From the Harford County Liquor Control Board and Maryland LGBT Chamber of Commerce:
In countries all over the world, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI) people live in basic fear for their freedom, their safety, and their lives,” reads the organization’s website. “They often have nowhere to turn because their government and police not only tolerate but encourage this brutality, however they are now able to embrace their freedom, people part of this community can even start their own business with the help of other programs, like this this LGBT Domain Registration.
Over the past few weeks it has come to the attention of the Harford County Liquor Control Board that there has been some miscommunication and misunderstanding surrounding Board Rule 4:23 that addresses nudity and sexual displays at liquor licensed establishments. In an effort to clarify the Board’s position and to maintain open lines of communication with local business owners in Harford County, members of the Liquor Board met with representatives of the Maryland LGBT Chamber of Commerce, local vendors and liquor license holders.
During recent meetings and conversations, the Board has affirmed that while part of their role is to enforce the State laws as well as their own local Board rules, the Board’s practice is not, and has never been, to target any vendor providing entertainment nor any specific licensed establishment in the County.
Events may be held at licensed establishments in compliance with Board rules and regulations and within the confines of State law. Vendors are expected to continue to manage their businesses in a responsible manner that will allow for both the success of their businesses as well as the success of the liquor licensed establishments.
The Harford County Liquor Control Board appreciates the time of each individual who came out to the Board’s hearing on Wednesday, May 22, 2019 to voice their concerns regarding entertainment at licensed beverage establishments in Harford County as well as those who have taken time to meet with Board members and staff over the past few weeks.
The Board is committed to continue improving relationships among business vendors, licensed establishments and community members. The Board will continue to work with all parties to support Harford County business owners. The Board desires nothing but success for its licensed establishments and hopes that bar and restaurant owners in Harford County can find a way to utilize outside entertainment while also abiding by the Liquor Board rules and State laws.
“Administrator no longer with Harford County liquor board, chairwoman says”
William Colburn needs to be fired….Period!
AMEN!!!!! BY the way, how are those 3 investigations of the Upper Chesapeake Board doing?
Colburn needs to go!!!
So to clarify, as long as the entertainment meets certain standards, they may continue “business as usual.”
Whoever you are, whatever you identify as, you need to follow the rules for the common good. No one was targeted just because of their “sexual preference”. Good people don’t need to lose their jobs just because they don’t cave to every demand of every local voice.
Common sense, people.
Fire Colburn…..this article is called covering their ass after Colburn pulled his stunt.
Not going to bed thirsty knowing I am enjoying a cup of these liberal tears!
People don’t get fired for doing their job. The entertainment they chose to have at their venues were breaking the laws of the Liquor Board. Colburn let each establishment know what laws could cause them to be fined or lose their business. I don’t care if the entertainers are straight,gay, or confused…it’s the laws and they are meant to be followed. Really tired of people who don’t believe rules don’t apply to them, so cry bigots, discrimination, homophobe, sexist, etc.
I had no idea that there is an institution known as the LGBT Chamber of Commerce. Why does the LGBTQ community get their own special Chamber of Commerce? Do we have a special Chamber of Commerce regarding other minority groups? Shouldn’t the laws protecting the LGBTQ community apply to the Chamber of Commerce already instated? Lastly, why is this event such an issue? If the law prevents other non LGBTQ members from staging an event like this for the heterosexual community then why should the LGBTQ community be allowed to do it? If heterosexual members of the community can’t do a certain activity then the LGBTQ community shouldn’t be allowed to do it either. If the event is being cancelled because Harford County wishes to prevent a certain type of people from consuming alcohol involving activities that are normally allowable by everyone else then the liquor boards actions are discriminatory and in violation of Article 16 of the Declaration of Rights. Yet if these type of activities are banned altogether then it is not. The answer to this whole series of questions is quite easy. If the types of activities that this event is hosting is not allowable to the rest of the general public then the activities are NOT allowable to the LGBTQ community as well. It is a no brainer…..You don’t get special privilege because you are not like everyone else, but you do get the same privilege as everyone else and any administrative agency that tries to trample on the rights guaranteed to all is an illegal administration.
