From David Fang:
Much has been said in the matter of Delegate Lisanti. Interesting comments, hateful comments, comments from people 3000 miles away that have no clue. And one comment from someone right here in Harford County that also has no clue. As reported in the Baltimore Sun,
“Those comments are not reflective of the modern Harford County I’m building,” said Harford County’s Barry Glassman, a Republican who has been county executive since December 2014.
I almost lost my lunch reading this particular bit of fake news. Because last I looked Joppatowne is still part of Harford County, and Barry Glassman’s personal and his administration’s executive actions regarding a senior housing townhouse project there are below deplorable, possibly illegal, and have miraculously escaped public scrutiny.
What Bowtie Barry and sidekick Billy Boniface really, really want to build, as memorialized in the court opinion in OT, LLC, et al., Plaintiffs vs. Harford County Maryland, et al., Defendants, Civil Case No. GLR-17-2812 on Friday, June 22, 2018, is a Muslim-free community. They might deny it – in public anyway – but as they say, actions speak volumes.
What the Court basically found was a systemic and pervasive pattern of denying, or at the very least slowing down the issuance of permits by Harford County to the developer/builder of a senior living townhome community being developed by a Muslim non-profit. This development was initially marketed to Muslims 55+, but open to anyone aged 55 or older with a check that clears. The Court determined that this slowdown or denial – orchestrated from the highest levels of Harford County government – was based upon the religion of the plaintiffs. If this was pretty much any other County in the Baltimore area Boniface and Glassman and the named department heads would be out of jobs and investigated by the U.S. Attorney’s office for Federal Civil Rights violations. There’s always hope.
“At the outset, the Court finds at this preliminary stage that state delegates and some county residents applied direct and indirect pressure on county officials. The county defendants testified they were receiving significant pressure via e-mails and phone calls from county residents to stop or halt the development immediately…”
“The county defendants also admitted that during the meeting they emphasized to the plaintiffs that the county would apply a significant amount of scrutiny to the construction project as a result of the public pressure that the county was receiving…”
“Based upon the testimony, the Court finds at this preliminary stage of the litigation that the project received more scrutiny from the county than other projects as a result of the concern and pressure from some county residents because the prospective purchasers were Muslim…”
And more interesting tidbits.
The corruption and bigotry in the County Executive’s office is ongoing and systemic. Every week. Every day. Let’s not forget about the MRA case, where Glassman’s early decision making in politics has come back to bite Harford County taxpayers to the tune of $45 million+ in a lawsuit decided by a Harford County jury last Spring. And Glassman’s appeal of the case is costing another $500,000 in legal fees PLUS $15,000 PER DAY in interest charges on the settlement. This is where outrage needs to be directed. Go get a copy of the lawsuit and see how Glassman and Boniface appeared to knuckle under to knuckleheads Impallaria and McDonough. Glassman is planning a run for the Governor’s mansion and Boniface for County Executive…they need to be stopped and told their brand of bigotry and manipulation of departmental priorities needs to end now.
Barry Glassman, it’s clear your actions vis-à-vis the Muslim community are a true indicator of the Harford County you’d like to build. No thanks.
David Fang
Harford County, MD
It’s a shame that the Dagger has published an article by an asshole like this.
Typical liberal bashing from outside idiots… Constant moronic comments.
You are correct this guy is an a- hole. And this paper loves this type of crap.
There is one thing most conservatives hate. That is the truth. Most of this statement by Fang are part of the public record.
Yes the word is Glassman is running for Governor. His chances are pretty good now that many other county executives were beaten in the past election.
As far as Boniface, just read all the power he has given the county executive when he was on the county council. Then look at Glassman gave he a perk job. Yes he has been groomed for the county executive seat by himself and by Glassman and his past friends on the county council.
The powers to be were able to breath after Hogan won reelection. There would be no state police investigation.
That’s funny… Glassman, Hogan, Boniface as conservatives… my friend, you must have never met one nor even seen one before. Thank you for the laugh on the day. Put your broad brush of condemnation away and avoid making such sweeping and generalized statements that reveal nothing but weakness and ignorance.
You must be kidding me. I have met the 2 locals. Have been outside the Annapolis Hogan home, but he is afraid to show his face.
Gordon… I’m not kidding you. Congratulations on meeting the two locals. I guess I’m the one to inform you that just meeting two local politicians does not make them conservative. And if you have met them, and I have and even spoken at length, I can assure you – because I am a conservative – they and me are not much alike when it comes to that scale.
Now, with Hogan you may have me. I agree I have not met the man, but I have heard him speak. Stalking his house hoping for a glimpse is another matter… The good governor, and frankly I think he is the best we’ve had the 40+ years I’ve lived in the state; he is no conservative. He certainly leans in that direction, but no, he does not encamp near my tent.
I think you owe it to yourself to learn what a conservative really is. And I might suggest you not go to CNN, FOX, Buzzfeed or any of those like minded outlets to learn either.
Can spot; Definition; conservative holding to traditional attitudes and values and cautious about change or innovation, typically in relation to politics or religion.
In the past republicans were what I called a party that keep the far left in line and worked to keep a balance in the laws passed. I admired their dedication.
Since Reagan the party has changed. Then Newt came along and threw a wreck into a party with values and it wasn’t long after that the Tea Party was formed.
The Tea Party tyhe hell party that elections were more important than the building of a country. In the mist of that the Hastert rule, where only republican votes counted. If the party didn’t have enough to pass a bill the bill was tabled.
