From Harford County Democratic Central Committee member Christopher Boardman:
Harford County Democratic Central Committee member Christopher Boardman walked out of a special meeting held Sunday Feb. 3 in protest of the central committee’s refusal to seek full disclosure over the suspension of Harford County Board of Elections director Kevin Keene and assistant director Dale Livingston this past fall before the November election and their replacement by an interim director.
The central committee was considering Democratic Party member applications for two vacancies on the county election oversight board that are to be submitted to Gov. Hogan for appointment to terms which are to begin in June.
At the beginning of the meeting , Boardman raised a point of order which was that the applications should not be considered until the parties responsible for the suspensions make full disclosures of the circumstances and causes for this incident.
Following that he made a motion that consideration of the applications be delayed pending disclosures. Failing for lack of a second. Boardman made another motion which was that the meeting be adjourned, which also failed for a second. Boardman then left the meeting.
“As the elected representatives of approximately 60,000 Democratic voters, it is our responsibility as the Democratic Central Committee to get to the bottom of why the two top administrators of the county’s elections were suspended as this may have had an impact on the integrity of the voting process last November. It’s obvious that the powers that be don’t want this to happen and they have cloaked the suspensions under the veil of being confidential ‘personnel matters,'” said Boardman.
“Yet until we know the full story about the suspensions our ability to recommend sound and viable candidates for the elections oversight role will be impaired. The committee’s refusal to delay recommendations pending disclosure of this information does not serve the voters well.
“First off, the ‘personnel matter’ issue does not pass the sniff test. Both Kevin Keene and Dale Livingston are too knowledgeable and experienced
not to know the rules and procedures of working for the election board. Secondly, it is possible they were silenced and neutralized because they may actually have been doing the right things as administrators, things which the person or persons involved in doing the suspensions may have wanted to prevent from happening. Third, who actually did the suspensions, the county executive or governor or members of their staffs or the state board of elections? And why did they do this? All of this information is lacking and at the very least it should be provided to the committee which is charged with nominating oversight members for the election board.
“The argument that Keene and Livingston are mere employees is false as they do not deserve normal personnel protections as
they are the actual managers of the election process in the county. This argument is being used to shield the public from the truth and the central committee has erred in being persuaded to ignore these issues which may effect the integrity of elections in the county.”
Christopher Boardman
Member, Harford County Democratic Central Committee
Elections over you fool your party lost because they are outnumbered in this county and elected you as the Dem spokesperson in this county. How about you do something good and fight for the education of our kids. The board of education is proposing cutting teachers in all schools in this county and you are worried about pathetic tyrants in elections that weren’t even close for the most part. They are cutting off teachers who will teach our kids and this is what you choose??
Im sure I’ll see you at the school board meetings and the county council meetings demanding more $ for education, right? Also, I don’t understand why you wouldnt support transparency in the elections office. (Especially when we know Trump’s boss Putin has meddled in our relections)
Sally Davis you are a hypocrite. The election is over and the school board members have been voted in. Let them do their job and keep your mouth shut. In case you don’t recognise it. That is sarcasim.
Sarcasm or just more of the hateful beliefs of yet one more hateful liberal? No doubt in my mind that it is the later of the two!
Hate filled Boardman still representing the hate filled Democrats. Pathetic.
Truth IS, With the child in the WH, that Harford County Republicans voted for, should really stay away from comments like your’s.
What? You made no sense there, Gordon. Sober up before you type.
Lazy Dog. Sorry you have the intel to understand what I wrote. In plain English, Republicans should keep their mouths shut about Democrats, Since they put a Child into the White House. Especially the Republicans in Harford County.
I do not think Boardman speaks for the entire Democratic Party of Harford County. Note, he walked out of the meeting because many others didn’t want to pursue. I can’t stand when all Democrats or all Repulicans are lumped together. There may be just two parties, but there are many viewpoints and many kind and decent citizens in both. Stop being so polarizing and stop assuming all Democrats are hate filled.
Sorry but when your party failed to condemn Boardman’s hateful comments about Cecil County Rednecks who just like to kill people, your party owns it. The party did nothing to condemn, the Democrat’s Central Committee did nothing to condemn, the Democrat clubs did nothing to condemn and the not one of the Democrat candidates did anything to condemn! That is what is wrong with the Democrats today. Every level of that stinks of ownership! I have family that lives in North East and they could not believe someone would think such a hateful thing, much less put it down in writing.
Keene and Livingston have been doung a very poor job for many years.There have been rumors of affair, office cameras covered between their offices, inappropriate office politics, liability issues regarding staff on and off premises, misuse of County money, lack of proper communication with county entities, and more. It took the Election Board and the State a long time to catch on as both are savvy.
