From the American Civil Liberties Union of Maryland:
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Maryland is calling on Delegate Mary Ann Lisanti (D-Harford County) to resign following public revelation that she referred to Prince George’s County as the “n—er district” and that she further maintained that “everyone” has used that racial slur. Del. Lisanti has demonstrated that she clearly cannot and does not represent the interests of Black residents of her district, let alone Black residents across Maryland, nor the interests of any Marylanders who care about fairness and racial equity.
The following can be attributed to Dana Vickers Shelley, Executive Director of the ACLU of Maryland:
“We join Marylanders from across the state who are calling for Del. Mary Ann Lisanti to resign immediately. The ACLU is committed not only to defending people’s rights but also to calling out and upending systems that perpetuate white supremacy in our institutions, like the General Assembly. We should never accept blatant racism from anyone, much less our elected leaders.
“No, Del. Lisanti, not everyone uses that word. It’s the most pernicious, vile, and hateful word of all. That word is part of a legacy of intentional violence and oppression perpetrated by white people for centuries, especially here in Maryland. Equating racial slurs with curse words shows ignorance and disregard for our history.
“Del. Lisanti not only said the racial slur publicly, denigrating the majority Black constituents of her colleagues from Prince George’s County, but also does not seem to think it is unusual to use the slur. This raises grave concerns about her ability to honorably represent Black residents of Harford County, and all residents across the State who care about fairness and racial equity. All of Del. Lisanti’s constituents deserve to have an elected leader who respects them and takes seriously their needs when making policy decisions that directly impact their lives.
“Del. Lisanti, you must step down.”
Maybe the ACLU should strongly condemn the word being used by EVERYONE no matter of the color of your skin. This word is used in certain communities as is acceptable as long as you are not white. Listen to some forms of music and you hear it. Don’t hear anyone demanding change or such there If the word is offensive, its offensive across the board in every form of communication and MUST stop. Until thejn demanding someone resign is a bit ludicrous. Was she wrong definitely, does she need sensitivity training most definitely. should she resign. No.
You seriously can’t be serious right??? Yeah people use that word, but not in the manner that she used it. And dont say its the same way that black people use it because if you do then u are full of shit and u know it.
So how is it different when you say “what’s up my nigga”?? Please explain. You are still using a word derived from the word you hate so much. Doesn’t make sense to us white folk. And it is arguably hypocritical to say we can use the word but you can’t regardless of context. At the end of the day it is just a word. You are the ones attaching so much meaning to it. It’s just a freaking word! Yes that was an ugly time in our nations history. Move on! The past is behind us. Ignore the dreaded N word and it likely goes away on its own. The more you raise a fuss and create stories about it the more it stays part of modern language. Look at the derogatory words for Italians and Irish used decades ago. You don’t hear those words anymore. I’ll bet most can’t even remember what those words were.
AMEN!! Delegate Lisanti should NOT resign! She is competent and the use of a “word”, be it “N” or “F” or whatever, makes her no less competent as a lawmaker to represent our district. Some people are getting so “politically correct” that we are losing our pool of good effective lawmakers. Mary Ann, DO NOT RESIGN over this latest target on an effective lawmaker and representative!
The double standard is total BS. No one should use that word. Ever!!! Stop trying to piss in our faces and say it is raining. Failing to assimilate is the issue with a large portion of American society with regards to the continued bias with respect to black people. The way large portions of their membership represent is the problem. The days of racism of the 40s, 50s, and 60s are gone. People want to live in harmony. There is a large portion of the black population that by their own actions cause bias and distrust. Look at the news everyday and see the bad behavior. Look at the liberal media making excuses for this behavior. Listen to the music degrading women and attacking authority. How come a far greater portion of society has quickly accepted and condoned homosexuals for example. Why? Because all they want is to live their lives in peace and harmony. You don’t see homosexuals acting in an antisocial manner. You don’t see them ignoring established laws and killing one another at alarming rates. If you want respect you need to earn it. Blacks will never admit that a large segment of their representation is continuing to damage their image and their cause
Would you say the N-Word For A Dollar?
Thanks Common Cents/Mike Callahan for reinforcing my point about how a large segment of the black community represents itself in a negative way. My son-in-law is black and is a wonderful, productive, and successful person. I have a beautiful mixed grandchild. My son-in-law and I have been following these and other articles. As a black man he stated that he is thoroughly embarrassed by the behavior of all too many black people in this country and can clearly see how that type of behavior spawns bias and distrust.
I agree 100% with “one” sentence from your post -“No one should use that word. Ever!!!” Pretty much, everything else you wrote is part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Kiki, sorry to say you are very naive. I workled in the mill and blacks used that owd all the time. Just throw it around to see what happens or calling one of their own, because that black is a low life according to their standards.
“one of their own” and “their standard”? I guess there are different standards based on race according to Gordon Koerner. Another Democrat too dumb to hide their own racists beliefs. Way to go Gordon!
Truth Seeker, they are not my racist beliefs. They are experience with the racism I have experienced. This time you are 100% correct. One cannot open their mouth about the subject with out being called a racist
She should resign. I do wonder if representatives from PG county call Harford a honkie or cracker district? No one would care, but it would be ironic.
They just refer to Harford County for what it is….a racist Poophole
SMH, if the offending party were one of Harford’s GOP delegates or senators or anyone in Maryland or national GOP you and the rest of the socialist Democrat party would be in the streets with torches and pitchforks demanding the public crucifixion of the offending party. Seems like elected socialist Democrats and their fellow travelers are the only ones permitted to appear in blackface and use the N word. Quite a double standard you have erected for yourselves. Love watching the libtards being hoisted on their own petard.
