From Harford County government:
At a press conference today, County Executive Barry Glassman encouraged the public to stay calm and stay informed following news of a coronavirus case in Harford County. Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan announced on March 8 that one woman, a Harford County resident in her 80s, contracted the virus while traveling overseas and is currently hospitalized. The governor also announced there appear to be no major concerns over exposure risk to the community and there is no connection to the previous positive cases.
County Executive Glassman brought local officials together to answer questions and provide the pubic with accurate information about the virus. They included Harford County Health Officer Russell W. Moy, MD, MPH; HCPS Superintendent Sean Bulson; Sheriff Jeffrey R. Gahler; Harford County Director of Administration Billy Boniface, and Director of Emergency Services Edward Hopkins.
“Public safety is our highest priority, and my administration has been working closely with allied agencies to prepare for the coronavirus in our community,” County Executive Glassman said. “With a case confirmed yesterday in Harford County, it is important for everyone to remain calm, continue to take precautions and avoid rumors. We will continue to share verified reports and timely updates provided by Governor Hogan and public health officials.”
The Harford County case is still being investigated by the Maryland Department of Health and more details may become available. What is known is that the patient is an 86-year-old female who contracted the virus while traveling overseas and is currently hospitalized. Public health officials report that there appears to be no community exposure from this case, as this person went straight from the airport to home, did not leave her house, and when she began to feel ill, went straight to the hospital for medical evaluation and care.
The Maryland Health Department indicates that the vast majority of people recover from the coronavirus, and most will have mild or moderate symptoms. Frequently asked questions about the virus, including symptoms and what to do if you are sick, are on the health department web page
To prevent the spread of respiratory illnesses like the coronavirus, the health department recommends the following precautions:
– Wash your hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
– Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent alcohol if soap and water are not available.
– Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, your sleeve or your elbow.
– Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
– Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using standard cleaning practices.
– Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Video of the press conference is posted here:
“How testing failures allowed coronavirus to sweep the U.S”
The decision, not to use the test developed by Germany in January, seems to have been a critical mistake.
So far, it look like our country has missed the boat in terms to our ‘national response’ to Covid-19. Let’s hope our state and local governments can do better.
We need to get our act together in a hurry before this virus becomes a pandemic. If not, more & more lives will be lost and the possibility of a worldwide recession looms on the horizon. As best as we can we need to keep the ‘politics’ out of our response to this crisis.
It’s already a pandemic, but it isn’t as life threatening as everyone in the media wants us all to think it is. As far as policy, Trump had already put travel restrictions in place that stunted the spread of the virus and I really don’t think any of the BS that is being stated about policy deficiencies would have helped matters if done differently. Look, you want to be afraid to go and live your life then that is on you, but the Democratic media spreading fear amongst the masses isn’t going to help.
According to a story in the WSJ a couple of hours ago the WHO (World Health Organization) is saying the Coronavirus Epidemic Is “Close to a Pandemic”
Again, as usual more times than not, you are wrong!
Healthcare staff are freaked out by bedbugs, not viruses. The coronavirus is like a cold. The symptoms are annoying, but not considered life threatening. There are many viruses in our universe. They share our space and love us living beings (hosts). The media presents statistical risk which in turn scares citizens into believing there is a personal risk. Ask yourself, who do you know that is ill with the coronavirus? I don’t know a single person! Do you? Take a deep breath….wash your hands…consider your risk factors-are you over 60 years old, immunosuppressed, or living with a chronic illness then make common sense decisions about living your life. In many stores, the shelves are bare; no toilet paper, hand sanitizers, cleaning products, etc. yet, shoppers aren’t using the sanitizing wipes to clean the handle on their cart. Washing with soap and water is the most effective way to kill viruses. So stop buying all the baby wipes! We need them for some little butts.
Thanks. After reading your post I decided to return all those cases of baby wipes, toilet paper and hand sanitizers I purchased. Also, I will make sure I wipe the handles of all shopping carts from here on out. Now, if I could just do something about that “over 60 years old” thing, I would be in business. 🙂
Bob, once again you are a moron and a Democratic sleaze. As according to any dictionary, the COVID-19 virus IS a pandemic. The WHO isn’t calling it that because they know it isn’t as dangerous as YOUR Democratic media is saying. Just for the record, pandemic and epidemic are synonyms, which is the term YOU used to describe it. Just face the facts that you’re a Democratic idiot who sees this COVID-19 issue as a political tool to spread fear and try to help the democratic TRAITORS of America win an upcoming election. So as usual, you are a complete moron and the Crusher of Souls is the truth.
SC you might want to educate yourself, COVID-19 is in 90 countries that are not America.
SoulCrusher, If you are the “truth” the world is in big trouble. I learned awhile back that “dictionaries” don’t work with you Remember a few month ago when you said “statutes are NOT law”, despite the fact that dictionaries define statutes as “written law”.
You sort of remind me of the “People Are No Damn Good” cartoon character (
What is particularly sad is that the “box’ you find yourself in is a self-imposed one.
Statutes are not laws.
“The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the code, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law”. – Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261
We are talking about two different things. Statutes are the law of government employees, not the people. The people are beholden to “common law”.
That “every man is independent of all laws except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institution formed by his fellow men without his consent.” Cruden v. Neale 2 Nc. 338(1796) 2 S.E. 70
However, pandemic and epidemic are synonyms and you’re an idiot…..
SoulCrusher, You just can’t let anything go. I feel bad for you. Like I told you in October, “The Cambridge Dictionary defines STATUTE as a LAW that has been formally approved and written down.” Say what you will, but clearly STATUTES are LAWS.”
And, now you want to complicate the current discussion even further by asserting “epidemic & pandemic are synonyms. At the rate you are going you’re destined to remain in your “box” for a long ,long time.
SoulCrusher, you said the following is a previous post, “The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the code, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law”. – Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261
Below is a link to the Self v. Rhay Supreme Court decision that you refer to:
The problem is the words you quoted are nowhere to be found in the ruling. The decision is about ‘denying’ a writ of habeas corpus in a death penalty case.
It’s just not relevant to our discussion. But I understand and like I said before your rantings, more times than not, tend to be pretty ridiculous. Are you sure your OK?
@ LOL – Yeah, so what’s your point? You Demotrators are still trying to use it for political gain because you’re scumbags. 90 countries means it’s a pandemic. Do you have shit for brains?