Over and over again, you guys just can’t seem to figure it out. It’s not a Republican or a Democrat thing. It’s a Maryland thing. Long has Maryland been a corrupt government. While the people you elect to positions in Annapolis, D.C. and even in your local government commit crime after crime in the statutes they make, they hold the public to account for things they themselves do all the time. Both political parties have introduce and passed statute after statute that they have absolutely NO JURISDICTION over. Both parties have betrayed and committed treason against the very people whom elect them and pay their salaries. This isn’t about getting to the truth about your election, it’s about covering up the truth. This is typical Maryland politics as politician after politician has used law enforcement to help them cover up their own crimes while using that same law enforcement to victimize and discount those who know the truth. Why do you think people that tell the truth about the system end up in jail and are illegally labeled criminals and felons by that terrorist organization you call law enforcement? It’s because the State and its elected officials and employees continuously condemn others for non crimes while they steal from all of you every day. Article 18 of the Maryland Constitution specifically forbids the enacting of ANY law that attaints treason or felony to any person in this State since 1867. How many times has your duly elected criminals done just that? There is only ONE law in this State and that is the Constitutions of the United States and the State of Maryland. The Annotated Code is NOT law. Statute is NOT law. All statutes are subject to the constraints of the Constitutions and the State prevents this from happening each and every day. Those whom you elect are the real criminals, not your sons and daughters whom they say are criminals. You will never get to the bottom of this election issue because those whom have been elected won’t allow it to happen and that is the bottom line.
WTF does that have to do with 2 people getting the boot from Harford elections board? Are you off your meds again?
It has everything to do with 2 people getting booted from the elections board and it has everything to do with covering up the truth by not making it known to the public. Keep your meds for yourself. You need them. If your government wasn’t so corrupt, this story, like many others, would be completely transparent and the facts would NOT be shielded from the public eye. ANY variance from the norm should be publicly reported so the people can decide what is the next measure. We can NOT rely on those whom are covering up the truth and we definitely can’t rely on someone named Nurse Nancy. Why don’t you go snort some more Valtrex Nancy? I can smell you from here….
Where were you when it was originally reported 3 months ago?
Ooops forgot the link.
Yeah, that was just full of info. Thanks for clearing everything up, NOT. There still isn’t one bit of information alluding to what occurred. Next time, just don’t respond….
As an ubber Republican I agree. I want to know what these miscreants have done. The trend seems to be that the cultist attitudes and socialist leanings now embraced by Democrats as a rule, is resulting in embarrassing displays. Some may want to hide the embarrassing attitudes, comments, proposals and or deeds but we as Americans have the right to know what these potential elected officials and their circles are up to.
Keene and Livingston are not elected positions. Keene’s acquiring of the Directorship was certainly questionable!!! Livingston’s professionalism, babysitting while at work, was questionable, as was Keene’s management (?-badmouthing Election Board members in front of staff was a common occurrence). They grocery shopped and cooked at the office-for themselves (together!)-during office hours. Office was run by staff…despite the Director and Asst. Director-FOR YEARS. The issue — unlikely to do with votes – rather pure incompetence.
Incompetence in Harford County Government is the status quo….
To much lying and manipulation going on. RINO’s, never Trumpers, and their allieds in the socialist (dnc) party monkeying up the works.
Prediction; Election night 2020 Harris 26%, Shultz 29%, and President Donald J Trump 44% for a landslide!
God Bless America
Prediction for 2020 Donald trump in prison serving a life sentence.
Doubt it. All these things you guys say he is guilty of occurred before he was an elected official. Federal law can only regulate an elected official or government employee. You can not go ex post facto and convict him of supposed crime before he became President. It just doesn’t work that way. Remember, it’s the Federal branches of New York that are investigating him in New York. Once again, Federal law doesn’t apply to private citizens and he was a private citizen when these allegations occurred. The Rules and Regulations simply have no substance in these regards. I know Democrats don’t like Trump, but just because you don’t like a person doesn’t mean you can investigate a person for crime. All investigations into Trump conducted by the Federal government involve all of the evidence being obtained in violation of the US Constitution. The Code of Rules and Regulations have been fraudulently imposed and the Federal government is literally committing treason against a sitting President. I’m sorry, but Trump will NOT see one day in jail and he will only be convicted in opinion, not law….
He’s right, you know. Well said.
Prediction: Trump will resign in disgrace after Mueller Report released
. He will like Nixon resign rather than go down as the first impeached President
He will blame “fake news” , Hillary and the Deep State.
He will later in NY state be indicted for tax fraud and collusion with the Russian mafia in bank fraud
. He will do short time in a country club prison for white collar crime for cooperating with the authorities
Error Correction: IMPEACH TRUMP, NOW!
Dear Central Scrutinizer –
A Howard Schultz/Medium polls says you are all b.s.
In A three way race right now Trump 45, Harris 43, Schultz 7!
On a two way race Harris 45, Trump 43!
Two way race with Joe Biden -Biden 49 – Trump 44
Two way race with Bernie Sanders – Sanders 48 – Trump 46
Two way race with Beto O’Rourke – Beto 47 – Trump 46
No one will be running against trump, Mueller is sending dotard to jail for the rest of his life along with his worthless kids.
Mr. Fact –
I agree with you political assessment.
I predict Trump will step down from being President rather than be thrown out with impeachment!
He will cut a deal with legal authorities to reduce his criminal liability.
He will serve a reduced sentence in a country club prison for cooperating with legal authority and turning on all his criminal associates.