Then alongcame a black president and the racist in the party went wild, especially Trump. That opened the door for a con man to become president and for the last two years it has been destroy democracy in the name of money for Trump.
Boniface from his power grabbing for the executive while on county council certainly falls in the last half of that statement. So does Glassman. The first 2 years of Hogan he also fell into that category. After so many vetos, he became an old time republican, which is the first half of that statement.
Since over half the state and from all the parties Hogan broke the tradition of a republican never getting a second term as Governor.
Now Hogan falls into the category of the first half which are true republicans who seem to love this country and democracy.
Can Spot by your own words you do not like Hogan and are one of those democracy destroyers and I truly feel sorry for you and others like you that choose party over country.
Oh Gordon…
You wrote this: “Can Spot by your own words you do not like Hogan and are one of those democracy destroyers and I truly feel sorry for you and others like you that choose party over country.”
First, I think I called him the best in the 40+ years I’ve lived here. Now, given the run we’ve had over that duration I agree that may not say much indeed. However, how can one even think my words are negative? I voted for the man. I think he’d make a great president.
Second, what party? Are you assuming I’m a republican or democrat? You should stalk my posts and see exactly what I am… hint, neither. Nice projection there. A bit amateurish, but nice all the same.
Your definition… oh my. Did that come from the dictionary? It certainly did not come from any political concept. C’mon, man, I said stay away from network news versions of things…
Now I will agree with the part of your epistle that conservatives could keep the whacked out left in check in the past… well, the left is off the rails right now seemingly enjoying the ride down the side of the mountain into the abyss. Frankly, I find it humorous, in a morbid way, that these extreme left Democrats have more in common – at least as bigotry goes – with those skin head @$$holes in Charlottesville… than conservatives have with either of them.
Oh, and nice reference to racism… you know that’s not a conservative idea… right? If so, that makes Gov. “Kill ’em while they’re young” Northam pretty conservative… and our locally grown democrat is another example… is she a conservative? Racism is not a political leaning… it’s a moral flaw. A flaw that knows no political ideology nor party.
Again… avoid that broad brush you seemingly enjoy using. Honestly, it is really making you sound far less intelligent than you probably are.
Let me ask you… do you know the difference between a conservative and neo-conservative? You know they are not the same, right?
Can Spot; did you not read these words of your, that are after the 40 years statement?
“”he is no conservative. He certainly leans in that direction, but no, he does not encamp near my tent.”””
Yes, read them and wrote them, if I could be so vain to re-read my own post. It’s an observation that he leans in a conservative direction with feet firmly in the moderate camp, but he is not a ‘conservative’ in the traditional political sense – if you understand what that even means. I’m beginning to understand you don’t want to know, what you don’t know.
Can Spot’em says, I know what a true conservtive is. Today’s conservative is no longer a true conservative. Most today fall into the category of an angry mob.
Great jouralistic investigation of the corrupt Glassman government!.
Glassman as Governor ? What a joke that would be!
Not if there are ribbons to be cut.
Why the name calling?
Mr. FANG, you mentioned you almost lost your lunch. What were you eating?
Do you like cheese?
Spot on analysis. I’m glad left Harford County for more the more liberal Fort Worth, Texas.
You know why Texas is such a good place to live? Because muh conservatives.
This op-ed is mostly nonsense. Well, except for the “knuckleheads Impallaria and McDonough” part.
This is a thoughtful, civil article that does so much to elevate our discussions.
Nailed it
Well, you really shouldn’t put much faith into any Judicial finding in this State because the Judiciary of Maryland is nothing but a group of treasonous scumbags whom all deserve the full penalty of Article 3 Section 3. There is NO Judges in Maryland, only traitors. If you think differently you really need to research it for yourself. That being said, I’d like to point out that the article plainly states the townhome community that was being built by a Muslim non profit organization was “initially marketed to Muslims 55+”. That tells the story right there. I don’t care if they eventually agreed to be “open to anyone aged 55 or older with a check that clears” because the initial intent was to create a Muslim EXCLUSIVE community and that is apparently not what the leaders of your County have envisioned. It was the developers intent to market to a specific religion and that is highly suspect to say the least. Now, the Courts of treason have declared that your duly elected leaders are discriminating against these developers when the developer’s own marketing strategies were based on a policy of discrimination in the first place. To say these opinions of this supposed Judicious Court are skewed would be an understatement. Remember, those Judges are nothing but traitors who are trying to hold the Annotated Code to a higher regard than the Constitutions they have sworn to uphold. That’s all you need to know. Never trust a Judge. Never trust a lawyer. Never trust a cop. Never trust any government employee or elected official. However, in this particular case, it seems that your elected officials may have been doing the right thing all along. Ask yourself this question. Are there other communities in Harford County that are or were originally marketed to citizens of a certain faith? Maybe Glassman and Boniface were trying to prevent a precedent your County does not need….
Soul Crusher, you are wrong about the developer wanting to build an exclusive Muslim Community.
The fact is the lots were not being sold. A represenative of the Muslim community approached the developer and agreed to sell the lots to his Muslim friends. Of course the developer would build those homes. I know darn well if you were the developer, you would have agreed also.First it’s all about the money then it becomes all about racism.
I had the videos of the first 2 meetings by those delegates and there were racial slurs thru out the entire meetings.
