From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Detectives with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division have secured an arrest warrant for a suspect wanted in connection with an armed carjacking and kidnapping that occurred yesterday, September 14, 2019.
On September 14, 2019, at approximately 3:20 pm, deputies assigned to the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office responded to the Food Lion parking lot, located in the 2200 block of Hanson Road in Edgewood, for the report of an attempted carjacking. Upon arrival, deputies met with the victim who indicated the suspect had approached her and asked for her to call him a cab before grabbing her arm, and attempting to get her into a vehicle. The victim was able to get away and call for help. A short time later, deputies were called to the 700 block of Monticello Court for a similar incident. This second victim reported that she had been approached by, who we believe to be the same suspect, in the Food Lion parking lot. During this incident, the suspect entered the passenger seat of her vehicle, produced a knife and forced her to drive him to a nearby location. The victim complied. When they reached the destination, the suspect ordered her to stop and began to undress. The victim was able to escape the vehicle and call 911. The suspect fled the area in the victim’s car.
Patrol and K9 deputies conducted a thorough canvass of the area, with assistance from Maryland State Police Aviation. During that canvass, they were able to recover the victim’s vehicle, but the suspect was not located. Detectives from the Criminal Investigations Division responded to interview the victims and witnesses and assumed the investigation. The active investigation continued through the night and resulted in the identification of the suspect as Devon Allen Odell Scott, 36, with an Edgewood address. The Warrant Fugitive Unit is actively searching for Scott, who is considered to be armed and dangerous.
If you know of Scott’s location, please call 911.
This investigation remains active and ongoing. Anyone with information about this crime is asked to call the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division at 410-879-7929. Those who wish to remain anonymous may report their information through the methods listed below.
Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone:Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
Where were all the second amendment activist who wished they were the “victim”?
I think you are a little over the top. Who would wish to be the victim of this type or incident armed or not. I wouldn’t! I think your chances would be better if you were an individual who possesses a permit to, and legally carries a firearm. To me you seem to support the victimization of law abiding citizens. People like you are truly hard to figure.
I don’t think anything is over the top with near mental health crisis of firearm ownership in this country.
Why do people in this state even have guns when the average person cannot lawfully carry it? Which is the way it should be nation wide.
People talk about self defense in public, but most firearm owners I’ve encountered in this state would be scared to be arrested for defending their own life – says it right there. The average person does not need a gun in public on your person.
This country is getting more and more dangerous every minute. I agree with background and mental health checks for gun owners/carriers. I do not agree with prohibiting law abiding citizens the right to own, and if they qualify, carry weapons on their persons. Drugs such as heroin have been illegal for ever but do you see the overdose deaths and associated violence decreasing. No! Guns like drugs will continue to pour into this country no matter how many restrictions were enacted. Criminals can get guns. Instead of victimizing law abiding citizens by taking away their guns how about enacting mandatory 30 year sentences for criminals illegally in possession of guns. No probation. No parole. Gun buy backs are a perfect example of the absurdity of some people. Does anyone really think a criminal will sell their guns to the government. China at the beginning of the 20th century had an alarming opium problem. Instead of addressing the supply issue they addressed the demand issue. Lengthy prison sentences for people in possession. In a few years the opium addiction rate dropped to below one percent. Instead of disarming law abiding citizens start hitting the people who are illegally in possession of firearms with heavy jail time and stick to it. How about trying this before you turn so many of our citizens in to helpless victims. Sadly there are not enough police around to be the personal body guard of every law abiding citizen
There were waiting for the Handgun Review Board to reconvene so they could appeal their State Police denial.
At your mother house getting a happy ending.
I like how you guys want to talk about gun control when this has absolutely nothing to do with it. There’s a carjacker/attempted rapist on the loose. Keep your head up, and make sure someone knows where you are. Stop wasting your time pointlessly arguing about gun control on the internet under an article about a carjacker.
Real people’s lives have been changed by this brush with death.
To add, from what I’ve seen on the news/online newspaper the second amendment “activism” demographic is largely populated with middle aged (or older) conservative/christain straight white males. While I won’t paint a broad brush, I feel like anyone “different” is largely excluded and they prefer it that way.
The best thing about the 2nd amendment is that it applies to EVERYONE! Old or young, rich or poor any race religion or creed -EVERYONE has the right to self-protection. You can choose to exercise that right if you wish but it applies to everyone. Sure, the vocal supporters may be old white guys but every single citizen of these great United States has the absolute right to self protection. I suspect an awful lot of older minority folks in crime ridden S-Holes like Baltimore have a weapon, they just don’t talk about it.
I’ve talked with some gun owners, they all seem really worried about the future.
I forsee more restrictions and laws that favor public health and safety in the near future that are nation wide.
I think there will most likely something similar to the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban but no expiration.
As a gun owner… I’m not worried.
