From the Office of the Governor of Maryland:
Governor Larry Hogan today issued the following statement on the Trump Administration’s proposed Fiscal Year 2020 Budget, which would drastically cut funding for Chesapeake Bay restoration:
“As Governor of Maryland and Chairman of the Chesapeake Executive Council, protecting the Chesapeake Bay remains one of my top priorities. The EPA Administrator himself called the Chesapeake Bay Program a ‘high priority,’ making this week’s cut in the budget a total betrayal. These cuts are potentially devastating to restoration efforts at such a critical time.
“Here in Maryland, leaders from both sides of the aisle have taken a strong stance on environmental conservation, and we hope our leaders at the federal level will do the same. As I have every year, I will continue to urge our federal partners to protect these critical investments into ongoing Bay restoration efforts and work with our congressional delegation to restore funding.
“The Chesapeake Bay is a state and national treasure, and federal support is essential to improving the waterway’s health. We will not allow several decades of environmental restoration to be dismantled. We will continue to fight hard against any cuts to the cleanup program.”
Dear Governor Hogan,
“Total Betrayal ” No that would be you as your lack of support for are Republican elected President has come back to bite you in your Rhino ass.
Perhaps you should consider leading like a Republican leader should and stop your boot licking to your Democratic friends.
Hear Hear,
With something like 18 anti Second Amendment bills in the General Asylum and not a word from our RINO Governor, let’s talk about total betrayal.
Dumping seemingly unlimited dollars into the nebulous Bay Cleanup is not the solution. Oh, wait, let’s just ban foam cups. Yea, that’s your solution.
It’s really no wonder why very few people in this country take the gun hobby crowd seriously.
How you can associate firearms constitutionality with environmental concerns is beyond me.
What? Do you need to point at the big gun your carrying on your boat to all the fisherman on the shore? Wave your arms real fast, I’m sure everyone really cares.
They are ridiculous. These cretins would prefer the Republican Party nominate a right-wing nut who would get 30 percent and lose- just to prove a point. Freaks.
Typical Democratic lunacy and hypocrisy. The issue of gun control has nothing to do with the Chesapeake Bay. The issue of gun control DOES have everything to do with betrayal of right and privilege of every American in this Country. It doesn’t matter how many bills get passed into statute because the Code, Rules and Regulations are ONLY enforceable on government employees unless they pass the Constitutional muster. Even then you MUST have the consent of the accused and ANY consent gained from the terrorism this State commits against it own people is an act of fraud and coercion. Notice to all elected officials and government employees, your salaries are paid by the people whom you are waging war against, whom DID ordain this government and CAN unordain this government very easily. Quite frankly, most of the recent damage to the Bay can be traced back to unkind acts of mother nature and the incompetence of other States whose tributaries dump their waste into the Bay. Hogan calls this a betrayal from the President of the United States when in reality it is mother nature reigning havoc on us for years of neglect and her revenge was VERY swift. Everyone needs to get realistic about the issues at hand and you can’t blame Trump for everything because this Country is practically bankrupt. Spending must be cut. We ALL need to realize that every elected official is actually a representative of the US Corporation and is acting on behalf of the United Nations and not for WE THE PEOPLE. They aren’t even citizens anymore! Do you really believe that the foreign citizens you have been elected really care about this Country?
On December 9, 1945, the International Organization Immunities Act relinquished every public office of the United States to the United Nations. This law makes all public officials foreign citizens, barring them from judicial power. All public officials are administrative agents of the US Corporation. They have no judicial power whatsoever.
Phildirt brought the gun issue into the thread, not a liberal.
Spending?? You might want to look ar the facts on that. Trump promised to eliminate the debt, maybe in 5 years or less, but he’s now at record debt during the first two years and had an unlimited debt ceiling. Fiscal conservative has a whole different meaning now. Republicans seem to have done a 180 on what the party stands for.
Yeah, but what you’re not saying is Obama left the man with $20 trillion in debt when he took office. Obama doubled the nation’s debt from $10 trillion to $20 trillion during his Presidency and now you act like it’s Trump’s Debt alone. Get real. As far as the gun issue, it is correct to say exactly what I said. It’s all about betraying the very people who are the United States and that’s not them the government. Trump hasn’t betrayed Hogan. Trump didn’t betray Maryland. Trump has not betrayed the American people. If our General Assembly keeps passing legislation forever tightening the regulation of guns, even though Maryland has some of the toughest gun restrictions in the Country, they will be betraying their oaths and should be forced to step down by their own damn statutes. What did Hitler teach you Democrats? Keep taking liberty away from the population, bit by bit, until the people have no liberty left and it is too late for them to do anything about it. The Democratic party will not be satisfied until everyone is a brainwashed moron that believes their government owns them and will take care of them. The Democratic party is literally trying to destroy this Country and I fear the end result.
Again, what do guns have to do with the environment? Are you incapable of staying on topic? Every post is a variation of the one before- guns! Dems are terrible, etc.
