From Congressman Andy Harris:
WASHINGTON, DC: Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (MD-01) today voted against impeaching the President of the United States. Only members of the Democrat Party voted in favor of impeaching President Trump to remove him from office, which passed the House of Representatives. The vote against impeachment was bipartisan. The issue next moves to the Senate for consideration, where a two-thirds majority vote is required for a conviction.
Rep. Harris made the following statement:
“Today was a sad day for our republic and for our Constitution. Congress passed the articles of impeachment on a purely partisan vote by Democrats – with no support from any Republicans and, in fact, opposition from some fair-minded Democrats. This proves that this sham impeachment was a politically motivated attempt to remove President Trump from office despite the votes of 63 million Americans in the last election. When the President was elected, radical liberals immediately objected to his election and referred to themselves as “the resistance.” Then they claimed the President colluded with Russia – until the Mueller report definitively ended that charade. Now they claimed he abused power by rightfully trying to investigate potential corruption involving over a million dollars in payments made to Hunter Biden, and blatant attempts by the previous Ukrainian government to influence our 2016 election. As to the actual articles of impeachment, as Professor Turley testified two weeks ago, the only abuse of power is by the radical Democrat House majority, which made a mockery of impeachment by proceeding without substantial evidence. As to obstruction of Congress, all Presidents have claimed executive privilege, and even President Obama’s own Attorney General Eric Holder refused to answer House subpoenas during the Fast and Furious investigation that he claimed infringed on executive privilege. Since Speaker Pelosi couldn’t even get all her House Democrats to vote for impeachment, much less any Republicans, it is clear that the Senate will, and should, vote against conviction. This means the entire impeachment hoax was a waste of time that distracted Congress from getting real work done for the American people – fighting the opioid crisis, lowering prescription drug costs, making health care more affordable, securing our borders, and keeping our booming economy going. Democrats failed to make their impeachment case, and fewer Americans support impeachment now than before Adam Schiff held his one-sided, secret Soviet-style impeachment inquiry. The American people aren’t fooled so easily.”
Right on que with GOP talking points. All the exact same words other GOP spoke. Very little did Harris say those words. What he mainly spoke about was getting back on heath care, prescription drugs and other issues which he always votes against. How any Republican can vote this man back into office is a disgrace to the Republican Party.
I. It would be useless to send to Moscow Mitch, because he has already stated he is workin mg hand in hand with the crooks on the WH, and will it proceed to trial. More Trumplican BS.
Yep, Andy Harris is an idiot if he thinks the American people believes his tripe.
Your right. The whole imoeachment was a sham. I watched it as Democrats twisted whay was really on the so called “evidence.” I am appalled and wonder what lamebrains elected PELOSI, SCHUMER, SCHIFF AND ANY OF THAT HORRIBLE CROWD INCLUDING BIDEN WHO SHOULD HAVE BEEN IMPEACHED ALONG WITH TGE REST OF TGAT CESSPOOL UF CORRUOTION
It is time for Barr to get to work. Many crimes against the nation have been committed.
Go Dagger !!!!!!!!!!!!!
After ww2 in Nurmberg Germany there were trials for “crimes against humanity”. These crimes were created for the trial as they were unprecedented as to their need. In American justice we do not have a crime that includes specifically what has happened today. Just a few weeks ago Atty Gen Barr mentioned this NEW set of events. He compared them to a revolution, a subversion, an insurgency. The problem in law is that these are not clearly defined as to what makes what, what. The use of current definitions would fall outside what has happened. One must now consider that the term CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY became the catch all for basically judges rubber stamping committal notices that they knew resulted in death.
It is time for trials for CRIMES AGAINST THE CONSTITUTION to take place. Its no longer unprecedented to make a tag like that add penalty and severity to what wouldn’t normally be prosecuted. Its an aggravating aspect of the crime. For example……shoving isn’t a very sever crime. If you add the racially charged comment to it it can become a hate crime and thus a felony. The same obvious apply s to minor offenses that are part of a larger effort to destroy our democracy.
It is time for Wm Barr to get busy.
Go Dagger !!!!!
Thanks for bring up WWII for it is the ending story of corruption in Germany in the 1930’s. At that time the German people voted in a person who thought they were king and a dictator. The people turned a blind eye cause this man was a talker and started cutting all types of law and order and bashing the newspapers. This man turned the entire country against each other and started putting people in cages. This person got so arrogant he thought he could conquer the world and started invading other countries.
As there were crimes against humanity then, I now see the same thing happening on our southern border. Keep wondering when this person is out of office will the UN hold hearings on the crimes against humanity.
Hitler was never voted in to be King or Dictator. Hitler was appointed Chancellor in 1933, then became President and Chancellor by decree in 1934 after the NAZIs gained power through democratic and non-democratic means over the course of the 1920’s and early 1930’s. If you were trying to make a point, the only point you really made is that you are ignorant of the past and are spreading the Democratic Horse Manure. The bottom line is the only President who ever wanted to rule the world was a Democrat (FDR) and his legacy is what brought about the UN and the fraud, war and treason of the Democratic Party. Just for the record, Hitler actually sent out the SA to prevent people from voting in elections and I’m very surprised you SocioDemoNazio traitors haven’t tried that shit yet…
A little civics lesson for Andy:
1. We live in a Republic which means we elect representatives to affect our will.
2. The American people, collectively, voted 230 to 197 and 229 to 198 that Trump committed high crimes against the people and the Constitution (which you swore to uphold and defend BTW)
3. The evidence against Trump was over whelming and only the most ardent partisan mired in the cesspool of what the once noble Republican Party has become would ignore it.
4. To vote against this evidence is, in fact, a cynical “politically motivated” attempt to hold on to power while rejecting the basic American principle that no one is above the law.
5. Your continual support of criminal behavior paints you with the same brush of corruption and it will be remembered.
Where is this evidence you base your claim on? Hearsay and opinion are not evidence.
So unless you have personally been in space the earth being round is just hearsay and opinion?
Since McConnell and Graham have declared they will work with the president, they are no longer reliable juror’s. They have become parties of corruption. Pelosi as a wise legislator knows there will be no fair trail in the the senate and has moved to hold up sending the impeachment to the senate till there can be a fair trail. Her first move should be to petition the Judge (Justice Roberts) to remove both senators from the trial since they are not fair and impartial jurors. Next move should be to work with Schumer to get witnesses. Now this is where if Trump were smart he could have article II dismissed by providing full access to witness. Upon doing that he should ask the Judge to throw out Article II of the impeachment. (Which would probably happen). Once it appears there will be a fair trial, then the house can move the impeachment to the senate.
Now should the stonewalling continue and no fair trial seems possible, The house can sit on that impeachment till after the 2020 election. Should the senate turn blue because of all the obstruction by McConnell and the house stays blue and president Trump were reelected then the articles of impeachment could be sent to the senate for a fair trial under the new senate. I wonder what Trump would be yelling and lying about then
There is no procedure for sending the impeachment to the senate. In fact the house doesn’t have to do anything with the impeachment.
There is one other scenario. This impeachment could sit in the house till September at the height of the 2020 election and then sent to the senate. Wonder what all the yelling and screaming would be then. There is a funny thing about politics. One can be a great politician and sooner or later a better one comes along. It sure looks like Pelosi is kicking McConnells butt.
Voters will have the ultimate say. The way it should be. 400 electoral votes for Trump in 2020… bet on it.
I believe a Senate trial would be just as fair as the Impeachment inquiry and I’m sure party lines would tell the tale in the end. Impeachment was supposed to be a last resort and has been turned into a political electoral tool. Leave it to the Democrats to wipe their butt’s with the Constitution…business as usual.
Not a single republican could defend trumps actions including Andy Harris. That’s all we need o know.
Did you even read what he wrote?? Good grief.
Nothing to defend. No crime was committed and no evidence that there was a crime.
Exactly, there is no codified statute of Abuse of Power or Obstruction of Congress. The Articles of Impeachment basically are an admission that no crime occurred. I thought they were to impeach when high crimes and misdemeanors occurred, however, the DemoTraitors can’t even get that right.
according to Lindsey no crime needs to be committed.
Well, Lindsey was wrong, wasn’t he….
Now that the majority has spoken in a landslide vote exposing rump for the piece of shit he is, now it’s time to go after his enablers like Jordan, McCarthy and Andy Harris.
It’s time to take our country back.
Really, take it back from who? The Democrats have enslaved most of the population and have you all convinced that illegal and unconstitutional law is the “Rule of Law”. Are you sure you know what the hell you’re talking about? An Impeachment in that House of Treason is almost a requirement for a REAL President acting as a REAL American. What did you really think the results of an Impeachment by a group of partisan traitors would actually do? Trump is actually more solidified with his base than ever before and it looks like people are flocking to him after the Democratic Inquisition finished their partisan witch hunt.
yup those dam liberal democrats just want to enslave us with affordable healthcare, education and a living wage. Monsters all of them…..
Give me a good republican getting rich by paying slave wages anyday… MAGA
The Democrats want the people to be a slave to the government and follow every policy the traitors make. I am not owned by the government or the Democrat party. The Democrats don’t make rules and regulations for me. I do what I want for whatever reason I want and unless my actions cause harm to another I have committed no crime. It is because of the Democrats that the jails are filled to the rafters with people convicted of non violent crimes and it is because of Democrats that ruthless murderers are released back into the population. The Democratic Party is TREASON and is doing everything it can to cause harm to the public, regardless of what you say. They want governmental controlled health care to regulate what we consume and to claim they own the people. They want to control education to create the Democrat’s version of the Hitler youth and control what the people think. They want a living wage in order to control the businesses across this country and put those smaller businesses out of business in order for everyone to work for large corporations so they can control all of commerce in every aspect. These are all acts of fraud, war and treason as the government, nor the Democratic Party, was ever ordained with powers and authorities such as these. The government, even when run by the treason of the Democrat Party, works for US. We don’t work for you the treasonous government. Get it thru your head DemoTraitor, you are NOT in control and you command NO ONE. WE THE PEOPLE are sick of the treasonous Democratic Party and the illegal and unconstitutional government you have created against us. You can go straight to hell, traitor.