Then I attended a meeting at the Magnolia Fire station. That meeting was chaired entirely by Impallaria. He started the meeting by saying he was advised by lawyers to inform the group they were not allowed to yell out racist slurs. Imagine it takes advice from outside people to tell republican delegates they are not allowed to let racist slurs go unchecked.
Then there is a discrepancy to the truth in the article. Did I not read “This development was initially marketed to Muslims 55+, but open to anyone aged 55 or older with a check that clears”? From that statement, it seems very clear to me that the development was “initially marketed to Muslims 55+”. That is all I need to know to develop my opinion about this article. We then need to clarify that the development was being built by a “Muslim non-profit” and it makes perfect sense that these homes were “initially marketed to Muslims 55+”. Now, I am getting my info from this “David Fang” who authored this article in what I perceive to be opposition to “Bowtie Barry and Sidekick Billy Boniface”. Am I not correct? Did “David Fang” provide us with false facts? Is this “Fake News”? Do you see where I’m going with this? Am I using too much common sense for you to see where I’m coming from?
Soul Catcher, You are confusing the marketer of the project. That promotion was done by the person who said he would find the people to fill those empty lots. The developer didn’t advertise that way. When the promoter was approached by other realtors he corrected his mistake and added anyone over 55. That was an oversight I am willing to overlook, since I agree people make mistakes. When they immediately correct them it is a plus.
I’m sorry, but I am NOT confusing a damn thing. I am quoting what was written in the article. YOU are adding additional information that may or may not be fact. There is no questioning the words, “This development was initially marketed to Muslims 55+, but open to anyone aged 55 or older with a check that clears” and “developer/builder of a senior living townhome community being developed by a Muslim non-profit” . If you want to battle words, you need to take that up with “David Fang”. He’s the one that submitted the article to the Dagger.
Boniface AGAIN?????? Hard pass….
Gordon Koerner,
Correct, the developer did not want to build an all Muslim community. He had lots in his inventory that were not selling, the representative from the Muslim non-profit approached and offered to purchase the lots. The town homes would then be constructed and sold to members of the Muslim community. We were told that this is common for the Muslim community as it is against their religion to pay interest on a loan. Several of the lots would be converted from housing units to a community center and their original intent was for a mosque. As the zoning would not allow for such an activity, they settled on a community center.
Personally I don’t care who buys any of the town homes just so long as they are made available for anyone to purchase. But, as the developer stated the lots were not advertised for sale in an effort to save in advertising costs, meaning only members of the Muslim community would know the homes were available. This seems one way to make the community fairly exclusive without breaking the law. Sneaky, but not illegal in my opinion.
In the 25 years I’ve lived in Harford just about every opportunity to development was allowed except in rural areas where they came up with the bogus “farm preservation” to stop development on former farm land that might be close to Boniface, Glassman et al. Very few, of any, developments anywhere else have been openly opposed by these guys. They subscribe to the NIMBY philosophy- not in my backyard. Was there this much resistance by these officials to Presbyterian Home of Maryland’s Eva Mar retirement community by these elected officials? Just imagine if their name was Muslim Home of Maryland.
“Farm preservation” A means for people with land to make money off the citizens. Nothing else. They will claim there is a provivion that says they can’t build. Tell me what court down the road will hold a 30, 40 year old agreement when it may be a hardship on those families.
It would be a legitimate comparison if Eva Mar was only being marketed to Presbyterians. Earth to you…it’s not. This entire opinion piece suffers from the extreme prejudice of the author.
Just for the record, you don’t have to be a Presbyterian to buy a home in Eva Mar. Or in the Ware Presbyterian community in Oxford, PA.
That’s their intent and marketing-
“The Harford County community will broaden Presbyterian’s demographic market “
Page 10 – “…Mr. Boniface showed (a local attorney) a picture of the prospective Muslim purchasers and their families, praying at a groundbreaking ceremony prior to the construction.
“…Boniface showed (the attorney) the photo and then stated words to the effect of “this isn’t helping anything.””
Page 11 – “In addition, during this time period Mr. Boniface as well as Ms. Lambert (County Attorney) were particularly focused on ensuring that the community center could not be used as a mosque, a religious place of worship for the Muslim faith even though the community center had already received preliminary approval and had not even been constructed. Ms. Lambert admitted that a mosque would have been permitted under the community center zoning requirements and Mr. Boniface admitted that the county was concerned about the public perception that it had approved a mosque.”
This is not leadership, folks. This is pandering to the worst of human nature. Glassman and Boniface either believe in this branch of Trumpian orthodoxy, and it sure looks that way as evidenced by their actions, or they need to show some spine and tell the haters that they have no home in the Harford that WE are trying to build.
To all of you hiding your hate behind pseudonyms, there’s more. 30 page opinion. Just keep the hate coming.
You are highly partisan and your rhetoric is unhelpful.
David thanks for giving the facts to the none believers, especially those that right away insult and tag with names.
and how do we know you’re really “David Fang”. Submit it to the Dagger and I am sure they will be glad to post it up as “Updated”. Until then, you could be multiple personality Mike using Mr. Fang’s name on here….
Soul Crusher; when someone gets the best of you, do you always throw out statements that the one writing is not whom they say they are?
I didn’t see anybody getting the best of me on the issue we are discussing. I am going by the information in the article. As we ALL know, anyone can comment on here under any alias they want. I think I stated a valid point. If you don’t think so please tell us how you know whether or not the comments I was talking about came from the “David Fang” that wrote this article….
