From the Republic Central Committee of Harford County:
Earlier today, the RCCHC submitted our unanimous recommendation to Governor Hogan to appoint Mike Griffith of Bel Air and current RCCHC Chairman, to fill the vacated District 35B Delegate seat in Annapolis. If approved by the Governor, Mike will serve the remainder of Andrew Cassilly’s term of office.
We want to thank the other applicants for the position, Diane Sengstacke, Jim Welch and Luke Kaczmarek, who interviewed and answered questions from the committee Wednesday evening. All of the applicants were well qualified and ready to serve on very short notice before the start of the 2020 season.
We also wish to acknowledge the service of Delegate Andrew Cassilly to Harford and Cecil counties in District 35B. Andrew is a class act; he represented his constituents well, and will be missed.
Jeffery McBride
Member, Republic Central Committee of Harford County
It’s amazing RCCHC could find the time with all their posting of childish memes on facebook.
Jesus I thought you were kidding and followed them on facebook, they just posted a meme basically endorsing child abuse about beating up their children..Must be a Republican thing
Who is Mike Griffith….Why not David Ryden or his buddy Adam?
Mike Griffiths (RCCHC Chairman) call to fame was his managing the disastrous JD “Voter ID” Russell campaign in South Harford.for House of Delegates.
For that failed mission he gets nominated to the House himself!
Griffith is so far to the right politically that he makes Trump look like a boy scout!
Take a look at his resume from Red Maryland!
When asked what book he was reading he drew a blank.!
The better qualified nominee for District 35B is Cecil County Republicans David Woodruff.!
Did Callahan-Bot just endorse a Republican?
If he was involved with Russell that explains a lot…..
In breeding at its finest
I’ve had to deal with him at HPS. He promises what he can’t deliver. Typical slime bag.
What about that Uncle guy that I heard is a dog catcher?
Uncle Eddy? The indicted felon…..
Get your facts straight!
Uncle Jerry Scarborough! Not Uncle Eddy!
Convicted Dog Killer! Not dog catcher!
Ex-State Cop endorsed by Harf Deputies Union for Republican County Council
Interesting….he and Uncle Eddy have similar checkered backgrounds….Uncle Eddy now is an indicted felon for theft
Uncle Eddie is a real POS isn’t here? Rumor has it he stole from his own Mother. That and his checkered past in HCSO. Time for him to get what he truly deserves.
8 days and a wakeup for uncle Eddy……His motion will be squashed and then he is headed to trial State of Maryland vs Edward John Keplin…..for felony theft
Mike Callahan, you are a partisan turd.
Why didn’t they pick the hot stud Pat Haggerty?
Here’s why Haggerty wasn’t chosen!
I’m against politicians who run for office, get elected then resign for another position. Nothing wrong with resigning for personal reasons, i.e…. health, family issues, etc. however, if the people voted YOU in to represent them, fulfill your responsibility. The people of Harford and Cecil were gracious enough to give four more years to Mr. Cassilly only for him to leave. Not the commitment I want to see from elected officials.