From Harford County government:
Harford County Executive Barry Glassman released his fiscal year 2020 budget today and issued the following statement:
“In this first budget of my second term, we are building on our success in Harford County with record-level funding for education and public safety, without raising tax rates. In fact, in each of the past five years we have directed funds to restore salary increases for our teachers and law enforcement totaling $38 million. At the same time, we have identified efficiencies within our budget to help restore salaries for our dedicated county employees. We have also maintained our AAA bond rating, which keeps borrowing costs low for vital capital projects such as roads, fire & EMS infrastructure, schools, parks, and recreational facilities. This progress was made possible by following our path to fiscal balance and responsibility in local government.”
For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2019, the county executive’s proposed general fund operating budget is $595,380,000.
County and state increases exceed school board’s budget request
Operating funds budgeted at $256,465,645 for Harford County Public Schools increase by $10.7 million, the largest increase in a decade despite flat student enrollment. When combined with state funding increases, which were not fully reported in the school system’s budget, operating funding for FY 20 exceeds the Harford County Board of Education’s request. County funding of $10 million is directed by the county executive to raise instructional salaries and $650,000 is to strengthen mental health services with added support for school psychologists. This significant funding increase from the county also qualifies HCPS to apply for state “Kirwan” grants to further increase teacher salaries.
Harford Community College’s requested 2% increase is fully funded.
Historic-level funding for public safety
In accordance with the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Pay Plan, one step increase and a 1% COLA are budgeted for law enforcement deputies and corrections officers in addition to support for Harford’s volunteer fire companies ($7,037,245, representing a 2% increase), the Harford County Volunteer Fire & EMS Foundation ($4,196,668), and to fully staff two ambulances for the county’s EMS service ($2,165,168), supplementing VFC services. A contribution of $250,000 is to assist Jarrettsville VFC with repairing its fire protection pond.
Continuing reinvestments in employees who provide vital public services
The county executive has budgeted a $2,000 merit-based increase per qualifying Harford County government employee, and equivalent increases for employees in the State’s Attorney’s Office, Circuit Court, and for Sheriff’s Office civilian employees. This $2,000 increase will have a greater impact on lower-salaried workers.
Record-level funding to fight the opioid epidemic and support behavioral health
The county executive’s budget dedicates a record $1 million targeting the opioid epidemic and to support behavioral health. County funding increases to $750,000 in FY 20 for treatment assistance, prevention, recovery coach training, the 24-hour hotline, and post-recovery support. To help families in crisis find services at any time of the day or night, funding of $250,000 is budgeted for the second phase of the 24-hour Harford County Crisis Center for Mental Health & Addiction in Bel Air.
Strengthening community organizations
Support for community organizations continues with increased funding for the Harford County Humane Society, Harford Center, and The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region. New this year, the Havre de Grace Colored School Foundation is budgeted to receive $250,000 toward a planned museum and cultural center; and the Miracle League of Harford County is slated for $250,000 to build a specially adapted baseball field at Schucks Road Regional Park in Bel Air.
“I am proud to support the Havre de Grace Colored School Foundation and its mission to remember, promote and preserve the school’s rich history and legacy,” County Executive Glassman said. “We are also proud to assist the nonprofit Miracle League of Harford County, because every child should have a chance to play ball.”
Capital projects
The proposed $155,966,000 capital budget includes $42.8 million for eleven projects requested by Harford County Public Schools. They include final funding for the $100 million Havre de Grace Middle/High School; HVAC systemic renovations for George D. Lisby and Roye Williams elementary schools; roof replacements for Aberdeen Middle and Hickory Elementary; repairs to the North Bend Elementary School central plant and fire alarm system; funds to replace special education buses, and continued funding for technology, swimming pool renovations, security measures, and athletic fields.
Public safety capital projects totaling nearly $12 million are for volunteer fire company priority repairs and life safety equipment, including renovations for Whiteford and Aberdeen VFCs; a multi-agency public safety mobile command center; construction of a county EMS station; funds to support Next-Gen 911 technology and upgrade the mobile/portable radio system, and funds to upgrade public safety radio communications in school buildings.
Other essential capital projects include $28.5 million for county road and bridge projects; $10.9 million for stormwater remediation projects; $6 million to complete the Ma & Pa Trail connection; $4.7 million in water & sewer infrastructure reinvestments; $2.5 million to support sports tourism through improvements to parks & recreation playing surfaces, including Cedar Lane Sports Complex, and $2.1 million for comprehensive upgrades to the Chesapeake Center at Harford Community College.
