From the Harford County Sheriff’s Office:
A Message from Sheriff Jeffrey Gahler regarding the recent announcement from the Baltimore City State’s Attorney on her choice to ignore Maryland marijuana possession laws:
I have had many inquiries concerning the announcement this week by the Baltimore City State’s Attorney regarding how this might impact our local enforcement of these laws. I wanted to be sure the citizens of Harford County understand, this latest disappointing action of the City State’s Attorney has no impact here. We will continue to enforce the State’s laws in regards to marijuana possession – because that is what we are sworn to do. Deputies take an oath to enforce the laws that govern our communities and keep our citizens safe. After discussions with our new Harford County State’s Attorney Albert Peisinger, I am confident in our united front to enforce and uphold the law. In our County, we work together to ensure that when people commit crimes, they are held accountable. Only if, and when, the State of Maryland, through our constitutionally established legislative process, changes the law, will we change course.
Why are we wasting time and money prosecuting potheads? This is a ridiculous waste of resources. I am so tired of our local sheriff department getting involved in partisan politics and addressing issues that are not related to Harford County. Mosbey chose not to prosecute potheads in Baltimore, because that is the least of their problems. She chose to put their resources where they will best keep the community safer. Sadly, our sheriff chooses to publicly criticize this decision, a decision that has nothing to do with us. We thought we were electing a sheriff, not a career politician.
It is the least of their problems because they have failed to enforce the laws in Baltimore for far too long. You think that is the unicorn paradise, then you are free to load up your car and move. I will take law and order for the safety of my family everyday! Thank you sheriff!!
Instead of telling everyone they need to move, why don’t you move? Even better, why don’t you go and hang yourself for the treason you are reinforcing? There is no promotion of safety in the enforcement of Marijuana statutes and the enforcement of Marijuana statutes does NOT fit the traditional requiem of Police Power. Marijuana simply isn’t causing a public health concern, nor does its users cause harm to the general welfare of the public. I will take freedom and truth over the law and order of a Gestapo Police State any day of the week. In issues such as these you are no better than the MOB of ANTIFA rule that you hate….
Yes, lets take our crime fighting strategy from Mosbey and Baltimore City! Make Murder Great Again!
In the particular direction of your comment “Make Murder Great Again”, I have to agree with you and believe there is way too many murderers on the streets. How did this happen? Clearly the legislature and the courts have lost their minds….
Gahler never misses the chance to try and grab a headline. Truly pathetic he decides he needs to weigh in on this topic. Just one of the good ol boys.
Forget for the moment the legitimacy or efficacy of this particular law, what constantly annoys me is Gahler’s monomaniac insistence on creating for himself the righteous image of a savior of society. Whenever I think, hear, or read about Gahler, I faintly hear the music of the “William Tell Overture” playing in the background and find myself being seduced into a belief in “the daring and resourceful masked rider of the plains [who] led the fight for law and order ….return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear….The Lone Ranger rides again!”
Sad that he is the “Lone Ranger” and that more so called police leaders don’t let this crap go unchallenged. The left has gone completely unhinged and there is no one else standing up for what is right. Gahler is the only one with half a backbone in this state and that is what is sad.
I agree with your Sheriff on other issues such as the 2nd Amendment and the enforcement of Federal law that is Constitutionally allowable. However, there comes a time when those whom are elected have to realize that the public has identified supposed law as a fraud. To break into a man’s home over a fraudulent statute is “unreasonable”. To make anyone account to a statute that they are NOT supposed to be accounted for is “unreasonable”. To make a man suffer the effects of treason for over half his life is “unreasonable”. I am that man. I am the one. I am the only one. I have always been the one. I will always be the one and that is final.
What about Gov Hogan? Does he have half a back bone?
And you must be missing your “Unicorn”, and “Smurf” jingle .
Sounds good…the Sheriff’s mantra should be – ” I will enforce the county laws and steer clear of politics”.
Exactly! I will properly, efficiently, and effectively execute the resources provided. Instead of I will enforce every law known to man whether it makes sense or not.