A big benefit for me when I moved from the 1st to the 2nd Congressional District was Harris became my “ex-congressman”. Here’s hoping he becomes the “entire” 1st District’s “ex-Congressman” come 2020.
Glad you are gone… maybe others of your ilk will follow and leave us in peace.
Be nice now! From what I understand my “ilk” is contagious and it’s spreading all over the country.
Thank you, Representative Harris!
I am a constituent and appreciate that you give me a voice in Congress.
So many things are wrong with the way President Trump is being treated by the do-nothing Democrats. Sad day for our America.
God bless you and President Donald J. Trump and God bless the United States of America!
“a Republic, if you can keep it”
The main ingredient for “keeping our Republic” will be showing Trump the door in 2020.
hahhahhaaa! Trump landslide, cuck! And we are taking back the House!
Keep dreaming idiot. Go crawl up the assholes of your party that hates america. You’re too stupid to realize the truth.
Bob needs to apply for the next available opening on the television show “The View”. He would fit right in. Maybe he could diddle Joy Behar and Whoopi under the table during commercials
Should I decide to apply for the position, I will be sure to attach your recommendation. I guess the ” The View” is one of your favorite shows.
Bob, you Democrats don’t believe in the Republic. You believe in a Democratic controlled Authoritarian government where the Codes of Rules and Regulations are used to control the masses even though that Code is only supposed to be regulating the government. When you DemoTraitors finally get the gist that the general public is ONLY beholden to the Common Law and that every act of enforcing the Code without a Common Law violation is an act of fraud, war and treason, you can then claim to be the party of the common man. It is incredible to me that the public has become so ignorant and uneducated that they actually believe in the Democrat’s complete and utter tyranny. It is time for the DemoTraitors to be silenced and shunned as the treasonous group of idiots that you are. You would all make wonderful representatives of the pre-World War II German government that you wish to instill here in our great country….
SoulCrusher, we are in agreement—America is a great country. It will be an even ‘greater’ when we dump Trump. I like the sound of that—DUMP TRUMP!
How can you say that you think America is a great country when you are for eliminating everything America is known to be great for? This isn’t just about Trump, you Dems are going against everything the Democratic Elections stand for. Trump won the election and has been berated by barratry since day 1. It hasn’t been just the Democratic Party, it has been the media as well and it has become very clear that the media thinks they rule the people. It doesn’t matter how many times you DemoTraitors repeat yourself. There has been no crimes committed by Trump and the only ones acting like traitors are the Dems. Furthermore, the way the Democratic elected officials have manipulated the truth and misinformed their base as to what the law really is and whom has really been breaking the law is utterly ridiculous. The American people have woke up and they do NOT like what they see in the Democrat’s version of the events that have led to this Inquisition against the duly elected President of the United States. It really is sickening….
SoulCrusher, Thank you. You taught me a new legal term—barratry. I could be wrong. But, I think you might be the ‘only person’ on this forum who has ever heard of and/or used that word.
That’s because you know nothing of the Common Law. Barratry is a Common Law crime and you only know of the Code of Rules and Regulations. The Common Law is the REAL law of this land and the Code is a fiction. That which comes before is superior and the Common Law of the Constitution will always reign supreme.
My Caps just beat the Devils 6-3. I am a happy camper!
Across party lines!!! No witnesses were allowed to be called for the republicans in the kangaroo court. Takes place in the intel committee???only the dems were allowed to ask whatever they wanted. Oh by the way no evidence only hear say. And now pelosi wants Mitch to play fair gimme a break pelosi and Schumer are both liars and will do whatever it takes to drag this out bc they know NOONE in there party can beat trump in 2020. It’s amazing how pathetic the dems are. Never seen a president be talked down upon and treated so unfairly, dems are scum
Spot on! It was ok to make up the rules and violate due process during the impeachment process. As long as it benefited the Democrats. Pelosi is now suggesting that some Republican Senators be removed from their juror responsibilities due to suspected bias. I don’t think that any Senator that has requested that constitutionally guaranteed due process be applied should be considered bias. Bias is more like the numerous Democratic Representatives that had been pushing for impeachment since day one. Pelosi, Shiff, and Nadler had their fun and now we all know how it will end up. The only things that were accomplished were that they strengthened President Trump as a candidate and cost this country a lot of money and time.
What were you watching. They got equal time to question witnesses. No secret hearings, GOP there every step of the way. The GOP cannot restrict witnesses from testifying and also complain that they can’t question the witnesses. There was only one first hand witnesses because potus wouldn’t allow the first hand witnesses to appear. That’s a whole new level of crazy.
“Never seen a president talked down to…”. Trump personally trolled Obama for eight years citing his “investigators are finding the most incredible things”. Still waiting for that. I haven’t seen a single picture of trump being lynched so perhaps you and trump could stop whining about being treated poorly; compared to whom?
Trumps only crime was not being hillary clinton.
If he was innocent he would let people testify. I also remember him saying if impeached there would be a civil way. Do you have a time schedule for that, I need to check my calendar.
He is a reality check for you, Trump is the President of the United States and he was elected by the people. When Obama was elected we were told to “shut up and eat your peas.” The republicans did not impeach Obama nor pledge from day one of Obamas election that they would impeach him. In fact, they gave him a majority of the funds that he and the democrats asked for. Many of us remember the apologist going around the world and telling anyone who would listen how bad America was and that he was going to reshape America. The anti-American, anti-police, anti-military and anti-capitalism party created a mountain of debt and the economy was in the toilet. You had your eight years and you proved nothing. Your landmark achievement was Obama-care and now that we have had five years since implementation the insurance companies are suing the federal government for $12 billion dollars in losses sustained under the affordable care act.
You had the media, all of the left-wing moonbats and the unions ready to elected Hillary but something completely unexpected happened and Trump won in a landslide. From day one Trump has been under attack. He has even been called a Russian spy and democrats will stop at nothing to try to get him out of office. They know that this is all about the supreme court and Trump will nominate a replacement for RBG and possibly CT. This will ensure a majority right of center court for the next 30 years and the democrats are terrified of that fact.
Imagine the issues before the court in the next 30 years; birth right citizenship, second amendment issues, separation of church and state issues, religious freedom cases, same-sex marriage, world climate taxation and many others that will shape this nation for many years to come.
The 2020 election is the last chance democrats have in fundamentally transforming American into what Germany and Great Brittan have already become with a massive influx of refugees and illegal immigrants, crushing taxation, gun confiscation, churches being torn down and replaced with mosques. In South African a bill not yet enacted into law but is still under consideration would allow for land confiscation of white farmers and the seized land would be redistributed to black farmers. Do you believe that such a proposal would not be too far fetched for the new democratic party. Imagine if the majority left decided one day to seize all of the white Americans homes and land and redistribute it to African Americans as a form of reparations. With a democrat President, majority left supreme court and two majority democratic houses of congress this may someday become a reality.
Elections have consequences and I would urge all voters of what is at stake, regardless of how you vote.
I would like to say you are right about everything you wrote, but you are wrong about certain things. Those RIGHT leaning Judges appointed to the Supreme Court are making decisions that are unconstitutional. It really pisses me off. I went out on a limb defending Kavanaugh and the first thing he did was author an opinion that diminished the 5th Amendment in the Double Jeopardy clause and it is my opinion that he betrayed the people. Furthermore, we see these RIGHT leaning Justices concurring with opinions of treason ALL THE TIME. As far as I’m concerned, only RBG and Gorsuch are actually following the Constitution and the wishes of those whom framed that Constitution. SCOTUS is no longer law abiding and only two of the Justices are NOT committing treason against the Country, the Constitution and the American People who depend on them to make correct decisions of law. We are in a lot of trouble and if Trump appoints another traitor like Kavanaugh to the high court we are in for it….
amazing how you just disregard every fact about OBamas presidency. Mitch McConnel said on day 1 he would do everything in his power to make OBama a 1 term president.
What is it with republicans and facts?
If he wasn’t innocent he’d be charged with a crime by the House in the Articles of Impeachment. Neither of the two Articles specifies a high crime or a misdemeanor. End of discussion. The Impeachment was an act of fraud by the Democratic Inquisitors and it wouldn’t surprise me if the Democrat Party will claim witchcraft or heresy as an Article of Impeachment next time. The Dems are traitors and that’s the bottom line…..
Maria Cardona (Democratic strategist) wrote the following in the TheHill today,
“Democrats voted to impeach President Trump to ensure that they honored their oaths of office and their commitment to uphold the Constitution. They did it also to hold the president accountable for his illegal, unconstitutional and dangerous actions.”
“This is something Republicans have been unwilling to do. It is as if they checked their consciences at the door, removed their spines and pledged allegiance to the president of the “Divided States of Trump” instead of to the United States of America.”
The Dems dishonored their oaths the minute they started planning their coup when Trump first got elected. They are traitors. Trump has not done anything illegal or unconstitutional or else it would’ve been stated in the Articles of Impeachment. The two Articles they authored are NOT crimes. Period. End of Discussion. In reality, they admitted they couldn’t find anything on him, even after investigating him for NO legitimate reason since day 1. Anyone that does not see this is either being very partisan or is a traitor. Quite frankly, Trump is right. The Democrats are a disgrace and have literally torn up the Constitution which they are beholden to. Can you say Article 3 Section 3? Because if you can you should look it up and you will see what every one of the Democratic elected officials has become. A dirty, stinking, two bit traitor. Nothing more, nothing less….
I want somma what crusher is smocking.
Obstruction of Congress is both illegal and unconstitutional. Trump could defeat both articles of impeachment immediately by letting Mulvaney Pompeo and others testify he didn’t abuse his power.. You know why he doesn’t do it? Because he is guilty of both.
