From Harford County government:
In testimony today before Maryland legislators, Harford County Executive Barry Glassman supported the Kirwan Commission’s goals for education and proposed piloting its entire plan in Baltimore City while continuing its ramp up of teacher salaries statewide.
County Executive Glassman’s proposal for Baltimore City would be in years one through five of Kirwan’s 10-year implementation phase and be fully funded by the state.
“This approach would allow us to pilot this program in Baltimore City and to test its various elements across the foundation program and evaluate it at the end of five years,” he said. “In the meantime it would allow all Maryland jurisdictions to move ahead with the Kirwan Commission’s teacher salary increase recommendations.”
In addition, County Executive Glassman offered the following proposals to legislators who are considering the education bill based on the Kirwan Commission’s recommendations, formally known as the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future – Implementation:
· Implement Kirwan’s special education recommendations immediately in all 24 Maryland jurisdictions;
· Implement Kirwan’s Career Ladder for Educators statewide, and begin to develop a recruitment and training program to meet the need for additional teachers in the collaborative-teaching phase of the Kirwan plan;
· Develop a detailed plan to evaluate the results of the Baltimore City pilot related to cost, performance and results, and make adjustments prior to implementing the Kirwan recommendations statewide in year six; and
· Set a goal in the legislation for all local governments to contribute at least 40% of their local revenue to education funding. Harford County invests approximately 50% annually.
In his testimony County Executive Glassman concluded: “I realize that these ideas are somewhat out of the box, but I do believe they would not only make this effort more affordable for the state, but would also give local jurisdictions an opportunity to gear up for implementation in year six.”
After there is an excess of two million which could have raised teachers salaries, Glassman refuses to increase salaries. Just who in Annapolis would listen to his remarks and take him seriously
“Develop a detailed plan to evaluate the results of the Baltimore City pilot related to cost, performance and results, and make adjustments prior to implementing the Kirwan recommendations statewide ….” Really? Use Baltimore City as a “pilot?” Baltimore City only exists because of MARYLAND taxpayers. It is NOT (nor has been) self sustaining for years beyond belief. This whole Kirwan plan is based on Baltimore City’s continued failure. Once again the “democrats” are using OUR children as hostages for MORE $ to solve their problems!
Agreed. As if Baltimore City hasn’t already shown that funding the schools will not be a green light to steal. Look what happened to the funds that were supposed to be used to implement heat and air conditioning upgrades to the City schools. The funds were appropriated, distributed and then lost without a trace. I really don’t think Baltimore City should be used for the Charter of ANY program other than a block fire…..
I have to admit that SoulCrusher is spot on. Just take a look at almost, if not every program that has ever been implemented in the Baltimore City jurisdiction. There have been so many failures and improprieties for many years. I give you 50years of Democratic governing. Every time an election rolls around the signs go up in Baltimore stating “ Vote Democrat”. Usually the signs are placed on a vacant trash filled lot or on the property of some dilapidated boarded up row home. What a joke! I found it particularly amusing that a former Mayor and convicted thief made a significant showing in her Mayoral write in effort. There is real good chance that the citizens of Baltimore will vote her back in. It wouldn’t surprise me a bit. With this type of mentality and past records of failure I am not sure that Baltimore City should be the best choice for any expensive pilot programs.
How does supporting flushing more Harford County tax dollars down the sewer of Baltimore City’s corrupt, failed, dysfunctional, education debacle benefit Harford County citizens in any way?? WTF are you doing Glassman? Have you forgotten who elected you? Where is the outcry from anyone in favor of the Kirwan boondoggle? You should be opposing this B.S. not supporting it?
Glassman knows it’s going to fall in the City…so when it does…we can go back to the same way of doing things and he can say…”well we tried”! Pretty smart if you ask me!!
Why do we need more time to prepare to implement? This has been a known factor for years. Glassman doesn’t want to have to pony up the local money for schools….nice try Barry but you need to find our schools appropriately!
Since none of you sound like you haven’t the slightest ideal of what is happening maybe you should read this.
My comment was that Glassman received money thru this funding which was set up in 2018 and 2019 for schools and what does he do. He takes away money the budget was for the schools and puts back into the general fund. Basically what he is doing is make himself look good in 2022 when he runs for governor and shafting the new county executive.
Agreed Barry Glassman doesn’t want to pay for schools. He wants the state to pay for our local schools. He isn’t alone and this is not new. David Craig was the same way. It’s why we rank last in school funding in the state.