Yes Bob! You are right on the money! An elected politician who is charged with enforcing the law should not politically weigh in about law stuff! ……. Oh never mind. Your statement is rather stupid when you actually think about it, but I am sure that wasn’t part of your process – thinking.
TDS much?
Don’t sweat this Republican Potatohead BS. It’ll be completely legal soon, and I imagine it’ll be fun to see their faces when people are smoking in front of them. Good times are a comin’.
Your correct, BUT until it is legal , he will continue the work of the “LAW”
Well, in this instance Mr. Gahler has gotten it wrong. This isn’t a STATE law, it is a FEDERAL law. It is a UNIFORM law that is supposed to encompass the entire nation regarding these issues. UNIFORM law amongst the States can only be categorized as FEDERAL law because it was implemented by the FEDERAL government who BRIBES the several States thru the use of FEDERAL FUNDING to impose the law on the WE THE PEOPLE of these United States. The Federal government has no authority to make such law and can only regulate the government and the military, as well as declare piracies and felonies of the sea. ALL Federal law imposed on private citizens regarding the regulation of behavior is an act of FRAUD and TREASON. The Federal government has no authority making a UNIFORM law that encompasses the behavior of WE THE PEOPLE of the several States throughout this nation. BRIBERY is a Federal crime and a crime in 40 of the several States. Marijuana does NOT grow in the sea so the manufacture of marijuana statute is nothing but a myth because the Federal government can only declare felonies of the SEA, not of the LAND. The Federal government can NOT give itself power and authority that does NOT exist and there is no Constitutional grant of authority to control such matters. The Supremacy Clause and the Commerce Clause were not designed to give the Federal government control over matters that were not granted to the Federal government in the first place. NO TREATY between the Federal government and foreign nations or religions can give the Federal government a jurisdiction it does NOT have by a grant of Constitutional Authority. These laws are the results of three treaties with the United Nations and religious governments and are known as The Single Convention on Narcotics Drugs, The Convention on Psychotropic Substances and the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. These treaties can NOT give the Federal government a jurisdiction that is not granted by WE THE PEOPLE. NO RELIGIOUS jurisdiction can be mandated as we have religious freedom in this Country and are NOT subject to the law of the HOLY SEE, The SEE OF ROME, the POPE, the ROMAN CURIA or whatever name the Roman Catholic Church wants to use next in its unholy influences. I AM NOT A CATHOLIC and I don’t care what the Pope or a Catholic Church has to say. However, I do believe the HOLY SEE even retracted and changed its views on Marijuana, but there is just too much money in enforcing the fake law. Right Jeff? The enforcement, prosecution, conviction and enactment of these laws are an act of fraud and treason. Gahler is not thinking with his head, he is thinking with his pocketbook. Let me remind Jeff Gahler that Benedict Arnold committed treason because he did NOT get paid. Those whom wish to commit treason in order TO get paid are a special kind of traitor. Not the kind WE THE FORGIVE when those enforcing it cause us harm. Over 60% of Marylanders believe Marijuana should be legalized and some of us believe it was never illegal in the first place because of the law being the result of a treaty. The Supreme Court has regularly and uniformly recognized the supremacy of the Constitution over a treaty. The CDS Act of 1970 was NULL and VOID before it was even enacted. Someone just didn’t tell the Code Enforcers….. Jeff, I thought you were supposed to be a Constitutional Officer?
Not the kind WE THE PEOPLE FORGIVE when those enforcing it cause us harm.
Anyone notice how he drags Al P name into it. Would I love to be a fly on the wall. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t call his buddy Dave Ryden and then thought he as talking to the States Attorney. Sheriff you continue to get out of the lane your supposed to stay in. Do your job and stop playing politics. Work on that Heroin Crisis instead. See if you can get some positive results in getting that crap off the streets instead of jamming everybody else up on petty crap.
Who is this Peisinger person? All day WBAL has said States Attorney Joe Cassilly disagrees with her!
Heck I’d just be happy if Gahler did something about distracted driving and people illegally parking in disabled spots but he’s too busy trying to impress his political party instead of the people he represens and voted for him.
Please don’t include me as a voter for this worthless piece of shit. Anyone notice that since he pushed for more guns in schools, the cases of students with guns has increased.
