From Harford Community College:
Last month, Harford Community College was presented with the findings of a study conducted by MGT Consulting Group to determine the feasibility of a satellite campus on the southern Route 40 corridor. The proposed satellite campus would address obstacles faced by students in the southernmost reaches of Harford County, including limited public transportation options to HCC’s main campus in Bel Air and a lack of workforce training options in the Edgewood-Joppa-Abingdon area.
The feasibility study for a new Harford Community College satellite campus highlights the pressing need for accessible education and workforce training in southern Harford County. With transportation challenges and income disparities affecting many potential students, this initiative aims to bridge the gap by offering programs in fields like cybersecurity, automotive technology, and advanced manufacturing.
However, not everyone has the time or resources to pursue traditional education. For those looking to quickly enhance their credentials and enter the workforce, some opt to get a fake diploma quickly as a temporary solution. While not a substitute for real education, having a credential on paper can sometimes help open doors, particularly in industries that prioritize hands-on skills and practical experience.
Harford Community College has an extensive portfolio of degree and certificate programs in a variety of trade and technical areas. The proposed satellite campus would build upon these offerings and make them more accessible to local underserved populations. Programming options at the satellite campus may include Advanced/Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) and Mechatronics, Heavy Equipment Operations, Logistics, Cybersecurity and Information Assurance, and Automotive Technology.
The College continues to work with Harford County and area businesses to determine the best course of action for a satellite campus, with fiscal 2020 serving as a planning year. Community and business leaders interested in sponsoring this project can contact Denise Carnaggio at 443-412-2102, or Denise Dregier at 443-412-2428.
I support this concept. Soul Crusher could learn civility.
and Bruce could learn how to be a man instead of a gaping vagina…..
You proved my point.
No. You proved my point….
Biggest jerk on this forum.
Once again, I don’t care about your opinion. A complete moron get’s on here and brings me into the very first comment of the forum in an article I probably would have never even commented about until the usual Dagger scheme takes over and turns it into something the article isn’t about. You know I don’t let nothing slide. I’m going to start typing every time you dunder dolts mention my name because that’s just the way it is. Don’t like it? Don’t bring me into to it…..That’s about as civil as it gets from me.
It took this long to figure out the logistics of its attending student body?? Consideration is not needed, a “safe” campus is.
The Governor of Colorado just signed into law a bill that would award the state’s Electoral College votes to the presidential candidate who wins the national popular vote.
There are 11 other states including Maryland and District of Columbia, totaling 181 Electoral College votes that have such a law. Proposed in the form of an interstate compact, the agreement would go into effect among the participating states in the compact only after they collectively represent an absolute majority of votes (currently at least 270) in the Electoral College.
This is a good thing. Let’s hope we can get some more states to join this compact. We have to get away from the archaic Electoral College system and get to —One Person, One Vote— system to elect our President.
The bill that was signed is an illegal and unconstitutional act, as it does not prompt forward the will of WE THE PEOPLE of the State of Colorado. He has betrayed his local electorate and should immediately be removed from office by impeachment. I have not heard of this bill, so I am actually taking you at your word that the facts are as you say. If what you are saying is true, then it removes the electoral power from the people and means that this Country will be ruled by New York, California, Florida and Texas in perpetuity. This is not a United States at this point and will definitely be challenged and overturned by the Supreme Court. Representation by the mob of a few States isn’t the representation of the several States and constitutionally speaking the electoral college was put into place so the several States had more of an equal influence in regards to the legislature. What you are inferring is imperialistic to say the least….
The electoral college is no longer useful. It’s based on lawn ownership, not equality. One vote per person is the only true democracy.
Seriously?, thanks for letting us all know that you don’t actually understand the purpose of the Electoral College. We will remember this lack of knowledge when evaluating future comments that you post.