I’m curious, though… how are you going to get criminals who use guns to obey the new laws and restrictions? Do you believe they will be stricken with a wave of ‘public health’ awareness and turn their illegal firearms over?
I really want to hear an answer to this. No one, I mean no one EVER, who believes banning guns will make a difference has even attempted to answer this question, just deflect it. Be brave.
I certainly believe the banning of semi automatic rifles with standard magazines that have 30 rounds or more would have prevented the high amount of casaulties per horrific incident.
The murder rate is high in Baltimore City yes, a lot with what I presume is likely illegally possessed firearms but they are usually handguns of smaller caliber where a lot of people also survive.
I don’t have any answer for you about criminals disobeying even more gun law the same as why gun owners can’t come up with an explanation why should the general public be allowed to possess semi automatic rifles with 30 round magazines lawfully.
I’m sure soon enough these firearms will be banned regardless.
Rosa Parks did not owe anyone an explanation why she deserved to sit on the bus.
Unless you can find a way to enforce old laws on criminals, it is insane to think new laws on those who abide with the law will do anything to cut down on criminal activity.
Really, dude? Rosa parks and the bus?We’re talking about banning semi automatic rifles with 30 round capacity magazines, you still have your second amendment even with those future hypothetically banned items.
Take your issues with criminals commiting multiple crimes and possession of contraband to the political climate of the judicial system/jail capacities of Maryland.
Cops do their jobs well but criminals are roaming the streets, on bond, probation, nolle’, stet.
Old laws are enforced, most firearm crimes not involving violence are misdemeanors in Maryland. Misdemeanor. I’m sure each Police agency had close to the same standards/policy how they “enforce” misdemeanor violations backed up with case law.
You can’t say someone would have obtained a semi automatic rifle and 30 round magazines anyway if they were banned because we simply don’t know as all of these horrific acts the criminal with questionable mental health concerns legally obtained and possessed these weapons.
Yes, really. In a free society no one owes anyone an explanation for the exercising of one’s rights. That’s not an opinion. You either accept we are free, or we are not. If you feel infringing on anyone’s rights is acceptable, then you honestly do not accept we are free.
Thus, whether that right is a firearm, a newspaper article, a religion, a speech, or yes, even a seat on a bus… no explanation to exercise that right is owed to you or anyone else. You are free to question it, but at no time do I owe you anything in response.
And I’m not sure why you are hung up on the legality of possessing a firearm. The moment you break the law with it you are no longer law-abiding. I really cannot understand why this is so hard to understand.
And if restricting firearm possession is supposed to be some sort of public health measure… then why are the gun-grabbers not going after alcohol, automobiles, knives, medical malpractice, cigarettes, and spoons/forks/knives? My goodness, more people die from obesity related illness than firearms. Drunk drivers still take lives at a frightening pace.
How come every time there is an alcohol related fatality the forces of selective rage don’t mobilize limiting the purchase of alcohol to safe, common sense quantities? Why are automobiles not sought to be restricted for speed or operation under alcohol? My goodness, why not background checks on alcohol purchasing?
Sounds like lunatic, fringe talking… I know. Now insert firearms. You said we can restrict the right, but still have it. I’m not even sure what to make of that.
You admitted you have no idea how to make criminals obey the old laws, let alone new ones. Yet, you can mobilize your mind behind new laws thinking it will make you safer. You fail to realize the Virginia Tech shooter didn’t need an AR15 or 30 round magazine… he just reloaded and kept shooting. You fail to realize the extraordinarily higher number of casualties from ILLEGAL firearm uses in places like Chicago and other major cities make the horror of Las Vegas seem like an average monthly total – no AR15s used… no 30 round magazines… therefore, if you insist that new restrictions will help, please provide the evidence that these frightful numbers will come down. And if you are confining this drive to ban guns just so the random mass shooter is somehow, in some way, prevented or inhibited… why are you ignoring the far bigger problem?
@ Can spot’em – Agreed 100%.
Too bad he’s such a bad boy, he kinda cute.
Just for the record guys I post under name “The real Just for”. I do not capitalize the “r” in real as the last poster did. I suspect one of two individuals for being responsible for such childish behavior. The reason being is because I have often called them out for their liberal hypocrisy displayed in some of their prior post. As I have posted before haters are going to hate.
And we were so worried….. LOL get over yourself no one cares
For the record I capitalize REAL… The REAL Truth! Adding emphasis with an exclamation point to make up for my short comings.
For the record you are not one of two liberal hypocrites I was referring to.
“You said we can restrict the right, but still have it. I’m not even sure what to make of that. ”
Maryland is more restrictive in gun rights compared to many other states which I’m sure you are aware of, and I’m also sure you’re aware of no gun laws in Maryland have been successfully overturned through 4th Circuit of appeals.