Bob, you are a complete idiot and a traitor. Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261, clearly shows the Supreme Court says statutes are NOT laws. Do you really think The Cambridge Dictionary overrides the Supreme Court? I think you bumped your idiot head. As for the rest of your idiocy….
pandemic [pan?demik] ADJECTIVE 1.(of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.
synonyms: widespread · prevalent · pervasive · rife · rampant · epidemic · universal · global
NOUN outbreak of a pandemic disease. “the results may have been skewed by an influenza pandemic”
synonyms: disease · sickness · bubonic plague · pneumonic plague · the Black Death · contagious disease · contagion · epidemic · pestilence · the pest · murrain
As you can see, Boob, pandemic and epidemic ARE synonyms for both the usage of the word as an adjective or a noun. Is there something wrong with you? Do you have a disorder or something. You watch too much Democratic media BS and just because you believe the lies of the Democratic Party, it does not mean you should help spread that crap to others.
SoulCrusher, Since you don’t like the Cambridge dictionary, let’s go with the following definition of STATUE from a legal dictionary:
“An act of a legislature that declares, proscribes, or commands something; a specific law, expressed in writing.
“A statute is a written law passed by a legislature on the state or federal level. Statutes set forth general propositions of law that courts apply to specific situations. A statute may forbid a certain act, direct a certain act, make a declaration, or set forth governmental mechanisms to aid society.”
Concerning EPIDEMIC versus PANDEMIC there is a difference. Let’s cut to the chase and say COVID-19 is currently an EPIDEMIC on the “brink or verge” of a PANDEMIC.
President Trump suggests suspending the federal payroll tax to assist American workers to weather potential financial burdens posed by the Corona virus situation until things become more stable. Sounds like a pretty good gesture to me but not to Senator Schumer and his Trump hating friends. I would be willing to bet if President Obama was still at the helm during this situation he would be playing a very different tune. Funny how the Democrats don’t mind giving all kinds of assistance and aid to illegals and other gold bricks but oppose an initiative to help working class Americans to get through a difficult time. Another attempt by Democrats to politicize the Corona situation. Schumer and his friends need to grow up and start worrying about the constituents they were elected to serve.
“Trump’s $800 billion payroll tax cut plan would dwarf Obama’s stimulus package from the height of the financial crisis”
Bob you are a fool. Statutes created by legislators whom have NOT been ordained an authority over a subject is a nullity. Furthermore, as according to the common law, there must be a causation of harm in order for a statute to be applied to a member of the public. Basically, there must be a victim in order for a crime to have occurred. There isn’t any dictionary that over rides the Constitution or the Supreme Court and YOU need to read the US Constitution and the Maryland Constitution in order for you to see where you went wrong. YOUR legislator of traitors, is NOT ordained any authority to create any statutory law that conflicts with the positive guarantees of the Constitutions. The only way to change the common law is by a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT and even that is debatable because neither Congress or the State legislatures were ordained authority to change the common law. The statutes are the rules of government employees and the government employees are illegally enforcing statutes in areas where they have NO jurisdiction. That is treason. The Democrat Party is treason. You are a traitor. Everyone who thinks like you is a traitor. Is it that important for you and people like you to control everyone and make them do everything that you want them to do? Is it that important that you get your way that you’d commit the ONLY crime listed in the Constitution? Look man, you’re not going to change my mind and I am trying to prevent a stinking traitor like you from spreading the treason of the Democrat Party you worship like a God. You’re not right. You’ll never be right and you’ll never control the Crusher of Souls. I don’t negotiate with traitors or terrorists and you are both….
The world is very fortunate there is only :”one Soulcrusher”—ONE IS ENOUGH! The only person freaking out is you! Perhaps you should self-quarantine and give your mind (at least what’s left of it) a little rest.
One last thing. Since you can’t seem to understand that pandemic and epidemic are listed as synonyms, stop going to whatever dictionary website and use a thesaurus website. Then go back to the dictionary website and look up synonym. Since that is going to be too hard for a Democratically educated traitor against the United States, I’ll do it for you.
synonym – a word or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word or phrase in the same language, for example shut is a synonym of close.
Are you getting the picture fuktard? Do you understand that you are an idiot and a traitor? Just STFU and stop spreading the Democratic treason against my country. We don’t need traitors like you polluting the minds of people into believing that German 1930’s-40’s philosophy that you Democrats want to happen.
Well, Bob, let’s put it to you another way so you can understand…..
For a crime to exist, there must be an injured party. There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this exercise of Constitutional rights. – Sherar v. Cullen, 481 F. 945
“All laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” – Marbury v. Madison, 5th US (2 Cranch) 137, 174, 176, (1803)
This is why statutes are NOT laws. Show me in the Constitution where the government has the authority to make even a fraction of the codified crap they make now a days. Furthermore, show me in the Maryland Constitution where the legislature has the authority to make even a fraction of the law they make. Bottom line is the statutes are fraud. Most taxation is completely illegal. The government you worship has not been ordained authority by the people to do what it is doing. That is treason. Both the US and Maryland Constitutions CONSTRAIN the government, unless we give the government and authority to do specific things. If there is no authority ordained, the statute is unconstitutional and ANY enforcement, prosecution or conviction of such is an act of fraud, war and treason. The government can only make law for the government, not the people. Those whom purposely make unconstitutional statutes are GUILTY of TREASON and in a better day we’d execute them. Bob, you’ll never understand this because you are a traitor and a fascist Democrat. Until you give up the fascism you’ve been taught your whole life, you will never be anything but a traitor. I don’t want to be remembered as a traitor, do you?
Well, there we all go. Bob’s latest comment was inserted in between comments that already exist and the only people who can do that are Dagger Editors. Bob, you are a Dagger Editor and a total asshole. I am now done with you on this subject, but when you comment again I will always correct your ignorance and spreading of lies and Democratic fascism.
SoulCrusher, Is this really you? I ask because, if it is, you losing touch with reality with all this garbage about “Dagger Editors”, “your done with me on the subject”, and yet you’ll comment again. You can’t let go because you have trapped yourself and you have lost the key to your lock.
Oops. I need to correct myself. I actually looked it up and realized that by definition, synonyms are two words with identical or *nearly* identical meanings.
An epidemic is a disease that is occurring in a region or community while a pandemic happens over a much larger area such as a whole country, a continent or even globally.
So while the words *are* synonyms, they have slightly different meanings.
Also, as of today 3/11/2020, the WHO *has* officially declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a “pandemic”
I’m so sorry, Bob. I should have educated myself before ranting through 8 posts that demonstrate how ignorant I really am. I really should learn to research what I say before posting it.