Wow Gordon! I thought you had passed on! Glad to see you are just as vigorous and crazy as ever! Stay nutty my friend!
PS. If you could cite the study or where your “facts” are coming from, that would be helpful and helpful to all Democrats. LOL!
Tried a Google of gun problems in Harford schools. The only ones that come up with stories are the guns in schools in 2018, after the sheriff was pushing his program of guns in schools. Nothing comes up for other years. Thinking back over the last 8 years, 2018 is the only year I remmember of students in Harford County having guns in schools. Yes, in some other counties there were problems, but not in Harford County. Guns is a mentality thing. Push guns as the solution for the problem and more problems are created with guns. That my dear friends is fact.
Google huh! Quite the little researcher you are. Careful, might get snapped up for some CNN expert testimony. You will be the old white guy to balance out AOC’s antics! Stay nutty my friend. Your kind of crazy is the best thing for a laugh and to keep Republicans winning!
Don’t worry about it Gordon, I am sure he didn’t and wouldn’t vote for you. Of course the difference is that he had the biggest win in Harford County next to the Governor and you lost in a crushing and humiliating loss that was just HUGE! Yep, don’t worry about it, I am sure the Sheriff isn’t wasting anytime worrying about your vote.
Oops. Looks like Gordon has been triggered.
So glad so many of you remember me. It’s a comforting morning to realize I am still under you skin and taking up space in little minds. LOL
It is so disappointing we have a sheriff that backs a president in claiming the top intelligence agencies of The United States are “fake news”. Sad
You mean like this post from you? Fake news.
Translation… pot smokers feel free to move to Baltimore City where you can blaze up at will………… and possibly catch a bullet, a car jacking or a beating.
Damn it Gahler! Would you please stop triggering the libs! Saying you are going to enforce the law until the law is changed!?!? You knew that concept was really going to bring out the crazy in them.
THERE IS NO LAW! The Rules and Regulations ARE NOT LAW! These are the rules and regulations of the government. If the rules and regulations don’t conform with the Constitution then those same rules and regulations are NULL and VOID when it comes to the public. The public holds elected officials and government employees to a higher standard than the public because we pay their damn salaries. We don’t want former State’s Attorneys and current Judges snorting COCAINE because they are supposed to be clear headed when performing their duties. We don’t want State Police and Sheriff’s Deputies snorting COCAINE and injecting STEROIDS because we want them to be clear headed as well. How come elected officials and government employees are allowed to snort COCAINE and inject STEROIDS, yet put the public in jail for doing the same? How is it that POLICE OFFICERS are allowed to commit perjury in open court under oath, yet the public goes to jail for the same? The answer is the wonderful people you have all elected are actually traitors against the United States and they allow government employees to commit crime and use drugs that the public gets thrown into jail for. TOTAL HYPOCRISY!!! When we look at the criminal procedures of the Annotated Code dealing with CDS, we see that according to the Annotated Code Police are allowed to and encouraged TO LIE UNDER OATH TO GUARANTEE A CONVICTION! They are encouraged to VIOLATE theirs OATHS and commit TREASON! AND YOU FUKKNUCKLES HAVE THE NERVE TO CALL THIS LAW! Screw you scumbag. Every damn one of you is a traitor and you deserve the full penalty of ARTICLE 3 SECTION 3…..
You are insane…. I haven’t been on this site for over 3 years and come back to see that you are still crying like a little bitch.. get over it. You messed up.. move on! No one cares! If you dont like the laws of this state or country then move to someplace else!!! Or not… either way stfu!