You still can buy firearms just not the ones that are disallowed through state law. You still have the second amendment right.
The evidence is all over the news everytime a single person who legally possesses a semi automatic rifle with 30 round magazine at a gun shop (where legal) and commits a horrible violent crime with it.
Don’t worry, you’ll never not convinced me the general public is being infringed upon by not having these weapons as quote clearly gun owners in Maryland are very happy with the laws that are on the books.
You keep wanting me not to be worried… I’m not. I am concerned that you have no idea what infringement of rights means, its consequences, and even how to spot it.
I don’t understand how anyone who’s a gun rights advocate in Maryland can say they don’t want infringements when Maryland has passed years of gun laws.
If it’s so unconstitutional, why has it not been overturned?
Oh yeah, because… It’s not. You people are nuts, which is why you can never gain any ground.
Wow, Joe… let me explain it to you then…
I don’t want infringements. Yes the legislature passes them, but that does not mean I agree with those decisions – all the time. There are some infringements I am willing to make for the sake of safety. Think of it like this… I also believe in freedom of religion, but if you have animal or human sacrifice I’m gong to have to insist, no. See how that works?
Again, just since the courts say something doesn’t mean I have to agree with them either. Once upon a time the Supreme Court ruled that African Americans were not citizens and owed any rights. They were wrong, and I would have disagreed with them at that time as much as I would now.
So, I’m as nuts as the abolitionists of days of old who longed for a country that respected the rights of all its citizens, even if the forces of legal interpretation disagreed on that point.
Understand now?
Congratulations, you disagree with gun control legislation.
Good for you?
Again, like most gun owners, you talk a good game but that’s it.
Again, bravo. You win the internet award today.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. Joe, remain silent, please.
Excluding current gun control ‘infringements’, what are some other ‘infringements’ (if any) you would be willing to make for the sake of safety?
Wrong question, Bob. The question you need to ask is what additional infringements need to be enacted against criminals?
As someone who has never committed a crime (perhaps my speedometer went above the posted limit) and particularly with a firearm, I feel the licensing and other requirements I’ve gone through are sufficient. Anything additional seems rather punitive to someone obeying the law while criminals and their access to firearms seems to gain no attention of elected officials or those seeking office.
My question to you: Why is the anti-gun lobby so focused on those obeying the law and seemingly so willing to ignore the lawbreakers?
I agree with your sentiments on gun control, however, there is a lot of people who have been condemned as criminals when they are NOT criminals at all. There is ALOT of unconstitutional law in the Codes and large swaths of Americans have been condemned and destroyed by the illegal and unconstitutional laws created by the Democratic party. It is all part of a grand scheme of illegal social reform forced on Americans and it is done by making people conform to rules and regulations of government employees when those people are NOT government employees at all. Without any Constitutional Authority, a statute is inoperable on the public and is fraudulently enforced on the public and those who made those statutes and enforce the same are ALL traitors against the United States.
Agreed. The common law crimes should be enough. Everything else should just be a regulation. Violating a regulation does not make one a criminal. This experiment in self government has gone awry with too many laws.
So, your answer to my “wrong” question is — you would not be in favor of ANY additional ‘infringements’ for the sake of safety.
Before I can attempt to answer your question though, I need to know what particular organization/group (counterpart to the NRA) you consider to be the driving force of the anti-gun lobby.
It is not necessary for me to dream up ways to have my rights infringed. For the sake of safety firearm purchasers do have to have background checks, fingerprints, and wait periods. These measures are supposed to keep us safe. Must be working, in part, since people like me are not committing crimes with firearms.
The problem is, though, that watching the news every night I’m fairly confident the gangbangers in the city and suburban areas are not subjecting themselves to those measures for the sake of safety. In other words, they’re not working – in the other part – to alleviate the real problems. As the past has proven to me, NO ONE in favor of more restrictions on firearms can present – let alone suggest – ANY measure to get the criminals to obey these requirements. What would you do to get criminals to obey existing requirements? What would you propose to get them to comply with additional restrictions?
Yet, let us assume Robert Francis gets his wish to confiscate all the AR15s in the US… on average about 14,000 homicides are committed with firearms, and the AR15 on average is responsible for 17 of them. Roughly 13,500 of those murders are done with firearms other than the AR15. The AR15 is not the firearm of choice for gangbangers. So exactly how is giving up ownership of that firearm (a right) a reasonable measure for public safety?
But, let us not stop there. Since the attention is on the AR15, and other scary looking long arms… this question was avoided altogether by Harco Resident 2.0… why is the Democratic Party (pretty much the most uniting force for the confederacy of organizations opposing the Bill of Rights) so focused on 0.0012% of the problem?
I suspect I know why, but that is mere speculation.
Thus, the short answers:
-It’s not my place to restrict myself more than I have without some assurance the existing restrictions can be enforced and any future ones have any hope of making things better.
