rules maybe “clear” they are not applied ‘equitably’.
I tried very hard to address the issues generically. You have chosen to inject a specific race in to the equation. What does racism have to do with black on black violence in all black neighborhoods? Are you implying that black people do not have the ability or intelligence to understand the law and adhere to it? Are you saying they can not tell the difference between right and wrong? Who is the racist Bob?
I think you mean “equally”, but let’s not get too particular. Open Your Eyes is right and if blacks keep on killing other blacks on the scale we are seeing then how I am supposed to believe black lives matter? Why should black lives matter to me, a white man, when black lives don’t seem to matter to black society? Do you really think that “systemic racism” is why blacks are killing each other as much as we are seeing today? If that is the case then the BLM movement was lost before it started….
“Supreme Court set to decide who can see Trump’s tax returns, financial records”
This is a big decision by the Supreme Court tomorrow morning. I got a feeling the court is either going to punt on this one or rule 5-4 Congress does not get access the President’s tax records. I sure hope I’m wrong.
Congress doesn’t need to have access to Trump’s tax records until he became a government employee. Government employees are held to the higher standard, not private citizens. Quite frankly, I’d rather see the tax records of Pelosi, Maxine Waters and a host of other Democrats that have become millionaires after they became elected officials. Don’t fear the billionaire who became President. Fear the politician who became a millionaire after taking office…..
I have to admit the decision for The Little Sister of the Poor made me smile. I believe your hunch is right;.Congress will never see Trump’s financials.
This will be the most interesting election cycle. Covid-19 and BLM protests/riots are competing to unnerve us. What a ride!
Blue, the times are crazy scary. You’re right. It’s gonna be a hell of a ride. Buckle up!
I just don’t think Biden can be the savior of the Democratic Party, yet alone the Country. Does anyone actually believe that getting rid of the Trump tax cuts and families bringing home less is going to make people want to elect Biden? I just can’t see that as being a wise campaign maneuver…
I know that you are going to think that I have been drinking, but I like Kanye for the Democratic candidate. He is late to register in some states, but even as a write in, he will take the young millennial and Black votes from Biden. Trump will be elected by the “silent majority”. Kanye and Trump are buddies and I think this is an Apprentice Strategy. Think about it!!!
One more thing…Trump and Kanye are successful businessmen, not politicians. As crazy as things are right now, you know this might be a possibility. Look what the media is willing to do to get Biden out of future debates with Trump. In the absence of sports, I am looking forward to a Biden/Trump match.
Agreed, but I don’t think Kanye will have the impact you are saying. Biden however, can’t complete three sentences without a Gaff. It will be an interesting election season, I’ll give you that…
It’s a punt back to the lower courts. It looks like the NY prosecutor and Congress will not get the President’s financial and tax records before the November election.
Good. The Courts should not get into something that may be used for political gain. Congress doesn’t need to see record of his private affairs before he took office. Congress has the authority of oversight regarding government, not the former business affairs of an incoming President who handed down his business to his family when he took office. I don’t know where you Democratic Traitors Against America believe that you actually have the authority to do such a thing. Just for the record, there is no requirement for the President to show his taxes to the public or Congress regarding his life before being President. Even if Congress passes some of its jibber jabber and makes it the rules of government employees, it would be ex post facto and Trump wouldn’t be required to show them unless they pass it before the next election and he wins.
Bob just as you thought.
“Robert Mueller: Roger Stone remains a convicted felon, and rightly so”
Mueller says,
“We made every decision in Stone’s case, as in all our cases, based solely on the facts and the law and in accordance with the rule of law. The women and men who conducted these investigations and prosecutions acted with the highest integrity. Claims to the contrary are false.”