There is no such thing as obstruction of Congress. There is obstruction of Justice, but this Congress was never interested in Justice, only political persecution. Why do you think Pelosi went after fictional charges instead of the real deal? Because she knew if she did they would be guilty of a seditious conspiracy, which they already are guilty of. If Congress ever had any intention of seeking Justice, maybe they could get a REAL charge of a crime inserted into the Articles of Impeachment. However, we all see the truth behind the Democratic Inquisition and we all know Justice was never part of their treasonous narrative….
More on the Presidents 6-page diatribe —”Mental health professionals read Trump’s letter” ( He is entering the third and final stage of his psychosis.
Beware America. As his time in office runs out this psychotic, who is our President, is becoming increasingly “uncontainable” and dangerous. Even Evangelical supporters on the right are beginning to accept —Trump should be removed from office. ( Also, more and more traditional Republican conservatives’ are sounding the alarm —”He has neither the moral compass nor the temperament to serve.” (
Democrats own expert, the man Democrats allowed to set the rules and definitions for impeachment, claims Trump hasnt been Impeached! ~~~ Trump isn’t impeached til House transmits to Senate, per a Harvard Law professor who was a witness for House Democrats. “If the articles are not transmitted, Trump could legitimately say that he wasn’t truly impeached at all,“ @NoahRFeldman writes. …
Transfer or no transfer he’s IMPEACHED. Time is on the side of the democrats. Why hurry when more stuff about our boy Trump is bound to come out. The sword of Damocles is hanging over the heads of the Republican Senate.
and the stain of treason can never be washed away from the Democrats.
Oh he was impeached here was a vote and for once trump received the majority of votes. It was broadcast live on many channels amazing you missed it.
Really? Please name the codified statute that was included in the Articles of Impeachment. Impeachment only occurs when high crimes and misdemeanors are evident. Clearly, no crime has been identified and the Impeachment is invalid due to a lack of a crime occurring. You can believe in whatever Democratic fiction you want, but the fact is unless a codified statute has been clearly violated no Impeachment can occur. The Dems really are a bunch of fuktards….
By the way, every elected government official and government employee who has taken part in this INQUISITION is guilty of fraud, barratry and treason thru the Constitutional law of Common. The same government officials and employees are guilty of conspiracy to commit sedition, sedition, treason and trying to influence the 2020 elections with a fraudulent Impeachment processes in total defiance of what Impeachment really means. Anyone who agrees with the proceedings being lawful is either ignorant, an idiot or a traitor. The entire Democratic Party, even those of the general public are nothing but ravenous political persecutors and I believe this is enough for an execution of the Democratic Party to occur. Remember, the DNC is a corporation and the courts have ruled that corporations are PEOPLE. That means the Democratic Party and the DNC can literally be executed for treason. An execution of a corporation can be accomplished by a forced dissolving of said corporation and all it’s assets seized on the grounds of treason.
LOL gotta love how the orange turd getting legally impeached suddenly makes every moronic koolaid drinking republican a Constitutional lawyer.
Legally Impeached with NO CRIME stated in the Impeachment. There’s no such thing. Only a DemoTraitor, like you, would see this as legitimate. Without an actual High Crime or Misdemeanor the Impeachment is a complete joke. However, a joke is all the Democrats are nowadays and every policy they wish to instill is a joke.
Just a reminder for all the haters. In this country we operate under the principle that an individual is innocent until proven guilty. An impeachment like an indictment is not a conviction. It is a process. Newt Gingrich once made the statement you can indict a ham sandwich. Very profound actually. The impeachment was prepared by a partisan majority in the House of Representatives. The Republicans claimed that the President’s due process was denied but it seemed to fall on deaf Democratic ears. The Democrats have maintained that the process was fair. At this point the Republicans have to accept the situation. Sooner or later the issue will be tried in the Senate. If the Senate does not convict the matter is over. I hope that the Democrats will respect the acquittal process in the same way they respected the impeachment process. If they don’t they will only prove to the people of this country just what true hypocritical haters they really are. Democrats are riding high now but let us wait and see if they remember the rule of law in this country that an individual is innocent until proven guilty. Once that occurs the impeachment is a moot point. Bottom line. Sorry Bob I guess you will have to keep digging. Right now you guys are just empowering the President. I do hope that Bob would still consider moving to Canada if 2020 doesn’t work out
As much as you attempt to characterize impeachment as something t isn’t, there is no process to unimpeach trump. For all of time, he will have the title IMPOTUS.
Another fun filled fact there is no double jeopardy when it comes to impeachment.Meaning is he manages to cheat in the election again and win they can send it to the Senate again for his removal.
He didn’t cheat in the 2016 election, but Hillary did. She even BOUGHT the Democratic Primary. All we hear is crickets when we bring that up. Michael Steele was a foreign agent, a british citizen no less, who used information gathered from the Ukraine and Russia to author a false Dossier of unbelievable allegations. Once again crickets. Why is it all right for a Democrat to do something and then claim FOUL when a non Democrat does it? Trump was impeached, he was politically persecuted by a TREASONOUS House of Representatives on a partisan vote that we can only call the Democratic Inquisition of 2019. You traitors have no crime to impeach with, but did commit barratry and this whole process is nothing but Democrats using an impeachment process to illegally influence the upcoming 2020 election cycle. That is ALL this is. Election tampering before it even begins, yet you claim the reverse. No wonder your party’s mascot is a donkey because only a group of JACK ASSES could ever try and do what you DemoTraitors have done…..
Didn’t cheat? His lawyer is literally sitting in jail as we speak for conspiring with him to cheat.
How is it you just disregard all facts and developed such a crazy conspiracy theory mentality?
Yeah, I remember that BS hitjob too. Cohen folded so you DemoTraitors wouldn’t crucify him over tax evasion. Look, you guys have investigated the beJesus out of this guy since day 1 and you still got zip. You have illegally investigated him and his associates while ruining the lives of those whom got in your way. You literally want to see anyone associated with Trump jailed or killed. There was another political sub division like yours in pre-World War II Germany. You guys seem to have learned a lot from those guys….
I just reread my post again. Your response generated concerns that person(s) unknown to me who possessed far greater technical knowledge than myself might have amended or censored my post. It appears they didn’t. I never “characterized “ impeachment as something it was not. I merely stated a fact that all people are presumed innocent until PROVEN guilty. I am not a psychiatrist or psychologist and certainly not as worldly and intelligent as Bob but I fear that your blind hatred and contempt for our sitting President may be affecting your perception of facts. Please try to remember that this is the Christmas season. This would be a good time to reflect on any short comings or prejudices you may may possess and try to be a better person. In closing I would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas !
Your comment, that you are “certainly not as worldly and intelligent as Bob” made me blush. Interesting, I never really thought of myself as “worldly” You’re much too tough on yourself. You’ll get better—Hope springs eternal.
Have a great Holiday!
The argument that an impeachable offense has to be a “crime” is a red herring and simply BOGUS!
Our forefathers deliberately added the phrase “High crimes and misdemeanors” towards the end of the 1787 Constitutional convention. They did this to cover those situations when a President “abuses his powers and violates the public trust”, but does not necessarily commit a crime, indictable or otherwise.
In regards to the Ukraine situation, Trump did not faithfully take care to ensure our laws were followed. Therefore, he abused the powers of his office and was appropriately impeached. It’s really a pretty simple and straight forward situation.
“The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”. – US Constitution
What don’t you understand about this? This is the standards for Impeachment. NONE of the Articles meet the standards so the entire Impeachment is Unconstitutional and an act of fraud, war and treason on behalf of the Democratic Party in the House of Treason against WE THE PEOPLE of the United States. End of discussion….
President Gerald Ford nailed it from a practical sense when he said, “An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers [it] to be at a given moment in history.”
Your “standard of impeachment” argument is fallacious. You are simply wrong. “End of discussion”!
Really? Was President Ford a framer of the Constitution? NO. He was wrong. The standard of impeachment is NOT an argument, it is the standard for impeachment and those Articles of Impeachment are unconstitutional. They are void for lack of substance involving the allegations in the Articles. End of discussion….moron.
Let it go. You’ll feel better in the morning. It’s unfortunate that when you get frustrated your go-to is name-calling. End of Discussion!
Bob, I called you a moron because you are a moron. The Constitution is very, very clear in what the standard for impeachment is and these Articles of Impeachment are a complete fraud. When something is unconstitutional, it is ILLEGAL because the Constitution is the SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. This was an ILLEGAL impeachment of a duly elected President by a radical political party that has become synonymous with the word TREASON. Your political party closely resembles that of pre-World War II Germany and I have no problem with calling you morons exactly what you are. If you believe this impeachment was legitimate then you are a moron. End of discussion… because the Democratic Party has been committing treason since 1945 and this impeachment process was just the latest act of open warfare against the public by that political party that you have affiliated yourself with. It’s not my fault you’re a moron. You should work on that…
SoulCrusher, You are such an insecure person. You really need to work on it. You would be so much happier if you could just let the little things go, but you can’t. Sort of reminds me of you-know-who.
I would hardly call an illegal and unconstitutional impeachment a “little thing” that needs to be let go. I don’t let anything go because I am a patriot and a man. I am a REAL American. I fight for the rights of every man, woman and child. That does NOT make me insecure. It makes me who I AM. All traitors must be called out on their treason, especially when it doesn’t just involve a political philosophy. Treason is treason. Their is no reason for treason. There is no season for treason. Treason is the only crime specifically mentioned in the Constitution and this was to prevent tyranny from taking hold in this country. I AM the LAW because those whom claim to be the law are a FRAUD. It is my civic duty to call out all those committing treason and it is my Constitutional right to see all traitors bow before the hand of JUSTICE. If you don’t like that, TOO BAD. Learn to love it….
SoulCrusher, It’s not about what I like. It’s about what YOU need to do in order to move on and be a happier person. Your insulting, attack-dog mentality is self-defeating and counterproductive. Move on!!
Bob ,you don’t have a clue. My happiness was extinguished a decade ago. Now, you want to tell me to move on? I don’t’ think so…The impeachment is a fraud. There now I am a happier person, moron.
SoulCrusher, You’re right—I don’t have a clue about your situation. However, it’s apparent that you need some help. Here’s hoping you are able find it.
