From State Sen. J.B. Jennings:
As I stated on the first day of session, addressing violent crime is my number one priority of 2020. I am currently working with the Senate Republican Caucus to draft legislation that will offer a new approach to addressing violent crimes in Maryland communities. I look forward to announcing and sharing our legislation with you next week. In the meantime, I’m proud to be a co-sponsor of Governor Hogan’s following bills that are aimed at combating violent crime.
Senate Bill 271 – Toughens penalties for witness intimidation resulting in serious physical injury or death, and expands the courts’ ability to admit statements made by intimidated witnesses under certain circumstances to all crimes.
Senate Bill 272 – Requires the Maryland State Commission on Criminal Sentencing Policy to publish sentencing records of judges in violent crime cases to hold the system more accountable to the public for sentencing decisions.
Senate Bill 273 – Significantly increases sentences for those who repeatedly carry illegal firearms; for convicted gang members who illegally possess guns; for those who illegally transfer guns to people they know intend to use them in a crime; and for those who steal firearms, possess stolen firearms, or engage in straw purchasing.
· Speaking of crime and safety, this week I introduced SB 884 which would require School Resource Officers (SROs) in every Maryland jurisdiction to carry a firearm while on the premises of the school to which they are assigned. Currently, Baltimore City is the only jurisdiction in Maryland that prohibits SROs from carrying service weapons in school buildings. I introduced similar legislation last year.
· I’m a proud cosponsor of SB 211, which expands the existing military retirement income tax subtraction modification by exempting 100% of military retirement income from State taxation. The exemption would be phased in over three years, beginning with tax year 2021.
Tomorrow I will fulfill the challenge set forth by my Senate colleagues to participate in the 2020 Maryland State Polar Bear Plunge benefiting the Special Olympics. I’m dedicating my plunge to an incredible little boy named Sawyer. He is the youngest of four brothers, and in the one year he has been in this world, has faced numerous challenges – all of which he has fiercely and bravely overcome! For Sawyer, along with other children and adults with disabilities, I will be “freez’n for a reason” tomorrow. It’s not too late to make a donation in support of this wonderful cause! CLICK HERE to show your support!
Thank you to everyone who has contacted me regarding the proposed Park-N-Ride at the intersection of Franklinville Road and Route 152. I am forwarding your emails and the petition on to the MDTA. Please click here if you would like to sign on to the petition.
Thank you for your interest in Session 2020. With the third week nearly complete here in Annapolis, things are really kicking into high gear with more than 360 bills already introduced in the Senate. I invite you to follow along by visiting, and, as always, feel free to contact me at with any questions or concerns.
Warmest regards,
J.B. Jennings
The parking lot smacks of NIMBY. First off there is no in developed space at 152 and 7 to locate such a lot. Second the concern about traffic going north on Old Joppa still exists there as well as its current location. Adding a light there is a simple task.
There is a large undeveloped section of land next to the fire station and another just down the road. I don’t know how far east the current Park and Ride the plan calls for, but there are some pretty ratty houses on Mountain Road that can probably go. The state would need to buy them at a fair price.
One of those homes has been standing empty for at least 11 years. I looked at it to buy when I moved to Maryland. It was absolutely trashed and full of mold. (Some real estate agent listed it as needing some work. Yea sure, it was beyond all hope of repair then. Last time I drove by it was still standing
All that land is on a pretty steep incline and would not adequate to build a park and ride of the size needed based on current usage. Just becuase you don’t like how someone’s house looks doesn’t mean thier land should be taken via ED when a suitable piece of undeveloped land exists!
The land next to the fire house is on a steep incline and would not be suitable for park and ride on the scale needed. The house I believe you refer to is actually occupied and as to the condition of the rest of the houses that doesn’t justify using ED when a suitable alternative exists elsewhere!
They house I referred to is unable to ever be occupied. There is plenty of land on both sides of 7 that isn’t a mile from the freeway entrance. Eminent domain has a legit purpose.
Plus, if I lived next to a freeway off ramp, I wouldn’t complain if the state offered fair value.
You know as well as I do they offer you the assessment value which is not the fair market value. There is vacant land that doesn’t require eminent domain and large enough for the purpose on the corner. The current park and ride is full every week day frequently without spaces for some. Given the express lane expansion it will likely need to grow. There is not enough space on 7 to accomplish this and enlarge 7 to accommodate the increased traffic. The land exists North and a light can easily be added. The petition is all about NIMBY!
I love it. “ratty houses.”
What McMashion Manor do you live in?
I live in a very modest 1200 square ft ranch. When I was moving here, there were 2-3 houses for sale on that road and they were ratty.