No. You’re the one who is insane. This is my State and my Country. There are no laws unless I consent to them and obviously I haven’t. Under the 11th Amendment all citizens of the Continental United States have sovereign immunity against foreign agents and that is all any public official is. You are nothing but a liar and get on here very regularly. Quite frankly, I believe you’re nothing but a Dagger Editor. Now, if you don’t like what I’m saying, don’t read it. If you can’t help but read it and feel you need to do something about it, come try. You are aware what the penalty for Article 3 Section 3 violations is and if you come to my front door, that’s exactly what you’ll get. I will say anything I want to anyone I want and guess what? No one cares about what you got to say. I’m not going anywhere and 18 traitors will suffer the FULL penalty of law for breaking the only law of this Country and it isn’t that Code you worship. Do you really think I am going to let some black robe Jesuit scumbag tell me what to do? Now, if you don’t like what I’m saying, you can always come and try to do something about it, but you won’t because you’re a coward. It’s awful easy to say the things that you are typing. It’s another thing to back them up. We both know that you can’t do a damn thing. I’m not moving anywhere and there isn’t any law of this State or Country that I have broken because I am not beholden to Codes, Rules or Regulations. Only stinking treasonous scum like you are. As far as STFU, come and be the man you’re daddy wishes you are and try to shut me up. We both know nothing is going to happen, little girl….
Soul Crushed is a Sovereign Citizen nut job, there are plenty of videos if you want a laugh or just interested in his kind of crazy.
You’re nothing but a piece of trash Dagger Editor and it is VERY obvious. Who else could make it so I couldn’t reply to the thread. Now, if you really think about it, if we don’t have the sovereign immunity guaranteed by the 11th Amendment, then that means the Constitution has been abrogated and the Constitutional Republic has been overthrown. If there is no Constitution, then there is NO TAXATION. Taxation is a power and authority that was enabled by both the State and Federal Constitutions. NO CODIFICATION can grant taxation because the Codes, Rules and Regulations can only regulate the government, proclaim piracies and declare felonies of the sea. I’m not a sovereign citizen. I am a citizen of the Continental United States, in a State that just so happens to be one of the original 13 colonies. I have never given any consent to the corporate government and I have never taken part of any election. I challenge anyone to say different and if my name appears on any voter registry, it was done by an act of fraud committed by the traitor, Edward Thomas Maxwell Jr. You my friend, are a moron. All citizens are guaranteed this sovereign immunity and that Constitutional guarantee does NOT make you a sovereign citizen. It makes you an American.
11th Amendment Immunity
1.) The 11th Amendment under the US Constitution reads as follows: “The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign state.”
2.) On December 9, 1945, International Organization Immunities Act relinquished every public office of the United States to the United Nations. This law makes all public officials foreign citizens, barring them from judicial power. All public officials are administrative agents of the US Corporation. They have no judicial power whatsoever.
3.) 22 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) 92.12-92.31 FR Heading “Foreign Relationship” states that oath is required to take office.
4.) Title 8 USC 1481 states, once oath of office is taken citizenship is relinquished, thus the oath taker becomes a foreign entity, agency, or state. That means every public office is a foreign state, even all political subdivisions; i.e., every single court is considered a separate foreign entity.
5.) Title 22 USC, “Foreign Relations and Intercourse”, Chapter 11 identifies all public officials as foreign agents.
6.) All “judicial power” of the “inferior courts” comes from the Judiciary Act of 1789, as did the Attorney General position. “Judicial power” comes from Article III, Section 2 of the Constitution. The Eleventh Amendment removed all “judicial power” in law, equity, treaties, contract law, and the right of the State to bring suit against the People. The positions of Attorney General and Prosecutor, of both the United States and the several states, come under the Judicial Branch not the Executive branch of the government. All attorneys come under the Judicial Branch and are judicial officers under the Supreme Court, not under the Secretary of State as licensed professionals, which means they can only represent the Court and not the People or the State. The Eleventh Amendment removed all “judicial power” from the “inferior courts” and the prosecutor’s office as well as from all court officers in law, equity, and so forth.
7.) The Eleventh Amendment also makes a foreign state separation from the position of the Public Office positions to throw off the People. The People have Eleventh Amendment immunity, because there is no “JUDICIAL POWER” of the “inferior courts” and the People have Foreign Sovereign Immunity.
8.) The defendant/affiant/petitioner holds the inherent right of the 11th Amendment, which states in part: “The judicial power shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted by a Foreign State.”
