From Del. Mary Ann Lisanti:
I deeply apologize to the citizens of my district, people of Maryland, all of my colleagues in the Maryland General Assembly and everyone reading this for my word choice several weeks ago. I am sickened that a word that is not in my vocabulary came out of my mouth. It does not represent my belief system, my life’s work or what is my heart.
Last evening I met with the Legislative Black Caucus to express my deepest regret for the pain I have caused my colleagues in the General Assembly and repent. This morning, I expressed the same to the entire Democratic Caucus.
Earlier today, I met with House Speaker Busch and agreed to step down from my leadership position. I also agreed to participate in sensitivity training. I understand that the use of inappropriate and insensitive language is not acceptable under any circumstance. I am sorry for the hurt I have caused and will do everything I can to help heal that pain and regain the trust of my colleagues and constituents. I pray for forgiveness.
Simply illustrates the racism in Harford County.
Oh, come on now! The only racism in Harford County is what the democrats would have you believe.
RUK: You can’t possibly believe what you just wrote. There is at least a little bit of racism in all of us–and very sadly far more racism in Harford County than a whole lot of places with which I’m familiar.
@realityofit Name the last time a crime was committed on a black citizen by a white citizen due to race? Bellowing racism does not make it so. This county and country are among the most tolerant of differing cultures in the world. People in america are judged by their personal actions not their group identity, Dr. King’s dream has come true, one stupid lady from Havre de Grace will not change that.
ummm…crime is not the only form or racism. Did you not notice all of the hate crimes in our schools? Ask a POC if they are more likely to get pulled over by police or charged with a crime. Ask them if they are followed in stores by employees/security. Ask a young Black man doing his job if he has been questioned about his purpose when in certain areas. Your comment is ignorant, and, frankly, demonstrates exactly why good people continue to speak out.
What hate crimes are happening at our schools? I have not heard of any. Statistics do not bear out your feelings. Thomas Sowell has covered this for 30 years, but nobody wants to hear what the foremost economist on the subject has to say. We cannot base public policy based on feelings.
The biggest correlating factor between crime and family life is very simple, breakdown of family unit.
Thomas Sowell disagrees with your feelings and he has studied this stuff for 40 years.
Were not talking about the Country….We are discussing Harford County, which is lacking. Truth hurts we know.
Hey “Reality of It,” you need a reality check. It illustrates that Mary Ann Lisanti is a racist. Don’t you dare try to push her vulgarities on the rest of us.
We can agree to disagree….Ok?
You mean of the democratic party
So far I have seen the hatred and racism of Boardman and Lisanti. Both Democrats respected by the new leftist party. Unfortunately these are the new normal for the Democrats. Can’t stop or hide their own racism while pretending to care about racism. Respectable Dems need to just walk a away!
Hey, just calling a spade, a spade.
Uh, oh! Thought crime alert!!
The pious delegate only doubles down on her hypocrisy with her BS response. It is impossible for “a word not in my vocabulary” to come from her mouth. One can not say a word that is not in ones vocabulary and nos been used, especially in such an off hand way. It is impossible.
This just further reveals the ingrained hypocrisy of the socialist Democrat party. They are so quick to use race and ID politics to divide & conquer an unthinking electorate when in reality they are merely projecting. Lisanti’s only regret is she got caught. Hopefully, she will do the right thing and fall on her sword and resign. Next up, look for her to next check herself into rehab with a groveling measure culpable like all good cornered “progressives. ”
It will be interesting to see what the socialist Democrat Central Committee does about her. If she’s not excommunicated and dropped from every Democrat board they also will be revealed to be feckless hacks, though she could possibly still clutch on to the curtains and outLast them like Virginia’s Guv, Lt. Guv & AG.
Now would be a good time to dig into Lisanti’s Susquehanna Greenway slush fund to examine the dollars going to and fro.
If Del. Mary Ann Lisanti resigns the Harford Democratic Central Committee will choose the runner up candidate in the Democratic primary and Sarahia Benn will become the first Black State legislator to serve Harford County
It wont be fair but it will square the circle.
Two wrongs will make a right!
As they say, “No Justice, No Peace!”
Maybe she was speaking in tongues and the word is not really in her vocabulary. Said no sensible person ever.
Oh please – it is not in her vocabulary – total BS – a typical politician apology – she is sorry she was caught and may need forgiveness, but when she lies in her apology that the word is not in her vocabulary I lose all respect. Forgiven but not forgotten – can’t respect a liar.