Roger Stone’s commutation of sentence was the right thing to do. He would’ve never been charged with a crime if not for his support of Trump and his past relationship with the President. The charges he was convicted of were ridiculous. Lying to Congress is an oxymoron if I ever heard of one. When you convict a man of lying to the largest body of liars in this Country, you’ve got an issue. Stone wasn’t a government employee or a member of Trump’s campaign, so why was he investigated to begin with? Let’s be honest about how Bradley Manning was involved with WikiLeaks, did release classified material that could’ve caused harm to American troops, was convicted of his all too real crimes and then her/his sentence was commuted by Obama. To top it off, IT was then allowed to run for US Senate in this State, which did turn my stomach. This was all nothing but political persecution and I have no problem with the commutation, but I think Trump shouldn’t have done it until after the election was over. Lastly, I think Robert Mueller is a scumbag and I don’t put anything that guy has to say as “credible” or “honest” as his job was to conduct a witch hunt on behalf of the Democratic Traitors Against America and his investigation will forever be and act of treason in my mind…
Stone was found guilty by a jury of lying to cover up crimes committed by the President who is clearly a traitor to America. If you are good with that you are a traitor also.
Really? Name the act of treason Trump committed. I’m not a traitor and neither is Trump. You Democrats have become the “Not See” party and believe in complete and utter fascism, as both the ANTIFA and BLM movements are showing. Some of the BLM movement are legit, but the narrative being pushed is completely false and the end resulted in rioting, burning down buildings, looting and murder. What do you think the “Not See” party in Germany did back in the 30’s? The attacked and arrested people over politics, just like your party wants to do. Politics isn’t supposed to be a crime. Politicians over reaching and sending people to jail for political views IS a crime. You have no problem covering up the crimes Democrats commit, but you wish to persecute anyone who doesn’t agree with you. Those e-mail leaks were the result of Democrats being STUPID, not hacking. I can’t agree with you. I’m not an R or a D. I’m an American and I give no credence to anything you Dems are trying to do.
who said anything about treason? O you did….. try to stick with the facts
I do believe you need to re-read your “post”. Stone didn’t cover up the President’s crimes because the President didn’t commit a crime. The Democrats did though with the hoax investigations and sham impeachment, which I see as treason. However, you said “If you are good with that you are a traitor also”. Well, I am good with Stone’s sentence getting commuted and I don’t think Stone even committed a crime. You say that makes me a traitor. That is exactly what you typed. So, You’re just another DemoTraitor trying to play the same old game. By the way, you still didn’t name an act of treason committed by the President and you won’t be able to because he didn’t commit treason.
The swamp critters can’t be trusted. The money that is wasted on these investigations is a crime. Every time an investigation is started, we are taken down a long dark road to nowhere. Stone does not deserve prison.
Agreed. We have to realize whom the REAL liars are and I don’t think there is a politician who hasn’t lied in Congress in over 50 years! Let’s be honest about thing. During this Corona virus ordeal, the Country has become financially decimated. Yet Congress voted and gave themselves a $25,000 per year raise while Americans are struggling. That’s a crime….
Blue, talk about a “long dark road to nowhere”. The current DOJ/Durham investigation is a prime example of such. Don’t worry though, things are getting better. The end of our national nightmare is on the horizon. Come November, we begin by voting out the “Swamp Critter-in-Chief” along with lots of his enablers. It’s exciting. The times, “they are a-changin”
If Trump loses our Country may be in severe danger of losing every freedom guaranteed to us. Trump isn’t part of the swamp. The bureaucracy is the swamp and that is what he wanted to drain. Whether its a R or a D, the bureaucrats on both sides are the enemy of the people.
On January 3 2021 proceedings will begin to put trump in jail along with his entire family. It will be a great day for America and the world.
What’s so reassuring to me is that Republicans, like yourself and others in groups such as RVAT and Lincoln Project realize Trump must go.
@Harford Republican – Why would you believe that Trump and his whole family need to go to jail? That is fascism at it core….