9.) Municipal, county, or state court lacks jurisdiction to hear any case under the foreign state definitions, coming from the 11th Amendment under the US Constitution. This jurisdiction lies with the United States District Court under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) Statutes pursuant to 28 USC 1330.2
10.) The fact that public officials are not citizens, but rather, foreign citizens, all of the cases must be dismissed because the court lacked and lacks jurisdiction to enforce judicial power. This court is an administrative court and not a criminal court. In other words, no judicial power makes this court an administrative court. Also, this following act proves that this court is an administrative agency: The Administrative Procedures Act, Title 5 – Government Organization and Employees Administrative Procedures Act part I – the agencies generally chapter 5 subchapter ii – administrative procedure º551. Definitions. For the purpose of this subchapter – * (1) ”agency” means each authority of the Government of the United States, whether or not it is within or subject to review by another agency.
Additionally, “Jurisdiction can be challenged at any time.” Basso v. Utah Power & Light Co. 495 F 2d 906, 910. And the court cannot ignore lack of jurisdiction. “There is no discretion to ignore lack of jurisdiction.” Joyce v. U.S. 474 2D 215.
A judgment rendered by a court without personal jurisdiction over the defendant is void. It is a nullity. [A judgment shown to be void for lack of personal service on the defendant is a nullity.] Sramek v. Sramek, 17 Kan. App. 2d 573, 576-77, 840 P.2d 553 (1992), rev. denied 252 Kan. 1093 (1993).
“A court cannot confer jurisdiction where none existed and cannot make a void proceeding valid. It is clear and well established law that a void order can be challenged in any court”, Old Wayne Mut. L. Assoc. v. McDonough, 204 U. S. 8, 27 S. Ct. 236 (1907).
“Defense of lack of jurisdiction over the subject matter may be raised at any time, even on appeal.” Hill Top Developers v. Holiday Pines Service Corp. 478 So. 2d. 368 (Fla 2nd DCA 1985)
“Jurisdiction, once challenged, cannot be assumed and must be decided.” Maine v Thiboutot 100 S. Ct. 250.
“A universal principle as old as the law is that proceedings of a court without jurisdiction are a nullity and its judgment therein without effect either on person or property.” Norwood v. Renfield, 34 C 329; Ex parte Giambonini, 49 P. 732.
“Jurisdiction is fundamental and a judgment rendered by a court that does not have jurisdiction to hear is void ab initio.” In Re Application of Wyatt, 300 P. 132; Re Cavitt, 118 P2d 846.
“Thus, where a judicial tribunal has no jurisdiction of the subject matter on which it assumes to act, its proceedings are absolutely void in the fullest sense of the term.” Dillon v. Dillon, 187 P 27.3
If any Tribunal (court) finds absence of proof of jurisdiction over a person and subject matter, the case must be dismissed. (See Louisville v. Motley 2111 US 149, 29S. CT 42.
“The Accuser Bears the Burden of Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt”.)
According to Article VI, Clause 2 of the US Constitution, known as the Supremacy Clause, establishes, “The U.S. Constitution and treaties as the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby.” Every judge and public official took an oath of office to uphold and defend the US and their state’s Constitutions, so every judge is indeed bound to uphold and defend the US Constitution.
“Any law that is repugnant to the Constitution, shall remain forever ’colorable’ and is null and void.” (See Marbury v. Madison 5 U.S. 137, 174, 176 (1803).
“According to Cohens vs. Virginia, 19 U.S. (6 wheat) 264 404 5 L. Ed. 257 (1821), “No one can war with the Constitution.” To war with the constitution constitutes the overthrow of our constitutional form of government, which is treason in violation of Title 18 U.S.C, Section 2381.
“Where Rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule – making or legislation, which would abrogate them.” (See Miranda v. Arizona 384 US 436, 125.)
Would you like to continue this debate or will you yield to the law? That video you have shown involved an act of trespassing which is in violation of the Common Law and he couldn’t claim immunity to that crime. That’s why his bond was so low because the ONLY crime he committed was an act of trespassing. He couldn’t command the Jesuit Priest who claims to be a Judge because of the Common Law and that Judge actually had jurisdiction over the case. It doesn’t work that way in my case…..