Carter- increased debt 43%
Reagan- increased debt 186%
Bush Sr- increased debt 54%
Clinton- increased debt 32%
Bush- increased debt 101%
Obama- increased debt 74%
Well, my original response was to “Wonder Wondering Wonderer”, who was responding to “veritas”, whom did bring up the REAL betrayal that was occurring. I shouldn’t even have to explain that to a reasonable person who was reading the comments in sequence. However, I have already conceded that you’re nothing but a treasonous Democratic fuktard and that tells the whole story….
and by the way, Obama came into office at about $10.8 billion dollars worth of debt and left office with a little over $20 billion in debt. How can you come up with a 74% increase in debt with those numbers? Typical Demotardic skewing of the facts…. How’s that for civility?
Gave you a link where it came from. Go read it. Name calling shows your debate points are weak.
In other news
U.S. deficit grew 77% in first quarter of 2019
Well there you go with your fear mongering again. The deficit doesn’t matter until the fiscal year is up and all is calculated into the Federal Debt. So what if our deficit grew 77% in the first quarter. There is still time to gain revenue to cover the deficit. Do you really know what the deficit is and how it relates to the Federal Debt? Educate yourself and stop being a puppet of the Democratic party….
ARE…??? Are republican president…..fantastic…..
So sad that people like you….23 on here….continue to support a blowhard, money grubbing fool like Trump who gives no shits about common folk like you! Governor Hogan at least has a brain and can think for himself. …you’re all pathetic sheep. This man is undoubtedly the worst President we have ever had…thats a FACT….let me guess, you also like Andy Harris…another one who gives NO shits about you!!
I thought Andy was to look after us? Harris is all talk and no go.
Karma is a bitch there lex luthor
Once again Andy Harris supports trump and the destruction of the bay. and the watermen line up to vote for both.
This is a regional issue and should be a consortium of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia providing the funding for Bay restoration issues. The federal government should not be involved. Local money, with local control, should be leading the resolution of the issues, not federal money, with federal control.
I agree to an extent. As long as the EPA exists, the Fed gov’t. has a responsibility to look after the region’s interests. That being said, if this budget does cut funds for bay cleanup, all is not lost. We just roll up our sleeves and find other ways to continue the progress we’ve made. The Federal government is not our mommy. We are big boys and girls who can make grown-up decisions and find our own solutions, if needed.
How about you go after the companies that pollute the bay? Now there’s a novel idea. Go home Hogan, you’re drunk with power.
Most of the pollution comes from PA north. He has no authority there
Hooray! Hogan is finally criticizing the Trump administration. Wonder why? Presidential run??
He would not win a Republican ticket. Bottom line. End of discussion.
Not likely but who knows? GOP didn’t think Trump would win. Hogan has presidential aspirations.
It should be noted when President Obama took office in January 2009 our country and the world was on the precipice of a catastrophic financial disaster. So it is hardly a surprise, we would have to spend “billions” to set things right again during his 8 years in office.
I firmly believe history will judge President Obama kindly regarding his handling of the Great Recession of 2008. Thank you, Mr. President, for being there when we needed you.
I can NOT disagree with you on this very important fact. Obama inherited a disaster caused by a Bush. However, if you think that Obama had nothing to do with the Trump investigation you’d be lying to yourself. The peaceful transition of power was a mirage and Obama did try and undermine an incoming President and his agenda. When history judges Obama, I’m sure it will highlight his accomplishments, but it must also show that he did NOT transfer the power of his office accordingly and the Federal agencies that were once under his command have seemed to follow his directive, as well as the directives of the UN and the HOLY SEE, well after his Presidency. This is NOT right. Let me remind you that if Obama hadn’t chastised Trump at that White House dinner, proclaiming that Trump would never be a President and walk in his shoes, Trump probably would have never run for President. Obama created the Trump presidential run and Trump persevered. To this day, I don’t think Trump thought he was going to win and I remember him looking very surprised when he defeated HRC. You can thank Obama for Trump and that is the bottom line…..
It’s interesting that you bring up the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. If looks could kill the “expression” on Trump’s face that night, when Obama was joking about him, said it all. You could almost see the wheels turning in Trump’s mind, saying to himself, “I’ll show you”.
You’re right! Trump was probably the most surprised guy in America when he won the presidency. President Obama knew the Russians were messing with our election. However, he didn’t tell the America people because, like everybody else, he didn’t think Trump had a snowball’s chance in hell of winning. That decision, coupled with James Comey’s announcement on HRC in Oct 2016, I believe sealed the deal for Trump.
Yup, in my opinion, if anyone was really guilty of influencing the 2016 Presidential election, it was definitely James Comey. I am VERY surprised he hasn’t been indicted for that. Especially since the e-mails on Weiner’s computer revealed no new evidence. The FBI doesn’t normally release any information on an investigation if a suspect is NOT going to be indicted. It was totally off kilter for Comey to release information that HRC was once again under investigation. However, even after ALL that, the Democrats said Trump did something wrong for firing Comey. I was glad to see Comey go and truly believe that his announcement of that investigation DID influence the election. Now all I hear is Russia and I’m sick of that. Trump is not a Russian agent and I truly believe that he really wants America to shine while he is President.