I don’t need help. You need help if you actually believe what the traitors in the Democrat Party have done is viable. Like I said, only people who are ignorant, are idiots or are traitors actually buy into this crap. Maybe even morons…..
In order for our REPUBLIC to maintain, law and order must prevail. Whether or not POTUS believes the charges against him are legitimate is irrelevant. Refusing to provide evidence, tampering with witnesses and obstructing justice can never be tolerated. POTUS is presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. The jury (Senate) must weigh the evidence and choose whether or not to remove POTUS for the alleged articles of impeachment. If POTUS refuses to provide exculpatory witnesses or evidence, the jury can only weigh the evidence available to them on the scale; similar to any other trial.
The world is watching to see if the United States of America will live up to the principles we demand of every other country. The Ukraine (rife with corruption) is watching as the Senate Majority Leader announces in front of God and everyone that he will not be impartial (a violation of the oath he took and will take). I am certain the Ukrainians and other loose democracies are intimately familiar with that music.
The majority leader should take his finger off the scale and allow the evidence to fall where it will. Compromise and allow each side to call witnesses and present evidence. Only this will separate the United States of America from the weak, corrupt authoritarian dictatorships spanning our globe.
We are not the policemen of the world but we are, “That shining beacon on a hill”.
This whole situation is absolutely laughable. The President of the United States has the absolute right to demand that countries that do business with the United States look into corruption before we give them money. The real crime here is that it just so happens to be Joe Biden’s son who was being investigated. It matters not to any democrat that Hunter Biden was on board of Burisma, a Ukrainian company that his father Joe Biden was publicly representing US policy on the country. To date there has been no proof that Joe;s son even went to Ukraine even though he was being paid $50,000 a month from Burisma.
To add insult to injury, Joe Biden announces to the world that he had the top prosecutor in Ukraine fired
because he was going to hold up money going to Ukraine and that same prosecutor was investigating..
wait for it…..
Now the demturds have the balls to want to impeach trump for wanted this type of corruption investigated before more money is sent.
I could care less if Joe is running for president or not. To me this is not trying to tarnish a political rival, this is trying to stop corruption. It just so happens that the Biden’s…. according to demturds are innocent until they are proven guilty but Trump is presumed guilty and they want him to be impeached so badly… that the demturds could care less about facts and due process.
i’m guessing using terms like “demturds” bolsters your argument somehow? Absent the juvenile name tags the EVIDENCE (un-refuted) is that POTUS did it. POTUS admitted it and so did his COS.
Can’t speak for anyone else but the nepotism is DC is staggering. Hard to whine about nepotism however when POTUS’ children are at this very moment working in the White House (Pot/Kettle).
The facts however, are:
1. Hunter has been on the board since 2014.
2. Military aid for Ukraine was not an issue in 2017-2018
3. The Pentagon cleared Ukraine for aid. (If POTUS ordered extra vetting, now would be the time to present that evidence)
4. If witnesses can exonerate POTUS now would be a good time to present that exculpatory evidence.
5. New evidence reveals that the aid was cut off 90 minutes after POTUS got off the phone.
6. There is no allegation that VP Biden was looking for political favor against an opponent.
VP Biden acting in USA interests (with the support of European allies) sought to remove the corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor WHO WAS NOT PROSECUTING CORRUPTION.
You are conflating (perhaps purposely) two separate issues; corruption and nepotism.
It must be discouraging to President Zelensky trying to fight corruption in his own country that he must contend with corruption in the USA. He is left in an untenable situation; rock & hard place.
FACT: You and I do not personally know POTUS nor have we ever worked for him. The people who have; TILLERSON, KELLY, BOLTON, MCMASTER, YAVONOVICH, TAYLOR, COMEY, MCCABE and his entire FORMER administration have signaled that something is wrong.
What are you tying your unwavering support to?
Hunter Biden allegedly linked to multiple criminal probes
Hunter Biden is the subject of multiple criminal investigations related to “fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme,” it’s claimed in court documents filed Monday in his Arkansas paternity case.
The claims were put forward by a Florida-based private-eye firm, D&A Investigations, in Biden’s ongoing case against alleged baby mama Lunden Alexis Roberts, a former Washington, DC, stripper who went by “Dallas.”
Biden, 49, “is the subject of more than one criminal investigation involving fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme,” the filing alleges.
One of those purported investigations relates to Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company with which Biden held a lucrative board post while his father, Joe, was vice president — drawing allegations of impropriety from Republicans including President Trump.
Biden and a group of business associates “established bank and financial accounts with Morgan Stanley … for Burisma Holdings Limited … for the money laundering scheme,” D&A claims, further alleging that the accounts showed an average account value of nearly $6.8 million between March 2014 and December 2015.
Biden and the others — including Devon Archer, John Galanis and Bevan Cooney — allegedly “utilized a counterfeiting scheme to conceal the Morgan Stanley et al Average Account Value,” D&A claims in the papers filed at the Circuit Court of Independence County, Arkansas.
Hunter Biden’s ‘baby mama’ was stripper at club he frequented
The filing additionally alleges that Biden had a hand in a plot including Galanis, Cooney and Archer to rip off Sioux Native Americans to the tune of $60 million through the shady sale of tribal bonds.
Galanis, Archer and Cooney were found guilty for their roles in June 2018, following a lengthy trial in Manhattan federal court. In November, Archer’s conviction was overturned by a Manhattan federal judge.
Biden “did drum up business for the scheme,” D&A claims in its filing, without elaborating.
The three-page document does not name the agencies behind the purported criminal probes of Biden in either case.
Lawyers for Biden and Roberts did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Reached by phone, Dominic Casey, the D&A investigator who filed the papers, refused to say whether his group had been retained by Roberts, or sent the information to the court of its own volition.
He also declined to elaborate on the claims laid out in the papers, repeatedly saying, “I believe this is self-explanatory.”
Wow, Hunter Biden is a complete mess. Fraud, strippers, porn star payoffs, five children by three different women, adultry, greed, shady business dealings. Wasn’t his family stealing from a children’s cancer foundation and just forbidden to ever have a charity in the State of New York? I think we agree; a person this MORALLY CORRUPT should NEVER be President of the United States of America.
You know Iamthewhistleblower bears an amazing similarity to my friend Bob.
Your friend Bob,. wishes you and yours a Happy Holiday and a safe, prosperous New Years!
Exactly what political office is Hunter running for
Isn’t the New York Post owned by Farce News’ Robert Murdoch?
#Impeach the #TraitorinChief RUSSIA IS THE ENEMY
The Democrat Party and the government is your REAL enemy. You need to wake up and start being an American.
Speaker Pelosi’s Impeachment strategy is interesting. CNBC characterizes her approach as the Congressional equivalent of a “pocket veto”. The Wall Street Journal calls it, “Pelosi’s Rolling Impeachment”. Pelosi figures time is on her side and she can justify not sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate until “Moscow Mitch” commits to a fair process. It was pretty dumb on McConnell’s part to announce that he was working in “total coordination” with the White House on the upcoming trial.
Should the Articles of Impeachment eventually make their way to the Senate, let’s hope the trial is a fair, open process that includes relevant testimony & witnesses and let the chips fall where they may.
The impeachment isn’t interesting. It is an act of fraud, war and treason against the US Constitution and WE THE PEOPLE whom are the United States. The only interesting part of any of this is how the Democrats claim that a Senate trial won’t be fair after the completely TREASONOUS charade that took part in that House of Treason regarding the Impeachment Inquiry. Pelosi and her regime of traitors literally have done everything they claim the President is doing wrong, yet they did it first involving the Steele Dossier and the Russian hoax. If you can’t see this it is because you have been blinded by your partisan hatred and if you want to hate someone you can start by hating yourself. You are committing treason just by typing the crap you just typed on here and the whole Democratic Party has become nothing but a bunch of fascist traitors against the United States.
What’s “interesting” is Pelosi’s strategy to handle a “rogue”, out of control President.
No, what’s interesting is a “rogue” political party that has been committing treason since 1945 is now committing open air treason against the United States and half the Country believes the BS because they have brainwashed into believing the Democrats and the treason they represent are true.
“Pelosi gets under Trump’s skin on impeachment” (
The Speaker is playing Trump and McConnell like a fiddle. Our President is obviously beside himself with frustration—sort of like a child who can’t get his way.
Pelosi organized an illegal impeachment of a duly elected President for the purposes of illegally influencing the 2020 election, in favor of the treasonous Democrat Party. There is no precedent to impeach a President without citing a crime. No crime exists. If there is no High Crime or Misdemeanor, then there is nothing to qualify as an impeachable offense as according to the standard of impeachment cited in the US Constitution. Under these circumstances, the Articles of Impeachment are unconstitutional and purely political, in an effort to illegally influence an upcoming election in 2020. An illegal impeachment for the purposes of influencing an electorate is an act of war against the Democratic principles involving our elections and is the TRUE attack on our Democracy. The Democrats have committed treason and should face the full penalty of law. Nancy Pelosi should be hung by her neck until she is dead or at least until those plastic implants in her chest fall off….
The problem with our current discourse in America is that FACTS are no longer seen as relevant. Any nut with a pseudo media degree can spout his/her opinion and claim it as a fact, hence the climate change “debate”. Here, four (4) constitutional professors ( that is, people who have devoted their lives to the study of the constitution) have rendered their opinion that the impeachment Is in fact CONSTITUTIONAL. You however, armed with all your knowledge gleaned from countless hours of intense farce news study have deemed it unconstitutional negating the opinion of the experts? I wonder why the republicans didn’t solicit your learned opinion?
You have to understand that SoulCrusher is unable to deal with FACTS. Sadly, he is so fixated on “treason & traitors” and such, that he is stone cold blind to TRUTH & FACTS.
Dont let the alternative-facts get in the way of the FACTS!
That isnt true….
There isn’t any “facts” because the Democratic party doesn’t deliver “facts”. There is only fraud, war and treason being delivered by you Democratic traitors and I hope every one of you gets the full penalty of law from the treason you are committing.
