From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
Harford County Sheriff’s Office Detectives are seeking information regarding a non-fatal shooting that occurred Monday night.
At approximately 7:52 p.m., deputies assigned to the Southern Precinct of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office were in the area of Waltman Road assisting with an unrelated call for service, when they heard what sounded like gunshots coming from a nearby location.
Deputies immediately responded to the area and began canvassing, looking for a victim or crime scene.
At 8:05 p.m., deputies were informed an unknown individual was being transported to Franklin Square Hospital, in a private vehicle, for treatment of a gunshot wound.
Deputies responded to the hospital and, upon arrival, were informed the victim had been identified as Amir Turner, 18, of Edgewood, who was suffering from a gunshot wound to the upper body. Following treatment at the hospital, Turner was transferred to the University of Maryland Shock Trauma Center for continued treatment of his injuries. At this time, his injuries are believed to be non-life-threatening.
The investigation was assumed by detectives from the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division. Investigators from the Forensic Services Unit responded to the area to collect and preserve physical evidence in support of the investigation.
At this time, it is believed Turner was walking in the area of Harford Square Drive and O Court, when for unknown reasons a vehicle approached and someone inside opened fire. Detectives returned to the area Tuesday to continue canvassing.
The investigation remains active and ongoing. There are no further details being released at this time.
Anyone with information about this crime is asked to call the Harford County Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigations Division at 410-836-5442. Those who wish to remain anonymous may report their information through the methods listed below. If the information you provide leads to the arrest and indictment of the individuals responsible for this crime, you may be eligible for a cash reward up to $2,000.00.
Submit a tip online at
Text message: Metro Crime Stoppers: Text “CRIMES” (274637)
Begin the message “MCS,” then add the information.
Phone: Harford Crime Solvers: Call 1-888-540-8477
Everything happens for a reason. You live by it you will one day die by it.
i missed the part where they said “he lived by it” .. can you point that part out to me? or just assuming this because of the location?
I think you my friend by virtue of your screen name are a typical liberal race baiter. The article did not provide the race of neither the victim nor the suspect. So very typical of your kind LOL
I think acknowledgement of the simple fact that “shots fired” with “gun shot wound victim(s)” simply don’t appear as often (rare?) in Northern Harford County.
Why is that?
Besides population density per square mile, I’d love to hear any other hypothesis to this.
Is it religion? Family unit? Morals? Ethics?
But how many over dose are they?
Quiet as a mouse. I guess SoManyRacistsinHatfordCounty got caught speeding. The world has enough race baiters
Sorry, I do this thing in my spare time called “living my life” .. you should get in on it .. and FYI, there are lots of racists in Harford county, the first step to resolving the issue is admitting it, unless you’re…? nvm good day Mr. No Brain.
Can you please give me a general physical description of a Harford County racist since you seem to be the all omniscient expert? Lol. I have always been curious about how the mind of a race baiter works. Do you really think you are making things better. Just curious.
Brainless….ooops I mean Non Brain…..You sir are clueless….
I made the original post stating that everything happens for a reason. SMRIHC by virtue of his screen name elected to inject a racial component into this thread. He/she says that Harford County is full of racists. I wanted to know his/her description of a Harford County racist. Most race baiters can not acknowledge that bigotry comes in all shapes and colors. Again I am not really clear why the racist issue was ever brought up. One poster suggested that the victim was possibly a gang banger. If that is true than there is a lot of truth to my statement if you live by it you may someday die by it. No reference was ever made to race. Gang bangers could be any race or sex. Stop the race baiting
Amir Turner is a gang member and currently facing a bunch of burglary and theft charges that I believe are related to the theft of a bunch of guns. Feel free to give him a hug and invite him into your home, though.
Yes! I missed the part where it said he lived by it as well! I guess we are now assuming about people based off their location? Seems a little silly to me to say he lived by it so he dies by it if you didn’t know him or his business!
Where’d all the gun lovers at? They would have loved to been there at the time of the shooting and “saved the day.”
“Good guys with gun stops a bad guy with a gun ”
Is that it? LOL
Just what we don’t need, even a more bullets being wildly shot in all directions.
You’re an idiot, as someone with a carry permit I feel much safer knowing I have a fighting chance than a sheep who can do nothing besides hide in a corner. Good luck when someone with a gun and intent to harm crosses your path… You should also post a sign in your yard that says “I do not believe in a citizens right to own fire arms.”
Moreso than*
The gun hobbyist have a new strategy out now. They are wearing “We will not comply” t-shirts. I assume that means not complying with further “gun restrictions” or whatever they want to form an opinion on safe firearm regulation.