Trumps state of the union speech was a campaign speech. He basicly said ” Compromise with me…Do it my way.”!
And he begged Democrats to stop investigating him
. The investigations have just begun by the Dems —-They just got the power to investigate thanks to the voters
The state of the union is corruption and chaos!
Just wondering, are all these Democrats a bunch of old white guys?
No, I believe it’s the other way around. Most of these “old white guys’ are Republicans.
Nope the democrats are communists, moonbats and flea-baggers. They hate america because the cant succeed on their own so they wish to distroy our nation and its founding principles. In its place they wish to create a utopian society where criminals freely walk the streets, babys are allowed to be slaughtered, drugs are unregulated, catholics are mocked, authority is not recognized and no one works but everyone gets everything for free from the government. A society where everything that you have worked as an individual will be confiscated for the greater good of everyone, regardless if they have actually contributed anything themselves.
Basically, relinquish your wealth, earnings, freedom and self-worth becase the government must regulate how you should live all aspects of your life becase you to too incompetent to do so. This is just modern day slavery but the slave master is the government.
I agree with a lot of what you said, except for the Catholic thing. The HOLY SEE is a vessel of evil. It always has been a vessel of evil that wants religion to be government. When the nations of this world allow the HOLY SEE to be involved in governance they are back stepping into the inquisition. In this Country, we are supposed to have freedom of religion and that means freedom from religious persecution. There a more than a few laws that have been made thru the use of foreign treaties involving the HOLY SEE and the MUSLIM faith. ANY law made on behalf of or with the blessing of religion is inconsequential in this Country and if you don’t understand this I go straight back to the 1st Amendment. Now, if you want to believe that you can cause harm to others, confess your “sin”, say “hail Mary” a specific amount of times and then you have been forgiven, that’s your business or belief and that’s fine. However, when you use the law enforcement of this Country to do the same to people who don’t follow that belief, well, you have committed treason on behalf of the Catholic church and that’s just the way it is. In this State, the system of relief using “reconsideration” is the confession and penance system and is unquestionably an act of unholy interference in the lives of non Catholics and forces Catholicism on the public. We’re not about that. You can keep thinking a religion who allows its hierarchy to molest kids is just and right, but not me…..
The church should have handled the sex abuse stuff many years ago.
The fact that they knowing covered it up and defended the priests instead of the victims has done major damage to the church. Many have walked away and it will take many generations to repair the damage. Priests should be allowed to be married or openly gay, for a religion that teaches compassion and forgiveness, they should practice a bit more of both.
Hey SoulCrusher (Crusher of Souls),
I am no longer a practicing Catholic, however I attended Catholic schools growing up in the 50s/60s. Most my teachers were nuns and priest, all of which, were very positive role models for me.
Your remarks on “Confession & Penance” brought me back and got me thinking. The sacrament of Confession (Reconciliation) is not just about telling your sins to a priest and saying a requisite number of Hail Mary and Our Father prayers. Most importantly, it also requires an “Act of Contrition” where you firmly resolve to amend your life and do better.
The church is now recognizing and confessing its “sins” and is in the process of contrition. Change is here and ongoing. The HOLY SEE (Pope) Is NOT a vessel of evil. The church hierarchy no longer accepts, allows, tolerates or condones the molestation of the children.
P.S. BTW. Have ever considered any less intimidating online monikers?
The HOLY SEE is one of the names given to the Roman Curia, which is the government of the Vatican. Since the Pope presides over such government, the HOLY SEE is also referred to as him. The HOLY SEE and its evil corruption has been ongoing since Constantine gave Christianity his blessing. So numerous are the violations against God and humanity that have been committed by the HOLY SEE, that to list them ALL would be futile. However, I will list a few to prove my point. The first is the relationship with the Ustasha and the gold the HOLY SEE received from the practice of genocide during World War II. Second would be the exact same relationship with the Germans of World War II. The HOLY SEE also aided same said scumbags to escape at the end of World War II and even baptized them to give them new identities. Do I need go further? These two unholy acts committed by the HOLY SEE are unforgivable. Those who aid the blessed people of Israel, shall be blessed themselves. Those who do NOT will suffer. We could talk about the baby raping but you seem to have the idea that changing a policy about the condoning of child molesters is good enough, so I don’t think we see eye to eye on the gravity of that issue. I know Jesus loved all the little children, but he did not defile them like a Catholic priest. You should think about that. Until the Roman Catholic Church returns all the gold stolen thru the slaughter of Jews, they will remain a vessel of evil. I would also like to remind you that ALL throughout the history of the HOLY SEE, we see a pattern and practice of crimes against God and humanity. It’s NOT like World War II was an isolated incident, even though it may have been the largest recorded incident.
P.S. If you find an online moniker intimidating then you probably shouldn’t be online.
I was just curious about your online monikers…
I only use one.
A little information for you, SoulCrusher: The Holy See is NOT another name for the Curia of the Roman Catholic Church. It is the formal name of the independent Vatican state, which is a secular entity separate from the Church. The Roman Curia deals with Church governance, not political governance.
I disagree.