-There is an array of organizations, but seemingly united behind a Democratic Party willing to pander to anyone for the sake of winning office.
Here’s my advice:
1. Focus on the real problem. If eliminating firearms would do it, I’m on board. My goodness, we can end rape today if we castrate all males. I’m not the firearm offender nor the rapist, so I’ll keep both, as it were. Go after the real problem.
2. Understand how the real problem came into being. For starters, look at the deterioration of American cities under leadership that has made sustainable businesses flee. The sad part of that equation, the Democratic Party is moving farther to the model desiring to bring that measure of misery to everyone. Won’t that be fun.
3. If you are a Democrat – quit. (I feel the same about Republicans). Politics used to destroy people’s wealth, now it establishes it. The two major parties are criminal enterprises. These people are making money off of this country’s problems, that is why they do not go away. The politicians and the problems, that is. Politicians – in the days holding office ruined their financial lives – used to find solutions and move society forward. Ever since government became a tool of profit for the elected, the problems have found ways to persist.
Assault-style (AR-15, AR-47 etc) rifles are a big part of the “real problem” These are weapons of war. They should be and eventually will be banned.
I disagree with you —our major parties are NOT criminal institutions. They are a necessary and integral part of our political system. Until we have viable alternatives, we must not quit them.
What strict Constitutionalists fail to appreciate is that we are at a point in our history where it is very difficult, if not almost impossible, to effectively amend and strengthen our Constitution. What worked for our country in 1787 will not necessarily work in 2019. That was then. This is now! We must move forward with commonsense gun control laws.
In addition to assault-style weapons, I support a ban of bump stocks & high-capacity magazines. Also, we need enhanced background investigations, end the gun show (private sale) loophole, consider some Red Flag laws and make 21 the minimum age to purchase any firearm.
@ Can Spot’em – 100% correct and I salute your true patriotism.
@ Bob – There is no Constitutional Authority to reform society. That is not the job of government and has never been the job of government. The government can not give itself a power or authority that was not ordained by the people. No foreign treaties, no sumptuary laws and no statutory codified crap can give the government a power or authority not ordained by the people either. The government that exists right now is an illegal corporate government that is nothing more than a mafia and a terrorist organization against its own damn people. We are regulatable only by the common law and if my actions do no harm to another, I have committed no crime. The government nor the State can be the victim and that includes any actor of the State that has trespassed against me. WE THE PEOPLE are the law and the government works for us, not the other way around. That’s what you have forgotten.
Bob, that’s a nice list of ‘common sense’ reforms. Tell me, though, how do you plan to get a 13-20 year-old drug dealing, gangbanger to follow those? It doesn’t come close to ‘common sense’ if it does not address 99.9988% of the problem.
And for what it is worth… a musket was a weapon of war. My goodness so was a spear.
You wrote: “They are a necessary and integral part of our political system.”
That’s just plain hilarious.
Then you wrote: “What strict Constitutionalists fail to appreciate is that we are at a point in our history where it is very difficult, if not almost impossible, to effectively amend and strengthen our Constitution.”
Another humorous statement. What do you mean ‘strengthen’? I guess you fail to understand the Constitution is a document crafted to limit the power of government – by detailing specific powers delegated to each branch. Then takes the additional steps of listing and ‘codifying’ specific additional limitations on government through additional amendments. Thus, to strengthen the document via amendment, the rights of individuals would be strengthened, not infringed. If you support measures to limit individual freedoms you have no desire to see the Constitution strengthened. Unless of course, you see strengthening the Constitution as weakening individual freedoms in favor of government.
I think it was Henry Ford who said something like, “If you think the government has your best interest in mind and will take care of you, you better take a closer look at the Indian.”
Again, ‘muskets & spears’ were then. AR-15s & 47s are the here and now. The distinguishing feature of these types of assault weapons is their capability to deliver an inordinate amount of death and injuries in a very short period of time. Another aspect to consider is the extent and nature of injuries caused by high-velocity bullets. The below article tells what a Florida Radiologist saw when treating victims from the Parkland shooting:
A ‘Constitution’ that protects individual freedom to own a gun and a ‘government’ that enacts commonsense gun control laws that keep us safer are not necessarily mutually exclusive. We need both.
@ Can Spot’em – Agreed, once again 100%. Bob’s ideas of “strengthening” have nothing to do with the Constitution and everything to do with increasing the power of the government in areas the government has no permission to strengthen itself. The government can not give itself power and authority not ordained by the people. The REAL problem is that people keep electing treasonous government employees into office where those whom hold the elected offices only have the government’s interests in mind. A government employee only sees what is better for the government while forgetting WE THE PEOPLE and our protections that we have. People like Bob, have been brainwashed into thinking the government is their friend and wish for more governmental control. Historically, the more control the government has over the people, the more the people suffer and that is why in areas of the country that are in Democratic control you see more poverty, crime and mass hysteria because that is what the Democrat’s want for the people. It is time to outlaw the Democratic Party for the treason it represents. Banning the Democrat Party and stripping away the Codes of treason they have instilled is the only way for this nation to become free again….