The county executive’s total budget proposal for FY 20 is $903,164,125. The budget is published on the county website at .
County Executive Glassman concluded, “I would like to thank the many citizens who shared their budget priorities with me through our fifth annual virtual town hall meeting. These priorities helped to shape my budget priorities for next year. I would also like to thank Director of Administration Billy Boniface, our award-winning budget team and our county employees who work hard each day to serve you, our fellow citizens of Harford County.”
maybe not at the county level but Bel Air is getting ready to get up-taxed for a new police station. With all the new building going on in Bel Air – why aren’t impact fees and taxes being charged for new development to cover stufff like this and the excessive increase in water rates. Mayor Burdette and Administrator Bane – we need some relief not a glad hand to contractors.
Where is this “all the new building going on in Bel Air”? There’s Chick-fil-A and… uh… help me out here.
Gotta be kidding- Glassman has permitted unbelievable and harmful building along 543. Totally unacceptable and should be challenged- obviously all this benefits his campaign treasury and screws us, without any redux in prop tax. He has had minuscule effort in fighting this growth and should be investigated. Also guidelines for traffic, school population, etc are archaic but are still being used to evaluate projects. Glassman has allowed Annapolis to push him around like a rag doll. Need a tougher exec to protect us.
What does Bel Air town building a new police station for their PD have to do with the county budget? That’s the town’s problem, not the county’s problem and has nothing to do with the county budget.
Are you surprised that Bane is overspending! Same democrat just in charge of Bel Air’s demise now.
The thing about Bane that I can’t seem to shake is the way inmates were dropping like flies at the Detention Center. Then all of a sudden, there is a new Sheriff in town. Under Gahler’s leadership, the mysterious deaths seemed to disappear. Don’t figure….
It’s what happens when they stop making it public.
Really? It seems to me that Gahler is being very transparent….Check the numbers of Bane’s tenure and tell me I’m wrong…..
And speaking of Gahler and transparency remember all the press on Tim Scharfe when he went missing, why is it all hush hush now they found his body?
He was found in Bel Air wasn’t he? Wouldn’t that be in BPD’s jurisdiction?
Don’t know did the move Gahlers office off of Main St in downtown Bel Air recently?
It doesn’t matter where Gahler’s office is. Within the town limits of Bel Air, the BPD has original jurisdiction. Gahler is the Sheriff of Harford County and does have jurisdiction of Harford County, if he feels BPD isn’t handling an investigation properly he can assume the original jurisdiction of the authority whom is acting incompetently. However, BPD has original jurisdiction as they are the police of Bel Air. There is no indication that BPD acted beyond their norms and neither is there in regards to the HCSO. When a 911 call is received in Bel Air limits, who do you think is dispatched to the scene? When a suspected crime occurs in Bel Air, who do you think is called by the local inhabitants? One more question. What is wrong with you?
45 S. Main St has been under going major renovations (basically a complete gut job) for over a year…..obviously Gahler’s office is not going to still be in the building when they’re ripping everything out and rebuilding it. Have you been living in a cave or something?
His office and most of the admin staff is directly across Courtland St from 45 S. Main St where Records used to be. No one can even use the main entrance to the HQ building at the moment. You have to go around the Courtland St side of the building and the booth person is temporarily set up in the stairwell until the main entrance is completed. Honestly, anyone needing to report something is better off calling it in and having a deputy respond to your location or going to one of the precincts.
According to your article Gahler is averaging 1 every three months what was Banes count?
Not really. Why don’t you do a count from the time Gahler took office and compare it to Bane. I put this article on here to demonstrate transparency. Furthermore, it plainly states that one was a cardiac arrest, one was a person who refused meds and then the hanging. You can’t prevent a cardiac arrest or refusal to take meds. Hangings are always suspect. I’ve been in those cells and there is very little, if anything, to tie a sheet to. Bane had deputies beating people to death and tasering people to death. I haven’t heard anything like that since Gahler took over. Have you?
Mr it’s all a big conspiracy….. look at the times on the posts. I screwed up and hit reply to the wrong comment. Get a grip man you are losing it.
Don’t think so. You need to get help with your addictions because if you want me to believe the lie you’re spinning you have to be on some hard core narcotics. You can bite it in a big way, tough guy….DaggerDogs suck.
