From the Office of the State Fire Marshal:
Deputies from the Office of the State Fire Marshal’s Northeast Region arrested a woman this morning in connection to a vehicle fire that occurred Sunday afternoon on October 20, 2019.
22-year-old Kyra Lynn Compton, of Edgewood, was arrested on charges of 2nd Degree Arson, 2nd Degree Malicious Burning, and Destruction of Property over $1000 after taking her mother’s 2007 Jeep Liberty without permission and threatening to commit suicide by blowing up the vehicle.
She was observed sitting in the car by passersby at the Fallston United Methodist Church parking lot with an ignited rag hanging out of the vehicle’s gas tank. After refusing to leave the vehicle, the witnesses broke a window of the car and removed Ms. Compton from it. Fallston Volunteer Fire Company reported to the scene and extinguished the fire before any injuries could occur as a result of the blaze.
Ms. Compton was hospitalized at Upper Chesapeake Medical Center and later Washington Adventist Hospital until today when Deputy State Fire Marshals placed her under arrest and transported her to the Harford County Detention Center. If convicted of all charges, she will face a maximum of 24 years and/or $33,000 in fines.
Arrested? How about getting her the mental health help she needs?
Lets charge her….Harford County at its best…..Incompetent States Attorney Office and Sheriffs Office who believe you arrest and jail everyone in any given situation.
Then when they get an indictment the judge cant even follow the trial thru on individuals who are clearly guilty of theft.
What is your nut with the Harford County States Attorneys Office and the Sheriff’s Office? Did you have a bad experience? Were you arrested and went through the system? Why do you paint both agencies with such a broad brush? Every other post you attempt to malign them. Please explain. Get it off your chest maybe it will make you feel better.
Fraud, war and treason. There is no Constitutional Authority to regulate WE THE PEOPLE. WE THE PEOPLE are regulated by “Common Law”. If there is no victim, there is no crime and the State can’t be the victim. End of discussion. MASS fraud, war and treason is the reason and it was all created and orchestrated by the Democrat Party. Even if those whom carry out the treason claim to be Republicans or Independents, they are still carrying out the political persecution of the Democrat Party. Every member of the Maryland Judicial Department and the Maryland Legislature are traitors. The Governor is a traitor because he is allowing the mass fraud, war and treason to be carried out against us. The STATE OF MARYLAND is treason. Any government employee who takes part in the regulation of the public in any way without a “Common Law” offense being present is a traitor. End of discussion. That’s just the way it is. Article 3 Section 3 is SUPREME and you are ALL traitors. You have waged war on WE THE PEOPLE thru a declared war against us. Now, WE THE PEOPLE declare war on you the government. Tick Tock, you’re on the clock, you better stop, before WE THE PEOPLE make you drop….
Good old SC our local Sovereign citizen nut job…. Excuse his voice it’s a little shrill….
Sovereign Citizen nut job? Really?Come on?
Isn’t SC really just a Trumpster conspiracy theory political extremist?
No, the government CAN regulate what the government creates. The government created the roads and highways. Therefore, as the video shows, the regulation of the roads is appropriate. I am not a sovereign citizen because I AM a US citizen and all the rights, protections, privileges and immunities apply to me because I SAY SO. Not because you or some treasonous court administrator claiming to be a Judge says I don’t. ALL Judges, Lawyers, Police Officers, Prosecutors and Politicians are in fact traitors against the US. You may have the rest of the country brainwashed into believing the Democratic treason that has been pushed by falsely educating the public, but not me. Only government employees are beholden to the Codes, Rules and Regulations created by the legislatures because the legislatures only have the authority to regulate the government, not the public. Read the Constitutions moron and bow down to pay homage to the REAL law of the land, not the law of the Democratic sea….
@Mike Callahan – I’ve been saying this stuff before Trump was elected and Trump has no bearing on my political philosophy. However, I like Trump because he is a REAL American and not a politician. If you war against he Constitution you have committed treason. Period. End of discussion. As I have seen in my lifetime, the only people warring against the Constitution are government employees and elected officials. They should face the full penalty of the law and they don’t get a trial because their treason is codified into the statutes and preserved by government records. They get no trial because all the requirements to Article 3 Section 3 are right there in the government’s own documents and I consider that an admission in front of all the witnesses needed to convict them of treason.
She went to the Adam Shiff law school….where she listened to guest lectures by Ron Paul.
By the way, she was arrested by the Office of the State Fire Marshall tool bag
Cant Figure it Out your clueless…..The State Fire Marshall has no arrest authority and uses the HCSO as their agent of its tyranny. In general the HCSO has proven time and again their inept incompetence supported by the SAO with assistance from Judges who are also part of the problem. A suicidal female who attempted to blow herself up needs help not to be charged and locked up by the police. As we know however its a money making thievery system that has nothing to do with seeking the truth or helping people in need and all about lining the pockets of Harford County politicians under the guise of Rule of Law..