@Bob – You sure he is a Republican? Biden would be a destructive force to our nation. Why would anyone in their right mind want to put a man in office that will raise taxes on Americans? His first act would be to repeal the Trump tax cuts and those tax cuts put money back in paychecks, while Congress gave itself a $25,000 pay raise. Trump donates his money to charities. He doesn’t even want the government’s money. Are you sure you’re on the right side of this thing?
Tax evasion and money laundering will be a start.
And to answer the question you asked of Bob. trumps tax cuts only benefited himself, his family and the top 5%. I don’t mind paying my fair share of taxes (unlike yourself) as they pay for things that benefit the pubic in general. You will notice during a booming economy we have a deficit of over a trillion dollars. If you don’t understand the problem of not being able to pay your bills when you are making the most money ever… well then you are a true blind trumper. I am an old school republican not one of you brain dead anti science morons.
Who are you calling an anti science moron? I wear a mask so that I can live to November 3, 2020. You go on being you’re old school republican bad self! Venezuela is calling your name. I am pretty sure Trump will win without your vote.
Bob knows that Biden needs a strong woman running mate; someone to hold his roaming hands and wipe his drool spittle.
That’s about as mean as it gets for me, but I am tired of the violence, destruction, vandalism of memorials and statues, and the scapegoating of our Police.
The idea that Trump’s tax cuts only helped himself, his family and the top 5% is the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard. Those cuts put more money in the pockets of those who fund this government, yet the government seeks to enslave. You’re right. I don’t want to pay ANY taxes to the government. I don’t like or support this government because it is unlawful. However, I do support Trump and I like the direction he was taking this Country. If he would only get us out of the UN then he’s be the greatest President of all time. You aren’t a Republican. You’re a DemoTraitor….
The economy was booming and trump was piling on debt like a drunk sailor by selling out the middle class and giving it to himself and his buddies and you think that’s he right direction? LOL you are an idiot.
You’re crazy. Lowest unemployment rates in years, including blacks. Bringing business back to American and enticing business to stay in America. Fighting an economic war with China and the rest of the world, all to make America great again. Put Biden in and watch it all crumble….if not for Covid, we’d still be flying high. The worst thing he did was shut America down for Covid, but the CDC was scaring the hell out of him. Do the math, less than 1% of Americans have caught the Corona virus, out of those infected a mere .4% has died, but I agree we still are seeing it play out. Trump 2020!!!
Harford Republican I left out the best part of your insult. I meant to ask, Who you calling a brain dead anti science moron?
Who? trump supporters. and maybe you too since you clearly can’t read.
I can read a ballot. I Back the Blue and I will vote for Trump. Have a nice night.
“Harford Co. Company Tried To Over-Bill Baltimore $637,000: Report”
Hart to Heart is quite a company. It has gone from defrauding Medicare to attempting to overcharge the City of Baltimore nearly $640,000 for ambulance services during the coronavirus pandemic.
Who can you trust? Just another example of the “money grab” and fraud happening in healthcare.
“Richard Fowler: Rep. John Lewis heroically fought racism and changed America – his death is a loss for us all”
When John Lewis led the march for voting rights across that bridge on “Bloody Sunday” in 1965 the journey to end racism in America was just beginning. Today the struggle goes on.
“Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.”
— A Lewis tweet from June 2018–6Q2fg&feature=em-uploademail
Wake Up America!
“How Larry Hogan Kept Blacks in Baltimore Segregated and Poor”
This is a very interesting article written by a very smart lady. Even though I’m generally supportive of Governor Hogan, especially his handling of the COVID-19 crisis, I believe his decision to cancel the Baltimore Red Line shortly after taking office in 2015 was a mistake.
If the citizens of Maryland are really serious about rebuilding and revitalizing Baltimore, perhaps the “Baltimore Red Line would be a good place to start.