I have to ask why the Dagger Editors are censoring the topics brought up in this article? I am trying to have a reasonable discussion with whichever Dagger Editor is using the moniker “?”. Obviously, “?” is a Dagger Editor as they ask a question and then mark my next comment for censorship even though they haven’t gotten the response. The Dagger has become a pathetic website of censorship even when there is no warrant for the censorship they are committing. I encourage all Dagger readers to speak out every time these goons whom claim to be “journalists”, but are really nothing but fascist traitors trying to report lies on behalf of the corruption of Harford County and it’s treasonous Judicial Department.
Wow I’m an editor now? Do I get a paycheck?
Don’t even try it. No one can censor a comment after a question before the comment is even written without having control of the site. If not an editor, maybe a site administrator. Doesn’t matter because either way you suck….
Soul Crusher please believe me when I say… If I was and editor or administrator I would permanently ban your ISP address from ever access this site. I personally believe you are seriously mentally ill and could not live with myself when you finally snap thinking I somehow contributed to your insanity.
“?” please believe me when I say I don’t care what you think. You couldn’t ban my ISP address because I would use a proxy or a VPN. If I am mentally ill it was caused by the treason I have suffered by your corrupt county. Let’s see, the illegal use of an administrative warrant on a home that was void of all probably cause to enforce a fraudulent law that only government employees are beholden to. Please, I am not mentally ill, I am a victim of fraud and treason conducted by your corrupt county. Victims of treason don’t ever trust their government again and believe the best thing for the people is the total destruction of that which instrumented the treason. I hope to one day meet you in public. It would be a lot of fun.
One last thing. What makes you think that a Federal statute relating to regulation of behavior is enforceable on the general public when there is no Constitutional authority to do it? What makes you think that a State statute enacted on behalf on Federal statute makes that statute enforceable on the general public when there is simply NO AUTHORITY to enact or enforce it? Remember, the government can not give itself power and authority not ordained by the people. Please state why you think the government has these powers and authorities, other than the government holds the gun and the bullet…..The government is a vessel of treason and must be completely reformed or eradicated in full.
I understand that you think you are doing this fabulous job. However you are the only one getting richer and maintaining your position to benefit yourself. This us totally outrageous how you are treating our future leaders (our children) and our teachers that are guiding them. For Gods sake listen to what your county is telling you. You are suppose to be here for us. We put you here this year but we will not put you in control the next term. Very disappointed!!!
Could it be a new Police center in anticipation of the influx of citizens to the self segregated Muslim community’s?
bitter,angry and delusional old man?
Just to be clear, the only increase in public safety that needs to be done is providing safety to the public from the Maryland Judicial Department. The Maryland Judicial Department is completely treasonous, enforcing laws of government employees on the general public in total defiance to both the US and Maryland Constitutions. The Maryland Judicial Department needs to be completely reformed or DESTROYED in its entirety. I’m talking about indicting every last one of them for Article 3 Section 3 violations, giving them no trial as their treason is embedded in the records of the courts and executing every last one of them. Even the custodians of the records should at least be jailed for 5 years for holding the falsified and fraudulent convictions for public inspection. Either reform the whole damn department or execute every last one of them. They all deserve it.
I agree….the Harford County Judiciary and the SAO are incompetent scum. An investigation should be done on this county forthwith.
I have had no dealings with the new SA, so I can’t comment on him. However, I can agree with you on the HCSAO, the HCSO and the MSP of 2009-10 and I agree with you in full. The illegal and unconstitutional enforcement of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the government employs on the general public whom are WE THE PEOPLE must be ended. Any physically addictive substance that causes death on the norm should be labeled a poison and controlled via police power of the State and NOT the Commerce power of the Federal government. You can not use any clause to give you a power and authority not ordained by the people and that is what the Federal government has done. The unconstitutional use of BAR association members to promulgate statutes by the Federal government to the States via the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws must be abandoned . The use of bribes known as Federal Funding to enforce unconstitutional law must be abandoned and the States need to make their own legislation instead of being paid by the Federal government to enact and enforce law that was never legal to begin with. These are the truths that ALL men must know, but are conditioned by the fraud and treason of our government. Stop making LEO’s enforce the terrorism of the government and bring law and order back to the Republic.
@Soul Crusher…..The new SA appears to be engaged in the same games the past one engaged in. The new leadership team has done nothing to change the situation. His Feb 2019 statements for “effective, efficient, smart prosecution” is more words then anything else. Hope you don’t have to deal with that office as you will be sorely disappointed. Me thinks the corruption and incompetence is so deeply ingrained in the culture there is little that will change it. We shall see, but it surely looks like a lost cause.