Live by the thought crime, perish by the thought crime. Perhaps a trip to the progressive gulag for 2000 hours of re-education and self criticism will put her mind right.
First off don’t categories me with any political party. I am not happy with either one. I think both sides of the isle have lost touch of the fact that it is WE THE PEOPLE they are supposed to be representing and not who lines their pockets with cash. I am an American and I vote for whom I think is going to do the best job no matter their affiliation. Sadly we end up voting for the lesser of the two evils in most cases.
My point is, if a word, any word, is so offensive to cause this much turmoil and offends and results in the call for immediate resignations then NO ONE should say it. The thought that its only offensive when I use it but not when you use it is ridiculous.
Like the black face issue, we are getting offended and upset over situations that occurred in the 60s, 70s, 80s. Really? Was it right NO… but it occurred in a different time and place and our countries thinking was different then. Things hopefully have gotten better since then, but I am not so sure lately. To demand people to resign or step down over actions that were acceptable back then is just plain stupid. Can any of us say that we have never done anything in our lives that wasn’t stupid, in bad taste, or offensive to someone…anyone?
If half the effort were put into trying to work together to fix our country we would be the Greatest country in the world. Sadly we are fighting ourselves too much and I sadly am concerned what we are leaving our kids and grand kids.
Like you, I am deeply concerned with the legacy we are leaving our children and grandchildren. My life philosophy is to be positive, take the high road, believe in the innate goodness of people and hope for the best.
Our country appears to be locked into a terrible cycle of hate, racism, prejudice, and fear mongering. Common civility is a lost art. Regarding the loss of civility, we do not have to look any farther than a few posts on this very forum. Sometimes, I even begin to think the unthinkable, which is that our political system is fundamentally broken and we have lost the ability to put it back together again. I hope not!
We desperately need a leader who will taps into our better nature and guide us forward to a better place.
I would look at her entire career
And not be so quick to judge on one single incident should it prove to be true.
The standard they have set is to destroy any conservative who uses any inopportune language, so based upon that standard, she must resign.
The fact that as a legislator, she was apparently drunk enough to forget the entire night is also highly problematic in addition to her racist comment.
Did she also drive drunk?
No, you can’t burn Liasanti for DUI
Any amount of alcohol can induce black out. Alcohol is a kind of poison to the brain that kills brain cells. Depending on the individual; , a little or a lot can damage the ability to temporarily retrieve long term memory.
She was socially drinking. Schmooze and booze is oil of politics. But it kills brain memory cells everytime you drink. And at a certain point it can cause auto-censorship to malfunction and induce negative verbal behavior
Happy drinking, folks!..
Veritas says, from your words appear to be conservative. Check the censure votes. One delegate who serves the 7th district did not vote for censure and has had around 3 or 4 DUI’s is stiil there. Don’t see where a vendetta for conservatives is in ths case.
This is why I voted for you.
My God, I admire you.
Translation – a drunken racist is still a racist
Re: Evetet
Mary Ann Lisanti is neither a drunk or a racist. She mistakenly made a racial slur under the influence of alcohol. One mistaken word does not define an individual.Her actions for the past 25 years speaks louder than one mistaken word.
A racist by definition is someone who believes in that one race is superior to another and thus chooses to discriminate against and act in a prejudice manner in all their behavior.
Goggle: Alcohol induced prejudice
So that means Mike Callahan is the racist.
I do not think Mike Callahan is a racist but he is definitely a race baiter
Oh yes, she had a spectacular career. She has spent her entire adult life with both front hooves implanted in the public trough. She is a typical socio-Marxist who has no respect for the little guys, like us stuck in this republic.
As a card carrying ACLU member for over 20 years, I will be calling for the resignation of Dana Vickers Shelley, Executive Director of the ACLU of Maryland:.
I am extraordinarily proud that you are finally putting aside your excessive partisanship. It’s about time.
Apparently I misread your post. You are still a partisan.
Tom no more partisan than any other who post here. Let me say this. From all the racist talk displayed by both whites and black, I have with drawn from all political groups I was a member of.
Looking at the word a definition is Prejudice + Power = racist. With this past ordeal the power and prejudice of both blacks and white were on display and I want no part of these groups with no compassion.
Know what, I have seen more compassion and forgiveness for the racist who killed the people in the church in SC, then I have during this ordeal.
No , Gordy, dont quit all groups.
The New Harford Democratic Club should be a doozy thus coming Wednesday.
Bridgette Johnson is chair person.
Just one more time
Dont let the bastards get you down!
Really? The ACLU is against free speech? I though that freedom of speech was the core Civil Liberty that America was built on. Anyone should be able to use that word (or any other word) THAT is what freedom of speech is!
Free Speech is specifically called out in the Constitution to protect the sort of speech that is not mainstream or popular or politically correct. Protection of that right is what the ACLU should be standing for!
American says, This is one black woman in the MD ACLU. I have sent emails to the MD and the NY office of the ACLU asking for her resignation. Whats good for one is good for all that act that way. As I wrote above. Prejudice + Power =Racism. As a spokes person for MD ACLU she does have power .Prejudice toward someone using the word, well that fits for racism.
We haven’t seen this much action since David Ryden’s screw up that lost him the primary. Its good to see the board alive again.
Who here likes figs????????
HA HA HA HA Lois!!!!!!!!!!
what was wrong with what she said 70% of the state calls it the same thing
Montgomery county and Baltimore city included
seems she said something accurate
move on PC cry babies
Whats disturbing is what Montgomery Co calls the rest of us.
PC speech used as a weapon. We seem to weaponize everything.