@ Bob – “Assault-style (AR-15, AR-47 etc) rifles are a big part of the “real problem” These are weapons of war. They should be and eventually will be banned”. – If these are weapons of war, then why do you think the government should be allowed to use them against WE THE PEOPLE to police us? Are you admitting that the government is waging war against us? Son, if a cop can have an AR-15 then I should be allowed to have one too. If a cop can wear a bullet proof vest then I should be allowed an AK-47 that penetrates that vest. WE THE PEOPLE can NOT defend ourselves from the ruthless terrorists that occupy this treasonous government unless we are armed well enough to resist. That’s the bottom line and that is the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment. Any disagreement is nothing but treason. Are you a traitor or are you an American? Don’t feed me any of that bullshit of being a Global Citizen either. The rest of the world wants us destroyed and even those we call allies wish for our doom. It’s time to wake up and be an American and not a common traitor to the Constitution that has given you the freedoms you wish to see stripped from all Americans…
SoulCrusher, come on now! I know you can do it. Open your eyes! Wake up! The problem, is NOT our government, NOT our police departments. NOT “rest of the world”. The solution is simple — enact commonsense gun control laws, especially for assault-style weapons.
Nope. The laws on the books are enough and a lot of the law used to strip people of their gun rights are illegal, unconstitutional and an act of fraud, war and terrorism against the people whom the government wishes to persecute. Taking away the weapons that would be used to prevent a further tyranny by this illegal corporate government is not in the best interests of the people. The people must have access to equal firepower against the government or the people can not prevent a tyranny that you Democrats wish to instill on this country. I’ve seen the vision of you Democratic traitors and it involves convincing little boys that they are little girls, shaming men for being men, allowing a cross dressing faggot to use the wrong bathroom and persecute everyone for everything you egg sucking dogs say is a sin. You can go screw yourself if you think I’m going to go along with the treason of the Democrat Party and that’s just the way it is. You DO NOT take away everyone else’s rights because of a few bad actors. The government is the problem, police departments enforcing illegal and unconstitutional statutes are the problem and ANY law that the UN creates and is enforced in this country is an act of treason by those whom are enforcing that foreign maritime law. WTF is wrong with you? Why do you want everyone to give up their rights so you can feel like you’re safer, but in reality you just gave a mafia and a terrorist organization claiming to be a lawful government the go ahead to enslave us all. Keep trusting your government and you will become a victim of it’s treason.
C’mon Bob… ‘then and now’? The First Amendment applies to the internet, right? I’m sure you’ve heard this. A musket in its day could unleash damage that a spear couldn’t… what is your point?
The perpetrators of these mass shootings use their firearms in an illegal manner. Whether they obtain or possess them legally at that point is completely irrelevant.
Listen, please. You keep saying ‘commonsense’ but you fail to recognize that it is not commonsense. It cannot be. There is nothing commonsense about restricting the rights of people obeying the law. It is even less commonsense to enact measures and bans that the common lunatic is going to ignore.
Tell me, please… if you get your background checks, close the loopholes as you call them (they’re not real, you know… manufactured words for effect), and get high capacity/high powered bans… what will be your plan after the next mass shooting?
If commonsense reforms – as you claim – will get us all safer… what will you go after next? In London it’s knives… how will that go?
Understand, if I believed for a minute the proposals would do anything to curb the average 14,000 murders annually – less than 20 of those employing the firearms you covet to ban – I would be all over it. My problem is that nothing you cite as ‘commonsense’ will do anything to prevent the next tragedy. NOTHING.
Tragedies are prevented by awareness and courage. Awareness to call authorities if someone you love is plotting a tragedy, like the family in Frederick. Courage to speak the truth about the problem, not getting wrapped up in the emotional, anecdotal road to false solutions.
Lastly, by relying on government for your safety is a joke. Governments killed over 200 million people in the 20th century. That is the LAST entity you should rely on for your safety. Want to be safer – care to engage your community. Address bullying, fight for justice, treat the mentally ill, and on I could go. Stop the attitude that this is someone else’s job, like the government, and get off your a$$ and make a difference. We’re not subjects of the crown, we’re the sovereigns – act like it.
