From Harford County Public Schools:
Harford’s Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Sean Bulson, will host two budget community forums to take questions and input about the upcoming Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) fiscal year 2021 (FY21) budget:
November 21, 2019
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
C. Milton Wright High School – Cafeteria
November 25, 2019
6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Joppatowne High School – Media Center
This is an opportunity for community members to contribute their voices as Dr. Bulson develops the FY21 proposed operating budget. A brief presentation will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by tabletop discussions.
All are welcome to attend, and childcare will be provided on site.
Those planning to utilize the childcare service must register their child(ren) prior to the event. To register, visit and go to the ‘Parent Academy’ page found under the ‘Parents’ tab on the homepage.
Who would have guessed the student population would increase!! County officials, now explain to the children and their parents why their education is a backburner compared to their efforts to acquire agricultural land… follow the money..
Don’t worry. Phineas T. Bulson will continue to roll out contorted, misleading statistics in order to agitate the stakeholders and circumvent the board. This guy does what he wants. A disgrace, frankly.
I have faith that the board will eventually realize his games, and stop him letting him makes fools of them.
Funny all those years certain media pointed to declining enrollment as a need to cut teachers now….crickets!
How many HCPS teachers do you think smoke weed?
Figure there’s only a small amount of HCPS employees drug tested and they are ones who have a CDL.
Why does this matter to you? It’s none of your business how many teachers smoke weed in the privacy of their own home. Weed is non physically addictive and has a medical usage which makes it’s prohibition inoperable by the statute that supposedly banned it. There is also no Constitutional Authority to regulate the people in their private person which means all enforcement of the Uniform CDS Act is inoperable unless they are using it at work when they are acting as a government employee. I’ve got an idea. Why don’t you mind your own damn business and leave the teachers alone you stinking traitor….
I am not sure but I think marijuana was made illegal about the same time prohibition was enacted. For whatever reason when that statute was lifted marijuana remained illegal for many years. As a long time cop I enforced marijuana laws. I enforced the laws because the were on the books and that was my job.The odor of marijuana often time provided probable cause for much greater arrest situations. With that being said in my career I responded to thousands of fights and disturbances. Never once did I attend a “weed fight”. I can’t recall one violent encounter with a weed smoker. Alcohol, cocaine, meth, PCP a different story. I am not even sure I buy in to the “gateway drug” theories. Again, I am not a physician or a mental health expert and I have no interest in marijuana use but recently you read more and more about the benefits of marijuana for medical and societal adaptation usages. Most everyone is familiar with the medical and psychological uses. In Colorado for example where marijuana is legal you can buy it in stores for a multitude of reasons. Some recreational, some to relax, and some to treat stress or depression, etc. In many cases alcohol is purchased for many of the same reasons. I guess what I am saying since the door was opened is that I don’t think marijuana issue is a big deal. I’m not interested in partaking but it has been my experience it is not a terrible thing. Do I want people getting high and driving? No! The same as driving while intoxicated by alcohol. I certainly wouldn’t want my grandchildren to be taught by a teacher who was high or drunk. With that being said, what they do when they are not working or near kids really doesn’t concern me. I just want the teacher of my grandkids to be sober when he/she is teaching. I just wanted to offer my input. I am quite sure that some people will not agree with me and my purpose was not trying to make or change policy just to provide another point of view.
I appreciate your “insight”, but you still can’t tell anyone why the government can regulate the people. There is no authority to regulate the people and the Code of Rules and Regulations is that of government employees, not WE THE PEOPLE. The general public is beholden to “Common Law” and in order for a “Common Law” crime to have occurred there must be a victim. Marijuana is not illegal. Nor is any other drug in the CDS Act. It is only illegal for government employees to do, not the public, because government employees are held to a higher standard. Please share with us when and where the government was granted with such powers and authorities because it just doesn’t exist. The truth is the government is ruling by the gun and the bullet while trying to disarm the people whom would fight the traitors employed by the government. I condemn and denounce my government and look at every member of the Judicial Department as a verified traitor against me and my people. Traitors deserve death as they are living pieces of shit. Remember, Benedict Arnold betrayed the United States because he didn’t get paid. Those whom betray the United States for pay should immediately be executed because they are worse that Benedict Arnold ever was. That’s just the way it is.
I personally believe if you collect a (local). Gov paycheck you should not be smoking weed, especially more so when schools promote “drug free.”
When the Supreme Law of the land says funny smoke is the same as drinking a beer, then I’ll change my perspective on government employed persons using the substance at their leisure.
I disagree. When you are home and not on government time, the government doesn’t dictate your business as you are a private citizen in your own home. Besides, you will suffer more harm from alcohol consumption than you could ever receive from smoking the ganja. The government is incompetent and untrustworthy as well as being completely treasonous. That’s just the way it is.
Disagree all you want, I haven’t read the 2029 Harford County Public School Handbook but I’m pretty sure there’s a paragraph or two in there about informing your (the employee) supervisor if you’re charged with anything other than traffic offenses.
Maybe it’s been revised for decriminalized marijuana citations but I’d guess not.
Being employed for someone is not a constitutional right and your behavior when you’re “off the clock” can lead to ramifications that are often clearly written in Policy/Procedure.
Even if you doubt that, Maryland is still an “at will” state.
I hope you haven’t read the 2029 Harford County Public School Handbook because you would have to be a time traveler for that. However, being charged with any CDS is an act of fraud unless your CDS use violated principles of common law. If there is no victim there is no crime and all police enforcing CDS laws are traitors whom have no business charging anyone with a crime because they are fired the second they commit treason. ALL their actions are nothing but fraud, war and treason regarding CDS and their actions are subject to Article 3 Section 3 provision of treason.