They focus and waste money on a lot of nonsense since they refuse to address the abuse of process that routinely plagues the system. The defense attorneys are happy to continue feeding at the trough. Meanwhile real victims cant get their concerns addressed because the courts are clogged with crap. Its truly perverse and needs to be investigated.
SoulCrusher is responsible for at least 50% of the traffic on this site. No way The Dagger would ban him. They (site administrators) couldn’t care less about the news, this site exists only to generate ad revenue not disseminate news. They Love SoulCrusher and his comical rants because folks (like me) love to check in and see how he ties EVERY story to his own situation. It’s free entertainment.
Did some Fascist ask for Soul Crusher to be banned? Figure’s.
Why didn’t the county executive mention the large increases of health insurance premiums for some county employees. If you continue with Care First some employees will
have a $2000 deductible or $4000 along with your monthly premium cost. Way to go Barry. So much for the pay increases. Looks like the county wants to get rid of Care First.
Welcome to trump care, best healthcare ever at bargain prices.
The time has come to roll the clock back to 2007 when the health care discussion was taking place. before it was hijacked by Obama. We need healthcare reform, not a monopoly , not forced payment into an unaccountable system such as Bongo care.
1. Start with flipping a basic. When you have a car accident or employment accident, the insurer at the time of the casualty is solely responsible forever for the cost of the casualty. In health insurance that’s not the case….they simply stop paying if they can shake you. If that “flips” and they are stuck with the cost of the disease they now have a vested interest in keeping you as their customer as that brings in revenue.
2. Price gouging by medical providers. You always hear how the insurance co is gouging….lets look at the health care providers, their write off rules. (this will be resisted by those who enjoy the benefits)
3. Lets not forget BIG Pharma.
Above you see 3 simple starting points to be explored. All three bring shivers to their respective constituency. Of course each has a reason to justify why they are OK with what is charged today. ( they get paid from those proceeds)
2 things really jump out on this, first health insurance isn’t insurance at all it is nothing like any other insurance and doesn’t operate like insurance.
Second you have no problem solving skills
I got some news fo ya my health care industry friend……ITS GONNA CHANGE.
Actually, as I said “Above you see 3 simple starting points to be explored. All three bring shivers to their respective constituency. Of course each has a reason to justify why they are OK with what is charged today. ( they get paid from those proceeds)” you have shown that I’m on Que. Thank you for helping me make my point.
Gee welcome to what the rest of us deal with on a daily basis. When public jobs become more lucrative than private sector jobs there is a big big problem. Those of us paying taxes should not have to support health benefits that are better than what we have.
Wait until July when your water bill goes up again. Went up last year and will continue to increase for the next couple of years.
I’d be more for tax increases.
I would rather see at least two “career” fire stations be implemented in both south and north Harford. Im sure Harford County would have enough qualified competition applying for the job for at least 2 stations.
It’s utterly ridiculous to have fire companies driving 15 miles out of their way to respond to some other “box” because nobody showed up.
Volunteerism is pretty much a thing of the past, and NO, I personally do not have the time to volunteer (like most of everyone else) and would rather PAY for professional services.
more pensions and legacy costs
let the squirrels put out the fires, if you volunteer as a fireman and work at least 20 hours
per week you should be exempt from county taxes
Creating some tax free gimmick is only going to create more butt hurt and creative ways for people to “game” the system.
Realize there is no perfect solution to social issues, points of views, different personalities but we can all be assured the most effective way for Fire/Rescue services in modern day 2019 Harford County and BEYOND is a FULL TIME County run fire department like all the other Maryland counties below Harford have, and use along with support for volunteers.
They’ve already gotten the Ambulances, now it’s time to park them in Harford County Government Fire Houses.
Does nog matter if you agree or disagree with me, I think no matter what it’s coming, but, when? I say, NOW.