Hey imposter, I’ve been saying it is a pandemic for days because it fits the definition of pandemic. It also fits the definition of epidemic, but alas an idiot by the name of BOB, just doesn’t see it that way. Yes, pandemic and epidemic are synonyms and mean the same damn thing, except for pandemic normally describes something that has spread worldwide or across a continent, while epidemic can mean the same or something with a smaller footprint. However, COVID-19 is NOT as life threatening as the Democrats, the WHO and the media all want you to think. The Democrats, the WHO and the media see this as a political tool and a money maker. The WHO can’t wait to steal some money from the American people, just like the Democrats….the media steals from everyone.
Bob has once again inserted a comment into a place where NO ONE else can insert a comment, other than a Dagger Editor. Dagger Editors spawning fear isn’t local news with an edge, it’s local assholes who have lost their heads.
SoulCrusher, I’ll continue to pray for you.
Just like how Nancy prays for Donald? No thanks. I’ll continue to condemn you.
You look like a real asshole, However, you may be worth killing. There is no such thing as Legal Name Fraud in the United States because we have no Kings or Queens. I’ve envisioned slowly skinning you alive for over a decade now. Come to me and I will make it happen. I’ll take my time so you can enjoy being a SATAN for just long enough to breath your last breath. When I’m done I will burn you like the stinking treasonous pig that you are and scattered your ashes in the cesspool known as Bel Air you living piece of Harford County shit. Come to me and die….
SC, I couldn’t agree more. The demorats are try to put the Americans in a state of panic. You’re post’s are so right to the point.
The person taking my money in the drive thru at lunch hacking up a lung was reassuring. I think I got more than a chicken sandwih
Bob, You made my heart smile. We finally agree to something.
I am done here. Idiots!!!
Don’t be done bro. Keep it going I’m with you.
That wasn’t me. That was an idiot using my moniker. I’m never done till I breath my last breath.
Don’t let these chicken shits slow you down.
Bob, say it’s not so!!! Is it just me or is anyone else concerned that we haven’t heard from Howard? I am surprised that he is silent on this issue. Stay healthy by washing those hands.
WhatMattersisBlue, It ain’t so. Poor SoulCrusher has just completely lost it. We need to bow our heads and pray for for him.
Pray for yourself fuktard….
SoulCrusher I am new to this, but I am pretty sure that I replied to a particular post and it was entered after the post. Now I am curious to see if my reply to you falls in sequence.
Yes, WhatMattersisBlue, I think that the order of where the posts fall have to do with which “reply” button you press, but I just prefer to create conspiracy theories and like to name call. So I’ll continue to put it out there that Bob is an editor of the Dagger and make myself look stupid.
Uh huh, why don’t you dipshits look at where the comments fall after there is no more reply button? That’s how you tell. Bob is a Dagger Editor and is just a complete DemoTraitor.
c ;,v1n ;dt2
Yup and you’re a moron James.
Yup and you’re a moron SoulCrusher #2
Yawn. Do you really think I care about an imposter using my moniker calling me a moron? Yes, you’re right, I’m #2 because I’m the shit!
This article is only two days old, but the number of COVID-19 cases in the US has more than doubled in that time. There are over 1,000 confirmed cases nationwide now. I think everyone should be taking this very seriously!
There is over 300 million people in the US and 1000 people is just not that many. You are a fear mongering piece of garbage….
“yawn”…is that the best you’ve got?
Boop boop eeep doot…
Seriously? Nothing you put on here is going to shut me up. The Dagger has been trying to get rid of the Crusher of Souls for years, to no avail. I’m not going anywhere and that’s just the way it is….
That’s because you’re an asshole.
That’s right DemoTraitor. Learn to love it because YOU can’t do a damn thing about it!
Is anyone screening the wetbacks sneaking over the boarder?
We are no longer on the “brink or verge”. The WHO (World Health Organization) has declared COVID-19 a PANDEMIC.
National organizations postponing events…action taken…doctors are advising life style changes. But SoulCrusher says don’t panic, everyone is over reacting. What a moron. SMH
Look at the statistics and stop being a fear mongering Democratic traitor against my country. Moron.
Oopsy doodles….I went back and actually looked at the statistics. I need to admit that The Crusher of Souls was wrong. This is something to pay attention to.Sorry everyone, I really need to be more careful about posting nonsense on this website.
No, you’re just a stupid fear mongering moron. The statistics show that an incredibly small amount of infections have occurred and that only the elderly have actually succumbed to the COVID-19 virus. That’s the bottom line and it doesn’t matter who’s screenname you use to state otherwise.
“Maryland governor announces more steps due to coronavirus”
Maybe next year you morons will do this all over again for the flu. The flu is more deadly and it makes more sense to shut everything down for the flu than the COVID-19 virus. On the other hand, you can all stay cooped up while REAL Americans go about there lives knowing they will be fine even if they catch COVID-19.
“Top US health official says the coronavirus is 10 times ‘more lethal’ than the seasonal flu”
We will see when this is all over. Hopefully you’ll get it! Wouldn’t that be great! The TOP Dagger Editor Traitor against the United States quarantined! I’ll guess you’ll say you got it from a contaminated computer keyboard or even from that dirty smart phone. Go ahead and scare yourself to death. It wouldn’t bother me one bit Dagger Dog.
SoulCrusher (if this is you), You have managed to achieve a new LOW, even for you. With each passing day your “nonsensical rantings” becomes more and more out of touch with reality. So now, besides me being the “TOP Dagger Editor Traitor” you hoping I get the Coronavirus. You are pathetic.
Bob, yes, I hope you and your whole family gets it. It would please me very much if you all died from it, traitor.
Yes, Bob, this is very serious. Everyone should be monitoring the situation very carefully!
Here are some tips from the Red Cross as to how to keep yourself safe during this pandemic:
I really don’t burp much, but when I do I think of the Dagger and the treason it represents.
You know what the dumbest outcome of this pandemic here in America is? Corona beer sales have dropped because of the corona virus! That is how well educated our public is and it makes me sick. This is what happens everybody when you let the Democratic Party take over the educational system. They create idiots and they want all your children to be little idiots as well.
OK. I’m done here for a while. I’m looking too stupid. LOL
Hey Dagger Dog, why don’t you just ban my ip address. That might get rid of me. Maybe….
Oh no!! They’re cancelling classes at the college now. Things will get way worse before they get better. I’m sure that the public schools are not far behind!
Yup and the truth of it is that kids in college and public schools are the ones who are having NO PROBLEM fighting the virus and the only deaths are of those whom were elderly or immune deficient. The should’ve kept schools open and quarantined the nursing homes while urging everyone immune deficient or of advanced age to stay home out of harms way. Instead, we have the complete shutdown of America over a virus that rival a bad cold or the flu. Completely pathetic.