They don’t need to solicit my opinion because only morons and traitors are onboard with this garbage. Only an idiot believes that this Country’s government is a Democracy and NOT the Constitutional Republic that it was meant to be and has to be. YOUR Democracy is only guaranteed to the extent of there being Democratic elections to determine those whom represent the electorate. Nothing else. The pledge of allegiance says “and to the REPUBLIC, for which it stands”. Not to the Democracy and which it stands. You are just a miseducated fool who is trying to brainwash the readers of this website into believing the crap that spews from your fingers. You are nothing but a two bit traitor. Get over yourself, traitor.
Now I get it, you support him because you see yourself in him. It would be nice if you were able to make your point without the adolescent name calling. No one here is a traitor and not certain you fully understand the definition of that word. To be a traitor a person would have to stand in front of the entire world and take the word of a sworn enemy over the word of his own intelligence community. Or that person who swore an oath to uphold the constitution would refuse to respond to congressional subpoenas and block witnesses from testifying before congress. That person would decry that they have absolute power and are therefore not answerable to the other two branches of government.
Soulcrusher (interesting name choice) we are not enemies. I do not view you as such. We have a difference of opinion and in my opinion the current occupant is unfit for any type of public office let alone the presidency.
If there were a conspiracy to keep him from being president it was the worst conspiracy ever formulated. I think if you take a step back and weigh the facts you may draw a different conclusion.
No one thought he would win (including him). The FBI received information and acted on it. They had no choice. Instead of immediately disclosing the investigation they preserved evidence and held the fact that members of the campaign were under investigation in an attempt NOT to skew the election. After he won, he fired the Director of the FBI for refusing to look the other way. The Director stood on principle and knew it would cost his job. That is a profile in courage. Sally Yates came to the White House to let the president know that Flynn had lied and was now able to be compromised by Russia. She was fired for doing her job. A special counsel was appointed because of those two incidents which his staff begged him not to do.
It is important to note that the officials that testified at the intel committee were ordered not to show up and ignore the congressional subpoenas. Had they not the American people would still be in the dark. Is that the government you want? They should be celebrated as American heroes. That is not traitorous Sir, it is the polar opposite.
Whether or not we believe the allegations is irrelevant. In order for our Democracy to work citizens must comply and submit to the rule of law. That means if you receive a subpoena for evidence or a subpoena to testify you show up, raise your hand, swear an oath and tell the truth. If after, you plead the fifth or exert executive privilege that is your Constitutional right. I would assert that anything else is simply unconstitutional.
To follow the president’s reasoning one must believe that he has exculpatory evidence and witnesses that would exonerate him, but instead of allowing them to testify or presenting the evidence he wants congress to go to court to compel his own exculpatory witnesses to testify to prove his innocence. That completely fails the logic test.
The test is a simple one. Do you want a democrat president who is not answerable to congress or anyone? Because once the precedent is set is becomes available for the next occupant.
No, you are a traitor and I will call you one. Everything I state is the truth and you’re nothing but a Democratic lie. WE ARE ENEMIES because you are warring against me, my people and my Country. You can’t see this because you believe in a false Democracy where the Democrat Party is the rulers of the people when the Democratic Party is nothing but treason against the United States. There is no rule of law because the government and you Democrats are breaking the law while telling everyone they are beholden to the rules and regulations of an illegal and unconstitutional CODE. The test isn’t simple when you have half the Country bewildered and brainwashed because of the false education your party has been delivering since 1945. You don’t know nothing. You don’t control anything. You are not making law. The rule of the Constitution is SUPREME and that all too real law says you are a traitor. The only thing you Democrats say that is true is that nobody is above the law and that law is the Constitution which you are clearly using as toilet paper. End of story….
Oh and by the way, there is NO Democracy! There is only the Constitutional Republic and to say otherwise is treason as well. You can take that Democracy and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine, traitor.
Well, that’s certainly a lot of hate directly post the celebration of Christ’s birth. God be with you and have a happier New Year.
Jesus wasn’t born on Christmas and Christmas was originally the celebration of the Winter Solstice by the Pagans that came before Christianity. What are the odds that Jesus was born on that direct day? You need to take your head out of your butt and educate yourself properly. May God be with you also and I hope you have a treason-less New Year, but you need to get a proper education that isn’t be fed to you by the Democratic Party.
If it’s not the celebration of Christ’s birth then I have been attending midnight mass for the past 40 years for nothing. Perhaps I was confused by the name Christ literally in the name of the holiday. It is however the day that the entire Christian world (with the exception of you apparently) celebrates the birth of our savior. There’s the whole baby in the manger, three kings thing. More alternate facts I guess. Starting to see your issue.
Did you come up with all this material on the lonely cold nights sharing a sleeping bag with Bubba at Ruby Ridge?
The Christian religion, which I was raised to believe, took the former Pagan holidays and attributed those same holidays into moments in Christ’s life. Anyone who studies history knows this and it’s not very hard to figure it out. The dates of former Pagan holidays were used in order to get the Pagan’s to accept the new religion. All Christian holidays were made this way. This is fact and is very easily confirmed when you properly educate yourself…..As for the “Sword of Light” , I came up with all this by sharing the cold lonely nights in a sleeping bag with your daughter while breaking her in….
Yesterday, Meet the Press had a special edition show entitled, “Alternative Facts”. Chuck Todd describes what’s happening today in American as an “assault on the truth”. The dilemma is particularly dangerous because our very means of basic communications (internet, social media, etc.) are fairly easily exploited and weaponized by ourselves and others.
What we are experiencing today is nothing less than a full-scale war on “Truth & Facts”. WE THE PEOPLE can beat back this assault by requiring verifiable, empirical facts and evidence in our pursuit of “truth” The challenge for us is to accept “truth” even when it is “inconvenient” or personally disagreeable.
If we lose our ability to pursue and accept the “truth” then we are surely destined to lose our way
Chuck Todd assaults the “truth” every time he opens his mouth. He is a complete DEMOTRAITOR. The Democrats lost their way a long time ago. The truth is the United States isn’t an empire and all those “empirical” facts are nothing but lies. The Democrats are the ones who want an empire and the UN is a perfect example of how the Democrats have used the UN to try and establish a global domination. The UN was created and voted into existence by Democratic traitors. The Republicans did NOTHING to reverse the treason. They used WE THE PEOPLE to fight foreign wars for foreign countries and have tried to diminish and/or abrogate the Common Law in favor of the unconstitutional Code of Rules and Regulation they expect the public to follow. The Codes are that of government employees and the political leaders are using those Codes fraudulently against the public in an all out war against the people who ordained them and pay their salaries. This is not only fraud, it is war and treason. It is not a case by case determination because there is NO authority to use a Constitutional test to determine if a person is subject to the Codes. All of it is fraud, war and treason, created by the Democrats and pushed by the same into the educational faculties to brainwash the public into believing they are subjects of the politicians and the government employees who enforce the political persecution those politicians have created. The government has NO AUTHORITY to regulate non government employees because WE THE PEOPLE only gave them the authority to regulate the government. You political perverts of Justice have caused great harm to me and my people thru the policies of treason you have fraudulently enforced upon us, the non governmental employees you seek to control. You use meaningless declarations of idiocy, that NO politician has any authority to make, to enslave the population to your institutions with the promises of a better life, but only give us persecution. Statutes are declarations of idiocy because only idiots enforce them on the public due to the fact that you are committing treason by enforcing the statutes. On the other hand, only an idiot allows the government to enforce the statutes on them, but we do this under the threat of the gun and the bullet by governmental employees who mean to do us harm. The truth is every politician, police officer, prosecutor, Judge, lawyer or any agent of Administrative government who uses statutes to regulate private citizens whom are not government employees, are guilty of treason. This is the Democratic way and the end result of Democratic treason against the United States. Remember, WE THE PEOPLE are the United States, not them or you the government. The government is your enemy and is falsely claiming jurisdiction over our lives where no jurisdiction exists unless there is a causation of harm in accordance to the Common Law and the government can NOT be the victim. We lost our way all right and it is due to false education of the people by governmental operatives trying to make us all beholden to the rules and regulations of government employees. Funny thing is the governmental employees cover up the obvious law breaking they are committing every day. Call it a bureaucracy, call it protecting the corporation from lawsuits, call it the “rule of law”, none of it matters. It is treason. Chuck Todd is a traitor, but it might not be his fault because he was educated by a treasonous governmental institution. There is NO Democracy, other than our Democratic elections and to think otherwise is treason against the Constitutional Republic that is supposed to protect us from governmental harm. There is the truth and your truth is nothing but a Democratic lie.
This oppression will not stand, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn…
WE THE PEOPLE demand ANARCHY maaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Blah blah blah something TRAITORS blah blah blah execute attorneys in public squares maaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
WE THE PEOPLE don’t demand ANARCHY because there is no such thing when you are beholden to the Common Law. Common Law prevents Anarchy you stupid tool. ALL ATTORNEYS are traitors as they have no right to practice criminal law. Attorneys only have the right to reassign things. There is no authority for an attorney to represent a person in a criminal case and the representation they deliver is nothing but treason. According to the Common Law, the only person who can represent another in a criminal case is a barrister. Every act of criminal law practiced by an attorney is an act of treason against the United States because WE THE PEOPLE are the United States and received no fair trial, hearing or representation involving the fraudulent convictions of non common law offenses. You are not a “Sword of Light”. You are a “Sword of Treason”. Maaaaaaannnnnnnn…..
Just for the record, NO ONE should use an attorney because when you use an attorney you become a ward of the court. That in itself is enough of an act of treason to execute any attorney practicing law that allows their client to be convicted of a non Common Law offense. Remember, traitor, if there is no causation of harm to another, there is no crime. Period. End of discussion. The “Sword of Light” is a traitor…..and YES, I stretched out your daughter.
Soulcrusher. You are completely gone. That was damn near a manifesto. Should we (sane citizens) be worried? You are aware you can self commit right?
By the way, nothing is preventing Bolton, Giuliani, Pompeo and Mulvaney from hiding behind his pants leg. They can at anytime offer to testify instead of requiring congress and the courts to force them to prove his innocence.