If I’m correct…and I usually am…….Islam places itself laterally above the Geo-political govt. The “believers” have loyalty to Islam before their govt. In this case the county and on up to the fed govt….ultimately our constitution.
Now, this is the comments of a TRUE American. I sometimes wonder if I am the last American left in this State and possibly this Country. You have given me hope for this embattled society. Now, if we could just get our government to stop illegally enforcing the law of government employees and elected officials on WE THE PEOPLE, we might just have a chance of survival. The Code, Rules and Regulation are NOT the law of WE THE PEOPLE and are being fraudulently enforced on a grand scale across this Country against WE THE PEOPLE. This is MASS FRAUD, TERRORISM and TREASON against WE THE PEOPLE of these United States and the corporate government is trying to abrogate our Constitution. By breaking faith against the covenants that bind us and forsaking the Constitution for corporate control of the people, that same corporate government has endangered its powers and authority in perpetuity. WE THE PEOPLE ordained this government and WE THE PEOPLE can un-ordain it as well.
SoulCrusher, Do you place ‘your God’ above the Constitution? Is ‘your God’ and ‘Islam’s God’ one in the same?
Will try to write the quote as I remember; ” I am who I am, I am a God of many names”. I believe it is in the old testiment
According to God’s words the answer to your question is YES
. Of course maybe you don’t believe in the true God.
The Laws of God and Nature are engrained into the Constitution, so your question is nothing but a trick to decide which above the other, when in reality it one and the same. The laws of men come after the Constitution and are engrained in code, rules and regulations that need your consent to enforce. The problem is forced consent by the traitors your corporate government sends to enforce the code, rules and regulations of the corporation in defiance of the Constitution. Code Enforcers are godless traitors that should all suffer the penalty of Article 3 Section 3. I assume that my God and the God of Islam are one and the same, as that is the idealism of there being only one God. We are talking once again about educational issues as one faith may TEACH a different interpretation of the creator. In this land, the Constitution is superior as it is the laws of God as our forefathers understood them and they then ordained the government with the powers of Article 1 Section 8 and gave them the power of regulation of those whom are part of that government to ensure the administration of that government was constrained to what is permitted. There is no power or authority to regulate the behavior of WE THE PEOPLE as our behavior is already regulated by the Common Law, which is the Law of God and Nature, which is basically thou shall not victimize one another. The enforcement of code victimizes us all when it is not within the constitutional restraints of our Constitution. Many a man has been the victim of State treason and we are now facing our own holocaust as our government, made up of our own people, wishes to destroy us unless we follow the code, rules and regulations of men, who the people have elected into office, that have no authority to enforce, prosecute and convict us of those codes, rules and regulations. Codes, rules and regulations are that of the government employees and elected officials, not creatures of God. This all too real concept is NOT being taught anymore and it is directed by this treasonous government to intentionally teach the people wrong and make us obey the terrorists and traitors of our government. Yes, our government is terrorism. Yes, our government is treason and Yes you asked the wrong person about the Constitution and God….
Soul Crusher, usually I don’t do thisbut here goes. “””Ingrain is the standard spelling of the verb meaning to impress deeply. Engrain is an accepted variant, but it appears only rarely. It does not have any meanings of its own. The preference for ingrain extends to ingrained, which is actually more common than the uninflected form.”””
Soul Crusher may I also clarify that you are wrong. You are confusing the constitution with the Declaration of Indelendence.
“” The Declaration contains several references to God, the Constitution none at all. … The Declaration states that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Engrain is Old English, no where near as old as my soul, but it will suit for how I use it. As for there being no references to God, when the word “ordain” was used that gave us all the reference to the creator that we will ever need. The Common Law is the Law of God and that is all that existed when the Constitution was “ordained”. Codes, rules and regulations are NOT law. They came after the Constitution and are forever chained down by the Constitution. That which does not pass the Constitutional muster is codified crap and does not exist in the hearts of WE THE PEOPLE. Any member of the public that has been convicted of codified crap has been fraudulently convicted by a treasonous Court of the Legislature and that which the Legislature codifies only applies to elected officials and government employees. REAL law must be amended into the Constitutions as that is the only law recognized by WE THE PEOPLE.
Soul Crusher you got me on the word “ordain” in the constitution. Here is the definition. You seem to be mixing an ordained minister with”we the people ordain the constitution.
What does ordain mean in the Constitution?
2a : to establish or order by appointment, decree, or law : enact we the people … do ordain and establish this Constitution — U.S. Constitution.
If you notice there is no reference of GOD or religion.
When our forefathers did “ordain” the government, they did it by the will of God as that is the only authority that they answered to after defeating the British. Where do you think they established their authority from?
Those beliefs are not much different than Christian. Isn’t God above all else on this earth?
Christians font put God above government?
The truth is often offensive.
WOW…….BIGOTS GONE WILD ! EMPOWERED BY THE NEW DEM HOUSE CHEERING THEM ON. Add to this the Lisanti “N” word story, ( ridiculous ), which is so ridiculous its embarrassing but indicative of the vitriol that has become a cancer in our discourse having metastasized from the shadows out to the forefront! The house cant even pass a resolution against bigotry at this time! This is not America….this is 1935 Germany! There are to many working very hard to keep hate alive.
The weird thing is Lisante is a Democrat and I’m about as hard core, MAGA supporting, card carrying Trump loving, America loving, Humanity loving person as you’ll ever find ! THIS TRULY MAKES ME SICK! There is no place in America for supremacists of any kind. Whether those are Black, Muslum, Hispanic, Ethnic, or White in any of its hundreds of non visual variants.
