From State Sen. J.B. Jennings:
This week my colleagues and I debated Senate Bill 196, which prohibits the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) from requiring proof of gender from applicants for licenses, identification cards or moped operator’s permits, and would allow anyone to change their gender on their new ID’s even if it appears differently on alternate forms of identification. If an applicant identifies as an unspecified sex in the application, the MVA must ensure that driver’s licenses display an “X” in the appropriate location. The issue I have with this bill is it effectively legalizes falsification of state documents and compromises the accuracy of vital information. As reported by The Baltimore Sun: “Are we going to call them X-Men?” “When it comes to that information, I think it should be accurate,” Jennings said. In order to implement this change, the state would incur one-time costs upwards of $220,500 that the MVA would pay in order to update the licensing system and an additional $158,000 for the judiciary to update its system.
Some of these individuals do not identify either way; they feel as though they are neither male nor female. The other concern I have is they don’t have to have any additional documentation; so someone who has identified as one gender their entire life can now change their gender on their driver’s license to the opposite sex or even the illusive “X” specification. If people find it so offensive that they are required to identify as a certain gender, why don’t we get rid of gender identification completely rather than making up a new classification?
Senate Finance Committee Holds Hearing on Minimum Wage
Thanks to everyone who came to Annapolis to testify at the Minimum Wage hearing. It was a full house in the Senate Finance Committee room with 26 pages of witnesses, which totaled over 204 individuals. The hearing began at 1:00pm and finally concluded at 8:48pm. People from across the state came to testify about how raising the state’s minimum wage to $15/hour would affect them. Opponents of the measure – many of them business owners – stated that raising the minimum wage yet again would force them to lay off employees or shut their doors. Passage of this bill would have dire consequences for Maryland’s economy, and I intend to keep fighting it. Now that we’ve had the hearing we are going to continue debating the bill and amend it over the next few weeks.
Around the District
?It was my pleasure to welcome representatives from The ARC of the Greater Chesapeake Region during their recent visit to Annapolis. The ARC is a wonderful organization that focuses on employment, community living and providing fulfilling opportunities for individuals with differing abilities to engage in the world around them.
Senator J.B. Jennings
Liberalism is truly a mental disease. Feel free to feel what you want, but quit expecting us normal to go along with and champion your insanity.
Male and Female. Two and only two.
Conservatism has to be a disease too. Most are overweight, middle aged white males that have high cholesterol/blood pressure problems.
Their faces always get bloodshot red constantly.
Guess it’s all that carryout from the sub shop.
Says the Democrat with a 64oz “Diet” coke.
I’m not a Democrat, nor do I drink 64 ounce Diet Cokes.
Hit “reply” and tell me some more.
Make sure to really “tell me how it is” to get your point across, whatever that is.
Did you get your widdle feewings hurt? Poor baby.
No feelings hurt.
You all keep voting Republican though, same ol’ same ol’. Just like Democrat controlled jurisdictions that keep voting Democrat. Einstein definition of insanity, yes?
Regardless whos on the ballot, just vote straight Party Line and hope this is the year teachers get a raise, or the dope fiends that walk your neighborhood everyday get the help to sober up, or HUD housing won’t get built next to your favorite Chicken Sandwich Place.
trump literally drink 12 diet cokes a day.
I thought liberalism is a rash that you get on your balls.
The unspecified gender bill is a complete waste of legislation. If you have man parts then you are male. If you have lady parts then you are female. It comes down to what is between your legs. If you have trouble figuring out what you are, look in between your legs and there lies your answer. I feel the same way about genderless bathrooms. It’s all pretty simple and politics that say otherwise are just plain wrong. If you have male parts and identify yourself as a woman trapped in a male body, chances are you’re a homosexual. Same thing applies vice versa. Just because you are a homosexual doesn’t mean you should identify as a sex that you clearly are not. I understand there are different degrees of homosexuality, but just because you wear the clothes of the opposite gender does NOT mean you are that gender unless you have had a sex change. If you have had a sex change then you can call yourself the sex you were changed to. It’s all very simple when you think about it….
Hey SoulCrusher, not so simple – some people actually have both.
I did forget about that vestigial thing. I guess whichever one actually functions as to relieve one’s bladder would be appropriate in that case….still simple.
Senator Jennings poses the following interesting question – “If people find it so offensive that they are required to identify as a certain gender, why don’t we get rid of gender identification completely rather than making up a new classification?”
I identify as a much older person than I actually am. Can I change the age on my license to 65 so I can get senior citizen discounts?
Huh, I’ll trade you my “old people discounts” for a few years of your youth.
I don’t care what gender your id says and anyone that does needs to seriously take a look at themself.
As for minimum wage, if your business requires having people live in poverty so you can get rich … sorry but you deserve to go out of business.
Spoken from the jackass that shops at shitmart.
Why are people (mostly conservatives) so angry about stuff like this? Old white men.
I never understand how this effects the average “tax paying” person what someone else marks down as their gender? Do yourselves a favor and stop watching Fox News.
Nobody is stomping their feet and waving their arms in your face everyday about whatever gender they are. Good grief.
Right,, watch CNN and MSNBC and get “Real News” (sarcasm) You must be AOC’s cousin….LOL
Maybe we should wonder why the people we put in charge over us place so much power in the hands of people who deny male and female. Maybe we should wonder why the people we put in charge of us place so much power in the hands of people that are not happy unless they are complaining and finding reasons to keep the chip on their shoulder.
LOL, I forgot to wish you the best when I saw you at church Saturday. All my prayers for a successful surgery.
What the hell?
I’m sorry, I didn’t know. LOL
I, too, wish you the best, LOL. We have known each other many years and had spirited discussions. All my prayers as you have your spleen removed.
Thank you Senator Jennings. More insanity from the dumb- o -crats. Their latest scam is to take the taxes congress reduced for us.
LOL, I miss Councilwoman Joanne Parrott.
I am going to change mine just because I can…..?
This is truly a non-issue and a total waste of taxpayer money that could better be spent on improving the schools in Harford County.
“Maryland set to add ‘X’ gender designation to driver’s licenses under bill by General Assembly”