Obviously a typo, 2019.
Again, that’s your opinion.
If you have guilty dispositions or receive guilty dispositions for drug related offenses your likelyhood of employment with our public school system is probably non existent.
All CDS convictions are an act of fraud unless your CDS use caused harm to another. You’re an idiot.
Not sure how this lovely attempt at a detour is Germaine to the subject?
Without a doubt the criminalization of marijuana has caused infinitely more harm than good. Countless thousands of Americans pot users have had their lives destroyed by our criminal justice system for no good purpose. Marijuana should be legal. However, I believe it should be closely controlled and regulated much like we do alcohol.
Hard to tell if you’re trolling or not? You think alcohol is closely controlled and regulated? Like, how?
Millions of people with alcoholism.
Were you drunk typing that?
It is controlled and regulated for the purposes of commerce. Your government does not give one shit about you and as long as the traitors are getting paid they will allow you to drink yourself to death. There has never been a verified death caused by marijuana overdose nor have I ever heard of anyone overdosing on marijuana. Alcohol is closely regulated for the almighty dollar and they keep track of every shot sold in order to fund their treason. If you want alcohol, brew or distill your own. We must defund the government at every corner until it collapses. The only way to reform a treason corporate government is to defund. Alcohol tax is a start, but we need to defund them completely to bring freedom back to our people.
Did you know Friends of Pat Vincenti received over $260K since 2014. In addition, Havre de Grace Decoy Museum, which is registered in his name according to MD Business, obtained over $400K since 2015 under the Harford County Hotel Tax.
This is how they work in Harford County. Recently they had an article about Sheriff Gahler handing out Blue Line Flags that were “donated” by two business men. Said business men bought said flags from a store owned by a Councilman. Conflict? No way…..
The Blue Line Flag disrespects Old Glory. If thats not bad enough we then have a Sheriff complicit in giving away said flags to drive the HCSO agenda. Then to learn that a coucilman’s own business is benefiting from this effort. It fair to assume said Councilman likely made a profit in the deal.
What if those business men instead donated those funds to a Police charity that ensures kids of fallen officers get taken care of? How much more of an impact would that be than pushing Blue Line Flags to demonstrate peoples loyalty to the Police Department? If citizens want to show loyalty let them go buy their own Blue Line Flags, but perhaps that’s the problem nobody wants to buy them. Just Saying is all.
I am sure someone on here will have an issue with what I have wrote. Before you do please know I don’t give a crap whether you like my opinion or not.
Fake news from a fake Truth be Told. The sheriff was invited to say a few words by the union that purchased and gave away the flags. I know it doesn’t fit you lie, but all you have to do is read any of the real news stories that reported on the event. No one minds your opinion, but when you try to pass your lies as facts, that is not opinion, it is still just a lie. PS. Blue lives matter!
Please don’t concern yourself with, and I use the name in jest, Truth Be Told. He is a flaming AH. He has a real problem with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and in police in general. Probably because he has been arrested or couldn’t make the grade and was denied employment by them for possibly many reasons. Just scroll back through past articles and you will see just how clueless and ignorant he is. Case in point. Watch how he will respond to my post. A true loser!
Figure You Out your such a freaking whiner or is that Weiner? No issue with Police. Professional Police departments which seem in short supply in Good Ol Boy country.
I rest my case. What a tool bag. How does it go …..haters are going to hate. Never states any reasons he just hates. Please pray for him. Maybe one day he will find the truth.
Your a moron
Careful not to hurt yourself.
Come on buddy. Get it off your chest. Tell us all why you have such contempt for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. You have also been critical of the Maryland State Police in prior posts. Please tell us why. I’m still thinking it was because they arrested you or they wouldn’t hire you. Maybe Sheriff Gahler was mean to you in high school. Did he embarrass you in gym class by giving you a wedgie? Lol. It has to be something. Come on let it out. You might feel better.
Which is it? Are you a whiner or a Weiner? What’s it like to lick the boots of the HCSO? Hopefully they at least give you a reach around.
I am sure they will love you in State Prison.
Still waiting buddy. Please tell us why you feel the way you do about the Harford County Sheriff’s Office. To date, the only thing you have confirmed is you are consumed by blind hatred. Very sad.
I am waiting….are you a whiner or a Weiner?
Just blind hatred. Very sad. I guess we will never know what makes Truth tick. I do know it is very hard to have a battle of wits with an unarmed man. Lol.
Your absolutely correct….when you become armed come on back and we can do battle sweet heart…..Bless Her Heart…..
The puzzle is starting to unfold. Go back through prior posts. Truth Be Told = EJK. MD case search might give more clues. Lol. Getting sloppy.
As fun as it is to screw with you I need a bigger challenge because you are plain and simply to easy peasy…….dumb as a box of rocks…….dumb as a indicted Felon….dumb as a HCSO officer…..dumb….dumb….de dumb….
Your infatuation with me is quite disturbing. Isnt there some child porn or something you can go play with?
Toodles noodle
I think I can say with significant confidence that you were never on a debating team. Lol. Continued avoidance of my question. Then resulting to juvenile insults. Come on Truth/ EJK you have to up your game if you want to take on adults. Lol.
Weiner don’t cry now… After all your the one infatuated with me. Almost like you have nothing better to do. Are you retired? Even retirees can get a job to occupy their self’s in something productive.
It will also stretch those Social Security benefits.
You should read the article….the flags were donated by two business men and it’s specifically says they were purchased from said councilman’s store. You sir don’t know what your talking about.
That response proves it. He/She is a wiener who like to whine.
Yeah, the Sherriff is not in it for the money…. Committee to Elect Jeff Gahler 2008 – 2018 – $596,259.22!!!!
Biggest Con on the books.