Furthermore, if violations involving the infractions of heterosexuals are normally not policed or prosecuted, then the actions of the LGBTQ community should not be policed or prosecuted. The Bar owners know what types of issues are normally enforced and if special enforcement is involved then it is discriminatory as well. There should be NO type of special policing for an event like this that isn’t policed for heterosexual events of the same. If a “wet tee shirt” competition is normally allowable, then it must be allowable for the LGBTQ community. Same thing goes for dance routines on stage or any other activity that is normally overlooked. If police single out this event and don’t police other events the same, then those same police are in fact violating the principles of police power and must immediately resign or be fired. You can not have governance by intimidation as this is terrorism and I don’t care if it is against a gay or a pot smoker. terrorism is unallowable and is an act of treason. Remember that law dogs before you go busting into the establishments with the intention of committing acts of war and treason against your own damn people…..
Exactly! It’s all about the behaviors at the events. If it was a heterosexual group being paid to hold explicit events, I know they would be targeting them also. It was actually enacted years ago because strip clubs and nobody cried discrimination back then. It’s today Society where people think they don’t have to follow rules or laws.
“Harford liquor board preparing to hire new general manager”
The sick republicans and soul crusher are out in full force. The holier then thou pieces of shit speaking about family values when they have none.
The topic here isn’t about family values, but laws that we all must abide by regardless of being LGBT, heterosexual, business owners or those that patronize those businesses.
The topic is about a Liquor Board Member harassing business owners by threatening their liquor license if said businesses engage in a lawful activity. That Board member is abusing the power of his position to drive his personal agenda. Therefore he needs to Go……..
Scary to think this guy could have been elected to an office.
Classic ad hominem attack. You’re attempting to discredit and label people to lessen their message without discussing the situation with the liquor board.
Do you believe that liquor laws and regs were being violated, or no?
Oh,, you must be a sick liberal who thinks laws don’t apply because you “are special” Thanks for clearing that up…
Gordon Koerner,
You still mad you lost the election BIG TIME, bro?
As a leader in the Harford County Democrat party I support these type of shows. open them up to school children so we can indoctrinate them early.
LGBT has selected the position they like best.
Change the Subject:
Shame on us! This is an abomination… we can and must do better than this! The conditions at these detention centers are beyond the pale!
“Detained migrant children got no toothbrush, no soap, no sleep. It’s no problem, government argues.”
When you run out of supplies you can’t issue out supplies. What don’t you understand about that? Why don’t you look at Harford County’s Detention Center that puts some 20+ individuals in a dorm and makes them share only 2 toilets with everyone watching? You guys have problems with foreign immigrants, whom have entered the country illegally, not having proper living conditions, but no problems with a marijuana user living like a dog in your gulags. Screw you….The Harford County Detention Center is an abomination and you need to talk about cleaning up your own house before you talk about others being an abomination. Typical Democratic treason against the United States…..
Separating CHILDREN from their parents and placing them in detention camps that are not adequately supplied/maintained is so wrong. Our current immigration policies and practices has created a real humanitarian and moral crisis for our country.
Ironically if a parent treated their child the way the government is treating these children the government would take them away.
Think about it… take all the time you need.