What did she say.? What was the word?
The sheriff is near
She’s going to switch parties, Republicans welcome her.
Dumb comment. Skip over the fact she is a Democrat and just try to align her to the Republican party because the Democrats told you they are racist?
Most smart Republicans left the democratic plantation a long time ago.
sorry but just shows that the dems are the party of racism. and as far as that word not hers is total bullshit. she said it she owns it.
Typical liberal pablum. I’m sure she’d be right on the resignation bandwagon if a Republican uttered a slur yet she gets to go to training. Fairness dictates her resignation from the house.
Del. Lisanti needs to do what every loyal Democrat does…………. Resign….no id’s and or buts
yeah right – demtards can dress up in black face, pose for pictures with kkk hats on, drop the “N” word at anytime and rape females and no one from the demtard party will say shit.
some nutbags accuse kavanaugh with zero evidence and the demturds lose their f’n mind.
I’m sorry I voted for you. I hereby rescind my vote.
Not surprising, considering that the Democrats are the party of slavery, the KKK and Jim Crow laws.
that’s why they love all those Civil War monuments…..
Yea the local KKK looks like a who’s who of libtards.
To set the historical record straight: Over the many years America’s parties in matters of race have changed their position. The group that supported the KKK, Jim Crow Laws, Literacy Tests, etc. were the Southern Democrats, the same groups that led the secession movement. They were the conservatives of their day, opposed to Lincoln’s more open views. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s — and Richard Nixon’s “Southern Strategy” — confirmed the change, as southern conservatives changed parties and have since openly voted red.
Conservatives in Red States retain their allegiance to conservative policies, including preservation of most all things Confederate.
Do you even know what a conservative is?
The idea of a ‘conservative’ is to represent one who is closely aligned to the morals, ideals and intellectualism of the Founding Fathers. A true conservative will view the present through the careful examination and reflection of the past. The view of the past, therefore, will be projected and adjusted into the vision of the present.
Thus, when words were written like, “we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal” it means just that. In the historical context that was no where near as understood to be what it is today as it was then.
What does that mean? It means in 1776 all men were created equal. The conditions of society, then, did not adopt that to mean ALL men (or women). Today, all men and women are viewed to be created equal. That equality, therefore, must be evenly practiced.
With respect to racism, though, the political affiliation or philosophy is irrelevant. The progressive, conservative or whatever can be racist. It does not belong to one political party, as you assert. In fact, your erroneous assessment does not support the repeated accusations against republicans and consistent convictions of democrats on this.
Now, having said all that… you seem to connect conservatism to the Confederacy. This is pure and simple ignorance. The Confederates were not even close to conservative – other than to the extent that the Constitution was written and to be followed as it was written – that is, a Republic with more limited power than practiced. The judiciary is the tool in a republic to preserve the rights of the minority, and in the years leading to the Civil War this was increasingly being challenged. Interestingly, the ‘southern’ cause was indeed being preserved as the Court continued to limit the power of the government; but the ‘southerners’ also understood the tide was shifting in favor of forces arrayed against their ‘lifestyle’. With the election of Lincoln, it set into motion secession.
Secession itself, and its armed defense, was actually a radical maneuver. Any radical maneuver, by definition, would not be consistent with conservative doctrine. Conservative doctrine would be to win the intellectual and/or political battle, not the armed one.
Your interpretation of Lincoln ignores certain key facts as well. Lincoln was a conservative. He did not view the power of the government to do anything with respect to slavery in the states where it existed. He understood – clearly – the federalist lines between the state and central governments – as the Founders established them. The Emancipation Proclamation was a political tool at best, illegal at worst… but effective nonetheless. Read the arguments he made in the Lincoln-Douglas debates, it reeks of federalism and conservatism. Douglas was making the radical claims, claims that were not consistent with the Founding Father’s visions of ‘all men created equal’ (despite them not fully practicing them either).
Bottom line… you are simplistically attempting to frame current political ideas into some historical narrative to advance the incorrect view that republicans embrace racist doctrine as practiced in the past. This sophomoric approach completely ignores the actual history. It embraces ideology over intellectualism. It lacks a full understanding of the facts, application of perspective, and basically requires no thinking. And it’s wrong.
Now, to demonstrate the fullness of my statements… i’m not a republican. I’m not a democrat either. I’m simply a citizen who understands the Constitution and desires elected representatives to read and understand the document. Additionally, I desire citizens to read and understand it as well. It does not take long to find people on these boards who lack simple knowledge of the Constitution and how the federal republic should work.