SoulCrusher please look at your post on March 11 at 2:19p. I just replied to your post so you can see that it fell into sequence following that one particular post. My test comment is dated March 12 at 1:13p. Anyway, I am not a Dagger Editor. Regarding the coronavirus: science is revealing more facts that are frightening people. I know that you understand that viruses exist in our universe and they love us living humans. In this case, the common cold virus (coronavirus) ran into a freeloading weird virus and had a baby, COVID-19. None of us know what to expect, but we do know how to prevent illness, treat illness, and stop (vaccine) illness. It is important that we understand our individual role. Pointing fingers and finding blame is exhausting at a time when we need to come together. Take care of yourself!
Why don’t you look at the comments that occur when there is no more reply button? that’s how you can tell that Bob is a dirtbag Dagger Editor….
“Gov. Larry Hogan says that Maryland has first case of community-transmitted coronavirus”
and we all hope that BOB gets infected with the Coronavirus, however, he’d probably survive that. Bob, I personally hope you get ebola and bleed from the inside out, traitor!
Based on his possible exposure to Coronavirus wouldn’t it be a good idea for Trump to get tested. Despite the fact he is asymptomatic he could promote the importance of testing. It seems like the right thing for him to do with no real downside. Come on Mr. President take the lead, do the right thing—GET TESTED.
Bob the last thing we need to do is test people that are asymptomatic. I want to run something by you because I am interested in your take on this matter. Why are we not discussing the possibility of Bio-warfare? Wuhan, China has the largest chemical/biological research lab and the virus originated in that region. China is the largest supplier of synthetic fentanyl, that mixed with heroin, is killing our citizens. It is well known that China has been threatening to withhold antibiotics from the United States, as well as other life saving medicines. China hates us. Do you think that I am xenophobic for pondering this?
You misunderstand me. I am not saying we should start testing asymptomatic people. I was just referring solely to the President..
I’ll get back to you on the China thing. Have a great evening!
@WhatMattersisBlue – We shouldn’t be getting medicine from China anyway. The same thing applies to a lot of goods we get from there. This nation could and can be self sustaining, which in my opinion is BEST for my nation. Alas, years of suspect leadership in this nation saw many things we used to manufacture become the backbone of foreign nations and economies. All at the expense of the American citizen. You have to wonder, what were people thinking when they moved almost all of our manufacturing out of the country? Was it for the bottom line? Was it to enrich stockholders? Was it for the good of our country? Whatever the reason it is best for us to manufacture our own goods and that includes medicines. All the points you made about China are completely valid and your concerns about China withholding medicines are a harsh reality of were this country is right now. We have to do better and we can’t do that if OUR people are dependent on other countries for foods, medicines and the basic necessities of modern life. When I was young the only thing we saw “MADE IN CHINA” on was toys and dishes. We should’ve kept it that way….
SC I brought this up b/c we are in the throws of this virus (man made?) and dealing with the effects of restrictions to our daily way of life. China wants to eliminate us. Republicans are being accused of racism and being xenophobic for questioning China’s role in the creation and spread. I am convinced that this is episodic, but the complications of this illness will overload our hospitals with the elderly.
The Obama Apology Tour destroyed our stance as a strong nation, making us sitting ducks for our enemies. I need to get out of my head and get some sleep.
Well, I don’t know if it was man made, but China definitely was irresponsible for the way they handled it. Yes, China does want to dominate us, but I don’t know if they want to eliminate us because they get a lot of their food from us. China would love to see America become nothing but an agricultural state with little influence on the rest of the world so they can dominate the rest of the world as well. Now, the way the Democrats are thinking right now, if you aren’t on board with their plans then you are a racist, xenophobic or my favorite, a misogynist. Democrats talk about improving the lives of everyone except for WHITE MALES and are currently waging war against white America. Before anyone calls me a racist, ask yourself when was the last time Democrats even mentioned white America in an inclusive manner? I believe ALL Americans should be included in our society, regardless of race, but I have personal preferences about whom I deal with from my life experiences that have taught me who the REAL racists are in this country. I didn’t mind O’bama until his last year or two in office because he started making strange decisions that I simply can’t agree with. The bathroom thing was too far left for me and I didn’t like the way he left office in the obstruction of Trump’s transition and the sabotage of his administration. I believe O’bama is a traitor and did everything a President isn’t supposed to do when leaving office. That’s my take on things and remember, discussing this with Bob is like speaking to a pair of butt cheeks. You never get anything but shit out of him.
Dagger censorship is running wild anymore. When you don’t let REAL Americans air their arguments you are discriminating against all Americans….
What I think you’re saying seems a bit conspiratorial for me. However, I don’t necessarily think its xenophobic. What I take issue with is your assertion that “China hates us. I see China more as an ‘economic rival’. I don’t see them as a ‘deadly enemy’ that we have to fight to the death in some future chemical/biological war. I sure hope not.
Bob I am not hardwired to conspire against anyone. I am that flower child from California who believes that everyone is good. How I feel influences how I problem solve and come to conclusions. A Communist China will never be a friend to the USA. As an economic rival, China has just delivered a punch below the belt affecting not only are health, wellbeing, and economy but also our Liberty. I don’t know about you, but my ability to make my own choices is being restricted by our government. This is for our safety and protection, but containment of a community can be indicative of what’s to come. Marshal Law?!?!
WhatMattersisBlue, A few days ago you raised concerns about China. So when I read the below link you came to mind:
“Lawmakers urge passage of law to bring pharmaceutical manufacturing back to U.S”
The US pharmaceutical industry is critical to our National health and security. We shouldn’t allow China, or for that matter, any other country to control it.
Bob we are in day two of the State ordered self quarantine. I have an old friend, a retired Baltimore City Police Officer, who when asked, “Whatcha been up to?” He would reply with a twinkle in his eye and a shit eating grin, “I’ve been checking on the widows and the shut-ins.” No matter how many times we heard it we always laughed hysterically. Now that I am a shut-in reminiscing about friends and better times keeps me positive about the outcome. I have long believed that China’s dominance in the pharmaceutical industry has played a role in our nation’s mental health and addiction problems. It is a feeling that stems from my lifelong career. I cannot support it with data. Thanks for sharing the article. Stay healthy and happy.
Sorry Bob. I call bull s—t on your post about your feelings regarding the President needing to be tested even if he appears asymptomatic. Stop trying to piss in our faces and then tell us it is raining. You and your liberal friends don’t give a flying s—t about him or his message. It would just load your guns if he were administered such a test and just one person was unable to immediately receive a similar test for whatever reason. Nice try but the bait will not be taken. Why don’t you keep watching MSNBC and CNN. You know part of the liberal media that has no problem in fueling hysteria as long as they think it can be politically weaponized against President Trump. You know it is illegal and very dangerous to yell fire in a crowded theatre. You people are truly pathetic.