Our current immigration policies are the product of a dysfunctional Congressional body of two political parties that have lost their way. Politics has permeated every aspect of our government and even our courts have become political instruments allowing decisions of law to be used in an effort to go NO WHERE. This government is broken and has been broken ever since Obama lost the house in his first term. The political tit for tat by the two political parties is all anyone needs to realize that this government is a waste and can not be trusted to make correct decisions. Look at the Double Jeopardy decision that occurred the other day that literally stripped us of our right to not be tried twice for the same crime. Only two Justices made a correct call in that case and that decision is indicative of the overthrow of the Constitutional Republic by the Uniform Commercial Code of the corporate traitors instilled into our legal system. ALL 7 of those Justices that made the wrong decision should be thrown in jail for 5 years and never allowed to part of any governmental position again for the acts of treason that are occurring in the Supreme Court. When the court that is supposed to make decisions based upon the intentions of those whom created the framework of our Constitution has become so blatantly compromised by the treason being taught to them by the BAR and political viewpoints, we ALL have to realize that the system has failed and must be overhauled. There is no such thing as dual sovereignty being used as an excuse to abrogate rights and those Justices whom did stray from the traditions of due process guaranteed to us by the 5th and 14th Amendments did in fact commit treason against the US Constitution. No amount of legalese non sense or religious witchcraft should be tolerated in the allowance of treason. This is the bottom line and your government is following the path of “Mein Kampf” down to the very letter in Adolph’s own book.
If they didn’t come to this country, they wouldn’t be detained. Is this too complicated for your simple mind, Bob?
My simple mind tells me the CHILDREN do not have a choice in this matter. They go where their parents take them. If we are going to separate families we MUST take care of the CHILDREN.
Where do you live Bob maybe we can put some of them at your house. Or would you just be one of those philosophical liberal NIMBYs.
I probably live just down the street from you. When you say “them” I assume you mean the CHILDREN. Maybe, we could put our heads together and improve things for “them”
Hey Bob why don’t we take care of our own citizens before we “put our heads together” over the problems of illegals. Do you ever leave your house? There are a lot of Americans who need our help first.
“The cruelty of immigrant family separations must not be tolerated”
“Trump’s lies need to be exposed in real time”
“This is a humanitarian crisis of Trump’s making”
The picture of this father & daughter from the below piece is absolutely heart-wrenching. Our politicians (both Dems & Repubs) need to stop kicking the can down the road. We need COMPREHENSIVE Immigration Reform now!
“Baltimore among 10 cities where ICE raids are expected starting Sunday, reports say”
Trump is “cocked and loaded ” to go to war over spy drone shot down by Iran.
The correct macho phrase is “locked and loaded”!
“Cocked and loaded” is the name of a pornography video!
I don’t sleep very soundly, knowing Trump has his finger on the trigger. With advisors like Bolton, Pompeo & Stephen Miller we could be at war before we know it! It’s scary!
…..or we can secretly give them billions of our tax payers dollars and hope they play nice like the former president did.
Obama Didn’t Give Iran ‘150 Billion in Cash
Obama was party to releasing Iranian assets to try and buy their compliance to a nuclear agreement which the Iranians never intended to abide by. They support terrorism on a regular basis. They are a clear and present danger to our country and the world. Sadly they have no regard for regional or world peace. The will not bargain. I’m sure they miss our former wimpy, Islamic sympathizing President. Like him or not I don’t think they want to try on our current President like would President Owimpo. President Trump doesn’t believe that he needs to pay or reward the Iranians for doing the right thing.
Why don’t you Democratic traitors get your heads out of your asses? Bottom line is Iran shot down a $168 million dollar unmanned drone and has in effect cost the US taxpayer $168 million dollars. Quite frankly, Trump should’ve vaporized that missile site that shot down that drone. If it cost 150 Iranian lives, oh well. I think $168 million is plenty of cash to justify the vaporization of 150 enemy towel heads that are chanting “Death to Americans”….
trump chickened out because his daddy Putin told him he couldn’t.
