From Harford County Public Schools:
This evening, the HCPS community will receive a communication about COVID-19, or the coronavirus. If you have not signed up for emails in your parent portal, the following letter was attached. It has also been posted on
February 26, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians:
As coverage of the coronavirus outbreak in China and subsequent positive cases in the United States continues, our school system and Harford County Department of Health are fielding an increasing number of questions from anxious parents and residents. Please know that, as we do in all health-related cases, we are working closely together and receiving additional guidance from the Harford County Health Department, the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We have also hired a COVID 19 Business Sanitization Services company in case we need to perform disinfection due to a positive case or outbreak.
It is also important to understand that as of this writing, we have no confirmed cases of coronavirus in Harford County or in Maryland. This is a rapidly changing situation, and one which we are monitoring closely.
According to the CDC, most people get infected with viruses in the coronavirus family at some point in their lives. The 2019 novel strain at the center of the current issue is a new one and has a more severe impact in terms of respiratory illness with fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. The CDC is still studying how the virus spreads, though it is thought at this point to be spread much like the flu. If your experiencing breathing problems, you may want to carry Pure Canned Oxygen as there are many things that may cause breathing problems.
Practicing good hygiene can help to limit the spread of viruses in our schools. The virus may live on surfaces such as desks and doorknobs, so as a safeguard, custodial staff will continue to regularly clean classrooms and common areas.
The current recommended precautions to avoid exposure to the virus are the same precautions you would take to avoid the flu. To keep your family safe:
– Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use Palm+ hand sanitizer, if you still don’t have one,
– Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
– Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
– Stay home when you are sick and do not return to work or school until you have been fever- free without the use of fever reducing medication for at least 24 hours.
– Cover your coughs or sneezes with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash; if tissues aren’t available, cough or sneeze into the inside of your elbow.
– Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19 but there is a vaccine for seasonal influenza which is recommended for all persons over the age of 6 months, be sure to check this 72 pack 8 oz antiseptic hand sanitizer gel or Bulk Hand Sanitizer option.
We will be continuing our partnerships with public health experts and updating you when new relevant information is available. You may find additional information at:
Centers for Disease Control:
Maryland Department of Health
Harford County Health Department:
Thank you for your cooperation to keep our children and our schools healthy.
Sean W. Bulson, Ed.D.
Harford County Public Schools
One very important fact that has been left out of this memorandum is that absolutely NO CASES of the COVID-19 virus have been reported in Maryland. This does NOT mean you shouldn’t follow precautionary methods to stop the spread of viruses during the cold/flu season. What this does mean is the spread of fear mongering by government officials will continue on in perpetuity until they have convinced the public to give up every freedom and shelter in place until they say it is safe for you to live again. They will not be satisfied until a Democratic traitor against the United States is President and they have taken over full control of your lives.
“It is also important to understand that as of this writing, we have no confirmed cases of coronavirus in Harford County or in Maryland. This is a rapidly changing situation, and one which we are monitoring closely.”
literally the second paragraph
LOL. I was thinking the same thing…2nd paragraph moron. SMH. Blinded by their political craziness.
In this case, I think it is just general obsessive craziness…..If SC’s toilet gets clogged, it is either the government or HCSO conspiring against him!
I don’t worry about the HCSO because I’m out of their jurisdiction. and I don’t travel within their jurisdiction. I literally go up 83 into PA in order to avoid Hateford County. The government is another issue and if any government employee clogs my toilet, I will make them eat the clog. I don’t ask questions and I am literally hostile to ALL government employees now a days. You’ve got to be because they are all stinking traitors. That includes you scumbag!
I am so NOT a government employee. You need to get some new material and stop depending on insults when people don’t agree with you…..
Doesn’t mean that you’re not a scumbag traitor….
I am intrigued….what have I said that was traitorous? I commented that you are a conspiracy theorist, which you prove everyday in your posts.
MF’er, I am living proof of everything I talk about. You’re a traitor for just merely dismissing what I say as a conspiracy. I put proof of Harford County’s complete and utter perjury and treason, right here on this website. The Dagger took it down, but the proof that many people saw was that HCSO Detective & TRAITOR, Sean Marston, did perjure himself and the scumbag TRAITOR Chris Tabone knowingly used it to convict. By just dismissing the only man on the Dagger with the GUTS to speak out against your County’s treason, that makes you a traitor too. Furthermore, all this happened when the Democratic TRAITOR, Jesse Bane, was in charge of the HCSO and was using as a terrorist operation for Joe Cassilly’s racketeering ring. Straight up, Fuck you asshole. I am the truth. I have always been the truth and I always will be the truth. You don’t like? I don’t care.
