From Harford County government:
Harford County Executive Barry Glassman signed legislation today enacting the county’s fiscal year 2020 budget and issued the following statement:
“I would like to thank County Council President Vincenti, and Council members Beulah, Woods, Giangiordano and Shrodes for approving the FY 20 budget, which invests record-level funding in education and public safety, without raising tax rates. This budget also marks the fifth year in a row that funding has been provided to increase salaries for teachers, law enforcement and county employees, all of whom provide vital services for our citizens. I would especially like to thank my budget staff and everyone who supported our budget this year. Together, we continue to move Harford County forward. ”
Although student enrollment in Harford County Public Schools has remained relatively flat, the county budget provides the school system with a $10.7 million increase, which together with state increases will far exceed the school board’s budget request for next year. Specifically, these increases combined will provide nearly $26 million more to education in FY 20 and a total operating budget for HCPS of nearly half a billion dollars.
Nice of Andre Johnson to vote against the budget, after not offering one single amendment to try to “improve” it. A real profile in courage there…
Wagner too, huh??????
Barry Glassman is in denial. Well maybe he isn’t in denial but just doesn’t know what he is talking about..obviously he hasn’t been in Harford county schools to see how many kids are in each dare he say that the enrollment has remained relatively flat…classrooms are overflowing with students and yet they will be letting go some of the staff forcing more students into each class room..does he think that parents do not see what has been going on in the schools..taking away programs, teachers and cutting the budget is only going to make classrooms more crowded. These students are our future in our community and they need every chance and opportunity to follow their dreams in their journey. Shame on YOU-Barry let the future of our community (our kids and grandkids) down..
Or maybe, just maybe he believes that mismanaged funds do not get fixed by extra funds.
Maybe you need to ask (and attempt to get a answer from) the school board: just how many students are getting a free private school education that cost HCPS over $13.000 to pay the tuition? What is the break down for spending per student per school and for the home office?
Harford county’s enrollment numbers, the trend is stable.
What a GOP SPINJOB!!!!!!!
Republicans love the uneducated.
Enrollment is flat because parents with the means, recognizing that the schools are being short-changed, are sending their children to private schools. Even Councilman Woods admitted in the lead up to this vote that if residents in Harford County want their children to have a good education they should send them to private schools.
Good question. Here is one fact. Glassman was asked to fund a capital project that would have created space for special needs children here and not require us to send them elsewhere at a very high cost. Even though that was HCPS # request under capital improvements he refused to fund it and funded other items. And HCPS has been losing funding and teachers every year under Glassman and from before him – the last 10 years.They are a very lean operation at this point. That might have been a valid criticism before, but not in today’s world.
Why does HCPS have a vehicle maintenance department?
Serious question.
The contractor in hickory services all county vehicles no problem.
I guess zero turn mowers can only be worked on by expert HCPS mechanics? LOL
The entire maintenance dept of HCPS should be contracted out. Why does a public school system need full size dump trucks? You can hardly get around the Hickory WAWA every morning for people who should be at work doing their job.
I’m not certain for profit private business is the answer to every .gov problem.
I drive down Abingdon road fairly often and there has been a large metal plate that has been sticking out the road by the CSX Railroad overpass for several months now.
Im not sure what’s going on there and the work was obviously being performed by a for profit contractor on a government maintained road.
Any help here?
And that road work is being overseen by a government worker who has zero incentive to actually do their job. He’s probably having lunch with the contractor at Sheri’s show bar.
It’s not so much the plate that’s a problem, I usually slow down but I’ve watched and laughed as your typical Harford County asshole driver bumps it HARD going 40mph on a road with 30mph speed in that section.
The other personal problem I’ve observed is when I’m going the other way there have been numerous people who actually drive around the big plate and into my path (they’re wrong way driving) without even flinching or slowing down.
Its certainly not the end of the world but it amazes how one simple piece of metal plate in the road causes a circus effect of driving.
Driving on the wrong side of the road and acting like they have the right of way is a Harford county thing for sure.
sources of funding for personnel and capital projects may come from different pots but ultimately it comes from taxpayers. Listening to the passionate pleas for more money for teachers and personnel comes up against the palaces built to replace aging buildings. HCPS buildings used to be rectangles with windows. Maybe over the last 20 years more should have been spent on what was inside the buildings than out.
Many of us have resorted to Home School because the schools are so piss poorly run in this County.
This is great, especially @ 3 minutes.
Right up till they lost a sponsor the Fresno Grizzlies,thought ir was awesome too….
Since the economy has gotten better real estate values have increased and almost everyone is paying higher taxes. It’s amazing how Glassman takes credit for not raising taxes, even though most everyone is paying more. Next year they raise again and expect Glassman to take credit for not raising taxes, while they did go up.
Fallston needs new leadership. This is obvious with everything that is happening with NEW growth in housing. NEW low income apartments on its way. Traffic issues and accidents on the rise. A NEW elementary school with over-crowded classrooms and now less Teachers. Councilman Woods is not representing this District and is not voting because he rents space from a developer that is causing a lot of issues in the Bel Air Road/Harford Road corridor. We need new leadership. I am a Republican with a fresh set of eyes and ears FOR and BY the people of OUR District. You will hear my name soon and I WILL respond and listen to the needs of our great citizens.