Until and unless reform of the HCSO, SAO, and the courts occurs I will continue to voice my opposition to all of them and their actions. This being yet another example of a citizen who will be screwed by the system all for political expedience and trying to be “tough on crime.”. If you don’t like it well that’s your problem.
Yes I have watched and experienced first hand this corrupt system screw people all in the interest of political expediency. Either the system is corrupt, or those in the system are inept and incompetent. Which way would you like it? The end result are the same.
Check the MD annotated code. The Office of the State Fire Marshall does in fact have arrest authority. If you are going to continue to be a raving hate filled person please try to educate yourself to eliminate displaying your ignorance. Again, please stop trying to paint the Harford County Sheriff’s Office and the States Attorney with such a broad brush. It only makes you look like a big tool bag. If you think you can better run the Office of Sheriff then you should put your name on the next ballot. That is of of course if you are not a convicted felon LOL. I can tell by your post that you obviously are not a bar certified attorney so running for States Attorney is out. Just try to relax, breath deeply and slow and maybe some of that pent up anger will go away.
Well and if you had half a clue and look at the case you will see that the arresting officer was indeed a HCSO deputy. I am not a bar certified Lawyer….That sir is a complement. You are right I am not dishonest enough to be a lawyer. This world would do well with far fewer corrupt lawyers.
I don’t have to paint the HCSO and SAO with a broad brush. They have painted themselves with that broad brush. There are plenty of cases in Harford County where that has been proven. The SAO new elected leadership has done nothing to fix the endemic problems in its office. They continue business as usual. The HCSO is led by the corrupt and therefore that wont change anytime soon. The Harford County Sheriff was trained by the best in corruption the Maryland State Police. You stick your head in the sand and act like it doesn’t exist if that makes you feel better The rest of us understand the situation.
Based on your writing you are likely part or have been part of this very system that continues to abuse citizens in Harford County. Harford County systems is so flawed that it doesn’t matter who you put in charge. Its so endemic that any one person could not change it for the better. Good Old Boy club that many posters know all too well.
Good Day
In case your incapable the Deputies Name is BANDOCH, DEP HARFORD COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE.
Does not state Office of the Fire Marshal
You sir or a certified fruit loop and a tool bag. MD Case Search shows two violations that day. The unlawful taking of a motor vehicle charged by a Harford County Sheriff’s Deputy and arson related charges filed by the Office of the State of the State Fire Marshall. If you read the above article it only mentioned the Fire Marshall. Before you go in to blind rages get and know all the facts before embarking on one of your silly immature tirades. Why don’t you offer some intelligent solutions if you think problems exist. I still have a strong suspicion that you possess a criminal record compliments of the HCSO. Furthermore I think you are a real tool bag. Lol
Bless Your Heart…I would rather be a tool bag than douche bag like you.
Think for yourself and stop being a mouth piece for the corrupt county government. Bottom Line is Harford County has once again charged someone instead of getting them the help they need. The system will have its pockets lined by someone who is likely ill equipped to afford it and they will not receive anything but trouble from the system that claims to protect and serve. To what end? Public Safety allegedly, but we know that not to be true.
Cant Figure You Out….maybe more accurately your the felon since you like to accuse others of such titles. Steal anything lately?
What a well thought out and articulate counter argument. Were you on the debate team in high school ? Tough to have a battle of wits with unarmed people.
EJK no doubt about it Either that or he rides the short school bus. ?
Can’t figure you out are you the witless unarmed person or just slow?
ALL BAR certified attorneys are in fact treasonous scumbags that have no authority to practice law. Attorneys only have the authority to reassign property. Nothing else. A BAR certified attorney should be executed for treason as they are an agent of the British empire and a traitor against the United States. You can bring them all to me, one by one and I will gladly carry out the sentence they deserve.
Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit is it? The State Fire Marshall’s Office charged her with the Arson and related charges, not Harford County.
The HCSO charged her with unlawfully taking a motor vehicle.
Those are both pretty clear if you actually look at the two open cases she has in Case Search.
Why the FM didn’t charge her with the theft as well instead of having the HCSO do it, I don’t know, but just because she wanted to kill herself doesn’t mean she gets off scott free from stealing her mother’s car and then trying to blow herself up in a church parking lot. It could be that the theft was reported separately to the HCSO and prior to her being discovered trying to blow herself up in a parking lot and that they had already charged her by that point.
You have a right to your opinion even if it’s wrong. Fact of the matter whether Fire Marshal, HCSO, SAO it’s still the same old same old approach to everything. Arrest and jail their way out of everything.
Guarantee if she was from BelAir and not Edgewood they would not have charged her.
She spent 6 days in the hospital before she was charged…I would imagine that included having a psych eval since someone who attempts suicide gets taken to the hospital on an emergency commitment. The HCDC won’t even accept a prisoner who says they’re suicidal or attempted prior to being booked until they get a psych eval at the hospital.