No. I am not completely gone, I’m only telling the truth. You show me where in the Constitution that the government has the authority to regulate the people. It just doesn’t exist and everyone enforcing the illegal and unconstitutional code of rules and regulations, by both the Federal and State governments, is a dirty traitor. By simply testing the Constitution you have warred against it. That is treason as declared by several Supreme Court decisions and I will not listen to the jibber jabber of a traitor like you. I AM the one who should be worried because brainless idiots like you believe the government has authorities it doesn’t have or believes the government can give themselves an authority not ordained. You would give up all your freedoms and mine too. I will NOT let this happen. This isn’t a manifesto, it’s a declaration of the rights we are supposed to enjoy, but the traitors the government employs against us violate all the time. You can be a sheep and stay worried. Worry about me. Worry about your neighbor. Worry about the guy down the street you don’t like or understand. Worry all you want. What you need to worry about is yourself because only a scared little bitch like you stays worried forever. You’re a little punk and if you let the traitors rule you they will. You need to commit yourself for that mental illness you’ve got that has made you a scared little punk. Maybe they can give you something that will take away your fear that your Democratic Party has instilled in the sheep that follows it, like you.
Sarah Sanders was the best ever they should give her Chuck Todds job
I will NOT say that Sarah Sanders never stretched the truth as being a Press Secretary for the Donald requires a stretching of the truth, maybe even on a daily basis. However, to compare Sarah Sanders to an egg sucking dog like Chuck Todd is not right….
Yeah. Perhaps she could team up with her father and they could name the show—”Tweedledumb & Tweedledumber”. I’m sure Fox News (Unfair & Unbalanced) would sign them up at a drop of the hat.
“Chief Justice John Roberts warns about dangers of fake news”
“Some read the annual New Year’s Eve message as a rebuke of President Donald Trump”
John Roberts is a traitor and he shouldn’t be referred to as anything but a traitor. He agreed with the opinion authored by Kavanaugh that diminished the 5th Amendment right of due process involving the Double Jeopardy clause. That is treason and goes against the principles of Miranda v. Arizona that came before it. That which comes before is superior and that includes Supreme Court decisions of fraud, war and treason. John Roberts must be removed from the high Court on the grounds of Article 3 Section 3 provisions, go to jail for 5 years and never be a government employee or member of the BAR for all eternity.
Rudy J., says he is prepared to give some kind of “demonstration” at the impeachment trial. The only “demonstration” I want to see from him is when he zips up an orange prison jumpsuit, locks the door of his cell and throws the key away.
I encourage everyone to check out the below link. One of my biggest political concerns as we head into 2020 is the SUPREME COURT.
The C-Span video is an interview of Gabe Roth, Executive Director, of “Fix the Court”. His organization describes the Supreme Court as the “most powerful and least accountable branch of the government; this description is accurate and NOW is the time to start fixing the problem.
According to Roth “Fix the Court” is the only national, non-partisan organization to advocate for transparency and accountability of courts with the federal system, especially the Supreme Court. Some of their recommendations include term limits and a Code of Conduct for SCOTUS.
Lack of transparency, media access and the absence of reasonable controls & practices within our nation’s highest court is an issue that must be addressed, irrespective of party politics.
Below are two takes on Pelosi’s next impeachment move. One from the (High- Factual Left-Center Bias) Washington Post and the other from the (Mixed-Factual Right Bias) Washington Examiner. Pick your poison!
The WAPO opinion piece written by George Conway (Kellyanne Conway’s husband—that’s quite a burden to bear) & Neal Katya suggests that Pelosi should submit the two Articles of Impeachment’ separately’. The obstruction of Justice doesn’t really require witnesses, whereas to give ‘fair consideration’ to the Abuse of Power ‘witnesses are required’.
“Nancy Pelosi gambled and lost on the impeachment delay”
I’m not sure agree with Chris Cillizza’s take on this. I think we will have to wait it out a bit and see how things turn out. However, I did learn a new word—DRECK.
Oh she won big time. Watch trump go full blown off the rails during the State of the Union address. it’s going to be epic.
Won what? Maybe the idiot award….
How we got the dumbest and most dangerous President in American history!!! PBS: The Great Divide-From Obama to Trump
Read up on the Weimar Republic, basically where rich people lost control of the functioning idiots they put in power.
and we ALL see where that led….those whom took control of that Republic turned it into the Wehrmacht and had ALL of Germany brainwashed and addicted to meth amphetamine in order to further that WAR MACHINE. They took away the guns so the public couldn’t prevent a tyranny of a centralized government. They took away free speech so no one could criticize the monsters who ruled. They jailed all political opponents and called them criminals and traitors even though they weren’t. They then focused on a religious group whom they could blame for ALL their Country’s woes in order to take the focus off of the true menace the government had become. They enslaved the Jews. They then murdered them. This is ALL historic fact and our Country is at crossroads where we can allow a tyranny to exist, which it already does in many aspects, or we can fight those whom are the REAL traitors in courts or on the very streets where the persecution is taking place. Politicians don’t own this Country. The PEOPLE own this Country. Politicians don’t make law. Politicians make political persecution because they aren’t allowed to make law for the PEOPLE. The PEOPLE are governed by Common Law and that has been forgotten by intentional miseducating the PEOPLE. We really do have a lot to worry about and it is the elected officials whom have betrayed the electorate that are the REAL criminals in this Country. We don’t want a fascist regime of traitors running this Country and that is what we currently have, especially in this State. Those who don’t know this have been brainwashed by the educational system, the religious sects and the very government they elect. Proper education is they key and the youth of this Country are being falsely educated as a result of political perverts of justice whom are running and trying to ruin this State and our nation. This is the truth and to say otherwise is treason.
You’re great brown hope was a great big dope.
So McConnell wants to limit opening remarks by each side in the Senate Impeachment trial to 24-hours over 2 days instead of using the Clinton model which was 24-hours over 4 days. Looks like Moscow Mitch wants to “conceal the President’s misconduct in the dark of night.” while America sleeps.
I think a good compromise would be 24 hours over 3 days.
That’s not the atrocity. The most corrupt senator in history wants to have a senate trial without allowing evidence from the house hearing or new evidence or witnesses. Can we just agree that’s not how it works in America? Imagine a jury sitting around a sequestered table with absolutely nothing to deliberate. He must truly think the gop is full of idiots.
If Moscow Mitch manages to limit witnesses. restrict testimony and keep out documents from the Senate Impeachment Trial we will be in a Constitutional crisis. What is at risk is the very integrity of our system of government. We can only hope that enough moderate, reasonable Republicans are brave enough to pull us back from the brink.
Hey Bob I am sitting here watching the local news with my wife. Just watched a group of hood rats spitting on and assaulting a police officer in Baltimore City while other animals captured the incident on their cell phone cameras cheering the assailants on. At least one of the suspects had a significant criminal history including serious violent felonies. All of the suspects appeared to be black. Is this type of behavior attributed to the legacy of slavery? Please explain to us why this occurred. I am really interested in your justification for such behavior.
I saw that video yesterday and it bothered me. I hope the 3 suspects are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Notwithstanding, our country’s legacy of slavery, there is no justification for such violent, criminal, behavior.
The officer had every justification to pull his gun after everything I saw. He didn’t and showed incredible restraint in the face of adversity. Look, if you spit in the face of a police officer investigating a legitimate crime and expect to not go to jail, well, you’re an idiot. Those boys were trying to gang beat him and that is unacceptable. Yes, they should be prosecuted for multiple assault charges…..
He should be allowed to shoot the bastards.
All of these criminals will be in the criminal justice system for the majority of their lives. They are getting more and more emboldened within the city limits, only a matter of time before these officers are beaten severely or worse. I am done with Baltimore and Maryland and the liberal policies that directly responsible for this behavior. Baltimore will be like Detroit within 20 years, just a shitty stop between NYC and DC.
The only thing at risk is the Democratic Party being called out for an unconstitutional impeachment of a President who followed the law.
You’re a liar. ALL evidence obtained from the House, which is the prosecutor of this case, will be allowed to be included in the Senate trial. Additional witnesses is the only question….
Easily verifiable. The question is…if you have witnesses/evidence that would exonerate you why block all of it?
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., will allot each side a total of 24 hours to present their arguments in President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial, but the time must be confined to two working days, according to the text of his organizing resolution, which NBC News obtained Monday.
The proposal also suggests that none of the evidence collected as part of the House’s impeachment inquiry will be admitted automatically. Instead, according to the text, the Senate will vote later on whether to admit any documents.”
We all already know the evidence that was gathered in the House of Treason and we all know it is a fabrication of reality dreamt up by traitors in the Democratic Party. There is no crime and even the violation of law that was just discovered yesterday is allowable because of the FCPA. Period. End of discussion. It doesn’t matter about ANY of the evidence, even though it is all included to sorted thru in the Senate, because of the FCPA and this is the truth no matter what spin you put on it. The Senators will access and have access to anything substantive, but none of it is because of the FCPA. Your Democratic idiot who is front runner in the Democratic Party made it that way when he bragged about getting a prosecutor fired…..
No, it’s time to vote out the traitors in the House of Treason who didn’t complete the prosecutorial process and are now trying to get the Senate to do it for them. Still, it doesn’t matter because the FCPA is the controlling factor in this case. Trump did nothing wrong and the Democrats are idiots….
I find it disturbing that we are at a place in our discourse where arriving at the truth is no longer the goal. Instead we are left with a senate that is bent on defending the president.
Why are the American people wasting money on a legal team for the president when the senate has no intention of honoring the oath they literally just took?
Whether or not you believe the accusations of obstruction or abuse levied against him is irrelevant. At issue is what everyone already believes to be true. No one person is above the law. I don’t know who you are soulcrusher but you read like current or former law enforcement. At no time is a defendant ever able to disobey subpoenas, subvert evidence or tamper with witnesses.