Most of these folks are most likely family men with careers, mortgages, reputations in their community who will easily comply with firearm laws over criminal charges.
Makes no sense to me?
Couldn’t be more wrong.
Please enlighten me on the “We will not comply”? Or what it is I am incorrect on?
If stricter gun legislation were to require citizens to turn in guns legally purchased there will not be compliance. You pansies that are terrified of guns crack me up. You want police to have guns, you want secret service to have them, but you don’t want law abiding citizens to have them. Being that you live in north harford, how long will those armed police take to rescue you from an armed burglar? Probably a lot longer than it will take for them to end your life. You keep relying on the government to save you, I will protect myself, my family, and my property.
Why am I paying property taxes to fund the police if they aren’t going to protect me?
Why are you paying ANY taxes at all? It is obvious that ALL rights have been either diminished or abrogated by the current Administrative Courts that are enforcing maritime law on the land. Since we have none of the rights we are guaranteed, without utilizing additional legal procedures, we must conclude that the Democratic party and its system of treasonous statute law has overthrown the Constitutional Republic. This forfeits ALL taxation, including property tax levied by the States. The police are acting as terrorists for the maritime courts and are enforcing law they have no authority to enforce as it is NOT ordained by the people. The police have never been about protecting you, your family or any interest other than that of the corporation that only acknowledges maritime law. You can thank the Democratic traitor Franklin D. Roosevelt for this and it seems as if the corrupt Democratic party wants more. When the people have been brainwashed to accept the Codes, Rules and Regulations of the government employees as their own, we have lost all freedom. That is what you are seeing today. A perfect example is the current “Varsity Blues” cases involving corruption in the college admissions system. No private citizen has violated any law because the private citizen is NOT beholden to Codes, Rules and Regulations of the government, only the employees of the colleges whom did accept Federal Funding are beholden to this. Yet they are persecuting those whom took part in the scam when they were only looking for a way for their kids to enter the college they wanted to be part of. It’s all a joke and Federal prosecutors, including investigators in the FBI have overstepped their bounds. They should all be indicted for the fraud they are committing by enforcing the rules of government employees on the private citizens they are persecuting. We ALL need to wake up and either demand this government be reformed or destroyed in its entirety…..
“who will easily comply with firearm laws over criminal charges” – The charges are NOT criminal charges, they are Commercial charges of the Maritime Courts. Furthermore, the statutes are NOT laws. Statutes are the prima facia evidence of law or a façade. ANY statute that conflicts with the rights guaranteed by the US Constitution or the Constitution of Maryland is NULL and VOID. There is no duty to enforce the statute, nor does the statute creates an office or an administration. Statutes are the rules of government employees and elected officials, not the rules of WE THE PEOPLE.
I don’t think you are going to convince any “law abiding” firearm hobbyist over whatever it is you just typed out.
Most gun owners I have spoken to have all been productive members of society.
I get the feeling they would rather turn in their guns as Im sure even non violent misdemeanor firearm charges for not complying with state firearm laws would cause havoc in their personal and professional lives.
Lawyer costs, losing their kids college funds, careers ruined, unable to pay bills, marriage problems.
I don’t think so. Read your Constitution and your State Constitution. There is NO authority ordained to regulate guns. There is NO authority to regulate the behavior of the people. The statutes are all NULL and VOID to private citizens under the substantive due process clause because there is NO POWER OR AUTHORITY to do what your talking about. The statutes are being fraudulently enforced on the public due to ignorance of those being enforced upon. The entire system of arrest, prosecution and conviction is a fraud unless it conforms to Common Law. Anyone who enforces a statute not derived of Common Law or that is in harmony with the Constitution is committing an act of fraud, treason, violation of oath and sometimes Article 3 Section 3 violations. These are administrative courts of the legislature and the legislature can only make rules for government employees. We agree to traffic regulations due to our driver’s license requirements. Everything else is FRAUD. Courts are working on assumed consent because the defendant’s lawyers are NOT defending them and are telling their client’s that they are beholden to a black robed Jesuit Priest. This is NOT true and the whole system is a sham. You show me where the power and authority to enact law regulating the behavior of WE THE PEOPLE was ordained in ANY of the Constitutions and I’ll see things differently. Until then I am convinced my government is at war with the public and are acting as terrorists in OUR land, not their land.
NOT in harmony with the Constitution
Gahler needs to have a gun raffle in Edgewood. Clearly the answer to this sort of violence is more guns for the rte 40 corridor.
Guns for you and you and you….EVERYONE GETS A GUN
I know you’re being sarcastic, but good citizens *should* protect themselves and their families, especially those who are weaker than the thugs.