For what it is worth I thought that I would proffer information that might support some of the pro- second amendment folks. For the record I am of that mindset. During my career as a police officer I authored and executed many search and seizure warrants and recovered numerous firearms both handguns and long guns. The most commonly seized long gun besides shotguns were the ak47 and the SKS. In every case they were engraved with Russia or Chinese writing. These weapons were not legally registered and most probably brought in to this country illegally. The criminals targeted appeared to have little problem acquiring these weapons. My point is this criminals can and will acquire firearms with same ease that they can get illegal drugs.. They could care less about any enacted gun laws or restrictions. With that being said I do not agree with disarming law abiding citizens who have the constitutional right to keep and bear arms. This country is getting more and more unsafe everyday. Liberals and the ACLU have tied the hands of the police which basically puts the average citizen at a higher risk at being criminally victimized. Good citizens must be given the opportunity to properly protect themselves which includes the right to possess and carry firearms. I am a strong supporter of background and mental health screening for gun owners. Obviously not just anyone should be allowed to possess firearms but restricting the second amendment rights of good citizens in sound mind is in my opinion not a good thing. Just something to ponder. Like it is said opinions are like butt holes everyone has one
In the meantime, what ever happened with our car-jacking suspect picture in the article? You suppose he got his firearm legally? I guess he was just expressing his right to pursue happiness when he tried to rob several women at gunpoint?
I wonder if he was one of these new, modern, liberated men with nothing but the utmost respect for women that I have been reading about.
@Open Your Eyes – I don’t know about the AK-47’s, but the SKS rifles were widely available a decade ago. You could get them for about $120 thru the internet as long as they were shipped to somewhere with the proper FFL. They came sealed in a bag with grease and it took a couple cleanings to get all the grease out of the magazines. It looked like they had been stored since the Korean war and the one I know of in particular was made in Yugoslavia. It said Yugoslavia right on it and I don’t remember any Russian or Chinese markings on it. The one AK-47 I played with was also made in Yugoslavia and was owned by a now deceased bail bondsman from Howard County. It didn’t have any Russian or Chinese letters on it either….
People park in the fire lane ALL THE TIME. The Sheriffs Dept, and the owners of the parking lot dont enforce it. Where do you think this guys car was parked. In the fire lane!!! Its harder to drag someone thru a parking lot than it is to give them and throw them right in a car.
There are only 2 enforceable fire lanes in the entire county, though the one in Edgewood Plaza is one of them.
The other is in Joppa.
Doesn’t it only need to be red and a sign?
It has to be certified by the State Fire Marshall’s Office and they’ve only certified two. I don’t know why there aren’t more certified, but it’s been that way for over 15 years.
Those parking lots are private property. They can pretty much put up whatever signage and paint curbs whatever color they want, but that doesn’t make any of it actually enforceable.
Looks we have a constitutional professor onboard here. !!!!
…. in their own opinion, like always. LOL
Let’s get.. “real”:… I would suspect mandatory background checks will on the table in Congress at some point.
What does that mean?
It means NOOOO more “face to face” firearm transactions, where currently legal in state law.
Good luck, gun rights folks!
Fingerprints for gun purchases in this state are for obtaining the Handgun qualification license to buy/transfer handguns only.
It’s still legal in Maryland for a MD resident to sell to another MD resident a long gun that is NOT banned without a background check so long as the seller doesn’t believe the buyer is prohibited.
Do you think every “anti gun” person is stupid? Anyone can take 5 minutes and read MD shooters forum.
How you can refuse to believe stopping the proliferation of legal sales of semi automatic rifles and 30 round magazines won’t help public safety is beyond me.
If they had not legally acquired these weapons they would not have been able to use them in their criminal act. Make sense?
Semantics of them acquiring them anyway is dumb, as we don’t know what they would have done as it didn’t HAPPEN that way..
I think you mean ‘regulated’, as if it is banned, it is banned.
No, I don’t think you are stupid. I do think you do not understand the issue completely, though.
You wrote: “How you can refuse to believe stopping the proliferation of legal sales of semi automatic rifles and 30 round magazines won’t help public safety is beyond me.”
Because 99.9988% of murders committed with a firearm do not fit the description you cited.
You asked: “If they had not legally acquired these weapons they would not have been able to use them in their criminal act. Make sense?”
As much as castrating all men to prevent rape.
If it’s banned, it’s banned for future sale/transfer in this state in regards to a long list of long guns that were… “Banned” in Maryland in 2013. Persons legally possessing them prior to the Firearm Safety Act of 2013 are still allowed to possess them.
I’m not sure how completed lower receivers are handled in this state, I believe there is at least a 7 day waiting period as they can be made into a “pistol” and not just an “HBAR”
Your analogies are an embarrassment if you used them in legislative hearings with public input; ever wonder why politicians can’t gun owners serious?
“Sport” semi automatic rifles with 30 round magazines are by my guess the next thing to be banned nation wide in the distant future.