This is not a democracy, it’s a Constitutional Republic
The Constitution clearly allows each state to determine how to select its electors. Nothing unconstitutional about this.
and each State Constitution has clearly disallowed this. It is unconstitutional, even if it is on the grounds of the State’s Constitution. The legislature can NOT make a statute repugnant to any Constitution without that same statute being an act of fraud, nullifying the statute. That is how the Democrats will shoot down their own legislation if Trump wins the popular vote versus Bernie Sanders. Clearly, this type of legislation is voter fraud and election tampering in violation of the US Code. Furthermore, it is unconstitutional at the Federal level in that it violates the Presidential Elections Clause of Article II by allowing a State to determine the position of its electors from votes cast outside of the State they represent. There is no doubt that this clause suggests the need of limiting a State’s authority and past SCOTUS decisions have done just that. The National Popular Vote Compact is just another way the Democratic party seeks to undermine what we really are and is just another reason to ban the party for the treason it represents. I would say the same thing if the Republican party were to try such nonsense as well. The Democratic mission is to keep dumbing down the population until we are a Country of automatons dominated by their evil and exposing us to laws of foreign nations and religions. It will be overturned on the arguments I just made. Count on it.
What part of the current Maryland Constitution. Prevents this?
Maybe you should read Article 1 Elective Franchise. It’s pretty clear you must be a resident of this State and appear in the list of Registered Voters to be eligible to take part of an election in this State.
Yes and this in no way stops that. You vote for a candidate. The only reason that even matters is the way we currently select our electors. When the nation started the popular vote in a state meant squat the legislator choose the electors. If the state legislature wanted to flip a coin that too would be legal!
Then the elections would be meaningless. At that point, I would encourage everyone to not take part in the elections. I would also encourage the people of Maryland to hold their legislature responsible even if it meant less than legal remedies. You can take that for what it’s worth. People don’t vote legislators into office to do the will of a foreign corporation in regards to elections. Presidential elections in particular….
Do you really think that Article 1 Elective Franchise gives the appearance for a legislature to give the electorates to whomever they want? If that’s the case, then why even have Article 1 Elective Franchise to begin with? Next you’ll be saying that a legislature should determine who wins the State elections as well. You do know people are getting tired of Democratic treason and what you’re purposing is just that….
Re: Soul Crusher:
I call bullshit.
The Electoral College purpose was to preserve Slavery
James Madison said so He was the father of the Constitution/
Electoral College is racist garbage.
Electoral College is racist garbage!
Calahan,…. Explain how the Electoral Collage is racist? You didn’t complain when Obama won twice….you only complain when you do not get what you want. My amazement is the sheer ignorance of our process and structure as exhibited by the political hacks proposing what they seem to think is simply a minor policy, the Electoral college.
Once again you have shown that you are incapable of anything but basing everything in your opinion on racism. The electoral college was designed to give States with smaller populations a more equal say in a Presidential election. I’ve got news for you, the Senate was also designed to give States with smaller populations an equal say in the legislature. Next you will proclaim the Senate a political entity based on race. It wasn’t about race, it was about population. What Madison was critiquing was the Southern States getting more representatives in Congress because of the larger amount of slaves owned in the south. At the time, slaves were not considered citizens, unlike now, so there was a compromise made. There was an agreement to include 3/5 of the slaves in the total population. So let’s say Virginia had 100,000 slaves, they would count 60,000 in their population for the purposes of taxing and apportioning Congressional representatives. Most of us learned this in High School. What’s your excuse? Now, since you seem to like to share web articles, I got one I want you to read from one of your favorite fact checking sites. When you’re done, let’s discuss this article. I really want to hear what you got to say about this one…..
Was not Lincoln elected via the electoral college? The answer is YES.
I’m sorry, it would be populistic not imperialistic.
It’s as wrong as white privilege.
There is no white privilege. White males have become the MOST discriminated part of our population both in regards to the Democratic party and by the government. Don’t believe me? Go apply for disability being a white male in this State and watch yourself get openly denied while a fit black male will receive it for having a VD. You’re just a clueless moron.