You will also find people who lack decency. People who lack the fundamental idea that all men are indeed created equal, including women. A true conservative would not need to make that distinction, again, because in the historical context it was not an exclusive context, but an inclusive one; despite being practiced incorrectly.
Please do not share your mistaken ideas again, thank you.
Well, the real truth to these matters is the Democratic party is about the removal of the Constitutional Republic in favor of the opinions of the majority while the Republican party is about the conservation of the same Constitutional Republic despite the opinions of the majority. However, being aligned to either party or being registered to vote is consenting to the corporate government and the codes that corporate government has illegally implemented on society. Removing statues or war monuments allows people to forget our past and disrespects the heritage of those whom have already come and gone. Our nation’s first President became a slave owner at the age of 11 and when he died there were 317 slaves in his possession at Mount Vernon. Shall we demolish the Washington Monument in D.C. ? Shall we destroy other buildings such as the Capital or the White House because Washington owned slaves? GW even helped design the whole layout of the District of Columbia, so shall we just get rid of the whole city all together? To paint an entire political party as a racist menace is incorrect and just a Democratic myth to gain votes from people whom are ignorant and lost. From your own admission the Democratic party used to be the party of racism. Why don’t we get rid of the Democratic party for its highly suspect past? After all, according to you, we shouldn’t preserve things that are Confederate…
Wow your facts are wrong read
there was no “party switch” or “southern strategy” its all a myth propped up by the media and democrats themselves to cover up their true beliefs.
or read
“The End of Southern Exceptionalism,”
She draws a very hefty salary from the lower susquehanna heritage greenway.
Please let them know your thoughts.
We can no longer support this organization
NOT either a Dem or Rep comment..A LISANTI comment
Dear Delegate Lisanti,
I literally hate the n-word… I despise the very sound of the word. It upsets me when I hear anyone, black or white, uses it in just about any context. The really truly sad thing is what the word represents and what it says about us. Unfortunately, it is part of our country’s legacy of slavery and the resulting prejudice. The bigger problem is that n-word still remains part of our “American vocabulary”.
To me your apology seems heartfelt and sincere. I hope so. Don’t give up. Now, you have a special opportunity to seize this moment and begin to make a real difference.
In my limited dealings with Lisanti she always seemed arrogant, rude and nasty. This does not surprise me at all. I doubt she has any sincere remorse, other than the impact it has on her political aspirations. Her political career is basically done, she is just too blind to recognize that. Maybe she can move to Virginia.
Hell she can run for President on the repub ticket and get 90% party support, they aint the brightest bunch.
TDS much,, wasnt it Hillary who said to “bring them to heal” Oh wait she had a change of heart , just like her stand on gay marriage. Think maybe you have your bias “Fact” wrong. Was that you we heard screaming at the sky???
I do believe she could run for president on the democratic ticket because they seem to all have no morals and she would fit right in…and the people who vote for democrats have no moral code either or they wouldn’t be voting for the likes of them…
Lisanti is not going anywhere. The Socialist party will not force her resignation. They will squirm, mew, preen & do their finest virtue signaling but they will not force her out. After she comes out of rehab the Socialist Central Committee will endorse her and the very same members of the party virtue signaling their criticisms of her on this board will dutifully line up to vote for her and that includes the RINO’s in the county who regularly support her. Feckless, unprincipled access based hacks all.
So was this person under the influence of alcohol in the establishment?
Did this person get in an automobile and drive after presumably being under the influence of alcohol?
No that would be Impilaria
Me thinks this woman speaks with forked tongue!?! But that’s not a surprise
“I am Sickened that a Word that is Not in My Vocabulary Came Out of My Mouth” – Funny thing, if the word came out of your mouth then it was in your vocabulary. Has anyone ever gotten the idea that politicians think that everyone is an idiot?
It wasn’t meant literally.
She meant that she doesn’t USE the word! DUH!
Apparently she does and did. If she hadn’t we wouldn’t be having this conversation. DUH!
what about the booze. Ray Rice – booze. Jimmy the Greek – booze. Lisanti – booze. public officials, sports guys, would do well to stay away from the booze while life is in the limelight.
As someone who grew up in PG county, moved to Harford County, lives in your district and voted for you. I ask you to resign at the end of the current session. I will not be voting for you ever again!