Amazing that you write 1935 Germany, when we have a president that thinks the Nazi party in America is great.
Weird how lies are mentioned when there is a president that so far has over 9,000 since he took the office in Jan. 2017.
Something that when the woman was killed in Charlottesville, VA, the pesident said white supremist are nice people
.I hated to see Nixon brought down, but this clown in the WH, I just may have a BBQ in one of the parks in Harford County. Trouble is I don’t know if I can payto feed 200,000 people at the party.
Gordon ….bad boy…you have lied. Show us Trumps endorsement of the American Nazi Party.
May I add that in all the stories I have read, never has Trump denounced any of thos saluting him or anything else. In fact after the woman was killed in Charlottesville, VA, he said they are nice people. No I am not going to seqarch for that one. It’s been all over every channel and news outlet since the words were spoken. Of course if all you list t is Fox, then probably didn’t hear those words. have again lied. A group of kkk members marching in Charlotsville is NOT Trump. You have not shown us Trump endorsing any Nazis.
Koerner, You’re not telling the truth. If Trump was in fact supporting political views that were similar to 1935 Germany, he would be in support of the Democrat party. Now, the truth is that this Country is already more than half way there thru the use of forced social reform tactics brought to us by the treason of both major political parties, but the Democrats are by far the ones who have instilled the most fascist policies and wish to do more. The Constitutional Republic is supposed to prevent fascism from taking hold in this Country, but the use of the illegal and unconstitutional incorporation of criminal statute into corporate code that is repugnant to common law has created this. This is the Democratic dream. To destroy individual liberty and force the public to obey popular opinion based on myth. The Democratic party has followed the playbook of Adolph Hitler himself, by taking little liberties here and there to institute treason upon the American people. I know Democrats think they are doing what is right, but that just isn’t the case. Unless you are victimizing another person, there is no wrong with what a person does and no law is supposed to be created that proclaims the State a victim. This is the bottom line and is the true reason why the Democratic party is a vessel of treason on American shores. However, it does take the Judicial system to complete the process and our Judiciary is supposed to be our safeguard against this fascism and those in our Country’s Judicial branch and this State’s Judicial Department have committed treason against ALL Americans.
Soul Catcher, did you both to read all the posts above since you called me a liar. If you read when are you going to retract the word liar..
I didn’t use the word “liar”. I typed “You’re not telling the truth”. It would be impossible for me to detract a word I did not use….
I read your stories and it still has absolutely nothing to do with anything but the partisan crap you always utter. Pre WWII Germany was nothing like any of this, but you keep believing the fairy tale you spin. Just to let you know, the original salute for the Pledge of Allegiance was so similar to those whom hailed Hitler that they had to change it to just putting your hand over your heart. Many a salute from the recesses of history have used a similar salute to the Hitler Hail. Your just not informed enough to recognize this. I do believe the Romans are credited for first using a salute similar to the Sieg Heil salute, but the Romans always stole the traditions of other cultures and made it their own.
Sorry Soul Catcher. Below is the post I was referring to and it wasn’t you. Of course to say I didn’t write the truth is saying I wrote a lie.
The Central Scrutinizer says
March 6, 2019 at 11:41 pm
Gordon ….bad boy…you have lied. Show us Trumps endorsement of the American Nazi Party.
Gordon, I don’t think you are capable of contemplating the truth, so when I say “You’re not telling the truth”, I’m not really referring that you are intentionally lying, but that you may not be aware of what the truth is. In many cases, that which you are researching may not really be the truth, but the accepted story of what truth really is. As we all know, history is written by the victors, but that doesn’t mean that history is being honest about the deeds men do. It just means the victor’s story is what will be remembered. Take our Courts for instance. There is very little truth in the record of our courts, only the all too real truth that men and women are being persecuted under statutory law that they are NOT beholden to. Men of treason are regarded as great prosecutors and judges. Men of molestation are regarded as holy men. Total terrorists are regarded as enforcers of law and common thieves are regarded as politicians. This is the truth about our world and there is no denying it….
SoulCrusher in response to Mike Callahan says
March 7, 2019 at 5:31 pm
“… It seems that Obama may have used ALOT more executive orders than Trump..
Bob says,
“Jul 30, 2018 – President Trump has signed 77 executive orders since taking office in … Executive memoranda are essentially the same, except they do not … His predecessor, Barack Obama, signed 276 executive orders in his eight years in office, or … Roosevelt signed the greatest number of executive orders at 3,721”
Soul Catcher what makes you so great that you can lecture me about my words, while yours always insult others.
Bob Says
First; Trump is at 98 executive orders.
Second; in the same time period Obama had signed 74 executive orders. Far below the 98 and even less then the 77 you claimed.
Bob, if you want to post information like that at least get it correct before you post it.
I only insult those whom deserve being insulted. You’re a Democratic traitor against the United States. I will insult Democratic and Republican traitors until the day I die. On that note, Rest in peace Jamie M., I’m sure I’ll be joining you soon….
Donald Trump is am authoritarian President , the first step to Fascism. His behavior and policies are a threat to our Constitutional democracy.