We are a representative republic, NOT a democracy. The electoral college gives the entire nation a chance at electing a president. If we get rid of the electoral college, then the rural areas will no longer have any say in elections and we will become a failed nation and may as well break up into our own separate regions. Look at a county by county breakdown of national elections and tell me how the major population centers are supposed to be allowed to run roughshod over those smaller areas?
Getting rid of the electoral college will destroy our country. Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves.
The electoral college gives an unfair advantage to less populated areas which is why trump and Bush were elected.
It is only unfair becase your canidate lost.
Didn’t hear you bitching when obama won now stfu amd eat your peas.
O’Bama didn’t lose the popular vote. Are all you trumpsters idiots?
You know what? If Bernie Sanders wins the Democratic Primary and takes on Trump head to head, the Democrats just may lose that popular vote. I will be laughing at these BLUE states if because of their own legislation their electorate is forced to vote for TRUMP when the State clearly voted against him. At that point the Democratic party will complain and look like the bunch of fools that they are. I’ve got a great idea. STOP trying to rig and tamper with elections thru legislation. By denying the will of the people in a State, those whom made such law did in fact tamper with an election and I do believe that’s a Federal crime.
The reality is to get to 270 a major population shift will need to occur or swing states or red states will need to sign on niether is very likely
Oh, I don’t know about that. I think you’ll be seeing some major population shifts very, very soon.
“Democracy is the most vile form of government. … democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property: and have in general been as short in their lives as the have been violent in their deaths.”
From the Federalist Papers, circa 1788.
Thanks, Founder, your quote from James Madison on “democracies” piqued my curiosity, started me googling away and eventually led me to the below 2018 article in the Atlantic — “America Is Living James Madison’s Nightmare — The Founders designed a government that would resist mob rule. They didn’t anticipate how strong the mob could become”.
It is one of the most interesting, historically informative pieces I have read in quite a while. I urge you to check it out.
Thanks Again,
What makes this law (National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPVIC) work for me is that kicks in “only after” the compact represents an absolute majority (currently 270) in the Electoral College. It’s not about a few states controlling things. It’s about majority rule.
The Electoral College system is broken. It needs to be fixed. It is hopelessly mired in gerrymandered, partisan politics. It’s a case of our politicians picking the voters, instead of the other way around. BTW Maryland’s Redistricting case is scheduled to be heard before the Supreme Court this month.
Since a change to our Constriction requires 2/3 votes by both houses of Congress and approval by 3/4 of the states, it is unlikely that our broken electoral system can be fixed, unless we try something like this compact approach.
The system is NOT broken and was designed this way for a purpose. The only reason you think the system is broken is because the Democrats lost. Plain and simple. If HRC had won we wouldn’t be having the conversation. Would we?
I agree. If HRC had won we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation. However, what really bothers me is not that HRC lost, but that Trump (The-Divider-In-Chief} won and became our President. Do you know what I mean? It’s not about a Republican beating a Democrat. My concern is the imminent and real danger that a Trump presidency poses for our country.
Regarding the Electoral College system — I guess I have more trust and confidence in a “direct democracy” than you and some of our forefathers.
Hey SoulCrusher, looks like Elizabeth Warren, speaking tonight from Mississippi, agrees with me on the Electoral College. We’ll wait awhile before we get into discussions on Confederate statues and reparations.
“Elizabeth Warren Calls for Ending Electoral College”
Re: Bob
The electoral college part of the Constitution was designed to maintain Americas white supremacist slavery regime. The Civil War was fought to stop slavery but we forgot to remove the racist Electoral College giving too much power to smaller populated states.
Now that the electoral college has given us a racist President Trump, its time to correct the original racist error!
Is Mike Callahan an actual moron or does he just play one on The Dagger?