And what you just “posted” was a traffic stop. When you acquire a driver’s license you consent to the corporate law of the roads. What’s there to LMAO about. It does not apply to my case where an unlawful home invasion by 8 armed masked terrorists came into my house to enforce the statutes of fraud and treason. You just don’t get it… Post all the videos you want of people violating common law and traffic violations because sovereign immunity does NOT work in those situations. You’re just completely wrong and Police can NOT violate the Constitution of this Country and this State while enforcing the laws of the UN and the HOLY SEE. It’s nothing but a trick. Fraud. A Blue illusion. Law Enforcement does NOT have the power or authority to enter your home unless there is a victim and an Administrative Warrant is unconstitutional from the start as it lacks legitimate probable cause and is normally an act of treason by the Judge that signed it. Keep doing illegal home invasions like your Task Force does and when you guys take that bullet don’t look for sympathy. I have no sympathy for a treasonous piece of garbage. Lastly, in the “War on Drugs” many citizens and Law Enforcement officers have lost their lives. Since the entire CDS Act of 1970 is unconstitutional, every citizen killed in that war is actually and act of fraud, treason and MURDER. Police Officers enforcing the “War on Drugs” are not enforcing law. They are enforcing fraud and by enforcing fraud their actions are criminal. You ALL like to talk about the thin blue line, well I don’t support boys in blue murdering my fellow Americans and if you can’t understand that then you’re nothing but a complete traitor. Both by the US Code and Article 3 Section 3.
One of my favorites.
There isn’t enough evidence or information in the video for me to make an actual opinion of what we saw. We don’t know where or how the charges were initiated. Was it during a traffic stop? – A Citizen cannot be forced to give up his/her Liberties/Rights in the name of regulation. “… the only limitations found restricting the right of the state to condition the use of the public highways as a means of vehicular transportation for compensation are (1) that the state must not exact of those it permits to use the highways for hauling for gain that they surrender any of their inherent U.S. Constitutional Rights as a condition precedent to obtaining permission for such use …”Riley vs. Laeson, 142 So. 619. “All codes, rules and regulations are applicable to the government authorities only, not human/Creators in accordance with God’s laws. All codes, rules and regulations are unconstitutional and lacking in due process …” Rodriques v Ray Donavan [U.S. Department of Labor,] 769 F. 2d 1344, 1348 [1985]. If a law has no other purpose than to chill the assertion of constitutional rights by penalizing those who choose to exercise them, then it is patently unconstitutional. Shapiro v Thompson , 394 US 618, 22 L Ed 2d 600, 89 S Ct 1322. You can post as many videos you want of the acts or war against the people by the Jesuit priests that reside over your courts, but it does NOT make any of these acts legal.
After doing more research, it does seem to be that the citations were due to a traffic stop on a public road. The court does have jurisdiction of such and she could not claim the sovereign immunity. Sovereign immunity does NOT make you a sovereign citizen. It makes you an American. Everything you have been inserting to this argument is about people who have incorrectly asserted immunity during acts of actual lawful conduct by the Law Enforcement. You must do better because nothing you have shown could ever be used in my case….and you know it. Traitor.
Lastly, what don’t you understand about Articles 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 23 of the Maryland Declaration Rights? All of these were infringed upon in my cases and everything you are showing has absolutely nothing to do with what we are talking about. NO JUDGE has any jurisdiction of my cases and never did….assumed consent is nothing but fraud by the convicting and non adjudicating Judges.
“After discussions with our new Harford County State’s Attorney Albert Peisinger, I am confident in our united front to enforce and uphold the law. In our County, we work together to ensure that when people commit crimes, they are held accountable. Only if, and when, the State of Maryland, through our constitutionally established legislative process, changes the law, will we change course.”
Is oral sex still illegal in Harford county?
Gahler needs to up his game and start enforcing the adultery laws of Harford county. His total lack of enforcing only the laws he chooses is disgusting.
He did step up his game…he recently ran a sting on Route 40 to entrap citizens who didn’t move over a lane for his fake stopped Police Car. After all its a law and we need to enforce it. Right ?
Gahler is up for any chance to take a good thing and ruin it by abusing it. Barney Fife is a good character reference for him.