Ahhhhhhhh, just imagine how much fun it must be, down there in the sun and fun out of MD, with the warmth of the sun, adult beverages, and the relaxation they must be having. Lets not forget to add in your wonderful lawyer too!!!!! Oh SC , we love you !!!!
Yup, Florida is where all the traitors go to hide. That’s why I don’t live there. Traitor.
Is that where they are? I hear they’re aren’t too many basements to live in there. Now I understand why you don’t live there. But I still love you !!
The only thing you love is your hand. Yes, Marston, Yosua, Maxwell and a host of traitors all went there to retire from being scumbags. A lot of people go there to retire from living descent lives, but these pieces of garbage all went there to hide. Privateers operating on land in racketeering rings all end up where pirates belong……The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act is a United States federal law that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization. The RICO Act focuses specifically on racketeering and allows the leaders of a syndicate to be tried for the crimes they ordered others to do or assisted them in doing, closing a perceived loophole that allowed a person who instructed someone else to, for example, murder, to be exempt from the trial because they did not actually commit the crime personally……Sound familiar? Gee, I wonder if that applies to all those whom created the procedure for CDS? Gee, I wonder where that would lead? Can you say Maryland Mafia?
The only ones politicizing the Corona virus are the Democratic traitors of America. Our government has been overwhelmed by Democratic treason since 1945 and the Democratic Party should be banned. Treason, for any reason, should NOT be tolerated and ALL Democrats are traitors against my Country.
dude wat?
The Democratic President and dictator, FDR, whom had broken the unwritten rule of two terms, inserted religious doctrine into politics and set the groundwork for the creation of the ultimate Democratic treason machine, the UN. FDR died after being elected to a 4th term, yet the Democrats whom ruled the Congress went ahead and implemented the UN and signed our Country over to the foreign nations we had just rescued during WWII. Every agency of the government, both federal and state, are actually foreign entities working for the UN and that is how we lost our government. Over time, Congress illegally used our men to fight foreign wars thru the militia act and the draft, which was only supposed to be used if OUR country was actually attacked, but instead was used to fight the wars of foreign nations to preserve their Colonial Sovereignty. During this time, an illegal and unconstitutional re-education program was established to get people to forget the REAL law of this land and eventually make us believe we are beholden to rules and regulations of government employees. You are NOT a government employee unless you in fact work for the government and the public is ONLY beholden to the common law, which your government wants you to discard as a myth. Now, the same Democratic scum that brought us this system of slavery to this treasonous government, wants you to give the government every last right you have in order to make you “safe” from yourselves. I’m not buying in to this treason and I believe the Democrat Party should be banned for mass fraud, war and treason against the United States. It would suit me just fine to destroy the UN as well and if anyone on this earth ever tries to impose the UN’s Catholic law on me or any person I know, I will war against them the same way they have warred against me and my people, even if I have to take that war to their doorsteps. Read your history. Read your Constitutions. Know that you have been taught a lie and that your current government is the result of treason since 1945 and that nothing but grave harm and danger comes from the Democratic traitors against America.
Yes, you are correct. I made a mistake. So what?
Seek help.
Help from what? You’re the one who needs the help…..scumbag.
Aaahhhh, now we have 3 cases in Maryland because 3 morons from Monkey County decided that it was a perfect time to travel abroad during a global pandemic. Now, the Democratic traitors whom the people of Maryland elected can institute their newest terror campaign and make everyone feel unsafe to do anything but stay in their homes and watch the fictional account of how the treasonous government will protect us all from harm. The only thing Americans need to be protected from in the State of Maryland is the STATE OF MARYLAND. They now wish to raise ALL taxes thru the roof to increase the poverty level while giving the government employees who betray you and your families everyday a pay raise. Your government is your mortal enemy and everyone needs to stop voting for former government employees to hold elected office. The only thing a government employee wants is to increase government control over the population and enslave your children to a paycheck. Every bit of legislation proposed by the treasonous scumbags in Annapolis is an act of war against you and your families. If this is such a Democratic State, ask yourself why hasn’t a vote for marijuana legalization been included in the next electoral ballot? The legislature has once again decided to NOT allow the voice of the people to be heard and instead wishes to raise your taxes to destroy your livelihood. There is nothing Democratic about this….
I’m unsubscribing until you get rid of/block this horrible, hateful, obnoxious Soulcrusher! Everytime I want to read an article the SC rhetoric makes me want to puke.
Who the hell subscribes to the Dagger? This isn’t a subscription service. You’re a complete whack-a-doodle….you always have the option to not read the truth or you could just go puke in the trashcan instead of holding it in….