(asking for a friend)
Callahan only thinks about racism because he himself is racist. The real racists see everything based on race. I myself see race as a descriptive sort of thing. The best way to explain racism is to go to your local supermarket. Buy some brown eggs, some tan eggs and some white eggs. Crack them open and allow the white and the yolk to settle in the frying pan. Once cooked eat them and try to discern which egg was which. We are all the same in the inside, just like those eggs, even though they were colored different on the outside.
It is clearly obvious that Mike is a graduate of the public school industry. He knows basically nothing about anything but feels so privileged that he can tout bullshit as fact. Give him a trophy for showing up.
Bob, the electoral college exists to prevent the tyranny of the mob. You should be glad it exists. Funny thing about a mob, its opinions can change in an instance because of a particular event and then that mob looks back after it has destroyed something that was good and necessary thinking, “Gosh, did we really do that?”. It has happened in the past, just look at WWII Germany. History loves to repeat itself….
Obviously this moron Soul Crusher has never read The Federalist Papers, specifically No. 26.
“IT WAS a thing hardly to be expected that in a popular revolution the minds of men should stop at that happy mean which marks the salutary boundary between POWER and PRIVILEGE, and combines the energy of government with the security of private rights. A failure in this delicate and important point is the great source of the inconveniences we experience, and if we are not cautious to avoid a repetition of the error, in our future attempts to rectify and ameliorate our system, we may travel from one chimerical project to another; we may try change after change; but we shall never be likely to make any material change for the better.
The idea of restraining the legislative authority, in the means of providing for the national defense, is one of those refinements which owe their origin to a zeal for liberty more ardent than enlightened. We have seen, however, that it has not had thus far an extensive prevalency; that even in this country, where it made its first appearance, Pennsylvania and North Carolina are the only two States by which it has been in any degree patronized; and that all the others have refused to give it the least countenance; wisely judging that confidence must be placed somewhere; that the necessity of doing it, is implied in the very act of delegating power; and that it is better to hazard the abuse of that confidence than to embarrass the government and endanger the public safety by impolitic restrictions on the legislative authority. The opponents of the proposed Constitution combat, in this respect, the general decision of America; and instead of being taught by experience the propriety of correcting any extremes into which we may have heretofore run, they appear disposed to conduct us into others still more dangerous, and more extravagant. As if the tone of government had been found too high, or too rigid, the doctrines they teach are calculated to induce us to depress or to relax it, by expedients which, upon other occasions, have been condemned or forborne. It may be affirmed without the imputation of invective, that if the principles they inculcate, on various points, could so far obtain as to become the popular creed, they would utterly unfit the people of this country for any species of government whatever. But a danger of this kind is not to be apprehended. The citizens of America have too much discernment to be argued into anarchy. And I am much mistaken, if experience has not wrought a deep and solemn conviction in the public mind, that greater energy of government is essential to the welfare and prosperity of the community.”
No, you’re the moron. You see when this document was written, it was widely understood what the meaning of government power was and wasn’t. It is clearly defined in Article 1 Section 8 what the limitations of government are. You are reading the document into what was never meant to be because you are at a place that was never meant to be. Just to be clear, Common Law alone prevents anarchy. What we are seeing in our modern society is total control by those whom are not allowed to control what is being proposed. You shouldn’t take the words of better men and put them to your inferior ideas. The man who wrote that document wasn’t a traitor like you and that is what you’re missing….
Soul Crusher, I have a PhD in constitutional public policy from Oberlin University. I think I know what I am talking about, worm.
Nice try, “Scholar”, but the school’s name is Oberlin College. There is an Oberlin University in Japan, but it does not offer the prestigious degree that you claim to have earned.
Therefore, your statement has been judged to be false and you are hereby labeled as a loser.