I don’t know Mike. It seems that Obama may have used ALOT more executive orders than Trump. I also question him being an authoritarian because the Democrats are undermining his authority at every level. I don’t see his policies as being a threat to our Constitution or our Democracy because he seems to be following the Constitution and hasn’t outlawed elections. One more time, what do you think a Democracy is? I always thought it was about elections by popular vote and social equality. If his policies have interfered with your vote or have made you socially unequal, please state the policy that did so….
Exactly what policeys? Trump a “threat to our Constitutional democracy?” Seems STASI lackeys like you are the threat
Re: SoulMan/.Scruitinizer—
As a candidate and President Trump has checked off all four boxes that define an autocrat::
1. Rejecting or showing weak commitment to democratic procedure
2.Denying the legitimacy of political opponents.
3. Encouraging or tolerating violence.
4. A readiness to stifle or limit civil liberties of opponents.
Soul Crusher After 2 years of total turning the eyes away from what Trump was doing, the Dems finally are doing the job that all congresses are required by the constitution to do, oversight. Now that for just 2 months the dems are doing the oversight you write as if it’s been going on for over 2 years now. Even when the dems had no control of any branch. Never fear thou after 2020 expect full control of all 3 branches. Then maybe they will go after the Supreme Court and their rulings. They can still investigate Kavaugh for lying to congress.
Gordon…wow…so you would have the courts dissolved? >> “Never fear thou after 2020 expect full control of all 3 branches. Then maybe they will go after the Supreme Court and their rulings. They can still investigate Kavaugh for lying to congress.”
Gordon…..I am amazed you can function in society.
Gordon, you once again have no clue what you’re talking about. Congressional oversight can only be applied to Trump since he took office. The investigation by the treasonous scum suckers you call your Democracy, is trying to investigate him before he was President. That is ALL off limits because they have no authority to investigate him until he was a government employee/elected official. Read Article 1 Section 8. They only have the power to regulate the government. Period. End of discussion. The Democratic party should be banned in ALL 50 States on the grounds of treason.
Soul Crusher, they arnt familiar with facts, laws, procedures. Democrats work via emotion and likes on Facebook.
Mike Callahan, You’re a pawn in a game of Chinese checkers. I’ll give you number 3 reluctantly, but the rest of your 4 factors he has not done. When the definition is talking about Democratic Procedures, the definition is not talking about the procedures of YOUR Democratic party, it is talking about the Democratic process. You know the DEMOCRACY that really exists and NOT the Democracy of your pea brain. Just for the record, your party’s support of ANTIFA and the proclamation of the former Mayor of Baltimore to “give them space to destroy” is actual proof that YOUR party is the party of violence. Let alone that Al Qaida member you dipshits put in Congress named OMAR. Who are you trying to kid?
Hardcore MAGA removes any objectivity or critical thinking from any debate.
Gordon…… MAGA, our constitution, human rights, freedom, justice, and the American way…are bad ideas? Debatable?
Gordon… you would hit yourself in the face with a claw hammer if Trump said that it was bad. That’s not objective…that’s cultist.
The Central, Stop confusing dems towards what reps would do. It’s already proven that reps have hit themselves over the head with a claw hammer.
Calahan, Trump doesn’t accept Democratic procedures? Like accepting election results? Explain what ACCEPTING THE LEGITIMACY OF OPPONENTS IS…..IS IT WINNING? Mayor Singer of Charlottsville brought the two factions together, the 3 Klansman and the Antifa crowd resulting in the riot you referr to. Last time I looked Trump is’nt singer. Please also explain what civil liberties of opponents Trump has stifled. Ill be more direct…….was it Trump who arrested George Ramos a week ago for Ramos’s reporting on the breakdown of society. The answer is NO…when Ramos and Trump went head to head Trump simply debated strongly…whereas the great socialist Maduro detained him over his reporting of kids eating from garbage trucks.
Calahan ….you are suffering from trump delusion syndrome. Its a cult associated mental disorder whereas you look for anything that triggers endorphins re:trump and you accept it as reality. Many publications publish to your ilk because they know you “click” on it if the buy line bashes Trump. It is in fact a sickness on your part and unethical on the part of a press after your clicks.
The author of your article says at the end of the article (as they usually do) Levitsky said. “”They should have endorsed Hillary Clinton,” he said. “But by not doing that, by hiding under their desks, they made it a normal election in which Democrats supported Hillary Clinton and Republicans supported Donald Trump, and it made it a toss-up election.”
Clearly this is a snowflake or a socialist opinion which you take as some kind of hard fact.
BTW Harvard gave us Black Panther Louis Gates, and Black Supremicist Derik Bell.
Fang has no issue when a muslim only community wants to be built but is somehow offended that it was taken to task.
Imagine the outrage if just one community in harford county decided only to sell homes to white christians.
Well, that would be both racist and in violation of the 1st Amendment to sell homes in a community to just white Christians. I don’t know if the intent of this developer or their marketers was to be both racist and religiously biased, but I see your point. I would also like to point out that there has been communities created in this Country that do just that and a perfect example would be the Omish communities in Pennsylvania. They are white and Christian, but I’m not so sure the communities were just marketed to people of a certain race or religion. It just happened that they grouped together to form those communities long ago and part of the reason was that ordinary people did not choose to live amongst them, which is a different story altogether. If Muslims want to do something similar to the Omish and buy undeveloped land that is free from municipality, zoning or any other restrictions of urban development, then I supposed they are free to do so. They would still have to follow the Common Law and they would NOT be able to enforce the Sharia Law of their faith….