Can we agree to disagree on this one? I need to clean up all my “bull s—t” get back to MSNBC & CNN ASAP. Have a great evening! 🙂
The real just for — Unfortunately, our theater is fully engulfed in flames. All I’m trying to do is fight the flames and get rid of the clown that started the blaze. The good news is come November the fire will be out and our country can begin the recovery process.
Bob the good news is (my prediction) there will be a population boom come December and many of these new citizens will be named Corona. I sure hope we have Baby Wipes back on the shelves. BTW after leaving the gym this morning, I stopped at my local liquor store. I am happy to announce that it is like Christmas in there; shelves are fully stocked!!
Trump says he will ‘most likely’ get tested for coronavirus”
Looks like the president decided to take my advice and get tested. It just seems like the common sense thing to do.
There is good news: “President Donald Trump said he has taken the test for coronavirus— Results to follow.
Now ,if we can get the SoulCrusher to agree to a sanity test. Although In his case, it’s not really necessary to wait on the results. It’s a given. SC is a stark, raving lunatic.
“President Donald Trump tested negative for the coronavirus, White House physician Sean Conley said in a statement.”
That’s good news. However, the bad news is the clown also tested “negative” for brains. 🙂
Bob, you are such a living piece of garbage. Keep preaching your treason and policy of fear and you will get what you deserve. The public isn’t fooled by you and your ilk. I am not fooled by you. You will never be anything more than a lie, while I am the cold hard truth. That’s the difference between us….
Bob is a liberal who loathes our President and is a flunky messenger boy for the establishment Democrats on this local level. He seems to deal with his insecurities by trying to constantly attempt to prove that he is smarter than the rest of us and we should all except him has the all knowing one. He like other pathetic liberal Democrats are attempting to villainize President Trump and politically weaponize the Corona virus situation. They don’t care how much panic they incite as long as it accomplishes their mission. Moving on since we are talking about this mindset how about the so called journalist Don Lemon. I thought Chris Matthews was rude during interviews. Mr. Lemon reached new lows in his melt down interview with former Ohio Governor Kasich. When the Governor, who is not a fan of President Trump in any way, said that President’s Corona virus message was basically good and to the point. At that time Mr. Lemon went off like a little bitch. Why? Because it didn’t promote the hysteria which Mr. Lemon wanted to move with . If I had my way commentators the likes of Mr. Lemon should be taken off the air. Oh, and before you go there, not because he is black, and not because he is gay, but because he is a s—t stirring ass who is a tool of divide for the establishment Democrats.
The real Just for…Well said!!! The media’s focus is ill intended and inciting fear. I will not admonish Bob for his truth and I appreciate reading his take on issues although I very rarely agree with him. I am open minded and hopeful that this crisis will pass. Stay healthy!
SoulCrusher, if your are the “cold hard truth” we are all in DEEP, DEEP trouble. Your hate-filled rhetoric is so self-destructive.
Well then you are in DEEP, DEEP trouble then because I refuse to push your Democratic principles of hate, fear mongering and perjury to the American people. The Democratic party has always been about hatred and history tells us this time and time again. I simply speak the truth and I don’t care who’s feelings it hurts. I’m not here to make you feel better. I’m here to tell the truth….
It’s not about hurting anyone’s feeling. The problem is YOUR inability to accept reality. You wouldn’t know the truth if it knocked you over.
I just watched Morning Joe and they were saying that Trump refused WHO test kits and is the SOLE person to blame for the COVID-19 virus spreading into the US. I think Trump did all he could with travel restrictions and I don’t believe Joe Scarborough and his witch MIKA are capable of telling the truth involving anything Trump does. Anyway, Trump has lifted regulations to allow agencies to develop their own test kits and I still say everyone is freaking out…..
At the end of your post you provided the following link:
“Trump Blames Obama for Nationwide Coronavirus Test Kit Shortage”
I was somewhat surprised you would provide a source as leftie as The Daily Beast.
FYI, the following Fact Check link pretty much blows away the President’s claim that the reason the Coronavirus Test kits weren’t available is because of some Obama-era Food & Drug Administration “rule”.
Even though FACTS & TRUTH are anathemas to you, in the interest of self-improvement you still may want to check it out.
I guess we’ll just have this one to the clown’s list 16,000 plus lies.
To little to late while China was building hospitals in 10 days trump was golfing.
No Bob, you’re the one who has a problem accepting reality and your version of the truth will never be the truth because you are incapable of telling the truth. Democrats don’t tell truth and I believe the Nancy Pelosi / Adam Schiff shit show proved that to everyone.
@Just the facts – are you sure they didn’t convert hotels into hospitals that then collapsed? Bottom line is if China makes it then you know it will fail or break. However, they did make some good plastic army men when I was a kid and I wish they had just stuck to that.
SoulCrusher, your daily “blatherings”: have become particularly tiresome and irksome. Just so you don’t have to pull out your dictionary, the definition of “blatherings’ is as follows: the action of talking long-windedly without making very much sense.
I believe you’ll agree that is an apt description of what you do each and every day on the Dagger. That pretty much nails you —LONG WINDED & SENSELESS
You can’t make sense of it because you are a brainwashed Democrat fool. First of all, you dipshit Dagger Editor, most of the witnesses in the Ukrainian Coup attempt all said they were concerned about policy not being of a Obama era norm, the traitor Federal Judges were upholding Obama Era Executive Orders and a slue of governmental bureaucracy has been using Obama Era policy to interfere with this Administration and you got the nerve to cite an article that claims Obama’s policies involving this mess didn’t need to be followed and were moot. Seriously, Judges are literally holding up Trump’s Executive Orders because of law suits to allow Obama’s policies to continue beyond his term of office and you think the policies of Obama’s former regime weren’t being followed by the CDC? I think needs to be fact checked and those so called professors are nothing but Obama cronies that would say anything to make Trump look bad. Do you really think the CDC Director, whom I do believe was there during Obama’s Administration, is just lying away to make Trump look good? Bob, you’re just a Democratic idiot….
SoulCrusher, first Its dictionaries. Now it’s the Fact Checkers. You are one desperate dude.