I don’t think Putin had any input on Trump’s decision, but I believe he should’ve turned that missile site into a grease spot. I don’t know why he called off the retaliation and I don’t think a Russian midget like Putin is a factor. If anything, the EU nations probably voiced their concerns and that is probably why he decided to stand down. I want to be very clear about this, we need to pull out of the UN and end ALL treaty law with the EU, UK and the rest of those European fascists. It’s about time Americans woke up and figured out we are being subjugated by the UN and those European pussies who we had to bail out time and time again. It’s us vs. the WORLD. There i9s no such thing as an American ally. The whole world hates our guts and has worked with the Democratic party since 1945 to weaken and destroy our country, most of the time from within our own damn country using our own damn people to wage war against us. It’s the most disgusting thing that could be imagined. Our own damn government, enslaving our own damn people, using illegal and unconstitutional law initiated by the UN. I hope you ALL like being ruled by European masters because that is what has been going on and you can thank those Democratic traitors for it…..
Although our President doesn’t usually let the truth get in the way, in this case, I believe him. He decided the deaths of approximately 150 Iranians was not a “proportionate” response for the loss of an unmanned drone.
Well Bob, many wrongful death suits are settled for a million dollars or less, so don’t you think the $168 million dollar drone is about proportionate to 150 Iranian scumbags whom are dedicated to the destruction of ALL Americans? You’re wrong. He should’ve turned it into dust with a tomahawk. Quite frankly, I wouldn’t give $1 for an Iranian life whom wishes for the death of me and my people. Why is it that you Democrats keep giving aid and comfort to our enemies? Why is it that you Democrats keep seeking the destruction of the United States? The Democratic party is the party of treason and has proven itself to be the party of treason time and time again. When Iran attacks again I believe Trump is gonna let the military put a MOAB in the Ayatollah’s living room and I will fully support an action like this.
The last thing our country needs right now is to stumble into a war with Iran over some drone. Of course, if the situation escalates and American lives are lost then that’s another thing. I sure hope calmer heads continue to prevail in this situation.
The last thing this country needs is to allow a third world radical Muslim terrorist State push us around by destroying our assets anywhere on this earth. The direct use of military force over international waters to down a drone may seem like nothing to you, but it already IS an act of war against us and has cost the corporation $168 million dollars. In this particular instance, I do not agree with the President and wish he would’ve retaliated 10 minutes after the drone was downed. Calmer heads led directly to past conflicts and we can look back at 2 WORLD WARS where supposedly calmer heads made the wrong decisions. Nobody wants war, yet nobody wants US resources to be used as target practice by foreign governments testing our resolve. It’s not like Iran issued an apology or has made any remarks indicating the incident was an accident or an error in judgement. You don’t reward acts of war with an offer of diplomacy or concession. One more time, get that Democratic head out of your ass and start being an American. Its MOAB time and the Ayatollah needs to become cannon fodder…
Iran shot down a U.S.. spy drone 8-12 miles from their shores. The U.S. would shoot down a foreign spy drone if it was within 200 miles of our territory!
Trump is a warmonger!
U.S. should be apologizing to Iran!
When Russia shot down our U-2 Spy plane the CIA immediately denied it!
Trump denies reality every day!
Once again, the Democratic TRAITOR Mike Callahan has shown his partisan politics and put up an article from a left wing news site that is basically a Democratic propaganda platform. For those of you who want a more reality based assessment of the situation by a more credible news source than Truthout, please take a look at this Newsweek article….
Now, I don’t always believe our intelligence agencies and I believe the Russia investigation told us how corrupt they are and also point out the NSA spying program that targeted Americans in our Country as well, but I do believe our MILITARY and think that our men and women whom serve in the military are honorable people. I believe the Pentagon’s narrative of the events and think that Iran can take their hand drawn map and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.
Just to humor the rhetoric of the Democratic TRAITOR Mike Callahan, I have included an article from the NY Times, which is normally right up Mike’s treasonous alley in relation to Democratic propaganda. Please notice the map in the article and notice the pattern and practice of Iran attacking shipping vessels clearly in international waters and in territory of other sovereign nations. I have to ask, whom do you really believe when it comes to the location of the drone?
Hey Mike, you do know it is an act of treason to give aid and comfort to our enemies and Iran has been our verified enemy since the 1970’s. What you did in your comments was give aid and comfort to our enemies and you are a Democratic TRAITOR against the United States.