Soul…actually many Englishers do live among the Amish. It happened organically. We do not want the self segregated nonsense in America. If they want to have their Sunni, Shia or Sufi enclave or village they should have stayed where that is the norm. What the hell are these throwbacks thinking. This is the 21st century and these goofballs want 6th century thinking to be normalized.
Absolutely no different than when a Presbyterian Retirement Village was being proposed and was marketed to me. When asked if only Presbys would be allowed to purchase, it was explained that, while it was being marketed to Presbys, anyone could purchase.
Could you name the village? I’d like to prove you wrong and of course you are – so you won’t provide a name.
The Presbyterian Home of Maryland, a Towson assisted living facility and nursing home, is closing to make way for a larger, more updated retirement community in Harford County.
Presbyterian, a small facility on 4.5 acres along Georgia Court, has struggled to compete with larger, more technologically advanced facilities in Towson’s crowded assisted-living and nursing home market and has reported an annual operating loss of $1 million in recent years.
Presbyterian, which has been in Towson since 1929, will close by Nov. 4 after its 50 current residents have been settled elsewhere.
“When we came to Towson, we were the only community like this. Now there’s such a glut in Baltimore County,” said CEO Susan Shea.
The move comes as Presbyterian embarks on a new retirement community project on a 50-acre parcel near Route 22 and Route 543 just outside Bel Air. The organization could not afford to keep the Towson facility open while building the new Harford County complex, the first phase of which is expected to cost $100 million.
Shea said the organization sees opportunity in Harford County, where aging residents have fewer options when they no longer wan to live at home.
Presbyterian hopes to break ground on the project in 2018 and open in 2020. The first phase of the project will include 183 independent living apartments, 12 each of nursing beds, assisted living suites and memory support suites, for residents with Alzheimer’s disease.
Second and third phases of the project will add apartments and beds, though details and timeline will depend on market demand. When fully built-out, the facility could house close to 600 residents.
8 Marylanders make Forbes billionaires list
Baltimore named among top 10 U.S. foodie cities
Department of Housing and Community Development
The Harford County community will broaden Presbyterian’s demographic market — independent living apartments are for seniors who want to live in a retirement community and are still able to care for themselves. They can transition to assisted-living and nursing home rooms when they need to.
The new facility will be stocked with the latest technology for medical care (think self-flushing toilets) that Shea says families are looking for when shopping for a home for a relative.
Since residents will be coming to Presbyterian sooner, Shea is planning a strong wellness program, including exercise sessions, nutrition classes and walking trails on the facility’s 50-acre property.
No mention of any religious requirement…no dear, you just proved my point. The Muslim place is intended for Muslims, Presby homes not marketed just for presbys by any stretch. I knew you were trying to be eva mar. Ain’t the same hon…by no means.
Ground Control- what part of “The Harford County community will broaden Presbyterian’s demographic market“ don’t you get?
ground control just went dark…. LOL
Houston… I’m an idiot
Ground control just got punked. LOL
Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms David Fang
Good article on land use policies, practices and procedures and the situation at Old Trails. Tangential discussions interesting, but I don’t see the relevance.
To the point of marketing to only Muslims, that situation appears to have been corrected. Had it not, the County, or any other person, could have sought a remedy under the multitude of fair housing laws, or civil rights laws. That would have opened access to all others. As it is, from the article, it appears that the County sought to halt the development through its police powers by adding levels of scrutiny to the project. That does not appear to be a reasonable course to open access, rather to halt the project. I am all for enforcement of land use regulations, as long as they are equally applied to all projects.
Unfortunately, it is my opinion that they are not.
I sense that the residents in Harford County are taking a greater interest in land use policies, practices and procedures of the Harford County government and governing body. Hopefully residents will become more interested, and demand changes to the current environment. After the OT LLC litigation, $45 million plus judgment, and the other litigation against the County involving land use, what’s to lose?
Final thought, I am always conflicted when I see County Executive Glassman in his bowtie. I cannot decide whether he looks more like Pee Wee Herman or Alfred E. Neuman.
As the author is entitled to his opinion regarding the county officials and this development, I would like to at least make sure the facts being used for consideration are correct, having first hand knowledge of this development.
This proposed development was not a new development. As one writer mentioned, had this group purchased an undeveloped, unoccupied piece of land they MAY have been able to establish their own religious community. What typically is missed in these discussions is that there were 4 existing homes in this development, built more than 10 years prior. Tousa Homes, the original builder, reported on their own the finding of artifacts of historical value in 2006 while working on the next group of homes. The Army Corp of Engineers and Maryland Historical Preservation Society investigated, and restrictions were placed on development. During this time Tousa Homes ultimately went into financial distress and suffered bankruptcy. The property was dormant awaiting a new developer through a bankruptcy trustee.
The property was purchased in October of 2016. In April of 2017, the buyer/builder entered into an options agreement with the developer/religious group. During this time the property was not developed, construction did not begin until the signing of the options agreement. The property was purchased and developed with the sole intention of completing the community in an exclusionary fashion with all homes funded, built and sold directly to the developer through their religious group through this agreement. At a HUD hearing last August, the attorney for the religious group admitted, contrary to statements made by their representatives on TV and radio, that the sole intention from the beginning was to build a religious retirement community sold exclusively to this group, with an onsite place of worship. They stated that a lottery was held amongst their members as they had more buyers than available homes.