Bob, you’re the one who is desperate to convince people of your Democratic platform of fraud, war, treason and fear. Once again I ask you, do you really think the CDC Director, whom I do believe was there during Obama’s Administration, is just lying away to make Trump look good? Instead of talking about how crazy I am, answer the damn question. Go ahead. I dare you. That CDC Director was Obama’s BOY. Not quite like Eric Holder, but Obama’s BOY none the less. Why would you praise the man during Obama’s Presidency, even though he helped cover-up Obama’s incompetence with H1N1 breakout, yet now think that he is Trump’s savior? Bob, you’re just a DemoTraitor and are incapable of critical thinking. You keep letting the Democrats do your thinking for you and you will end up stripped down, cored, violated and paralyzed…..
SoulCrusher, you should be on your guard. The Dagger is offering special bonus to any “Editor” that can get you to VOLUNTARILY COMMIT for a mental evaluation. 🙂
By the way, if what I write on the Dagger is so tiresome and irksome, why don’t you just stop reading it? You always have that option. My message is for REAL Americans that don’t believe in the stuff you do because we think for ourselves and don’t listen to verified traitors against our Country.
SoulCrusher, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t make fun of you It’s not really fair of me to take advantage of your CONDITION. However, It’s just so easy to push YOUR BUTTONS — Sort of like taking candy from a BABY. If you can let it go you’ll feel so much better. Have a great day!
Bob, somehow you can insert comments out of chronological order within the threads where no “reply” button is available. The only people who can do that is those whom can manipulate the string itself on an editorial type function within the string. Only Dagger Editors have been able to do that in the past and only Dagger Editors would have that kind of account privilege. It is what it is Dagger Dog. You are one of the editors or staff of some type. End of story. As far as me letting it go, well, I don’t let anything go. Especially involving a two bit traitor like you. You still didn’t answer the question and it is because you know the answer is all you DemoTraitors will lie, cheat and steal to get what you want. You will never get anything you want from me and that’s the fact. F U Bob…..
The only thing that terrifies me, locally, is that we’re relying on Upper Chesapeake Health’s management team and board of directors to act responsibly during this crisis. From our observations, They and their parent company have never been truly called to account for their self-serving incompetence. Beyond being a very efficient commercial real estate buyer, seller, transferor, and commission payer, … they are pretty inept.
The only thing the COVID-19 virus is doing is killing the elderly while allowing the insiders in the STOCK MARKET to steal ALL the money made during Trump’s Presidency so far. There’s your REAL STORY folks! Unfortunately, those who run the stock exchanges have to find legal ways to steal from everyone’s 401k retirement plans and they have used COVID-19 to do it….
I had to step back b/c I am hurt by what is happening to our country secondary to the spread of the Coronavirus. Funny thing about the truth, it doesn’t always feel good. As you challenge each other about facts, you know the who?, what?, where?, when?, I struggle with the why? Facts are always important! How you feel about facts determines your course of action. Instructing and guiding large groups into a safe and protective course of action is logical and can be accomplished in a positive manner. The over saturated and aggressive reporting of the media is a negative approach causing fear and irrational behaviors in people. I am in the high risk category and I have no fears of contracting this illness, but I am saddened by the affect this Is having on innocent people. So know and understand your truth and be careful and kind in the way you share it. You are so smart and provoke thought by your posts. Stay healthy! Now I’m off to the gym before they shut it down . LOL.
Interesting read..
Not agreeing or anything…
Just look…
I don’t know if this is true but I am sharing because it makes a lot more sense then the crap that is being hand fed to the public.
Don’t shoot the messenger but this is just what i heard and I’m throwing it out there for anyone who wants to do the research
This morning at 4:30 a.m., Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was served a criminal indictment by the U.S. for corporate and financial crimes. Media owners were instructed to brainwash everyone that Trudeau and his wife have the Corona virus, and that they won’t be leaving their house for awhile.
Tom Hanks was arrested 48 hours ago for pedophilia and he is currently being kept in a hotel room in Australia, refusing to fly back to the USA. The next celebrity arrests will be Celine Dion, Madonna, Charles Barkley, and Kevin Spacey. All will claim Corona virus infections
Italy’s airports have been completely shut down, as over 80 Vatican and financial officials have been served the same criminal indictments for financial crime, pedophilia, child trafficking, and sex abuse
United Emirates have completed mass arrests of their own Royal Family and affiliates
Convicted Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein agreed to a deal in exchange for his testimony against hundreds of top Hollywood celebrities and their involvement in the drug business, pedophilia, and child trafficking. Instead of a 55-year sentence, he only received a 23-year sentence. In exchange he provided testimonies against some of the biggest and most powerful names, including Prince Andrew of the U.K., former president Bill Clinton, former vice president Joe Biden, Tom Hanks, Oprah, Ellen DeGeneres, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Sheen, Bob Saget, Kevin Spacey, John Travolta, Steven Spielberg, Podesta, NXIVM and PIZZAGATE sex trafficking clubs, and hundreds more who all were directly involved with Jeffrey Epstein
Jeffrey Epstein was similarly allowed to make a deal and have his suicide in prison faked in exchange for his testimony
CEOs of some major world corporations have been indicted/arrested, and some have been forced to resign — all in the last 30-60 days — such as the CEOs of the NBA, Harley Davidson, the Bill Gates Foundation, Intel, McDonald’s, Cesar Awards, and Disney; the Vatican Chief of Police; etc. Approximately 700-800 more resignations are coming in the next 3 months
The lab-created Corona virus was a cover-up for the mass mandatory vaccination agenda. Now it has become the biggest covert U.S. Intelligence operation that the world has ever seen. This mass 158,000-arrests operation will remove and capture the biggest evil and corrupted politicians, celebrities, and CEOs, including global elites and bankers such as George Soros, U.N. officials, and the founders of GRETA, inc.
President Trump will win the 2020 elections, and arrests of former U.S. presidents will occur in early 2021. All major arrests will be portrayed by the media as accidental or as conspiracy theories. All arrested individuals will be given “Rommel Death”, meaning that they will have a choice between their death bring portrayed to the public as a suicide or an accidental death in return for assurances that his or her reputation will remain intact, or, alternatively, they can choose to face a criminal trial that would result in public disgrace
Some top religious leaders will be arrested or forced to resign, and some will suddenly get “sick.” The Vatican will be the first, and the Pope will be removed in 2020. Production of human extracted Adrenochrome will be revealed, and Hollywood and the Vatican will be exposed as being directly responsible for that
Coming up there will be a 2-month complete shutdown of the world’s most common operations, such as schools, the stock exchange, some banks, airports, shipping, travel, events, galas, expos, sport games, sport championships, music award ceremonies, NBA/NHL/Baseball games, and ship cruises. (TEMPORARY)>> There will be food shortages and staged electricity power loss. Gas prices will go down, food costs will go up, insurance will go up, gold and silver stocks will fall, and many corporations will either go bankrupt or take a significant financial loss, such as in the case of what’s about to happen to Air Canada, Disney, and Coca-Cola
Welcome to the Great Awakening. What’s about to happen this summer and fall will change the world’s history
Oh yeah imposter, well I have seen plastered all over the web that there really isn’t a corona virus at all and that the symptoms everyone is experiencing, as well as the deaths, are actually from the roll out of the new 5G network involving the 60ghz frequency and the dangerous radiation that the towers are emitting. Sounds pretty crazy, yet what I am talking about is really ALL over Facebook and what you’re talking about is all coming straight from your lunacy. Let’s face it Bob, you nothing but a DemoTraitor and your mother was a whore.