Scholar, I don’t know what you think you know, but it isn’t much of anything at all. I get back from a funeral for friend to read your absolute nonsense. Son, The Federalist Papers are NOT Constitutional Law. They were drafted to convince the people of New York to ratify the Constitution. Furthermore, the topic being discussed in paper 26 is about Standing Armies. Nothing else. You see, the people of New York were afraid that an Army could be used to stifle their liberty and were against a standing army being stationed in New York. At the time, the frontier borders of New York were in danger of Indian attacks and maybe even the French or British. The Standing Army was necessary to secure the frontier BORDER. #26 has nothing to do with the topics we are talking about and you are just as clueless as you were before we started. Maybe even more. I appreciate MrMister taking a stand against your idiocy in the meantime and I declare you a fuktard…..
Oh and by the way, Federalist Papers #26 could be used to push Trump’s border wall as being a military issue. How’s those apples?
At least your friend has been put out of his or her misery of knowing you.
Yup and that means I now have more time to devote to the Dagger.
Sorry about your friend, Soul Crusher.
Prayers for his family.
You’re still an asshole.
Yup and I don’t give a damn about your opinion.
The system was designed for individuals to vote not be told how they must vote. The popular vote was an advisory opinion!
The system was designed to DEMOCRATICALLY elect the candidates that the people choose. Bottom line. End of discussion. If the Electoral college becomes aware of a candidate that has committed high crimes and misdemeanors then they should be allowed a discretion. Any deviance regarding the will of the people in a specific State should NOT be tolerated.
Who do we hold accountable for the process of awarding the huge dollar contracts, for design, architecture, land procurement, planning, etc? And you all know what I mean by that. Just look at some of the players behind this. Just sayin’.
I’m sorry for getting off topic on this article because of the idiocy of some of the Dagger commenters. I’m not really sure who you can hold accountable for the question you have asked, but I believe it will be someone in your County Council. I think it would probably be a good idea for Edgewood to have a satellite of your community college. Lot’s of bad opinions are abound about Edgewood and there needs to be some good instilled into the community and the opinions about the people of that community. I lived there for 5 years and really liked the place at the time. Unfortunately for me, after a very bad experience with your Sheriff’s Department I was given no other choice but to move from your County. I will never return to your County and I avoid the place like the plague, but I liked most of the people I met there and thought they were good people. If it wasn’t for the crone Jessica Belchner and the rat Jeffery Lawrence, I would probably still live there and would’ve been happy to call Edgewood my home….
So you belittle, attack, and smear those of us who live in Harford County from your keyboard in another county.
Pathetic vermin.
” I liked most of the people I met there and thought they were good people” – I wouldn’t call that statement belittling the people of Harford County at all. However, you have terrorists and traitors living amongst you that I want nothing to do with. Now, I didn’t rat on anyone in your County and all cooperation gained from me came after the terrorist David Waldsmith threatened to taser me with my hands handcuffed behind my back in my own home. I don’t have the problem. I’m not the pathetic rat. Jessica Belchner and Jeffrey Lawrence are rats and your task force is a terrorist organization. I live in the City where the police have been subdued and quite frankly, I live in a war zone just to have freedom. I don’t live in any property in my own name because of YOUR terrorist organization and the threat of murder or bodily harm by those same terrorists. These are NOT the facts of the your incompetent and treasonous courts, but it is the truth. You know, that thing people like you just can’t seem to comprehend.
Just for the record, I actually feel sorry for the good people of Harford County that have to put up with people like you and the terrorist they have to pay the salaries for….
Really? That’s the best you got? I’m crushed….
I thought this post was about the proposed new HCC campus in Edgewood? (Which is a good idea. However, Harford County needs a 4-year college if it intends to attract those high-end technologically-oriented jobs.)
However, in MD the electoral college is suppose to support, in total, the winner of the total number of votes cast in the state in the presidential election. The MD electoral college can vote on party lines, or an individual elector might cast his or her vote independent of the rest of the state electors, but that is rare and may possibly be illegal (but who knows). But since the electoral votes are suppose to go to the overall state winner, I fail to see where it matters what party the elector represents.
But — gerrymandering and other forms of partisan redistricting does influence who represents us in Congress and deserves the careful inspection of each American citizen.