With regards to the community center/place of worship, the county attorney on July 25, 2017 issued a letter to the parties that although initial approval had been given to combine 4 lots into one community center, it could not be used as a place of worship and use would be restricted to homeowners only, no outside attendance. The county however had no standing to allow the community center at all, as per a consent decree signed by Judge Waldron dated 3/10/2004. This Consent Decree was drawn up to allow the community to continue at the time, with the stipulation that it would be 56 townhomes only. No community center was approved. Furthermore, any and all changes to the 56 townhome only would need to be approved and signed by all 120 signers of the decree. A Writ of Mandamus has been filed to have a judge review and enforce Judge Waldron’s 2004 Consent Decree if necessary.
As to the county executives, the community, after exercising their right to seek answers regarding the development due to a lack of information or advertising, were given one statement and one statement only. At a 9/11/2017 County Advisory Committee meeting, the county stated, in a very clear and concise manner, that the county made no determination as to who the purchaser of homes are. Their sole role was to issue building permits, and they also stated this community had several issues with existing building permits or the lack there of.
And finally, as a HUD case was ultimately filed to review the legality of directed home sales to one religious group in an existing community not party to their group, HUD had the following response:
• Concerning this development, HUD would seek, for public relief, the dissolution of the options agreement between the parties and any documents necessary for their execution (Amendments, Acknowledgment and Consent agreements, Land Purchase agreements etc.)
• All remaining homes to be sold on the open market with advertising through standard means including builder website.
• No statements to be made by anyone involved in the sales of homes directing sales to one particular group.
These are the facts, and they are without dispute. Everyone should base their opinions on these facts.
Meanwhile we have an addiction facility flying under the radar in residential zoning across from Festival. 50 supervised men, meeting hall, the entire development is a commercial compound.
I prefer the term Recovery Program. Open your eyes to the addiction problem in this county, and your arms to those that need this place to heal and return to health and productivity. It is a fully supervised and treatment focused community.
Is this to be a Sunni, Shia, or Sufi community ? Will It have any medical facility’s….for example…to do female circumcisions? Are those medical procedures or religious? Will the sheriffs dept designate it a “NO ENTRY” area?
It is to be a 55+ community.
From Fang’s article “This development was initially marketed to Muslims 55+” << THAT'S BIGOTED, UNMUSLUM PHOBIC, and AMERICANPHOBIC !
Gordon…I don’t confuse anything. Your triggered….go take an oxy.
Famg is a misinformed idiot. The development wasnt stopped because id religion, it was stopped because the developer did not fulfill his obligations regarding compliance with appeoved plans, then tried to claim discrimination to get away with his noncompliance that everyone else has to adhere to. Those reviewing yge plans had no idea that it was for an exclusive muslim community, and it wouldn’t have matteted anyway. Plans are reviewed to make sure they meet all requirements basd on what was submitted fir review, period. No hiden adgenda, no discrimination, just a developer that thinks he’s exempt from rules and regulations because of his religion
Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms Chris
Sir, Ma’am
You have identified how the system is supposed to work. No doubt that those tasked with reviewing the plans are quite competent, and look only at what is presented to them, and then determine whether there is compliance.
There is another side to what happens in Harford County, that you have missed. Please review the Zoning Hearing Examiners decision in case 5886. A case where the Planning and Zoning Department approved a use classification in a zone where it was not permitted, waived the requirement for a DAC meeting, the waiver was then used to notify Maryland State Department of the Environment that the project was approved. When challenged, the Department of Planning and Zoning offered an entirely unrelated materially similar use to justify their activities. Please read that the Hearing Examiner rejected the Planning and Zoning department’s arguments and decision. Or read the reviews for building permit BC-002116-2019, where the chief of zoning administration found that the proposed building was not on the approved site plan. Please see that a site plan waiver was issued, meaning that no site plan is required. Also, please note that the site plan for this project, approved in zoning case 5814, has expired.
Perhaps you will have a different view of how the system works when you are finished.
I know exactly how the system works, and you’re not getting the whole story. Do more research into what the real issues were with the permits
Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms Chris
Sir. Ma’am
Do tell, you know exactly how the system works.
Please do explain, I would be interested in hearing how it works.
And, in that discussion please explain how a waiver for a DAC meeting was used to approve a use classification for a project in a zone where it was not permitted. How that waiver was used to notify Maryland MDE that the project was approved. And that the materially similar use determined by the Director of Planning and Zoning and presented in zoning case 5886 was not even remotely related to the project under consideration
And in that discussion please advise where and when the Director of Planning and Zoning acquired the authority to approve site plans of special exceptions. Please be specific and cite both Code and Charter. And in that discussion, please explain where and when the Director of Planning and Zoning acquired the authority to waive the site plan requirement of a Special Exception, again please be specific. And finally, please explain where and when the Director of Planning and Zoning acquired the authority to approve changes to the site plan of a Special Exception.
Now to you point that there are issues with the permitting for the Old Trails project, or whatever it may be now. Please discuss those issues and compare those to the issues above.
Convince me that there are not special rules and considerations, for the special projects of special people in Harford County,
“Bel Air sober living community residents reduced to 40; residents still opposed”
In America we choose within our means where we want to live. However, we can’t choose who lives next to us…and that is probably a good thing.
we don’t need any muslims in AMERICA let alone in Harford county
I simply “Wear and Carry” and I become more aware of my surroundings and security minded. I could care less what they do now. I’m on my 4th. year carrying with a copy of the 2nd. amend. in my wallet.