I read the article and it was BS. I normally don’t like Hogan. He panders to the Democratic Traitors Against America way too much for me. He did keep his original campaign policies of lowering the Toll rates and such. That was good by me. However, the Red Line would’ve brought a lot more of what people don’t want in the counties and I really don’t see that the Red Line cancellation has effected blacks from moving in to Baltimore County. Obviously, you don’t know Baltimore County very well because there are MANY blacks in Baltimore County. One thing I will point out, if that Red Line had been built and rioting had occurred here in Baltimore, those people and businesses along that route may have been looted or burnt to the ground. Luckily, we didn’t see any of that in Baltimore, which DID surprise me very much. After everything this country has been going thru, I don’t think that Red Line is a good idea and I’m glad Hogan cancelled it. That isn’t racism or segregation, that’s doing what is in the best interests of the communities along that proposed route.
Bob you do seem to support Hogan. Interesting for a guy who often brings up my flower child liberal past. I would never vote for Hogan in 2024. Let me put it this way, some people just can’t be trusted. Hogan may be Republican, but he swings both ways to attract liberal voters and make decisions in this blue state. He flip flops depending on who is interviewing him. I could go on and on, but my objective POV would be negative. I thought the article was very interesting and I wasn’t surprised by Hogan’s action.
I guess Bob hasn’t noticed all the section 8 housing going up everywhere in Harford County.
It’s always easy to tell the people who know nothing about section 8 housing.
“Poll Shows Most Voters Agree Black, Hispanic Americans Face Discrimination
Perceptions that minorities face racial discrimination hit new highs, WSJ/NBC News poll finds”
“Ben Shapiro sounds alarm over new poll on racism in US society: ‘Shocking and devastating”
Bob what white person polled wouldn’t agreed with this question when anyone that publicly disagrees with the lefts narrative is shut down, painted as a racist, their business are targeted and they are threatened with violence.
Youze just plumb dumb son
Agreed, the MEDIA paints an untrue picture and the truth is most Latinos I know never stopped working. As far as the Blacks go with their BLM hysteria, look, all lives matter. Not just Black lives, but ALL lives. Lives Matter and if you have to put a color in front of lives matter then you are the racist….
I agree with SoulCrusher all lives matter. When you add color to the equation you are diminishing the message. I am a white man with a black son in law and mixed grandkids. All I want is for my children and grandchildren is to live in a safe and happy world. Tearing down statues and removing other symbolic acts have done nothing to eliminate bias. I see a prior post from Bob stating that voters feel that racial discrimination has reached new highs. This could be accurate. The question is why it could be correct. I don’t claim to be all knowing but I have lived a long time and have talked to many people and have had many experiences. All most every person I have spoken to have expressed a desire to live in a more harmonious friendly world without the existence of bias. When the topic of black/white interaction will come up the comments by white people are all most always the same. They will say that they work with, or live next to, or worship with wonderful black people or have wonderful black neighbors. Then comes the big “but”. Why does such a large contingent of their membership behave poorly? Why are black people killing each other in such great numbers? Many will say they are not earning the respect that they are claiming they do not get. How can they convince anyone that black lives matter when it doesn’t appear that they really believe it themselves. Many will admit that they possess bias towards many blacks because of what they have observed. They want to get along but question how can you respect a group where such a large portion of their body is not behaving as one should as member of a civilized society. They will further say almost unanimously that if blacks would better police their own and hold the noncompliants accountable bias would begin to go away. They stated that if that type of compliance could occur than it would be much easier to deal with and address the old fashion white racist type and maybe subsequently eliminate them. For whatever reasons, probably political, the MSM will never cover racial issues fairly from both sides. I firmly believe that the biggest causation of current day white racism is from the behavior they have observed. Many will not agree with me. Some will call me a racist. The black community holds their entire future in their own hands. Every good parent knows that good behavior leads to respect and bad behavior should never be rewarded. Rewarding bad behavior will never support respect.