@Reality of It: I supported Gahler, I voted every time for him; I have to agree with you, I have to wonder if perhaps he hasn’t gotten his priorities screwed up. Cheapshot antics like the “move over” sting and the radar trap at the foot of the hill no nothing but raise $$$ and do nothing for traffic/driver safety. Chasing pot heads while the opiate epidemic ruins lives and tears at the fabric of our society. Arrest pot heads? Yeah, once you’ve gotten the fentanyl out of our county.
The “move over” enforcement was not an effort to help citizens it’s for the cops just like filling the detention center with pot head burn outs is all about the money for the sheriff. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH SERVING THE TAX PAYERS OF HARFORD COUNTY.
Ghaler is a self serving political hack.
Lets see, all the county police departments participated in the “move over” enforcement and there were no “fake” police cars, just real police cars with real police officers that don’t want to get killed by some idiot who refuses to OBEY THE LAW and move over. Keep your hate going, more liberal lies and tears to enjoy!
Why does Gahler constantly remind us he is like Barney Fife of Mayberry? Completely out of his league on major crime issues and trying to act important taking on the small issues. He’s been willing to jump on the bandwagon to the atrocious Trump/ICE policies and is a willing participant to their shameless actions.
Now he feels compelled to condemn someone outside his jurisdiction on their decision. He missed that the reason was due to the inconsistent arrests, prosecutions and jail time where white boys get a slap on the hand and black boys go to prison for years in alarming numbers. Wait, isn’t that the norm here too?
Gahler keep that one bullet in your pocket. This is not the big crime to shoot for.
Below is an interesting comment Gahler made when he was ‘running’ for sheriff in 2014:
“You need to get the focus back on public safety and get the office out of politics.”
That sounds like an admirable goal. NOW is the time for more SHERIFFING and less POLITICKING.
And that is just what he did. No more hug a thug Jesse Bane politics. That is reserved for Chief Chuckie now. Everything Sheriff Gahler has done in the political arena is related to public safety. Sorry you want to sell it otherwise, but facts are facts!
After taking office the continuing challenge for all our elected officials is to remain part of the solution and not become part of the problem. Let’s hope the Sheriff is up to the challenge.
Where might we find your thought provoking wisdom in response to any elected democrats’ statement or position? You can cut and paste a link right here for us all so that we don’t continue to suspect you are just another liberal cry baby who is upset that someone refuses to lay down out of fear of attack from the leftists.
I don’t know about any cutting and pasting of links, but we must remember that Marijuana legalization was supposed to be on the ticket in the last election. This measure was never brought to the floor for consideration, so it didn’t happen. Both the General Assembly and the Senate are dominated by the Democratic party. Why didn’t the Democrats allow this measure to be settled by the public as it should be? To talk the talk you gotta walk the walk and I don’t see our Democratic dominated legislature doing anything to correct this issue….
Good question Soul Crusher!
Tuesday February 5th is Marijuana Legalization lobby day in Annapolis!
Sign up to testify!
Contact your state legislator!
Demand legalization!
Rally in Annapolis!
Make Jeff Gahler happy!
testimony in 2017 in Maryland legislature!
If Marijuana is not legalized in 2019 in Maryjland, it will most likely be on the ballot in 2020
Legalization is a top priority in 2019 by Democrats and common sense Republicans .Everything depends on public support and public pressure.
Do you really think they would let ME, of ALL people, talk to the Judicial Committee? My God, do you know how many times I would end up calling them traitors? Annapolis doesn’t want ANY part of the Crusher of Souls…..
Soul Crusher , bite your tongue and testify,
Testify to the Dagger what you want to tell the State govt, next Tuesday!
I already have. You can take my comments from January 31st at 4:55pm as the only testimony any one should ever need. The comments are legally correct and morally correct. If a man can drink alcohol, then a man should be able to use marijuana. That same man should be able to produce it himself for his own use as well. You can already produce your own beer and wine so you should be able to grow your own marijuana.
Thank you! I didn’t realize, until I read your response, that the link I was referring to was not in my original post. Here it is.
It is an interesting read. I guess, like many things in life, it all depends on your perspective – outside looking in or inside looking out. It’s much like the ‘President’s Wall’. Does it more “separate & isolate” us or “unite & protect” us?
“Harford Sheriff’s office, accused of racial bias against attorney, has had share of controversies”