From the Havre de Grace Police Department:
The Havre de Grace Police formally announce the arrest and formal charges in the homicide-related death of two year old Aubrey Hickman.
On Monday, January 7, 2019, Havre de Grace Police responded to a medical emergency / cardiac arrest involving a two-year-old female in the 600 Block of Green Street, Havre de Grace, MD 21078. Havre de Grace Police, Susquehanna Hose Company, Havre de Grace Ambulance Corps, and Aberdeen Fire Department all responded and began providing medical support. The child was flown to Johns Hopkins Children’s Hospital Emergency Department due to the seriousness of her condition. Havre de Grace Officers noticed signs of injury on the child while rendering aid and contacted Havre de Grace Criminal Investigations to respond. Upon arrival, detectives initiated an investigation into possible child abuse of the victim.
On Friday, January 11, 2019, detectives were notified that the child, Aubrey Hickman, died at the hospital. As part of this continuing investigation, Aubrey was taken to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner’s Office for the State of Maryland for an autopsy, which resulted in her death being ruled a homicide.
An extensive investigation has been ongoing by members of the Havre de Grace Police Department Criminal Investigation Division. As a result of this investigation, Detectives formally filed charges on December 19, 2019, in a warrant charging Brenton John Alexaner Mills (05/25/1994) of the 1700 block of Fountain Rock Way Edgewood, Md. With the following charges.
2nd Degree Murder
1st Degree Child Abuse
1st Degree Assault
2nd Degree Child Abuse
On today’s date at approximately 12:30 p.m., Detectives from the Havre de Grace Police Department, along with members from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, located Mr. Mills at his residence in Edgewood, and arrested him without incident.
The Havre de Grace Police Department wishes to extend our sincere thanks for their support of this investigation to the Harford County States Attorney’s Office, Harford County Child Advocacy Center, Harford County Sheriff’s Office, and the Maryland State Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.
As this investigation is still ongoing, no further information will be released at this time.
For additional information regarding this release, or any others, please contact the Office of Media relations at 410-939-2121.
Hope this cocksucker gets what he deserves in prison.
I hope they murder this POS in jail just like he murdered that helpless little angel .. they don’t take kindly to his type down the road
Looks like Uncle Eddy has a potential cell mate….They will get along fabulously.
As I have stated before in prior post this country operates under the premise that an individual is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Recently the Democrats have been deviating from that concept but that is another story because it seems to benefit their agenda. In the case of Mr. Mills the same principles should apply. However, if he is found guilty of this heinous act I feel that the punishment should be severe. Certainly by law he would be entitled to the appeal process as would any other person. If after the appeals process was completed and the conviction upheld I personally would like the judge to order an immediate execution. A public hanging from the town parking garage would be appropriate in my eyes. Just a thought.
Your friend Bob sure is glad you are not in charge of things..
As in most cases Bob we can agree to disagree and that is fine. In the past you have proffered your feelings about about the alarming senseless killing taking place in this country on a daily basis particularly in the urban areas. It is sad and horrifying. More and more conflict is being addressed with violence particularly stabbing and shootings. All too often innocent children have been caught in the cross fire and killed. Although this was tragic and unnecessary I suspect in most cases the children were not targeted. There obviously should be accountability and consequences for such behavior and they should be severe. The case of Mr. Mills is far different. He is charged with knowingly and intentionally abusing and murdering a two year old child that was in his care and custody to some degree. If he is found guilty he should be dealt with severely. Any person that commits such a heinous crime against a child is an animal that needs to be put down. Instead of putting him in a correctional facility where his housing, food, and medical care cost tax payers close to fifty or more thousand dollars a year execute him. Instead of ultimately spending thousands of dollars to keep this POS alive dispatch him and award the money that would be spent to incarcerate him to the grieving family of the murdered child. Maybe the parking garage public hanging idea was inappropriate but somehow someway society has to say enough is enough.
Just reading the following editorial in the Washington and you post from a few days ago came to mind:
“The death penalty is unworthy of America”
When did we go so far astray that we believe a child murderer deserves to live? I will agree that the man has the right to a fair trial and that he is innocent until proven guilty, but if he is found guilty why would anyone think he has a right to live or should live? If you think a grown man should be able to LIVE after committing MURDER of a two year old girl, then you have serious issues…..The Washington Post is wrong.