Read your Constitutions. ALL taxation is supposed to be on a voluntary basis only. The only ones compelled to file are those whom have already had money withheld via a W-4. That is the only way they can get their money back from the thieves that automatically pull money from the paychecks of the general public. Furthermore, since neither the US or Maryland governments have any regards to our rights, all taxation is forfeit. We don’t need a Judge to tell us this because our Constitutions already tell us this. The only way to reform a treasonous corporate terrorist organization, like the STATE OF MARYLAND, THE UNITED STATES and THE US CORPORATION is to defund it. Corporations are only interested in money and murder. That’s it, nothing else. Remember that the next time you get your pay check. You are funding an illegal terrorist organization claiming to be a lawful government that has absolutely no regards for the lives of the people they continue to harm and murder. You want to put out fires? Buy a damn hose….,amp.html
Mueller Report – Crime And No Punishment!
Just more lies by the Democratic party. There was no collusion to rig the election. Collusion isn’t even a crime. Polling data is utterly useless or else according to the polls we would have had HRC as President. All Bill Maher’s arguments are just complete garbage. If you want to see a traitor, all you have to do is look at HRC and that’s a fact. In closing, you can’t obstruct justice when justice was never being sought, only an attempted coup against a sitting US President by the Democratic party, which has become synonymous with treason. One has to wonder why anyone would believe the Democratic party, yet alone Bill Maher or Mike Callahan….
Polling data is worthless? Why do people who do it make millions doing so? Why do campaigns pay large sums of money doing it?
Once again, if the polls were correct then Hillary would have won. People make millions off of it because those whom are willing to pay for it are unwilling to conduct their own research, lack the ability to do it themselves or find that doing it themselves isn’t cost effective. Campaigns pay large sums of money for it because those whom are selling it are requesting large sums of money for it, even though we ALL have to admit that the data can be VERY flawed, as I once again point to my first sentence.
Obviously conservative Republicans have no sense of humor. Have you ever heard a neo-nazi or white nationalist tell an intelligent political joke?
Bill Maher is a modern day Mark Twain who with wit and humor cuts through the political b.s. of our demagogue criminal President
Soul Crusher with blind ignorance just parrots the lies and prejudice of the Orange wannabe dictator.
No. I don’t think so Mike. Neither you or Maher is joking. You really believe the crap that comes out of your treasonous mouth and the same crap that you spread on the Dagger, like manure on a farmer’s field. The truth is Trump is a man who has turned the tide of the New World Odor, bringing wave after wave of relief to Americans whom have suffered from the erosion of our Republic by YOUR party of traitors, whom have done everything to destroy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness on behalf of foreign nations. What don’t you understand about economic growth that makes Obama’s claims of economic stagnation look like a lie? What don’t you understand about the DOJ actually making a lawful decision involving your party’s unlawful use of law enforcement to promote political persecution of a sitting President? What don’t you understand about keeping our own Country’s interests as a priority and ignoring those interests of those whom wish to destroy and weaken us from within? Mike, you need to start seeing the big picture and stop listening to those whom enforce the lie that America is supposed to decline and fall. As I said before, if Trump pulls us out of the UN and gets rid of the FED I’ll call him King! However, he must be reelected and Democrats must lose control of that large group of baboons we call Congress. It’s the American people whom must do this and the American people let themselves down by filling Congress with “persons” from your party.
Its political satire, dummy. . Ridiculing the truth about the idiot President and his white supremacy riot!
Admit it! You have been “gas-lighted” by Boss Twit.
He has his neo-nazi/KKK political base of support (30%) fooled and manipulated with his racist gun nut propaganda and malarkey
Mike can you and your race baiters just go away. Your rants are getting old and are unproductive. I don’t always agree with SoulCrusher but this time he is spot on. When he makes a statement he backs it up with legitimate reference sources. Often times case law etc. You make yourself look like a clown with your liberal reference links. And then to use Bill Maher as the gospel or final word really makes me laugh. I am quite confident that SoulCrusher has had far more real life experiences than you my friend. Again, I don’t always agree with him but my perception of him is that he is real man who stands up for what he believes and is willing to go toe to toe with his adversaries. His former profession required a strong physical presence and courage. I am quite sure he has had many experiences in “the real world”
Mike from your many post I envision you a man with a fair amount of liberal arts education probably funded by your parents or the government. I suspect your real life experiences are limited to what you watch on liberal television. I further suspect that you are unemployed and live at home. I also suspect that you have never been in a fight or a real life confrontation which you had to resolve by yourself. You often label posters as racists when in fact they are just trying to hold someone accountable for their actions. I personally believe that you are nothing more than a race baiter. I speculate that you would be the first person to roll up the windows of his car and lock all the doors when you drive through a black neighborhood. Lol. Look in the mirror Mike did I nail it? LOL
So everyone who thinks that Trump has done an overall good job is a racist white supremacist gun nut and is just contributing to the neonazi movement or the KKK? Mike, you can’t equate that with every Trump supporter. Quite frankly, you are the one being “gas-lighted” because you’re following a political regime that sold their last Presidential candidacy to HRC and wishes to steal your rights from you. I still have to ask the question, what is wrong with you? Why can’t you see the obvious truth that you are acting like the Democratic Party’s mascot and not like an American?