Everyone’s trying so desperately to turn the “meh” route 40 corridor into a place where people want to bring a business
Didn’t someone get shot and killed at the Edgewood High School parking lot?
I think more parking lots is the last thing Edgewood needs unless their goal is to promote this type of behavior.
Yeah just like someone did an early morning drive by shooting off 24 across from Festival last year in a residential driveway, or the nose dives off the Bel Air Parking Garage which for some reason were a “must do” location 2 years ago.
Yeah check out your own parking lots first.
Do people get shot and killed in North Harford Parking lots?
I’m sure there is criminal activity county wide. Duh.
Just that “Edgewood” there is A LOT of criminal activity.
Good luck!
What do you think about “Term Limits” and also, more judges on the SCOTUS?
During the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, I began to consider whether term limits” for the Supreme Court would be a good thing. Being a Democrat and realizing that the court was about to have another conservative judge, it comes as no surprise, I would be thinking this away. Now that several of Democratic candidates are talking, not only term limits, but also more judges on the court, it is again on my mind.
Here is where I am at so far. I think term limits for the Supreme Court (maybe 8-10 years) would be a positive thing. In our system, the power of the Supreme Court is relatively unchecked and needs to be limited. Term limits seem like a good beginning. However, I don’t think we need more judges… nine seems to be a reasonable number.
I am impartial to term limits. I don’t think it matters one way or the other. I don’t approve of any politics within our courts and believe that politics in courts is detrimental to justice. In the arena of the Supreme Court, it is the Judge’s job to make decisions based on the Constitutional merits of cases. Sometimes they hear cases that doesn’t involve Constitutional muster in the least and I guess it’s OK to allow some sort of differing opinions within the Court. It makes me VERY nervous when I see decisions that determine the Constitutionality of a decision that ends up being 5-4. The Constitution is NOT a hard document to interpret and the intentions of those who wrote it are pretty easy to understand. When I see 5-4 decisions it tells me that at least 4 Judges were NOT doing their job. Most decisions should be 9-0, in my opinion because if the Supreme Court is doing their job appropriately, based on Constitutional merits, they should be in total agreement. As for expanding the number of Justices, as long as it is an ODD number, to prevent ties, I’m alright with it. However, if a certain political party is trying to stack Justices to undermine the true meaning of our forefathers, I don’t think that is a good idea. The Supreme Court does a pretty good job as it is and a stacked Court meant to make unconstitutional decisions is TREASON. SCOTUS has repeatedly used the Commerce Clause, illegally and unconstitutionally, to allow the banning of goods and substances because there is no Commerce in prohibition and the government isn’t supposed to be using ANY clause to give the government a power or authority that was not ordained by the people. The regulation of the behavior of WE THE PEOPLE is NOT listed in Article 1 Section 8 and SCOTUS has repeatedly made illegal decisions that allows the Federal government to regulate behaviors of WE THE PEOPLE. Common Law is what regulates the behavior of WE THE PEOPLE as if there is no victim, there is no crime. So, we have already seen that SCOTUS has been corrupted and I am not pleased with this….
Term limits: Let’s get them for Congress first.
Number of justices: You lost in 2016, get over it already.
Here is my counter-offer.
First, end the 20% rule for the popular vote for third party candidates… show us you really care about the voice of the people. Until that happens, this is all smoke and mirrors and nothing more than back door coup against the Constitution.
Second, end congressional pensions. Period.
Third, make it illegal to profit personally from time in office. Any speech, book, movie, or any type of ‘deal’ to market the legacy must be paid directly to the Treasury. This is not merely to elected officials, but anyone working for us. They earned their income while serving, no reason to pump their wallets full of cash after they’re gone.
Fourth, immediate IRS audit and independent investigation into any elected official’s financials if their reported income exceeds their published salary. Full disclosure of all financial records as a matter of public record.
Fifth, place a top amount of money a campaign can spend. Screw the hard and soft money differences.