The financial disaster was not ’caused by Bush’. It was caused by the mortgage pyramid of easy credit mortgages promoted during the 90’s. Mortgage companies were bundling these toxic mortgages and selling them to a ready market created by Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac. The real estate bubble burst and suddenly millions of people were underwater on their loans, having used their home as bank. Bush went to Congress several times warning of this impending catastrophe and the response, led by Dodd/Frank was that this was not a concern and the taxpayers would never be on the hook. They were wrong and billions of taxpayer dollars went to shore up this mess created by Congress. None of them were held accountable and people continue to blame the Bush administration. Obama simply used future generations as a bank and doubled the national debt over 8 years. Now, adding the interest payments we have now, balancing the budget will take even more spending restraint than before. Yet, we continue to have a Congress that refuses to even pass a budget. A pox on both parties as they have, and continue, to fail the American people.
You are in error in regards to the “financial disaster”. The mortgage crisis was just one of a conglomeration that was its cause. Do you really think a mortgage crisis was the reasoning behind all the companies that were bailed out by Federal resources? You really need to think about that. If I’m not mistaken, we saw banks, insurance companies and even automobile manufacturing companies all bailed out with Federal resources. When Federal resources are used to save corporations it is theft from the American people whom fund the Federal government. Bush was the incompetent and untrustworthy moron who brought ALL of this on. Don’t forget he also passed that “Patriot Act”, which was and still is an act of treason against the United States. I’m sorry, but you’re just plain wrong. In my eyes, the financial crisis was a conglomeration of questionable acts and I believe it was an intentional scheme to harm the United States. The people are the United States, not the government.
The mortgage crisis underpinned all the other issues. Free credit, approving loans without the means of repayment created a domino effect that cascaded through the banks and other parts of the economy. The banks took the hits because they had so many bad loans on the books, their liquidity was poor, leading to a lending crisis among others. It was the liquidity problem which led to the financial crisis. I do agree this was a coordinated attack on the American economy. Unfortunately those responsible will never be held accountable, nor blamed. It is easy to blame Bush, which the media and Obama did for years. Most of the millionaires in Congress should be held to account and have their finances scrutinized and the American people should be educated as to how their politicians became so wealthy. I also agree that federal resources should not have been used to save corporations as that just extended the crisis and increased federal debt, which we will all have to pay. McCain’s reversal on that cost him many votes as he abandoned any conservative ideals he had left.
Well, let’s just say we agree to disagree then because no matter how much we debate the topic, neither of us will be swayed to see the side of the other.
Fuck the DAGGER and it’s obvious censorship. I’m not going away and I will tell the truth about your sorry ass County for the rest of my life you stinking traitors…..
Blocked two of my very reasonable comments to BOB and I’m NOT typing them in again. The Dagger editors are sponsors of treason. Always remember, the UN and the HOLY SEE are really running this Country and the Dagger is a pile of stool. It’s on like Donkey Kong…
Maybe you should check into Dissenter, from Gab.
You haven’t wrote a reasonable post for a long time. Do you really think the profanity and name calling enhances your “points” in the debate? You could be Trump’s ghost writer. Be Best!!
Yawn. Really? That’s what you’ve got to say? Just another Dumbocrat trying to silence the truth as you ALL try to paint a fictional picture of what the world is. Republicans aren’t any better and being part of either corporate treason machine is unwise. We don’t need more Democrats and we don’t need more Republicans. We need more Americans….that’s the truth and my use of profane words doesn’t matter one damn bit. It only matters to you, not me or the rest of the Dagger whom do use profanity quite a bit. The Dagger attempts to cry that profanity is an excuse for censorship. I don’t agree. Even our duly elected President uses profanity and if I remember correctly one of your Democratic heroes named Tlaib used profanity against our duly elected President by saying, “We’re going to impeacher the Mother F#cker”. You’re just a stinkhole Democrat with nothing but a “Pussy Hat”.
33 out of 100 is a F-, end of story. We need as individuals to call on elected officials to stop pointing the finger and kicking the can downriver. Accountability, especially towards our commonwealth neighbor in the immediate north needed to happen yesteryear.
Soul Crusher—
Calm down with the foul mouth hate filled name calling and have a good laugh about the Orange President! (Dumbocrat is a bridge too far!)
You’re just a fuktard Mike. A complete and utter fuktard…..
There goes that foul mouth hate filled name calling again. Chill out!! Try to use reason, logic and reality based facts.
Yup, there goes my foul mouth again fuktard. You don’t have any reason, logic or reality based facts. Everything you believe in is a lie and cleaning up my foul mouth won’t change that. Why do you care what I type on these pages? Afraid somebody might like hearing the truth for a change? The only thing that is worse than the current treasonous government is a political party that endorses even more of the same. That is your party and it’s very scary because you guys have a majority in this country. Thank God for the electoral college or else we’d all be at the mercy of the continued treason of your party.