By the way, everyone knows you’re not the Crusher of Souls because I don’t ever say “I don’t know if this is true” as I AM the truth and you are nothing but a lie.
You are the fake crusher of souls. Stop using my name, you fake!
Son, you couldn’t be original if you tried spinning all that Democratic treason against the United States. Democrats can’t be real because they are fake like you….
I’m not sure why the fake SoulCrusher is continuing to post fake information here on the dagger. Its of the utmost importance that everyone takes precautions to prevent the spread of this lethal virus.
Here is some information to keep yourself and your loved ones safe:
Please do not listen to the fake SoulCrusher… he is a misguided idiot who doesn’t even Care to research anything that he posts.
I am the real teller of truth! Down with the fake Crusher of Souls!
The greatest flattery of all is being imitated. However, I don’t like you spreading the lie of the Coronavirus being this new disease that is so dangerous. It isn’t nothing but a bad cold or a flu and kids are virtually unaffected by it. Keep spreading the lies and the fear of the CDC. It’s a shame they didn’t tell the truth about H1N1 isn’t it? They could’ve actually saved lies instead of covering up for the traitor Barack Obama.
By the way, if it’s so damn bad then why was every Kid is Halethorpe rolling around playing football yesterday! Saw it with my own two eyes you scumbag traitor! That’s what I call stopping the spread!
“Trump doubles down ‘China virus,’ demands to know who in White House used phrase ‘Kung Flu”
Our President’s use of the term” of “Chinese Virus” in his tweet is nothing more than a political dog whistle for the WORST Of THE WORST.
Statement from Gov. Hogan:
It is with profound sadness that I announce the first death in Maryland as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. I ask all Marylanders to join me in praying for his family and loved ones during this difficult time. As we pray for his loved ones, I ask that we continue to pray for each other, for our state, and for our nation as we face this crisis together. We must use every possible resource at every level of government to save lives and keep people safe.
This is very serious. Everyone needs to be cautious and take Care of themselves and their loved ones – no matter what the fake SoulCrusher says!
The man was in his 60s and had an “underlying medical condition,” Hogan wrote in the news release but my imitator wouldn’t do because he is NOT the Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls. My imitator couldn’t tell you the truth to save his own life and will only give you the details that suit his treasonous Democratic agenda. Life goes on…..
Furthermore, my imitator and Democratic traitor who happens to be a scumbag Dagger Editor, wants you all to believe that COVID-19 is the most dangerous health crisis that has ever hit this Country, which is nothing but a BOLD FACED lie. The truth, which the Crusher of Heads, Holes and Souls always delivers, is that as of Feb. 21st 2020, 5 children and 33 adults have died from the flu in Maryland. The CDC itself says that the percentage of deaths that occur from pneumonia caused from the flu and the flu itself is 7.1% and that the epidemic threshold is 7.3%, which I would like to remind everyone that COVID-19 has NEVER approached since its discovery in China. For more information you can follow this link : – and always remember the REAL SoulCrusher doesn’t give false information fabricated by Democratic traitors, media and governmental fear mongers, unlike the Dagger and its Editorial Staff of lying, treasonous scumbags whom really wish to cause you and your families harm.
Bob, Soul Crusher, Just the Facts, and everyone how are you doing? I can hardly stand the loss of Liberty. I do not like being controlled by my well intended government. I believe President Trump is doing an excellent job and that he cares about our wellbeing. It is interesting that folks are now looking and questioning the malicious behaviors of the Chinese government. Why do Democrats worry about the use of terms like Kung Flu or the Chinese Virus? Their failure to report and their incompetence has created a worldwide health crisis. I question their motive. The media should be reporting the ever changing facts leaving their subjective opinions out of the news. Instead of the Democratic media talking heads attacking our President, do your job and get to the facts and hold China accountable for this crisis. The media has the power to create this negative agenda, but most Americans remain optimistic and support the President and his team of experts.
The media is controlled by the Democratic traitors against America and it’s all part of the New World Odor created by the treason of the Democrats. China should be held accountable for their negligence in allowing the spread of the “Chi-rona” virus. It’s very interesting that Democrats want everyone and the whole Country to shut down, except for their Democratic Primaries being held. The media is steadfast in their attempted destruction of our Country and it is being done because the Democrats lost the 2016 election when REAL Americans came out and put a NON CAREER POLITICIAN in the highest office of this land. They want a DemoTraitor, whom will help them destroy America and the liberty guaranteed to us all. However, they want all of our CONSENT to allow the destruction of liberty in order for the pussy public to feel safe. Give me Liberty or give me DEATH. If the Democrats had their way martial law would be instated and everyone who believes in liberty would either be jailed or murdered by the Democratic treason machine and the terrorists who claim to be law enforcement being the executioners. That’s where we are at and if we put another Democrat in office we will probably get exactly what I’m talking about….
I commented but once again the traitors who run the Dagger have censored the truth.
You talk about traitors I give the liberal media MSNBC, CNN, ABC and the list goes on. They are the real traitors to the American people. Here we are in the middle of a major health situation and they attempt to politically weaponize the incident. They don’t care about the well being of the citizenry just taking every opportunity to bash the President. I got an idea play your political games after the situation is over. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem. I am an old man and try to be a good Christian but I have to admit I pray for an opportunity to be in a same room alone with that weasely little s—t stirring bitch Chuck Todd for just five minutes. This implement of social divide needs to go now!!!
Agreed. Chuck Todd is exactly what you said.
Actually most Americans think trump is doing a horrible job. This pandemic can only be solved with testing and a vaccine. Right now the projection is out of 30 people 10 will get the virus and 1 will die trying how to prop up the stock market will not change those numbers the only thing that will is finding out who does and does not have the virus.