How about we use this analogy? All statutory gun laws are illegal, unconstitutional and an act of treason against the US Constitution, the Maryland Constitution and WE THE PEOPLE of the United States and of Maryland the State. There is no Constitutional Authority to regulate ANY guns and the only authority granted to the government is to regulate a militia, which none of us are part of unless we are conscripted into a militia. Without any Constitutional Authority there is no jurisdiction. Without any jurisdiction there is only fraud, war and treason. When any member of government enforces an unconstitutional action, that same member of the government has become a traitor and is subject to 5 years in jail, a $10,000 fine and can never hold ANY government position again. The FULL penalty of treason is to be hung by the neck until dead and ALL government employees are subject to this penalty if deemed necessary. The fact of the matter is that MASS FRAUD, WAR AND TREASON have been levied against WE THE PEOPLE and we are fed up with the actions of this “straw” government who is enforcing statute with the power of the gun and the bullet, while ignoring the fact that their is no authority ordained by the people to regulate us in this manner. How was that for an analogy? DO you understand it? DO YOU GET IT? Codes, Rules and Regulations are those of government employees and I’m not, nor have I ever been a government employee. I’m not subject to the Codes, Rules and Regulations and I don’t care what you or other members of the brainwashed public believe to be law because I know what the law is. The Annotated Code is fraudulently being imposed on the public and that’s the fact. Whether you like it or don’t like it, you need to learn to love it because the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and your Code is nothing but a fake law for fake people whom don’t understand that this country is under siege by a treasonous fake government brought to us by the Democratic Party.
Amen Brother !
“All statutory gun laws are illegal, unconstitutional and an act of treason against the US Constitution, the Maryland Constitution and WE THE PEOPLE of the United States and of Maryland the State.”
If that is true, why isn’t the almighty NRA filing endless class action lawsuits on behalf of their membership to strike down these laws?
Fact: NRA is organized as a NON-PROFIT corporation.
Fact: Non-profit corporations can not engage in lobbying (Link: )
“In general, according to the IRS, “no organization may qualify for section 501(c)(3) status if a substantial part of its activities is attempting to influence legislation (commonly known as lobbying). A 501(c)(3) organization may engage in some lobbying, but too much lobbying activity risks loss of tax-exempt status.’
” Whether a 501(c)(3) nonprofit’s activities constitute a “substantial part” of their overall activities is ultimate. The IRS makes its determination based upon the amount of time spent (by both volunteers and staff), as well as the amount of money expended for such activities. Organizations that fail to meet the substantial part test and/or the expenditure test are at risk of losing their tax-exempt status and may be subject to excise taxes.”
Fact: Even though the Federal government can not make any laws prohibiting possession of firearms for purposes of maintaining a militia (see Constitution, 2nd Amendment) ,The State of Maryland does ot considers itself to be under such restraint. Link:
“For over a decade, the office of the former Maryland Attorney General has fueled a state-wide radical anti-gun campaign to disarm Maryland’s law-abiding citizenry under the guise of getting guns out of the hands of criminals. In 1994 the Maryland Attorney General issued an Opinion1 that neither the U.S. Constitution nor the Maryland State Constitution secures the right of the people to keep and bear arms in defense of their homes and their families
“Since that date , the Attorney General’s Opinion has gone unchallenged, even though study after study shows that laws confiscating firearms in private hands leaves the law-abiding community at great risk of loss of life and property, totally dependent upon the State for their protection, and increasingly vulnerable to the lawless element of society. … Yet, the 1994 Opinion has never been rescinded or modified and, at this time, it remains the last word of a former Attorney General of Maryland whose constitutional views were clearly compromised by a strongly-held political bias against the right of ordinary Marylanders to own and possess firearms.”
So you see, according to the State of Maryland, we have no right to bear arms and we own them at the State’s sufferance..