Upvote for accidentally stumbling on the truth.
Criminals by their very nature are criminals. They have already made the choice not to comply our laws and not only carry guns but commit many acts of violence with them.
When citizens realize the police cannot be everywhere at all times, the reality of having thousands more good guys will be an acceptable alternative.
These bleeding heart liberals don’t even want to lock up criminals anymore, they want to release them back into society.
Until criminals are kept in prison and criminals obey guns laws, you can keep your karma and I will keep my glock.
But unless you’re one of the few people who have a wear/carry permit, and most of these people who obtain these permits have carry restrictions placed on them.
“Law abiding” gun owners obey the law, so their gun is at home while they go on about their day in public.
Where are the statistics in Harford County where every private citizen needs to be armed because it’s a “war zone” out there? I understand violent crime occurs everywhere but I personally do not know anyone who’s been out in public and wished they were armed with a firearm.
I agree. A family member says they want to move to Texas so he/she can open carry 24/7 because of the threat of crime. I swear to you, I have lived in the same town for 50+ years since I was a little kid. The biggest crime our family ever encountered is a battery being stolen out of my Mother’s car. It was way back in the day when the hood could still be opened from outside the car, and nor from an inner latch. Where is this constant threat that requires someone to be armed all the time. I know the NRA likes to spread paranoia, but I’m not seeing all this crime that everyone says is happening 24/7.
It must be a great comfort to anyone who has looked down the barrel of an illegal firearm by a criminal holding them up to know your great empathy for them in their situation. Not everyone enjoys the privileged neighborhood you have.
And to the point of North Harford Democrat… let me just change a few words in your statement to illustrate a point:
‘Where are the statistics in Harford County where every private citizen needs to be allowed free speech because others have and voice opinions? I understand people voice opinions everywhere but I personally do not know anyone who’s been out in public and wished they could respond to someone.’
Sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn’t it?
Sorry, I do this thing in my spare time called “living my life” .. you should get in on it .. and FYI, there are lots of racists in Harford county, the first step to resolving the issue is admitting it, unless you’re…? nvm good day Mr. No Brain.
If it is so bad up here please feel free to move. You will be one less racist living among us. Meantime, people are leaving the city in droves and yet Harford County has a housing shortage. You will not be missed.
Harfortucky….the backwater poophole of the east coast….where nobody with any sense wants to live. The only worse place is the City of Baltimore.
Soul Crusher, do you like the 17th Amendment?
Other than the amendment not covering term limits, I don’t think there is anything wrong with it. Why do you ask?
I’ll never understand why some people look down on others because they wish to practice their right to own guns. If you don’t wish to practice this right don’t purchase a gun. I can’t recall any gun owners giving non-gun owners a hard time for not practicing this right.
The majority of gun owners in this state have to leave their gun locked up in their home when they go out in public, and I haven’t seen any compelling evidence why this needs to be reversed – as in, all these people who are out in public now all of a sudden need to be armed with their gun on their person… “Shall issue” carry permits that is.
Right To Carry states experience a 13% to 15% increase in violent crime after ten years according to a Standford study!
There is no right to making us all live in the wild west of fake safety!
Yet you are currently living in a society of fake safety as well. If you believe the police will protect you I bet you will be left wanting. Wanting to own a gun that is. The police only respond to crime once it has occurred. Nowadays, police are more interested in Code enforcement, which is fraud, because Code enforcement draws revenue even though the revenue should be considered as theft. As far as the studies you quote are showing, I always look at Switzerland where gun ownership rates are some of the highest in the world, yet there is very little street crime that is gun related. Quite frankly, how do you know that there wouldn’t be an increase in violent crime without the right to carry laws? Statistics and studies don’t always show the full picture. Just for the record, Baltimore came in at 5th in murder rates nationwide last year and we have some of the toughest gun legislation on the books. I was surprised to see Wilmington, DE come in at number 7 as well. How do you explain that one?
Mike, this is a little off topic, but we have seen an increase in Democratic acceptance for this Buttigieg guy. My question for you is if he is elected President, what will we call his husband? Will he be the first gentleman? I don’t think so. Will he be the first faggot? Or how about the first sword swallower? I want to know your opinion because you are about as looney as Daffy Duck on crank. What do you think he will be called? Do you really think our country is ready for that? Our country wasn’t even ready for the first black President, how on earth will it be ready for the first homosexual President?
How come no one had anything to say about the 2 white guys who killed the old man in havre de grace ohhhhhh cause there white they must have an explanation lol !! Racism still exists !!