I would never limit Trump supporters to being just racist/neo-nazi white supremacists. Dont put words in my mouth.
Trump supporters also includes criminals, thugs, misogynists, and psychopathic liars.and fools, knaves and morons.. It includes a healthy dangerous 30% of the voters.
Some of the fools and knaves will not be tricked into voting for Boss Tweet a second time. Real Republican Americans will be too embarrassed to vote foolishly for an authoritarian fascist political joke
. American democracy abhors fascism.and racism!. Thats what the bloody Civil War and World War II were all about, dummy!
I’m not putting words into your mouth. I’m using your own words against you and you’re too ignorant to recognize that. I love the way that you literally have a term to put to every Trump supporter, yet jump all over me for calling you names, when you are doing the exact same thing. You’re a complete hypocrite. Let me be very clear, there is NO POLICY that Trump has introduced that sounds the alarm for a fascist take over. His light hearted racism is more of a joke than anything else, yet he doesn’t use it towards the American people, just foreign countries, at least that is what I have seen. Little remarks like China says “We want deal”, is not offensive to me and I can’t see why it is to you. Quite frankly, it is the Democratic party that is prescribing the fascist take over, yet you can’t see that because you don’t know what an authoritarian or fascism is. Using words too big for your own vocabulary is the Democratic stigma and you are very guilty of this as you keep repeating the remarks and talking points of the Democratic party over and over because you can’t think for yourself. You keep referencing World War II and the Civil War, yet it was the blood of MY blood that fought those wars so you could be free and I’m tired of you Democratic traitors using those sacrifices to push an agenda of rewriting history and political misinformation to dumb down the masses and instill real tyranny to this Country. During your last response, you used 12 references that basically called Trump supporters anything but Americans. Now, I must remind you that it was every criminal, thug, misogynist, psychopathic liar and fool, knave and moron, racist, neo-Nazi, and white supremacist that you have called a name. Then you call me a dummy when I’m the one telling you the truth you keep denying. I must now remind you that this isn’t a Democracy, it is a Constitutional Republic and we are guaranteed a Republican form of government, but you wouldn’t know what that means because you have been brainwashed by the Democratic party that you worship. My family has fought in every war since the American Revolution and members have died over and over so your sorry ass can remain free. Drop the identity politics and the Democratic talking points and start speaking for yourself with true meaning to your words. Right now, you have never said anything that will change my mind about what’s going on and I’m not even a Democrat or a Republican. I’m an American and I see right thru you…..
Is nobody going to comment on this “Republican” spends like a Liberal Socialist Democrat?
“Record Investment”– Investments yield returns.
Spending is what this is, and because of State Law, this “record” spending will mean that the County is never permitted to reduce from current levels.
What the hell is “Republican” about that?
Barry is already running for a different office, and using our money to appeal to Maryland Democrats.
Spend Democrats like a liberal is no longer a bad thing considering the last 2 Democrats cut deficits and the last 2 past and the current nut job spend like drunken sailors. With a booming economy Donnie Demento still spends more than he takes in, it’s no wonder he keeps going bankrupt.
Dear ‘Just the Facts’,
Please check your facts. When a president oversees a tripling of the deficit, and cuts it only one year below the level it was when taking office, then raises it a bit… that is not really a cut. For example, if I oversee a deficit of $4, then you come along and oversee a deficit of $12 and then shrink it to $5… what exactly did you cut? And to boot… you doubled the credit card balance…
My advice… don’t rely on whatever source of information you are using… they are quite misleading.
And, for what it is worth… I’m not a Republican nor a Democrat… I caught on to the partisan game being played and decided long ago not to be a pawn any longer. You are being played. Your masters are ever thankful for your ignorance and loyalty.
And thanks to this lovely budget, our schools are losing teachers, programs cut, and class sizes going up even more. Harford County used to be one of the best, but apparently Barry Glassman doesn’t give two farts in the wind about education. Maybe he figures if we keep people stupid, he’ll expand his base.