By the way Mike, Russia didn’t shoot down the U-2 Spy Plane, the U.S.S.R did. You remember them don’t you? Or has your Democratic treason affected your memory of the Soviet Union and communism’s open war against us.
Trump almost started an illegal war with Iraq—-He broke the nuclear treaty deal with Iraq for no legitimate reason and has been war mongering Iraq with sanctions and military threats. The spy drone was testing Iraq’s military defenses. Trumps military madness is a threat to peace in the world
Trevor Noah has got the Trump story straight!!
Mike, you’re so messed up you keep getting Iraq and Iran confused. The bottom line is surveillance is surveillance and NOT an act of war. You Democrats are the most treasonous bunch of idiots I’ve ever heard of. If you think Trump ordered that spy drone to conduct surveillance on Iran then you are just plain stupid. We’ve been using spy drones on Iran for years or did you forget this tidbit of history?
That’s right. Obama’s administration did the same damn thing Mike! However, you Democratic traitors were OK with that because it was done by a Democratic President. To add fuel to the fire, the Iranians then used a drone it “captured” from us to attack Israel. Mike, you and the Democratic Party are the true definition of Treason and it is about damn time someone got rid of your treasonous party…..
“Trump delays planned ICE raids to see if Congress can solve border crisis”
Good news!.. It looks like our President has gone from rounding up and deporting “millions” to a two week delay.
The good news has been delayed for two weeks.
Maryland gerrymandering case set to be reviewed by the Supreme Court this week.
“U.S. Supreme Court rules in Maryland case that courts have no role in deciding partisan gerrymandering”
I have no problem with this. Maryland will vote Democrat anyway because everyone has been brainwashed into the belief that treason is a proper form of government. However, I disagree with the decision about the citizenship question being on the census, as it should be on the census to determine the proper distribution of representatives in the house. It’s not about population if the majority of the population can’t vote. There is only representation for those whom are Americans, not those whom are foreign. I also have a serious problem with their double jeopardy ruling last week and believe that 7 of those Justices did commit treason. You can’t make law that abrogates rights and the 5th amendment clearly disallows double jeopardy.
SoulCrusher, I am disappointed with the ruling on gerrymandering. It’s a real problem when we allow our politicians to pick their voters instead of the other way around. I strongly believe in “One-Person, One Vote, One-Value” and I feel that partisan gerrymandering really undercuts our political system. All the court did was kick the can down the road.
Agreed, but it doesn’t matter here. However, I truly believe the Supreme Court is now completely treasonous and we are seeing that Trump’s picks for Justices were just traitors lying in the wake. Its time for a new government. Not just in Maryland, but the Federal government need to be destroyed as well. The “stare decisis” of past traitors has destroyed our country and every judge, lawyer, prosecutor and police officer is a stinking traitor anymore. They should all be executed without a trial because they only give maritime court martials to WE THE PEOPLE and we shouldn’t allow them the opportunity to have rights because they stole all of ours. The only government employees that are truly honorable are the military. However, I have my doubts if this country ever has another civil war that the military will even be honorable. Our Country has become the seat of fascism and it is because of the Democratic party and its endless treason. I know I sound radicalized but after the last decade of my life I see no hope for this country, this planet or the human race. We are completely doomed because the average everyday idiot is a traitor. It’s a shame…..
Unfortunately, our Supreme Court is becoming yet another extension of the “partisan politics” that plague our country. We should have “term limits” for SCOTUS judges. However, that would require a constitutional change and that’s just not going to happen. All three branches of our government are in dire need of reform.
Only in Alabama…just what they need down there – more shotguns, Bibles and American flags
No, what we really need right here! Bibles for the godless, guns to protect us from the godless criminals and some patriotism to protect us from the godless criminal ingrates! Bring it on!
Only in Alabama… now I understand why that car dealership is providing their buyers with a shotgun. Apparently, some man down there has a” meth-fueled attack squirrel”. 🙂