While China was building 1000 bed hospitals trump golfed
While South Korea came up with tests in 1 week and tested 10,000 a day trump golfed.
trump and his son in law jarred are trying to figure out how to make as much money off this as they can.
Yeah and most Americans have been brainwashed.
WhatMattersisBlue, try as I may, I just can’t see how you think Trump is “doing an excellent job” handling this crisis. I’m sorry, but blaming the “Democratic media” and “China” for this crisis is nonsense.
The following link from Politico shows the President’s actions taken and comments made since January.
Clearly, the President has underestimated this crisis from the very beginning and has demonstrated ‘zero leadership’. He only makes matters worse.
China should be blamed for the spread as they were trying to keep it secret until somebody blew the whistle on them. Do you know where that whistle blower is right now? The whistle blower is dead and the Chinese government had the whistle blower killed.
Doctor Li Wenliang (the whistleblower) died from Coronavirus in February. Apparently, China has now apologized for the initial investigation done by local official in Wuhan.
The following CNN link gives more details:
What better way to get rid of a whistleblower than to have him die from what he was blowing the whistle on.
Tucker Carlson says Sen. Burr (Republican from North Carolina & Intelligence Committee Chairman) must explain $1.6 million stock sale or resign if the Senator does not have an honest explanation.
The following is a Politico link with more background and details
Uh, well, there was no secret that China had some sort of weird bug floating around and that it was effecting China’s industry and markets. Once the virus started spreading to other countries a cautious investor might see the situation as a global market factor. I don’t think the Senator did anything wrong and was just precautious with his investments. That’s not insider trading. I normally like Tucker Carlson and consider him a “pitbull” of an interviewer, almost to the point that you must be crazy to go on his show with a differing opinion of what he thinks. He really is relentless. However, I think he got this one wrong. Dropping hotel stock with a premonition of a travel shutdown isn’t a crime and I think he is being scrutinized for making a wise decision. I think we need to stop insisting on the complete and utter destruction of people who make correct decisions just because others weren’t as wise….I know misery loves company, but people really need to get their heads out of the hole.
Lock him up and any other politician that breaks the law. Unfortunately, our government has too many corrupt politicians. Draining the swamp is easier said than done. SHAMEFUL!!!!
Agreed, however, I’m not convinced this was actually insider trading. ALL government employees are beholden to the Code, Rules and Regulations.
“Sen. Kelly Loeffler Dumped Millions in Stock After Coronavirus Briefing”
“As it happens, Burr and Loeffler sat next to each other on the Senate floor during the chamber’s impeachment trial in January.
What does “As it happens, Burr and Loeffler sat next to each other on the Senate floor during the chamber’s impeachment trial in January”, have to do with anything?
Furthermore, here is a timeline of coronavirus outbreak information and how ALL of this was being reported to the PUBLIC.
That’s not insider trading everyone. That’s practicing caution with one’s finances.
Lastly, I thought you didn’t like “The Daily Beast”?
Regarding my feelings about The Daily Beast, I believe you are a little bit confused. My reply to your post of 3/16 said, I was surprised that YOU would provide a source as “leftie” as The Daily Beast.
Here is a mnemonic you can use to keep things straight:
You can’t be right when you’re left. That which is left is opposite of right and that is a fact that even you can’t deny. Personally, I’m not left or right. I’m not a D or an R. I’m an American who is a Constitutionalist and that which is unconstitutional is illegal. It doesn’t matter if a policy is left or right as long as it is Constitutional. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land and that’s just the way it is. I’m trying to behave and not insult you as I normally do, but it is very hard not to….
I give up. So, why are you trying to “behave” and not insult me? Are you finally beginning to see the error of your ways?
No, I have a bet with someone that monitors my internet activity.
I hope you win the bet! A little civility goes a long way. Hang in there!
Oh, in exactly 29 hours and 12 minutes I will tell you about yourself again.
Statement from Senator Richard Burr:
“I relied solely on public news reports to guide my decision regarding the sale of stocks on February 13. Specifically, I closely followed CNBC’s daily health and science reporting out of its Asia bureaus at the time. Understanding the assumption many could make in hindsight however, I spoke this morning with the chairman of the Senate Ethics Committee and asked him to open a complete review of the matter with full transparency.”
UPDATE: “FBI serves warrant on senator in investigation of stock sales linked to coronavirus”
“Burr was one of just three senators who voted against the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act, which extended insider trading regulations to U.S. senators and representatives.”
Bob this is way overdue!!! Let’s hope all of the others are in the dragnet.
‘Sen. Burr steps aside as Intelligence Committee chairman amid stock sale investigation”
“Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan emerges as a leader in early action on coronavirus”
Like I said before. Gov Larry Hogan is a real leader. Our country is fortunate to have people like Hogan & Cuomo step up and fill the vacuum of leadership at the national level.
Bob there is no vacuum in the leadership of the federal government re: coronavirus. As Chairman of the Governor’s Association, Larry Hogan is the best man for the job. He has successfully directed all governors to cut out the bullshit and work collaboratively with POTUS and his medical and security team of experts to implement ever changing “best practice “ guidelines. I voted for Hogan. Did you? I think not! My whole life has been spent in the healthcare industry. I can say with confidence that Maryland is winning the battle to suppress the spread of this illness. Our hospitals are in great shape and prepared. Our law enforcement command teams have our backs. This is not a political issue…Love is the answer. Stay healthy!!!!
Yes, I’m proud to say that I voted for Larry Hogan ‘twice’ for Governor. In fact I voted for his dad (Larry Hogan Sr.) many years ago, as my Congressional Representative, when I lived in the 5th District. What’s interesting is that Hogan Sr was the only Republican Representative to vote for all three articles of the Nixon Impeachment in 1974.
So when Larry Jr. ran for Governor I enthusiastically cast my vote for him, assuming the “apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” and “like father, like son” I have not been disappointed. He has exceeded my expectations and I hope he stays healthy.
Both he and his dad are prime examples of politicians that can rise above politics and have the courage to do the right thing.
Once again you make my heart smile! I am looking forward to the end of this COVID-19 chapter of life.
“The media must stop live-broadcasting Trump’s dangerous, destructive coronavirus briefings”
Right out of the gate at today’s news conference, he started with his dog whistle calling Coronavirus the “CHINESE VIRUS” and followed that up with a little sarcasm upon learning that Mitt Romney is self-quarantining.
“Trump endorses stock buyback restrictions for bailout money”:
I don’t get to say this very often, but I agree with the President on this one.
“FACT CHECK: Trump Compares Coronavirus To The Flu, But It Could Be 10 Times Deadlier”