Bob’s post regarding racism sent me to a place of deep thought and concern. I haven’t figured out a way to articulate my opinion. I agree with SC and Open Your Eyes. If racism is a mental illness, and who’s to say it’s not, developing a plan of care is determined by the extreme symptoms (behaviors) demonstrated. We have a society that is in serious trouble. We are experiencing violent and dangerous events in major cities that require competent leadership intervention. As I see it, we are observing the death of our civilized society.
I find your comments interesting and insightful. Open Your Eyes is a sentimental badass, SC has some slow healing wounds, and lefty Bob occasionally gives us a glimpse at his big open liberal heart. That being said, John Catanzara, Chicago’s President of the FOP, just commented on a statement made by Nancy Pelosi. He shoots straight from the hip!!! In a response to her evaluation of the rioting and crime in Portland and Chicago he said, “She is way past her prime.” If you missed it, he wasn’t arrogant, angry, nor condescending. He was “deadpan serious”.
Blue, I agree. Nancy is “way past her prime. With that said, the likes of Moscow Mitch McConnell is also well past his prime”. Maybe, we should throw both of them out. What would help us address the ‘old fogey situation’ in politics is TERM LIMITS for members of Congress and Supreme Court Judges. Out with the old, in with the new!
Absolutely!!! We need a miracle to turn things around.
Do you support hurricane evacuations in Spain? LOL!!!!!!
I thought the rain in Spain falls mostly in the plains?! I haven’t been to Spain in many years. What’s your point?
“Trump tells suburban voters they will ‘no longer be bothered’ by low-income housing”
The Racist-in-Chief is getting more and more desperate with each passing day. Soon, he will cut to the chase, throw way his dog whistle, put on his “white hood & robe” and engage in some cross burning.
Bob I don’t like to discuss racism because I am not a racist. I have known Dr. Ben Carson since he was a surgical resident at Johns Hopkins. I hope you don’t think he is a racist. He is advising Trump to abandon a failed policy that has not shown to improve the advancement of the indigent, regardless of color. You know that I think Trump can be an Jackass at times, but he is not a politician. I couldn’t watch the rude behaviors of the Democratic leaders in the Barr hearing yesterday. What happened to professional decorum? Thanks for not going on the attack when we disagree! It is really crazy and scary out there.
“Republicans suddenly sweating falling deep into House minority”
The November Election is going to be a real game-changer for our country. It looks like the entire Republican party is going down in flames down with the President.
I hope Joe Biden and the democratic party are fully prepared to hit the ground running.
Blue, you are absolutely right. It is “crazy and scary out there” and that’s exactly why we need real changes and we need them in a hurry.
Blue, I think the Barr Hearing was a total waste of time. The democrats spent all day yesterday “reclaiming their time” instead of letting Barr answer questions. The biggest problem with most Congressional hearings is the 5-minute rule.
Bob do you think Barr is in bed with Trump? I don’t see it that way. He was well vetted and stands by his decisions. I do not have the legal credentials to evaluate his competence, however, his legal decisions seem to be free of bias. I believe that he is a genuine and good person. Being reliable and trustworthy doesn’t seem to matter any more. I am not in any sort of downhill spiral; just being too intense about politics right now. I need a good laugh…do you have news on Biden’s VP (Black Woman) picks?
Barr is definitely not one of my favorites. He use to have a pretty good reputation. I can’t quite figure out why he decided to go down Trump’s rabbit hole.
We’ll find out next week about Biden’s VP choice. I think he going to pick Condoleezza Rice.
If you want a good laugh go on YouTube and checkout a couple of Sebastian Maniscalco’s comedy routines.
Started with midnight at the gas station to not a Vegas guy and everything in between. Hysterical! Just what I needed when I take myself too seriously!!
“Barr says he won’t wait until after election to reveal Durham’s findings. Democrats fear a campaign-altering surprise”.
‘The real just for’, a contributor to this forum, is going to like the above article. He has been telling me “time will tell” and “stay tuned” regarding the Durham investigation for months now. I still expect it to be much ado about nothing. However, the Repubs are desperate and it will be a distraction if released close to the November Election.