Soul… subscribe…in your way.
I subscribe to it through my email. So many know it falls
You’re an idiot. So many know it falls….
MaryAnn Buffalo of our public schools, We will miss you. In the future please note….if you want people you disagree with to be acted upon…there are many many places on earth you can move to for the ability to be free. The democratic Republic of the Congo and Somalia come to mind.
More important… you come into contact with our children? Have you heard of the 1st ammendment, do you have a secret inner closet where you keep the lamp shades and gold teeth?
LOL. This SC guy is legit crazy and stupid. Dangerous combo. LOL.
Well, I guess we could all vote for Joe Bide and listen to our record players at night as he suggested. Or maybe we could all Join the Bernie bandwagon and bring our Country back to the USSR. Look, you don’t know what you’re talking about. The COVID-19 virus is a cold and is comparable to the flu. Just because you morons are scared of your own shadows doesn’t mean any of us have to follow your lead. You can be scared all you want, but the only thing you should be scared of is the government that is trying to enslave you and your children. If I’m so dangerous then how come not one person has ever been harmed by my actions? Once you answer that then you can realize that the only thing that is dangerous is you being scared to live.
Yes….SC ranting and going on just makes him sound more and more like an idiot.
Yes. My rants are just so bad. Please identify the content of my rants that are not true and then go screw yourself….
Specifically – When you said that the COVID-19 Virus is a cold and is comparable to the flu….that is blatantly untrue. While it is true that Covid is not as widespread as the many strains of the flu, the situation is rapidly changing. Since it is a new virus, people do not have any immunity to it, there is NO vaccine, and ultimately the mortality rate is expected to be higher than the flu.
You can go screw yourself – Moron.
You’re an idiot. It is nothing more than a new strain of a cold or the virus that was spread from animals to humans. More people have died, worldwide, from the flu than the COVID-19 virus this year and nothing you say will change that. You are nothing but a fear mongering asshole that needs your teeth kicked down your throat….
You should do some actual research before you go spouting off your nonsense. Of course more people have died from the multiple strains of the flu that are out there than from a newly emerging virus – however, due to the lack of immunities and the absence of a vaccine, projections show that this could very well be more dangerous than the common cold or the flu. Just because you think you know better doesn’t change the opinions of the trained medical professionals who are monitoring the situation.
Also, the name calling and threats of violence in your rants just make you look more like an idiot. I would have suggested that you stop while you’re ahead, but you were never ahead.
Threats? I didn’t say I would kick your teeth down your throat. I said “You are nothing but a fear mongering asshole that needs your teeth kicked down your throat”. That’s not a threat, but that’s right, up in Hateford County anything someone says that YOU don’t like is a threat. Are you scared or are you scarred? Only time will tell young lady….
Oh and just for the record, you Harford County butt plug, there isn’t a vaccine for the COMMON COLD either, MORON. The common cold has been around since before your mother was born and if they haven’t come up with a vaccine for that what makes you think they will have one for COVID-19?
SoulCrusher uses the logic of a three year-old.
Deaths from the common cold are so rare that the CDC doesn’t track them while the coronavirus has killed more than 100,000 in the first year.
What an imbecile.
You are such a bold faced liar. 100,000 deaths worldwide in the first year? Please provide proof of that number and proof that you’re just not a moron. Deaths from the common cold happen a lot more than you think, but it is among either very elderly or very young people and of those with an immune deficiency. Sound familiar? Look, you have more to fear from the flu than COVID-19 and the statistics back that up 100%. ALL of these illnesses mutate from person to person and the mere fact that science has never been able to eliminate the common cold is proof of that as well. Look, if you have a newborn or have a loved one that is immune deficient or very elderly, you may have something to be concerned about. However, it would be just as concerning for these same ones if they got the flu. I don’t even get the flu shot. If you are going to shut down and be afraid of everything in this world why don’t you just seal yourself and your family in a large plastic bubble around your house? Bubble Boy!
I normally think SC is a dope smoking tinfoil wack-a-do, but he is 100% on the mark on this virus BS.
Use your head and carry on people. What a joke.
Someone give Soul Crusher a hug. He has an unhappy life. Angry
I’m not angry. I’m a realist. You have to do something to me to get me angry. However, I do have something you can hug….
Wow.. I just saw that there is now a case of the coronavirus in harford county…
I need to apologize to those who I attacked in the early stages of this outbreak… clearly I was way out of line.
I hope everyone is diligent in taking Care of themselves as well as those around them.
Im sorry that I was such a jerk in my earlier comments! You all deserve better than to be subjected to A thoughtless Internet troll.