IT IS TRUE! The Federal government was specifically forbidden from disarming the people so that a tyranny could not be imposed upon the public by a centralized government. Furthermore, show me where in the Maryland Constitution there is an authority ordained to regulate guns. It just doesn’t exist. The Constitution is meant to constrain and that is why specific powers were granted to the Feds in Article 1 Section 8 and why the powers of the governmental departments of Maryland are outlined in the Declaration of Rights and of the specific responsibilities in each department’s subheadings in the Maryland Constitution. I’ve got a real question for you. If it is the State’s responsibility to make law forbidding the bribery of State officials, how come it’s OK for the Federal government to bribe the State officials to pass and enforce a Federal maritime law that was created by a foreign treaty within that State’s borders? The bribe is Federal Funding. The statutes were written by the DOJ and promulgated by the BAR Association thru the National Convention of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, none of which have any authority to make or promulgate law ordained by the people. The treaty was the Single Convention on Controlled Substances and presumes that foreign nations can give our government an authority that WE THE PEOPLE did not approve of. Hold the phone. NO STATUTE OR LAW MADE BY FOREIGN NATIONS IS OPERABLE ON THE PUBLIC IF THE PRESUMED LAW DOES NOT FALL INTO THAT WHICH WAS ORDAINED! What is wrong with you? Can’t you recognize fraud, war and treason in your own backyard? The answer to your question is that after generation and generation of men whom were forced into conscription by the Drafts of yesteryear all became government employees against their will and they began to believe that Codes of Rules and Regulations were law. They aren’t law. They are codified crap. They are “prima facia” and aren’t really a law unless you cause harm to another which is called “common law”. Codes, Rules and Regulation are that of the government and only apply as law to government employees because we hold them to a higher standard. However, that has been forgotten and now people make up excuses as to why government employees don’t need to conform to the Codes, but the general public must. It’s all a bunch of hogwash and is a nationwide racketeering ring involving the government and the Bar Association stealing money from the public over law the government has no authority to make. Your government is an illegal mafia of terrorists and traitors and you need to know this for yourself by reading the Supreme Law of the Land. The NRA is a corporation formed under whichever State it was incorporated in and is bound to the UCC of the United States. That’s why the NRA doesn’t strike down these laws because the NRA doesn’t have Constitutional Rights and only individual private persons can challenge and strike down the treason you allude to….
“There are so many AR-15s in U.S. consumer hands that it makes no sense to produce more, Colt says”
According to the above article Colt is discontinuing production for the “foreseeable future”. Let hopes that a long, long time.
The good news for our country is that a ban on AR-style weapons along with a ‘voluntary’ buy-back program is on the horizon.
No BOB, this is NOT good news. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment was to prevent the tyranny of a centralized government. If the public isn’t armed with weapons equal to that the government intends to use on us to enforce a tyranny, then WE THE PEOPLE have lost our country. Just because you believe your government is your friend, does not mean that it is. Your government is the enemy and you and ALL Dumbocrats are allowing our country to be destroyed by a fake corporate government that has absolutely no authority ordained by the people you think it is protecting. The government wants us to give up all our rights voluntarily to enslave us to the corporation. This is the truth. There is no denying it. Look at 911. The government used an act of terrorism committed by foreign entities to establish statutory law to spy on and destroy Americans. Period. End of discussion. Sure, the Patriot Act may have prevented some terrorist strikes, but it did unrepairable harm to the American citizens whom are NOT part of the corporation. The people should not be disarmed because the government will commit mass atrocities against the public and the way the Democratic Party acts the upcoming atrocities will make the “holocaust” look like a birthday party.
Hey numbnuts grab a picture of a Navy SEAL team then go in the bathroom and look in the mirror. No matter what gun you have they will shove it up your ass and pull the trigger till it goes click…..
The Navy SEAL team would NEVER be deployed against WE THE PEOPLE you useless stinking traitor. A Navy SEAL has honor and integrity, which is something you have no clue about and they would never take up arms against the country they have sworn to protect. Only domestic Law Enforcement would take up arms against the people and that is why your local police now have armored cars and AR-15’s. You need to get a clue and realize that every Federal Law Enforcement agency is really operating under an illegal military banner because there is no Constitutional Authority of police power granted to the Federal government. The FBI, DOJ, ATF and DEA, etc… are all illegal military and para-military outfits operating on US soil against the very people that ordained the government and pay their God damn salaries. If you don’t call that treason then I’m calling you a fuktard….
Your thinking the Constitution is still relevant with the government we presently have actually make you the fucktard.
Yup and any Government employee who violates it deserves the full penalty of the law. Come to me and I will prove it to you….Traitor.
What are you gonna do? Hit me with your purse?
Only if my purse has a brick in it. Then I’d consider it. I’d probably only have to slap the taste out of your mouth for you to walk on home, boy….
I need some help understanding the nomenclature here.
Bobby, when you say the “gun show loophole” can you elaborate? Did you really mean you like background checks for Private sales? No need to insult our intelligence with your news coined terminology. As if, “gun shows” are the only place gun owners perform legal private sales. Legal sales of firearms literally happens anywhere and everywhere except where firearms prohibited by law.
When you say “Ban” what do you mean? Ban on sale/transfer or a ban on possession? Let’s clear up the ambiguity of what appears to be copy/paste off a news article.
I’d guess there are millions of “semi automatic rifles” in the lawful possession of the general public. Seems like you’re kind of “late” on banning it, maybe 50 years ago would have been a better start?
I know you were doing a “happy dance” about Colt suspending civilian production of AR style rifles but there are probably hundreds (maybe thousands?) of other manufacturers that aren’t. Their loss, I guess?
Dee Low. I have a news flash for you. I checked with our government and apparently, they have no immediate plans to buy back and/or confiscate ‘baby rattles & pacifiers’. So you are good to go. All you have to do is keep on ‘sucking’. Have a great day!
Really? Did you get that off the Washington Post too? LOL