There has never been a trial absent witnesses or evidence. I know he will not but Roberts should make a statement for prosperity. To see him chime in on decorum when the defendant is Donald Trump was perplexing at best. The gop’s position is obvious. If they allow witnesses or evidence they will not be able to acquit which is the play.
The gop will pay a hefty price in November. I predict heavy losses in the senate and the house.
Soul Crusher you Constitutional nit wit…. How many laws were there when the Constitution was being written?
Here’s a clue dumb ass it’s a number less than one like your IQ.
You got the nerve to call me a dumbass when anybody with an IQ over 3 knows that we didn’t give foreign aid to any Country when the Constitution was written. ANYTHING involving FOREIGN AID has nothing to do with the Constitution you brainless twit. Why don’t you just STFU now before you really start getting stupid? Never mind, you’re already there….
“Last-minute rule change allows cases to be presented over 3 days, not 2.”
Looks like the Senate decided to go along with my compromise that I made last night. I feel better now, knowing they are listening to me! ?
The President’s defense team is in a box. Since the facts are so overwhelmingly against Trump his lawyers are caught between rock and a hard place. If your client is the ‘Liar-In-Chief’ you’re stuck perpetuating his LIES.
“In Senate trial, Pat Cipollone was wrong on GOP access to SCIF depositions”
“AP FACT CHECK: Trump defense misrepresents Mueller findings”
53-47 dickhead
Fox News(Fox & Friends) let Rudy Giuliani rant on uncontrollably for over 10 minutes.
I hope members of his family consider an immediate “intervention” before he completely loses it. He desperately needs help.
Below is an WAPO opinion piece on Rudy’s “unhinged” interview written by Erik Wemple:
“Giuliani goes full conspiracy theory in insane ‘Fox & Friends’ appearance”
Here is Rudy’s latest “eyes popping” Biden conspiracy video. This time Judge Jeanine Pirro just lets him rant on and on.
It’s really sad that Fox News espouses these conspiracy theories uncontested on their network. A national news network like Fox has a special obligation to its viewers to be FAIR & BALANCED! FACTS & TRUTH MATTER!
Please tell me that you believe in your heart that Chuck Todd is “fair and balanced” on Meet the Press.
I sincerely believe that Chuck Todd (not one of my favorites) is much FAIRER and MORE BALANCED than the F&F crew and Judge Jeanine Pirro.
First and foremost, there is no such thing as a national news network anymore. Fox is undoubtedly aligned with Republicans, yet both CNN and MSNBC are clearly rooted in the politics of the Democrats. This is undeniable and we should all look at these media sources as political channels. Both will distribute false and/or misleading information furthering the agendas of which ever party they have chosen to endorse. That being said, I have seen a clear political bias being transmitted by our local news channels and fear that the politically charged environment that currently divides this country hasn’t even peaked and will continue to diminish the thoughts of many Americans whom are being victimized by the two party system into nothing but political perversions of the truth that ALL politicians spew to the masses. Call it trickery, chicanery or even witchcraft, but it is nothing but the conditioning of the public mind set into what I call political brainwashing. There is no such thing as fair or balanced reporting on ANY subject involving national news sources and we all have to wonder why this has come to be. The answer is money. Be it ratings, commercials or donations, money always dominates the conversation and there is no doubt our entire country is motivated by nothing but greed. We should do something about that.
I know we have disagreed on other topics in the past but for the most part I have to agree with you on this one. Fox obviously sides with Republicans and the more conservative element. CNN and MSNBC are the polar opposite. Democrat and liberal. Your points made sense but to me I think that the delivery of the above mentioned networks is the real issue. When Fox News attempts to hold people accountable they are labeled many names. Racists, Capitalist, Elitists, and the list goes on. I think Sean Hannity needs to tone down his rhetoric and name calling and just report the facts. Let the chips fall where they may. Then you have networks the likes of CNN and MSNBC. I think they are without a doubt more unfair and pose a far greater threat to this nation than any other news sources. They actually hope for national financial, domestic and foreign policy failure as long as it maligns the President. The well being and prosperity of American citizens is virtually unimportant to them. It is just necessary collateral damage in their quest to bring down the Presidency. They promote racial divide. They were actually hoping that the recent Virginia second amendment demonstrations would turn violent. Violence would have supported their allegations of the threat of white nationalists. They have no problem in creating a greater divide between black and white people as long as it furthers their agenda. I take a particular affront to this for many reasons. Most importantly is my son in law is a good hard working black man. I have beautiful mixed grandchildren. I don’t appreciate and will not tolerate anything or anybody, including news networks putting them at risk or making their lives less happy or safe to facilitate their agenda. One more thing since it was brought up. Chuck Todd. What a bias jerk. A few years ago a terrible hurricane struck Puerto Rico causing death and tremendous hardship. Two more hurricanes were following in basically the same path and there was a fair chance that they too would strike Puerto Rico again. Chuck Todd on Face the Nation commentary was critical of the way the first hurricane was addressed by the President. You could clearly see that he was actually hoping that Puerto Rico would be struck again to provide him and his network more ammunition. Again innocent lives were just necessary collateral damage. I guess my point to my rant is that I agree with you that none of the networks are really fair or balanced but I truly feel that liberal networks like NBC, CNN, and MSNBC seem to have a far greater disregard for the well-being of the American people than does the more conservative networks.
I will agree with you both to a certain point. If you want unbiased, un-slanted news, PBS, network and/or local news is the answer; cable opinion networks work to fill a 24 hour news cycle. Each; Fox, OAN, MSNBC and CNN are heavily slanted. However, there is an honesty in reporting gap between the networks. Facts matter and CNN/MSNBC employ journalist who present actual verifiable facts while Fox (if they report it at all) exists in a world of ALTERNATIVE COMMENTS (that in no way reflect factual information). There is a clear delineation. You don’t need to take my word on it. Real journalist ask real questions to arrive at the truth. News personalities will allow (Giuliani and Trump) to rant and rave with zero push back.
It might be the suspicious nature instilled in me from years of being a cop but I feel that there is a very good possibility that Iamthewhistleblower and Bob are one in the same. It really doesn’t concern me one way or the other but they seem to share identical thinking, candor, and presentation. Maybe they were twins separated at birth.
For better or for worse “greed” is both part & parcel of ‘Capitalism’. Money ‘corrupts’ and at the same time ‘greases’ our economic system. The answer is to reform by ‘spreading out the wealth’. The more inclusive our system, the less greedy it will be.
You can’t spread out the wealth without stealing from someone and that is a crime. Can you figure out a way to spread out the wealth without destroying the person whose wealth it is that you are distributing? Do you have their consent to take from them? You can’t just institute a wealth tax and expect it to stand. Taxing people disproportionally isn’t going to fly. I’m not wealthy and I wouldn’t go along with that. Too many people are expecting to just be given everything. That is not going to make the next generation prosper. It will make them entitled….
It’s not about entitlements or a wealth tax .It’s about LEVELING the economic playing field, so the ‘have-nots’ get a real chance at the American dream.
No. You’re talking about wealth redistribution. I don’t believe in that. It’s up to the individual to seize their piece of the American dream. You don’t harm another so an unfortunate can take their piece of the American dream. As far as leveling the economic playing field goes, when you or I go to the store we pay the same price for items. What do you mean? I’m not in favor of giving a certain race or foreign nationality a free ticket or a better chance at anything that me and my people whom were born here get. There is no such thing as leveling the economic playing field if you’re going to give certain people an advantage that everyone else does not get.
What you see as “giving certain people an advantage that everyone else does not get” I see as ‘equalization’
You can’t consolidate the wealth without stealing from someone and that is a crime.
There is no equalization if people aren’t treated as equals. Once again, you’re talking about giving people unequal treatment to satisfy an idea of equality. That makes no sense. People become equals when they are treated as equals. Not the other way around. Wealth redistribution doesn’t work because those you give it to will piss it away. People don’t covet that what is given to them. People covet what they have earned or created. If you buy someone a car they never take care of it like someone that bought their own car. That’s common sense. Wealth redistribution is nothing but government sponsored legalized theft. The government has already intruded enough into our lives. Don’t wish for a government dependent slave state.
But we have a government dependent slave state. The rich specifically buy government policy that makes others poor and themselves rich. Look no farther than the nectarine nazi in the whitehouse that double room rates and taxpayers are stuck with the bill, and when I say taxpayer I mean you.
You Dems seem to call everybody what you guys really are. The President isn’t responsible for what you are referring to and the slave state existed long before Trump. The only political group that is trying to adhere to the principles of the pre-World War II government is the Democrat party. Everything you are all calling for mirrors the 1930’s and 40’s. I find it incredible that Dems can’t see this in themselves.
and just for the record, you can’t “fix it for you” when you’re fix is a crime. As for your nonsense involving room rates, Trump Hotels were being used by our government before the Donald came to be in office and the government uses them because it’s cheaper than others.
Your ignorance of history is astounding. Look up Eisenhower republican and educate yourself before opening your mouth you boob.
The Democrats were trying to change America into the Fourth Reich long before Eisenhower and did succeed in starting the New World Order by creating the UN. The UN was the brainchild of the ONLY American President who wanted to rule the world under a Dictatorship and that was the DemoTraitor FDR.. Eisenhower was a life long military man who did sacrifice American troops on behalf of foreign nations and religions of the UN. No one said that both of the two main political sects on of this Country haven’t committed mass fraud, war and treason in the past. However, Democrats have always been the party of ignorance and slavery, but your just not smart enough to see it.
While it is briefly entertaining to watch you wallow in your ignorance of recent American history we are in fact done here because you have no idea what you are talking about.
FIFY, Don’t run off. Tell us what you really think and we’ll try to help you.
No, you got it backwards, son. However, what do you expect from a DemoTraitor?
“AP FACT CHECK: Trump’s impeachment defense and the facts”
“Fact-checking opening statements from President Trump’s legal team”
None of it matters. Can you say FCPA?
Looks like the Senate Impeachment witness vote could end up tied (50-50). If so, motion doesn’t pass, coverup is complete.
A cover up of nothing is like putting make up on your butt. No one will ever see it….