Again, that doesn’t automatically make her not criminal responsible for committing several felonies. She can certainly make that argument as part of her defense, though.
Saying your suicidal or trying to commit suicide isn’t a get out of jail free card. I don’t have a whole lot of sympathy for someone who attempts suicide by trying to blow up a car in a church parking lot. There are plenty of ways to make that attempt that don’t involve putting other people at risk.
Oh, where she’s from has nothing to do with her being charged or not being charged. Guess you’re trying to use an “Edgewood vs Bel Air” bs argument because she’s white so you can’t play the race card instead.
Your welcome to your opinion even if its wrong. Same old tired approach that we see consistently. At least they are consistent.
Hank thanks for attempting to explain things rationally to the “Truth Be Told” but sadly you are wasting your breath. He/She is full of contempt for the Harford County Sheriff’s Office, States Attorney, and the Maryland State Police and probably other law enforcement agencies. It could be for many reasons: arrests/convictions/incarcerations/domestic reasons etc. Maybe he/she was denied employment by them but it is clearly something. Thank you for attempting to explain this incident in a rational and intelligent manner. Thanks also for putting him/her back on their heels when the back door attempt at playing the race card was made. Some people will just never get it. The funny thing is that the “Truth Be Told “ would probably be real quick to call the police if threatened or victimized. Tool bag!!!!
Same old worn out approach that we see consistently used with little to no positive results.
Keep licking them boots. When they are standing on your neck your perspective may change.
Further the Kangaroo court system will only make it worse. This we can be assured of.
Can’t Figure You Out
You are just slow….the short bus will be there shortly to pick you up.
They better watch her since she has suicide tendencies. If they allow her to hang herself, they should be charged with murder.
They wont be…..The HCSO will conduct a fake internal investigation with the support of the SAO, which will result in exonerating them of any and all wrong doing. We have seen that story play out time and again. The citizenry of Harford County will sit their in stupidity and not even question it.
Let her hang herself, save on court costs
You sound like YOU need help
Rjbaskins Typical Republican “Human Scum” Trump talks about.
What’s the matter with you people? Does no one in this hillbilly blue state have any dignity or compassion to protect people’s right to privicy? You have to report on anyone’s cry for help like you solved a major crime? This is sickening. Next up- what neighbor is taking a shit next. All details- time, color, length soon to follow.
terrorists must be incarcerated
I agree let’s start with Harford County politicians
Yup, so every member of the Harford County Judicial Department must now be jailed. Every Judge, Lawyer, Prosecutor, Police Officer and Politician has committed treason and they must now suffer the FULL penalty of law. The illegal creation of unconstitutional statutes and the enforcement of the same is an act of war against the people who ordained the government. Tick Tock, you’re on the clock, you’d better stop, before WE THE PEOPLE make you drop….
We should add Defense Lawyers to the list…..
Yeah, well, that’s just like your opinion…maaaaaaannnnnnnnnnn
No numbnuts, just testing the Constitution is warring against it and WE THE PEOPLE have had enough. It is not an opinion, it is fact. When you make an unconstitutional statute you should swing by the neck. When you enforce an unconstitutional statute you should swing by the neck. However, when you take part in an actual declared war against the people who ordained you with the color of law, you should be carved up slowly and urinated upon until you take your last breath. I’m talking about cutting the fingers off one by one and using a cigarette lighter to cauterize the stumps so you don’t bleed out too fast. It’s time for the people to get medieval on your ass so it never happens again…..traitor.
This oppression will not stand, maaaaaaannnnnnnnnn
Of course get her “help” smh and I don’t disagree but if it was a black or Hispanic women from Edgewood all of you would be yelling lock her up or calling her a crack head you people on here are pathetic!! And yes I’m a white women. She looks like a dope head who just wanted a fix
She crazy she’s very abusive and is still an alcoholic she’s crazy about some fat guy who loved her but she fucked up his life so he left her ass . Now she’s out looking for guys to use and abuse I bet because her love life ain’t go right and her family detested her because of how crazy and loose this girl is. She’s running around with herpes too giving it to people.. All she need is help but rather kill herself or cut herself she has a shitload of cuts all over herself also a upside down cross on her arm so Imagine just trying to love her and she turns out to be a demon on the inside she hates children also that’s why she kills the babies she tells guys she has and pays for birth control and alcohol but not her fines .
She is so HOT!!!!!!!
Lock her ass up she’s a alcoholic I’ve seen this girl around acting crazy after this whole incident she has a nice young black man she would constantly treat like shit and beat on in public this guy never lifted a finger to this girl she’s looney and is a crazy dangerous alcoholic. Please get her help or arrest her I’ve seen her recently get pulled over driving with a suspended liscense also heard of her stealing her boyfriends car too and drinking out at bars cheating and all type of things I just hope that poor guy she was with is doing alright or is separated from her. If not she could possibly try an entrapment on him seems like that type of girl to blackmail a good person all because her life sucks