In the REAL WORLD a defendant cannot block, intimidate and request witness not testify or produce evidence. In the REAL WORLD those actions would draw additional charges against the defendant. Apparently POTUS believes he is above the law and can do anything he wants.
POTUS and all the GOP Senators have made the political calculation that no Democrats will vote for them anyway so why risk raising the ire of their constituents by following the constitution and 250 of legal precedent. This is failed logic and bemoans the fact that POTUS lost by 9 million votes not including the independents.
**by the way, did you hear POTUS say he didn’t think the soldiers with brain injuries from the recent attack had legitimate injuries? We already know he doesn’t like soldiers that get captured. Guess bone spurs are a legitimate?
This isn’t a REAL trial. It is a political perversion of the US Constitution in a partisan witch hunt to try and discover anything that the Democratic Party can use to demonize the President. You say the Dumbocrats are just trying to follow the Constitution, but the Constitution specifically lists the standard for impeachment and the Articles of Impeachment do NOT meet that standard. The impeachment is patently unconstitutional, making it illegal. That which is unconstitutional is illegal as it is against the Supreme Law of the Land. There is NO LEGAL PRECEDENT to allow an impeachment of a President who has NOT committed a crime. A crime, at the time the Constitution was written, was limited to Common Law crimes, as it came before the codified jibber jabber politicians make thru statute. Let’s face reality, the whole thing is a political fiasco designed to interfere and influence the 2020 election on the winds of a political myopia. Yes, a concussion is an injury and concussions occur from exposure to explosions. However, not one soldier was killed or wounded and that is the bottom line.
Yup it’s all a sham, I hear Nancy Pelosi has already contacted foreign officials to let them know future funding will not be coming unless they give her some political investigations. Thank you Alan Dershowitz for making it clearly an acceptable action.
It was a just investigation. Joe Biden made it that way. You can like or don’t like it, but that is the truth.
Let’s be realistic about your comment. It was OK for Hillary Clinton to hire a British national to investigate Trump thru a series of unsubstantiated internet searches in order to author a false dossier to influence the 2016 election. However, it is illegal for Trump to call for an investigation into corruption involving our former VP’s family being part of an energy company in a foreign nation that is receiving Federal funding by holding up that same funding of that nation because Joe Biden bragged about his interference into that foreign nation’s governmental activities. Not to mention that the company being investigated is vital to the Ukrainian war effort and will probably receive some of that Federal funding in the process. Can you say money laundering? Do you think the Biden’s hatched a scheme to steal from the American people by making it look like the money is going to foreign aid, yet it goes into the Biden’s pockets? Even if it is just a portion of the aid, would Hunter Biden have received the position if he wasn’t Joe Biden’s son? Let’s get realistic about this. Biden made himself look corrupt and Trump has every right to order the investigation into the supposed corruption, even if it didn’t really exist. Nothing but Joe Biden shooting himself in the foot, again, involving a potential run for the Presidency.
The dossier wasn’t first commissioned by GOP as opposition research by trumps GOP political rivals who declined to use it. It was then farmed out and the Clinton campaign paid for it. Most of the assertions in the dossier may have been cooborated but we will never know since Putin jailed and murdered all of Steele’s Russian assets.
Trump was not investigating corruption. The Money was appropriated by congress and its release vetted by DOD. If trump did additional vetting he has not disclosed that information even though it would be exculpatory. The same circumstances existed in 2016, 2017, and. 2018 and trump had no issues working with the corrupt Ukrainian president and corrupt “prosecutor”. In fact that same corrupt prosecutor is now doing a victory lap because our corrupt senate just made corruption and tyranny an American standard.
Everyone knows trump is corrupt. If you’ve listen to any of the hearings you heard them say that everyone in washington knows you can just hang out at the trump hotel and speak to any corrupt GOP senator you want to. All their kids work at the White House. Investigate Hunter Biden all you want he sounds like a complete mess, but don’t get too holier than tho cause the most corrupt president in the history of presidents is going to go lower.
Trump has made the presidency his personal piggy bank and you fools are proving the coins. In a normal world he would have been laughed off the primary stage but hatred and a lack of morals has exulted him to the highest office. World leaders are just waiting for this sh$tshow to end.
Iamthewhistleblower, your point that, “World leaders are just waiting for this “sh$tshow to end”, is well- taken. As Americans, we are so concerned about the profound damage that this clown causes our country, it is easy to forget just how much damage he does to other countries. My apology to the world for his Presidency and be assured America will vote his ass out come November.
SoulCrusher, It’s time for you climb up & out of that Trump Rabbit Hole that you find yourself in. You have been down there so long that you can’t breathe and are losing touch with truth and reality.
As you know, or at least should know, Biden’s “supposed corruption” is complete and utter Trump malarkey. Come on, you’re a smart guy, wake up! Just because the President is into “denialism”, there is no need for you to follow the clown. You can do it! I’m rooting for you!
“That’s just the way it is.” “end of story” – “end of discussion….” I’ll know there is hope for you if you do not reply ‘directly’ to this post ?
No. Both of you are out of your minds. Biden went out bragging about how he got a prosecutor fired for getting into his son’s business and you think that is not reason enough to investigate? Listen to yourselves. You don’t make any sense. Even if nothing was found an investigation into things like that is proper and is completely legal in these circumstances. The FCPA vindicates any investigation such as this.
@Bob – Biden’s corruption isn’t supposed. Biden is a life long politician and I’m sure he has been involved in a lot of stuff. I think I heard his other son was involved in something too. In the very least he bowed out of a previous election due to plagiary and I do believe you’d want Trump impeached if he had done that. The Democratic House Majority is guilty of sedition, conspiracy to commit sedition, 202 election tampering, 2016 election tampering and treason, but you’re OK with that. You got some serious shit going on upstairs if you actually believe the impeachment is legitimate and that is just the way it is….
“Feb. 1 (UPI) — In a midnight court filing Friday, the Department of Justice reveled the existence of 24 emails that reveal Trump’s thinking about withholding military aid to Ukraine.”
Rest assured, if these emails were favorable to the President, they would have been confirmed and released long before the midnight court filing deadline.
Just like they won’t release the true transcript of the “perfect call”
You’re right. What the White House released is at best a rough transcript of the “perfect call”. The original verbatim version is in some super classified server. It’s locked it away to hide the President’s obvious guilt. Also, I suspect the word for word transcript would confirm that the “Buffoon-In-Chief” is utterly incapable of putting more than two coherent sentences together.
I don’t think a verbatim copy of the transcript exists. It’s normally just a summary of what is said according to the sources I’ve seen. However, not one of the people actually listening to the call was the whistleblower and if something had happened that was really wrong or a crime, I’m pretty sure those whom were listening would’ve come out….
The whistleblower, who received a readout of the July 25th Trump/Zelensky call, said the following, “senior White House officials intervened to “lock down” all records of the phone call, especially the word-for-word transcript of the call that was produced—as is customary—by the White House Situation Room.”
Even if no word-for-word transcript exists, undoubtedly the version that resides on the secret server is a lot closer to the truth and more damaging to the President. If not, they wouldn’t have tried to hide it in the first place. You can take that to the bank.
SoulCrusher you’re hysterical, haven’t laughed so hard in don’t know how long. You be sure to keep up on that blood pressure medication, would hate to lose such great entertainment. Its good that you steadfastly reinforce the merits of diversity and all that is great about our country, everybody can have an opinion. We here at the Committee to Erect Barack Obama on Rushmore salute your right to air your views, heaven knows, they need some airing. Be well my friend.
Well, I am glad you are entertained, but the truth is NOT a comedy or a joke. The REAL comedy is the crap made up by the traitors in the Democratic Party.
Per D&A Investigations, Inc. 407 448-4565
UPDATE: Home Page of Website Findings & Privilege
HRC, Michael McFaul, Marie Yovanovitch, Adam Schiff, twins Alexander Vindman and Yevgeny aka Eugene Vindman with their older brother Leonid Vindman, Alan Apter, John Bolton, Eric Ciaramella and Sean Misko are complicit in the 2017-2020 Coup d’état to overthrow the President of the United States of America.
Chuck Schumer outed Alexander Vindman as a whistleblower. “@SenShcumerLTC Alexander Vindman and whistleblowers like him are patriots. They are standing up for the Constitution they swore an oath to defend.They don’t deserve these disgraceful attacks, and they must be protected from reprisals.5:27 PM . November 22, 2019 . Twitter Web App”
Supplemental Findings (Public Record) of these and other D&A investigations are provided in The Observer Volumes of this website, updated on availability.
Exhibits for The Observer Volumes of this website are available on D&A Investigations SCRIBD page, also updated on availability.
Privilege Applies, Sources and Methods are Protected for all ongoing investigations.
someone’s a simpleton.
Well, they left out Nancy Pelosi and she is definitely a traitor too. As far as a member of the military being relieved of their post, what do you expect when you betray the Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces on a National stage? Let’s be VERY clear. Vindman will be reassigned to another post. Hopefully to an Artic or Antarctic base for the remainder of his service contract. People like him need to be put in positions like that. Quite frankly, I believe every member of the Senate who voted to removed a duly elected President in an impeachment that doesn’t meet the standards set by the Constitution are traitors as well. That includes that scumbag Mitt Romney. Utah bleeds Republican red and Mitt definitely didn’t serve his constituents. He only served his own interests and I believe it’s because Trump snubbed him for a position when he first came into office. News Flash to Mitt Romney. Donald Trump doesn’t forget traitors and I think Mitt needs to realize he made a personal enemy of the President. I don’t know how the DemoTraitors can actually look at themselves in the mirror after all this BS…..
Oh, and by the way. This is just another example of how Democrat politicians use people and then throw them to the wolves when their purpose is no longer in those politician’s interest. The Democratic Party is treason and every REAL American knows this. It is about time to get rid of the Democratic Party, not just for this, but for the continued acts of fraud, war and treason that they keep instilling in the institutionalized treason machine of the government they claim to be part of.
SoulCrusher; Is that a marvel comics name or something from the WWE or maybe a description of how you raised your children.